1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.
2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.
3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.
4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.
5.不眠之夜 white night
6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses
7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best
8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord.
9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul
10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all
12.大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener
13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace
14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little
15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.
16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more
17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.
18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth.
19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn.
20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones
21.金无足赤人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.
22.金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home.
23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth
24.脚踩两只船 sit on the fence
25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green
26.老生常谈陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché
27.礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.
28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope.
29.马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success
30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth
31.茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened
32.没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 33.每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.
34.谋事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes.
35.弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself
36.拿手好戏 masterpiece
37.赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad
38.抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale
39.破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat;burn one„s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end
40.抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities
41.巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist. One can't make bricks without straw.
42.千里之行始于足下 a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step
43.前事不忘后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.
44.前人栽树后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.One sows and another reaps.
45.前怕狼后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something
46.强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.
47.强强联手 win-win co-operation
48.瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.
49.人之初性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.
50.人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.
51.人海战术 huge-crowd strategy
52.世上无难事只要肯攀登 Where there is a will, there is a way.
53.世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;
54.死而后已 until my heart stops beating
55.岁岁平安 Peace all year round.
56.上有天堂下有苏杭 Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth
57.塞翁失马焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.
58.三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty.At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.
59.升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)
60.四十不惑 Life begins at forty.
61.谁言寸草心报得三春晖 Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. 62.水涨船高 When the river rises, the boat floats high.
63.时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.
64.杀鸡用牛刀break a butterfly on the wheel
65.实事求是seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts
66.说曹操,曹操到Talk of the devil and he comes.
67.实话实说speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is
68.实践是检验真理的唯一标准Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
69.山不在高,有仙则名'No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; '
70.韬光养晦hide one's capacities and bide one's time
71.糖衣炮弹sugar-coated bullets
72.天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue
73.团结就是力量Unity is strength.
74.“跳进黄河洗不清”'eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name '
75.歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
76.物以类聚,人以群分Birds of a feather flock together.
77.往事如风'The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is pas
78.望子成龙hold high hopes for one's child
79.屋漏又逢连阴雨Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.
80.文韬武略military expertise; military strategy
81.唯利是图draw water to one's mill
82.无源之水,无本之木water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots
83.无中生有make create something out of nothing
84.无风不起浪There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.
85.徇私枉法bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends
86.新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean
87.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
88. 蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off
89.心想事成May all your wish come true
90.心照不宣have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding
91.先入为主First impressions are firmly entrenched.
92.先下手为强catch the ball before the bound
93.像热锅上的蚂蚁like an ant on a hot pan
94.现身说法warn people by taking oneself as an example
95.息事宁人pour oil on troubled waters
96.喜忧参半mingled hope and fear
97.循序渐进step by step
98.一路平安,一路顺风speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest
99.严以律己,宽以待人be strict with oneself and lenient towards others 100鱼米之乡
101.有情人终成眷属'Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.'
102.有钱能使鬼推磨Money makes the mare go. Money talks.
103. 有识之士people of vision
104.有勇无谋use brawn rather than brain
105.有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.
106.与时俱进advance with times
107.以人为本people oriented; people foremost
108.因材施教teach students according to their aptitude
109.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼'to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.' a land of milk and honey
110.欲速则不达Haste does not bring success.
111. 优胜劣汰survival of the fittest
112.英雄所见略同Great minds think alike.
113.冤家宜解不宜结Better make friends than make enemies.
114.冤假错案'cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases'
115.一言既出,驷马难追A real man never goes back on his words. 116.招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful
117.债台高筑become debt-ridden
118.致命要害Achilles' heel
119. 众矢之的target of public criticism
120.知己知彼,百战不殆Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
121. 纸上谈兵be an armchair strategist
122.纸包不住火Truth will come to light sooner or later.
123.左右为难between the devil and the deep blue sea
1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.
2. Honesty is the best policy.
3. Money doesn't grow on trees.
4. I know that my future is not just a dream.
5. To convert defeat into victory.
6. Youth means limitless possibilities.
7. Leave behind a clean world for future generations.
8. You can do it too!
9. Get to another summit in your career.
10. Pursue breakthroughs in your life.
11. Never say die.
12. Knowledge is power.
13. Never too old to learn.
14. Practice makes perfect.
15. Go for it! = Just do it!
16. No pain, no gain.
17. Everyday and in every way I'm getting better.
18. Time is money.
19. Man can conquer nature.
20. Better late than never.
Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season! 爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。 I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you. 我将回家与你们共度佳节。
A present from me is on the way. Hope you'll like it. 寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。
I wish I were home for the holidays. 但愿我能回家共度佳节。
Thinking of you at New Year's time. 佳节,我想念你们。
Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids. 马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的祝福。
Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。 Season's greetings from Xiao Li and Ming Ming. 献上小丽和明明的节日问候。
A holiday wish from your son Tom. 寄上佳节的祝福,你们的儿子汤姆敬上。
May you have the best season ever. 愿你过个最愉快的节日。
A New year greeting to cheer you from your daughter. 愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。
Happy New year to the world's best parents! 祝世界上最好的父母节日快乐!
