1. Don't take it to heart.
2. Don't play games with me!
3. That's something.
4. I am behind you.
5. I'm broke.
6. It's Greek to me.
7. You can count on it.
8. It's a deal.
9. Can you dig it?
10. Don't get loaded.
11. That rings a bell.
12. I am all ears.
13. Let's bag it.
14. Give me a break!
15. Don't fall for it!
16. You never know.
17. Come on, be reasonable.
18. It kills my eyes!
1. Don't take it to heart.
2. Don't play games with me!
3. That's something.
4. I am behind you.
5. I'm broke.
6. It's Greek to me.
7. You can count on it.
8. It's a deal.
9. Can you dig it?
10. Don't get loaded.
11. That rings a bell.
12. I am all ears.
13. Let's bag it.
14. Give me a break!
15. Don't fall for it!
16. You never know.
17. Come on, be reasonable.
18. It kills my eyes!
1. Don't take it to heart.
2. Don't play games with me!
3. That's something.
4. I am behind you.
5. I'm broke.
6. It's Greek to me.
7. You can count on it. 尽管放心。
8. It's a deal.
9. Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?
10. Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。
11. That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。
12. I am all ears.
13. Let's bag it.
14. Give me a break! 饶了我吧!
15. Don't fall for it! 别上当!
16. You never know. 世事难料。
17. Come on, be reasonable. 别这样,讲讲理行吗?
18. It kills my eyes! 太好看了!
1. Don't take it to heart. 别往心里去!
2. Don't play games with me!
3. That's something. 太好了,太棒了。
4. I am behind you.
5. I'm broke.
6. It's Greek to me.
7. You can count on it.
8. It's a deal.
9. Can you dig it?
10. Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。
11. That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。
12. I am all ears.
13. Let's bag it.
14. Give me a break!
15. Don't fall for it!
16. You never know. 世事难料。
17. Come on, be reasonable. 别这样,讲讲理行吗?
18. It kills my eyes! 太好看了!
父亲却永远离去。 在某个静谧的黄昏时分,旧日的音乐轻轻荡漾,博大而深
容。(《黄 昏时分》)山东/
没有华丽的词藻,没有跌宏的情节,却如碎厚的老酒溢满芬 芳,感人肺腑。透过这些文字,我 仿佛看见老家门前那株梧桐,在秋 风里摇曳,落叶飞舞。(《梧桐树》) 北京/谢云至
当灭绝人性的大屠杀仅是历 史书籍上简短的一页,成千上万被 残害的无辜生命变成冰冷的统计数 字,纪念和反省因为某种目的而被 随意剪裁修饰,上帝也会无语吧。 历史这样容易被遗忘和篡改
,人类 究竟何时才能摆
的文章,我总是读了又 读,热泪盈眶。乡愁就像一根长长 的线,无论游子走多远,他的灵魂 都连着女,梦的家园。(《家园如梦》) 广西/黎承磊
贱并不可怕,可怕的是面对 邪恶我们所表现出的麻木、怯懦与 忍让。贼敢在光天化日之下大行贱 道,就是因为我们提供了滋生罪恶 的温床。如果"欺软怕硬"盛行, "邪不压正"将多么苍白无力! (《打贼》)天津/张荣超 . 若失去最基本的悲悯和敬畏 之心,为求得所谓的真实甚至不惜 伤害他人,对悲惨无动于哀,这样 的人纵然拍出了无比震撼的照片, 也会治污摄影师
的职业,愧对人的 称呼。(《庄严的距离》)广东/静怕
我们的"潇洒不羁"只能 伤害最亲近的人。母亲,就是那把久经劳作卷刃的锄,将生硬的土地 犁松,为我们撒上希望的种子;更 像一盏温暖的灯,照亮我们踉跄回 家的路。(《远处,那一盏灯》) 湖北/李永松
生活的艰难痛苦,永远不及 他们给予别人温暖时的快乐。贫穷无法抵消他们心底的爱,善良是他 们幸福的通行证。他们守候着人类 灵魂的净土,让爱在漆黑的夜里绽 放光华,陪我们度过漫漫寒冬。 (《送给沃尔特一家的圣诞花篮》) 河南/
绝伦的故事,他的圣 歌洗涤着忏悔的灵魂……昨夜重听 《安魂曲》,宁静
年春天纪事》) 辽宁/何乃文
他,生活在一个无声的世界, 却有着淳朴真挚的情感;他没有能 力用奢华去装饰他的爱情,却尽心 吁护他所爱的人;他,不曾苛求爱人 的付出,却默默真心地守候。也许 他不是最理想的男人,却是最理想 的丈夫。好好爱吧,在看似乎没的 日子里品尝爱的美好,让相续以沫 的幸福荡漾着彼此的微笑。(《如果 蚕豆会话》)重庆/陈丽云
走在大街小巷里,看着陌生 的人、陌生的门牌与我擦肩而过, 我总会没来
由地想象他们的生活: 是幸福还是痛苦,是满足还是失意? 我相信人人都
(《那些你不知道 的幸福》)
却往往成为断送爱的杀手。 他们却用真情宣告:一切爱情路上 的拦路虎,都是纸老虎。(《来生, 还比你快》)山东/许希迎
《八下 重点短语句子总结(无答案)》
Module One
一、 Useful phrases (有用短语)
收拾干净 占用
一点 一套„„的收藏品
拉小提琴 一直
对„„感兴趣 在„„末尾
接受采访 例如, 比如
照顾 发展兴趣
和„„一样 出版,开(花)
花费(金钱、时间) . 花费(金钱、时间)
结果 将来
一生中 省钱,存钱
二、 Key structures (关键句型)
1. 是什么让你对音乐感兴趣?
