
| 成人英语三级 |



I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.

There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action. 我突然就觉得自己像个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合,

可是背上总是有无数闪亮的银色丝线,操纵 我的哪怕一举手一投足.

Turn to the old and return to them ...回归到曾经那个美好单纯的自己,回到老朋友身边。。。


People will always change. Some choose to change the environment; some choose to be changed by the environment. Most of the time when u cannot change, u have to choose to find something to make yourself happy.

I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.










一个人如果想做他喜欢的事情 就一定要做很多他不喜欢的事情






A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who meets a lot to you ,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go 生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你很重要的一个人,但却最终发现你们有缘无分,因此你不得不放手

the best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had 最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝而坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别是却感到这是你有过的最好一次交流

When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn’t take away the world that belongs to you.当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界 Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples. 有些看不见的手,如懒懒的

微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着 潺(氵爰)的乐声。

Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

Forgive me for needing you in my life; Forgive me for enjoying the beauty of your body and soul; Forgive me for wanting to be with you when I grow old. 原谅我中不能没有你; 原谅我欣赏你躯体和心灵的美丽; 原谅我希望永生永世和你在一起。

I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful. 我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏。

人的一生,有两种遗憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心爱的人;二是心爱的人得不到幸福。During the whole life, you will regret for two things: one is that you don’t get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy.

生活在没有你的世界,比任何一种惩罚都要痛苦,你知道吗,对我而言,你是任何人都无法取代的。To live in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. Do you know that no one can replace you in my heart?

我将暴风般的爱情藏在心底,那是为了不给对方任何心理压力,我的爱情越是珍贵,相对地,也越珍惜别人的爱情。I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love from others.

我以为呵出一口气,能化作晴天的云,没想到竟在眼角凝结成雨滴。在这个寒冷的冬夜里,爱情像一种奢侈品,让相爱的人更幸福,让落单的人禁不起。I thought that the breath could be changed into the clouds in fine days. However, it turns into rain drops in my eyelash. In such a cold winter evening, love is luxury, ma-ki-ng couples more happy and the single lonelier.

一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will

understand the previous sadneis kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.

曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。 Don’t forget the things u once u owned. Treasure the things u can’t get. Don’t give up the things that belong to u and keep those lost things in memory.

这个世界最易碎的就是男人的酒杯,政客的承诺,少女的梦想,钢丝上的爱情,现代社会的善良和高贵的心。The most easily broken thing in the world is the man’s wine glass, politician’s promise, girls’ dream, steel wire-like love, the virtuousof modern society and the holy heart.

自由不是让你想做什么就做么,自由是教你不想做什么,就可以不做什么。Freedom is not letting u do whatever u wanna but teaching you not to do the things u don’t wanna do.


1 一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 1 a is luxuriant short of a dream, a long is cruel reality. 2.逝去的岁月,怎么找得回来?你曾经的微笑,在回忆里却散不开。 2. Has gone by, how to find back? Have you ever smile, the memories but scattered don't open. 3. 从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。 3. Before I would not to cry, now I often breaks down in tears. 4.怀表里那张陈旧的照片上, 有一个说要在天堂和我见面的女人。 我把她的笑容放在离时间 最近的地方。我只想让我的时光中有她的笑容,一直都有。 4. Watch the old photograph that zhang, there is a saying in heaven and I meet woman. I put her smile on from time to the nearest place. I just want to let my time in her smile, always have. 5.我只是和星星一起闪亮和黑夜一起寂寞的孩子 5. I just and stars shine together and the night together lonely child 6.向往天空的,都是寂寞的。 6. Yearning of the sky, is lonely. 7.喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。 7. Like the fairy tale, because a childhood. 8.当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠入大海? 8. When the kite tired of the sky, whether can be the falling.thee the sea? 9.当我最想说些什么的时候,往往也是我最沉默的时候。 9. When I want to say what, and is often I most silence. 10.夕阳下,童话一般的世界。 10. The sunset, fairy tale general world. 11. 当你真正去等待一个人的时候,那个人永远都不会出现 11. When you really to wait for a person, that person will never appear 12.如果天堂太拥挤,那我们就一起去地狱猖獗 12. If heaven too crowded, then we'll go to hell rampant 13.等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍 13. Until the day fine, maybe I'll love you again again 14.和寂寞对话,只是不愿意相信你已经离开 14. And lonely dialogue, just refused to believe that you have to leave 15.我决定不再流泪,就像你决定要离开我一般地坚定。 15. I decided not to tears, as you decide to leave I generally firm. 16 只是一天离开了你,你就狼狈得像是一个只需要我安慰的孩子. But one day left you, you have to like a disheveled need only I comfort children. 17.岁月从指间流淌着,我感觉到自己的星宿从轨迹中缓缓陨落。。 17. Years from interphalangeal flowing, I feel my path in slowly falling from the stars. 18.没有快乐,微笑还在。没有童话,童年还在。 18. No happiness and smile. No fairy, childhood is still there. 19. 当你越想挽留些什么的时候,就越容易失去些什么 19. When the more you want to keep what, the easier it will be to lose some what 20.在那一刻,我仿佛看见整个世界崩溃在我的面前。废墟中那一片片的瓦砖都刻有鲜活的 记忆,现在安静地贴在大地上,即便我有多小心保持行走的安静,终究会

