Everyone understands the nature of war, we also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt. Some when faced with a bloody battle simply give in, but for some surrender is unacceptable, even though they know it would be a fight to the death.
The world is filled with unlikely friendships. How did they begin, with one person desperately in need and another willing to lend a helping hand. When such kindness is offered, we are finally able to see the worth of those we have previously written off, and before we've known it, a bond has formed, regardless of whether others can understand it. Yes, unlikely friendships start up everyday, no one understands this more than the lonely, in fact, and it’s what they count on.
Now and then we all need a little help, so we ask for small favors. But it's always best to be wary of those eager to come to our rescue. Because even the smallest of favors carries a price tag. Yes, everyone has an agenda, no matter what they may tell us...and in those rare instances where there is no ulterior motive; we're so taking aback that we may fail to recognize the truth - that a loving friend has just done us an enormous favor.
This is how Bree Van De Kamp finally came to change her weekly routine, she still cleaned on Tuesdays, paid her bills on Wednesdays, and did her laundries on Thursdays, but her Fridays were now reserved for a meeting, a special meeting where she stood in front of people she didn’t know, and said things she didn’t believe, and afterwards Bree would come home and reward herself on the completion of another successful week.
这就是Bree Van De Kamp如何最终改变了自己的每周安排,她仍然在周二打扫卫生;在周三付帐单;在周四洗衣服,但每个周五她要参加一个特别会议,在会议上她站在一群陌生人面前说她自己都不相信的话,然后回到家中犒劳自己,祝贺完满成功的一周。
At that precise moment as Dr Hanson Mills was cutting yet another umbilical cord, other ties were being severed all over town, like the one between a child and a mother who didn't want him to grow up so quickly, or the one between a case of fine wine and a housewife who hadn't wanted to admit she had a problem, or the one between a women and the boyfriend who couldn't forgive her betrayal. The choice to separate from what we love is painful; the only thing worse is when someone we've trusted makes the choice for us.
就在Hanson Mills医生切断另一根脐带的时候,小镇上其他的联系也被切断了。像一个母亲和儿子之间,母亲不想孩子那么快就长大;一箱好酒和主妇之间的关系,主妇不想承认她酗酒;或是一个女人和男友之间的关系,男友不能原谅她的背叛。选择离开我们的爱是痛苦的,更糟糕的是我们信任的人让我们做这样的选择。
Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame, flickering back to life, or a new friend who could end up being so much more, or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had. And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come morning, we'll have to suffer the consequences.
每个人都会受到诱惑,我们是否屈服与诱惑决定于我们识破其伪装的能力。有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴 儿。不过如果我们屈服于诱惑,那么第二天我们必须承担后果。
We've all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of, some of us have fallen for the wrong man, some have let go of the right women, there're those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事。有些人爱错了人,有些人错过了爱;有些孩子使父母 丢脸,也有些家长让孩子失望。是的,我们都犯过错使我们爱的人离我们而去。但如果我们 试着从这些错误中吸取教训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。
There's is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don't want to accept. The power of the prayer comes
from its insight into human nature. Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us; Because so many of us are cowardly, and afraid to stand up for what is right; Because so many of us give in to despair, when faced with an impossible choice. The good news for those who utter these words is that god will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no.
祈祷赐给我们力量,让我们能够面对不愿接受的事实。祈祷的力量来自它对人性的洞察力;因为太多的人对我们的生活充满愤怒;因为太多的人过于懦弱,不敢拍案而起;因为太多的 人无法选择的时候,选择对绝望妥协。好消息是敢于把话说出口的人,上帝会听到你的祈祷 并回答你。坏消息是有的时候上帝的答案是否定的。
When the truth is ugly, people try to keep it hidden, because they know if revealed, the damage it will do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, but truth , no matter how ugly, always emerges, and someone we care about always ends up getting hurt, and someone else will revel in their pain, and that's the ugliest truth of all.
It's a shocking moment for each of us that moment we realize we are all alone in this world. The family we take for granted could one day abandon us; the husband we trust so implicitly might betray us; the daughter we love so deeply perhaps won't return to us. And then we could end up all by ourselves.
对每个人来说意识到自己孤独的活在世上都是震惊无比的。我们认为理所当然的家庭会抛弃我们;我们深信无比的丈夫也可能背叛我们;我们深深爱着的女儿也许不再回到我们的身边。那时我们只能一个人孤独的走到生命的尽头。 This is the street where I used to live, and these were the people with whom I shared my life. I met them the day they moved in, and I saw what they brought with them - beautiful dreams for the future and quiet hopes for a better life not just for themselves, but for their children, too. If I could, would I tell them what lies ahead? Would I warn them of the sorrow and betrayal that lie in store? No, from where I stand now, I see enough of the road to understand how it must be traveled. The trick is to keep moving forward to let go of the fear and the regret that slow us down and keep us from enjoying a journey that will be over too soon. Yes,
there will be unexpected bends in the road, shocking surprises we didn't see coming, but that's really the point, don't you think?
这就是我曾经生活的街道,我和这些人一起分享过生活。我在他们搬来那天起认识的他们,我看到他们带来的――对美好未来的憧憬;为更好生活的向往,为自己更为了孩子。如果我可以,我会告诉他们前路是什么样的吗?我会警告他们未来的悲伤和背叛吗?不会,站在我的位子我自然明白路应该怎样走。秘诀就是放下拖慢我们脚步的艰难困苦,勇往直前的享受这快乐而又短暂的人生旅途。 Every storm brings with it hope that somehow by morning, everything will be made clean again. And even the most troubling stains will have disappeared. Like the doubts over his innocence, or the consequence of his mistake, like the scars of his betrayal, or the memory of his kiss. So we wait for the storm to pass hoping for the best, even though we know in our hearts some stains are so indelible, nothing can wash them away. 每随风暴而来的是希望——不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。像对清白的疑惑,错误的结果,背叛的创伤,亲吻的记忆。我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。即使我们清楚在心中, 有些污点是如此顽固,没有什么能将它们清除。
Have you met the perfect couple? The two soul mates whose love never dies? The two lovers whose relationship is never threatened. The husband and wife who trust each other completely. If you haven't met the perfect couple, let me introduce you. They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success? Well, for starters, they don't have to look at each other.