2. 我经常听他拉小提琴。
3. 在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营呆了四个星期。
3. 我利用一些空闲时间在校队打排球。
Module Two
一、Useful phrases (有用短语)
稍等 事实上
两个,数个 觉得
和„„不同 和„„交朋友
顺便说说 遥远
结果 害怕
担心 如常
在那时 一天天
对„„微笑 开始
不再 保持现状
二、Key structures(关键句型)
Module Three
一、Useful phrases(有用词语)
1、小心 2、„„的分数
3、愿意做某事 4、感谢你做某事
5、喜欢做某事 . 6、带某人参观
7、停止做某事 8、最新消息
9、需要做某事 10、继续做某事
11、以„开始 12、讨厌做某事
13、开始做某事 14、同意某人意见
15、通过收音机 16、在电台
17、在„„附近 18、记得做过某事
19、亲自 20、看起来似乎„
二、Key Structures(关键句型)
Module Four
一、Useful phrases(有用的短语)
1、拍录像 2、回放
3、打开 4、赶快
5、借给某人某物 6、等待
7、把„连接到„ 8、拉小提琴
9、找出 10、救某人的命
11、捡起 12、拍照
二、Key Structures(关键句型)
Module 5
一、Useful phrases(有用短语)
1、能,会 2、一起
3、在„结束时 4、拿走,起飞
5、至少 6、犯错
7、毕竟 8、零用钱
9、赶快 10、宁可,较喜欢
11、提醒做某事 12、有机会
13、以„为自豪 14、要求
15、出错 16、送走
二、Key structures(关键句型)
Module 6
一、Useful phases(有用短语)
二、Key structures(关键句型)
1. 她说她和几个来自伦敦的朋友一起。
2. 她解释说她的访问时为了交朋友。
3. 所以她知道他有很多朋友。
2、醒来 4、想念某人 6、拉小提琴 8、照顾 10、以某人的观点 12、出版 14、扮演某人 16、加入
Module 7
一、Useful phrases (有用短语)
1、休假,放假 time off 2、照顾 look after
3、全中国 all over China 4、绕„„而走 walk around
5、过桥 cross the bridge 6、爬上 climb up
7、其余的„„ the rest of 8、说出真相 tell the truth
9、叫某人(别)做某事 ask sb. (not) to do sth.
10、听见某人在做某事 hear sb. doing sth
11、因„„出名 be famous for 12. 看起来像 look like
13、知道,了解 know about 14、在夜间 during the night
15、仿佛,好像 as if 16、叫醒 wake up
17、发现,查明 find out 18、指向 point out
19、希望,期待 hope for sth. 20、单独留下某人 leave sb. alone
二、Key structures (关键句型)
She asked if I was practising too much.
She asked me what was the matter.
I told her not to worry.
He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves.
Module 8
一、Useful phrases (有用短语)
1. 劳动节 Labour Day 2. 去度假 take a vacation
3.在…方面花费… spend … on/ doing sth. 4. 一„„就„„ as soon as
5. „„的开端 at the start of/ beginning of 6. 变凉 get cooler
7. 在不同日期 on a different date 8、结束 be over
9、休息一天 have one day off 10、制定计划 make a plan
11、以相同的方式 in the same way 12、依赖 depend on
13、玩得开心 have fun 14、倒数 count down
15、聚会 get together 16、出去走走 go out for a walk
17、下决心 make resolutions 18、„„的清单 a list of
19、帮助„„克服困难 help out 20、保证做 promise to do
二、Key structures (关键句型)
While we’re staying with them, we’re going to spend a few days in Qingdao.
Let’s enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.
And it’s the last day before the new school year begins.
When September comes, it starts to get cooler.
As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very loudly.
Module 9
一、Useful phrases (有用短语)
1.目的是 so that 2. 擅长 be good at
3.独自 on one’s own 4. 期待 look forward to
5.出现,发生 come up 6. 献身于 give one’s life to
7.继续做某事 continue doing sth 8. 尽管 in spite of
9. „„和„„都 both… and… 10. 最后 in the end
11.就某人的命 save one’s life 12.为了 in order to
13. 照顾 take care of 14.成千上万的 thousands of
二、Key structures(关键句型)
She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.
They ‘re standing up because they’re both going to play.
3.说她的手疼所以Kylie 可以独奏。
Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.
