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肖申克的救赎英语 篇一:《肖申克的救赎英文简介》

The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont, based on the Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The film stars Tim Robbins as Andrew "Andy" Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding.

The film portrays Andy spending nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison, a fictional penitentiary in Maine and his friendship with Red, a fellow inmate.

In 1947, a banker named Andrew "Andy" Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong circumstantial evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in Maine, run by Warden Samuel Norton (Bob Gunton). He is quickly befriended by Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman), a fellow inmate serving a life sentence who has recently failed to gain parole. Andy finds Red has connections on the outside who can acquire contraband for the inmates, and first asks Red for a rock hammer in order to maintain his rock collection hobby, which he uses to fashion a home-made chess set. He later asks Red for a full-size poster of Rita Hayworth for his wall, replacing them over the years with ones of Marilyn Monroe and Raquel Welch.

During manual labor, Andy overhears Captain of the Guards Byron Hadley (Clancy Brown) complain about having to pay taxes on a forthcoming inheritance. Andy risks punishment by explaining to Hadley how to circumvent the taxes legally; Hadley accepts Andy's advice and rewards his friends with a brief respite and beer. Andy's accountancy expertise is soon sought by other guards at Shawshank and nearby prisons, and Andy is given a space to work on their financial matters under the pretense of maintaining the prison library alongside elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen (James Whitmore). Hadley delivers a brutal beating to inmate Bogs (Mark Rolston), leader of "The Sisters", after his gangs' attempt to sexually molest Andy puts Andy in the infirmary; Bogs is paralyzed while the remaining Sisters leave Andy alone. Andy is able to use his good will with the guards to help expand the library; when one donation to the library provides him with the opera The Marriage of Figaro, he plays it for all the inmates to hear, well-aware of the punishment of solitary confinement he will receive for the brief moment of bliss.Brooks is soon freed on parole, but is unable to adjust to the outside, non-regimented world, and hangs himself;

Andy dedicates the expanded library to Brooks.Warden Norton creates a scheme to use prison labor for public works,(肖申克的救赎英语)

undercutting the cost of skilled labor and discretely receiving personal kickbacks for it. Norton has Andy launder the money under a false identity, in exchange for allowing Andy to keep his private cell and to continue maintaining the library. In 1965, Tommy Williams (Gil Bellows) is incarcerated into Shawshank on robbery charges. Tommy is brought into Andy and Red's circle of friends, and Andy assists Tommy into getting his GED. Tommy reveals that one of his old prison-mates, Elmo Blatch (Bill Bolender) had claimed to have committed the murders for which Andy was charged. Norton, fearing that Andy may expose his illegal activities if he were released, puts him into solitary

confinement and has Tommy killed by Hadley, claiming he was an escapee. When Andy is finally released from solitary, Norton threatens to burn down the library if Andy does not continue to launder the money for him.

Shortly after, Andy informs Red of his dream to live in

Zihuatanejo, a Mexican-Pacific coastal town, and instructs Red, should he ever be freed, to visit a specific hayfield near Buxton, Maine to find something he had left there. The next day at roll call, Andy's cell is found empty. Norton, in anger, throws one of Andy's rocks at the poster of Welch; the rock tears through the poster, revealing a tunnel that Andy had dug with the rock

hammer over the last two decades that allowed him to escape Shawshank, along with a set of civilian clothes, his chess set, and the books he had kept for Norton, having swapped them for fakes the night before. Andy uses his false identity to withdraw all of Norton's money from the bank, at the same time, sending the evidence to a local newspaper. On the day the story runs, the police converge on the prison; Hadley is arrested while Norton commits suicide.

When Red finally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence, he finds himself in the same bagging job at a grocery store as Brooks, and living in the same apartment where Brooks committed suicide. Red decides to follow Andy's advice and visits Buxton. In the hayfield where Andy specified, he finds a cache of money and a note left by Andy, reminding him of Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Red violates his parole and travels to Mexico; he eventually comes across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.