We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with some one who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying so we can get home that much sooner. Assuming, of course, there will be someone there to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're desperate to move on? Because we all know there's a chance we might let go too soon.
我们都在负重前行。当然,能结伴而行会很幸福, 有人帮助分担重负。但通常抛掉负担会更简单。这样我们就能早日归家。设想着,当然,有人会在家迎接我们归来。为什么有人仍然抓住行李不放,即使我们不顾一切的向前看。因为我们都知道,有的机会也许我们放弃的太快。
We all have our reasons for rewriting history. Sometimes we need to provide ourselves alibis. Sometimes we wanna hurt someone who has hurt us, and then there are times we just wanna spare ourselves embarrassment. Of course, there are some who feel that to rewrite history is just another way to lie. But what is history anyway....But a set of lies agree depend? 我们都有要改写历史的原因。有时候我们需要给自己找一些托辞。有时我们想要伤害那些曾经伤害过我们的人, 有时我们只是不想自己困窘难堪。当然,有时改写历史只是另一种方式去说谎。但是,历史究竟是什么呢。。。。难道只是一系列的谎言吗?
Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.Like the ones who create vengeance… Or the ones who hunger for love. Or the ones who were determined to burn bridges. And then there are those who simply wants something…Something that belongs to someone else.
阴谋破坏,每个人都能做,但有些人可以做得更加冷酷。像那些渴望复仇的人。。。像那些寻觅爱情的人。。。像那些决定一刀两断的人。。。也有些人的愿望简单而直接。。。有时候, 那属于其他人。
There is a place in St. Timothy church where sinners go to confess their sins. And once they are done, they expect absolution.But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness.Most who unveil his agendas deserve the condemnation they receive.Most who disclose
revengeful motives marry the punishment that follows. Only the truly repentant at any right at all expect a second chance. Were just why it's best to think twice before you confess.Especially if you don’t know what it is you're confessing to.
St.Timothy 教堂有处罪人忏悔的地方,当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕,但事实上,不是所有忏悔都值得被原谅。大多数人,秘密计划败露了,得到应有的谴责。大多数人, 报复动机暴露了,得到随之而来的惩罚,只有真心悔过,才有权利获得第二次机会。这就是为什么最好在你忏悔前先三思而后行…尤其是如果你不知道你在忏悔什么.
Sweetie, we can't prevent what can't predict.Isn't there anything I could do? Yes, yes. You can enjoy this beautiful day.We get so few of them.
There are so many things we wish we could tell the young.We'd like to persuade them not to grow up so fast.But they won't listen.We want to tell
你说以后要找就找一个对自己好的,不要对别人太好。可是却总是不禁的想,有所保留的爱还是爱吗? 你用淡去的歌喉留下我心里的忧伤,我的微笑,聚散在来去匆匆的过往里,来也茫然,去也惆怅。 我的思念依偎在这个寒冷的夜里,难以入眠。
生活累,工作累,交朋友累,爱人累,渴望家人,还是累。那么累,我不知道自己还有什么理由活着。 生活不是林黛玉,不会因为你的忧伤而风情万种,所以我们应该在忧伤中学会沉默。
漫漫人生路,缘来缘去,有谁会耐心的陪护其走完全程?又有谁肯为红尘中的那一抹忧伤停留? 面容平静,心里却揪心的难受,所有的伤都隐藏在心底的最深处,再也不想去触碰…
有的人一生都在追求梦想,却总被命运轻轻踹上一脚,无奈之际只好原路返回,静守天命遗恨终身。 总以为,这爱可以天长地久,海枯石烂,却不知是那么的不堪一击。
你不需要说什么,只需要一个手势,我便心碎;你不需要做什么,只需要说两个字,我就死亡。 两个人的恋曲里,两个人的世界中,你只走了一半的旅程,留下的我孤单一个人走,我的痴情,你是否会懂!
寂寞,你可曾想过,我在这里寂寞的想你,寂寞的等,等你不可能的回头,等你褪去年少的轻佻,等你的林花谢了春红,等你惊鸿一撇的瞧见我化做的石桥,等你看清我五百年的日晒风吹,皱纹沟壑。 黑夜让我学会了掩饰忧伤,也让我懂得了沉默。
月影如诗,诗如你的嫣然掠过我思念你的心海,撩我心帘的是你的美丽,懂我心语的是你的柔情。 多少无奈藏心中,多少惆怅化无言,最后过往都成了心底的伤痕,只有自己知道。
你有没有深爱过那样一个人,无论她在哪里,她都在你心里。你有没有深爱过那样一个人,无论你在哪里,她都在你梦里。魂牵梦萦的苦,无时无刻的苦,连绵不绝的苦,不曾间断的苦,爱很最苦。 我就像那个迷途的孩子,在感情这条道路上走了好久好久,总以为有自己的信仰,有自己的方向,就什么都可以可是却在某个血色的黄昏突然发现不知什么时候起那张泛黄的地图丢了,也没了。 我知道,时光很忙,它要忙着把我们变苍老,忙着让孩子们快些长大,还要忙着把人送进坟墓。
抬头仰望深邃的天空,一缕忧伤的情愫悄无声息的从心底蔓延开来,当泛黄的记忆,化作忧伤的思绪。 透过双眸,路边的繁华晃动,K房的歌声尽情,跑道的情人追逐,落雨在阵阵的风中破碎,一切都将这
也许就仅仅因为见惯了孤独,发现孤独也可以悠然,也许收获了太多的忧伤,发现忧伤也可以释怀。 夜,是那么的漫长,一抹落寞,死死的缠绕,独守着一窗的清冷,将红颜深深的埋进长长的发丝里,满腹的心事偷偷的寄在隔岸的风景中,折一股忧愁为引煮成一杯清酒,就着这三千丈月光,饮尽这段寂寞悲欢的闲愁。
(更新到第三季23集)整理者:风软的hellenshan 101. An odd thing happens when we die. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they'd only take the time to look. 我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。我们能突然把被我们扔在身后的这个世界看清楚。当然,大多数死人能看见的世界,活着的人也能看清楚,只要他们愿意花时间去看。 102. As I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me: the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It’s a shame really, there’s so much to see. 当我回头看看身后这个世界时;我看的如此清晰。有那么多有待发现的美丽;和那么多有待揭幕的神秘;但是人们很少会停下来看上一眼。他们只是不停的往前走,这真的很遗憾。。。。有那么多值得一看的东西! 103. Yes, I remember the world --every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was. What a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now -- there will always be those who face their fears... and there will always be those who run away. 