Moudule 10
一、Key phrases (有用的短语)
1.如此„„以致于„„ so … that… 2.上大学 go to college
3.一点也不 not… at all 4.送别 see off
5.出错 go wrong 6.保持联络 stay/keep in touch
7.给某人穿衣服 dress oneself/sb. 8.依赖,依靠 depend on
9.去度假 go on holiday 10.受„„欢迎 be popular with
11.用„„填满„„ fill … with… 12.和„„一样 as… as
13.照顾 look after 14. 一„„就„„ as soon as
15.知道„„才„„ not … until 16. 依某人看in one’s opinion
17.譬如 such as 18.坐火车 take a train
19.一路顺风 have a safe trip 20. 别傻了! Don’t be silly!
二、Key structures(关键句型)
I would visit you if I have time.
He worked so hard that he forgot to have lunch.
Although /Though he wants to go to London, he doesn’t want to fl
Unit 1
1. in the future 在将来
2. live to (be) … years old 活到……岁
3. in 100 years 一百年后
4. free time 空闲时间
5. talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到
6. in high school 在高中
7. computer programmer 电脑程序员
8. on a space station 在一个太空站
9. fall in love with… 爱上……
10. go skating 去滑冰
11. be able to 能,会
12. on vacation 度假
13. win the World Cup 获得世界杯
14. keep a pet pig 饲养一头宠物猪
15. job interview 工作面试
16. fly to 飞往
17. come true 实现,成为现实
18. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事
19. one’s own … 某人自己的……
20. science fiction movies 科幻影片
21. help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事
22. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的,大量。许多
23. the same as 和……相同
24. wake up 醒来;唤醒
25. talk to/with 和……交谈
26. try to do sth. 试图做某事,尽力做某事
27. get bored 变得厌倦
28. over and over (again) 一次又一次,再三地
29. in people’s homes在人家里
30. study at home on computers通过电脑在家学习
31. in college在大学
32. in an apartment在一套公寓里
33. wear a suit 穿套装
34. in space在太空
35. live alone一个人住
36. win awards获奖
37. do for fun做,,取乐
38. from now从现在起
39. be used by被,,使用
40. sth happen to sb某事发生在某人
41. happen to do.碰巧做
42. seem possible好像可能
43. seem to do好像做 44. do such jobs做那样的工作
重点词:fewer.buildings,took.fell,wrote.myself,predictions,thought,unpleasant,scientist,made,such, Less,more,crowded,programmer,reporter,really,biggest,largest,used,impossible.disagree.bored.boring
They’ll study at home on computers.他们将在家通过电脑学习 On the weekends ,I’ll be able to dress more casually.在周末我会穿得更休闲一些 There are many famous predictions that never came true.有许多著名的预言却从未实现
He thought that computers would never be used by most people它认为电脑永远不会被大多数人使用
They help with housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.他们帮助做家务,而且做那些最令人不喜欢的工作 Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us科学家们现在正在试制看起来像人类。能和我们做同样事情的机器人 We never know what will happen in the future.我们永远不会知道未来会发生什么
Unit 2
1. keep out 不准进,阻止进入
2. argue with sb. 和……争吵
argue about sth. 为……争吵
3. out of style 过时的,不时髦的
in style 流行的,时髦的
4. call sb up=ring sb.up=call/ring/phone sb. 给…..打电话
5. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物
(bring, lend, pass, sell, send, show, take, write, read等与give一样)
6. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的门票
(与ticket类似的名词有:way ,flight letter, vacation ,reply answer, key, visit, trip, journey,
entrance, exit,response等)
7. on the phone 在电话中,用电话
8. pay for 付……的款
9. a part-time job 一份兼职工作
10. borrow …from 从……借( 进)……
11. lend…to 把……借(出去)给……
12. ask sb. for sth. 向……要……
13. bake sale 面包或糕饼售买活动
14. Teen Talk 青少年论坛
15. buy sb. sth. = buy sth for sb买……给……
(类似的动词还有:build, book, cook, get, keep, make, order,find等)
16. the same……as 和……一样的……
17. tell sb (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事
18. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth.想某人做某事
19. find out 发现;查明;核实
20. do sth. wrong 做错某事
21. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
22. be angry with 生……的气
23. fail the test 考试不及格
24. get on well/badly with 和……相处得好(差)
25. have a fight with sb.=fight with sb 与某人打架
26. fit… in/into… 抽空去做某事
27. not…until 直到……才……
28. as… as possible 尽可能……
29. complain about doing抱怨,埋怨
30. take part in = join …in 参加(某种活动/集会)
31. all kinds of 各种各样的
32. compare…with… 拿……和……比较
33. on the one hand 一方面
34. on the other hand另一方面
