说到钱,大家所熟悉的英语表达方式最常见的是"money"。"Money"是一个广义词,既可以指不定数目的钱,也可以表达一个概念。比如有"Money makes the mare go.(有钱能使鬼推磨。)"的谚语,但除了"money"之外还有哪些常用的表达方式呢?cash现金,现款
Of the two events, the cash loss-at this moment-weighed more heavily on him. 在这两起事件中,此时使他心情更沉重的莫过于丢现金这一起了。
The President also agreed to support congressional move to grant funds to help middle-and-lower income people pay their higher energy bills.
The newest breed of inhabitants used the Cape Cod heritage not as a symbol of a proud and traditional past but as the symbol of a dollar bill.
He motioned to the notes stacked on the table.
With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash.
Just keep the change.
His ease was suddenly disturbed by a coin flying into his carriage and ringing on the floor.
The items in the report on her visits to the shop had cost him some dough.
However, in their haste to earn a quick buck, the land and overall environment was greatly suffering.
1. Money talks.
Money talks表达的意思是“金钱万能”。虽然都说金钱不是万能的,但不得不承认,有时候,金钱确实有发言权。
e.g. I can't compete against rich old Mrs.Smith. She will get her away because money talks.
2.Money makes the mare go.
mare 意为“母马;母驴”,驴和马的脾气是最倔的,能够让马听话,让去哪就去哪,可不就相当于“让鬼推磨”。所以,这个俗语的意思就是“有钱能使鬼推磨”。
e.g. Theoretically the fact that a millionaire is involved should not influence the local council, but money makes the mare go. 理论上讲,一个百万富翁的介入不应该影响地方议会,可有钱能使鬼推磨啊!
3.Money is the root of all evil.
e.g. Any thief in prison can tell you that money is the root of all evil.
4.Money is no object.
e.g. Please show me your finest automobile. Money is no object.
5.Spend money like water.
e.g. Many people from oil-rich countries spend money like water.
6.have money to burn
e.g. Look at the way Tim buys things. You'd think he had money to burn.
7.for love or money
“金钱”与“爱情”往往是被看成是相对的两个东西,一个是物质上的,一个是精神上的。for love or money,字面上看,就是“不管是出于爱或出于钱”,即“无论如何”。
e.g. Doctor, please save that poor girl, for love or money. 医生,请无论如何救救那个可怜的姑娘。
8.put money on someone or something
e.g. I'd put money on Chris being the next director. 我打赌克里斯能当上下一任主管。
一、admission (n.)指入场费。
如:admission by ticket only凭票入场
He gained admission into the association. 他获准加入军个协会。
You have to pay RMB10.0 admission. 你须付10元人民币入场费。
二、charge (n.)“原价、要价”,“记在帐上”。常与for连用,不及物动词,为…收取费用。
如:What are the charges in the hotel? 这家旅馆收费多少?
Charge now,pay later.现在先记在帐上,以后付款。
They do not charge at all for their services.他们的服务是免费的。
三、cost (n.)本义为“成本”、“原价”。
如:The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.看一场电影要花七美元。
At last I bought the film rights of a novel at a moderate cost.
四、fare (n.)票价,指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。
如:All fares, please. (公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。
A single fare is 170 dollars.单程票价为170美元。
五、fee (n.)酬金,医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。
如:My lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars. 我的律师的佣金是每小时130美元。
Does your school charge school fees?你们学校收费吗?
六、freight (n.)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。
如:Who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费?
railway freight。铁路运价
七、postage (n.)指邮费。
如:How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?
Price1, postage included.包括邮资在内,价款1英镑。
The postage will be extra. 邮资另付。
八、rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。
如:The student owed three months’rent for my house.那学生欠我三个月的房租。
Rent Assistance。租金援助。
I have rented a house and paid the rent.我已租了房子, 并交了租金。
九、tip (n.)小费。
如:I gave my barber a fat tip. 我给理发师优厚的小费。
Did you tip the waiter? 你给那侍者小费没有?