肖申克的救赎英语 篇二:《肖申克的救赎中英文影评全》















Impression on The Shawshank Redemption

This is the second time that I watched the movie,I wanted to watch it for a long time,but because of series of reasons I did not.Then,I finally watched it,but there was nothing left.But this time,incidentally,it gives me a lot.

I have watched so many movies about the life in the prison,but what they reflect are bad things.But in this movie,you can see more moving scenes instead of evil.

Andy was innocent,but he was in the prison.He tried his best to adjust to the environment at first,and seldom spoke to other people,but two months later,he began to made friends with others and became Red’s friend.(肖申克的救赎英语)

Difficult as the life is,there were many moving scenes such as the moment that they were drinking beers in the setting sun.

Andy endured a lot,but he never gave up.

What made me thought a lot was Books,he was a prisoner and took charge of the library in the prison.When he was told that he could get out ,he felt sad instead of happy.As Red analyzed:In the prison ,he was somebody,but out there ,he was nobody,not to speak of his sicking hands.So Books could not fit the life outside and took his own life.Maybe,death is the real freedom to him.

In fact,the film tend to tell us the attitude to life----One should always feel hopeful.In a manner of speaking,the film made Andy to let us know the power of hope.

All in all,the movie told us:Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.And the film really worth seeing.

The View of The Shawshank Redemption

The charecters

Red, the narrator, recounts how he planned and carried out his wife’s murder by disabling her brakes, which accidentally killed a neighbor and child as well and earned him a life sentence at Shawshank Prison. Red also remembers the arrival of an inmate named Andy Dufresne, whose tenure at Shawshank affected the lives of everyone at the prison. Andy was sent to Shawshank for life in 1947 for the cold-blooded murder of his wife, Linda, and her lover, tennis pro Glenn Quentin. Despite the damning evidence placing him at the scene of the crime on the night of the murders, Andy has always maintained his innocence, which Red eventually comes to believe in as well.

Andy has some initial difficulty adjusting to prison life, especially because many of the other prisoners think he’s a snob. A gang of men known as the Sisters frequently attack and rape him in the laundry room while the guards look the other way. Andy fights the Sisters, even though it always lands him in the infirmary and sometimes solitary confinement. Despite these hardships, however, Andy never complains or loses his confidence.(肖申克的救赎英语)

The story

Soon after arriving at Shawshank, Andy approaches Red and asks him to procure a rock hammer because he’s interested in rock collecting and carving. After a while, he also pays Red to smuggle in some polishing cloths and then, rather nervously, a large poster of pinup Rita Hayworth. Red fulfills Andy’s requests.

After a few years, Red and Andy both find themselves on a work crew, tarring the roof of the prison’s license plate factory. Andy overhears Byron Hadley, a prison guard, complaining to the other guards about the taxes he’ll have to pay on the $35,000 he just inherited from his long-lost brother. Andy offers Hadley some financial advice by telling him to give the money to his wife as a one-time tax-free gift. Andy even offers to fill out the paperwork for Hadley in exchange for giving three beers to each prisoner on the work crew. After some initial hesitation and suspicion, Hadley agrees. The deal wins Andy the respect of everyone involved and makes him a mythic hero in the eyes of the prisoners. Andy also becomes a valuable financial resource to those who run the prison. As a result, the guards and the warden protect Andy from the Sisters, make him the prison librarian, and don’t assign other inmates to his cell. Andy relishes his new position and works hard during the next two decades


to significantly expand the library.

Andy’s financial responsibilities start with filing the guards’ tax returns, but they soon expand to laundering money for the various prison wardens, including Bible-thumping Samuel Norton. Andy has no moral objection to hiding the money that Norton receives from construction companies, but he doesn’t realize that doing so also hurts his chances of ever leaving Shawshank.