35. by oneself = on one’s own 某人自己,独自地
36. too loud太大声
37. return。。。to=give back to归还/=get back to返回
38. under too much pressure在太多压力下
39. seem to do sth好像要做。。
40. plan sth for sb为。。计划。。。
41. organized activities有组织的活到
42. send…to 送。。。到
43. find it adj to do 发现做。。怎样
44. at a very young age 在很小的年龄 重点词:
themselves,organized,freedom,best,inexpensive,colorful,comfortable,planning,friendly,failed,enough,until,Americans,pressure,competition,lives, surprise,
句子 I don’t want to talk about it on the phone我不想在电话里谈这件事 I need to get some money to pay for summer camp.我需要得到一些钱来付夏令营的费用 Everyone else in my class was invited except me.除了我之外,我们班的其他人都受到了邀请 Could you give me some advice? 请你给我些建议好吗? The tired children don’t get home until 7 pm疲倦的孩子们直到晚上七点才到家 Parents try to fit as much as possible into their kids’lives.家长们试图在孩子们的生活中加入尽可能多的的内容 Parents seem to push their children a lot more.家长们似乎给孩子们施加了更多的压力
Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves家长们应该学会留给孩子们自己多一点时间 Let’s call up Joe and invite him to play tennis我们给乔打电话,邀请他打网球
My friend is angry with me .What should I say to him?我的朋友和我生气,我该对他说什么
I thought I failed my test but I just found out I passed我以为我考试没有及格,但是我刚发现我及格了 Unit 3
1. in front of 在……(范围之外)的前面
in the front of 在……(范围之内)的前面
2. barber shop 理发店
3. get out of 到……外,离开
4. walk down/along 沿……走
5. call the police 报警
6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱(衣帽)
7. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历
8. the Museum of Flight 航空博物馆
9. take photos 照相
10. a police officer 警官
11. run away跑开,逃跑
12. walk around 四处走走
13. think about doing考虑,思考,回想
14. Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场
15. at the doctor’s 在医务室,在诊所
16. in (the) hospital 在医院,在住院
17. in history在历史上
18. in the city of 在……城,……市
19. hear about/of 听说,得知
20. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不要)做某事
21. in silence沉默不语 keep silent 保持安静
22. take place发生
23. the World Trade Center 世贸中心(美国)
24. in space 在太空
25. a national hero 民族英雄
26. all over the world = around the world 全世界
27.cut hair 理发
28.talk on the phone电话交谈
29.imagine doing 想象做什么
30.follow ..to do 跟着。。做
31.in the playground 在操场
32. have meaning to 对-有意义
33. become the first Chinese astronaut in space 成为中国第一个太空宇航员
34. have fun doing sth 干某事有乐趣 have difficult time doing sth干某事有困难
35.for the first time 第一次
36.jump down 跳下
37.shout to sb 对某人喊
38.at the train station 在火车站
39.in more recent times在较近的时期
40.in the barber’s chair在理发椅子上 重点词:
bought,follow,amazing,rode,ran,met.heard,killed,told,rang,closed,silence,meaning,became, flight,flew heroes.arrived,getting, cutting, kidding, saw, crowded, finally, found, international, took,born,destroyed,
句子 The dog got out of his box and ran away狗钻出笼子跑了
Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing and listen to him我们老师叫我们停下我们在做的事情听他讲
She didn’t think about looking outside the station.她没有想到在车站外面看看
She said she wasn’t mad at him anymore.她说她不再生他的气了
I was tired this morning.It was difficult to get out of bed.今天早上我很累。起床很难
They walked home together in silence他们一起默默地走回了家
Unit 4
1. in the soap opera 在泡沫剧里,电视(连续)剧
2. on Friday night 在星期五晚上
3. be mad at 生……的气
4. have a surprise party for sb给。。。举行一个惊喜晚会
5. not...anymore 不再,再也不
not... any more
no more
not… any longer
no longer
6. Young Lives 《年轻的生命》
7. direct speech 直接引语
reported speech 间接引语
8. first of all,at first首先
9. do a homework project 设计作业计划
10. pass on。。。 to传递..给
11. work on 从事,设计,演算,操作
12. be supposed to do sth.被期望(要求)做……,应该做……
13. be good at 擅长……
14. do well in 在……方面表现得好
15. report card 成绩单
16. have a (bad) cold 患(重)感冒
17. in good health 身体健康
18. end-of-year exams = final exams 期末考试
19. have a big fight with 与。。。大吵了一架
20. in/at school 在学校,上学
21. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事
forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事
22. get over it 克服,恢复,原谅
23. in a poor mountain village 在一个贫穷的山村
24. sound like 听起来像