I tipped the porter 50p.我给了搬运工人50便士小费。
十、toll (n.)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。
如:This month I had to pay 200 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴200元的电话费。
A man collected tolls at the gateway.一个人在大门口收通行费。
十一、tuition (n.)学费。
如:John took out a loan to pay his tuition.约翰贷款交付学费。
Emily's yearly tuition is RMB7000. Emily一年的学费是7000人民币。
出門在外就是一定要花錢的, 所謂有錢好辦事, 膽小的人有錢也能靠錢來壯壯膽. 但是有錢也不能老裝闊, 凡事還是先問問人家, "這個東西要不要
錢?" (先想想這句話英文要怎麼講) 有一次我跟一個待在美國已經一年的朋友出遊, 我發現他因為不會問 "你們收不收錢?" 這種簡單的句子, 結果就是害我們每人白白被敲詐了一塊美金. 一塊美金雖然是小錢, 但心裏上卻另人覺得不怎麼愉快. 這到底是怎麼一回事呢? 讓我們來看看這篇關於錢錢的故事.
希望大家都能有很多 ching-ching, ching-ching.
“开支”之意,如current expenses“日常开支”,selling expenses“销售
费用”,travelling expenses“旅费”等等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”
一、admission (n.)指入场费。
如:admission by ticket only凭票入场
二、charge (n.)“原价、要价”。
如:What are the charges in the hotel?
三、cost (n.)本义为“成本”、“原价”。
如:The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.看一场电影要花七美元。
四、fare (n.)指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。
如:All fares, please.
五、fee (n.)医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。
如:My lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars.
六、freight (n.)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。
如:Who will pay the freight on this order?
七、postage (n.)指邮费。
如:How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?
八、rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。
如:The student owed three months’rent for my house.那学生欠我三个月的房
九、tip (n.)小费。
如:I gave my barber a fat tip.
十、toll (n.)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。
如:This month I had to pay 200 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴200元的电话费。
十一、tuition (n.)学费。
如:John took out a loan to pay his tuition.
发布时间:2011-04-29 发布人:mti.fltrp.com
初学英语的人,常用expense来表示一切“费用”。其实expense主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,如current expenses“日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用”,travelling expenses“旅费”等等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”有各种不同的表达法:
一、admission (n.)指入场费
如:admission by ticket only凭票入场
二、charge (n.)“原价、要价”
常用复数,主要用于一次性劳务所收取的费用,如服务费、行李超重费、旅馆费等等。 如:What are the charges in the hotel? 这家旅馆收费多少?
三、cost (n.)本义为“成本”、“原价”。
如:The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.看一场电影要花七美元。
四、fare (n.)指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。 如:All fares, please. (公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。
五、fee (n.)医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。
如:My lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars. 我的律师的佣金是每小时130美元。
六、freight (n.)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。
如:Who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费?
七、postage (n.)指邮费。
如:How much postage do I need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?
八、rent (n.) 土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。
如:The student owed three months’rent for my house.那学生欠我三个月的房租。
九、tip (n.)小费。
如:I gave my barber a fat tip. 我给理发师优厚的小费。
十、toll (n.)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。
如:This month I had to pay 200 yuan toll call.这个月我要缴200元的电话费。
十一、tuition (n.)学费。
如:John took out a loan to pay his tuition. 约翰贷款交付学费。
初学英语的人,常用expense来表示一切“费用”。其实expense 主要是“花费”、“开支”之意,如current expenses“日常开支”,selling expenses“销售费用”,travelling expenses“旅费”等等。在现实生活中,各种“费用”有各种不同的表达法。下面就分类介绍一些较为常用的表示“费用”意思的词。
一、 admission (n.) 指入场费。如:
1. admission by ticket only 凭票入场
2. How much is admission for the concert? Admission free.
3. The man at the gate said we had to pay admission.
二、 charge (n.) “原价、要价”。常用复数,主要用于一次性劳务所收取的费用,如服务费、行李超重费、旅馆费等等。如:
1. The charge to repair the shoes is ten dollars.
2. What are the charges in the hotel?
3. How much luggage am I allowed? What are the charges for overweight?
4. The bill listed the charges for all services.
三、cost (n.) 其本义为“成本”、“原价”,常常用来表示对已取得的货物或劳务所支付的费用。如:
1、 We have to reduce the production costs , or we will not make a profit. 我们必须降低生产成本,否则就没利润可赚。
2、 The project was stopped because of excessive development costs. 这项计划被迫停止是因为研制成本过高。
3、I sold you this coat at cost.
4、The cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars.
5、What is the cost of this car?
四、fare (n.) 指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。如:
1、a uniform fare of one yuan for any distance
2、All fares, please. (公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。
3、Mary and I took a taxi to home from the party and split the fare. 玛丽和我一起从晚会上乘出租车回家,车费平摊。
4、What's the train fare to Beijing?
