rebecca英文读后感 第一篇
一天,在海边我看到一个在陡崖边徘徊的男子。我以为他要投海,就叫出了声。他向我投来愤怒的一瞥。我知道我想错了,他可真是一个怪人。 很巧,他竟同我们住在同一个饭店里。从范霍夫太太那里,我知道他是著名的曼陀丽庄园的主人德温特先生。他的妻子——美丽的吕蓓卡去年划船淹死了。也许这就是他这样怪的原因吧。
一进庄园,我好像处处看见吕蓓卡的身影。无论是屋里的摆设还是家具上,都留下了'吕蓓卡'的名字。 管家丹佛斯太太又是那样令人厌恶。冰冷的脸,冷酷的心,对于吕蓓卡她有一种可怕的崇敬,她每天整理吕蓓卡的房间,布置得和其生前一样。似乎我在她眼里只是一只丑小鸭,而吕蓓卡却是天鹅。这事刺伤了我,使我惶惑。
德温特却又好像不愿提起吕蓓卡,也许是他不愿引起内心的怀念。我不愿德温特难过,也就不问。一天,无意间我找到了吕蓓卡海边的小屋,他让我别去,我问为什么。他竟粗暴地回答:'我痛恨那个地方。 从管帐的弗兰克先生那里,我知道了那小屋是吕蓓卡常去的地方,去年她被淹死了,德温特难过地把尸体认领回来。我决定用爱来帮助丈夫从不幸中摆脱出来。
真相大白了,我们的心相通了。 法庭上吕蓓卡的表哥费弗尔一定要置德温特于死地为决。决定要去找吕蓓卡的医生贝克大夫,以证实德温特是为了吕蓓卡怀了别人的孩子而杀了她。
我,一个小小的,不起眼的年轻女伴,在陪着范·霍珀夫人在蒙特卡洛的蔚兰海岸吃饭的时候,带着几分瑟缩的惊慌被动地撞入到迈克斯·德温特——一个拥有古老而闻名的曼陀丽庄园的乡村贵族眼界。 《蝴蝶梦》开头对范霍珀夫人的描写是充满幽默笔调的,现实中不乏这样三姑六婆的人物,但跟愚蠢联系得这样天衣无缝的范·霍珀夫人,却让我们面前升腾起一个活灵活现的小人物。有时候夸张有它无与伦比的魅力,是任何别的手法望尘莫及的。 人总是有对比才有优势的,或者这个“我”并不是出色的,但在参照物范·霍珀夫人的衬托下,德温特就不得不注意了我。就像水仙旁放一盆韭兰也许不被人注意,但在水仙旁放一盆仙人球,无论是哪盆都会起到异乎寻常的夺目效果。在这样有衬托的背景下,德温特,这个带着满腹心事的中年男人,开始通过关注我来转移积压在他心头的无形阴影。 德温特是因为带着“逝去妻子”的“忧郁”、“伤心”引起我的注意的,本性淳良的我,在初开始和他相交的时候总是千方百计想回避这一点,总是拿捏着十二分的小心不触动他心底的伤疤的。但是,年轻的我的骨子里还有好奇,又想方设法想知道得更多一点。在我没太见过世面的眼里,德温特就是一个典型中世纪贵族的形象,高贵、阴冷、倨傲而且有些难以接近。而我则是一个因为地位卑下,常常胡思乱想,喜欢把幸福放大,喜欢把悲痛扩张的年轻女孩。患得患失常常使得我自己对自己失去信心,因此,在我的意识中,我们连做朋友的可能都是微乎其微的。我们不过是两个都在旅途中稍憩着寻找个谈话伴侣的相识者而已,也仅此而已。 一个四十二岁,一个二十一岁,整整一个倍数,显然在这个二十一年中,足可以允许任何应该或不应该发生的大小事件发生,(甚至包括两次大的世界战争。)事实上,德温特在决定同
但是过去发生的事并没有这么简单,逝去的丽贝卡仿佛隐藏着很多的秘密,而远远不是表面上看起来那么圣洁、美丽。终于,为了挽回新婚妻子的心,梅西承认是他杀死了丽贝卡,并把丽贝卡沉尸大海。 就在这时,丽贝卡的尸体被人发现,她的死因重新引起了人们的关注。经过调查,最终还是真相大白:丽贝卡是自杀死的,却把一切布置得象是被梅西亲手杀死的样子来报复他。
仿佛人生如梦,梦醒了什么都没有了。当谜底揭开的那一刻,除了那个空空的真相,什么也没有得到。 温德特夫人失去了那种小妞儿似的滑稽而迷惘的表情,一夜之间换上了老成的面具。这真的是她想要的吗?在情与法的交织中,她的选择对吗?难道真如迈克西姆所言,吕蓓卡得胜了?也许就是这种如梦似幻的感觉使得《蝴蝶梦》被译成二十多种文字,再版重印四十多次,并被改编搬上银幕。 《庄子·齐物论》:“昔者庄周梦为蝴蝶,栩栩然蝴蝶也,自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为蝴蝶与?蝴蝶之梦为周与?周与蝴蝶则必有分矣。此之谓物化。”
Who is the winner?