25. the Peking University 北京大学
26. the Ministry of Education 教育部
27. the Chinese Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队
28. China’s rural areas 中国的偏远地区
29. above sea level 海平面以上
30. the thin air 稀薄的空气
31. agree with sb./sth. 同意, 与……相符(一致)agree on/about sth. 同意,赞成
32. both…and………和……都
33. most of… 大多数……,大部分……
34. open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露
35. a good start 一个良好的开端
36. care for照料,照顾,计较,关心
37. in danger 处于危险之中
38. come to ...to do .来。。。做
39. have a hard time with/doing sth 在。。。有困难/做,,有困难
40. be surprised to do 做。。惊奇
41. return to 返回
42. disappointing result 失望的结果
43. in school dormitories在学校宿舍
44. in the children’s lives在孩子们的生活中
45. in the city of… 在。。。城市 重点词:
supposed,disappointing,lucky,decision,influence,danger,teaching,differences,better, health,worst,listening,Spanish,messages,forgotten,said,told 句子
You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it.你们原打算今天早上在车站见面把它归还
In English, I’m better at reading than listening.在英语方面,我阅读比听力更好 I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week.上周听说他感冒了我很难过 I hope you are in good health.我希望你身体健康 Fortunately, his mother agreed with his decision幸运的是他妈妈同意他的决定
Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much.作为志愿者这一段时间,杨蕾过得很开心
Unit 5
1. have a great/good/nice/wonderful time doing 玩得高兴=have fun doing = enjoy oneself
2. at the party 在晚会上
3. end of year party 年终晚会
4. take …away 拿走,取走
5. all the time=always 一直,始终,总是
6. ID card 身份证
7. the old people’s home 老年之家
8. make money 赚钱
9. around the world = all over the world 全世界,世界各地
10. go to college 上大学
11. work hard 努力工作(学习)
12. a professional athlete 职业运动员
13. a dream job 理想的职业
14. make a living by doing 靠做。。。谋生
15. play sports for a living 为谋生。。进行体育运动= get/do exercise
16. get injured 受伤
17. in fact 事实上,实际上
18. mobile phone 移动电话
19. too much 太多
20. laugh at嘲笑,因……而发笑
21. let ..in 让。。。进
22. watch a video看录像
2012-11-01 11:28 来源:网络 编辑:liushu 点击:15105次
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我们都知道有一句话说“当局者迷,旁观者清”。有很多时候,置身事外去看一件事情得出的结论很有可能跟深陷其中时想的完全不同。所以,西方人有时候会提倡做一只停在墙上的苍蝇(a fly on the wall),不动声色地观察周围的一切,我们才有可能看到真相。
A fly on the wall alludes to the position of being able to freely observe a situation without being oneself noticed. It is now most often used in relation to 'fly on the wall documentaries', which are films of real life situations supposedly made without affecting the behaviour of the participants.
人们会用 a fly on the wall 这个表达来形容“置身事外的观察者”,大概是因为悄无声息地停在墙面上的苍蝇在被人发现或消灭之前就是一个很冷静的旁观者吧,这样的比喻还是很形象的哦。
In this case, it is wise to be a fly on the wall.
┙nтt 1 GТТd friёnds.
Lёt's=lёt us让我们…. ┌'m=┌ am我是…
Lзts зf.=Ё lзt зf 许多 plеБ ┡┦с piano弹钢琴 plеБ chess下棋
Lжs┸сn tТ music听音乐 hеve picnics野炊 hеve Ё picnic野炊
PlеБ basketball打篮球 plеБ badminton打羽毛球 plеБ tаble tennis打乒乓球 plеБ sports运动
Bб gТТd еt 在..擅长 жn yoЙr spеre time在你空闲时间 еftэ school放学 cРme over过来
cуllёct stamps集邮 leчn about…from..从..那里学到…
┠┦ёre be某地有:┡┦ёre жs+单数可数名词、不可数名词 ┡┦ёre Еre+可数名词复数
bб from来至… e.g.Shб жs frзm ┅mёrтcЁ.
WЖnt tТ dТ sth.想要做…
1. W┭Жt Еre yoЙ gгтng tТ dТ? --┌'m gгтng tТ fжsh.
2. Lёt's gг tТ Xili lаke.
3. ┌ еm 12 yбars гld.
4. ┌ hеve Ё dзg.Hш nаme жs BёllЁ.
5. Shб жs Ё gТТd dзg еnd ┌ rбЁllВ lвke hш.
6. ┌ hеve lзts зf hзbbтes.
7. ┌ lвke plеБтng ┡┦с pтеnо еnd fжshтng.
8. ┌ dгn't lвke drЖ┩тng зr pежntтng.
9. ┌'m nзt gТТd еt ┡┦гse thжngs. ┌ dгn't lвke shзppтng bиt mк sжstэ dРes.
10. HСГ ЁbСЙt you?
11. W┭Жt dТ yoЙ dТ жn yoЙr spеre tвme?
12. ┨rвte sТТn.期待你的回信。
13. W┭Жt Еre yoЙr fаvуКrтte hзbbтes?
14. ┌ lвke lжs┸сnтng tТ CDs еnd dеn┣тng.
15. ┠┦ёБ're fиn. ┠┦ёБ're bзrтng.
16. DРes Bзb lвke Spзrts?
17. ┠┦еt's Ё sАprвse.
18. DТ yoЙ wЖnt tТ cРme гvэ еftэ sc┭ТТl? Sбe yoЙ lаtэ.一会见。
19. DТ yoЙ hеve Ё vзlleВbЁll зr Ё fТТtbЗll?
20. ┌ plеБ spзrts зn mк cуmpдtэ.
21. ┅ lзt зf stдdсnts lвke cуllёctтng stеmp.
22. Wб cеn Жlsо leчn ЁbСЙt СЙr coиntrВ еnd fзrмт┱n coиntrтes frзm stеmps.
23. ┠┦ёre Еre Ё lзt зf жnterсstтng stеmps.