发现,自己只是一 个被记忆放逐的人。 20. At that moment, I seem to see the whole world collapse in front of me. Ruins in the flakes of tile brick with a vivid memory, now quietly posted on the ground, even if I have to walk more than be careful to keep quiet, will eventually found that oneself only is a memory exile. 21.流泪,是为了想起一个人,努力去想一个人,是为了提醒自己,至少有一个值得你哭泣 的人。 21. The tears, is to think of a person, trying to think of a man is to remind yourself, at least one worth you cry. 22.谁又可以反抗生命随波逐流的离合 22. Who can resist life drift of clutch 23.刻在记忆里的那个夏天,是我们一起在阳光下流下的泪水。 23. In the summer on memory, is our with sunshine shed tears. 24. 谁带我回到只有童话的日子里? 24. Who take me back to the only fairy tale days? 25. 当你真正去做些什么的时候,往往也是很多事都无法回头的时候。 25. When you really do what, and is often a lot of things can't turn back time. 26. 当你真正想去忘记一个人的时候,那个人已经刻在心里。 26. When you really want to forget a person, that person has been engraved on my heart. 27.没有经历过的人,没有对于他的意义. 27. Had not experienced people, not for his meaning. 28.说自己是现实主义者的人,往往是因为理想已经深化成现实一般的模样 28. Say they are realist person, often because ideal has deepened into reality general shape 29.有时候说不喜欢,是为了让自己说喜欢的时候会显得非常珍贵。 29. Sometimes say they dislike, is to let oneself say like when can appear very precious. 30. 是我太在乎她了么?又或许,只是她不在乎我而已. 30. Am I too care about her? Or maybe, but she doesn't mind I just. 31.我们都存在彼此的回忆里。 31. We are each other's memory. 32.浅和深又能代表什么?只是早一点忘记和迟一点忘记而已. 32. Shallow and deep and can represent? Just a little earlier forget and later forget it. 33.有些人存在。是因为宿命。所以他不应该抱怨什么。 33. Some people exist. Because of the destiny. So he should not complain what. 34.就算是醉生梦死,也是记忆的一种,因为你始终不能忘记什么。 34. Even lead a happy-go-lucky life, also be a kind of memory, because you always can't forget anything. 35.当我已经不能离开你的时候,你已经离开我。 35. When I have to leave your time, you have to leave me. 36.我们在彼此中遗忘彼此. 36. Us in each other in forgetting each other. 37.因为不曾相识,所以也不曾悲伤。更不曾快乐过。 37. Because never meet, and so does not sad. The more never happy. 38.你用冰冷的指尖,在我的手心里轻轻写下依赖。 38. You with frozen fingertips, in my hand heart gently write dependence. 39.即便是流泪,也是一种纪念。就算是流泪,

也回不到童年。 39. Even tears, is also a kind of memory. Even tears, also could not return to childhood. 世界太阔,你的哭笑不止为我 The world is too vast, your cry smile more than for me 是时光,教会我们遗忘。 Is the time, church we forget. 想变成你。 Want to become you. 如果你认识从前的我,就会原谅现在的我。 If you know who I used to be, now I will forgive. 我要去 ,有你的未来 I want to go to, have your future 我喜欢你 并不是 我选择了你, I like you not I chose you, 而是 你选择了我. But you chose me. 我会哭,但并不代表我不坚强。 I would cry, but doesn't mean I'm not strong. 你永远不会知道我在你身上有过多大的梦想。 You never know my upon you have too many big dreams. 如果时间是一个圆,我期待与你在圆的另一头重逢 If time is a circle, I look forward to working with you in the round at the other end of the reunion 我松开手,回忆却放不开。 I open hand, memories but can't let go. 一个人,一座城,一生心疼 One people, one city, a lifetime love dearly 一个人只要不想要,就什么都可以放下 As long as one don't want, what can let go 彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒 Pilate years cardamom, who xu who the end of time 我的希望, 是你。 I hope, is you. 没有你陪伴的我,连寂寞都笑我太堕落 Without your accompany with me, even the lonely all smile me too depravity 抱歉,我不是那个让你撕心裂肺后悔的人 Sorry, I'm not that let you tore heart crack lung regret 如果我有一个秘密必须有人知道,我希望那个人是你。 If I have a secret someone must know, I hope that person is you. 晕开的黑色字迹把记忆衬托得更加模糊。 Dizzy black handwriting memory the foil more vague. 你不要太难过 因为我一直都在 You can't be too sad because I've been in 你不会太寂寞 因为我不曾离开 You won't feel lonely because I never left 我相信你一直都在 I believe you have been 有阳光照耀的地方,才有影子。 Have sunshine place, just have the shadow. 我们虽然不是童话、但我们是一个拥有美丽结局. Although we are not fairy tales, but we are a beautiful ending. 我们看到得都是过去,只是这个过去离我们很近很近而已。 We saw to is in the past, only this past is quite near to us very close to it. 阳光,兀自撒欢。 Sunshine, SaHuan alone. 整个世界的假,只因为你是唯一的真 The whole world of false, just because you are the only true 累了吗。我们回家吧。 Are you tired. Let's go home. 我的记忆,只是用来记住你 My memory, just to remember you 谢谢你,让我懂得爱,也懂得怎么去爱。 Thank you, let me know how to love, also know how to love. 绘画本是寂寞之道 用我的目光雕刻你的时光 This painting is lonely path with my eyes carve your time 就算世界背叛了我。 Even if the world has rebelled against me