When we read a book which written in first person, we usually regard ourselves as the author. We hate what he or she hate and like what he or she like. Rebecca, written by Daphne du Maurier, tells us a story between two completely different women( one is clever, beautiful and dangerous while the other is quiet, honest and ordinary). However, they don’t fight for a man’s love, but for the influence on the man and his all surroundings. The most attractive part is that the dreadful woman is dead at the beginning of the story, but not her powerful effect. She is Rebecca, the elegant and flamboyant first Mrs.DeWinter. She is described utterly evil, not just because she is unfaithful to Maxim but she has no love and tenderness. Although she has grace, confidence, brains and beauty, she is morally rotten, using her charm and beauty to be liked .Rebecca is a “snake” to Ben”, but a lover to Favell. She is admired by Mrs.Danvers, but confused by Frank, disliked by Beatrice and hated by Maxim. Her death is the cleverest tarp she has ever done. She is doomed to death in several months, but she
infuriates Maxim and make him kill her with a purpose to destroy his life. Unfortunately, her death is not the end of the nightmare of Maxim and others. There are her shadows here and there in Manderley: she is always alive in people’s memories. Finally, Mrs.Danvers who deeply admires Rebecca replace her role to fight and set a fire on Manderly that totally destroyed Maxim.
The second Mrs.DeWinter, the teller of the story, is a very quiet and easily frightened person at first. She is quite opposite to Rebecca and feels anything wrong that happens around her is all her fault. Her lack of confidence is part and parcel leading the gap between her and Maxim. She thought that Maxim loved Rebecca and she can never replace her. On the other hand, because of her love to Maxim, she is brave enough to support him. For the storyteller , the most important thing is to make him happy. Knowing that he murdered Rebecca and the crime is in danger of being discovered is less important than her happiness when Maxim told her that he hated Rebecca and opened his heart to her for the first time. The process of the inquiry is her process of growing up. By the end of the novel, she has become a strong character who is able to make decisions and give her own opinions. Although she has defeated the memory of Rebecca, she has lost her original personalities Maxim likes the first sight he saw her.【rebecca英文读后感】
At the end of the story, it seems that the storyteller has defeated Rebecca, but Mrs.Danvers’ ruining of Manderley makes it uncertain. Because Manderley is the most precious thing in Maxim’s heart, and now he has lost half of his soul. So she only get half of Maxim, the other half of him has gone with Manderley as well as Rebecca.