Season's greetings to my dearest parents! 祝我最亲爱的父母节日愉快!
Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿您在新的一年充满快乐。
Thank you for all you have done for us. 感谢您为我们所做的一切。
We'll be here after the New Year. 新年过后,我们会再回来。
We won't forget you this holiday season. 假期里,我们不会忘记您的。
Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season. 值此佳节,谨对您的辛勤栽培表示感谢。 Thank you for not as signing homework this holiday season. 感谢您没有留假期作业。
I look forward to your class after the new year. 我期待着新年过后,再上您的课。
Wishing you and your family a very happy new year. 祝福您及全家圣诞快乐。
A happy new year from all of your students. 祝您新年快乐,您的全体学生敬上。
New year is a time for gladness and rejoicing …because there is no class.
May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do. 愿快乐随时与您同在——如同我们与您寸步不离。 It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment. 我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。 Best wishes for you and your family. 祝福您及您的家人。
We offer New year blessings to you. 我们向您献上圣诞节的祝福!
For you and your family, boss, during this holiday season! 值此佳节,老板,献给您及您的家人。 there's no place like home for the holidays. 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地方了。
Best wishes for a wonderful new year. 献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年恰愉快。
May the joy of New year be with you throughout the year. 愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。 May joy and health be with you always. 祝您永远健康快乐。
May happiness follow you wherever you go! 愿您幸福快乐,直到永远永远。
A special card from your grandson. 您的孙子,寄上一张特别的卡片。
A new year wish from your nephew. 您的侄儿祝您新年快乐。
Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year. 万事如意,合家平安。
From all of us in sales: Happy New Year! 我们销售部全体人员祝您圣诞快乐!
Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year. 全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。 To Grandpa and Grandma happy new year! 献给爷爷奶奶:新年快乐!
Happy new year, my best friend. 祝我的挚友新年快乐。
A New Year greeting to cheer you, my good friend. 希望新年祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。 We will be having New Year Party at Wang Ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!
Take your passion and make it come true. 发挥你的热情,让理想变为现实。
Best of luck in the year to come. 愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。
Wish all the best wishes for you. 献上最美好的祝愿。
Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. 新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。 Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season. 愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。
May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.
To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year. 祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。
On this season I have but one thing to say: I love you. 值此佳节,我只有一句话要告诉你:我爱你 You're the best present I ever received. 你是我所收到的最好的礼物。
I only want you for New year! 我只要你作为我的新年礼物!
I give all my love to you this New year. 值此佳节,献上我对你所有的爱。
Even though we are apart, you are in my heart this season. 千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的思念。 I want you stuffed in my stocking. 我只要你塞在我的袜子里。
I want to be in your arms this New Year. 我要在你的怀抱里度过今年的春节。
My heart is my New Year present to you. 我的心就是我奉献给你的新年礼物。
You are the one for me this New Year and for many New Years to come.
I will be yours forever! 我永远属于你!
Let's never spend our New Year apart. 让我们永不独享新年。
My arms are wide open for you this New Year. 我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。
I'm only thinking of you this New Year. 在此佳节,唯有你在心中。
A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。 May you have the best New Year ever. 愿你度过最美好的新年!
Much joy to you in the up coming year. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at New Year and stay with you all the year through.
At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days. 新年的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满,愿你一切称心如意,快乐无比。
May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。
Peace and love for you at New Year from all your students.祝老师新年充满平安和爱。
Wishing you a sparkling New Year and bright happy New Year! May the season bring much pleasure to you. 愿你的新年光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!
Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful New Year season.愿你拥有新年所有美好的祝福。
Wishing you all the happiness of the holiday season.祝节日幸福如意。
Hope all your New Year dreams come true!愿你所有的新年想都成真!
Hope you enjoy the happiness of New Year and all the trimmings.祝你享尽新年佳节的快乐和新年的礼品。
“Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.”谚语是简练、通俗而富有意义的语句,蕴含着人民的宝贵智慧和经验,人们把对自然和社会现象的深刻观察和认识浓缩在言简意赅的谚语中;名言是历代名人所说的简练、语意新颖深刻的话,它们或给人以启发或给人以激励。谚语和名言都是文化的积淀,掌握一些常见的谚语名言,对英文写作会有很大的提升。
To open a book is always beneficial. / Reading enriches the mind. 开卷有益。
Knowledge is power.
A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Empty vessels make the most sound.
It’s never too late to learn.
Never too old to learn; never too late to turn.
A good beginning is half done. / Well begun is half done.
Opportunity knocks only once.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Failure teaches success.
A burden of one’s choice is not felt.
Love makes one fit for any work.
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
Science to the human mind is what air or water is to the body. 科学之于人类思想正如水或空气之于身体。
Complacency is the enemy of study.
Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Example is better than precept.
God helps those that help themselves.
Early sow, early mow.
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. 学而不思,犹如食之未化。
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
To be successful, the first thing to do is to fall in love with your work. 成功的第一要素就是热爱你的事业。
Something attempted, something done.
Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.
All work and no play makes Jake a dull boy.
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
No man is born wise or learned.
Birth is much, but breeding is more.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
By reading we enrich the mind; by conversation we polish it. 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。
A book is the same today as it always was and it will never change. 好书千载常如新。
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
Learn young, learn fair.