五、fee (n.) 医生、律师或其它专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。如:
1、 The doctor charged me a fee. 医生向我收了诊疗费。
2、 My lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars.
3、 The remitting bank will charge their clients a small fee for this service. 汇款银行在这项服务上向客户收取少量的手续费。
4、 John paid the parking fees. 约翰付了停车费。
5、 The membership fee of the swimming club is 200 dollars a year. 这个游泳俱乐部的会费是每年200美元。
六、freight (n.) 运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。如:
1 、Who will pay the freight on this order?
2、What is the freight on the last shipment of grain?
3、The freight must be added to the cost of the goods, that's why the prices are higher.
七、postage (n . ) 指 邮费。如:
1、How much postage do I need to send this package?
2、I’ll ask at the post office what the postage is on a letter to the United States.
八、rent (n. ) 土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。如:
1、The company has to pay a heavy rent for the land if it is located the shopping center of the town.
2、The student owed three months’rent for my house.
九、tip (n.) 通常指对一次性劳务所付的小费。如:
1、I gave my barber a fat tip. 我给理发师优厚的小费。
2、 They gave tips to porters, taxi-drivers, bellboys, waiters, and so on. There
各种钱的叫法!1. 1美元(a dollar)还叫做a single, a buck, a bill.5美元的说法有five dollars, a fiver, a five spot, five bucks.10美元的说法有a ten, ten bucks, a ten spot, a sawbuck, a teener.2. 5分:Nickel, jitney/jit10分是dime,卖便宜东西的店叫dime store,也叫five-and-dime,five-and-ten-cent store,ten-cent store25分=quarter,50分=half dollar=half-buck3. 表示钱的词还有breadHe earns his bread by writing.他通过写作赚钱。4. dough:(生面团)钱或现金in the dough: 兴旺,有钱5. green back:因钞票背面为绿色,因而得名“美钞”treasury bond:国库券6. a dime a dozen: 太普通了,不值钱,太多了。Do you think I should buy this now and bring it with us?你觉得我现在就应该买下带着吗?Don’t bother; those are a dime a dozen where we are going.不用这么麻烦;我们走的过程中就会碰到许多。Look what I found!看我找到了什么!That’s nothing special; those are a dime a dozen!没什么特别的;这些不值钱。I don’t need friends like him; they are a dime a dozen.我不需要像他那样的朋友;他们都太普通了。富二代 rich second generation or affluent second generation例句:The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to define their identity and quality of life via luxuries。rich second generation就是如今的“富二代”,而poor second generation(贫二代)则是从rich second generation衍生出的字眼。顾名思义,rich second generation出生自富裕的nouveau riche(新兴富裕)家庭,他们身着brand-name clothes(名牌服饰),开着luxury cars(豪华轿车),很多人认为这些rich second generation纯属是在flaunt their wealth(炫富)。拓展阅读:The simultaneous emergence of the "rich second generation" and “poor second generation" has triggered a heated debate in the Chinese media。同时涌现出的“富二代”与“贫二代”在中国媒体间引发了热议。While the lavishing of gifts by the country's nouveau riche on their children is seen as beyond reproach, the sharp contrast they present with the poor students, who have never seen 10100-yuan-notes at one time, is arousing concern over the yawning wealth gap。虽说这些新兴富裕阶层给自己孩子送奢华的礼物无可厚非,但是他们跟那些从来没有同时见过十张100元钱的贫困学生们形成的强烈对比,正在引起越来越多人对不断加大的贫富差距的关注。口语学习:AA制,各付各的2014-09-04 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 点击: 170 评论:0 条 【荐】2天记住4000单词的秘密口语学习:Go Dutch:AA制,各付各的不想孤单品尝美食、又担心饭后掏钱买单的吃货们,这些年兜兜转转你们还没找到陪你吃又绝不让你
