分手吧 英语句子

| 成人英语三级 |


分手吧 英语句子篇一

爱现. Show off. 安分点. Behave . 安静点. Be quiet.

把那句话给我收回去. Take it back . 白忙一场. In vain.

搬弄是非。What a gossip. 半斤八两。Same difference. 包在我身上。You can count me. 抱歉让你等久了。Sorry to keep you waiting. 笨蛋一个。Idiot.

笔记借我抄抄。Lend me your notes. 变态。Peivert.

便宜没好货。You get what you pay. 表里不一。Thinks one way, but acts another. 别被他唬了。Don’t let him fool you. 别催我。Don’t rush me. 别多嘴。Enough. Shut up.

别搞错了。Don’t take it wrong way. 别搞砸了。Don’t blow it.

别管他。Don’t worrry about it.

Don’t pay attentiong to it.. /What the heck. 不要理我。Leave me alone.

别管闲事。Stop bossig me around. 别来无恙。How have you been? 别唠唠叨叨了。Stop blabbering. 别理他。Don’t mind him./Forget him. 别那么夸张。You are overdoing it. 别闹了。Keep it down. 别瞧不起人。Don’t look it down on others 别惹麻烦。Don’t make trouble. 别惹我。Don’t bother me. Stop picking on me. 别傻了。Wise up.

别说是我做的Don’t tell anyone that I did it. 别妄想了。You’re dreaming.

别误会我的意思。Don’t take it wrong way.

别想溜。Don’t run away.

别想骗我。Don’t try to pull one over me.

别小题大做。Don’t blow it out of proportion.

别有样学样。Don’t be a copycat.

别再婆婆妈妈了。Stop being so indecisive. 别这么见外。Don’t be a stronger. 别装了。Stop pretending.

别装蒜了。Don’t play innocent. 并不想。Don’t feel like it. 不高兴就说啊。If you are not happy, say it 不够看啦。So-so.

不关我的事。None of my business.

不见不散。I’m not leaving until I see you. 不见得。Not necessarily.

不可以偏食。Can’t be picky about food. 不买可惜。Hard to pass up. 不难吃。Tastes good. 不骗你。Not joking.

不去你会后悔的。You’ll regret it if you don’t go.

不然你想怎么样?Well, what do you want? 不然这样好不好?How about this instead? 不如这样… What about 不上道。Don’t know how to play the game. 不识抬举。You just don’t appreciate it. 不要脸。Shameless.

不要学我说话。Don’t repeat everything I say. 不要以大欺小。Pick on someone your own size. 不要再找借口了。Stop looking for excuse.

不一定啦。Not necessarily.

不用你插嘴。You don’t need to interrupt.

不用你说我也知道。That goes without saying.

不知羞耻。Shame on you.

不值得为这点小事生气。Don’t get mad. It’s not worht it.

太神了。Cool .

才怪。Yeah ,right. As if.

长话短说。Make a long story short. 常有的事。Happens all the same. 出师不利。Get off on the wrong foot. 除了吃,你还会做什么? what do you do besides eating? 吹牛。Brag.

此一时也,彼一时也。Times have changed.

打个折吧。Give me a discount. 得了吧。Come on.

跌个狗吃屎吧。Take a bad pill. 懂了吗? Get it?

动一下脑筋吧。Use your head. 都是你害的。It’s all your fault. 兜风去。Let’s go out for a drive. Let’s go out for some air. 多此一举。There’s no need.

放你一马。Off the hook. Lucky this time. Saved by the bell.

放一百二十个心吧。Relax,you can count on me.


分手吧。Let’s break up. 分摊吧。Let’s go Dutch.

改天吧。Another time.

I’ll take a rain check. 干脆点。Make up your mind. 干嘛?What for?

干嘛发火,谁惹你了?Why so pissed off? 干嘛神秘兮兮的?why so myterious? 赶时间吗?Are you in a hurry?

给我逮到了吧。I got you. 给我滚,闪 一边去。

Get out of here,. Out off my way. 跟你有什么关系。What’s it to you? 跟我猜得一样。That’s what I gussed. 狗屎运。Lucky bastard.

果然不出我所料。Just what I thought.

好饱。I’m stuffed.

好恶心。That’s so disgusting. 好好考虑一下。Think it over. 好烂。It sucks.

好事成双。Good things come in pairs. 好戏还在后头呢。You ain’t seen nothin’yet.

好戏就要开锣啦。Good things have just bugun.

好险。That was close.

何必呢。Why are you doing that? 很好玩。Super fun. 很难说。Hard to say. 胡扯的。That’s rubbish.

胡闹。That’s monkey business. 花痴。Flirt.

话别说得太满。Don’t be so sure. 话别说的太早。Don’tjinx it. 还差的远咧。Far from it.

还是有希望的。There’s still hope. 活该。Serves you right.

加油。Go for it.

家家有本难念的经。Every family has problems.

简直无法相信。I can’t believe it. 教坏孩子。Bad influence. 解脱了。Free at last.

经济实惠。Get your money’s worth.


You mind your buisiness, and I’ll mind mine.

就差那么一点。 I was this close. 就当我什么也没说过。

Just pretend I didn’t say anything. 就这样。Let it be.

看得出来。You can tell. 看好喔。Watch me. 看什么看?没看过啊?

What are you looking at? Never seen this before?

看缘分吧。Leave it up to fate/destiny. 考虑中。Sitting on the fence. 可想而知。Goes without saying. 口是心非。You say it, but you don’t mean it.

来单挑。Let’s fight one-on- one. 冷静点。Keeps your pants on. 两全其美。Good for both sides. 乱七八糟。What a mess.


买一送一。Buy one get one free. 蛮配的。Suits you well. 慢慢来。Take it easy.

慢吞吞的。Slow as molasses.

没必要对你说。No need to tell you. 没风度。Crass.


I’ve never seen someone so despicable. 没日没夜。Day and night. 没什么。Not much.

没完没了。Will it never end? 没想到会在这碰到你。

I don’t think I’d see you here.

没有其他可能了。There’s no other way. 没这回事。No such thing. 门儿都没有。Not a chance. 免了吧。No need .

免谈。No need to discuss.

面对现实吧。Wake up and smell the coffee. 明天在说吧。Talk it about tomorrow. 末班车。Just made it.

哪有?what do you mean? Not at all. 那不是很好吗?Isn’t that great? 那我就放心了。That eases my mind. 那要看情形。That depends. 那有什么好奇怪的?

W hat’s so werid about that? 那又怎么样?So what?


You are not so great about yourself. 你别笑死人了。Don’t make me laugh.. 你不会后悔的。You won’t regreat. 你不想活啦?You wanna die? 你出卖我。You betrayed me.

你给我看清楚一点。Take a closer look. 你从那冒出来的?Where’d you come from? 你打算怎么样?What are you wanna? 你等着看好了。Just wait and see.

你懂什么?You don’t know the half of it.

你方便就好。Whatever’s convenient for you

你搞砸了啦。You messed up. 你鬼叫个什么劲啊。Why are you yelling. 你好大的胆子。You’ve got some nerves. 你很迟钝耶。You’re so retarded.

你很烦耶。You’re getting on my nerves. 你还不够格。You don’t have right.

你还顶嘴。Talk back.

你还嘴硬。Don’t be so stubborn. 你会后悔的。You’ll be sorry.

你会死得很难看。You’ll die a horrible death.

你急什么?what’s the rush?

你今天不太对劲。You’re not yourself today. 你竟敢放我鸽子。How dare you stand me up.

你就这么爱耍我是吧。You like to play with me,don’t you?

你就实话实说吧。Just tell it like it is. 你觉得呢?what do you think? 你看吧。I told you so.

你来评评理。You be the judge.

你没别的事好做吗?don’t you have anything better to do?

你那是什么脸?what kind of look is that 你凭什么指使我?what right do you have to tell me what to do?

你认错人了。You got the wrong person.

你认为这个很有趣?you think this is funny.

你撒谎。You die. 你省省吧。Save it.

你说得容易。That’s easy for to say. 你说了算。Up to you.

你说呢?so what?you tell me.

你说这什么话?what kind of talk is that? 你死了这条心吧。Give it up. 你算哪根葱。你算什么东西。 Who do you think you are

太得寸进尺I give you a inch, and you take a yard.

你喜欢就好。As long as you like it. 你现在才来。Took you long enough.

你现在和谁在交往?are you seeing anyone?