Reading makes a full man.
Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools. 愚者不学无术,智者不耻下问。
Achievement is founded on diligence and wasted upon recklessness. 业精于勤荒于嬉。
Diligence is the mother of success.
Industry is the parent of success.
Diligence is near success.
Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.
Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
No sweet without sweat.
Idle young, needy old. / A young idler, an old beggar.
The shortest answer is doing.
Talking mends no holes.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Easier said than done.
Actions speak louder than words.
Nothing seek, nothing find.
No pains, no gains.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
All things come to those who wait.
God helps those who help themselves.
Nothing is impossible to a waiting mind.
Ninety percent of inspiration is perspiration.
The early bird catches the worm.
Practice makes perfect.
Better early than late.
Better late than never.
A man can do no more than he can.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Experience is the father of wisdom.
Drive your business, do not let it drive you.
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
Every little make a nickel.
Constant dripping wears away the stone.
Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.
Constant dripping wears away a stone.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built. 滴水汇大海,垒石筑高墙。
The course or true love never did run smooth.
Rome was not built in one day.
Every little/bit helps.
Never accept failure, no matter how often it visits you. Keep on going. Never give up. Never.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
He who laughs last laughs best.
More haste, less speed.
Never do things by halves.
Do nothing by halves.
Failure is the mother of success.
If at first you don’t succeed, try again.
Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
Rome is not built in a day.
There is no royal road to learning.
Never say die.
Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.
A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.
Experience must be bought.
By falling we learn to go safely.
Failure is the mother of success.
If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
No cross, no crown.
No pleasure without pain.
No sweet without sweat.
By doing we learn.
Nothing stake, nothing draw.
【每日英语谚语】78.Something is better than nothing.聊胜于无。79.Soon learn, soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。80.Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快。81.Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。
【每日英语谚语】69.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。
70.Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必须自重。 71.Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 72.Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。
【每日英语谚语】65.Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。 66.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置. 67.Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助. 68.Reading enriches the mind.开卷有益。
【每日英语名言】Art is the mold of feeling as language is the mold of thought. (Susanne Langer, American philosopher)艺术是感情的模制品,犹如语言是思想的模制品。(美哲学家兰格 S)
【每日英语名言】Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling theorist has experienced. (Len Tolstoy, Russian writer)艺术不是手艺,它是艺术家的体验到的感情的传递。(俄国作家托尔斯泰。L)
【每日英语名言】Art is long, and time is fleeting. (Longfellow, American poet)艺术是永恒的,时间则是瞬息即逝的。(美国诗人朗费罗)
【每日英语名言】Art is a lie that tells the truth. (Picasso, Spanish painter)美术是揭示真理的谎言。(西班牙画家毕加索)
【每日英语谚语】65.Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。 66.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。 67.Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。 68.Reading enriches the mind.开卷有益。 69.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强
【每日英语谚语】61.Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。 62.Pride goes before, and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后。 63.Promise is debt.一诺千金。 64.Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。
【每日英语谚语】57.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 58.Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。 59.Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。
60.Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。
【每日英语谚语】52.Penny wise, pound foolish.贪小便宜吃大亏。 5 54.Please the eye and plague the heart.贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。 55.Pleasure comes through toil.苦尽甘来。
56.Pour water into a sieve.竹篮子打水一场空。
【每日英语谚语】49.Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。 50.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心为静。 3.Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.正大光明者,说到的多,做到的少。51.Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良药。
【每日英语名言】Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. (William shakespeare, British dramatist)美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W.)
【每日英语名言】There is , however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. (E Burke, British statesman)克制也有个限度,超过了限度就不再是美德。(美国政治家伯克 . E.)
【每日英语名言】Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. (williamshakewspeare British dramalist)如果送礼的人不是出于真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值。(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W)
【每日英语谚语】49.Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。 50.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心为静。 3.Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.正大光明者,说到的多,做到的少。51.Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良药。
【每日英语谚语】45.One never loses anything by politeness.讲礼貌不吃亏。 46.One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。 47.One's words reflect one's thinking.言为心声。 48.Out
of debt, out of danger.无债一身轻。
【每日英语谚语】41.One false move may lose the game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。 42.One good turn deserves another.行善积德。 43.One hour today is worth two tomorrow.争分夺秒效率高。
44.One man's fault is other man's lesson.前车之鉴。
【每日英语谚语】37.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 38.One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。39.One cannot put back the clock.时钟不能倒转 40.One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见
【每日英语名言】33.Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。 34.Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。 35.Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。 36.Once a thief, always a thief.偷盗一次,做贼一世。
【每日英语名言】Plain living and high thinking. (william Wordsworth, British poet)生活要朴素,情操要高尚。(英国诗人德莱顿., J)
【每日英语名言】Personality is to man what perfume is to a flower. (C C Schwab. US A Businessman)品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。(美国实业家施瓦布 C .C.)
【每日英语名言】Nothing is easier than to deceive one's self. (Demothenes, Ancient Greek statesman)再没有什么比欺骗自己更容易的了。(古然希腊政治家德摩西尼)
【每日英语名言】No mourality can be founded on authority, even if the authouity were divine.
(A. J. Ayer. USA writer)道德不可能建立在权威的基础上,即使这种权威是至高无上的。(美国作家艾尔.A.J.)