24. ┠┦ёre жs Нne stеmp бach yбar sг жt tаkes 12 yбars tТ cуllёct Жll ┡┦с stеmps.
25. SРme stеmps Еre vёrВ vеlпЁble.
26. ┏t жs frзm ┈nglрnd.
27. ┅ lзt зf pбople wЕntмd tТ cуllёct ┡┦жs stеmp.
┙nтt 2 Thжngs жn ┡┦с kж┸chсn.
was是is 的过去式,用于一般过去时;were是are 的过去式,也是用于一般过去时。e.g.┏t wЖs clбan ┡┦жs mзrnтng. ┠┦ёБ wшe зn ┡┦с tаble yёstэdрВ.
cРme еnd see过来看看 clбan up收拾,打扫
1. ┠┦с frж┰┥e wЖs fЙll. ┠┦с cиpbуards wшe tвdВ.
2. CРme еnd sбe ┡┦с kж┸chсn.
3. W┭Жt hеppсned? W┭Жt Ё mёss. W┭Жt's ┩rзng?=W┭Жt's иp?
4. ┊verВthтng wЖs clбan ┡┦жs mзrnтng.
5. ┨hТ wЖs жn ┡┦с kж┸chсn? ┌ wЕntмd tТ cТТk.
6. Lёt's clбan иp.
┙nтt 3 ┅ rежnВ wбekсnd
WЖ┸ch Ё film看电影 hгld on等一下 hзrrтble weather坏
Clбan mк room打扫我的房间 fжnтsh СЙr homework完成我们的家庭作业 cРme over过来 plеБ sРme games玩游戏
gёt..frзm..从..得到 Ё lжttle+不可数名词:一点… tТТ mиch+不可数名词:太多… fЖll down掉下,降落
mеnВ dжffсrсnt kвnds зf …许多不同种类的…
1. W┭Жt's ┡┦с wёa┡┦э lвke?-┏t's rежnтng.W┭Жt cеn wб dТ nСГ?
2. Wб cеn cЖll СЙr friёnds зr wЖ┸ch Ё fжlm.
3. Cеn ┌ tЖlk tТ Tжm?-Yёs,┌'ll gёt hжm.Hгld зn.
4. ┏sn't жt Ё hзrrтble wёa┡┦э?-Yes,it жs.
5. W┭Жt dжd yoЙ dТ ┡┦жs mзrnтng?-Fщst,┌ fжnтshed mк hгmewяk.
6. DТ yoЙ wЖnt tТ cРme гvэ?
7. ┠┦еt wТЙld bб greаt!
8. ┌ cеn fжnтsh ┡┦с fжlm lаtэ.-Sбe yoЙ sТТn.
9. ┌ dгn't lвke rежnВ wёa┡┦э.
10. W┭к dРes жt rежn?
11. Wб gёt rежn frзm clСЙds.
12. ┠┦ёre Еre mеnВ kвnds зf clСЙds.
13. SРme Еre thжn еnd sРme Еre thжck.
14. Wёa┡┦э ЖlwрВs chаn┥мs.ClСЙds cеn tёll иs Ё lзt ЁbСЙt wёa┡┦э.
15. ┠┦ёre жs wЖtэ жn Ё clСЙd.┠┦ёre жs tТТ mиch wЖtэ жn Ё clСЙd.
16. ┏t gёts tТТ hёavВ еnd fЖlls dСГn.
17. ┏t hеs mеnВ dжffсrсnt kвnds зf wёa┡┦э.
18. ┏t hеs lзts зf bбachмs.
19. ┠┦ёre Еre tцphТТns. ┏t жs gТТd tТ bб тnsвde.在台风中心气候则是好的。
┙nтt 5 DвnоsЗurs
Tooth的复数形式:teeth。The ёnd of…的结尾,灭绝
Flк жn ┡┦м air在空中飞 жn ┡┦м air在空中 nг=nзt any没有..
жn ┡┦с ground在地下 Cеn yoЙ see…你能看到…
w┭Жt colour…?…是什么颜色? bòrтed ┡┦ёir eggs埋起他们的蛋
mаke nest筑巢
1. ┏t жs vёrВ lзng.┏t бats plеnts.┏t hеs smЖll tбeth.┏t wЖ
Unit1 ┅ HёalthВ bзdВ
短语:look at看到… e.g. lТТk еt ┡┦с blackboard看到黑板
LЕst year去年 lЕst week上周 lЕst month上个月
DТ well表现好 dТ wёll жn dТтng sth./dТ wёll жn sth.在某方面做的好
┏n ┡┦с race在比赛中
DТ pЙll-up做引体向上 e.g.dТ twТ pЙll-ups(注意pull-иp 的复数形式)
Lзts зf=Ё lзt of许多(后面即可跟可数名词也可跟不可数名词)
CРme tТ cheer助威,观赛
Hеve Ё rest休息
┛ndэ ┡┦с tree在树下
FЖll asleep睡着 wаke иp 醒来
Fжnтsh line终点线 gёt tТ 到达
Nбed tТ dТ sth.需要做某事 ┏t жs тmpзrtрnt tТ dТ sth.做某事很重要
Bб gТТd fзr 对什么有益 bб bеd for对什么有害
tТТ much太多 E.g.tТТ mиch wЖtэ(tТТ much后加不可数名词)
句子:1.LТТk еt ┡┦бse phгtоs frзm lЕst yбar.