是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节;而我记的最多的是我有多害怕;真是浪费。你看,住在恐惧中并不是真正的活着!我希望能告诉活在我身后世界的人们这个道理,但是会有用吗?可能并不会。我现在明白,总是会有人要面对他们的恐惧;也总有人会选择逃避 104. When I was alive, I maintained many different identities --lover, wife, and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people see themselves. 当我活着的时候,我保持着很多不同的身份——恋人,妻子,最终是受害者。是的,这样那样的标签对于活着的人们来说是很重要的,因为它指示了人们怎么看待自己。 105. People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders. Trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. But there will always be those who force their way into our lives, just as there will be those we invite in. But the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in...the ones we never truly get to know. 人本能都在寻找入侵者;阻止别人从外面闯入。但总有些人强行闯入我
们的生活;正如那些被我们邀请进入我们生活圈的人一样。但最令人头疼的是;那些站在外面向里面偷窥的人;是一些你根本无法去了解的人~! 其它: Life was suddenly full of possibilities, not to mention a few unexpected surprises. 生命充满了各种各样的可能,还有一些意想不到的惊喜。 The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see. 有那么多待发现的美丽,和那么有待揭幕的神秘。但人们很少会停下来看一眼,他们只是不停地往前走。这真是令人遗憾,有那么多丰富多采的事物等着去看啊。 We are all searching for someone, that special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship...or assistance...or security. And sometimes, if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us...with all three. Yes, we're all searching for someone, and if we can't find them, we can only pray they find us. 我们一直在寻寻觅觅,寻找着一位能弥补我们生命中缺陷的与众不同的人。给予友谊,或是帮助,又或者是安全的人。有些时候,要是我们能努力地寻求,我们甚至会找到能把以上三种东西都给予我们的人。是的,我们都在寻觅着,如果我们一无所获,那只能祈祝寿他们能找到我们。 We've all done something in our lives we're ashamed of. Some of us have fallen for the wrong man. Some have let go of the right woman. There are those who have humiliated their parents and those who have failed their children. Yes, we've all made mistakes that diminish us and those we love. But there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 在生活中,我们都做过一些我们为之羞愧的事情。我们中一些人爱错了男人,会错过合适的女人。有使他们的父母丢脸的孩子,有让他们的孩子失望的父母。是的,我们都会犯错,让爱我们的人离去。但还是有挽回的机会,只要我们试着从这些错误中汲取经验教训,从而成长。 Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly. Sometimes, we tell ourselves work won't interfere with our family life. Sometimes we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are. Occasionally we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible. Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one. You start by lying to yourself. And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win. 每一个人总喜欢时不时地自欺欺人。当然了,我们每人的表达方式不尽相同。有时我们告诉自己我作不
会影响家庭,有时我们幻想某段关系比实际的有有意义。有时我们会掩饰,好像这样能安慰自己我们的秘密并不是真的那么可怕。是的,自欺欺人的游戏很简单。只要你说服自己谎言是真的。要是你能可以让全世界相信这是真的,那么你就是赢家。 The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence. They're the ones who love us long before we've even arrived. They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home. Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives...feel like good mothers. 世间好爸爸到处都有。我们又如何辨认呢?他们不在身边时我们会如此地想念到要崩溃,他们在孩子还未出生前就深爱着我们,他们在我们迷失回家的路时找到我们。是的,世间处处有好父亲。而最好的父亲就是那些能让生命中的女人觉得自己是最好的母亲的人。 You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. There will always be those who face their fears...and there will always be those who run away. 恐惧的生活根本不能算是生活。总有一些人勇于面对他们的恐惧,但总有一些人会选择逃避。 Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults and learn to give up what we want so we can choose to do what is right. Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still, we try to do what is best, what is good--But for those we love. 迟早,我们都会成为有责任心的成年人,从而为正确学会了放弃。当然,终其一生的责任不会总是简单。随着岁月的流长,一些人会不负重担。但是,我们依然尽力而为——为了我们所爱的人。 We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring. Sometimes for their bravery. Sometimes for their goodness. But mostly we honor heroes, because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves. 我们都有各种理由去尊敬英雄。有的是因为英雄的胆识,有的是因为勇气,有的是善良。但我们尊敬英雄的大部分原因,多多少少是因为我们都幻想着被拯救。当然,要是真正的英雄没有出现,有时,我们就只有自我拯救了。 Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on--be they faithful friends, determined advocates or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people who we thought would always be there for us, leave. And if that happens, it's amazing the lengths we'll go to to get them back.