【绕口令帮助您记忆单词】91. Before the premier, the old soldier scolds the cold weather.老兵当着首相的面咒骂寒冷的天气。92. Whether the weather is good or bad, neither father nor I am going to the gathering.无论天气是好是坏,父亲和我都不去参加那个聚会。
【每日英语名言】Mutual forgiveness of each vice, such are the gates of Paradise. (William Black, British poet)相互宽容对方的缺点,乃是通向天堂之门。(英国诗人布莱克.W.)
【每日英语名言】Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. (Leon Nlum, French statesman)道德可能仅仅在于有勇气作出抉择。(法国政治家布鲁姆.L.)
【每日英语名言】Morality is the herd instinct in the individual. (German Philosopher)道德是个人心目中的群居本能。(德国哲学家尼采.F.)
【每日英语谚语】33.Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。 34.Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。 35.Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。
【每日英语谚语】30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。
31.Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。 32.Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。
【每日英语谚语】27.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。 28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。 29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。
【每日英语名言】Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. (Leon Nlum, French statesman)道德可能仅仅在于有勇气作出抉择。(法国政治家布鲁姆.L.)
【每日英语名言】Morality is the herd instinct in the individual. (German Philosopher)道德是个人心目中的群居本能。(德国哲学家尼采.F.)
【每日英语名言】Morality is the custom of one's country ;cannibalism is moral in a cannibal country. (Samuel Brttler, British writer)道德是一个人所在国家的风俗习惯:在吃人的国家里,吃人是合乎道德的。(英国作家勃特勒.S.)
【每日英语名言】 It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. (John Morley, British statesman)人不仅要做好事,更要以正确的方式做好事。(英国政治家莫利.J.)
【每日英语谚语】27.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。 28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。 29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。 30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。
【每日英语谚语】24.Nothing seek, nothing find.没有追求就没有收获。 25.Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行,语言最要紧。 26.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。
【每日英语名言】Morality is the custom of one's country ;cannibalism is moral in a cannibal country. (Samuel Brttler, British writer)道德是一个人所在国家的风俗习惯:在吃人的国家里,吃人是合乎道德的。(英国作家勃特勒.S.)
【每日英语名言】Morality is not really the doctrine of how to make ourselves happy but of how we are to be worthy of happiness. (Immanuel Kant, German Philosopher)道德确实不是指导人们如何使自己幸福的教条,而是指导人们如何配享有幸福的学说。(德国哲学家康德.I.)
【每日英语名言】 It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way. (John Morley, British statesman)人不仅要做好事,更要以正确的方式做好事。(英国政治家莫利.J.)
【每日英语谚语】28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。 29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。 30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。 31.Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。
【每日英语谚语】25.Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行,语言最要紧。
26.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。 27.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。
【每日英语名言】First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw)初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。(英国剧作家肖伯纳.G)
【每日英语名言】Every man is a poet when he is in love. (Plato ancient Creek philosopher)每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。(古希腊哲学家柏拉图)
【每日英语名言】Asence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer)离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。(法国作家比西-拉比旦.R.)
【每日英语名言】 Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. 别总抱怨说整个世界都对不起你,这个世界不欠你啥,它先来的。
【每日英语名言】If your morals make you dreary. depend upon it, they are wrong. (Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist) 如果你的品行使你郁郁寡欢,那么,这些品行无疑是错误的。(英国小说家 斯蒂文森.R.L.)
【每日英语名言】If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself. (Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman) 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家 切斯特菲尔德.P.D.)
【每日英语名言】I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. (Ernest Hemingway, USA writer) 我只知道所谓道德是指你事后觉得好的东西,所谓不道德是指你事后觉得不好的东西。(美国作家 海明威.E.)
【每日英语名言】All I am , or can be, I owe to my angel mother. (Abraham lincoln, American president) 我之所有,我之所能,都归功于我天使般的母亲。(美国总统林肯)
【每日英语名言】 All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Leo Tolstoy ,Russian writer) 所有幸福的家庭都十分相似;而每个不幸的家庭各有各自的不幸。(俄国文学家 托尔斯泰.L.)
【每日英语名言】A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary. (D.C,Fisher, American female novelist) 母亲不是赖以依靠的人,而是使依靠成为不必要的人。(美国女小说家 菲席尔.D.C.)
【每日英语名言】If your morals make you dreary. depend upon it, they are wrong. (Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist) 如果你的品行使你郁郁寡欢,那么,这些品行无疑是错误的。(英国小说家 斯蒂文森.R.L.)
【每日英语名言】 If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself. (Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman) 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家 切斯特菲尔德.P.D.)
【每日英语名言】 I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after. (Ernest Hemingway, USA writer) 我只知道所谓道德是指你事后觉得好的东西,所谓不道德是指你事后觉得不好的东西。(美国作家 海明威.E.)
【每日英语名言】Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. (Clare Boothe Luce, RSA dramatist) 勇气是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它爬上去。(美国剧作家 卢斯.C.B.)
【每日英语名言】Character is what you are in the dark. (D. L Moody. USA churchman) 暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。(美国教士 穆迪.D.L)
【诶日英语名言】All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. (John Locke, British Philosopher) 人都会犯错误,在许多情况下,大多数仍是由于欲望或兴趣的引诱而犯错误的。(英国哲学家 洛克.J.)