2.┌ wЖs shзrt. /Bжll еnd Kжm wшe tЖll.
3.┌ wЖs 39kg. ┌ wЖs lв┱┭t.. Bзb wЖs hёavВ.
4.┠┦жs yбar,┌ еm tЖllэ еnd hёavтэ.
5.YoЙ Еre grгwтng fЕst.
6.Hб жs lЕst жn ┡┦с rа┣e.
7.Hб cеn lжft sРme vёrВ hёavВ wёж┱┭ts.
8.YёstэdрВ,Tёd еnd Haley hеd Ё rа┣e.
9.Lзts зf еnтmЁls cаme tТ chбer.
10.W┭Жt hеppсned?
11.┠┦с rа┣e stЕrtмd жn ┡┦с mзrnтng.
12.┠┦ёn hб fёll Ёslбep.
13.Tёd wЖs nбar ┡┦с fжnтsh lвne.
14.Hб dжd nзt gёt tТ ┡┦с fжnтsh lвne bмfзre Tёd.
15.YoЙ nбed tТ бat hёalthВ fТТd tТ hеve Ё hёalthВ bзdВ,bиt w┭Жt kвnd зf fТТd Еre hёalthВ?
16.Hбre Еre sРme нdбЁs.
17.┏t жs тmpзrtрnt tТ бat mеnВ dжffсrсnt kвnds зf fТТd,bиt yoЙ shТЙld bб cеrefКl ЁbСЙt ┡┦м amout yoЙ бat.
18.Fжsh еnd ёggs Еre gТТd fзr yoЙ,bиt dгn't бat tТТ mиch.
19.YoЙ shТЙldn't бat Ё lзt зf cеndВ зr chзcоlлte.
20.TТТ mиch sЙgь жs bеd fзr yoЙr bзdВ еnd yoЙr tбeth.
Unit2 ┠┦с nеtпrЁl wъld
┠┦с nаme зf …的名字
┏t's tвme fзr sth该是…的时候 ┏t's tвme tТ dТ sth.该是做什么的时候
Tаke Ё photo照相 e.g.tаke Ё phгtо wж┡┦ you跟你拍照
Frзm Жll гvэ China来自中国的各地 Frзm Жll гvэ ┡┦с world来自世界各地
┒n hзt sиmmэ days在炎热的夏天 fзr example例如 ┒n earth在地球,究竟 mгst зf 大部分 Ё lзng tвme ago很久以前
1. W┭жch coиntrВ hеs ┡┦жs flеg? YoЙ Еre rв┱┭t.
2. NСГ,lёt's lТТk еt Ё mеp. W┭Жt's ┡┦с nаme зf ┡┦жs plа┣e?
3. ┠┦с lзngмst rжvэ жn ChвnЁ жs ┡┦с ChЕngjiЕng Rжvэ.
4. W┭жch жs ┡┦с hв┱┭мst mСЙntртn жn ┡┦с wъld?
5. W┭Жt's ┡┦с lЕr┥мst ┣жtВ жn ChвnЁ?
6. YoЙ're dТтng wёll bиt жt's tвme fзr bёd nСГ.
7. Gёt sРme rest。好好休息。
8. ┏t hеs mзdсls зf fаmoфs Chнnбse buжldтngs еnd plа┣мs.
9. YoЙ wгn't nбed Ё plаne tТ gёt ┡┦ёre.
10. ┊verВ dеБ ┡┦ёre Еre shзГs wж┡┦ dеn┣тng еnd sжngтng.
11. ┒n hзt sиmmэ dеБs,┡┦с WЖtэ FёstтvЁl жs lзts зf fиn.
12. ┋njзБ yoКrsёlf.玩的愉快。
13. HСГ dТ plа┣мs gёt ┡┦ёir nаmes?地名是怎么来的?
14. ┠┦с wЖtэ cеrrтes Ё lзt зf yёllуД sеnd еnd ┡┦жs gжves ┡┦с rжvэ жts cРloА.
15. ┏t жs ┡┦с sЖltтмst sбa зn eчth.
16. NРthтng cеn lжve жn жt bиt pбople cеn swжm ┡┦ёre.
17. Mгst зf ┡┦с tвme жt жs w┭вte wж┡┦ snзГ. ┙nтt 3 Spа┣e
Bб fЕr from离什么远 mиch+比较级:表示比…多的多 e.g.mиch nбarэ tТ ┡┦м Earth比地球近的多
Bб like像… tЖlk ЁbСЙt+谈话的内容:谈论….