你想到那去了?what are you thinking? 你行不行啊?can you do it?

你一定可以撑下去的。You can do it. 你以为我喜欢这样。You think it I like this 你有没有良心?don’t you have a heart?

你有没有在听啊?have you been listening?

你有没有完啊?are you through?

你有意见吗? Do you have an opinion? 你再说,我打你。

Say it again, and I’ll give you a beating. 你在烦什么?what’s bugging you?

你在玩什么把戏?what are you trying to pull? 你这话什么意思?what do you mean by that?

你这哪算什么?that’s nothing.

你这是何苦呢?why torture yourself? 你这张快嘴。You and your big mouth 你真笨。You’re so lame. 你真没用。You’re useless.

你真是没救了。You’re hopless. 怕了吧?now you’re scared, aren’t?

朋友是做什么用的?what are friends for 骗你的啦。I’m pulling your chain. 岂有此理。How did it to come? 起内哄。In finghting. 抢劫啊。Rip off. 清醒点。Sobe up.

请你放尊重点。Treat it respect. 请问你还用吗?Are you finished? 求之不得。Want it badly.

区区小事何足挂齿It’s nothing. Don’t mention it.

去你的。Fuck you.

让我一个人静静吧。Leave me be.

饶了我吧,拜托。Give me a chance, please. 认输吧。Give in.

三思而后行。Look before yu l eap. 色狼。Pervert.

少说废话。Cut the crap.

社会败类。Scum of society.

身在福中不知福。Take it for granted. 神经病。Crazy!

什么风把你吹来了。What brings you here? 什么事那么好笑?what’s so funny? 实际一点吧。Be prctical!

事情就是这样。That’s the way it is. 是这样子的吗?Is that so? 书呆子。Nerd./dork. 耍大牌。Poser.

谁管那么多?who cares?

谁会那么蠢?who would be so dumb? 谁说的?who said that?/Says who? 谁说让你做主了啊?Who put you in charge? 顺其自然。Go with the flow. 说点别的吧。Change the subject. 说话算话!you can’t take it back. 说来话长。It’s a long story. 说来听听。Let’s hear it.

说了也没用。Doesn’t matter what you say. 死定了。I’m dead.

死都不要。Over my dead body. 算了。Forget it. 算你厉害。You win.

随便你。Up to you./Whatwver.

你的话不可信。Don’t believe a word he says.

他根本不把我放在眼里。 He looks down on me.

他还是老样子。He’s the same as always. 他有什么地方比我好?Who does he have that I don’t?

太过分了。That’s too much.

太夸张了。That’s an exaggeration. 太离谱了。Off base.

讨厌。So annoying.

替天行道。Carry God’s will. 天不从人愿。

You can’t a;ways get what you want. 天底下哪有这种好事。 That’s too good to be true. 天下没有白吃的午餐。

Ther’s no such thing as a free lunch. 天下无不散的宴席。

All things must come to an end. 天要亡我。I’ve got no place to go. 听你在放屁!That’s bullshit!

听起来很麻烦。Sounds like a pain in the ass.

听我的没错。Just listen to me ,and you’ll be fine.

歪打正着。Hit the jackpot. 完美主义者。Perfectionist. 忘恩负义的家伙。Ingrate.

为什么不早说?Why didn’t you say so? 问你也是白问。No use asking you.

问一下又不会死。You won’t die for asking.

我没那么笨!又不是三岁小孩子。 You think I was born yesterday. 我保证。O guarantee.

我别无选择。I have no choice. 我不管。I don’t care!

我不会怪你。I won’t blame you. 我不是本地人。I’m not from around here. 我不是告诉过你妈?didn’t I tell you before? 我不是故意的。I didn’t do it on purpose. 我不想给别人找麻烦。

I don’t want to cause any trouble. 我不晓得在那里见过他。

I don’t know where I’ve seen him before. 我不行了。I’m done. 我不在乎。I don’t care. 我才不信咧。Year right. 我才懒得理你。You’re not worth my time 我的心在滴血。My heart hurts. 我的意思不是那样。

That’s not worth I’m saying. 我等你等得不耐烦。

I couldn’t wait any longer for you!

我懂你的意思。I know what you mean. 我发誓。I swear.

我改变主意了。I changed my mind. 我根本不是他的对手。I’m no match for him. 我跟你拼了。Bring it on.

我跟他不熟。I don’t know him well. 我好怕啊。I’m so scared.

我还不是很饿。I’m not that hungry. 我还会不知道吗?Wouldn’t I know? 我会找他算账。You’ll pay for this. 我会自己想办法的。I can handle it myself. 我豁出去了。I’ve got nothing to lose. 我急着要。I need it badly.

我尽力了。I did the best I could. 我就跟你说吧。See? I told you. 我就知道。I knew it.

我看没这必要。There’s no need.

我看他不顺眼。He rubs me the wrong way. 我可不是说着玩的。I’m not joking. 我快崩溃了。I’m going out of my mind. 我快俄扁了。I’m starving to death.. 我快胀死了。I’m stuffed.

我们才刚好聊到你。Speak of the devil. 我们扯平了。We’re even. 我们刚说到哪。Where were we? 我们来表决。Let’s take a vote. 我情不自禁。I can’t help myself. 我请客。My treat.

我什么时候说过了?When did I say that? 我是清白的。I’m innocent. 我手机没电了。

My cell phone’s out of batteries.

我忘了要说什么。I forget wht I was gonna say.

我无能为力。Out of my control. 我五分钟内就可以准备了。 I’ll be ready within five minutes. 我吓得腿软。Shake like jully.

我想请你帮个忙。Could you do me a favor?

我也无话可说。I’m speechless. 我也这么想。I agree.

我一个人哪做得玩。I can’t do it by myself. 我已经麻木了。I’m numb.

我有什么好处?What’s in it for me? 我招了。I admit. 我招谁惹谁了?

我这样还不是为你好!I’m doing it for you. 我支持你。I’ll back you up.

我只是闹着玩的。I’m just kidding.

我只有一只手。I can’t do two things at the same time.

我走不动了。I can’t move. 无耻!shameless. 无所谓。Whatever. 无怨无悔。No regrets. 勿失良机。

Don’t pass up a golden opportunity.


It’s fine noce you get used to it. 下次好运了。Betterluck next time. 下次再聊。Talk about it next time. 吓我一大跳。You scared me.

先帮我垫一下钱。Can you spot me? 一视同仁。Friend or foe… 一手交钱,一手交货。

You give me the money. I’ll get you the gooods.

英雄所见略童。Great minds think alike. 有本事你做给我看。Let’s see you do it! 怎么可能有这种事?how could that be? 怎么可以这样?hoe could you do this? 怎么那么死脑筋?how cn you be so subborn?

怎么说?how do I say this?

怎样?我没说错吧。What? I’m right, it any cheaper than this. 这正是人间美味。

This food is out of this world.

这种事是不能开玩笑的。This isn’t a laughing matter.

真碍眼。 Rubs me the wrong way. 现实总是残酷的。The truthhurts. 现在要怎样。What now?

现在又怎么了?what’s wrong now? 羡慕吧。Eat your heart out! 想得镁。In your dreams.

想都别想。Don’t even think about it. 想开点。Don’t take it so hared. 小气巴拉。Scrooge. 小气鬼。Stingy bastard.

谢谢你临时来帮忙。Thanks for coming to help on such a short notice.

心照不宣。Mutual understanding. 信不信由你。Believe it or not. 行不通的啦。It’s not gonna work. 行行好嘛!have a heart. 休想。Over my dead body.

凶什么凶,我又没得罪你?why are you so mean?I’ve never done anything to you. 血债血还。An eye for an eye. 眼不见为净。Ignorance is bliss. 要不要来赌?Wanna bet? 要你管!Not your business!

要是我就不会。I wouldn’t, if I were you. 也可以这么说啦!you could say that too. 一个巴掌拍不响。It takes two to tange. 一共多少钱。How nuch is it all together? 一举两得。

Shooting two birds with one stone. 一切听你的。You’re the boss. 有话快说。If you have something to say…say it.

有口难言。I can’t say.

有钱好办事。Money makes the world go round.

有什么关系?what does it matter? 有什么好?what’s good about it? 有什么好事吗?what’s up? 有什么了不起?big deal 有些人就是学不乖。

Some people never learn. 有眼光。Goog taste.

有种你给我试试看。I dare you to try. 有总比没有好。Better than nothing. 又不是我的错。It’s not my fault. 又来了。Again. 幼稚。Immature.