【每日英语名言】Fame is the chastisement of meit and the punishment of talent. (Nicolas Chamfort, French writer) 盛名殊誉是德才之忌。(法国作家 尚福尔.N.)
【每日英语名言】Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust. (Robbins Stacia, British writer) 不信任有传染性。但是信任也如此。(英国作家 斯达卡.R.)
【每日英语名言】 Despite all the life danger, with one selfless act from one common person, someone is saved, A hero is made. (Norman Stephens, USA writer)
不管一切危险,由于一个普通人的无私行动,有人得救了,英雄就应运而生。(美国作家 斯蒂芬斯.N.)
【每日英语名言】 Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount. (Clare Boothe Luce, RSA dramatist) 勇气是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它爬上去。(美国剧作家 卢斯.C.B.)
【每日英语名言】Character is what you are in the dark. (D. L Moody. USA churchman) 暗处最能反映一个人真正品格。(美国教士 穆迪.D.L)
【每日英语名言】All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it. (John Locke, British Philosopher) 人都会犯错误,在许多情况下,大多数仍是由于欲望或兴趣的引诱而犯错误的。(英国哲学家 洛克.J.)
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【每日英语名言】Experience is the child of thought , and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books. (Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman) 经验是思想之子,思想是行动之子,了解他人不可以书本为据。(英国政治家 迪斯雷利 B .)
【每日英语名言】Experience is not interesting till it begins to repeat itself, in fact, till it does that ,it hardly is experience. (Elizabeth Bowen, British novelist) 经验直到自我重复时才变得有意义,事实上,直到那时才算得上经验。(英国小说家 鲍恩 E.)
【每日英语名言】Expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards. (Law Vernon, British writer) 经验是一位先行测试然后才授课严厉的教师。(英国作家 弗农. L.)
【每日英语名言】Better one suffer, than a nation grieve. (John Drydon, British poet) 宁可一人受苦,不使民族悲伤。(英国诗人 德莱顿 J)
【每日英语名言】 As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. (Plato , Ancient Greek Philosopher) 正像空容器发出的声音最大,智力最低者最善于唠叨不休。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)
【每日英语名言】A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. (Michel Eyquem Montaigne, French essayist) 害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕 的痛苦了。(法国散文家 蒙田 M E)
Pain past is pleasure.
While there is life, there is hope.
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
Storms make trees take deeper roots.
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
The shortest answer is doing.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Great hopes make great man.
God helps those who help themselves.
Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.
In doing we learn.
East or west, home is best.
Two heads are better than one.
Good company on the road is the shortest cut.
Constant dropping wears the stone.
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
Better late than never.
It's never too late to mend.
If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Actions speak louder than words.
Lifeless, faultless.
From small beginning come great things.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
Truth never fears investigation.
The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.
A bold attempt is half success.
Knowing something of everything and everything of something.
Good advice is beyond all price.
Pain past is pleasure.
While there is life, there is hope.
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
Storms make trees take deeper roots.
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
The shortest answer is doing.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Great hopes make great man.
God helps those who help themselves.
Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功就四个字:人无我有。(单田芳常说,一寸长,一寸强;一寸短,一寸险。引申一下也是这个意思。成功?我才刚上路哩。)
In doing we learn.
East or west, home is best.
Two heads are better than one.
Good company on the road is the shortest cut.
Constant dropping wears the stone.
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
Better late than never.
It's never too late to mend.
If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Actions speak louder than words.
Lifeless, faultless.
From small beginning come great things.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
Truth never fears investigation.
The tongue is boneless but it breaks bones.
A bold attempt is half success.
Knowing something of everything and everything of something.
Good advice is beyond all price.