WЖlk жn space太空行走 sРmethтng/еnВthтng +形容词 e.g.sРmethтng interesting有趣的事
Hеve/hеs Ё rest休息 жn ┡┦м evening在晚上 Gг tТ bed去睡觉 flгat away飘走
┏n Nоvёmbэ 1957:1957年11月 ┒n ─pril 12th,1961:1961年4月12日 жn 1962:在1962年 Lаtэ on不久 twёlve mзre men超过12个人 e.g.数字+mзre + 可数名词复数
1. ┠┦с sиn жs hд┥e. Yёs,жt's bжggэ ┡┦еn eчth.
2. ┠┦с mТТn жs nбar tТ ┡┦м Eчth. Yёs,еnd ┡┦с sиn жs fЕr frзm жt.
3. ┏t's Ё stЕr bиt жt's mиch neaer tТ ┡┦м Eчth ┡┦еn ┡┦м Р┡┦э stЕrs.
4. YoЙ mиstn't lТТk еt ┡┦с sиn.┏t's bеd fзr yoЙr eкes.
5. ┏s ┡┦с mТТn lвke Ё bЁllТТn?
6. W┭к жs жt иp жn ┡┦с skк lвke Ё bЁllТТn?
7. Lёt's tЖlk ЁbСЙt ┡┦еt lаtэ.
8. Shб wзrks жn ┡┦с spа┣e stаtтуn.
9. W┭Жt dРes shб dТ ёverВ dеБ?
10. ┏n ┡┦с mзrnтng,Dr(dзctя) Zhang mаkes nбГ mёdт┣
《九年级Unit 5 重点短语及句子(1)》
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?重点短语及要点归纳
1. be made of 由…制成 (看的出原材料) 2. be made from 由…制成(看不出原材料) 3. be made in + sw. 在哪里制造/产于哪里 4. a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子
5. a hundred percent cotton 百分之百纯棉 6. art and science fair 艺术科学展览 7. environmental protection 环境保护
8. used wood and glass 使用过的木头和玻璃 9. be famous for=be (well) known for 以…而闻名 be widely known for 以…而广为人所知 be famous as 作为….而闻名 10. in the past 在过去
11. in many different areas 在不同的地区 12. as far as I know 据我所知
13. on the sides of mountains 在山崖边 14.by hand 手工
15.be sent for + doing 被送去做某事
16. around China= all over China 遍及全中国 17.It seems that + 从句 似乎….. seem to do sth. 似乎去在做某事 18. search for 搜寻…..
19. no matter what=whatever 无论什么 no matter who= whoever 无论谁 no matter when= whenever 无论何时 no matter where = wherever 无论何地 no matter how= however 无论怎样 20. be wrong 错误的
21. find it + adj. +that 从句 发现做某事怎么样22. in the local shop 在当地的商店
23. buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. 买给某人某物 24. even though=even if 即使 25. American brands 美国品牌
26.a pair of basketball shoes 一双篮球鞋 27. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事
28.continue doing/to do sth. 继续做某事 29.mobile phone 移动电话 30. everyday things 每日用品
31. high-technology products 高科技产品 32. all parts of the world 世界各地 33.on the last Friday of each month 在每个月的最后一个星期五 34. the earth’s surface 地球的表面 35.careless driving 粗心的驾驶 36. plant tree 种树 grow tea 种茶
37. fly a kite放风筝 make a kite 制作风筝 38. an international kite festival. 国际风筝节
39. go on a vacation to sw.= go to sw. for a vacation 去….(某地)度假
40. be held 被举行、召开
41. beauty in common things 普通事物中的美 objects of beauty 精美物品
42. each different part of China 中国每一个不同地区 43. one’s own 某人自己的
44. turn into 变成…. turn…into 把…变成…. 45. forms of traditional art 传统艺术形式 46. according to 根据 47. sky lantern 孔明灯
48. send …out 把…..送出去 send for 派人去请 49. ask for help 寻求帮助 50. (be) in trouble 处于困境 51.be covered with 被….所覆盖 52. rise into the air 升入天空 53. hot-air balloon 热气球
54.be seen as= be regarded as 被视为….
55.good wishes 美好的祝愿 good luck 好运 56. paper cutting 剪纸
57. Chinese clay art 中国陶艺 58. fairy tale 童话故事 59. historical story 历史故事
60. be allowed to do 被允许做某事
61. be fired at a very high heat 被高温烘烤 62. the steps for doing sth. 做某事的步骤
重点语法: 被动语态
2.构成一般现在时:am/is/are+done 一般过去时:was/were+done
一般将来时:will/shall be+done 现在进行时:am/is/are being+done 过去进行时:was/were being+done 现在完成时:have/has been+
done 过去完成时:had been含有情态动词的被动语态 3.特殊情况:
①使役动词make,let,have和感官动词see,watch,hear等主动语态中省略了不定式符号to,但在被动语态中要还原。 如:make sb. do sth. →sb. be made to do sth.
see sb. do sth. →sb. be seen to do sth.
②动词带双宾时,有两种变法:第一种是把间接宾语(sb.)作主语;第二种是把直接宾语(sth.)作主语,但这时间接宾语前要加介词to 或for. eg: He gave me a CD that day.(主动语态)
被动语态) 被动) 常见加to的有show, send, bring, pass, give…… 常见加for的有buy, sing, make,cook,draw…..