
| 翻译 |






























































四松初移时,大抵三尺强。别来忽三载,离立如人长。 会看根不拔,莫计枝凋伤。幽色幸秀发,疏柯亦昂藏。 所插小藩篱,本亦有堤防。终然掁拨损,得吝千叶黄。 敢为故林主,黎庶犹未康。避贼今始归,春草满空堂。 览物叹衰谢,及兹慰凄凉。清风为我起,洒面若微霜。 足以送老姿,聊待偃盖张。我生无根带,配尔亦茫茫。 有情且赋诗,事迹可两忘。勿矜千载后,惨澹蟠穹苍。 小松






1. 世界经济联系日益频繁,商业往来日益紧密,这主要归因于现代通讯系


The increasingly frequent association of the world economy and the closer commercial contact are mainly attributable to the rapid development of modern communication and transport systems, which have made the integration of world economy possible.

2. 夜幕垂垂的下来时,大小船上都点起灯火。从两种玻璃里映出那辐射着


When night falls and lanterns on all the boats are lit, the soft, yellow light piercing two layers of glass sheds a vast halo of haze and casts shimmering stripes on the dim, rippling water.

雄伟壮观的长城是中华民族创造的最宏伟的工程奇迹,她像一条巨龙,飞舞于广袤的平原,绵亘于群山峻岭,显示着中华民族的智慧和力量。The grand and spectacular Great Wall is the most magnificent construction miracle created by the Chinese people. It winds its way like a huge dragon through the vast plains and the undulating mountains, showing the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

3. 像美国这样拥有高技术劳工和肥沃耕地的国家,它的相对优势就表现在


The comparative advantage of the United States, a country with a highly skilled labor force and an abundance of fertile farmland, lies in the production of high-technology manufacturing products(computers, aircraft, and scientific instruments, for example) and land-intensive agricultural prodicts(wheat, corn, and soybeans).

4. 艺花可以邀蝶,雷石可以邀云,栽松可以邀风,贮水可以邀萍,筑台可


Planting flowers serves to invite butterflies, piling up rocks serves to invite the clouds, planting pine trees serves to invite the wind, keeping a reservoir of water serves to invite duck-week, building a terrace serves to invite the moon, planting banana trees serves to invite the rain, and planting willow trees serves to invite the cicadas.

5. 登上骊山,举目北望,渭水如带,阡陌纵横;俯视山麓,林木葱郁,殿


Looking north from the mountain top, the Wei River in the distance is like a belt ,running through a vast expanse of fields with crisscross footpath ;looking down at the foot of the hill, the verdant trees, splendid temples, and pavilions ,pools, bridges and corridors nearby add radiance and beauty to each other, like a roll of colorful brocade embroidery unfolding before one’s eyes.

6. 他们一同在一处院落里的台阶上坐下来。从那里可以望见一个小小的庭


They sat some distance apart on the terraced steps of the innermost courtyard overlooking a litter garden which had run wild and a green pond where frogs croaked from time to time.

7. 这样,我就开始准备写“中国的词”的论文。其实,同年在家里我喜欢读


I began to prepare for my dissertation on “Chinese ci”, a subject of which I had never made a thorough study before though I liked to read this kind of poetry in my childhood.

8. 昨奉大函, 诵悉一是。尊稿极佳;唯篇幅甚长,本志地位有限,故不克


I received your letter yesterday. Your article is very good, but I am sorry that owing to pressure of space, I find it too long to be published.

Thank you for submitting your manuscript yesterday. While it is a good article, I don’t feel strongly enough to consider publish such a long one. I do hope you find a home for it.

9. 少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。

Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.

10. 许多大型工程项目承包的暗箱操作,国企专制中的投机现象,以及权力

掌控下国有资产的大量流失,使得这部分人的财富以几何级数增长。 While their personal wealth has grown exponentially, the prevalence of under-the-counter operations in project contracting, speculation in the restructuring of SOEs and many other illegal practices under the shield of power has caused enormous losses in public assets.

作为一座国际大都市,上海的国际航班可直达曼谷、首尔、大阪、长崎、广岛、布鲁塞尔、法兰克福、、旧金山、多伦多、温哥华等20多座城市。As an international metropolis, shanghai provides direct flights to over 20cities in the world ,such as Bangkok ,Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Brussels Frankfurt, New York, los Angeles ,San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto ,Vancouver and Sydney . Bangkok, Seoul, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Brussels, Frankfurt,, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver.

11. 但天然林停伐与退耕还林具有长远的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,


Nevertheless, the campaign of deforestation prohibition and restoration of the reclaimed land to forest will bring about far-reaching ecological, economic and social benefits and now the regions are well-prepared for its implementation.

12. 书是我青春期的恋人,中年知己,暮年的伴侣,有了它,我就不再忧愁


Books are my sweethearts in my youth, my bosom friends in my middle age, and my companions in my declining years, accompanied by books, I never feel lonely ,nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the would ,they have made me a rich man of man in the inner world. I cannot do without them even for a single day .

13. 中国庙宇的墙上经常绘有八卦、阴阳的象征和太极的图案。

The Eight Trigrams, the yin-yang symbol and the Tai ji (an egg-like symbol of two fish placed head to tail) are often depicted on walls of Chinese temple.

14. 当前,国有经济战线太长,重复建设严重,布局过于分散,企业规模偏

小,素质较差,这是造成国有企业经营困难,高收入、低产出,高消耗、低收益的重要原因。 Wide industrial distribution, duplicated construction, small size of individual businesses, and poor quality are major factors causing operational difficulties in SOEs, such as high input and low output, and high consumption and low efficiency.