. 只要你还在我身后。 我就可以微笑着 与世界为敌。 As long as you are behind me. I can smile and the world into enemies. 对不起这句话我只对你一个人说。 I'm sorry this sentence to tell you only one person said. 爱是经得起平淡的流年。 Love is withstand insipid unease. 一路走来,花开花落。 Along the way, blossom. 我感觉,生活是一个腐烂的苹果。 I feel that life is a rotten apples. 活在当下。坦然而琐碎。 Live in the present. Calm and trivial. 我从来没忘记你。 I never forget you. 我希望你 是我独家的记忆。 I hope you are my sole memory. 她踮起脚种在他右颊的花。 She reached up in his right cheek flowers. 原谅时光,记住爱。 Forgive time, remember to love. 曾经内心沸腾过的这些情感 Once inside the boiling these emotions 即使在某一天里蒸发进空白 Even in one day in evaporation into blank 也一定会凝聚成雨 There also must be condensed into rain 以最温柔的姿态 With the most gentle attitude 自回忆的天空落下 Since the memory of the sky falls 每个人的生命都是光明的。 Everyone's life is bright. 我希望我在看你的时候,你也刚好在看 I hope I see you when you are just watching


伤感的英文句子 When the tears streaming down

only know love your heart can not tolerate any person who has


It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true

that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.


I'm waiting for you,

but nothing ever happens


sky is so blue too blue


In terms of the world you are a person ,

but a person you are his whole world



I hate you for your happy

I am willing to give up everything including your 我爱你.为了你的幸福,


Love a person it is difficult to give up his beloved person more difficult to


My loneliness is not a birthright

but by the person you fell in love with the moment to start 我的孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上那个人的那一刻开始。

Love is a growth in the cliffs on the edge of flower removal on the need to want to have the courage to


Therefore, because an unfamiliar distance

because so brave beauty


I miss the exhaustion of life you only appear


I miss you not because of my loneliness

but I do feel lonely when I miss you.


Coffee is lonely without cups. I am lonely without you. 没有杯子、咖啡是寂寞的、


It’s you that led me out of the loneliness

when I was lost in my mind.


No man or woman is worth your tears,

and the one who is, won’t make you cry.



The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them

knowing you can’t have them.

失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边 Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.





Everybody has blue days.

那些日子真是惨透了,你觉得心里乱糟糟的、怨气丛生、寂寞、整个人彻底的精疲力竭。 These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted. 那些日子总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道,

Days when you feel small and insignificant,


when everything seems just out of reach.


You can’t rise to the occasion.


Just getting started seems impossible.


On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you.


This is not always such a bad thing.


You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!


On blue days you feel like you’re floating in an ocean of sadness.


You’re about to burst into tears at any moment and you don’t even know why.


Ultimately, you feel like you’re wandering through life without purpose.


You’re not sure how much longer you can hang on,


and you feel like shouting, “Will someone please shout me!”


It doesn’t take much to bring on a blue day.


You might just wake up not feeling or looking your best,


find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose. 你可能忘记了约会对象的名字,或是有张可笑的照片被登出来。

You could forget your date’s name or have an embarrassing photograph published.


You might get dumped, divorced, or fired, make a fool of yourself in public, be afflicted with a demeaning nickname,


or just have a plain old bad-hair day.


Maybe work is a pain in the butt.


You’re under major pressure to fill someone else’s shoes,


your boss is picking on you,


and everyone in the office is driving you crazy.


You might have a splitting headache,


or a slipped dish, bad breath, a toothache, chronic gas, dry lips,


or a nasty ingrown toenail.


Whatever the reason, you’re convinced that someone up there doesn’t like you.


Oh what to do, what to dooo?


Well, if you’re like most people,


you’ll hide behind a flimsy belief that everything will sort itself out.


Then you’ll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder,


waiting for everything to go wrong all over again.

最后你会变成一个易怒的、愤世嫉俗的,或者是 一个可怜兮兮的、哭哭啼啼的受害者。 All the while becoming crusty and cynical or a pathetic, sniveling victim.

最终你绝望地躺在地上,祈求地球将你吞没,或是沉迷在比利.乔的蓝调音乐中不能自拔。 Until you get so depressed that you lie down and beg the earth to swallow you up or, even worse, become addicted to Billy Joel songs.


This is crazy,


because you’re only young once and you’re never old twice.


At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened.


Don’t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

Don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn’t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

Every day without you is like a book without pages.


