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原文: 西湖最盛,为春为月。一日之盛,为朝烟,为夕岚。 今岁春雪甚盛,梅花为寒所勒,与杏桃相次开发,尤为奇观。石篑数为余言:傅金吾园中梅,张功甫玉照堂故物也,急往观之。余时为桃花所恋,竟不忍去。湖上由断桥至苏堤一带,绿烟红雾,弥漫二十余里。歌吹为风,粉汗为雨,罗纨之盛,多于堤畔之草,艳冶极矣。 然杭人游湖,止午未申三时;其实湖光染翠之工,山岚设色之妙,皆在朝日始出,夕舂未下, 始极其浓媚。月景尤为清绝:花态柳情,山容水意,别是一种趣味。此乐留与山僧游客受用,安可为俗士道哉?(袁宏道《晚游六桥待月记》,有删节)







The Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands (Hawaiian: Mokupuni o Hawai‘i) are an archipelago of eight major islands, several atolls, numerous smaller islets, and undersea seamounts in the North Pacific Ocean, extending some 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometres) from the island of Hawaiʻi in the south to northernmost Kure Atoll. Once known as the "Sandwich Islands", the name chosen by James Cook in honour of the then First Lord of the Admiralty John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, the archipelago now takes its name from the largest island in the cluster.

The United States state of Hawaii occupies the archipelago almost in its entirety, with the sole exception of Midway island,

which is instead an unincorporated territory within the United States Minor Outlying Islands.

The Hawaiian Islands are the exposed peaks of a great

undersea mountain range known as the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, formed by volcanic activity over a hotspot in the Earth's mantle. The islands are about 1,860 miles (3,000 km) from the nearest continent.


杭州西湖位于浙江省杭州市西部,著名潟湖,旧称武林水也称西子湖,是江南三大名湖之一。其南、北、西三面环山,面积约6.39Km²,南北长约3.2千米,东西宽约2.8千米,绕湖一周近15千米。西湖平均水深2.27米,水体容量约为1429万m³。 云山秀水是西湖的底色;山水与人文交融是西湖风景名胜区的格调。







Hangzhou, a historic city, has been famous for its beautiful scenery. About seven hundred years ago, Italy‟s most famous traveler Marco Polo once named it as „The world‟s most beautiful and magnificent city‟. The mirror-liked West Lake, the numerous green hills, and the deep caves all

contributed to its marvelous scenery. Over it, there‟s a Su Causeway and a Bai Causeway, which like a colored ribbon. Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(San Tan Yin Yue), the mid-lake pavilion and Ruan Gong Islet stand in the middle of the lake. The Yue Temple, Xi Ling Press, Breeze-ruffled Lotus at

Quyuan Garden , Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake, Viewing Fish at Flower Pond, Orioles Singing in the Willows and other scenic spots are all around the lake. The mountains around the lake are in all kinds of poses with different expressions. There are many caves in the mountains ,which have not only beautiful sceneries but also a lot of ancient inscriptions. There are also many mountain springs, among which Dreaming of Tiger Spring at Hupao, Dragon Well and Yuquan Spring are very famous and the Nine Greeks and Eighteen Gullies is famous for its murmuring water and winding road. In addition, there are many other historic interests, like Lingyin Temple, Six Harmonious Pagoda, Baocu Pagoda,Tao Guang and Bamboo-lined path at Yun Qi.







《旅游翻译 第八次练习-亭下湖-参考译文》


Tingxia Lake

Tingxia Lake, a reservoir dug in 1985, is one of the three scenic areas of Xikou. The lake is named after Tingxia Village, an 100-year-old ancient village submerged in the lake when the reservoir was built. This scenic area now consists of such sights as follows: the Zigzag Huixi Stream, the Catfish Swimming on the Water, and Wild Ducks from Spring Woods.

Tingxia Lake covers an area of 5.9 sq kilometers. In terms of water storage, some 153 million cubic meters, the lake is 7 times as large as the West Lake in Hangzhou. In the east of the lake stands the dike, 93 meters in height and 317 meters in length. Walking along the dike, the beholder will see a vast expanse of water nestling in the valley surrounded in the range after range of mountains. Boating on the lake, a tourist can enjoy the Qiangzhangya Waterfall that looks like a silver sword hanging on the purple peak in northeast, as well as the sky-touching stone pillar of Miaogao Terrace that towers the mountains in the north. The lake is well-known as “Little Three Gorges” for its zigzagging shorelines and the 14,000 hectares of dense woods surrounding the lake. The well-distributed three isles and three bylands in the lake form a charming natural sight of “a lake within a lake.”

Xiao Hui Mountain or Little Dark Mountain is a peninsular that stretches into the center of the lake, cutting it into two parts: the inner lake and the outer lake. Legend has it that Huang Chao, the leader of a peasant uprising toward the last years of the Tang Dynasty, found it getting dark when he led his defeated troops across the mountain and hence its name Little Dark Mountain. Gao Yuanzhi, a poet of the Song Dynasty, described the mountain in the following lines:

Over Little Dark Mountain, and Large Dark Mountain,

Range after range of peaks is clad by forests so green.

The quietness of rocks in the embrace of chilly mist,

Is disturbed by the storm blowing from the clouds.

The best place to view the sunrise on the lake is on the top of the Little Dark Mountain. The huge rock lying on the shore of the lake in the pine woods resembles a green tortoise that is lowering its head as if exploring the depth of the lake. And that is how the sight gets its name “Green Tortoise Exploring the Lake.”

Turning around the tip of Xiao Hui Mountain one cannot but feel enlightened at the vast expanse of the lake. Riding on a yacht along the gorge on the south, one can go to the Southern Sand Pool where there is a waterfall of three levels, each with different and vivid style.

The long and narrow island in the center of the lake looks like a swimming catfish. Hence its name Catfish Island and the name of the sight “the Catfish Swimming on the Water.” The island is made up of two isles of different sizes, which, according to legend, are two catfishes that swam to the Tingxia Village in a time immemorial. On the island visitors can enjoy such entertainment programs as “returning to nature and sleeping in open on the island,” which attract large number of tourists.