At present, the strength of the state-owned sector is spread too thin . Moreover, it is haunted by such problems as repeated construction, excessively scattered distribution of industry, small scale of the enterprises and poor product quality. These problems cause many difficulties for the management of state-owned enterprises, such as high input, low output, high consumption of energy and other resources and low efficiency


So if God would give an important task to a certain person, the first things he does are to temper his will power, fatigue his muscles and bones, starve his stomach and destitute his body. God would not make any kind of his action satisfactory as he wishes in order to shock his heart, make his temperament persistant and dauntless, and?increase his ability.

15. 高层建筑虽然被看成是城市化的不可避免的结果,也看成是现代文明的


High-rise buildings, although seen as the inevitable result of urbanization and the symbols of modern civilization, have raised public concern, because they bring with them a series of environmental and traffic problems as well as potential danger of damage from earthquakes and fires.

16. 四十岁的女人有什么可伤感的呢?可以不再为嗷嗷待哺的婴儿牵肠挂肚,

爱情之舟大多已驶入宁静的港湾。四十岁的女人也积累了相当的工作经验,事业上一样叱诧风云,游刃有余。 What is there to sadden a woman of forty? There are no more suckling babies in need of constant care, and in most cases love's boats has sailed into a calm, tranquil harbor. Richly experienced and more than equal to her work, she is building a brilliant career.

17. 亚洲是最大的洲,在地理上变化最多,其地貌包括巨大的、由沙漠覆盖


Asia, the largest continent, is the most geographically diverse, its landforms

including large desert-covered plateaus and such high mountains as the Himalayas, whose Mt. Qomolangma is the tallest in the world.

18. 他们受过专门训练,能把废话说得娓娓动呀,似乎胸中颇有经纬,实则

多半是绣花枕头草肚皮。 In terms of professions, diplomats are probably the greatest purveyors of verbiage, but they have received professional training and can make their prolixity quite absorbing: they gave the impressions of having everything worked out, whereas in fact it is a case of “embroidered pillow case but straw stuffing”

19. 赛龙舟、放风筝、扭秧歌、围棋、气功和太极拳是深受汉族和各少数民


Dragon boat race, flying kites, Yangge dance, I-go, Qigong and Shadowboxing are traditional sports loved by all minorities.

Dragon-boat racing, kite flying, yangge dancing, weiqi, qigong and taijiquan are traditional sports popular among both Han people and the people of ethnic minorities.

20. “读书就是挣大钱娶美女”的看法无疑并无任何新鲜之处,它无非是古

话 “书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”的现代直译。

The view that the purpose of study is to earn lots of money and marry a beauty is nothing more than an interpretation of the old saying “through study, one can find a gold house and a beautiful woman.”

21. 赵老先生现在已经开始编织他的第二张书法壁毯:中国北宋名将岳飞的


Zhao is now weaving his second “calligraphy tapestry”, he is weaving into his tapestry a verse by YueFei, a general in the Northern Song Dynasty. He has finished weaving into his first calligraphy tapestry aprose by Fan Zhongyan, a renowned poet and statesman in the Northern Song Dynasty.

22. 古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求,



1. 世界经济联系日益频繁,商业往来日益紧密,这主要归因于现代通讯系


The increasingly frequent association of the world economy and the closer commercial contact are mainly attributable to the rapid development of modern communication and transport systems, which have made the integration of world economy possible.

2. 夜幕垂垂的下来时,大小船上都点起灯火。从两种玻璃里映出那辐射着


When night falls and lanterns on all the boats are lit, the soft, yellow light piercing two layers of glass sheds a vast halo of haze and casts shimmering stripes on the dim, rippling water.

雄伟壮观的长城是中华民族创造的最宏伟的工程奇迹,她像一条巨龙,飞舞于广袤的平原,绵亘于群山峻岭,显示着中华民族的智慧和力量。The grand and spectacular Great Wall is the most magnificent construction miracle created by the Chinese people. It winds its way like a huge dragon through the vast plains and the undulating mountains, showing the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people.

3. 像美国这样拥有高技术劳工和肥沃耕地的国家,它的相对优势就表现在


The comparative advantage of the United States, a country with a highly skilled labor force and an abundance of fertile farmland, lies in the production of high-technology manufacturing products(computers, aircraft, and scientific instruments, for example) and land-intensive agricultural prodicts(wheat, corn, and soybeans).

4. 艺花可以邀蝶,雷石可以邀云,栽松可以邀风,贮水可以邀萍,筑台可


Planting flowers serves to invite butterflies, piling up rocks serves to invite the clouds, planting pine trees serves to invite the wind, keeping a reservoir of water serves to invite duck-week, building a terrace serves to invite the moon, planting banana trees serves to invite the rain, and planting willow trees serves to invite the cicadas.

5. 登上骊山,举目北望,渭水如带,阡陌纵横;俯视山麓,林木葱郁,殿


Looking north from the mountain top, the Wei River in the distance is like a belt ,running through a vast expanse of fields with crisscross footpath ;looking down at the foot of the hill, the verdant trees, splendid temples, and pavilions ,pools, bridges and corridors nearby add radiance and beauty to each other, like a roll of colorful brocade embroidery unfolding before one’s eyes.

6. 他们一同在一处院落里的台阶上坐下来。从那里可以望见一个小小的庭


They sat some distance apart on the terraced steps of the innermost courtyard overlooking a litter garden which had run wild and a green pond where frogs croaked from time to time.

7. 这样,我就开始准备写“中国的词”的论文。其实,同年在家里我喜欢读


I began to prepare for my dissertation on “Chinese ci”, a subject of which I had never made a thorough study before though I liked to read this kind of poetry in my childhood.

8. 昨奉大函, 诵悉一是。尊稿极佳;唯篇幅甚长,本志地位有限,故不克


I received your letter yesterday. Your article is very good, but I am sorry that owing to pressure of space, I find it too long to be published.