I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am in your heart.


I’ll think of you every step of the way.


If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.


If I know what love is, it is because of you.


If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.


Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of.


Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life.


Love makes man grow up or sink down.


Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won’t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life.That word is love.有一个词可以让我们摆脱生活中所有的负担和痛苦,那就是“爱情”。

The darkness is no darkness with thee.


There is no remedy for love but to love more.


We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.


When love is not madness, it is not love.


Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 I miss you But I still miss you

♪. 我错过了你,却还是会想念你

if i still love you .can we together like we used to ?

♪. 如果我还爱你,我们还会在一起么?

Whether love too low, won't get happiness .

♪. 是不是爱的太过卑微,就得不到真爱。

Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.

♪. 遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁

Things change and friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.

♪. 事过境迁,物是人非,生命不因任何人停留。

Slowly that really care for another often hurt myself.

♪. 慢慢的才知道,太在乎别人了往往会伤害自己。

I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you.

♪. 不是因为需要你所以爱你,是因为爱你所以需要你。

Does not belong to me, I will let go 。

♪. 不属于我的,我会离开 。

To blossom blue is to blossom without you.

♪. 我安静的忧伤,在失去你的回忆中绽放

If you still care, don’t ever let me know.

♪. 如果你仍旧在乎我,无论如何也别让我知道.

Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget

♪. 有些痛 说不出来 只能忍着 直到能够慢慢淡忘。

Forget, I admit that I eventually forget you deadly commitment

♪. 忘不了,我承认我终究忘不了迩致命的承诺。

I called the love is a man that belong to your pain scored.

♪. 我所谓的爱就是自己一个人包揽原本属于你的痛。

You all do not stay, I again why a self-deception again

♪. 迩终究没有一句挽留,我又何必再自欺欺人。

I finally know, I every minute of every second is a person

♪. 我终于知道了,我的每一分每一秒都是一个人。

I indulge themselves again and again, and the end, I a person nephew coriolano. ♪. 我放任了自己一次又一次,结局我一个人孤苦伶仃。

It doesn't matter is ok, just everything cannot go back.

♪. 没关系没关系,只是一切都回不去

Then the selfish hurt, but only in order not to leave.

♪. 那么自私的伤害,只是为了不离开

Forgiving is easy. Trusting again, not so much

♪. 原谅是容易的,再次信任,就没那么容易

You will never understand love if you are always sane.

♪. 永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了

Someone said, my love, I just thought.

♪. 有人说,我的爱情只是我的自以为是。

Don't say you have lost everything, because you and I.

♪. 不要说你失去了一切,因为你还有我

Do not take your that Wo Cuo thoughts, insult me pure heart.

♪. 不要拿你那龌蹉的思想,来侮辱我纯洁的心灵

I can do substitutes but never do doubles.

♪. 我可以做替代品,但绝不做替身

I`d rather love someone I can`t have than have someone I can`t Love ♪. 我宁愿爱上一个我不能拥有的人,也不想拥有一个我无法爱上的人

Sooner or later, we will be passed

♪. 迟早有一天,我们会擦肩而过

Ce n'est pas jamais, jamais oublier que, une fois.

♪. 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经

I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name.

♪. 我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么

Cheater,just with lies in arms

♪. 骗子,只是在用谎言武装自己

With his saying sorry for being difficult for herself.

♪. 跟自己说声对不起,因为曾经为了别人难为了自己

Commitment in any, can do. It is just a lie.

♪. 承诺再多,都做不到。那也只不过还是谎言

Always want to disguise themselves, but could not disguise

♪. 总想要伪装自己,可是却无法伪装。

Loves the plot is only to monopolize your eye pupil.

♪. 爱的阴谋只是为独占住你的眼眸。

I love you a lot. The but again choose lonely.

♪. 我爱你很多。却又选择寂寞

If streams can stay. Then I can stop missing for you.

♪. 如果溪水可以停留。那我才能停止对你的思念

I'm not beautiful. Don't turned. Not gentleness. But I love you more than about it ♪. 我不明媚。不倾城。不温柔。但是我爱你不止说说而已.

Often have a lot of things. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

♪. 往往有很多事情。心有余而力不足

Most people yearning happiness, but is the happiness of others look.

♪. 大多数人所向往的幸福,不过是别人看上去的幸福。

Our feelings after all the rain and wind, couldn't help eventually break down. ♪. 我们的感情终究禁不住那风吹雨打,最终破裂。

Memories you have been laughing, laughing my ignorance.