原来如此。So that’ how it is.

再接再厉。Work hareder. 再联络。Keep in touch. 糟啦。Fuck/shit /damn.

早就知道是你,还用你说。 I know. Save your breath.

]怎么不说话了。Cat got your tongue? 怎么不说你自己。Lool who’ s talking. 怎么搞的?what’s eating you?

怎么还不下课?when’s class gonna end? 怎么会这样?how did this happen? ain’t I?

找死。Playing whith fire!

照着做就对了。Just do what it says. 这不是重点。That’s not the point. 这才像话。That’s more like it. 这次不算!重来!this time didn’t cout. Do it over!

这该怎么说呢?how should I say this? 这简单。It’s easy for me. 这就怪了。It doesn’t add up.

这就是我要的。That’s just wht I’m looking for.

这可不是天天都有的。It doesn’t happen every day.

这里给你做。Take aseat.

这没什么希奇。 It’s nothing special. 这没有什么。There’s nothing to it. 这事就交给我吧。Leave it up to me. 这是你说的喔。You said it, I didn’t. 这下没指望了。It’s helpless.

这下你可糟了。You real did it this time. 这些东西怎么会在这里?what are these things doing here?

这样不太好吧!that’s not a goog idea. 这样算什么英雄好汉?what kind of here is that?

这样也好。I guess so .

这有什么大不了得?what’s the big deal? 这再便宜你就买不到了。You can’t buy6 真低级。How low-class. 真划算。What a great deal. 真没水准。No class.

真拿你没办法。I don’t know what to do with you.

真拿你没辙。You’re hopless. 真是经典。It’s a classic. 真是受不了。I can’t take it. 真是有缘。Ti’s destiny. 真体贴。So affectionate.

睁一只眼闭一只眼。I’ll pretend I didn’t see that.

正经点。Have some decency. 知足常乐。Easy to please.

只要你说出来,他们都有。You name it. They’ve got it.

自讨苦吃。Asking for it.

自找麻烦。Looking for trouble. 自作自受。Serves you right.

嘴巴放干净一点。Wash your mouth out with soap!

最糟的海不止这样。 T he worst is yet to come.

坐而言,不如起而行。Actongs speak louder than words.

坐过去一点。Move over. 装死。Play dumb.

自相残杀。At each other’s throats.

分手吧 英语句子篇二
《英语口语作业 我们分手吧》

院系信息技术学院班级 __物联网工程和计算机科学与基础___



Bob: Why are you late? Ann.


Ann: I'm sorry, I'm a little things, for being late.


Bob:Well, let's go!


Ann: Wait a moment, I have something to tell you.


Bob:What's the matter? Let us walk and talk!


Ann: No, I’d better speak here.


Bob: Daling, what happen to you?


Ann:Bob, I am sorry, let's break up, we have really inappropriate. 鲍勃,对不起,我们分手吧,我们真的不合适。


Why?Ann. Why do you want to leave me? Can you give me a reason? 为什么?安。为什么你要离开我?给我个理由。

Ann: I'm sorry.I can only say sorry.

对不起,我只能说对不起 Bob:Ann, You know how much I love you.I know you also love me .What makes you say these words?


Ann:you have always known that my parents don't like you.I love my parents more than love you.So let's end.


Bob: It is really a ridiculous excuse.


Ann:If you think it is, it is.


Bob:Now that your mind is made up. I have nothing to say.


Ann: Thanks. Bob.


Bob: So can you agree with my last request?


Ann:Please go ahead.


Bob: Can you accompany me to go out for a walk?


Ann: Pardon?Oh~! I know.



Bob:How can I save our love?


Ann: We'd better break up.


Bob: Okey, I don’t know what I can do for you,now. I know your parents don’t like me .So I’m trying to change myself. I’m a fool. I think what I have done can touch you. But I’m wrong. Let’s shake hands last time. 好吧,我也不知道我现在还能为你做些什么。我认为你的父母不喜欢我,所以我在试着改变自己,我真傻!我以为我所做的能够感动你,但是我错了。让我们最后一次握手吧。

Bob: If you can get out of my hand,I'll break up with you.


Ann: Do you know my hand hurts.


Bob: I’m sorry.I love you. I won't let yousuffer pain.


Ann:Me,too. We don't break up. 我爱你,我们不要分手了。

Bob: But I have to let go of your hand. 可是我已经放开了你的手。

分手吧 英语句子篇三


2 字篇

1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)

e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!

2. 活该! you had it coming!

a: i gained weight!

b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much without exercising.

3. 胡闹 that‟s monkey business!

e.g. a: stop fooling around! that‟s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛!

注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”

3.请便! help yourself.

do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。)

4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!

注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at


5.才怪! yeah,right!as if!

e.g. a: today‟s test was very easy.

b: yeah, right!

a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if!

他自认可以跟我们交往! 才


注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。

6.加油! go for it!

e.g. a: go for it! you can do it!

注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。

7.够了! enough!

stop it!

注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(

无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)

8.放心! i got your back.

e.g. a: don‟t worry, man. i got your back.

注:这句原本来自“i‟m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗



9.爱现! showoff!

e.g. a: he‟s been doing that all day. what a showoff!

注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is

always showing off his strength.

10.讨厌! so annoying!

e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!

11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)

e.g. a: it‟s all settled. there‟s no need to discuss it anymore.

全都确 定了。所以就免谈了!

12.真棒! that‟s great!

13.好险! that was close!

e.g. a: i‟m so glad you made it. that was close!

注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同

14.闭嘴! shut up!

15.好烂! it sucks!

e.g. a: that sucks. don‟t buy it.


16.真巧! what a coincidence!

17.幼稚! immature!

e.g. a: she‟s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she‟s so immature.

what a baby!

e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby!


18.花痴! flirt!

e.g. a: you are such a flirt! Stop kissing up to him! He doesn‟t like you at all.




19.痞子! riff raff!

e.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。


注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。

20.找死! playing with fire!

e.g. a: are you crazy? you‟re playing with fire!


21.色狼! Pervert!

e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!


“You are rally perverted.” 。

22.精彩! Super!

e.g. A: Good job. That‟s super!



23.算了! Forget it!


分手吧 英语句子篇四


关键词: 英语 闯天下


【打招呼九句】打招呼,除Greetings 之外九句最常用的招呼语 。 只要是朋友都能用的: How's everything? 一切都好? What's up? 近况如何? What's new? 有什么新鲜事? What's happening? 在忙什么? 任何时后都可以用,但比较见外: How are you? 你好吗? 适用于第一次见面: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人: Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。 适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友: How have you been? 你过得怎么样? 适用于很久没见的朋友: Long time no see. 好久不见。

【不确定九句】 I don't know. 我不知道。 I'm not sure. 我不确定。 Who knows?谁知道啊? Don't ask me! 别问我! It's not certain.还不确定。 Nothing is set yet. 事情都还没有定案。 It hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定呢。 It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。 It's up in the air. 情况还混沌未明。 It's hard to say. 很难说。

【道谢九句】 说谢谢 除了Thank you.之外…… 九句最常用的道谢语 一般的说法: Thanks. 谢谢。 I really appreciate it. 我很感谢。 比较热情的说法: You're one in a million. 你真是大好人。 You're the greatest. 你最棒了。 要归功于对方的时候: Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。 I couldn't have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。 比较正式的说法: I'm truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。 Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的帮助备受感激。 I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的谢忱。

【道别九句】 说再见 除了说Goodbye之外…… 九句最常用的道别语 一般的用法: Take care. 保重。 Later. 回头见。 So long. 再见。 Until we meet again (next time.) 下次见。 俏皮的说法: See you later, (alligator.) 回头见,(鳄鱼。)(英文的部份押韵) 约定下次见面时间的用法: See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc.) 明天(下星期、下星期一……)见。 非常隆重的说法(或是开玩笑的说法): Farewell. 再会。 异国风味的说法: Adios (西班牙文的「上帝祝福你。」) Hasta la vista! 西班牙文的「下次再见。」)

【甜言蜜语九句】 ------ 男生必看﹐女生隨便 说爱你 九句甜言蜜语 最直接的说法: I love you. 我爱你。 有感情,但不确定有爱情的说法: I have a crush on you. 我对你有点动心。 I care about you deeply. 我非常关心你。 保守含蓄的说法: I'm fond of you. 我对你有好感。 强烈的、戏剧化的说法: You light up my life. 你照亮我的生命。 I can't live without you. 我没有你活不下去。 You mean the world to me. 你对我来说是最重要的。 My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。 You take my breath away. 你让我忘记呼吸。 十种语言,都说「爱你」! 法文 Je t'aime. 德文 Ich liebe Dich. 西班牙文 Te quiero./Te amo. 意大利文 Te amo. 土耳其文 Seni Seviyorum. (以下是英文拼音,非书写方式,大写字母表示重音) 俄文 Ya la-Blue teb-Ya. 日文 Ai siteru. 韩文 Sarang heyo. 泰文 Chan rak te. 广东话 Ngoh oi leih.