Thank you for submitting your manuscript yesterday. While it is a good article, I don’t feel strongly enough to consider publish such a long one. I do hope you find a home for it.

9. 少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。

Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.

10. 许多大型工程项目承包的暗箱操作,国企专制中的投机现象,以及权力

掌控下国有资产的大量流失,使得这部分人的财富以几何级数增长。 While their personal wealth has grown exponentially, the prevalence of under-the-counter operations in project contracting, speculation in the restructuring of SOEs and many other illegal practices under the shield of power has caused enormous losses in public assets.

作为一座国际大都市,上海的国际航班可直达曼谷、首尔、大阪、长崎、广岛、布鲁塞尔、法兰克福、、旧金山、多伦多、温哥华等20多座城市。As an international metropolis, shanghai provides direct flights to over 20cities in the world ,such as Bangkok ,Singapore, Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Brussels Frankfurt, New York, los Angeles ,San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto ,Vancouver and Sydney . Bangkok, Seoul, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Brussels, Frankfurt,, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver.

11. 但天然林停伐与退耕还林具有长远的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,


Nevertheless, the campaign of deforestation prohibition and restoration of the reclaimed land to forest will bring about far-reaching ecological, economic and social benefits and now the regions are well-prepared for its implementation.

12. 书是我青春期的恋人,中年知己,暮年的伴侣,有了它,我就不再忧愁


Books are my sweethearts in my youth, my bosom friends in my middle age, and my companions in my declining years, accompanied by books, I never feel lonely ,nor fear social snobbery or fickleness of the would ,they have made me a rich man of man in the inner world. I cannot do without them even for a single day .

13. 中国庙宇的墙上经常绘有八卦、阴阳的象征和太极的图案。

The Eight Trigrams, the yin-yang symbol and the Tai ji (an egg-like symbol of two fish placed head to tail) are often depicted on walls of Chinese temple.

14. 当前,国有经济战线太长,重复建设严重,布局过于分散,企业规模偏

小,素质较差,这是造成国有企业经营困难,高收入、低产出,高消耗、低收益的重要原因。 Wide industrial distribution, duplicated construction, small size of individual businesses, and poor quality are major factors causing operational difficulties in SOEs, such as high input and low output, and high consumption and low efficiency.

At present, the strength of the state-owned sector is spread too thin . Moreover, it is haunted by such problems as repeated construction, excessively scattered distribution of industry, small scale of the enterprises and poor product quality. These problems cause many difficulties for the management of state-owned enterprises, such as high input, low output, high consumption of energy and other resources and low efficiency


So if God would give an important task to a certain person, the first things he does are to temper his will power, fatigue his muscles and bones, starve his stomach and destitute his body. God would not make any kind of his action satisfactory as he wishes in order to shock his heart, make his temperament persistant and dauntless, and?increase his ability.

15. 高层建筑虽然被看成是城市化的不可避免的结果,也看成是现代文明的


High-rise buildings, although seen as the inevitable result of urbanization and the symbols of modern civilization, have raised public concern, because they bring with them a series of environmental and traffic problems as well as potential danger of damage from earthquakes and fires.

16. 四十岁的女人有什么可伤感的呢?可以不再为嗷嗷待哺的婴儿牵肠挂肚,

爱情之舟大多已驶入宁静的港湾。四十岁的女人也积累了相当的工作经验,事业上一样叱诧风云,游刃有余。 What is there to sadden a woman of forty? There are no more suckling babies in need of constant care, and in most cases love's boats has sailed into a calm, tranquil harbor. Richly experienced and more than equal to her work, she is building a brilliant career.

17. 亚洲是最大的洲,在地理上变化最多,其地貌包括巨大的、由沙漠覆盖


Asia, the largest continent, is the most geographically diverse, its landforms

including large desert-covered plateaus and such high mountains as the Himalayas, whose Mt. Qomolangma is the tallest in the world.

18. 他们受过专门训练,能把废话说得娓娓动呀,似乎胸中颇有经纬,实则

多半是绣花枕头草肚皮。 In terms of professions, diplomats are probably the greatest purveyors of verbiage, but they have received professional training and can make their prolixity quite absorbing: they gave the impressions of having everything worked out, whereas in fact it is a case of “embroidered pillow case but straw stuffing”

19. 赛龙舟、放风筝、扭秧歌、围棋、气功和太极拳是深受汉族和各少数民


Dragon boat race, flying kites, Yangge dance, I-go, Qigong and Shadowboxing are traditional sports loved by all minorities.

Dragon-boat racing, kite flying, yangge dancing, weiqi, qigong and taijiquan are traditional sports popular among both Han people and the people of ethnic minorities.

20. “读书就是挣大钱娶美女”的看法无疑并无任何新鲜之处,它无非是古

话 “书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”的现代直译。

The view that the purpose of study is to earn lots of money and marry a beauty is nothing more than an interpretation of the old saying “through study, one can find a gold house and a beautiful woman.”

21. 赵老先生现在已经开始编织他的第二张书法壁毯:中国北宋名将岳飞的


Zhao is now weaving his second “calligraphy tapestry”, he is weaving into his tapestry a verse by YueFei, a general in the Northern Song Dynasty. He has finished weaving into his first calligraphy tapestry aprose by Fan Zhongyan, a renowned poet and statesman in the Northern Song Dynasty.