♪. 记忆里你一直在笑,笑我的愚昧无知

I just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken ♪. 我只想要一个甚至在我没说话就能明白我的人

I will always love you , until the end of time

♪. 我将永远喜欢你。直到时间停止

Once again, the figure had scattered, turn the figure also don't know to go to. ♪. 又一次回头,人影早已散乱,那个背影也不知去了哪里。


Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。更多人拥有的却是玻璃般的爱情——同样透明但容易破碎。

Every girl was once an angel without tears. When she meets the beloved boy, she gets the tears. And after she cries, she falls into the earth. Therefore, every boy shall be nice to his girl, coz she once gave up the whole heaven for the boy.每个女孩都曾经是一个无泪的天使,当她遇上心爱的男孩时便有了泪,天使落泪,坠落凡间,所以每一 个男孩都不能辜负他的女孩,因为她曾经为了你,放弃了整个天堂

A person live in love, why reduced.一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。

Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

I didn’t miss only tube would I want to TianYa want to cape.我没有留恋,仅管我会想去天崖想去海角。

I know that love shall not be compared, but I still used to complaining what he is lack of.我知道感情不能拿来比较,但无意中还是习惯用他拥有的来抱怨他所缺少的。

I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

I suddenly feel myself like a doll,acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.There are lots of shining siliery thread on my back,controlling all my action.突然就觉得自己像 个华丽的木偶,演尽了所有的悲欢离合, If at the outset I brave, ending is different.如果当初我勇敢,结局是不是不一样。

If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it’s called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

Love makes man grow up or sink down. 情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落


Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you tryand know someone else and expect them to know you.在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个 更好的人和了解自己的人。

Men alleged oath, but is a beautiful lies just.男人所谓的誓言,不过是个美丽的谎言而已。

Need not be anyone understood, more don’t like anyone to explain themselves.不需要被任何人理解,更不想跟任何人解释自己。

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

No amount of damage I don’t care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.再多的伤害我也不在乎,擦干眼泪告诉自己不准哭。

Not sad, please do not install the ending.不是悲哀的、请不要装结局。

Often by those I ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.往往被我忽视的那些,只有在失去了才知道那是最珍贵的。

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 们每个人都生活 在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。

We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself. 在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱。不知道是什么,不 知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。

You don’t need someone to love in secret. We just stand by the river and feel sad when seeing the shadow in the water and thought that we r falling love with someone. 暗恋是不需要对象的,我们不过站在河边,看着自己的倒影自怜,却以为自己正在爱着别人。


No matter when you start, it is important that you do not stop after starting. No matter when you end, it is more important that you do not regret after ended.不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。不论你在什么时候结束,重要的是结束之后就不要后悔。

don‗t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现 You will be seeing miracles as long as you take a deep breath. Being happy,it is not because of how much you own but for the big part that you don‗t care for.只要用力呼吸,就能看到奇迹,一个人的快乐不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。。

on top of the world


Who would imagine somebody like Lee could even graduate from college-confined to a wheel chair! Now he's going to America all by himself. Nobody could feel more on top of the world right now!


I really admire Alice. Thirty years of hard work raising kids. Her youngest son just got married and all her children are doing well. Shetells me she's on top of the world now for the first time in her life。


Please keep a simple, make you more of a people-friendly, less some spiritual apathy; keep a simple, make you more of a joy of life, less mental aging fatigue.请保留一份单纯,使你多一份与人的友善,少一些心灵的冷漠麻木;请保留一份单纯,使你多一份人生的快乐,少一些精神的衰老疲。

If you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, it is yours, if it doesn"t it never was.如果你爱一样东西,应该放手予之自由。如果它回到你身边,它就是你的,如果没有回来,则永远不属于你。


Picked up broken once, so you came back, did not think the back is broken, such as sand past.自己拾起破碎的曾经,等你回来,没想到,回来的是碎如细沙的过去。

may your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。 don‗t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain.人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞

Never expect. Never assume. And never demand. Just let it be. If it's meant to be, it will happen——不要期待,不要假想,不要强求,顺其自然,如果注定,便一定会发生。

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Alexander Dumas 。 生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。

The world is such small,it&39;t know who you will see. The world is so big,as if when you turn around,you never know who will disappear.世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁;世界真的很大,好像一转身,就不知道谁会消失。


你总有个奋斗的方向,它使你任何一刻抬起头,都能看到自己的希望。—— 刘墉《方向》.ll The good seaman is known in bad weather. 惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and love today. 我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。

peak out your love for you never know tomorrow andaccident,which will come first. 爱,就大声说出来,因为你永远都不会知道,明天和意外,哪个会先来!

若能一切随他去,便是世间自在人 All If can go with him, it is in the world at home

When everything is gone with the wind, those special moments have become eternal.当一切都随风而逝的时候,那些特别的瞬间都成了永恒。

How tough life is, how strong you should be. 人生有多残酷你就该有多坚强。

Men talk of killing time,while time quietly kills them. 人们在谈论着怎么消磨时间,而时间却在悄悄地销蚀着人们的生命。


just want someone who will understand me even when no words are spoken.我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。

If frankly is an injury, I chose to lie; lies an injury, I choose silence. After all, can escape the eternal language.如果坦白是一种伤害,我选择谎言;如果谎言也是一种伤害,那我选择沉默。终究也逃不出永恒的语言

With a heart to browse, to look at life and all the gain and loss, implicit and explicit, is scenery and customs. ————用一颗浏览的心,去看待人生,一切的得与失、隐与显,都是风景与风情。

ove is a light that never dims.爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。

Precious things are very few in this world. that is the reason there is just one you.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

Don't waste your new tears for the old sorrow. 不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。

