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摘 要:针对高中学生写作困境,简要探索如何利用微型周记巩固学生所学知识,提高学生英语学习兴趣和促进师生情感交流,综合提高学生写作技能等。







内容:Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our senses高中英语周记


词组:be anxious about,come to one’s aid, lose one’s way等



This weekend is a common Friday.We were on the way home by bus and we saw a bridge which looked like the Chaoyang Bridge, so we get off the bus.We found that we had lost the way, it was not that bridge, we were anxious about it and then we asked a man the way to Chaoyang Bridge. He were confused .We were frightened. But luckily, we found the bridge in front of us later.

在这篇周记中,学生灵活地应用到了课堂讲授的词语anxious,confused,词组lose one’s way,句型Sb.+find+O+OC等。他学以致用,不仅记住了单词的意思和用法,而且对词汇或语法项目印象更加深刻。除此以外,对许多学生来说,背单词不再那么枯燥乏味,而是努力积累词汇量,提高促进写作能力的过程。



在Module 8 Unit 1 Project: Reciting a poem 中学习了Robert Burns 的“A Red Red Rose”时,我讲授了英语诗歌的韵律知识。第二周,我就发现有位同学在周记中写到:

Good wish

I am a little girl and it’s a little wish.

I wish to fly in the sky. Dream for freedom.高中英语周记

I wish to swim in the sea. Dream for freedom.

I wish to run in the grassland. Dream for freedom.

As if I am a bird, flying in the sky freely.

As if I am a fish, swimming in the sea freely.

As if I am a horse, running in the grassland freely.



笔者常常鼓励学生对自己感兴趣的话题进行阐述。比如说有一位男同学对篮球很感兴趣,他在一篇周记中表达出了自己对篮球的喜爱,笔者给出的评语就是:You seem to like basketball very much. Would you like to talk about your favorite basketball player?他的下一篇周记就是对Kobe Bryant 的介绍,这样老师和学生之间的信息沟通,让学生更有表达的欲望。


“I can’t make the most of my holiday to study, so I feel very sorry to my parents!” 我的评语是:“I like your smile a lot! Good writing! Keep it going!”

学生回答到:“Thanks for your encouragement. I felt very warm.”

我又说:“Insist on working hard and you’ll realize your dream.”





(作者单位 江苏省常州市戚墅堰实验中学)

篇二:《英语周记 my story of my life (1993 to 2014)8 (2)》

In grade 2,I chose arts firmly. I found it was correct. I need not study sciences any more,and my grades sored rapdily. But the competition was still heavy. There were about 4 arts classes in the grade ,each class with 45 students. New class,new environment,new hope. The grade 2 was the best time in my senior high school. There were much happiness for me to remember.The schooling pressure was not heavy ,and the arts was easy for me to study. Because I am interested in them. By the way,my teachers are kind. Especially my history teacher ,he is a wise and knowledgeable man .I learned a lot knowledge from the textbooks and out of class. At that time ,my family rented a storied building .I had no class at weekends,so at night I would listen to radio like China national radio and local radio to learn news at home,and I also always listened to light music like Bandari. listening to the beautiful music and writting homework at the same time , It was a cozy time for me.I never forgot that. My school is very strict with us. From 7pm to 8pm,we had class,and from 8.15pm to 10.00pm we must study by ourselves in classroom. No one could not leave school unless you had special situation. So our eager willingness was to meet vacations. So,my best beautiful memory was the grade 2.Now I always miss them,miss my class.my


teacher ,my nice

Class-break setting-up exercise


Chorus competition can you find me?