【称赞九句】 每天都该对自己跟别人说的话 You are great. 一般的用法: You're great/errific. 你好棒/好厉害。 I admire you. 我佩服你。 You're really cool. 你真酷。 You're amazing. 你真了不起。 You're awesome. 你真了不起。 完成一项任务后的说法: You did a great job. 你做得很好。 You really impress me. 你令我印象深刻。 You're an outstanding individual. 你真是杰出人材。 You are a great asset to our company. 你是本公司的重要资产(台柱)。

【杀价九句】 杀价必胜九句 Bargaining/Haggling 直接杀价: That's unreasonable! I'd take it for (100¥.) 这真是卖得太贵了!如果(一百块)我就买。 How about (100¥)? 卖(一百块钱)如何? I'd buy this if it were cheaper. 再便宜一点我就买。 拐弯抹角地杀: Lower the price, and I'll consider it. 价钱低一点我才会考虑。 It's a little overpriced. 这标价有点贵。 I like everything about it except the price. 这东西除了价钱之外我都喜欢。 尔虞我诈地杀: I've seen this cheaper (in) other places. 我在别家有看过更便宜的。 I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item. 听说别家的这个东西在大减价。 If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount? 多买一点有折扣吗?

【惊吓九句】 真可怕! 惊吓指数1听到或碰到很糟糕的事情时,你可以说: That's terrible! 好恐怖! How awful! 可怕噢! That's horrible/dreadful! 好可怕/吓人! What a nightmare! 真是恶梦一场! 惊吓指数2当情况坏到吓人时,你可以说: How terrifying! 吓死人了! That's scary! 真令人害怕! How frightening! 恐怖噢! 惊吓指数3 当发生不可思议的事情,让你怀疑是灵异事件时,你可以说: How creepy! 真令人毛骨悚然! That's spooky! 阴森森的!

【分手九句】 分手吧!我们分手吧! 开门见山说分手 I want to break up. 我要分手。 It's over. 我们缘分已尽。 Don't call me anymore. 别再打电话给我。 There's someone else. 我有了别人。 We're not meant for each other. 我们命中注定不适合。 旁敲侧击说分手 I need some time alone. 我需要一个人过一阵子。 We're better off as friends. 我们做朋友比较好。 You're too good for me. 我配不上你。 You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的对象。

【道歉九句】 序曲: Sorry, I'm (really/so/terribly) sorry. 对不起。我感到(实在∕很∕非常)抱歉。 Apologize./Please accept my apology. 我道歉。∕请接受我的道歉。 I feel really bad about... 我对(某件事)感到非常抱歉。 间奏曲:争取同情说抱歉 I didn't mean it. .我不是故意的。 It's all my fault. 全是我的错。 How could I be so thoughtless? 我怎么会那么粗心大意呢? How can I make it up to you? 我要怎样才能补偿你? 终曲:请求原谅说抱歉 I'll never forgive myself. 我永远不能原谅自己。 Will you ever forgive me? 你会原谅我吗?

【贺节九句】 假期快乐! 直截了当说贺节︰ Happy New Millennium! 千禧年快乐! Happy *Hanukkah! 如果对方是犹太人) 献殿节(光明节)快乐! 每逢佳节倍思亲︰ I'll have a blue Christmas without you. 没有你圣诞节我会过得很郁卒。 I'll / We'll be thinking of you during this Christmas season. 在这耶诞时节我(们)会 想念你的。 甜言蜜语贺吉祥︰ Wishing you peace and happiness during the holidays. 祝你假期幸福平安。 Stay warm, safe and healthy during the holidays! 祝你假期温暖、平安、健康。 May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth! 愿你圣诞节充满喜乐与温暖! Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy. 祝你假期健康快乐。 探询新年新气象︰ So, what's your New Year's resolution? 那么,你的新年新希望是什么? *Hanukkah犹太教的献殿节(或称光明节),假期在每年12月左右,为期八天,纪念公元前165年犹太人战胜叙利亚人以后,在耶路撒冷寺庙的重新奉献。

【求婚九句】 ------ 男生必學﹐學不會? 拖出去重打 5 下臺鞭。 我们结婚吧! 单刀直入法︰ Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗? Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗? 迂回暗示法︰ I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。 I think it's time we settled down... 我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了…… I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 我要与你共度余生。 I want to be with you forever. 我要永远与你相守。 咬文嚼字法︰ Let's get *hitched! 我们成为比翼鸟吧! Let's tie the knot! 我们结为连理枝吧! 强迫中奖法︰ I want to have your children. 我要跟你生宝宝。 *hitch(v.) 系住、栓住

【恭贺新禧九句】 祝新年新气象: As the new year begins, let us also start anew. 一元复始,万象更新 祝新年财运佳: Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich! 恭喜发财 May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity. 招财进宝 May a river of gold flow into your pockets. 财源广进 祝新年好运到: May you succeed at whatever you try./May all your wishes come true. 心想事成 Hope everything goes your way. 万事如意 May the New Year bring you good fortune. 迎春接福 祝福禄双全: I wish you good fortune and every success. 大吉大利 May you always get more than you wish for. 年年有余

【选举九句】 I support you. 我支持你。 I'll stand by you. 我会帮助你。 I'm with you all the way. 我会一直支持你。 I'm behind you all the way. 我随时在后面支持你。 I'm there for you. 我随时听候差遣。 You have my support. 你会得到我的支持。 You have my vote. 我这一票是你的。〈这句话除了字面上的意思,也可以表示「我支持你」。〉 You can count on me. 你可以信得过我。 You got my back. 我给你当靠山。〈上面这句话是一种较为口语的用法〉

【神秘九句】 神秘兮兮 求我我就告诉你︰ Guess what! 你猜怎么着! I know something you don't know! 我知道一些你不知道的事情! Ask me what just happened. 你猜刚刚发生什么事。 Have I got news for you! 我有事要告诉你呢! 支支吾吾吞吞吐吐︰ You'll never guess... 你绝对猜

不到…… You won't believe... 你不会相信…… The weirdest thing just happened... 最怪异的事情发生了…… 面有难色难以启齿︰ I don't know how to tell you this... 我不知如何对你启齿…… There's something that's been eating at me for a long time... 有件事情在我心里藏了很久……

【抓狂九句】 受不了我受不了: I've had enough of your... 我受够了你的…… Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊? How dare you! 你好大的胆子! 你是我今生的累赘: You worthless piece of.... 你这没用的东西…… You infuriate me. 你气死我了。 You're really full of it! 你满口胡言! 忍无可忍破口大骂︰ Shut your face! 住口! Get out of my face! 给我闪一边去! Stuff it! 闭嘴!