All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。

Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus, the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts. 爱一个不爱你的人就像抱一颗仙人掌,抱得越紧就越痛

Never too far away, we can not afford to promise. Transform in time, a few years later, changed probably not just face.永远太远,我们都承诺不起。时光变换,若干年后,变了的恐怕不只是容颜。

Nobody can dump you except you have given up yourself. It is because we all belong to ourselves, not others. 没有人能够在世界上―弃‖你,除非你自己自暴自弃,因为我们是属于自己的,并不属于他人。

Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again. 过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。 I enjoy warm in time. I forget blooms in the internal. 我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开

Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is your attitude——人生中会有很多事情把我们击败,但真正打垮我们的其实是我们自己的态度。

Time will slowly settling, some people will your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, your happiness requires its own sake.时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在你心底慢慢模糊。学会放手,你的幸福需要自己的成全。

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.如果我们有勇气去追求,我们所有的梦想都可以成为现实。

One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter. 生活中最难的就是有话在心口难开。

Rain drenched the air, tired of sad, I remember the fairy tale has been slowly melting.淋过雨的空气, 疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化

你要相信世界上一定有你的爱人,无论你此刻正被光芒环绕被掌声淹没,还是当时你正孤独地走在寒冷的街道上被大雨淋湿,无论是飘着小雪的清晨,还是被热浪炙烤的黄昏,他一定会穿越这个世界上汹涌着的人群,他一一的走过他们,走向你。 他一定会找到你。你要等。——郭敬明《小时代》


Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

When you can't remember why you're hurt, that's when you're healed.有一天,当你发现再也记不起为了什么而受伤,那就是痊愈之时。


Trust is like a mirror: once it‘s broken, it can‘t be fixed. 信任就像一面镜子:一旦它破碎了,就无法修复了。

True Strength is being able to hold it together when everyone is expecting you to fall apart. 真正的坚强是当所有的人都希望你崩溃的时候,你还可以振作。

Quartier des fleurs, à Face résiduelle rire, rire les gens du commun .一季花落,落满地,一脸残笑,笑苍生。

【口语】I knew her slightly, but never got to know her well-we were just ships that pass in the night. 我对她稍有认识,但了解不深,我们只是萍水相逢罢了。

Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what's best for your future happiness! 对自己要自信,别再管其它人怎么想了。为了未来幸福全力以赴吧!

There will be at least one time that you forget yourself for someone,asking for no result,no company,no ownership, even nor love.But meet you in my best ages. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至爱。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

Don‘t hurry say have no choice, perhaps, next intersection will meet hope. 不要急着说别无选择,也许、下个路口就会遇见希望。


回答者: __Azrael__ - 二级 2010-6-26 20:34 1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 6) Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 8) Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 10) Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有1.一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listeningto strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone. 2.幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。2.Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights inone's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or havingsomething to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when youneed love. 3.爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。3.Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow ever

ywhere. Friend is who can give youstrength at last. 4.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。4.I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.5.爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。5.Love makes man grow up or sink down. 6.举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。6.If you can hold something up and put it down, it is calledweight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavyburdens when they are in love. 7.我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。7.We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour tolike someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forgetsomeone.8.一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。8.One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When youfinally get your own happiness, you will understand the previoussadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love. 9.年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。9.When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as timegoes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the wholelife will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.All this needs a very big mind.10.当明天变成了今天成为了昨天,最后成为记忆里不再重要的某一天,我们突然发现自己在不知不觉中已被时间推着向前走,这不是静止火车里,与相邻列车交错时,仿佛自己在前进的错觉,而是我们真实的在成长,在这件事里成了另一个自己。10.When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no moreimportant in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forwardby time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forwardwhen another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up.And we become different. 11.离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。11.If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 12.曾经拥有的,不要忘记。不能得到的,更要珍惜。属于自己的,不要放弃。已经失去的,留作回忆。12.Don’t forget the things you

once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep thoselost things in memory. 13.我喜欢并习惯了对变化的东西保持着距离,这样才会知道什么是最不会被时间抛弃的准则。比如爱一个人,充满变数,我于是后退一步,静静的看着,直到看见真诚的感情。13.I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed things.Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. Forexample, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I stepbackward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings. 14.男人的爱是俯视而生,而女人的爱是仰视而生。如果爱情像座山,那么男人越往上走可以俯视的女人就越多,而女人越往上走可以仰视的男人就越少。14.Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love isa mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while womenwill see fewer men. 15.好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。15.Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person. 16.在自己面前,应该一直留有一个地方,独自留在那里。然后去爱。不知道是什么,不知道是谁,不知道如何去爱,也不知道可以爱多久。只是等待一次爱情,也许永远都没有人。可是,这种等待,就是爱情本身。16.We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. Andthen begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to loveor how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will comeout, but this kind of waiting is the love itself. 17.有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?我们总以为那份痴情很重,很重,是世上最重的重量。有一天,暮然回首,我们才发现,它一直都是很轻,很轻的。我们以为爱的很深,很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅,很浅。最深和最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。17.Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We alwaysthink that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing inthe world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize thatit's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but infact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time. 18.在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。18.In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness19.女人如果不性感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。19.If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, sheneeds reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herse