每一个人都需要依靠——忠实的朋友,坚定的拥护者或者是充满爱意的家庭。但有时候,我们以为会永远守护着我们的人,离去了。真是那样的话,我们就得为找回他们而走上漫漫长路。 Yes, cameras are tools designed to capture images. But in truth, they can capture so much more. They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care. They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages. Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams--dreams we didn't even know we had. 是的,照相机是用来捕捉画面的。但事实上,它能捕捉到更多东西。它能揭示一个你从不在意的男人心底隐藏的渴望;它能泄露许多普通婚姻的天大的秘密;最惊人的是,相机可以在不知觉中告知我们自己的梦想——我们从未意识到已拥有的梦想。 In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light. Whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters...or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth of ur past...we all need something to help us get through the night...even if it's just the tiniest glimmer of hope. 在一个黑暗的世界里,我们都需要光明。也许是一束让我们知道怎么挽回失去的东西的光明,也许是一座能驱走潜伏着的恶魔的灯塔;又也许是几个照亮了掩蔽着的我们过去的真相……我们都需要帮助来渡过黑夜,哪怕只是最微弱的希望的光芒。 106: The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple.Traces of evil always remain. 权力的追求始于我们年少之时。当还是孩子的时候,我们就受到“邪不能胜正”的教育。但随着年龄的增长,我们意识到没有单一的事物。邪恶如影随行。 107: Competition , it means different things to different people. But whether to friendly rivalry, or fight to the death . The end result is the same . There will be winners, and there will be losers, Of course the trick is , to know which battles to fight, you see, no victory comes without a price. 竞争因人而异,但是不管是友好竞争还是生死决斗,结果总是相同的――有赢家,也有输家。但是,诀窍是,懂得去参加什么样的竞争。要知道,胜利都是用代价换来的。 108: there is a widely-read book that tells us everyone is sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do . in contrast , there are those who assume more than their share of the blame , there are others who soothe their consc
iences with small eggs of kindness. or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time. And pray for forgiveness , some times there prayers are answered. 有一本流行的书告诉我们“每个人都是罪人”。当然了,不是每个人看了这书都对他们所作的坏事感到愧疚。相反的,有些人认为那应该比应受的谴责更多;还有些人用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心;或者告诉他们自己,他们的罪行是正当的;最后,有些人会发誓,下次会做好些,然后为了饶恕而祈祷。有时,他们的祈祷被回应了。 109: People are complicated creatures. On the one hand able to perform great acts of charity ,on the other , capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal, it is a constant battle that rages within all of us ,because the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our sinner demons, and sometimes the only way to ward off darkness, is to share a light of compassion. 人类是复杂的动物。一方面,表现着善心,另一方面,却又干阴险地背叛。我们都时常在天性的本善与内心的恶魔之间挣扎。有时候,唯一能阻挡黑暗的方法,就是闪耀怜悯的光辉。 110: trust is a fragile thing, once earned , it affords us tremendous freedom, but once trust is lost , it can be impossible to recover, of course ,the truth is we never know who we can trust , those we ‘re closest to can betray us , and total strangers can come to our rescue ,in the end, most people decide to only trust themselves, it really way is the simplest way , to keep from getting burned. 信任真是一件脆弱的东西,一旦赢得了,会提供给我们巨大的空间。而一旦失去了,就不可能再恢复了。当然,事实上我们永远不知道我们能信任谁:那些我们最亲近的人可能会背叛我们,而陌生人却能帮助我们。最后,大多数人决定只能信任他们自己。这的确是简单的办法,来防止引火上身。 111: We are all search for some one , the special person that who are provide us are missing in our lives, some one who can offer compassion ship, or resistance or security , and sometimes if we search very hard we can find someone who provide ourselves, with all three, yes for all searching for someone, and if we can’t find them , we can only pray, they will find us. 我们都在寻找一个人,他能带来我们生活中所缺少的东西:有些人能提供陪伴,或是帮助,或是安全。有时候如果我们努力寻找,我们能找到能同时提供以上三者的人。是的,我们都在寻找一个人,如果我们找不到他们,那我们只能祈祷,他会找到我们。 112: Death is inevitable, it’s a promise made to each of us at birth , b
一、 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。there is no desperate situation, only the desperate situation of the people.
二、 人之所以能,是相信能。one is able to, is able to believe.
三、 莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。(不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法) no excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success. ( no excuses for failure, but to find a successful method )
四、 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。 a great man is great, because he adversity coexistence with others, others have lost their confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals.
五、 大多数人想要改造这个世界,但却罕有人想改造自己。most people want to change the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
六、 当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 when the pain you feel sad, it is best to learn what things. Learning will make you forever remain invincible.
七、 世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。the world's the most easy thing, the delay time of the effort.
八、 积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会, 而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。active in every crisis an opportunity for all to see, and the negative people in every opportunity to see some kind of hardship.
九、 一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于99个只有兴趣者。a belief that developed power, greater than 99 is only interested in.
十、 每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 behind each of the strenuous efforts, there must be double reward.
十一、 人生伟业的建立 ,不在能知,乃在能行。life is great, not in knowledge, but in can.
十二、 任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 any restrictions, are from his heart began.
十三、 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。those who sow in tears will reap a
十四、 欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。the desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance rubdown alp.
十五、 一个能从别人的观念来看事情,能了解别人心灵活动的人永远不必为自己的前途担心。 a concept from the others things, to understand the mental activities of other people who never have to worry about his future.
十六、 一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。one of the largest bankruptcy is despair, the greatest asset is hope.
十七、 不要等待机会,而要创造机会。 do not wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.
十八、 如果寒暄只是打个招呼就了事的话,那与猴子的呼叫声有什么不同呢? if the communication is to say hello and leave it, that voice calls and monkeys have what different?
十九、 昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 more preparation last night, fewer hours of trouble today.
二十、 做对的事情比把事情做对重要。 do the right thing than to do the
important things.
二十一、 人格的完善是本,财富的确立是末。 the perfection of personality is the establishment of wealth, is the end.
二十二、 没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 do not pass without a contempt, to endure and struggle to conquer fate.
二十三、 行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧。 action is the medicine to cure fear, hesitation, delay will continue to nourish the fear. 二十四、 没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。there is no innate confidence, only by constantly cultivate confidence.
二十五、 只有一条路不能选择——那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝——那就是成长的路。 only one way is not an option -- that is the way to give up; only one way it can not refuse -- that is the way to grow.
二十六、 事实上,正确的寒暄必须在短短一句话中明显地表露出你对他的关怀。 In fact, the correct greetings in just a sentence must be clearly demonstrate your love and concern to.