【耍赖九句】 游戏时耍赖︰ That doesn't count. 那不算! We weren't playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 欠钱时耍赖︰ Money has been really tight lately... 最近手头有点紧…… I've had so many other expenses... 我有太多其它的费用要付…… 犯错时耍赖︰ It's not my fault. 那不是我的错。 He / She made me do it. 他(她)要我做的。 交通违规时耍赖︰ I didn't see the sign. 我没有看到标胖尽? 规避责任时耍赖︰ It's not my turn to... 这次不是轮到我…… I didn't know anything about it... 我对此事一无所知……

【拍马屁九句】 任何人都喜欢听好话,你的老板当然也不会例外。下面的句子你可以在合适的时候说说看,不过由此产生的任何后果我们可不负责任。 It's really impressive the way you run this company. 您经营这家公司的模式真是令人印象深刻。 I look forward to coming to work every day. 我每天都迫不及待来上班。 You're the best-dressed boss around. 您是这里穿得最有型的主管。 You're my idol. 您是我的偶像。 I really admire your decision-making ability. 我很钦佩您的决策能力。 考试要 pass,老师当然很重要。尤其是主观性比较强的课程。这里只是提点建议,怎么干全靠您自个了。毕竟真凭实学比什么都重要。 You're too young to be a professor... 您当教授实在太年轻了…… Could you autograph your book for me, please? 能否帮我在您写的书上签名? Your teaching is so inspiring. 您的教学真是让人如沐春风。 當孝子,让爸爸妈妈开心开心 You look so much younger than my classmates' moms /dads. 你看起来比我班上同学的妈妈∕爸爸年轻多了。

【搭讪九句】 搭讪九句,让你越夜越美丽…… 似曾相识:拉近和对方的距离。 You look like someone I know. 你跟我一个朋友长得好象。 Haven't we met before? 我们之前见过吧? 借题发挥:只要有心,总是有借口。 That's a great haircut. 你的发型很棒。 (To the bartender) I'll have what the handsome gentlman (beautiful lady) is having. (对酒保说)我要跟这位帅哥(美女)点一样的东西。 略施小惠 :说这话可是有目的。 Can I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗? You have a great smile. 你的笑容很美。 趁虚而入:此句可以列入防狼手册,单身MM注意了。 Are you here alone? 你一个人在这儿吗? What's a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone? 像你这样的帅哥(美女)怎么会落单? 单刀直入:太直接了吧? What do you say we go somewhere quiet... 我们另外找个安静的地方如何……

分手吧 英语句子篇五

中文最常用600句英语地道表达(1——100) (0)

05-09 ,12:35

2 字篇

xml:namespace prefix = o />

1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)

e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!

2. 活该! you had it coming!

e.g. a: i gained weight!

b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much

without exercising.

3. 胡闹 that’s monkey business!

e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本


注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”

3.请便! help yourself.

do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必


4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!

注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对

方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at all”,表示你在否认对方表达的意思。

5.才怪! yeah,right!

as if!

e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.

b: yeah, right!

a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才怪!

注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。

6.加油! go for it!

e.g. a: go for it! you can do it!

注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。

7.够了! enough!

stop it!

注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(

无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)

8.放心! i got your back.

e.g. a: don’t worry, man. i got your back.

注:这句原本来自“i’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗



9.爱现! showoff!

e.g. a: he’s been doing that all day. what a showoff!

注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is

always showing off his strength.

10.讨厌! so annoying!

e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!

11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)

e.g. a: it’s all settled. there’s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确


12.真棒! that’s great!

13.好险! that was close!

e.g. a: i’m so glad you made it. that was close!

注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同

14.闭嘴! shut up!

15.好烂! it sucks!

e.g. a: that sucks. don’t buy it.


16.真巧! what a coincidence!

17.幼稚! immature!

e.g. a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she’s so


what a baby!

e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a



18.花痴! flirt!

e.g. a: you are such a flirt! stop kissing up to him! he doesn’t like you

at all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。



19.痞子! riff raff!

e.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。


注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。

20.找死! playing with fire!

e.g. a: are you crazy? you’re playing with fire!


21.色狼! Pervert!

e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet! 注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如:

“You are rally perverted.” 。

22.精彩! Super!

e.g. A: Good job. That’s super!



23.算了! Forget it!


24.糟了! Shit!/ Fuck!/ Damn!

e.g. A: Shit! This stinks! 糟了!这好臭!

注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“***”等等咒骂的字,Damn是其中最温和的一个。

25.废话! Bullshit!

e.g. A: I don’t believe it. That’s bullshit!


26.变态! Pervert!

e.g. A: Let’s get out of here. There are so many perverts here. 注:中文的变态从意思来看,其实比英文的pervert语意厌恶许多。

27.吹牛! Brag.

e.g. A: He’s bragging. There’s no way he could do that!

28.装傻! Play dumb.

e.g. A: Don’t play dumb. You know about that.

29.偏心。 Biased (prejudiced)。

e.g. A: Stop saying those things about it. You’re just biased. 不要再这


A:He’s so prejudiced. He helps her just because he likes her.

注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“The

author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。

30.无耻! Shameless!

e.g. A: How could you do such a thing! You’re shameless! 这种事你也做得出


注: Shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕


31.你敢? You dare?

e.g. A: I want to challenge you!

B: You dare?

32.赞成! I approve. / That’s a good idea.

e.g. A: Let’s go for a walk.

B: Sure. I approve.

33.好饱! I’m stuffed.

34. 休想! Over my dead body!/ No way!

e.g. A: You want to marry that guy? Over my dead body!

35.成交! It’s a deal!

36. 干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong? / what do you think

you are doing? / what happened? / what for?

3 字篇

37. 不会吧? That won’t happen, will it?

e.g. A: He will win the game. That won’t happen, will it?

不会吧? No, she’s not like that, is she?

e.g. A: Are you sure she stole the jewels? No, she’s not like that, is

分手吧 英语句子篇六


2 字篇

1. 活该! serves you(him,her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)

e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!

2. 活该! you had it coming!

a: i gained weight!

b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much without exercising.

3. 胡闹 that’s monkey business!

e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛!

注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monkeying around!”

3.请便! help yourself.

do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。)

4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!

注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at


5.才怪! yeah,right!as if!

e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.

b: yeah, right!

a:he thinks he can socialize with us! as if!

他自认可以跟我们交往! 才


注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。

6.加油! go for it!

e.g. a: go for it! you can do it!

注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.”“try your best.”。

7.够了! enough!

stop it!

注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around(

无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)

8.放心! i got your back.

e.g. a: don’t worry, man. i got your back.

注:这句原本来自“i’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗



9.爱现! showoff!

e.g. a: he’s been doing that all day. what a showoff!

注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is

always showing off his strength.

10.讨厌! so annoying!

e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!

11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)

e.g. a: it’s all settled. there’s no need to discuss it anymore.

全都确 定了。所以就免谈了!

12.真棒! that’s great!

13.好险! that was close!

e.g. a: i’m so glad you made it. that was close!

注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同

14.闭嘴! shut up!

15.好烂! it sucks!

e.g. a: that sucks. don’t buy it.


16.真巧! what a coincidence!

17.幼稚! immature!

e.g. a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she’s so immature.

what a baby!

e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby!


18.花痴! flirt!

e.g. a: you are such a flirt! Stop kissing up to him! He doesn’t like you at all.




19.痞子! riff raff!

e.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。


注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。

20.找死! playing with fire!

e.g. a: are you crazy? you’re playing with fire!


21.色狼! Pervert!

e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!


“You are rally perverted.” 。

22.精彩! Super!

e.g. A: Good job. That’s super!



23.算了! Forget it!


分手吧 英语句子篇七



打招呼,除Greetings 之外九句最常用的招呼语 。


How's everything? 一切都好?

What's up? 近况如何?

What's new? 有什么新鲜事?

What's happening? 在忙什么?


How are you? 你好吗?


Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。


Nice to see you again. 很高兴再见到你。


How have you been? 你过得怎么样?


Long time no see. 好久不见。

『搭讪九句 』



You look like someone I know. 你跟我一个朋友长得好象。

Haven't we met before? 我们之前见过吧?


That's a great haircut. 你的发型很棒。

(To the bartender) I'll have what the handsome gentlman (beautiful lady) is having.


略施小惠 :说这话可是有目的。

Can I buy you a drink? 我可以请你喝一杯吗?

You have a great smile. 你的笑容很美。


Are you here alone? 你一个人在这儿吗?

What's a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone? 像你这样的帅哥(美女)怎么会落单? 单刀直入:太直接了吧?

What do you say we go somewhere quiet... 我们另外找个安静的地方如何„„


说谢谢 除了Thank you.之外„„ 九句最常用的道谢语


Thanks. 谢谢。

I really/truly appreciate it. 我很感谢。


You're one in a million. 你真是大好人。

You're the greatest. 你最棒了。


Thanks to you (we made it on time.) 都要多谢你(我们才能准时完成)。

I couldn't have done it without you. 若是没有你,我不可能做到。


I'm truly grateful for your help. 我非常感激你的帮助。

Your help was greatly appreciated. 你的帮助备受感激。

I'd like to express my gratitude. 我要表达我的谢忱。


I don't know. 我不知道。

I'm not sure. 我不确定。

Who knows? 谁知道啊?

Don't ask me! 别问我!

It's not certain. 还不确定。

Nothing is set yet. 事情都还没有定案。

It hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定呢。

It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。

It's up in the air. 情况还混沌未明。

It's hard to say. 很难说。

It hasn't been sorted out. 还没弄清楚。


说再见 除了说Goodbye之外„„ 九句最常用的道别语


Take care. 保重。

(Catch you) Later. 回头见。

So long. 再见。

Until we meet again (next time.) 下次见。


See you later, (alligator.) 回头见,(鳄鱼。)(英文的部份押韵)


See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc.)