1.elder 与elderly
两者都为“年老的”,但有细微的差别。 elderly 指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,因此,这词常用来代替 old。如:an elderly gentleman. 一位年长的绅士。elder指年龄稍长者,适用于家庭的兄弟姐妹之间。如: Tom is the elder of the two. 汤姆是两个孩子中较大的一个。
2.precious 和 expensive
expensive 表示“昂贵的”。如:the drink was cheap , but the food was very expensive . 饮料很便宜,但食物很贵。 precious 表示“珍贵的,宝贵的”。如:the children are precious to me . 孩子们对我来说很重要。
3.regret to do 和 regret doing
egret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing 动作发生在regret 之前。如:i regretted missing the train. 我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。 regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。如:i regret to tell you that we can't stay here any longer. 我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。
4.day by day 和 day after day
两词组意思很近,但有区别:day by day 只用作状语,表示“一天天地”, 有逐渐转变的意思。如:day by day she seems to grow a little taller.她似乎一天天地长高了。 day after day 可作主语,宾语等,亦可作状语,表示“一天又一天”,强调动作的重复,表示时间的长久。如: we do the same work day after day. 每天我们做着同样的事情。/ day after day went by , and i still don't receive her letter. 一天天过去了,我还是没有收到她的来信。
5.damp 与 wet
两者都表示“潮湿的”,但有细微差别。wet 指曾浸泡在液体中或布满了液体的东西,或指多雨的天气。如: it's a wet day. 今天是一个雨天。/ wet clothes 湿衣服。 damp 指未湿透但潮湿的东西。 the damp in the air makes me uncomfortable. 潮湿的空气使我感到不舒服。
6.hunger 与 starvation
两词都表“饥饿”。 hunger 指人对食物的迫切要求,是一种正常的生理现象。如: hunger is the best sauce. 肚子饿了吃什么都香。而 starvation 指长时间缺乏食物引起痛苦,与 hunger 相比是不正常的生理现象,而是人为的灾难。如: the old man died of starvation. 那个老人活活饿死了。
7.boring 与 dull , tiresome
三词都为“令人厌烦的”,但有区别:boring 概念最广,尤指引起人厌倦、枯燥的谈话文章,也指令人生厌的人。 如:the talk was very long and boring. 这篇谈话冗长,毫无趣味。 dull 与 boring 极为相近,也指因呆板或缺乏趣味性而令人感到厌倦。如: a dull book 一本枯燥的书。 tiresome主指单调沉闷而产生疲倦厌烦。如:it's tiresome to be funny for a whole evening整晚上都逗笑取乐是很疲劳的。
8.gift 与 present
两词都为“礼物”,但有细微的差别。 gift 既指免费捐赠给团体或机构的物品,也指亲友间互赠礼品。如: a gift to the museum一件捐给博物馆的赠品。present 指亲友间互赠, 如: here is a little present for you. 这儿有你一份小小的礼物。
9.handsome 与 beautiful
两词都表“美丽”,但有区别。 beautiful 指优美和谐、高贵,多形容妇女、地方、事物,很少用来形容男子。如: a beautiful woman 一位美丽的妇女 / a beautiful scene美景。而 handsome 用于形容男人,表示英俊潇洒。如: he is a tall and handsome man. 他是一个高大英俊的男人。
10.country 与 nation
country 表示国家,包括领土和人民,着重指疆土。该词概念极为广泛,可用于各种文体,有时作“祖国”讲,带感情色彩。如:china is a great country with a long history .中国是一个历史悠久的伟大国家。/ his fathers country was france. 他父亲的祖国是法国。/ after many years abroad,he wanted to return home to his country. 在国外呆了多年以后,他想回到自己的祖国去。country 来源于拉丁文contra,是对立的意思,即某地区与其他地区极不相同从而独立存在。nation指在某一国土上定居的人民,以及代表他们的独立政权。nation 来源于拉丁文nasci,意思是出生,nation原指具有相同血源的民族,因此它强调一个国家中的人民,概念较country 狭窄。如: the chinese nation 中华民族。the whole nation rose to resist aggression. 全民奋起抗击侵略。/ the president spoke on radio to the nation. 总统通过广播向全国人民讲话。 但在国际交往正式场合下,ation 语体庄重,较country 用得多。如:the united nations 联合国/ a most favoured nation 最惠国 / the law of nations 国际公法
1.陈酒味醇,老友情深。Old friends and old wine are best
2.天下没有不散的宴席。The best friend must part.
3.朋友易失不易得。A friend is easier lost than found.
4.患难见真情。A friend is never known till needed.
5.行万里路,读万卷书。He that travels far knows much.
6.人生有限,学海无涯。Art is long , life is short.
7.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。An idle youth , a needy age.
8.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。Better late than never.
9.在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着其崎岖之路攀登的人,才有希望达到它光辉的顶点。There is no royal road to science , and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of gaining its numinous summits.
10.辛勤工作通向成功,失败在于懒惰。Hard work leads to success and failure often lies in laziness.
11.世界上最好和最美的事物是看不见也摸不着——必须用心去感觉。The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched——they must be felt with the heart.
12.友谊地久天长。Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is.
13.人若无希望,心碎愁断肠。If it were not for hope , the heart would break.
14.没有挫折就没有成功。Nothing down , nothing up.
15.自助者天助。God will help those who help themselves.
16.勤奋是成功之母。Industry is the parent of success.
17.事实胜于雄辩。Action speaks louder than words.
18.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。Better to die in glory than live in dishonour.
19.留得青山在不愁没柴烧。Where there is a life there is a hope.
20.智者千虑必有一失。No one is wise at all the time.
21.走自己的路,任别人说去吧。Go your own way , lat others talk.
22.没有付出,就没有收获。No pains , no gains.
23.只有信念,成功是很容易的。Success is easy –once you believe.
24.世界上最贫穷的人是没有笑容的人。The most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile.
25.今日是今日毕。Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
26.耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。All ability and wisdom are based on patience.
27.成功只有一个秘诀——永不言弃。There is but one secret to success---never give up.
28.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。No cross , no crown.
29.智慧和意志是胜利的保障。Wit and strive for the victory.
30.光阴一去不复返。Lost times is never found again.
31.处处留心皆学问。You can learn something from anything if you pay attention to it.
32.明日复明日,明日何其多。Tomorrow never comes.
33.读书不加思考,如同吃东西不经消化。Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
34.人最大的敌人莫过于自己。Every man is his own worst enemy. 不要认为取胜就是一切,更重要的是要有信念。倘若你没有信念,那胜利又有什么意义呢?don’t believe that winning is really everything ,its more important to stand for something ,if you don’t stand for something what do you win ?