1. I'm at a loss for words.我很无语 2. All happiness depends on a leisurely
breakfast!早餐决定一天的幸福指数! 3. Sometimes affection is a shy flower that
takes time to blossom.有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才能怒放。 4. Yesterday's sun can't dry today's
clothes.好汉不提当年勇。 5. One who frequently looks back can't go
far.频频回头的人,是走不了远路的。 6. We need to take some precautions.我
们要提前做好准备。 7. I will love you till the end of time.我会
爱你到海枯石烂。 8. How thick could you get?你能再“二”
一点吗? 9. Have the faith for a better tomorrow.要
相信明天会更好! 10. You got a dream.You gotta protect it.如
果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。11. That's as easy as pie.这事易如反掌。12. I can accept failure,but I can't accept not trying.我可以接受失败,但我不能接受从不去尝试。 13. You don't think that crosses a line?你不
14. I am behind you.我挺你!
15. We have good chemistry.我们一见如
故。 16. Dreams are made possible if you try.只
要努力,梦想就会实现。 17. All life is a game of luck.生活本来就
全靠运气。 18. Birds of a feather flock together.物以类
聚,人以群分。 19. What I'm doing right now,I'm chasing
perfection.我现在所做的,是为了追求更加完美。 20. I don't have the strength to stay away
from you anymore.我再也离不开你了。 21. Independence Day is one of America's
principal legal holidays.独立日是美国主要法定节日之一。 22. Nothing really matters except to live or
die.世上除了生死,其他都是小事。23. Miracles happen to those who believe in them.相信奇迹的人,才能创造奇迹。 24. Hi,July,please go easy on me!你好,七
月!希望这个月好过点! 25. Curiosity killed the cat.好奇会惹祸。
(俚语) 26. Chance favors the prepared mind.机会
是为有准备的人准备的。 27. This cell phone sure is hot stuff.这款手
28. You'll always have next year.将来机会
多得是。 29. I don't want the dead-end job.我不想
做没有前途的工作。 30. One today is worth two tomorrows.今日
之时最珍贵,明日之时不可待。 31. I am pretty useless at everything except
music.我除了音乐一无所能。 32. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat
Festival!端午节快乐! 33. The darkest hour is that before the
dawn.黎明前是最黑暗的。 34. There are no accidents.存在即合理。 35. Smile while you still have teeth.趁年轻
还有一口好牙,多笑笑吧! 36. You have the ball at your feet.我看好
你哦!(俚语) 37. Gentlemen seek harmony but not
uniformity.君子和而不同。 38. Dad,one day,I'll make you proud of me.
爸爸,总有一天,我会成为你的骄傲! 39. The good seaman is known in bad
weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。 40. Goals determine what you're going to be.奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。 41. It's you and your scent like a drug to me.
你和你的味道,让我如此着迷。 42. Any time spent being unhappy is
wasted.任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。 43. She really takes a shine to you.她真喜
欢上你了哦。 44. It's written.命中注定。
45. The devil is always in the details.细节
决定成败。 46. More haste,less speed.欲速则不达。 47. All things in their being are good for
something.天生我才必有用。 48. I feel strongly that I can make it.我坚
信,我会成功。 49. An eye finds more truth than two ears.
百闻不如一见。 50. She is an ace dancer.她是个王牌舞
蹈演员。 51. Always be a first-rate version of yourself.
做最好的自己! 52. God helps those who help themselves.
自助者,天助。 53. They are really childhood sweethearts.
他们真是青梅竹马。 54. Be innocent just like a Child.保持一颗
童心。 55. Smoking is harmful to your health.吸烟
56. Each moment of your life is a picture.生
命中的每一刻都是一幅画。 57. Life isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活
并不总是美好的。 58. NO victory comes out without price.没
有人能随随便便成功。 59. Get busy living or get busy dying.要么
好好活着,要么赶紧去死。 60. All things are obedient to money.有钱
能使鬼推磨。 61. Think big goals and win big success.目
标远大则成就伟大。 62. You make your own luck.命运由你自
己把握。 63. Even without the sun,sunflower can still
smile.没有太阳,向日葵依然可以微笑。 64. Keep your shirt on.要淡定!(俚语) 65. Those who can't lose will never win
either.输不起的人,往往也赢不了。66. My love for you will never die.我对你的爱,爱,爱不完… 67. Great minds think alike.英雄所见略
同。 68. Victory belongs to the most persevering.
坚持到底就是胜利! 69. Life was suddenly full of possibilities,not
to mention a few unexpected surprises.生命突然充满了无限可能,更有一些意外惊喜。
70. Life is short and time is swift.人生短
暂,时光飞逝。 71. All shall be well,Jack shall have Jill.有
情人终成眷属。 72. Dreams are necessary to life.梦想是
生活的必需品。 73. Mama,thank you for who I am.妈妈,谢
谢你成就了我。 74. Heal the world,make it a better place.
拯救这世界,让它成为更美好的家园。 75. Being silent is the perfect way to show
contempt.沉默是表示轻蔑的最好方式。 76. Failure shows you have reasons to start
again.失败表明你有理由重新开始。 77. Hang in there,everything will be fine.坚
持住,一切都会好起来的! 78. Never give up your dreams.Miracles
happen everyday.别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。 79. Strive to make every day joyful and
meaningful.努力让每一天都开心有意义! 80. Never too late for a fresh start.重新开
始从不太迟。 81. Every cloud has a silver lining.守得云
开见月明。 82. Youth comes but once in a lifetime.人
83. I want to see john.我想去厕所。 84. The best things in life aren't things.生
活中最美好的事情是无形的。 85. Labor vanquishes all.劳动征服一切。 86. You are the sunshine that makes my
day.你就是让我快乐的阳光。 87. Let's go on a shopping spree.我们疯
狂购物去吧! 88. Blind love mistakes a harelip for a
dimple.情人眼里出西施。 89. Life is not fair,get used to it.生活是不
公平的,去适应它! 90. Your number was up the first time I met
you.第一次遇见我,你就劫数难逃了。 91. Grow old along with me.The best is yet
to be.执子之手,与子偕老。 92. Get out of my face.离我远点! 93. Opportunity knocks but once.机不可
失,时不再来。 94. There are no shortcuts to any place
worth going.值得去的地方没有捷径。 95. Don't teach fish to swim.谚语:不要班
门弄斧。 96. You are gorgeous!你真漂亮! 97. You were the lightest thing that ever
came into my life.你曾是我生命中最
98. Destiny takes a hand.缘分天注定。 99. I wasn't born yesterday.我又不是三岁
小孩。 100. Dreams can come true!梦想是可以成
真的! 101. I couldn't get through to you.我打不通
你电话。 102. The way to a man's heart is through his
stomach.要抓住男人的心,先抓住男人的胃。 103. She's really a shopaholic.她真是个购
物狂。 104. God is shining on you.你真走运。 105. I'm the king of the world!我是世界之
王! 106. To make each day count.要让每一天
都有所值。 107. Tom is the black sheep of his family.汤
姆是个败家子。 108. You're still wet behind the ears.你还嫩
点儿。 109. She's a good-time charlie.她是个乐天
派。 110. Speak of the devil.说曹操曹操到。 111. If you are passionate about
something,pursue it.如果你想要,就勇敢去追逐!