A new inmate named Tommy Williams arrives at Shawshank and tells Andy that he served time in another prison with Elwood Blatch, a man who privately admitted to killing tennis pro Glenn Quentin. When Andy asks Norton to request a retrial, Norton dismisses Andy’s claims and puts him in solitary confinement for more than a month on the “grain and drain” diet of bread and water. Norton, meanwhile, transfers Tommy Williams to another prison out of fear that Andy would expose his money laundering operation if paroled. After another aborted attempt to reason with the warden and another stint in solitary, Andy drops the issue and becomes more brooding and introspective.

Eventually Andy emerges from his lengthy depression and tells Red one day that he had a friend set up a false identity for him. Under the false identity, the friend invested $14,000 of Andy’s money, which has since become more than $370,000. Andy, however, can’t touch the money, saved under his alternate identity, because he would risk exposing himself and losing everything. The documents and lucrative bonds are kept in a safe-deposit box at a local bank, the key to which has been stashed under a black volcanic rock wedged into a stone wall in the countryside near the prison. Andy dreams of escaping, assuming the new identity, and becoming the proprietor of a small hotel in Mexico. Andy also imagines Red going with him.

Red thinks nothing of this until years later when the prison guards find Andy’s cell empty one morning. The guards search the prison but find nothing, until an extremely frustrated Norton rips the pinup poster from the wall to reveal a gaping hole in the thick concrete. The hole leads to the sewage drainpipe, which empties into the marshes surrounding Shawshank. Red figures that Andy slowly and systematically used the rock hammer and polishing cloths every night for nearly twenty years to carve through the wall. After completing his hole, Red also figures that it took Andy roughly eight years to muster the courage to actually try to escape.

Red adds a postscript to his story about a year later, writing from a hotel in Portland, Maine, after being released from Shawshank. The transition to life on the outside has been tough, and Red thinks of Andy when he feels the urge to commit a petty crime or violate the terms of his parole so that he’ll be put back in prison. Now working as a bag boy at a supermarket, Red uses his days off to explore the countryside, partly because he likes the freedom and the space but also because he’s looking


for the volcanic rock where Andy hid the key to the safe-deposit box.

Red walks the rural hayfields in search of the stone wall Andy had described years earlier, and after several weeks of searching, he finally finds the rock. Underneath, Red discovers a letter addressed to him from Peter Stevens, Andy’s pseudonym. The letter invites Red to join Andy in Mexico and includes a gift of $1,000. Red concludes the postscript with renewed hope for the future as he decides to abandon his job, violate his parole, and make his way to Mexico to find Andy.

Analysis of Major Characters


Red is the lifeline of the prison, the man who can smuggle almost anything into Shawshank from the outside world. By making himself indispensable to the other inmates, Red affords himself protection and an esteemed place in the pecking order of the prison yard. He forces the other men to do business on his terms and knows full well the need to defend his own interests in a world where violence and exploitation are the norm. Ultimately, however, Red’s hardened stance conceals his fear and insecurity as he struggles to make sense of his life both in and out of prison. Even though Red’s narrative focuses on Andy and his eventual escape, Red admits that the story is really all about himself. Andy’s inner confidence and sense of self-worth represent the part of Red that Hadley, Norton, and the other prison authorities never managed to crush. Although Red has undoubtedly thought of escaping numerous times during his thirty-eight years in prison, it is Andy’s resolute sense of hope that Red admires. Red knows that hope is what keeps him and every other inmate alive.

Andy Dufresne(肖申克的救赎英语)

Andy is an enigma to Red and the other inmates, a man they admire but never really understand. An element of fantasy infuses the characterization of Andy: at one point King even refers to the mysterious “myth-magic” that his protagonist seemingly possesses. In truth, Andy is an anomalous figure who stands out from the rest of the inmates at Shawshank Prison, but not for any mythical or spiritual reason. Andy’s calm, cool collectedness govern his interactions with the world around him, and he rarely succumbs to emotion or cheap sentiment. What many inmates take for snobbery is actually reserve and caution as Andy tries to stay one step ahead of his adversaries. Without this strength and inner resolve, Andy would never have survived his twenty-eight years in prison nor managed to escape. Andy emerges as an object of fascination for many of his fellow prisoners, a figure onto whom they project their various embellishments of the ideal man: Andy, the man who can talk down the guards; Andy, the man who can manipulate the warden; and Andy, the man who can

肖申克的救赎英语 篇三:《肖申克的救赎-英文影评》

Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!