35.普通人只想到如何度过时间;有才能的人设法利用时间。Ordinary people mereiy think how they shall spend their time,a man of talent tries to use it.
36.我成功因为我有决心,从不踌躇。I succeeded because I willed it ;I never hesitated .
37.如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。If you have great talents , industry will improve them ; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency .
38.别哭泣,别叹息,别呻吟;悲伤唤不回流逝的时光。Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan . sorrow calls no time that’s gone .
39.只要我们能善用时间,就永远不愁时间不够用。We always have time enough , if we will but use it right.
40.懒惰是通往颓废的桥。Lasy is the bridge to decadent.
没有理性控制,任何事情都不可能长久。Nothing can be lasting when
reason does not rule.
41.人皆换错,你能原谅别人,你就是圣人。To err is human ,to forgive ,divine.
42.奋斗是通往理想的桥。Struggle is the bridge to idea.
43.生命不息,不进则退。Life never stands still if you don’t advance you recede.\
44.有坚强的意志,就有伟大的生活。Life is great if you don’t weaken.
45.黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。The darkkest hour is that before the dawm.
46.欢乐是我们的双翼,悲痛是我们的动力。Joys are our wings , sorrows are our spurs.
47.小漏沉大船。 A small leak will sink a great ship.
48.没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。What makes life dreary is the want of motive.
49.一旦相信自己,你就会懂得如何生活。As soon as you trust yourself ,you will know how to live.
50.只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也会变傻。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
51.可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得。I might say that success is won by three things : first , effort; second , more effort; third , still more effort .
52.爱情是盲目的。Love is blind .
53.信心不是从天上掉下来的一定是来自于……日复一日,年复一年不间断的努力和奉献。Confidence doesn’t come out of nowhere .its a result of something ……hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication.
54.爱情充满烦恼。Love is full of trouble .
55.化敌为友。Make your enemy your friend .
56.骄傲使人落后。Pride goes before , and shame comes after .
57.坚持就是胜利。Success belongs to the persevering .
58.人间处处有温情。There is kindness to be found everywhere .
59.人正是因为缺乏信念才会害怕面对挑战,而我相信我自己。It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges , and I believe in myself .
60.有了信心,你可以达到令人艳羡的高峰;没有信心,即使是最简单的成就也会变得遥不可及。With confidence , you can reach truly amazing heights ; without confidence , even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp .
61.心之所愿,无所不成。Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
62.脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand .
63.礼貌无需花钱,但却能赢得一切。Politeness costs nothing and gains everything .
64.眼不见心不烦。Out of sight , out of mind .
1. Never say die.永不言败。
2.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。
3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。
4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。
5.No garden without its weeds.没有不长草的园子。
6.No living man all things can.世上没有万事通。
7.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。
8.No man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。
9.No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。
10.No man is wise at all times.聪明一世,糊涂一时。
11.None are so blind as those who won't see.视而不见。
12.None are so deaf as those who won't hear.充耳不闻。
13.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。
14.No one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。
15.No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。
16.No pleasure without pain.没有苦就没有乐。
17.No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。
18.No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。
19.No smoke without fire.无风不起浪。
20.Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
21.Nothing dries sooner than a tear.眼泪干得最快。
22.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。
23.Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。24.Nothing seek, nothing find.没有追求就没有收获。
25.Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.外出旅行,语言最要紧。
26.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。
27.Not to advance is to go back.不进则退。
28.Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.不懂世故,幼稚可笑。
29.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。
30.Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.军人以服从命令为天职。
31.Observation is the best teacher.观察是最好的老师。
32.Offense is the best defense.进攻是最好的防御。
33.Old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。
34.Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。
35.Once a man and twice a child.一次老,两次小。