112. The Qingming Festival is an opportunity
to remember and honour our deceased ancestors.清明节是缅怀和祭奠祖先的日子。 113. She had a bright and bubbly personality.
她性格活泼开朗。 114. Good fortune favors the brave and
courageous.好运总是眷顾那些勇敢的人。 115. Have you fallen into the trap on April
Fool's day?愚人节你上当了吗? 116. Earth Hour calls on people to turn off
their non-essential lights for one
hour.“地球一小时”活动号召人们熄灯1小时。 117. Life is about learning to dance in the
rain.人生是要学会在雨中舞蹈。 118. Be the change you want to see in the
world.欲变世界,先变自身。 119. Now millions of players are raving about
DrawSomething.如今数百万玩家痴迷于DrawSomething这款游戏 120. She's a rough diamond.她是个内秀的
人。 121. He's a man of his word.他是个靠谱的
人。 122. A smile is the most inviting of all
gestures.微笑是所有姿态中,最诱人的一种。 123. Music is my painkiller.音乐就是我的
124. A girl should be two things:classy and
fabulous.每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。 125. I love you more than beans and rice.我
爱你此生不渝。 126. She has a lot on the ball.她是一个能
干的人。 127. He always plays second banana in the
basketball matches.篮球比赛时他总是板凳球员。 128. Actions speak louder than words.事实
胜于雄辩。 129. You are such a couch potato on
weekends.你一到周末就变宅男。 130. I'm not some kind of nerd,I'm the king of
nerds.我不是什么宅男,我可是宅男之王。 131. The bag is a cheap knockoff.这包是个
山寨货。 132. Let us fall in love with each other in the
spring.春天,让我们恋爱吧! 133. Believe in yourself when no one else
does.即使没人相信你也不能绝望。134. The Arbor Day originated in the United States.植树节起源于美国。 135. She has a taste in fashion.她眼光很
独到。 136. Technology is at its very best when it’s
invisible.最棒的科技都是无形的。 137. From now on,you're under my
1 Don't set your goals according to what are deemed important by others. Only you know what is best for yourself.
2 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. 没人能回头重新来过,但谁都可以从现在起书写一个不同的结局。 3 Every drop you drink makes your life tastier! 点点滴滴,生活更美!——美汁源 4 A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.--Wag the Dog 今天的好计划胜过明天的完美计划。--《摇尾狗》 5 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 重复的行为造就了我们;因此,卓越不是一种举动,而是一种习惯。 6 There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. 成功没有电梯,只有一步一个脚印的楼梯。 7 What we know or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.
8 Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished. 强者才懂得斗争;弱者没有失败的资格,而是生来就是被征服的。 9 Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. 伟大的成就并非源自一时冲动,而是由一系列小事汇聚而成的。 10 Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. 永远都要做最好的自己,而不是第二好的别人。
11 Don't ever let somebody tell you can't do something. You got a dream, you gotta protect it! 别让别人告诉你,你成不了才!如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫! 12 When we step on the battlefield, I will be The First Boots On and the Last Boots Off. 当我们踏上战场,我必将首先发起冲锋,也必然坚守到最后。 13 Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好! 14 Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen. 有些人想成功,还有些人渴望成功,另有些人通过努力使梦想成真。 15 Everybody wants happiness. No one wants pain. But how can you make a rainbow without a little rain?
16 Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience. 不必遗憾。若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。 17 When you can't concentrate on reading, do the following: Look at the mirror or check the balance of your bank account or think about the new marriage law.
18 The moment you think about giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑着你一路坚持。
19 Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. --Napoleon Bonaparte
20 No matter how far you may fly, never forget where you come from.
21 Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. -- Oprah Winfrey
22 Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.
23 Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful or to discover something that is true.
24 Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
25 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. -- Mahatma Gandhi 如同明日将死那样生活,如同永远不死那样求知。——圣雄甘地
26 Don't make promises when you're joyful. Don't reply when you're sad. Don't make decisions when you're angry.
27 I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
28 Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
29 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
30 Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve many problems and silence is the way to avoid many problems.
31 If you're brave enough to say GOODBYE, life will reward you with a new HELLO.
32 I'll be alright. One day. Someday. Just not today.
33 I always in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful surprise.
34 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.
1.Those whom God wishes to destroy he first makes mad.
2.One day your life will flash before your eyes.Make sure its worth watching.
3.If you don’t know what you want, you won’t know when you’ve gotten it.
4.The longer we dwell on our misfortunes the greater is their power to harm us.
5.You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.
6.Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.
7.Coffee is lonely without cups. I an lonely without you.
8.Don’t be discouraged, it’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.
9.Edmund Hillary: It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
10.Relationships don’t need promises, terms and conditions. It just need two people: who can trust and who can understand.
11.Never be dependent anyone in this world. Because even your shadow leaves you when you’re in the dark.
12.Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind, don’t matter, and those who matters,don’t mind.