My class



英语周记(English journal),顾名思义就是用英语来记录一些事情,每周一篇,文章形式或议论,或记叙,或抒情,都没有关系,但也不是流水帐,而是有一定主题的小短文。周记的内容是非常广泛的,学生可以记叙有关自己生活的事情,可以表达自己的一些看法,也可以是自己一周学习的回顾,比如对本周英语学习的总结,对于英语课文的感悟,以及一些阅读后的感想。学生可以凭着自己的兴趣来决定写什么内容,这在一定程度上也能使其发挥主动学习的能力。



俗话说,万事开头难。对于写作,学生似乎总是心存畏惧。因此,在刚开始的时候,教师可提出较低的要求,消除学生的畏难心理,使其能有一个好的开端。在入学后的前两个月,学生每星期写一篇英语周记,每次至少写5-6句即可,内容自定,但要有主题。学生习惯于老师给出题目,然后按照题目去写,现在突然自己决定写什么,一开始有些学生可能会有点茫然。那么教师可以列出一些题目,供学生参考。例如,高一学生刚到一个新的学校,笔者就列了以下这些题目,如“My New School”、“My New Teacher(s)”、“My New Classmate(s)”等等。此外,还可以结合课文内容来写,如高一必修1的第一单元的主题就是“Friendship”,笔者给出了如下的题目,“My Best Friend”。由于刚跟老朋友分开,在那一次的周记里,有许多学生写的都是以前的好朋友,有些学生甚至还模仿课文,写好朋友是家里的一只宠物,或是一项体育活动,或是一份特别的礼物,将好朋友物化。又如第二单元的主题是“English around the World”,借此机会,笔者给出了这样的题目,“My Favorite Subject”、“Difficulties in English Learning”等等。有些学生就在周记中写出了自己在学习英语中所碰到的困难,并向老师求助。自主选题和给出参考题目相结合,使全部的学生都能有话可写,有则长,无则短,保证了一个顺利的开始。


经过一个阶段的练习,学生们会渐渐适应写英语周记,但同时也会产生新的问题。学生会发现在写周记时,所使用的词汇用来用去似乎都是那几个,而且大多数都是初中所掌握的词汇,句式也没有多大的变化,喜欢用短句的依然大多是短句,复杂的句式写不出来。针对这一问题,笔者的做法是要求他们每篇周记中一定要用几个在高中学过的词汇、句式。例如高一前两个单元的语法项目就是定语从句,这个语法项目在初中学生就有过接触,应该是比较熟悉的,在周记中就可以尽情地去使用。同时,鼓励学生大胆地使用,不要害怕犯错误。在不断的尝试中,学生写出了这样的句子,如“It’s no pleasure playing computer games day and

night at home.”,“It is the first time in my life that I have been away from my parents for so long time.”,“I have a poor command of English, which upsets me so much..”等等。同时,有些学生觉得无话可说,有点不想写,笔者就鼓励他们细心观察生活,多多阅读,或者给出几个刚学过的句式或短语,鼓励他们充分发挥想象力,编一个故事,把这些表达方式尽量都用进去。对于周记的长度也从至少5-6句增加为至少9-10句。经过不断地鼓励和指导,学生们也渐渐养成了一周写一篇周记的习惯。高中英语周记



对于周记的好差教师可以不作评论,而就周记内容跟学生进行沟通,每篇周记都要写评语。教师应坚持用英语写评语,这样能更真实地让学生感到是在实际使用英语。每份评语都尽量使用学过的表达方式,或者是谚语之类的。例如有位学生写了好朋友如何帮助自己解决困难,笔者写了“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”;另一位学生写到自己很想学好英语,可是又不能坚持,笔者写了好几句谚语来鼓励他,“No pains, no gains.”“Practice makes perfect.”“Attitude is everything.”对于一些基础较好的学生,笔者会使用较复杂的句式,多用些新学的词汇,如有一位学生写到自己最近挺认真学习的,对自己也越来越有信心了,笔者写到:“I’m glad to see you have devoted most of your spare time to learning. Whatever difficulties you meet, I strongly believe that you can overcome them on your own.”;还有一位学生写到跟父母亲之间沟通不好,感觉很压抑,笔者给出建议:“Only when you have a face-to-face talk with your parents can you have a good way to solve the problem. Anyway, parents are so concerned about their children.”;而对于基础不好的学生,笔者尽量写一些简单句,选用一些简单常用的词汇,如“Believe in yourself and you will succeed.”,“You’ve done a good job. Congratulations!”,“You are making progress.”等等。对于有些基础薄弱而且又不太愿意写周记的学生,笔者会写出比他的周记多几倍的评语,这样学生慢慢地也会认真地去对待周记了。高中英语周记