22. 古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求,










1 采樁:在立春前後樹脂萌動之前進行,帶土團並保護好須根,封根頭和傷口,去五分之二到二分之一的枝葉量,保持根與枝葉的平衡。

2 栽種:要用寬大的土盆,用木箱或下地栽種最好。用土松散透氣,不予消毒殺菌。培土三分之二時水吸一次,第二天用幹土再培三分之一吸潮,保持適當幹濕度。初期爲防止長期雨天,可在略高的培土上圍披一圈塑料薄膜,以能蓋住盆缽或樹窩爲度。置避風、溫暖、向陽處。

3 管理:初期適當遮蔭,成活後全日照。保持良好通風。盆土見幹見濕,略幹。用肥常規。

4 造型:剪截與攀紮、嫁接相結合。注意生長期迫芽和發芽期打頂。


1 山松是強日照植物,日照不足會生長不良。

2 經常清理老針和枯針,保持適當的針葉量,以利通風和采光。

3 相對固定養護位置,不要經常移動。

4 對修剪和嫁接傷口必須及時密封,放止流膠。

5 山松是淺根性樹種,不宜深栽。

6 山松對土壤要求較高,須認真對待。

7 山松枝上無枝葉時易縮節枯死。

8 初期注意避風防震,以免搖樹拉根。小樹打樁固定,大樹立支架固定。













































Pines on the mountain clinging to the rock surface instead of taking roots in soil. The ancient pines in fantastic shapes rise high into the sky, or hung upside down.

 Explanation

Beidi (God of the North)

Pangu Cave

Zhongsi Cave

 Amplification

Near the forest is the WD cave, which is said to the very place where Lady White, the legendary heroine of The Story of the White Snake cultivated herself according to the Buddhist doctrine.

 Reduction and Adjustment

Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation”, Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for the Dragon Festival.

 Analogy The construction of the Forbidden City took 14 years, and was finished in 1420, 72 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.

The moon goes down and crows caw in the frosty sky,

Dimly-lit fishing boats ’neath maples sadly lie.

Beyond the Gusu walls the Temple of Cold Hill,

Rings bells which reach my boat, breaking the midnight still.

For a cup of wine, a new song I write,

With last year’s weather and pavilion in sight.

When will the westerly sun regain its light?

Blossoms fall one by one for all we can do;

Swallows come back, whom I seem to know.

On a sweet garden path, alone I pace to and fro.

Thick clouds and thin mist of incent sadden me

The whole day, dreary and dismal;

The sticks in the lion shaped censer, I see

Are burning out their fragrant smell.

Now comes the Double-Ninth Festival;

At midnight a cold creeps through

The gauze curtain and to the jade pillow.

At dusk, I sip wine by the east fence;

And into my sleeves a dim sweetness blows;

Say not that I am void of tender sense;

The west wind, rolling up the blind, knows

My face is thinner than chrysanthemums.

Breaking Mount Heaven’s gate, the great River rolls through,

Green Billow eastward flow and here turn to the north.

From both sides of the River thrust over the cliffs blue;

Leaving the sun behind, a lonely sail comes forth.

Drinking at Eastern Slope by night,

I sober, then get drunk again.

When I came back, it’s near midnight.

I hear the thunder of my houseboy’s snore;

I knock, but no one answers at my door.

What can I do but, leaning on my cane,

Listen to the river’s refrain?

I long regret I am not master of my own.

When can I just ignore the hums of up and down?

In the still night, the soft winds quiver

On ripples of the river.

From now on I would vanish with my little boat;

For the rest of my life on the sea I would float.

My new brew gives green glow;

My red clay stove flames up.

At dusk it threatens snow.

Won’t you come for a cup?


1. 世界经济联系日益频繁,商业往来日益紧密,这主要归因于现代通讯系统和运输系统的飞速发


2. 夜幕垂垂的下来时,大小船上都点起灯火。从两种玻璃里映出那辐射着的黄黄的散光,反晕出


3. 雄伟壮观的长城是中华民族创造的最宏伟的工程奇迹,她像一条巨龙,飞舞于广袤的平原,绵


4. 像美国这样拥有高技术劳工和肥沃耕地的国家,它的相对优势就表现在制造计算机、飞机和科


5. 艺花可以邀蝶,雷石可以邀云,栽松可以邀风,贮水可以邀萍,筑台可以邀月,种蕉可以邀雨,


6. 登上骊山,举目北望,渭水如带,阡陌纵横;俯视山麓,林木葱郁,殿宇辉煌,亭台楼阁,池


7. 他们一同在一处院落里的台阶上坐下来。从那里可以望见一个小小的庭院,蓬生着杂草和野树,


8. 这样,我就开始准备写“中国的词”的论文。其实,同年在家里我喜欢读词读赋,但对于词,我


9. 昨奉大函, 诵悉一是。尊稿极佳;唯篇幅甚长,本志地位有限,故不克刊登,良用歉然。

10. 少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰时,要做学问也来不及了。

11. 许多大型工程项目承包的暗箱操作,国企专制中的投机现象,以及权力掌控下国有资产的大量


12. 作为一座国际大都市,上海的国际航班可直达曼谷、首尔、大阪、长崎、广岛、布鲁塞尔、法


13. 但天然林停伐与退耕还林具有长远的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,现在实现这两大工程条