13.《Desperate Housewives》: We all have moments of desperation. But if we face them head on, that’s when we fond out just how strong we really are.
14.No fast track success and happiness is not the success of all high-speed road, all from the tireless efforts; all happiness, all from the extraordinary struggle and perseverance!
Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.
Can't get preference in turmoil, was forever have no fear hold
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
There is no hopeless situation, only the man who falls into despair.
Dream is worth every child yould sad thoughts
Life was constantly leave or enter
生命中 不断地有人离开或进入
Friends why always put together separate think? Soon bite
朋友为什么总是放在一块就咬 分开一会就想?
Distance is not terrible terrible is the heart is far away
距离并不可怕 可怕的是心越来越远
Time hasn't called me remember it just taught me to forgive
时光没有叫我记得 它只是教我要原谅
Envy is a knife inserted in others last not inserted himself is
嫉妒是一把刀最后不是插在别人身上 就是插进自己心里
No one can harm anyone unless that person is willing to be hurt each other
没有人可以害任何人 除非那个人愿意被对方害
Because human heart not happy ability waste is a kind of compensation
人因为心里不快乐 才浪费 是一种补偿作用
In every period of sincere narration or memory, are isexhausted before
Those have most power to hurt us, that we love.
Sometimes the hard efforts only is like
有时候 努力只不过是 努力的样子
Don't complain about god is not fair
Fading is true while flowering is past
凋谢是真实的 盛开只是一种过去
Who say who, who behind behind not be said
Just, again brilliant will end. Don't shekel is leaving
Life is a troublemaker machine
We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.
Se anche timida sono diventati una carità.
If you would be loved, love and be lovable.
It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world.
Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
Life is short,there is no time to leave the important words unsaid.
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.
Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Love makes man grow up or sink down.
Perhaps you get worse today, but tomorrow will always be new.
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. 想要实现梦想,就先从梦中醒来!
It's better to try hard to love yourself more than to wait someone to love you. 与其等到别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一些。
Forget all the reason why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will. 忘掉所有那些“不可能”的借口,去坚持那一个“可能”
Some people, some things, perhaps use again much time we all can't see clearly 有些人,有些事,或许用再多的时间我们都会看不清楚
If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to
如果没有别离 成长也就无所附丽
I don't know how far time
Everything happens for a reason
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
From darkness to light. In light of the dark
Never, never, never, never give up
Do what you say,say what you do
Never underestimate your power to change yourself!
Friendships are like rainbows. They brighten your day when you`ve been through a storm. 友谊就像彩虹,会在你闯过暴风雨时带来那一片光明。
When the world says,"Give Up!"Hope whispers,"Try it one more time".
当全世界都要我放弃, 我还是期待有人轻语一声:“ 再试一次”。
Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
What other people think of you is none of your business.
Sometimes goodbye is the only way.
The moment you think about giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long. 每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑着你一路坚持。
You can always be a worse version of "him", or better version of urself.
Pain past is pleasure.
While there is life, there is hope.
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
Storms make trees take deeper roots.
Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
The shortest answer is doing.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
Great hopes make great man.
God helps those who help themselves.
In doing we learn.
East or west, home is best.
Two heads are better than one.
Good company on the road is the shortest cut. 行路有良伴就是捷径。
Constant dropping wears the stone.
Misfortunes never come alone/single.
Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
Better late than never.
It's never too late to mend.
If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing well. 如果事情值得做,就值得做好。
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. 无热情成就不了伟业。
Actions speak louder than words.
Lifeless, faultless.
From small beginning come great things.
69. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上
70. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢
71. begin with 以…开始. to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)
72. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义
73. believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth.sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰.
74. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处.
75. for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)
76. for the better 好转
77. get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过.
78. by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生
79. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上
80. in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)
81. on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机
82. boast of (or about) 吹嘘
83. out of breath 喘不过气来
84. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之
85. in bulk 成批地,不散装的
86. take the floor 起立发言
87. on business 出差办事.
88. be busy with sth.于某事 。 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
89. last but one 倒数第二.
90. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设
91. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买
92. be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被…的
93. in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何
94. in case (=for fear that) 万一;
95. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言
96. in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)
97. be cautious of 谨防
98. center one’s attention on(=focus one’s attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上
99. be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定.
100. for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地
101. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然
102. for a change换换环境(花样等)
103. charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…
104. in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of …由…管
105. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)
106. charge…for 因…索取(费用) , charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯有…
107. round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地 108. comment on 评论
109. commit oneself to 使自己承担… commit sb. to prison把某人送进监狱; commit
one’s idea to writing 把某人的想法写下来; commit a matter to a committee 把某事交给委员会讨论
110. in common (和…)有共同之处,共用. be common to sb. 是与某人所共有的 111. keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好.
112. compare…with … 把…与…比较
113. compare…to… 把…比作…
114. by comparison 比较起来
115. in comparison with (=in contrast to) 和…比起来
116. compensate for (=give sth. to make up for) 补偿, 赔偿,弥补 compensate sb. for sth. 赔偿,弥补
117. complain of (or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情; complain to sb. about sth. (or sb.) 向某人抱怨…; complain (抱怨); complement (补充); compliment (恭维)
118. comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依从 119. conceive of (think of, imagine, consider) 想象,设想
120. concentrate on (or upon) 集中,专心
121. be concerned with (=about) 与…有关
122. concern oneself about with 关心
123. in conclusion(=as the last thing)最后一点; at the conclusion of 当…结束时; 124. condemn sb. to 判决
125. on condition that (=if)以…为条件, 假如. in that = because因为; now that = since既然 for all that = although 尽管
126. in out of condition (=thoroughly healthy or fit not fit) 健康状况好不好 . in good (bad) condition处于良好(坏)状态
127. confess(to)(=admit a fault, crime, or sth. wrong)承认, 供认; confess to a crime 承认罪行.