学生的周记中不可避免地会出现错误。本着鼓励性原则,教师应“扬长避短”,多多表扬写得好的地方,对于错误也不必“斤斤计较”。通常笔者的做法是划出一些简单的错误让学生自己订正,对于一些比较难的错误,则在旁边写出正确的表达方式,再写上“Is it better?”“Is it what you mean?”对于反复出现的错误,则采用面批的方式,这样的反馈能更及时、生动、具体。



1.欣赏性讲评。选取一些优秀的周记在课堂上展示,课后贴在教室里供大家阅读参考,或者选取部分精彩的段落、句子、短语,让学生一起来发掘精彩的地方,从而领悟其中遣词造句的技巧。下面的就是学生周记中出现的比较好的一些句子,如“I don’t want to hang out by myself, so I asked my parents for company.”,“Only when I got bad grades did I realize that I should work harder”,“I think nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it”,“What impressed me most was that I sold flowers to make money on the Valentine’s Day.”




<我的爷爷(my grandfather)>

my grandfather is over sixty。 he looks younger than his real age。 he was a policeman before his retirement。 he has a positive attitude towards his later years of life。高中英语周记。 he does physical exercises every morning。 he can read books without wearing glasses。 he is so strong that he is able to lift heavy things by himself。

he loves children very much。 every monday afternoon he is invited to a nearby school to tell stories to the children about the life and work of the policemen。 all the young pupils love him very much。


<军训(military training)>

we have just finished our military training。高中英语周记。i have to admit that i have so much feelings to express! this has been the first time for me to get in touch with my new school。no doubt it has left a good impression in my mind。it has a beautiful scenery and a good environment for study as well,especially equipped with many advanced facilities。 i feel very happy to study here。during the training period,i had experienced a great hardship due to the hot weather and severe trainers。with time passed by,i gradually adapted to everything and felt myself much more strong to the hardship we faced。furthermore, there was a lot of fun during the training。 i has enjoyed a good relationship with my new classmates。now that the training is over, i still have learned a lot which can benefit my life in the future。 i can't wait any more to start my new life in high school。


<我的一个朋友(a friend of mine)>

i have several friends。 wang lin is my best friend。 he is eleven years old。 he es from beijing。

wang lin came here three years ago。 he came with his parents。 his father is an engineer and his mother is a middle school teacher。 he has no brothers or sisters。 he is the only child of his parents。

we are classmates at school, so we see much of each other。he is fond of english and i am good at maths。 we always help each other。 both of us have made great progress in our studies。

we have made up our minds to study harder and win still greater success in our studies。


<夕阳(a sunset)>

the sunset is very beautiful and lovely。 its scene is as wonderful as a sunrise but it is even more beautiful to watch it in the country than in the city。

when the sun begins to set behind the mountains, its long rays light up the green fields。 the clouds in the sky also begin to glow with a golden light, and the mountains are really colourful。

when the sun begins to set behind the mountain, it looks like a red ball。 its light fills the sky and changes the colour of the clouds from gold to red。 when the sun is gone altogether behind the mountain, the clouds turn grey and the mountains bee black。

then you cannot help admiring the wonder of nature。


<难忘的一天(a day to remember)>

it was sunday。 our teacher mr zhu led us to a park nearby。usually we go to the park to spend our holiday。 but today we went there to take part in voluntary labour。

we got there at nine o’clock。 mr zhu divided us into three groups and then we began working。

the students in group one planted trees and watered flowers。 the studentsin group two were busy collecting litter left by the tourist。 they also cleaned the benches in the park。 i was in group three。 we went to the children’s playground and cleaned all the equipment there。 we worked very hard。

at about eleven we finished working。 we met at the gate of the park。 we all felt tired but very happy。