14. 书是我青春期的恋人,中年知己,暮年的伴侣,有了它,我就不再忧愁寂寞,不再怕人情冷暖,


15. 中国庙宇的墙上经常绘有八卦、阴阳的象征和太极的图案。

16. 当前,国有经济战线太长,重复建设严重,布局过于分散,企业规模偏小,素质较差,这是造


17. 高层建筑虽然被看成是城市化的不可避免的结果,也看成是现代文明的象征,但已引起了社会


18. 四十岁的女人有什么可伤感的呢?可以不再为嗷嗷待哺的婴儿牵肠挂肚,爱情之舟大多已驶入宁


19. 亚洲是最大的洲,在地理上变化最多,其地貌包括巨大的、由沙漠覆盖着的高原,也包括像喜


20. 他们受过专门训练,能把废话说得娓娓动呀,似乎胸中颇有经纬,实则多半是绣花枕头草肚皮。

21. 赛龙舟、放风筝、扭秧歌、围棋、气功和太极拳是深受汉族和各少数民族喜爱的传统运动项目。

22. “读书就是挣大钱娶美女”的看法无疑并无任何新鲜之处,它无非是古话 “书中自有黄金屋,


23. 赵老先生现在已经开始编织他的第二张书法壁毯:中国北宋名将岳飞的词——《满江红》,原稿


24. 古往今来,旅游一直是人们增长知识、丰富阅历、强健体魄的美好追求,比如在我国古代,先


25. 中国是世界四大文明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的森林,壮丽的山河,如利剑直插云霄的


26. 重温仓促来去的日子,那成熟之前的天真幼稚印象最深:爱、被爱、错失、落叶般瑟缩的痛苦以


27. 书是我的良友。它给我一把金钥匙,诱导我打开浅短的视界、愚昧的头脑、闭塞的心灵,它从


28. 陶尽门前土,屋上无片瓦;十指不沾泥,鳞鳞居大厦。

29. 红豆生南国,春来发几枝。愿君多采撷,此物最相思。

30. 绿蚁新醅酒,红泥小火炉。 晚来天欲雪,能饮一杯无?

【语篇翻译2A】 If I were king, I would be addressed as "Your Majesty" and every word of mine would become a " royal edict". All my subjects would leave no stone unturned to carry out every will, every avaricious desire and even every whim of mine, even though they were all beyond the possible. I would do no wrong simply because no one dared to call it a wrong. I would commit no crime simply because no one dared to call it a crime. No one would dare to berate or find fault with me unless I was removed from the throne, which meant that I was no longer the king. I would see all people hang their heads, bow low or prostrate themselves at my feet, including my respected elders, teachers, friends and even those who had used to swagger arrogantly in front of me. I could see none of their faces; all I could see were the tops of their heads or the hats or helmets on their heads. The only faces I could see would be ingratiating or supplicating—faces that dared not smile to express joy; faces that dared not refrain from a forced smile when there was no joy at all to justify a smile; faces that dared not cry to express sorrow; faces that dared not refrain from a feigned cry when there was no sorrow to justify a cry. I could hear no true voices of my people. All I could hear would be the feeble, soft, timid and affected voice, like that of a female Peking opera singer, chanting, "Long live the King!" That would be their language in total. “Great is the King, our enlightened lord! ” That would be the sole content of their language. There would be no one above me or on an equal footing with me. I would even feel bored, lonely and isolated.

【语篇翻译2B】 If I were King, my name would be changed to "Your Majesty" and every word I said would be an " imperial edict". My will, my avaricious desires, or my wild fantasies, even if they were impossible to be carried out, would be carried out by my subjects with the greatest efforts they could ever make. I would be immune from making mistakes, for no one had the guts to call what I said or did a mistake. I would be immune from committing crimes, for no one had the guts to accuse me of any crime. No one had the guts to reproach me or find fault with me, unless they pulled me off the throne (in which case I would be no King at all). I would see all the people bending their heads and bowing, and prostrating themselves at my feet, including my respected elders, teachers, friends and those who had once swaggered around in front of me. I would not be able to see their faces; all I could see was the top of their heads or hats or helmets. Or, if I ever got a glimpse of their faces, they were ingratiating and begging faces, faces that dared not smile when happy and dared not refuse to smile when unhappy,

and faces that dared not weep when grieved and dared not refuse to weep when not so grieved. I would not be able to hear their real voices; all I could hear was their low, soft, timid and silly shouts of "A long life, a long life and a long long life" , like the faint singing of young maids in Beijing opera. All they could say was: "Our enlightened King, our great Lord. " This was all they could utter. There was no one else above me and no one else claimed to be my equal. I was so isolated that I was bored and lonely.

语篇翻译2A】 The district of Chu is entirely surrounded by hills, and the peaks to the south-west are clothed with a dense and beautiful growth of trees, over which the eye wanders in rapture away to the confines of Shantung. A walk of two or three miles on those hills brings one within earshot of the sound of falling water, which gushes forth from a ravine known as the wine-Fountain; while hard by in a nook at a bend of the road stands a kiosque, commonly spoken of as the Old Drunkard's Arbour. It was built by a Buddhist priest, called Deathless Wisdom, who lived among these hills, and who received the above name from the Governor. The latter used to bring his friends hither to take wine; and as he personally was incapacitated by a very few cups, and was, moreover, well stricken in years, he gave himself the sobriquet of the Old Drunkard. But it was not wine that attracted him to this spot. It was the charming scenery, which wine enabled him to enjoy. (Herbert A.


【语篇翻译2B】 The country of Chu is entirely surrounded by mountains, and the woods and valleys amidst the peaks on the southwest side are specially picturesque. That which is clothed with a dense and luxuriant growth of green foliage where the eyes wander in rapture is Mount Long Yia. A walk of six or seven li into the mountains brings one within earshot of the murmuring sound of a spring which gushes forth from a ravine between two peaks and is known as "The Brewers' Fountain". At the sharp bend of the mountain path where the peaks seem to turn round stands a kiosk overlooking the Fountain like a bird perching on a rock, which bears the name of "The Venerable Drunkard's Arbour". By whom was the kiosk built? A Buddhist monk living in the mountains, by the name of "The Immortal Savant". By whom was it named? The district Magistrate named after himself. The Magistrate used to feast there with his friends and being the eldest and the one most easily drunk he thus gave himself the nickname of "The Venerable Drunkard ". The old man's interest was not in wine but in the charming scenery all round which gave him such a heartfelt pleasure that he sought wine to express his feelings. ( Auyang Hsiu: The Venerable Drunkard's Arbour, Paul M. Lee )