128. confide in (=to talk freely to sb. about one’s secret) 对…讲真心话, 依赖
129. in confidence 推心置腹地; with confidence 满怀信心地; have confidence in 对…有信心
130. confidence in sb. sth. 对…的信赖
131. be confident of 有信心; confidential 机密的
132. confine…to… 把…限制在某范围内
133. confirm sb. in 使某人更坚定(信念等)
134. conform to (=be in agreement with, comply with) 符合,遵照,遵守;1)obey 服从; 2) observe; 3)comply with照…办; 4)keep to遵循; 5)abide by服从;6)stick to按..做 135. be confronted with(=be brought face to face with) 面对, 面临
136. congratulate sb. on 祝贺
137. in connection with(=with regard to)关于,
138. be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道
139. consent to(=give agreement to permission)同意
140. in consequence (=as a result) 结果
141. in consequence of (=as a consequence of)由于…的结果
1. 142. under consideration 在考虑中
143. in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于
144. on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不
145.take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把 …考虑进去
146. considerate (=thoughtful of the needs) 体贴的, 考虑他人需要的, considerable相当大的,值得考虑的
147. consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的. consist in主要在于. consist with符合,与…一致
148. be consistent with(=be in agreement with)与…一致. be consistent in一贯的 , 149. consult sb. on about sth. 向…征求…方面的意见, 就…向…请教
150. to one’s heart’s content尽情地,痛痛快快
151. be content with(=be satisfied with) 满足于be content to do sth. 愿意做某事 152. contrary to (=in opposition to) 与…相反
153. on the contrary 相反
154. contrast…with 把…与…相对(对照)
155. in contrast towith 和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下
156. contribute to 有助于
157. under control (被)控制住 out of control无法控制
158. at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one) 在方便的时间或地点 .be convenient to for 对…方便
159. convince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.) 使某人确信,try to persuade sb. to do sth.劝说某人做…
160. cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理
161. in the corner(of)在角落里;on(at) the comer of a street在街道拐弯处;round the comer拐过弯; be in a tight corner陷入困境
162. correspond (with) ( =exchange letters regularly) 通信
163. correspond to 相当于 . correspond with 符合,一致
164. at all costs不惜任何代价 . at the cost of 以…为代价
165. a matter of course 理所当然的事
166. as a matter of course 当然地, 自然地
167. in (during) the course 在…过程中
168. in due course (=without too much delay) 没经过太久, 到一定时候
169. on credit赊购; with credit以优异成绩; to one’s credit使某人感到光荣; do sb. credit 使…感到光荣
170.be critical of 爱挑毛病的,批评的
171. cure sb. of+某种疾病 治好某人的疾病
172.a danger to对…的危险; be in danger(of)处于…危险中; be out of danger脱离危险 173. to date(=so far, until now) 到目前为止
174. out of date过时的;up to date新式的,时兴的; date back to可追溯到; date from从某时期开始(有)
175. deal with (=concern) 论及
176. be in debt to sb. 欠…的债
177. on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中 in decline 下降; on the increase 在增加
178. to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴 to one’s regret 遗憾; sorrow悲痛; relief 安心; distress 苦恼; shame羞愧; surprise 惊奇; astonishment 惊奇;
179. delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐
180. take (a) delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐
181. demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西. demand sth. from sb. 向某人要求(物质的)东西
182.in demand有需求;on demand受到要求时
183. be dependent on 依靠
184. deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物
185. derive…from(=obtain…from)从…取得,由…来的.derive from(=come from)起源于 186. despair of (=lose all hope of) 绝望
187. in despair 绝望
188. despite (=in spite of) 不管, 尽管
189. in detail 详细地
190. deviate from 偏离, 不按…办
191. on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食
192. differ from…in 与…的区别在于…
193. in difficulties…有困难,处境困难,
194. discharge sb. (from)…for (=dismiss sb. from a job for) 因…解雇, 开除
195. fall back (=retreat, turn back) 撤退; in disorder 慌乱地, 狼狈不堪
196. on display(=being shown publicly)陈列
197. dispose of (=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉
198. beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议
199. in dispute 在争议中
200. in the distance 在远处. make out 辩认出
201. (be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与…截然不同
202. distinguish between (=make or recognize differences) 辨别
203. distinguish…from 把…与…区别开
204. do away with(=get rid of; abolish; discard eliminate) 除去,废除,取消; do away with (=kill) 杀掉, 镇压
205. have…to do with 与…有关系
206. without doubt (=undoubtedly)无可置疑地
207. in doubt(=in a condition of uncertainty)对…表示疑惑
208. be due to 是由于
209. come off duty 下班
210. go on duty 上班
211. be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时
212. be in duty bound to (do) (=be required by one’s job or esp. by conscience) 有义务(做)
213. be eager for 想得到, 盼望
214. by ear (=play music from memory without having seen it printed) 凭记忆,不看乐谱
215. have an ear for (=have keen recognition of sounds esp. in music and language)对..有鉴赏力
216. a word in one’s ear 私房话, 秘密话
217. on earth 究竟, 到底, 全然
218. with ease ( = easily) 容易, 不费力
219. at (one’s) ease ( = without worry or nervousness) 自在,不拘束
220. put sb. at his her ease (=free sb. from worry or nervousness)使某人感到无拘束 221. economize on (=save sth. instead of being wasteful) 节省
222. have an effect on 对…有影响
223. be in effect (=be in operation) 有效
224. go into effect 生效. ( 近 come into effect; take effect; be brought into effect) 225. in effect (=in fact, really) 实际上
226. give effect to (=carry out) 实行,使…生效
227. to no effect 不起作用,没有取得任何效果
228. (be) of no effect (=useless) 无效
229. to the effect that 大意是…,主要内容是…
230. to that effect 是那个意思的…
231. emerge from ( =appear, become known ) 出现, 暴露(问题. 意见等)
232. place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上
233. encourage sb. in 鼓励; encourage sb. in hisher work 鼓励某人工作; encourage sb. in hisher idleness 怂恿某人游手好闲
234. encourage sb. in …with sth. 用…鼓励某人做某事
235. on end (=continuously) 连续地
236. (be) at an end (=finished) 结束了