Farewell. 再会。



Hasta la vista! 西班牙文的「下次再见。」)

Adieu (法语的再见!永别了![长别或永别时用],愿意“(为你)向上帝问好”)


说爱你 九句甜言蜜语


I love you./I adore you. 我爱你。


I have/get a crush on you. 我对你有点动心(女子对男子)。

I care about you deeply. 我非常关心你。


I'm fond of you. 我对你有好感。


You light up my life. 你照亮我的生命。

I can't live without you. 我没有你活不下去。

You mean the world to me. 你对我来说是最重要的。

My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于你。

You take my breath away. 你让我忘记呼吸。

You are the meaning of my life. 你是我生存的意义。




Will you marry me? 你愿意嫁给(娶)我吗?

Would you be my wife/husband? 你愿意当我的妻子/丈夫吗?


I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我们该许下誓言的时候了。

I think it's time we settled down... 我想是我们该稳定下来的时候了„„

I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 我要与你共度余生。

I want to be with you forever. 我要永远与你相守。


Let's get *hitched! 我们成为比翼鸟吧!

Let's tie the knot! 我们结为连理枝吧!


I want to have your children. 我要跟你生宝宝。

*hitch(v.) 系住、栓住


无坚不摧,撒娇九句 注意GG不要用,否则后果自负。


Just this once. I'll never ask again.就这么一次。我不会再这样要求了。

I'll make it up to you. 我会报答你的。

I'll give you a massage if you... 如果你„„我就帮你按摩。


You never...for me




I want to break up. 我要分手。

It's over. 我们缘分已尽。

Don't call me anymore. 别再打电话给我。

There's someone else. 我有了别人。

We're not meant for each other. 我们命中注定不适合。


I need some time alone. 我需要一个人过一阵子。

We're better off as friends. 我们做朋友比较好。

You're too good for me. 我配不上你。

You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的对象。



You are great.


You're great/errific. 你好棒/好厉害。

I admire you. 我佩服你。

You're really cool. 你真酷。

You're amazing. 你真了不起。

You're awesome. 你真了不起。


You did a great job. 你做得很好。

You really impress me. 你令我印象深刻。

You're an outstanding individual. 你真是杰出人材。

You are a great asset to our company. 你是本公司的重要资产(台柱)。


Could you send me a doctor? 你帮我叫个医生吗? 你有什么症状?

Let me check your temperature. 然我先给你检查体温。

Did you eat something unusual? 你吃了什么不寻常的东西吗 ?

Let me check your blood pressure. 让我检查一下你的血压。

I'm not taking any medication. 我没有吃任何的药物。

I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不是很好。

Please call an ambulance. 请叫一个救护车。

When did it start? 症状什么时候开始的。



May I ask you out? 我可以要请你出去吗?

I'd like to invite you to a show. 我想邀请你一起去看电影。

Do you have plans tonight? 你今晚有什么计划吗?

If you're free, why don't we go out tonight 如果你今天休息,我们为什么不出去吃饭呢?

Would you mind if I took you out? 你介意我邀请你出来吃饭吗?

Are you asking me out on a date? 你是邀请我约会吗?

What time should we meet? 我们什么时候见面。

Are you available tonight? 你今晚有时间吗?


I'm a very practical person. 我是个很实际的人。

I have a one-track mind. 我是一根筋

I'm obsessed with one idea. 我被某个想法困扰。

I can't take my mind off of...无法不去想..

I'm a good judge of character. 我看人很准

I'm a poor judge of character. 我看人不准

You like sweets, don't you? 你喜欢甜食是不?

Yeah, I have a sweet tooth.是.我爱吃甜食

I prefer wine to sweets. 我是个酒鬼

I prefer savory to sweet. 我更爱吃辣的 我过着悲惨的生活

I have had a miserable life. 我过着悲惨的生活。

I have good/poor eyesight. 视力好/差


Do you go to school? 你还在上学吗?

I'm a junior college student.大专生 职业学校

I go to a cram school. 补习学校

I went to Meiji University. 我毕业于..

Where did you go to college? 你上的是..

I went to Harvard University. 我上的是..

What\Which school do you go to?

I go to ...university. *elementary school “小学”,junior high school “中学”,high school “高中”。

What year are you in? 问高中和大学的年级

What grade are you in? 问小学

I'm a freshman、 sophomore、 junior、 senior

I'll graduate next year. 我明年毕业。

What's your major? /What do you major in? 你什么专业

I'm an English major. /I major in English. 我的专业是英文。

What club are you in? 你参加什么俱乐部。

What club do you belong to?

I'm in the ski club. Yes, I'm a tutor. I work 3 times a week.

Do you work part-time?

I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week.

What are your plans after graduation? 你毕业后还有什么计划?

What are you going to do after u graduate?


my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry amount of my muscles do I flex. A hundredfold or more can I increase my accomplishments of yesterday and this I will do, beginning today.


Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments nor will I indulge, anymore, in self-praise for deeds which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more

分手吧 英语句子篇八

中文最常用600句短语地道英文表达 下载word版文档

1. 活该! serves you(him, her) right! = you deserve (he/she deserves it.)

e.g you failed the test? serves you right for not studying!

2. 活该! you had it coming!

a: i gained weight!

b: well, you had it coming, because you've been eating so much without exercising.

3. 胡闹 that’s monkey business!

e.g. a: stop fooling around! that’s monkey business! 别再混日子了!你根本在胡闹嘛! 注:本句也可把monkey当成动词说成“stop monk eying around!”

3.请便! help yourself.

do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。)

4.哪有? what do you mean? not at all!

注:如果只说“what do you mean?”那是不带任何用意的问句,只是想问清楚对方的意思;但是它也可用于挑衅及威胁,代表不满对方表达的意见。若加上“not at


5.才怪! yeah,right!

as if!

e.g. a: today’s test was very easy.

b: yeah, right!

a: he thinks he can socialize with us! as if! 他自认可以跟我们交往! 才


注:“yeah,right”常用于讽刺性的回答。“as if”大多是10到17岁女孩的用语。

6.加油! go for it!

e.g. a: go for it! you can do it!

注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“give it a good try.” “try your best.”。

7.够了! enough!

stop it!

注:也可以加强语气说“enough is enough!”。要是对方正在fooling around( 无所事事),你会骂他“enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧!)

8.放心! i got your back.

e.g. a: don’t worry, man. i got your back.

注:这句原本来自“I’m covering you from behind”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗

时军人常说的一句话。但在现代的意思是我会照料一切,要对方不必担心,所以这句男 人会常用,女人反而较少用。

9.爱现! showoff!

e.g. a: he’s been doing that all day. what a showoff!

注:showoff是名词,也可作动词,如:she likes to show off her toys. 或he is always showing off his strength.

10.讨厌! so annoying!

e.g. a: stop that! you are so annoying! 够了!你真讨厌!

11.免谈! no need to discuss!(no need for discussion.)

e.g. a: it’s all settled. there’s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确


12.真棒! that’s great!

13.好险! that was close!

e.g. a: I’m so glad you made it. that was close!

注:这里的close是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门(open and close)的close不同 。

14.闭嘴! shut up!

15.好烂! it sucks!

e.g. a: that sucks. don’t buy it.


16.真巧! what a coincidence!

17.幼稚! immature!

e.g. a: she’s still sleeping with her favorite stuffed animal. she’s so immature.

what a baby!

e.g. a: look at her, still buying “hello kitty” stuff at age 30. what a baby!


18.花痴! flirt!

e.g. a: you are such a flirt! stop kissing up to him! he doesn’t like you at all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。他根本不喜欢你。

注:不论男女,凡有如此行为的皆可用flirt表示。player(调情圣手)专指男性,tea se(卖弄风情的女人)专指女性。

19.痞子! riff raff!

e.g. a: these people give me the creeps. riff raff! 这些人使我起鸡皮疙瘩。


注:在美国riff raff特别指人肮脏、下流。

20.找死! playing with fire!

e.g. a: are you crazy? you’re playing with fire!


21.色狼! Pervert!

e.g. A: He is such a pervert! I saw him looking at me in the toilet!