多掏一分钱的小伙伴吗?发明了“AA制”的荷兰小伙伴们,遇到这种情况,一定会将荷兰式买单“go Dutch”进行到底,绝不让你枉费一个铜板!因为他们推行的付款方式是——各付各的!这可不是平分账单哦!人家是自己吃了多少就掏多少,精打细算的节奏,你行吗?If two or more Dutch people go to a restaurant, it is kind of unusual that one person pays for the rest. Most of the time, they “go Dutch”, meaning that each person pays for what they ordered. They don’t even divide the full amount in equal parts. That would be unfair as one person might spend fifty euros on top of the value they ate/drank for. Therefore summing up the total cost of each person is necessary in order to discern what the precise amount each person should pay. It wouldn’t be that strange to even hear the tapping of calculators on the table.在外面吃饭go Dutch,去荷兰人家中做客总该有吃有喝不用愁吧?有心蹭饭的童鞋们千万别打错了主意!荷兰人通常不会约你在饭点儿来家做客,即便开饭也要等你走了以后,对待赖着不走的客人,人家会直爽地告诉你没准备你的饭…… 这种待客之道, 让很多别国的小伙伴们实在不能忍。下面笑话就是嘲笑荷兰人有多“抠门”的:One day, I was in Belgium on a school trip. We stood there in a queue and next to me stood a Belgian man, who had probably heard our accents and understood that we’re Dutch. He looked at me and asked me a question.“Why do the Dutch have such enormous nostrils?”“I don’t know sir, but I do not think they’re significantly larger than any other’s,” I said.But before I could finish my sentence, the guy said with a huge smile: “Air is free!”口语学习:英文里说“小气鬼”,可以用tightwad,miser,还有skinflint来表示。另外,英文里形容人抠门还可以说:stingy 或者 penny-pinching。例如:Don't be so stingy with the sugar.(别那么舍不得放糖。)虽说荷兰人的“抠门”很极品,但人家在各类慈善活动中却也毫不含糊。每年荷兰民众向各类慈善机构捐款都超过30亿欧元,每年人均捐款超过200欧元。这些慈善行为主要都用在了国际捐助上,帮助隔着十万八千里素昧平生的人们。荷兰人不为面子花钱,看似“抠门”的省钱方式告诉大家钱还是要花,但要花得实在些。来抱怨一下物价飞涨吧2011-10-26 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 点击: 2221 评论:0 条 【荐】2天记住4000单词的秘密【新生】英语老师都推荐这本书是时候拯救你的糟糕口语了!经常听到有人感叹现在的钱越来越不值钱了,什么都涨价,就是工资不涨。好不容易涨了一点工资,却发现远远赶不上物价飞涨的速度……今天我们来学习一下如何用英语来抱怨
上涨的物价吧! 1. Price is soaring. If it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling。物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们都快要揭不开锅了。2. Prices are running wild all over the country。全国的物价都在暴涨。3. The recent rise in prices tells heavily on low-salaried employees。最近的物价上涨对低收入雇员的影响最大。4. General household goods and food prices have definitely gone up. I'm spending a lot more across the board。日常用品和食物价格肯定上涨了,总体来说我的支出多了很多。5. Prices are biting. We will have no alternative but to cut consumption the way the prices are going up。物价高得都要吃人了,我们除了减少开支没别的法子。6. We have been barely surviving because the profit has been totally wiped out by the high cost of materials。我们现在只是勉强在维持生计,原料成本都涨了,生意没什么利润可言。7. Prices are exorbitantly high in the capital。首都的物价高得不可思议。8. Several companies gang up to raise prices。几家公司串通一气抬高物价。9. Prices have gone through the roof。物价飞涨。10. Prices keep rising at a dizzy rate。物价以令人眩晕的速度不断上涨。11. The rise in prices nullified the rise in wages。上涨的物价使增加的工资化为乌有。血拼族”怎么说?2011-10-28 来源:网络 【大 中 小】 点击: 2145 评论:0 条 【荐】2天记住4000单词的秘密【新生】英语老师都推荐这本书是时候拯救你的糟糕口语了!Mall rat 血拼族Mall就是购物中心,rat就是老鼠。Mall rat当然并非真的指一种老鼠,它是指年轻人像老鼠那样在mall里钻来钻去。一到周末,许多年轻人都会去mall买东西。有的人也不见得想买什么,他们只是愿意呆在商场消磨时间。人们把经常到mall去逛的年轻人叫做:mall rat。它是一个俚语用法,指的是 a young person who loiters about shopping malls,即指那些老喜欢到购物中心去逛的年轻人。例句:Hey, there's always something to do there for us mall rats. At least a dozen fast food places where we can buy a burger, a slice of pizza, ice cream--whatever, ten different movie theaters, and a whole lot of people to watch, you know? I can spend the whole day there, you know?嗨,对我们爱逛购物中心的人来说,那儿总是有好玩的事的。那儿至少有十几个快餐店,我们可以在那里买汉堡包,意大利饼,冰淇淋等,什么都有。那儿还有十个电影院,放映不同的电影。你还可以看到好多人,你知道吗?我可以在那里玩上一整天。又如:Sure, I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But then I went out for basketball, mad