吕蓓卡在小说中的形象主要通过众人的追忆形成的。吕蓓卡出身贵族,集聪明和美丽于一身.她忠实的仆人丹尼丝描述她小时候“她那时模样就很迷人,像画上的美人儿那样妩媚。她打男人身边走过,他们就会转过头直勾勾的瞅着她她心里很明白。”小小年纪便以懂得美貌对于女子的重要,“我长大了会出落的很美,是吗,丹尼?’ 仆人弗兰克认为“她是我有生以来见过的最美女人。” 教主夫人“她确实是个出众的美人。”“她真是个尤物。”吕蓓卡除了美丽聪明的外表她还很能干,把曼陀丽整饬成远近闻名的地方。曼陀丽的花园,灌木丛和幸福谷的石南花,家具以及吟游诗人的画廊都是吕蓓卡的杰作。她懂得每个人的心理,善于左右逢源,取得每个人的喜欢,使人们完全相信她,崇拜她。 “她长得那么美,才华出众,又会迎合别人,所以连当时那位人们最难讨好的老奶奶,也从一开始就喜欢她。奶奶对我说: “一个妻子得有三种美德:教养,头脑和姿色。她三样具备。除却她的美丽能干外,吕蓓卡个性极强。“没人制服得了她她一向我型我素,爱怎么就怎么,她周身的力气,真不下于一头狮子”。吕蓓卡在十六岁那年曾经制服了一匹烈马“那匹马已经遍体鳞伤,血迹斑斑,满嘴白沫,不住打哆嗦”。与她个性极强相伴的是她强烈的征服欲望,“我要看着他们先进地狱。” “我爱怎么生活就怎么生活,全世界的人都站出来也拦不住我”。吕蓓卡对男性的摆布在童年时代即已经开始了,“她父亲任她摆布”,她在十四岁时和自己的表兄同乘一辆车,因为表兄试图抓缰绳,她就把他敲下了马车。她在婚后的第五天与迈克西姆达成协议,她来管家,但是她的私生活不受干涉。在管理好曼陀丽的同时,她把男人当作猎物一样来猎取,连迈克西姆的姐夫未能幸免成为猎物,甚至仆人弗兰克也受到挑逗。“除了她自己,她谁也不爱。”把吕蓓卡疯狂的病态的征服欲望揭示出来,甚至在身患绝症,时日无多的情况下设下圈套,激怒迈克西姆让他冲动中杀死自己。使迈克西姆处于她的摆布中却无力自拔,背上了沉重的心理罪责。
rebecca英文读后感 第二篇
I like this story’s heroine, the second Mrs. de Winter. Although she is so poor and doesn’t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted. When she meets Mr. de Winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply. Soon they fall in love with each other and even get married. Then they return to Mandalay, his large country estate. She is very sincere and kind to every servant. Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper of Mandalay, resents her having taken the place of Rebecca, the former hostess. But the heroine politely says to her“I do hope we’ll be friends. You must be patient with me. This sort of life is new to me, and I do want to make a success of it. ”And the heroine loves his husband very deeply, even though there are many troubles in their lives, her love doesn’t change all the time. I really like her goodness.
I don’t like Mrs. Danvers, the housekeeper. She admires Rebecca the former hostess morbidly and even tries to make troubles to divide Mr. de Winter and the heroine. At last, she perishes together with
her cherished Rebecca myth. I think her action is very stupid.
《Something about humanity 《To kill a mockingbird》杀死一只知更鸟 英文读后感》
rebecca英文读后感 第三篇
Rebecca 3425
Wednesday 14:30
Jun 5th
Something about humanity
The impressions of《To kill a mockingbird》
I saw this move in three weeks ago, I think this move is very outstanding work. It told us many good things about humanity. The move has a positive significance in the pursuit of racial equality, through the film we saw ourselves and see the good and evil of human nature. This move made me knew some truths. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway; the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway; you show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway. Tom Robinson is a diligent and kind black people. In the south of the US there has very serious racial discrimination at that time. Tom knew the white people despise them. But when Mayella asked him for help. He still helps her generous. When Mayella and her father Bob Ewell frame him up. He never hates the white people. He just feels sorry for Mayella, a white woman. Tom Robinson is a very goodness people. He has many good qualities. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway. The father in the move, Atticus, is a lawyer who was with a feeling for justice. He always helps helping others regardless of whether they have money. He help Walter Cunningham go to court and free of charge. But in order to kill Tom Robinson, Walter Cunningham wants to hurt Atticus. Fortunately the children comes and made angry farmers dispel the idea that to kill Tom Robinson. Atticus never want to takes revenge to those farmers including Bob Ewell so I think he is
a magnanimous person.