注:这句话除了指性变态,也指精神变态,可简单地说“perv”,也可作动词,例如: “You are rally perverted.” 。

22.精彩! Super!

e.g. A: Good job. That’s super!



23.算了! Forget it!


24.糟了! Shit!/ Fuck!/ Damn!

e.g. A: Shit! This stinks! 糟了!这好臭!

注: 这些都是低俗的用语,如同“***”等等咒骂的字,Damn是其中最温和的一个。

25.废话! Bullshit!

e.g. A: I don’t believe it. That’s bullshit!


26.变态! Pervert!

e.g. A: Let’s get out of here. There are so many perverts here.


27.吹牛! Brag.

e.g. A: He’s bragging. There’s no way he could do that!

28.装傻! Play dumb.

e.g. A: Don’t play dumb. You know about that.

29.偏心。 Biased (prejudiced)。

e.g. A: Stop saying those things about it. You’re just biased. 不要再这


A:He’s so prejudiced. He helps her just because he likes her.

注:prejudice本意就是负面的,常用来职责对方不公正, bias则是中性字,如“The author has a bias for apple pie”(这个作家对苹果派有所偏好)。

30.无耻! Shameless!

e.g. A: How could you do such a thing! You’re shameless! 这种事你也做得出 来!你无耻!

注: Shameless 和 no shame不同,no shame是not scared of being shameful,不怕 丢脸的意思。

31.你敢? You dare?

e.g. A: I want to challenge you!

B: You dare?

32.赞成! I approve. / That’s a good idea.

e.g. A: Let’s go for a walk.

B: Sure. I approve.

33.好饱! I’m stuffed.

34. 休想! Over my dead body!/ No way!

e.g. A: You want to marry that guy? Over my dead body!

35.成交! It’s a deal!

36. 干嘛? What?/ What do you want?/ What’s wrong? / what do you think

you are doing? / what happened? / what for?

3 字篇

37. 不会吧? That won’t happen, will it?

e.g. A: He will win the game. That won’t happen, will it?

不会吧? No, she’s not like that, is she?

e.g. A: Are you sure she stole the jewels? No, she’s not like that, is


不会吧? No, it won’t, will it?

e.g. A: He may not have much longer to live.

B: No, he won’t die, will he?

不会吧? No way! (or Be smart!, 较礼貌一点)

37. 起内哄。 Fighting one’s own. / In-fighting.

e.g. A: That company wasted too much time fighting its own.

A: I won’t tolerate this in-fighting!

38. 豿屎运! Lucky bastard!

e.g. A: He won the lottery! Lucky bastard!

39. 没风度。 Crass

e.g. A: He’s so crass. There’s no way I would date him.


40. 你说呢? So what? e.g. A: You are such a bad person. Who’s going to like you?

B: So what?

你说呢! You tell me! e.g. A: What are we going to do?

B: You tell me!

注:说“So what”时,若语气冷淡,则表示不在乎;若语气带挑衅,则表示不要人 干涉,有“你管我 ”“那又怎样”的意思。

41. 别傻了! Wise up! E.g. A: Please, you believe that? Wise up!

Don’t be silly! E.g. A: I think we can get everyone to give us money.

B: Don’t be silly.

分手吧 英语句子篇九

一、such as 的七个用法1. 表示举例,such as 意为“例如,诸如此类的,像……那样的”,相当于like或for example。如:There are few poets such as Keats and Shelly. 像济慈和雪莱这样的诗人现在很少了。Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as “quickly” in “she ran fast”. 副词用来修饰动词,例如“她跑得快”中的“快”。Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can . 像兔和鹿这样的动物整个冬天都是很活跃的,它们到处寻找食物。用于此义时的几点说明:(1) 这类结构既可表现为“名词+such as+例子”,也可表现为“such+名词+as+例子”。如:I enjoy songs such as this one.= I enjoy such songs as this one. 我喜欢像这首歌一样的歌。(2) 若 such as 后接动词,通常用动名词,有时也可用动词原形。如:Don’t do anything silly such as marry him. 不要做什么蠢事,比如说去嫁给他。Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子里抓出兔子的戏法。(3) 不要按汉语意思将s uch as 用作s uch like。(4) such as 后不可列出前面所提过的所有东西。如:正:I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。误:I know four languages, such as Chinese, French, Japanese and English. 我懂四种语言,如汉语、法语、日语和英语。(5) 在现代英语中,such as可与etc. 连用。如:They planted many flowers, such as roses, sunflowers,etc. 他们种了许多种花,如玫瑰花、向日葵等。They export a 1ot of fruits,such as oranges,lemons,etc. 他们出口许多水果,如桔子、柠檬等。2. such as 表示“像……这样的”,其中的 as 用作关系代词,引导定语从句,as 在定语从句中用作主语或宾语。此外,不要按汉语意思把该结构中的 as 换成like。如:He is not such a fool as he looks. 他并不像他看起来那么傻。Such men as he (is) are rare now. 现在像他这样的人很少了。3. such as 表示“凡是……的人(或事物)”、“所有……的人(事物)”,其意相当于 everything that, all those, those that (who)等。其中的 such 为先行词,as 为关系代词。如:Take such (things) as you need. 你需要什么就拿什么。You may choose such as you prefer. 你可挑选自己想要的东西。Such (people) as have knowledge and skill will not want to work. 有知识和技能的人不愁没有工作。4. 有时 such as 整个儿用作关系代词,用以引导定语从句。如:We had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had. 我们本来希望给你一个别人从未有过的机会。Then I left it,feeling a weight at my heart such as I had never had b

efore. 然后我离开那里,心头感到一种前所未有的沉重心情。5. 用于 such…as to do sth,表示结果,其中的such为限定语,as to do sth 表示结果。如:It was such a loud noise as to wake everybody in the house. 声音很大,屋里的所有人都被吵醒了。You shouldn’t put such high prices as to frighten your customers off. 你不应该要价这么高,以致把顾客都吓跑了。6. 用于such as to do sth,表示程度或结果。其中的such是代词,as to do sth引出的结构作程度状语或结果状语。如:Her illness was not such as to cause anxiety. 她的病不是很重,不必担心。The pain in her foot wasn’t such as to stop her walking. 她脚疼,但还不至于不能行走。 7. 用于 such as it is 构成习语,表示让步,意思是“尽管不怎么好”“尽管不一定正确”“尽管没什么价值或重要性”。如:The food, such as it is, is plentiful. 食物不是很好,但量很多。You may use my bike, such as it is. 尽管我的自行车不好,你可以将就着用吧。You’re welcome to join us for supper, such as it is—we’re only having soup and bread. 欢迎你和我们一起吃晚饭,只是没什么好吃的——只有汤和面包。such ...that 和so ... that 要表达的意思一样,都是“太怎么怎么样以至于...”, 只是so后面接的是你要说的形容词或副词,such 后面除了接这些修饰词还要说明你说的对象 so that引导目的状语从句。在such that,so that中 that 不做成分,引导的是结果状语从句。结构如下:such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + thatsuch+ (形容词+)复数或者不可数名词 + thatso + 形容词 + a + 单数名词 + thatso + many(much,few,little)+复数或者不可数名词 + that/such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + thatso + 形容词或副词 + thatsuch as用法太复杂,只说一下as引导定语从句的情况:在such as 中 as 是关系代词,做主语、宾语或表语。结构如下:such+ a(形容词+)单数名词 + assuch+ (形容词+)复数或者不可数名词 + as so + 形容词/副词 + that + 从句,如:He spoke so quickly that I couldn't follow him.(他说得如此快以至我不能跟上他。) so+形容词/副词+(a/an)+(单数)复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如果句中的名词是单数可数名词,其前就要用不定冠词a或an,如果是复数可数名词或者不可数名词,前面就不用冠词,如:She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves he(这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。)(她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至