lfclearly. coz only she has is misfortune.20.一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。21.An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding. 22.我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。22. I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this. 23.一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。23.In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself forsomeone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love. Justask for meeting you in my most beautiful years. 90.我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。相反,我觉得那应该是一个逐渐剔除的过程,知道自己最重要的是什么,知道不重要的东西是什么。而后,做一个纯简的人。90.Idon't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man. 35.当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。35.When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up andhave a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't takeaway the world that belongs to you. 我发一首歌词翻译行吗? 是我自己翻译的,觉得挺伤感。As follows:我依然没有忘记你I'm Still Not Over You发生什么了?怎么了?What's up?我知道我们有段时间没有联系了I know we haven't spoken for a while但是我一直都在想你But I was thinkin bout you至少这样能让我微笑And it kinda made me smile要说的太多了So many things to say我把它们写进信纸里And I'll put em in a letter这样对我来说可能容易一些And it might be easier这样的话语也可能好听一些The words might come out better你的妈妈身体还好吗?还有你的弟弟?How's your mother, how's your little brother?他是不是还和你长得很像啊?Does he still look just like you?好多事情我都想知道它们的答案So many things I wanna know the answers to希望我能让时光倒流Wish I could press rewind希望我能从头开始再写一遍And rewrite every line写你和我之间的所

有的故事To the story of me and you你知道吗我一遍一遍的尝试Don't you know I've tried and I've tried想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹To get you out my mind但是我始终做不到But it don't get no better日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by我迷失了自我、不知所措And I'm lost and confused我已经一无所有了I've got nothin to lose希望你能很快收到我的来信Hope to hear from you soon我依然没有忘记你 I'm still not over you依然没有忘记你Still not over you对不起,我真的不是想故意纠缠你Excuse me, I really didn't mean to ramble on但是在你离开我之后我百感交集But there's a lot of feelings that still remain after you were gone我猜想你认为我能将这些感觉置之脑后I guess you thought that I would put it all behind me就像对待一个可笑的笑话或者是电视上的故事一样Like a silly joke, or somethin on the t.v.男孩 对我来说却是如此的不容易Boy it aint easy每当我听到我们的歌曲When I hear our song我能感受到以前的那种感觉I get that same old feeling真希望我能让时间倒流Wish I could press rewind让时光回到从前Turn back the hands of time我不该告诉你这些And I shouldn't be telling you你知道吗我一遍一遍的尝试Don't you know I've tried and I've tried想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹To get you out my mind但是我做不到But it don't get no better日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by我迷失了自我、不知所措And I'm lost and confused我已经一无所有了I've got nothin to lose希望能很快收到你的回信Hope to hear from you soon我依然没有忘记你P.S. I'm still not over you依然没有忘记你Still not over you你知道吗 我保留着所有你的照片Did you know I kept all of your pictures一直都没有鼓起勇气将照片丢弃Don't have the strength to part with them yet哦,不…Oh no....努力忘掉你的吻残留的感觉Tried to erase the way your kisses taste但是有些事情是一个女孩永远都无法释怀的But some things a girl can never forget想擦掉你在我脑海中的痕迹Don't you know I've tried and I've tried但是我始终做不到But it don't get no better日子一天一天的过去As each day goes by我迷失了自我、不知所措And I'm lost and confused我已经一无所有了I've got nothin to lose希望能很快收到你的回信Hope to hear from you soon我依然没有忘记你I'm still not over you依然没有忘记你Still not over you 38回答者: beCry me a sad river悲伤逆流成河 最佳答案天空没有留下我的痕迹,但我已飞过。我会等你到三十五岁,因为我永远不会到三十五岁,所以我会永远等你。彼岸花的美,只因它盛开在彼岸。 1. 记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改


love you for my life past. 我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened.有时候,你不得不假装很快乐,只是为了不让别人问"你怎么了?"

Nothing can't be figured out.The past just can't be reached again.没有什么过不去,只有回不去。 Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。 It's lucying to gain and fated to miss.得之,我幸;不得,我命。

Love remained short,but the memory lasts long.爱那么短,遗忘那么长。

I don't mind if you heat me.It doesn't matter at all.I'm not living to please you.我并不在乎你讨厌我,我不是为了取悦你而活.