I can’t agree with it any more. In the film, the walls of the prison can bind people’s freedom. But they can not deprive people’s hope. The hero, Andy, never abandons the desire for freedom, and he keeps up working for his hope. Every night andy uses the little hammer to dig the wall that in others’ opinion, it will takes hundreds of years to dig through. He makes all preparations for leaving the prison. So he succeeds, and regains the precious freedom. It is hope that helps Andy get through painful prison life and regain the freedom.At the same time, hope saves his friend’s life too. Therefore, in real life, no matter how difficult the situation is, we shouldn’t give up our hope. We should stick to work hard for the hope. In this way our life will not lose its significance.

So please remember, Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies!

希望是美好的事物,也许是世上最美好的事物。美好的事物从不消逝。影片中安迪有这样一句话:“Don't forget that there are … places … in the world that are not made up of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope (不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望)”。的确,正像ANDY所说的,监狱的高墙可以束缚住我们的身体上的自由,甚至于体制化的东西可以束缚住我们的精神上的自由,但唯有希望不可以放弃。失去希望的生活是灰暗的,没有生气的,甚至是没有意义的。在ANDY的心中一直就没有放弃对自由的渴望,而且他也一直在为自己的希望努力着——每天晚上都要用那个小锤去挖RED认为几百年也挖不穿的墙壁。而对RED和BROOKS来说,他们早就放弃了希望,因为在他们看来希望只能让自己更痛苦,甚至认为希望便是痛苦的根源。一个人能够在19年痛苦的监狱生活里,不放弃对自由的向往,这是一种怎样的精神信念,所以他成功了,夺回了自己的自由,主的审判迅速降临。



Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!记住,希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。

Andy in the film there is such a word: " Don't forget that there are ... Places ... In the world that are not made up of stone, there is something ... Inside ... That they can not get to ... That is hope ( don't forget the world through walls, all things, there's something inside, that they cannot get to, that they cannot touch, that is hope ) ". Indeed, as ANDY said, the wall can bind our body freedom, even in the system that can bind our spiritual freedom, but only hope can not give up. Lose hope of life is dull, lifeless, and even there is no significance. ANDY in my heart has not abandoned the desire for freedom, but he has also been hope for their own efforts -- every night to use the hammer to dig RED that hundreds of years to dig through the wall. And for RED and BROOKS, they had to give up hope, because in their view of hope can only make yourself more pain, even think hope is the source of the pain. A man in the 19 years of painful prison life, do not give up longing for freedom, this is a kind of spiritual beliefs, so he succeeded, recapturing their freedom, the judgment of the Lord fell quickly.

肖申克的救赎英语 篇四:《肖申克的救赎读后感英文版》

shawshank redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people。 it told a story about the life in the prison。

a man called andy dufresne, was sent into the prison, shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed。 however, he was innocent as he said。肖申克的救赎读后感英文版。 the new days in the prison were hard to live。 it?s violent, heartless and cruel。 a month later, andy began to make friends with other prisoners。 one of them called red, who could get anything what he wanted。 andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape。 during this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc。 it took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison。肖申克的救赎读后感英文版。 before that, andy had told his best friend red that his dream---zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory。 after escaping, andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested。 several years later,red was approved to leave。 he had lived inside for 40 years。 he was institutionized。 sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn?t belong the world, but he didn?t, for the promise to andy。 finally, in zihuyatanejo, they met。

it is a good film。 the cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me。 the story goes to a happy ending---redemption。