【语篇翻译2C】 The district of Chu is enclosed all round by hills, of which those in the southwest boast the most lovely forests and dales. In the distance, densely wooded and possessed of a rugged beauty, is Mount Langya. When you penetrate a mile or two into this mountain you begin to hear the gurgling of a stream, and presently the stream—the Brewer's Spring—comes into sight cascading between two peaks. Rounding a bend you see a hut with a spreading roof hard by the streani, and this is the Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard. This hut was built by the monk Zhi Xian. It was given its name by the governor, referring to himself. The governor, aiming here with his friends, often gets tipsy after a little drinking; and since he is the most advanced in years, he calls himself the Old Drunkard. He delights less in drinking than in the hills and streams, taking pleasure in them and expressing the feeling in his heart through drinking. (Ouyang Xiu: The Roadside Hut of the Old Drunkard杨宪益,戴乃迭)

《第三讲 语音(其一)》


经典绕口令 【声母】  b-p:补破皮褥子不如不补破皮褥子(《补皮褥子》)   b-p:吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮儿,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮儿(《葡萄皮儿》)   d:会炖我的炖冻豆腐,来炖我的炖冻豆腐,不会炖我的炖冻豆腐,就别炖我的炖冻豆腐。要是混充会炖我的炖冻豆腐,炖坏了我的炖冻豆腐,那就吃不成我的炖冻豆腐(《炖冻豆腐》)。   l:六十六岁刘老六,修了六十六座走马楼,楼上摆了六十六瓶苏合油,门前栽了六十六棵垂杨柳,柳上拴了六十六个大马猴。忽然一阵狂风起,吹倒了六十六座走马楼,打翻了六十六瓶苏合油,压倒了六十六棵垂杨柳,吓跑了六十六个大马猴,气死了六十六岁刘老六(《六十六岁刘老六》)。   d-t:大兔子,大肚子,大肚子的大兔子,要咬大兔子的大肚子(《大兔子和大肚子》)。   n-l:门口有四辆四轮大马车,你爱拉哪两辆来拉哪两辆(《四辆四轮大马车》)。   h:华华有两朵黄花,红红有两朵红花。华华要红花,红红要黄花。华华送给红红一朵黄花,红红送给华华一朵红花(《华华和红红》)。   j、q、x:七巷一个漆匠,西巷一个锡匠,七巷漆匠偷了西巷锡匠的锡,西巷锡匠偷了七巷漆匠的漆。(《漆匠和锡匠》)。   g-k:哥挎瓜筐过宽沟,快过宽沟看怪狗。光看怪狗瓜筐扣,瓜滚筐空哥怪狗(《哥挎瓜筐过宽沟》)。   h-f:一堆粪,一堆灰,灰混粪,粪混灰(《一堆粪》)。   z-zh:隔着窗户撕字纸,一次撕下横字纸,一次撕下竖字纸,是字纸撕字纸,不是字纸,不要胡乱撕一地纸(《撕字纸》)。 s-sh:三山撑四水,四水绕三山,三山四水春常在,四水三山四时春(《三山撑四水》)。   z、c、s-j、x司机买雌鸡,仔细看雌鸡,四只小雌鸡,叽叽好欢喜,司机笑嘻嘻(《司机买雌鸡》)。   zh、ch、sh:大车拉小车,小车拉小石头,石头掉下来,砸了小脚指头(《大车拉小车》)。   r:夏日无日日亦热,冬日有日日亦寒,春日日出天渐暖,晒衣晒被晒褥单,秋日天高复云淡,遥看红日迫西山(《说日》)。   sh、四声:石室诗士施史,嗜狮,誓食十狮,氏时时适市,氏视十狮,恃矢势,使是十狮逝世,氏拾是十狮尸,适石室,石室湿,氏使侍拭石室,石室拭,氏始试食十狮尸,食时,始识十狮尸实是十石狮尸,试释是事实(《施氏食狮史》)。    【韵母】  a:门前有八匹大伊犁马,你爱拉哪匹马拉哪匹马(《伊犁马》)。   e:坡上立着一只鹅,坡下就是一条河。宽宽的河,肥肥的