You are so lucky,because you can choose to love me or not ,but myself only have to choose from loving you or loveing you more.你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我或是不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或是更爱你。

I desire to grow old with you without paying.多想一个不小心,就跟你白头到老。

Don't surrender to this dark woeld.别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

What you are doing now reflets how you will live in the future.现在怎么做代表着你以后怎么活。

Plan the worst scnario with the best hope.抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。

Someday i'll make a wish that when i wake up ,i'll be a place where all of my troblems have disappeared。有一天我会许愿,希望当我醒来 时身处一个没有烦恼的地方。

Bing single means that you are strong enough and patient to wait for the one who deseres you.单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够的耐心去等待值得拥有你的那个人。

If you don't travel around,you'd think this is the world.如果你不走出去,你就会认为这就是世界。

One shows up in your dream,it is because he/she is thinking of you.你们梦到了一个人,是因为那个人在想你。

Life is like angry birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时总有几只猪在笑。

It's funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would.有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。

Love is a chord in life,not a solo.爱是生命的和弦,而不是独奏。

Don't forget the things you once you owned.keep those lost things in memory.Don't give up the things that belong to you and treasure the things you can't get.曾经拥有的,不要忘记;已经失去的,留作回忆;属于自己的,不要放弃;不能得到的,更要珍惜。

Don't cross the bridge till you come to it.既来之,则安之。

I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful.我只想现在过得精彩,无所谓好坏。 Warmness is luxury ——which is reflected by deep cold and hurt.温暖是奢侈的东西,奢侈到要用很深的寒冷和疼痛才能出现。

It's not only the goodbye that hurts ,but also the flashback that follows.让人心痛的不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。

Being someone's first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.成为别人的初恋固然好,但更好的是成为他们最终的爱人。

A said thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you ,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just hvae to let go .生命中令人悲伤的一件事是你遇到了一个对你很重要的人,但最终发现你们有缘无分,因此你不得不放弃。

From now on,i will expect nothing ,and just take what i get .从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。

No matter the ending is perfect or not ,you cannot disappear from my world.我的世界不允许你消失,不管结局是否完美。

You are not really happy,your happiness is just your camouflage.你不是真正的快乐,你的快乐只是你的保护色。

Shurt out all of your past except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.放下那些不能帮助你前行的过去。

What is courage?Is it making you love me with tears or letting you go with tears?勇气是什么?是哭着要你爱我,还是哭着要你离开?

最喜欢I love you for my life past.AND Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.

You may not know. When you feel sad. My tears flood in.


Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me


Have not much, importance, are no longer care.


Don't try to wait after all no one can save a rotten heart


Don't wake up to the body can not prolapse is the soul.


Quartier des fleurs, à Face résiduelle rire, rire les gens du commun .


Você chorou muito triste, eu ri muito artificial


J'ai été trop faible, préférant garder toutes les erreurs sont enterrées


Belle mélodie, en fait, est le c?ur derrière


Trop souvent, l'illusion de confondre nos yeux


Toujours utiliser le texte,l'interprétation de la douleur


Avec tout le courage de mettre en place le plus brillant sourire.


Greif sous le soleil, qui peut lire?


Perguntou-me forte, eu posso ter no overexert


Do not touch the world's warm, feel his own happiness, in short hide his grief.


Forget, I admit that I eventually forget you deadly commitment.


Forgive my soul, I worry about slow can't find my world.


Dazzling white, let me understand what is pure damage.


I called the love is a man that belong to your pain scored.


Gradually fade out the E life let you, a person lead.


You all do not stay, I again why a self-deception again.


I finally know, I every minute of every second is a person.


The rain has stopped, but the heart still drop by drop down, that is the thoughts of you. 雨水已停止,只是那心依然一滴一滴的滑落,那是对你的思念。

The dark corner, only belong to me, no one disturb, no one company, only the lonely winding. 那黑暗的角落,只属于我,没有谁打扰,没有谁陪伴,只有寂寞的缠绕。

I indulge themselves again and again, and the end, I a person nephew coriolano.


Gorgeous ré-écriture, dit qu'elle n'est pas propre

再华丽的文字 、也说服不了自己

Souri, pleuré, offrir à votre amour non expression


Cada mulher tem em alguns casos n?o pode acompanhar a história de


Même si chacun de ces derniers à être vieux les jeunes.


Há muito tempo, ent?o o sorriso desapareceu por um longo tempo


Hugh est un non-tout, les larmes aux flux de la langue.


Ampulheta fluxo rápido demais, só porque um controlo apertado



(The so-called memory, but is never go back to the memory of the just.)

回忆这片沼泽,没有谁可以幸免不失足掉落,而我们用来挣扎的时间,是一生。 (Now we, read before, is a understand all of the old man. )


(Former us, look to the future, is a what all don't know baby. )


(I spent too much time to understand "some things can only run away" this truth.) 染指流年之间,我学会了怎样用一个旁观者的姿态来诠释一切。

(To enter the time between, I learned how to use a bystander attitude to explain everything.) 爱情这个东西,把一切悟出的道理都颠覆。

(Love it, and to realize the truth all subversive.)


(What effort, what efforts and achievements of return is equal, in love all or nothing.) 所有我脑海中能想到的美丽的邂逅,全部在这个盛夏上演。

(All I can think of mind of beautiful met, all in this summer performance.)


(Cicadas chirp, spin it for a whole century.)

A mirage, insubstantial objects like your words to bugaoerbie is my miss


Accidentally we four eye But I can't see your heart


Free there only to find everyone yearns for new refuge.


You may not know. When you feel disappointed. I figure but also lonely


Don't for a floating people to abandoned the fight.


Don't for a moment of extreme and lost another romantic encounter


Is not there is not. I love the person but not in.


Not willing to remember all.only a pair of hollow eyes.