e the team and I don't have time to waste anymore!当然了,我过去是个典型的逛购物中心狂,喜欢在那里观看来来往往的人,特别是女孩子。可是,后来我去打篮球,而且进了球队,这样我就没法再浪费时间了.你是“月光族”吗?2012-06-13 来源:英语点津 【大 中 小】 点击: 2745 评论:1 条 【荐】2天记住4000单词的秘密【新生】英语老师都推荐这本书是时候拯救你的糟糕口语了!你是“月光族”吗?Donny在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是Yanglin要问的:月光族。Donny: Hey,杨琳!我们晚上要去吃饭,do you want to come along?Yanglin: 哎,我想去!可就是……没钱!Donny: Hmm? Didn't you just get a new job?Yanglin: 别提了,我是典型的月光族。每次一发工资,缴缴房租,再跟朋友吃吃饭,再到商场买买东西……钱就不知不觉用完啦!话说,这月光族用英语怎么说?Donny: hmm,月光族可以说live from paycheck to paycheck。Yanglin: live from paycheck to paycheck?Donny: 对,paycheck就是支票。在美国,很多工资是由支票的形式发给你的。所以 live from paycheck to paycheck, 就是形容盼着下一张工资单过日子。Yanglin: 这么说来,我可真是live from paycheck to paycheck!典型的月光族!不过这个月,我去夏威夷花了好大一笔钱,所以就更没闲钱了。这种开销特别大的旅行啊什么的,用英语怎么说呢?Donny: You can say: My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank.YL: 我懂了,break the bank就是形容某件东西特别贵。比如上星期,我想买LV的包,男朋友就跟我说,We can't afford this purse, it will break the bank.(我们买不起这个包,实在太贵了。)Donny: 对!你还可以说,this purse will max out my credit card. 也是特别贵的意思。YL: 这个说法形象!Max out somebody's credit card, 刷爆信用卡!Did you ever max out your credit card?Donny: Me? I would never do that! Now let's see what you've learned today!Yanglin: 第一,月光族的生活方式叫live from paycheck to paycheck;第二,非常昂贵可以说break the bank;第三,刷爆信用卡,叫max out somebody's credit card.第一,保质期是shelf life;第二,过了保质期可以用 past-date;第三,高级货叫做top shelf product, 便宜货叫做bottom shelf product!For a song 便宜货我一直想买幅油画,挂在客厅墙上,可是这里卖的画儿都特别贵。星期天,我开车路过一个小区,几家人正在一起卖旧货。我一眼就看中了一幅特别好看的油画,卖主让我开价,我说50美元,本以为根本没戏,谁知他却一口答应。在英语里,我们可以说:For a song.大家知道,Song是歌曲
的意思。For a song这个习惯用语的意思就是说买了便宜货。我最近买的油画,就可以说,I picked it up FOR A SONG.眼下,美国的房屋市场特别不景气,不过,这对买方,却是一个利好的消息。让我们听听下面的报道。"The recent downturn in the US housing market represents good news for buyers. In states like Florida, you can find expensive properties going FOR A SONG. But you had better take advantage before prices start going up."这个记者说,[美国房屋市场最近不景气,这对买房子的人来说却是个好消息。在佛罗里达这样的州,本来很贵的房子现在很便宜就能买下来。但是你最好抓住时机,不要等房价再涨上去。]目前的房屋市场虽然对买方十分有利,可是却要让急着卖房子的人吐血了。为了能让房子尽快脱手,他们不得不一再降价,还要答应买方不少额外的要求。买了房子还不够,还得买家具。我上个月到朋友Jenny家里去,她让我猜客房里那套家具多少钱,我怎么也猜不到。原来是她的邻居正好要搬家,便宜处理给她的。She got them for a song.刚才我们谈到,美国现在的房屋市场是买方市场,对卖方不利。但是在下面这个例子中,买卖双方似乎对成交的生意都很满意。让我们听听看。"My cousin is thrilled. He just accepted a marketing job overseas. Since he won't be needing his sports car, he's willing to let me have it FOR A SONG. I'll be paying so little for it, in fact, it's almost like he's giving it away."这个人说,[我表兄刚刚接受了一份新工作,要到国外去做市场营销,他高兴极了。但是他这一走,跑车就没用了,所以想要卖给我。他开的价格简直就等于白送,算是让我捡了个便宜。]我们家附近,每个周末都有跳蚤市场、古董拍卖、或是二手货的出售。只要有时间,I can find lots of good stuff FOR A SONG. 新年的时候,我痛下决心,要开始锻炼身体,结果正赶上一家体育用品商店大减价,I got a treadmill for a song. 我买了一台特别便宜的跑步机。不过,有时候买便宜货也要小心。我的一个朋友最近就买了一台价格特别便宜的HD DVD高清晰度DVD播放器。She got it for a song. 不过,HD DVD这种格式已经过时了,再便宜的机器,今后恐怕也派不上用场了。For a Song这个习惯用语可以追溯到十六世纪晚期。最早的时候,For a Song是指给街头艺人的便士,也就是几个小钱的意思。便宜货一般很少有人拒绝,但毕竟不如免费来的好。1、Any day will do? 哪一天都可以吗?2、Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?3、Are you by yourself? 你一个人来吗?4、All right with you? 你没有问题吧?5、Are you free tomorrow? 明天有空吗?6、Are you kidding me?