鹅,鹅要过河,河要渡鹅。不知是鹅过河,还是河渡鹅(《鹅》)。   i:一二三,三二一,一二三四五六七。七个阿姨来摘果,七个花篮儿手中提。七棵树上结七样儿,苹果、桃儿、石榴、柿子,李子、栗子、梨(《七棵树上结七样儿》)。   u:鼓上画只虎,破了拿布补。不知布补鼓,还是布补虎(《鼓上画只虎》)。   i-ü:这天天下雨,体育局穿绿雨衣的女小吕,去找穿绿运动衣的女老李。穿绿雨衣的女小吕,没找到穿绿运动衣的女老李,穿绿运动衣的女老李,也没见着穿绿雨衣的女小吕(《女小吕和女老李》)   er:要说“尔”专说“尔”/马尔代夫,喀布尔/阿尔巴尼亚,扎伊尔/卡塔尔,尼伯尔/贝尔格莱德,安道尔/萨尔瓦多,伯尔尼/利伯维尔,班珠尔/厄瓜多尔,塞舌尔/哈密尔顿,尼日尔/圣彼埃尔,巴斯特尔/塞内加尔的达喀尔,阿尔及利亚的阿尔及尔。   -i(前):一个大嫂子,一个大小子。大嫂子跟大小子比包饺子,看是大嫂子包的饺子好,还是大小子包的饺子好,再看大嫂子包的饺子少,还是大小子包的饺子少。大嫂子包的饺子又小又好又不少,大小子包的饺子又小又少又不好(《大嫂子和大小子》)。   -i(后):知之为知之,不知为不知,不以不知为知之,不以知之为不知,唯此才能求真知(《知之为知之》)。   ai:买白菜,搭海带,不买海带就别买大白菜。买卖改,不搭卖,不买海带也能买到大白菜(《白菜和海带》)。   ei:贝贝飞纸飞机,菲菲要贝贝的纸飞机,贝贝不给菲菲自己的纸飞机,贝贝教菲菲自己做能飞的纸飞机(《贝贝和菲菲》)。   ai-ei:大妹和小妹,一起去收麦。大妹割大麦,小妹割小麦。大妹帮小妹挑小麦,小妹帮大妹挑大麦。大妹小妹收完麦,噼噼啪啪齐打麦(《大妹和小妹》)。   ao:隔着墙头扔草帽,也不知草帽套老头儿,也不知老头儿套草帽(《扔草帽》)。   ou:忽听门外人咬狗,拿起门来开开手;拾起狗来打砖头,又被砖头咬了手;从来不说颠倒话,口袋驮着骡子走(《忽听门外人咬狗》)。   an:出前门,往正南,有个面铺面冲南,门口挂着蓝布棉门帘。摘了它的蓝布棉门帘,面铺面冲南,给他挂上蓝布棉门帘,面铺还是面冲南(《蓝布棉门帘》)。   en:小陈去卖针,小沈去卖盆。俩人挑着担,一起出了门。小陈喊卖针,小沈喊卖盆。也不知是谁卖针,也不知是谁卖盆(《小陈和小沈》)。   ang:海水长,长长长,长长长消(《海水长》)。   eng:郑政捧着盏台灯,彭澎扛着架屏风,

彭澎让郑政扛屏风,郑政让彭澎捧台灯(《台灯和屏风》)。   ang—an:张康当董事长,詹丹当厂长,张康帮助詹丹,詹丹帮助张康(《张康和詹丹》)。   eng—en:陈庄程庄都有城,陈庄城通程庄城。陈庄城和程庄城,两庄城墙都有门。陈庄城进程庄人,陈庄人进程庄城。请问陈程两庄城,两庄城门都进人,哪个城进陈庄人,程庄人进哪个城?(《陈庄城和程庄城》)   ang—eng:长城长,城墙长,长长长城长城墙,城墙长长城长长(《长城长》)。   ia:天上飘着一片霞,水上飘着一群鸭。霞是五彩霞,鸭是麻花鸭。麻花鸭游进五彩霞,五彩霞挽住麻花鸭。乐坏了鸭,拍碎了霞,分不清是鸭还是霞(《鸭和霞》)。   ie:姐姐借刀切茄子,去把儿去叶儿斜切丝,切好茄子烧茄子,炒茄子、蒸茄子,还有一碗焖茄子(《茄子》)。   iao:水上漂着一只表,表上落着一只鸟。鸟看表,表瞪鸟,鸟不认识表,表也不认识鸟(《鸟看表》)。   iou:一葫芦酒,九两六。一葫芦油,六两九。六两九的油,要换九两六的酒,九两六的酒,不换六两九的油(《酒换油》)   ian:半边莲,莲半边,半边莲长在山涧边。半边天路过山涧边,发现这片半边莲。半边天拿来一把镰,割了半筐半边莲。半筐半边莲,送给边防连(《半边莲》)。   in:你也勤来我也勤,生产同心土变金。工人农民亲兄弟,心心相印团结紧(《土变金》)。   iang:杨家养了一只羊,蒋家修了一道墙。杨家的羊撞倒了蒋家的墙,蒋家的墙压死了杨家的羊。杨家要蒋家赔杨家的羊,蒋家要杨家赔蒋家的墙(《杨家养了一只羊》)。   ing:天上七颗星,树上七只鹰,梁上七个钉,台上七盏灯。拿扇扇了灯,用手拔了钉,举枪打了鹰,乌云盖了星(《天上七颗星》)。   ua:一个胖娃娃,画了三个大花活蛤蟆;三个胖娃娃,画不出一个大花活蛤蟆。画不出一个大花活蛤蟆的三个胖娃娃,真不如画了三个大花活蛤蟆的一个胖娃娃。(《画蛤蟆帽》)。   uo(o):狼打柴,狗烧火,猫儿上炕捏窝窝,雀儿飞来蒸饽饽(《狼打柴狗烧火》)。   uai:槐树槐,槐树槐,槐树底下搭戏台,人家的姑娘都来了,我家的姑娘还不来。说着说着就来了,骑着驴,打着伞,歪着脑袋上戏台(《槐树槐》)。   uei:威威、伟伟和卫卫,拿着水杯去接水。威威让伟伟,伟伟让卫卫,卫卫让威威,没人先接水。一二三,排好队,一个一个来接水(《接水)。   uang:王庄卖筐,匡庄卖网,王庄卖筐不卖网,匡庄卖网不