36.Once a thief, always a thief.偷盗一次,做贼一世。
37.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
38.One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。
39.One cannot put back the clock.时钟不能倒转。
40.One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays.百闻不如一见。
41.One false move may lose the game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。
42.One good turn deserves another.行善积德。
43.One hour today is worth two tomorrow.争分夺秒效率高。
44.One man's fault is other man's lesson.前车之鉴。
45.One never loses anything by politeness.讲礼貌不吃亏。
46.One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。
47.One's words reflect one's thinking.言为心声。
48.Out of debt, out of danger.无债一身轻。
49.Out of office, out of danger.无官一身轻。
50.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心为静。
51.Patience is the best remedy.忍耐是良药。
52.Penny wise, pound foolish.贪小便宜吃大亏。
53.Plain dealing is praised more than practiced.正大光明者,说到的多,做到的少。
54.Please the eye and plague the heart.贪图一时快活,必然留下隐祸。
55.Pleasure comes through toil.苦尽甘来。
56.Pour water into a sieve.竹篮子打水一场空。
57.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
58.Praise is not pudding.恭维话不能当饭吃。
59.Praise makes good men better, and bad men worse.好人越夸越好,坏人越夸越糟。
60.Prefer loss to unjust gain.宁可吃亏,不贪便宜。
61.Prevention is better than cure.预防胜于治疗。
62.Pride goes before, and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后。
63.Promise is debt.一诺千金。
64.Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。
65.Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。
66.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。
67.Put your shoulder to the wheel.鼎力相助。
68.Reading enriches the mind.开卷有益。
69.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。
70.Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必须自重。
71.Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。
72.Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。
73.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。
74.Seek the truth from facts.实事求是。
75.Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing to him.智者当差,不用交代。
76.Set a thief to catch a thief.以贼捉贼。
77.Short accounts make long friends.好朋友勤算账。
78.Something is better than nothing.聊胜于无。
79.Soon learn, soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。
80.Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快。
81.Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。
82.Still water run deep.静水常深。83.Strike the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。
84.Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。
85.Take things as they come.既来之,则安之。
86.Talking mends no holes.空谈无补。
时间做“四顺”——哈!现在全解决了。What the f u c k is going on?(到底他妈的怎么回事?)通常此话出于黑人之口,且口气最宜为疑惑,不解,愤怒等等。若是白人则多数时候会说-What the hell is going on? 意义相同而适用于更多场合。说此话之人身份通常为上级,且相处较久。不过如果你出差回家时看见老婆身边躺着个赤条条的陌生人,那它可就派上大用场了!You son of bitch!(你个狗娘养的!)令人意外的是,最爱说这句话的往往是女性。越高贵,越端庄的女性越容易在压力达到一定值时便会脱口而出。万万不要和有文化的MM顶嘴,否则被骂了还以为受表扬了呢!All rise!(全体起立!)国产英语老师最误人子弟的就是口语太差,爱说想当然口语。从小学到高中英语课代表一直喊的是-Stand up!当然没什么不可以,但为什么不说标准的话呢?就象我们朗读中文时说普通话一样!It’s bullshit!(胡说八道!屁话!)这句话一旦学会,包你用的乐不思蜀。用途太广泛啦!最绝是和老妈抬杠时搬出来,用你的眼睛直视她,以忏悔的口气说出。Damn it!(可恶!)此句往往从某个孤胆英雄的嘴中冒出,发音要轻,然口气要重!此英雄往往正面临生死抉择,例如是先剪蓝线还是先剪红线等,说时要有壮士一去不复返的气势!此句适合用在被MM拒绝时,向MM的背影说出!万万不可忘记要配合以右手中指的朝天一刺!It’s none of your business!(关你屁事!)此句已接近经典!当你在网上浏览不健康网站遭到网吧老板的劝阻时,它往往能建下奇功!Come on!此句因拥有太多含义,所以注释欠奉。但它确实非常necessary,所有的鬼佬一天不说个十七八遍就会浑身发痒,它的经典之处你就好好体会吧!Ditto!(俺也是!)本不是常用语,不过看过“幽灵”一片的人都染上了男主角的坏习惯。从来不说I love you!总是“俺也是,俺也是!”的把MM们气得口吐白沫!实际上你也可以说“Me too!”或“Me also!”,不过总是不够文艺腔,差了那么一点点味道和情调。How can I forget such a beautiful girl/sexy boy?此句在重逢某个你早已心仪的MM或GG是不妨拿来用用。当对方还沉浸在陶醉中时,你可以利用这段时间好好想想对方的名字!I had no choice!(俺也是被逼无奈啊!)最常用此话的要数那些被男主角逼到悬崖边上的家伙们!俺真的不是有意出卖你老人家的,饶俺一命吧!1. broccoli n.[植] 甘蓝;花椰菜就是俗话说的绿菜花,学名是花椰菜。白色的菜花是cauliflower;卷心菜是cabbage,洋白菜的学名,这可是在市场上随处可
见的品种了吧。2. asparagus n.[植] 芦笋。经常能在菜市场或是餐馆里见到这种菜,绿色的茎状物,我印象最深的是在全聚德烤鸭店吃的“鲍贝龙须”,龙须指的就是芦笋。3. celery n.[植] 芹菜就算前两种不是很熟悉,这种总算吃过吧4. bean sprout n.豆芽,豆芽菜中国常吃的一种菜,是一个合成词,bean是豆子的意思,sprout则是苗、芽的意思。5. taro n.芋头芋头是一种产于亚洲热带地区的被广泛种植的植物,很常见吧,也很好吃。6. eggplant n.茄子也许是因为茄子长的象鸡蛋,所以才叫这个名字的,可千万别当“蛋菜”翻译啊。还有一种写法是aubergine,看起来麻烦了一点,这个词还有象茄子般的紫色的意思。7. white[wax] gourd n.冬瓜 这个谁敢说没吃过?不过没有一个专门的单词形容它,仿佛是不公平了些,由于它产于中国,所以只能用两个词形容了,gourd是葫芦的意思,希望下次你吃冬瓜的时候不要有什么心理障碍哦!类似的还有:the Spanish gourd南瓜;the sponge[towel] gourd丝瓜8. laver n.紫菜吃馄钝时常放的调味用的菜品,虽然生于海里,是藻类,但也应该算是“菜”了吧。9. marrow n.西葫芦长长圆圆的东西,很向茄子的形状。10.lettuce n.莴苣我不喜欢吃的一种,但还是很有人气的,由它组成的词有sea lettuce海白菜