You show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak. Atticus as a white people to against racial discrimination at that time is very courageous. The racist in that town all hate him, after the court Bob Ewell tried to fight with him and hurt his children. Atticus still help the black people and poor people. The local black all respect him very much. I think these must to do to be a good father and lawyer. He methods of life, his philosophy and values have a deep influence on his children. I believe that Scout and Jem will become honest good people.
This novel is a precious relics is what I want to say. At that kind、elegant and simple in the US, this novel keeps the hope and emotion for the people. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyway; the good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow, be good anyway; you show sympathy for the weak, people still follow the strong, but you must justice for the weak. These things told me that there are many bad thing in the world; but there are also exist great things in the world. What we think, what we saw.
rebecca英文读后感 第四篇
i like this story?s heroine, the second mrs。 de winter。 although she is so poor and doesn?t have an extremely pretty face, she has a very pure heart and she is also very kind-hearted。 when she meets mr。蝴蝶梦英文读后感。 de winter, her gentle and purity moves his heart deeply。 soon they fall in love with each other and even get married。 then they return to mandalay, his large country estate。 she is very sincere and kind to every servant。 mrs。 danvers, the housekeeper of mandalay, resents her having taken the place of rebecca, the former hostess。 but the heroine politely says to her?i do hope we?ll be friends。蝴蝶梦英文读后感。 you must be patient with me。 this sort of life is new to me, and i do want to make a success of it。 ?and the heroine loves his husband very deeply, even though there are many troubles in their lives, her love doesn?t change all the time。 i really like her goodness。
i don?t like mrs。 danvers, the housekeeper。 she admires rebecca the former hostess morbidly and even tries to make troubles to divide mr。 de winter and the heroine。 at last, she perishes together with her cherished rebecca myth。 i think her action is very stupid。
rebecca英文读后感 第五篇
after i read these two different versions of cinderella, i found there are many similarities and differences between them。 first, i will go over the mon things that these two books have。 they both have very similar characteristics。 for example, cinderella is always a very beautiful and nice girl。灰姑娘读后感英文。 she has to do all the hard and dirty work under the discipline of bad characters。 bad characters are monly involved in these stories。 for example, yeh-shen had a wicked stepmother, who promoted her own child, but was very mean to her。 rhodopis, a greek slave girl living in egypt, had her panion servants who made fun of her appearance and kept distance from her。 second, they have both have a similar plot and theme。 both stories have a good ending toward their destiny。 in both versions of cinderella, they finally get great rewards and marry to the royalties。灰姑娘读后感英文。 third, there are always some belongings being taken away from cinderella。 elegant dresses, shoes, and rose-red slippers often play important roles in these stories。 for example, in the chinese version of cinderella,yeh-shen lost the gold shoes in a huge parade。 the king got the shoes and found a long way to find the right person who could fit in it。 fourth, they are all attributed to the supernatural or animals。 in the chinese version of cinderella, yeh-shen was helped by the fish spirit, and rhodopis was helped by the falcon。 fifth, the most but not the least, they are both illustrated by beautiful colors and textures to describe the story of cinderella。 this is especially true in the story of the egyptian cinderella, which presents great details of life in ancient egypt。 certainly, there are also some differences between these two books。 the egyptian cinderella was based on a true story of ancient egypt to some extent 。this is unlike other fairy tales, which use a lot of imagination。 in the history of ancient egypt, rhodopis did marry to the king pharaoh amasis。 furthermore, there is no punishment to bad characters in the egyptian version of cinderella。
i like the chinese version of cinderella better because it originated from china。 i have heard this type of story a long time ago。 it has some sort of traditional chinese culture values and elements inside the story as well。 in addition, it was illustrated by ed。young whom i have very strong respect for。 to conclude, no matter whether they are western or eastern versions of cinderella, they all tell the great fairy tales that we like。 one thing i have learned from these fairy tales is that we need to be optimistic when we encounter problems in our life。 the final oute will turn out great if we try very hard towards our goals and make it happen。