Can money buy happiness? Various people have various answers. Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. So, in their minds, money can bring comfort, security, and so on. Money, as they think, is the source of happiness. But there are still a lot of others who think that money is the root of all evil. Money drives people to steal, to rob, and to break the law. A lot of people became criminals just because they were in search of money. And in the Western countries, there is nothing that can’t be bought by money. Many people lose their own lives when hunting it. I think that money is essential to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can’t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured by money. It is a state of mind. One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can’t buy happiness
金钱能买来幸福吗?不同的人有不同的回答。有的人认为能,有的人则持相反的意见。 诚然一个人如果有足够的钱可以买到他想要的所有物品,过上舒适稳定的生活。然而,同样缺钱往往引起巨大的忧伤。人们常常认为“金钱是万恶之源”,对金钱的追求驱使许多人去骗去偷。在某些地方,没有钱买不到的东西,导致社会的腐化堕落。
2.Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.
Don't let your money direct you
Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives.
Money is what everybody desires. It can be used to buy food, clothes, books, bicycle, furniture and many other things people need or want.
Money is considered by many people as the most important hing in life. With money, they can go wherever they please and do whatever they want. With money, they can buy a fine house to live in, fashionable clothes to put on, and a nice bicycle to ride. And with money, they can employ attendants to serve them. In a word, money can make people comfortuble and bring them happiness.
However, money is also the source of all crimes and brings them misery. Since rnoney is so tempting, quite a few people are attracted by it and begin to go astray. By hook or by crook, they try to make money. To get more money, they gamble, swindle, steal, rob or do many other evil things, for "money makes the mare go". As a result, money leads them to jail or even to the execution grounds.
Of coarse money is useful and desirable, yet we should make money in proper way and spend our money on proper things.
What Can Money Bring Us
Today more and more people wish to get more money. They think money is everything. They say, "Money makes the mare go." If they have a lot of money, their dreams will become true, living a happy life, having a good house to live in, owing a famous car to drive and so on. In a word, they can do everything they like with, money. They can get whatever they want.
In a way, of course, money is really very important to us' all. Without money, we can do nothing and can't live on. But we must know that money can't bring us everything. With money, we can buy many things indeed, but we can't buy knowledge, precious time, true love and so on. These are the most precious things in the world. If a person has none of them, though he has a great deal of money, he is still poor. Not all people can become rich. In order to get more money, some people even break the law, stealing, robbing, cheating or doing something wrong. At last they get punished and even sent to prison.
However, money can bring us not only happiness but also misery. If money doesn't bring people real happiness, it has no value itself. We must know clearly that money doesn't mean everything.
Is Money Everything?
At present some people think that money is everything. They say that you can do everything if you have money. You can live in a beautiful house, keep a luxurious ear and have all sorts of delicious food.
I don't think so. Indeed, money can buy a lot of things we need. But there are many, many wonderful things in the world that cannot be bought with money.
For example, knowledge cannot be bought with money. One cannot be rich in knowledge unless he studies hard. Time cannot be bought with money, either. Who can buy even a second with money?
There are still many other things that cannot be bought with money: health, life, happiness, friendship, love and so on. Just think, if a person hasn't these things at all, is the money still useful?
Now, do you think money is everything?