每个人都喜欢她。) such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句,如:She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her.(她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。)such+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句,如:He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.(他表现得如此关心以致于人们都把他当作亲戚了。) Sentences about the break up(与“分手”有关的口语)So, we'd better be apart. 我们最好分手吧。It's over. 我们缘分已尽。Don't call me anymore. 不要再打电话给我。There's someone else. 我已心有所属。We're not meant for each other. 我们命中注定不可能。I need some time alone. 我需要一个人待一阵子。We're better off as friends. 我们还是做朋友比较好。You're too good for me. 我配不上你。You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的。Maybe I'm not good enough. 也许,是我不够好吧。。。今日分享: Slangs about the fruits(与各类水果有关的俚语)applethe apple of one's eye 【掌上明珠】Rora is the exactly apple of her father's eye.萝拉是她父亲的掌上明珠。compare apples and oranges 比较两个无法相比的事物Big Apple 纽约市apple-head 榆木脑袋,缺心眼apple sauce 苹果酱bananatop banana 大人物;老板to go bananas 发疯,神经错乱play second banana 第二选择,候补;次要人物lemon 柠檬a lemon 【没有价值的商品】That car is a lemon.那辆小汽车不值钱。beanbean brain 白痴,笨蛋beans about sth. 对某事物一无所知,一窍不通Bean Town 豆城【指麻萨诸塞州的波士顿市,波士顿市以其特产烘豆而闻名】bean curd 豆腐cherry 樱桃 bowl of cherries 精彩的,绝妙的Life isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活并不总是美好的。与“车”有关的单词:car, waggon, bus, carriage, jeep, truck, automobile, coach, vehiclecar :多指私人乘坐的小汽车、私家车或轿车。waggon :指四轮运货马车或牛车,也指无盖货车。taxi :特指出租车。bus :一般指公共汽车或大型客车。carriage :指马车,两匹或两匹以上马拉的四轮车。jeep :吉普车,指一种小型轻便、适合在崎岖路面或野外使用的车子。truck :与lorry同义,都指卡车或货车,前者为美国用词,后者多用于英国。automobile(auto) :是汽车的总称。【如果大家注意的话,就会发现大众汽车的广告语就是:Das Auto,在德语中是汽车的意思。】coach :原指四轮马车,现在多指轿式汽车,长途公共汽车,还可指火车设有卧铺的车厢。vehicle :指交通工具、运输工具、车辆等的总称。今日

分享:感恩节Name: Thanksgiving DayDate【日期】: the fourth Thursday of November(美国,十一月第四个星期四), second Monday of October(加拿大,十月第二个星期一)Coutries【主要国家】: United States(美国), Canada(加拿大), Netherlands(荷兰), Germany(德国), Japan(日本)Foods【主要食物】: turkey(火鸡), pumpkin pie(南瓜派)Meant【意义】: Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. The meal often includes a turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie, and vegetables. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)American beauty 一种玫瑰,名为“美国丽人”(不是“美国美女”)English disease 软骨病(不是“英国病”)Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)eat one's words 收回前言(不是“食言”)an apple of love 西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)You don't say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。(不是“我从未睡过好觉”)You can't be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。(不是“你工作不能太仔细”)It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒烟4年了。(不是“我抽烟4年了”)All his friends did not turn up. 他的朋友没全到。(不是“他的朋友全没到”)People will be long forgetting her. 人们在很长时间内会记住她的。(不是“人们会永远忘记她”)He was only too pleased to let them go. 他很乐意让他们走。(不是“他太高兴了,不愿让他们走”)It can't be less interesting. 它无聊极了。(不是“它不可能没有趣”)black

art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)white coal (作动力来源用的)水(不是“白煤”)white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)personal remark 人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)sweet water 淡水(不是“糖水”或“甜水”)confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)service station 加油站(不是“服务站”)dressing room 化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)今日分享:【易混淆英文】1.Pull someone's leg 开某人的玩笑(不是“拉某人的腿”);2.Between jobs 待业中(不是“在工作之间”);3.White house 白宫(不是“白色的房子”);4.Talk fish 吹牛(不是“谈鱼”);5.Big potato 大人物(不是“大土豆”)。He sold us out 他出卖了我们。Count me in. ^算我一个。It's up to you. ^你说了算。The answer is zero. ^白忙了。You did fairly well! ^你干得相当不错!He can't take a joke. ^他开不起玩笑。You are just in time. ^你来得正是时候。I'm very proud of you. ^我为你感到非常骄傲!Do you have some change? ^你有零钱吗?Don't nag me! ^别在我面前唠叨!Drop by anytime. ^有空来坐坐。Can I have a word with you? ^我们能谈一谈吗?Are you used to the food here? ^你习惯这儿的饭菜吗?Never better. ^再好不过。迭(1193413673) 14:46:58今天就发给我1. Time will bolt out the truth of things. 时间将会分辨出事物的真象。来自《现代英汉综合大词典》2. The whole thing was a bolt out of the blue. 这件事,整个来说,简直是晴天霹雳。来自辞典例句3. I saw a man bolt out of [into] our backyard. 我看到一个男人从我们家的后院窜出去。来自互联网4. The bad news came like bolt out of the blue. 这消息来得如晴天霹雳。来自互联网5. Their only daughter died of the traffic accident. It was like bolt out of the blue. 他们唯一的女儿死于交通事故,说来真是晴天霹雳。来自互联网今日分享: 商务口语 1.He is a work addict.他是个工作狂。2.We'd like to wish you luck in your new job.我们希望你在新公司有好运。3.Is he able to cope with a job like that?他能应付那样的工作吗?4.The meeting is relatively informal.这个

分手吧 英语句子篇十



1. Excuse me, is this seat taken?


2. Would you like to dance?


3. Can I buy you a drink?


4. Can I ask your opinion about something?


5. Don’t you find this place cool?


6. I just thought you should know that you have a really nice smile. 我觉得应该告诉你,你的笑容真是太美了。

7. Wow! I really like that earrings you’re wearing.


8. Sorry,but I am leaving now,can I call you later?


9. You look like someone I know.


10.Are you here alone?




1. I’m not feeling too well.


2. I have to be up early for work tomorrow.


3. My wife said I have to be back by midnight.


4. I have to catch the last bus home.


5. My son managed to lock himself out of the house.


6. I left the oven on.


7. I forgot I needed to pick my aunt up at the airport.


8. I didn’t take my clothes out of the washing machine.


9. It’s starting to rain, and I left my window open.


10.I think my boyfriend is having an affair, so I want to go home and catch him red handed.





1. My alarm clock didn’t go off.


2. Traffic is really heavy today.


3. My car broke down.


4. I was working late last night and couldn’t get up on time. 我昨天工作太晚今早没及时起床。

5. I lost my keys.


6. I went to my previous company by accident.


7. I got pulled over by the police.


8. I had to take my child to the doctor.


9. My bike was stolen.


10.I was abducted by aliens.





1. I want to resign.


2. I quit!


3. I would like to find a different job.


4. I’m fed up with working here.


5. I’ve found a new job


6. I have decided to change my job environment, please allow me to leave, thank you.

我已经决定换个工作环境了,请允许我离 职,谢谢。

7. I want to search for greater personal development.


8. I hope to switch professions, to an industry that I’m more interested in.


9. My current job does not require much of my expertise, and I hope I can go to a place where I can put my expertise to full use.

目前的工作对我的专业知识要求不多,我希望能去 一个让我更多使用专业知识的地方。

10.My job now is too far from home, it is difficult for me to achieve a work-life balance. It’s troublesome.

现在的工作离家太远,我很难做到工作和家庭兼 顾,比较麻烦。 10种跟他(她)说分手的英文表达



1. Let’s break up.


2. Let’s just be friends.


3. I’ve fallen in love with someone else.


4. It’s over between us. I don’t love you anymore.


5. I think we’re not a very good fit. Let’s split up


6. I don’t love you anymore. We should break up.


7. We don’t have any feelings for each other - we shouldn’t waste our time anymore.



8. You’re great, but I’m not good enough for you.


9. I think you can find someone better.


10.It’s not you, it’s me.




1.Sorry, that’s private.


2.This doesn’t have anything to do with you.


3.Mind your own business.


4.It’s none of your business.


5.Uh, why do you want to know this?


6.I don’t think I want to talk about that with you.


7.You should keep your nose out of things that don’t concern you. 这不关你的事,你最好别管。

8.I don’t have time for this right now.


9.Sorry, I’m very busy. Let’s talk about it later.

不好意思, 很忙。 这个问题以后再说。

10.Sorry, I don’t really like talking about this.




1. I’m sorry.


2. I’m terribly sorry.


3. I’m sorry, I didn’t do it on purpose.


4. I didn’t mean it, please forgive me.


5. Sorry, I was wrong.


6. Sorry, please forgive me.


7. Can you forgive me? Please give me a second chance.


8. Sorry, you misunderstood what happened today. I hope you can give me a chance to explain.


9. Sorry, I did not realize it would cause you any problems, please forgive me.


10.I apologize for the things I said earlier, please don’t take offense. 我对我今天说的话表示歉意,请不要跟我一般见识了。