卖筐,你要买筐别去匡庄去王庄,你要买网别去王庄去匡庄(《王庄和匡庄》)。   ueng:老翁卖酒老翁买,老翁买酒老翁卖(《老翁和老翁》)。   ong:冲冲栽了十畦葱,松松栽了十棵松。冲冲说栽松不如栽葱,松松说栽葱不如栽松。是栽松不如栽葱,还是栽葱不如栽松?(《栽葱和栽松》)   uan—uang:那边划来一艘船,这边漂去一张床,船床河中互相撞,不知船撞床,还是床撞船(《船和床》)。   uan—an:大帆船,小帆船,竖起桅杆撑起船。风吹帆,帆引船,帆船顺风转海湾(《帆船》)。   uen—en:孙伦打靶真叫准,半蹲射击特别神,本是半路出家人,摸爬滚打练成神(《孙伦打靶》)。   üe:真绝,真绝,真叫绝,皓月当空下大雪,麻雀游泳不飞跃,鹊巢鸠占鹊喜悦(《真绝》)。   ün:军车运来一堆裙,一色军用绿色裙。军训女生一大群,换下花裙换绿裙(《换裙子》)。   üan:圆圈圆,圈圆圈,圆圆娟娟画圆圈。娟娟画的圈连圈,圆圆画的圈套圈。娟娟圆圆比圆圈,看看谁的圆圈圆(《画圆圈》)。   iong:小涌勇敢学游泳,勇敢游泳是英雄(《学游泳)   【其他经典绕口令】1、初入江湖:化肥会挥发  2、小有名气:黑化肥发灰,灰化肥发黑  3、名动一方:黑化肥发灰会挥发;灰化肥挥发会发黑  4、天下闻名:黑化肥挥发发灰会花飞;灰化肥挥发发黑会飞花  5、一代宗师:黑灰化肥会挥发发灰黑讳为花飞;灰黑化肥会挥发发黑灰为讳飞花  6、超凡入圣:黑灰化肥灰会挥发发灰黑讳为黑灰花会飞;灰黑化肥会会挥发发黑灰为讳飞花化为灰   7、天外飞仙:黑化黑灰化肥灰会挥发发灰黑讳为黑灰花会回飞;灰化灰黑化肥会会挥发发黑灰为讳飞花回化为灰  8、喇嘛和哑巴  打南边来了个喇嘛,手里提拉着五斤鳎(tǎ) 目。打北边来了个哑巴,腰里别着个喇叭。  南边提拉着鳎目的喇嘛要拿鳎目换北边别喇叭哑巴的喇叭。  哑巴不愿意拿喇叭换喇嘛的鳎目,喇嘛非要换别喇叭哑巴的喇叭。  喇嘛抡起鳎目抽了别喇叭哑巴一鳎目,哑巴摘下喇叭打了提拉着鳎目的喇嘛一喇叭。也不知是提拉着鳎目的喇嘛抽了别喇叭哑巴一鳎目,还是别喇叭哑巴打了提拉着鳎目的喇嘛一喇叭。  喇嘛炖鳎目,哑巴嘀嘀哒哒吹喇叭。  9、六十六头牛  六十六岁的陆老头,盖了六十六间楼,买了六十六篓油,养了六十六头牛,栽了六十六棵垂杨柳。  六十六篓油,堆在六十六间楼;六十六头牛,扣在六十六棵垂

杨柳。  忽然一阵狂风起,吹倒了六十六间楼,翻倒了六十六篓油,折断了六十六棵垂杨柳,砸死了六十六头牛,急煞了六十六岁的陆老头。   10、老六放牛  柳林镇有个六号楼,刘老六住在六号楼。  有一天,来了牛老六,牵了六只猴;来了侯老六,拉了六头牛;来了仇老六,提了六篓油;来了尤老六,背了六匹绸。  牛老六、侯老六、仇老六、尤老六,住上刘老六的六号楼,半夜里,牛抵猴,猴斗牛,撞倒了仇老六的油,油坏了尤老六的绸。  牛老六帮仇老六收起油,侯老六帮尤老六洗掉绸上油,拴好牛,看好猴,一同上楼去喝酒。  11、天上七颗星  天上七颗星,地上七块冰,台上七盏灯,树上七只莺,墙上七枚钉。  吭唷吭唷拔脱七枚钉。喔嘘喔嘘赶走七只莺。乒乒乓乓踏坏七块冰。一阵风来吹来七盏灯。一片乌云遮掉七颗星。  12、连念七遍就聪明  天上七颗星,地下七块冰,树上七只鹰,梁上七根钉,台上七盏灯。  呼噜呼噜扇灭七盏灯,嗳唷嗳唷拔掉七根钉,呀嘘呀嘘赶走七只鹰,抬起一脚踢碎七块冰,飞来乌云盖没七颗星。一连念七遍就聪明。  13、司小四和史小世  司小四和史小世,四月十四日十四时四十上集市,司小四买了四十四斤四两西红柿,史小世买了十四斤四两细蚕丝。  司小四要拿四十四斤四两西红柿换史小世十四斤四两细蚕丝。  史小世十四斤四两细蚕丝不换司小四四十四斤四两西红柿。  司小四说我四十四斤四两西红柿可以增加营养防近视,  史小世说我十四斤四两细蚕丝可以织绸织缎又抽丝。  14、酸枣子  山上住着三老子,山下住着三小子,山腰住着三哥三嫂子。  山下三小子,找山腰三哥三嫂子,借三斗三升酸枣子,  山腰三哥三嫂子,借给山下三小子三斗三升酸枣子。  山下三小子,又找山上三老子,借三斗三升酸枣子,  山上三老子,还没有三斗三升酸枣子,  只好到山腰找三哥三嫂子,给山下三小子借了三斗三升酸枣子。  过年山下三小子打下酸枣子,还了山腰三哥三嫂子,两个三斗三升酸枣子。  15、墙上一根钉  墙上一根钉,钉上挂条绳,绳下吊个瓶,瓶下放盏灯。  掉下墙上钉,脱掉钉上绳。滑落绳下瓶,打碎瓶下灯。  瓶打灯,灯打瓶,瓶说灯,灯骂绳,瓶说绳,绳说钉,丁丁当当,乒乓乓乓。  16、板凳与扁担  板凳宽,扁担长。  扁担没有板凳宽,  板凳没有扁担长。  扁担要绑在板凳上

