(12)Waterand soil conservation
(21)Disruptionof ecological balance(the balance of ecosystem)
(22)Eruptionof volcanoes
(27)Shortageof water resources
(28)Shortageof fresh water
(31)Carbon monoxide
(34)Hazardousnuclear waste
(36)Wastegas sent off from automobiles
(37)Caremission standard
(42)Conservenatural resources
(50)Pest rampancy
(51)Rescueand relief work
(1)Pollutionis, in fact, threatening our existence.
(2)Villagersare as a rule healthier than people who live in towns. One reason for this isthat country air is fresher than the air in smoky cities.
(3)Most ofthe noise in the city comes from traffic, factories and construction sites.
(4)There isan increasingly loud voice from the public calling for firm action againstpollution.
(5)Scientistshave warned that unless effective solutions are worked out, the problem ofpollution will eventually get out of hand.
(6)Manyfactories discharge enormous harmful chemicals into air and rivers every day.
(7)To killinsects, farmers use a large amount of insecticides so as to have a bumperharvest. As a result, they pollute the air, water and land.
(8)The gasfrom car engines is very poisonous. It is a main source of air pollution incities.
(9)Deforestationresult in the increase of global temperature and unpleasant change of climate.
(10)Theearth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and forour later generation.
(11)Beijing now has becomeone of the most polluted cities in the world. Among the 10 cities with theworst air pollution in the world last year, Beijing was the third most polluted city.
(12)If thecity had not plagued by poor quality air, the annual death rate in Beijing would have been 4 percent lower in past threeyears, according to the research done jointly by BeijingMedical Universityand Harvard University.
(13)Beijing consumes 2.8million tons of coal each year, of which 75 percent are low-grade coal.
(14)To makeroom for those buildings, trees are being cut down, grass plots occupied.Cities look like nothing but grey concrete woods.
(15)Moderncities should be expanding with a certain percentage for green-plant areas.
(16)We mustbegin now to protect our only earth.
(17)Almosteverything we use daily comes from the land directly or indirectly.
(18)But thelimited land is decreasing at a surprising speed.
(19)Thenature has given us so much, but looks at what we have done in return for itsgenerosity.
(20)Theozone layer is our natural shield in the sky, but this shield is in greatdanger due to human activities. To protect the ozone layer is to protect us.
(21)Depletingthe ozone layer allows more UV-B to reach the earth, which means more skincancers, more eye cataracts(白内障),weakenedimmune systems, and reduced plant yield.
(22)Thenature has been irritated, which results in the shortage of valuable resources,air pollution, countless acres of lands becoming deserts, etc.
(23)Fortunately,many countries have got to know the seriousness of the problem and take activemeasures to preserve the environment.
(24)Wesincerely hope that all the people in the world will take part in the campaignand join hands to protect the nature.
(25)Besides,trees and lawns in our cities will in the long run help improve the localclimate.
(26)Thegovernment should also spend more money on the preservation of current lawnsand cultivation of new lawns.
(27)Chinesegovernment has taken strict measures to stop careless and indiscriminatefelling of trees.
(28)Therefore,governments are playing the most important role in environmental protectiontoday.
(29)Thegovernment should let people full realize the importance of environmentalprotection through education.
(30)Carsshould be equipped with special devices to reduce auto emission.
(31)Farmerscan utilize modern biological techniques instead of chemical fertilizers togrow crops.
(32)Desertcan be turned into cultivated land by a certain kind of shrub.
(33)Recyclingof paper, steel and plastics is important for helping protect our environment.
(34)The citywas beautified on a tremendous scale.
(35)Energycrisis will threaten our existence because of the people’s extravagance and therapid growth of he population.
(36)It isimperative that we investigate and develop new sources of energy immediately.
(37)With theexpansion of industrialization, requirement for energy all over the world is onthe rise.
(38)We havea great need for energy because of the rapid growth of our economy.
(39)Theserich energy resources are being used up rapidly.
(40)To avoidenergy crisis in the future, we should take some actions.
(41)Theoveruse of energy has influenced ecological balance.
(42)Thedevelopment of modern life is placing and ever increasing demand forelectricity.
(43)If therewere no energy, our world would be in a state of confusion.
(44)Protectingendangered species helps protect a healthy environment. Endangered species arenature’s early warning system for pollution and environmental degradation thatmay someday affect human health.(濒危物种是大自然的关于污染和环境恶化的早期警戒系统,污染和环境恶化有朝一日会影响人类的健康。)
(45)Protectingendangered species saves a part of nature for our children and grandchildren toenjoy.
(46)Protectingendangered species helps protect sustainable economies and a good quality oflife. Endangered species of fish, wildlife and plants are of ecological,educational, historical, recreational and scientific value to the nations andtheir people.
(47)All ofthe living creatures, including humans, are part of a complex, delicatelybalanced network called the biosphere.
(48)Nocreature exists in isolation. The removal of a single species can set off achain reaction affecting many others.
(49)It isestimated that about 12,000 Tibetan antelopes are killed each year. If thistrend continues, this species will be extinct in two decades.
(50)A healthyenvironment for wildlife contributes to healthy environment for people, todayand tomorrow.
(1)Populationexplosion/baby boom
(8)Helpthose in distress and aid those in peril
(10)Remoteand mountain areas
(11)Shakeoff poverty and set out on a road to prosperity
(14)Offer andtake bribes
(15)Embezzlepubic funds
(17)Counterfeitcurrency/ID card
(18)Creditcard fraud
(23)Keep aconcubine/mistress
(25)Go on adiet
(27)Enjoybanquets using public funds
(28)Badconstruction projects
(29)Suspend/discontinuea project
(30)Welfare-orientedpublic housing distribution system
(31)High-riseapartment building
(32)Downpayment (by monthly installments)
(36)On-the-jobtraining/professional training
(38)U.N.Security Council
(39)Government-fundedpersonnel studying abroad
(41)Trafficjam/road congestion
(43)Violationof traffic regulations
(47)Spokesmanfor news release
(50)Intellectualproperty right
(51)Infringementon the patent right
(52)Bid forthe Olympic Games
(56)Preservationof cultural relics
(57)Changefrom temporary to regular worker
(60)Permanentresidence certificate
(1)More andmore people come to realize the importance of regular physical exercise.
(2)We muststruggle against our own laziness and stay with our training, rain or shine.(风雨无阻)
(3)Maintainingour health is very important. No one should trifle with his health.
(4)Physicalexercise increases the appetite and favors digestion. It increases thecirculation of the blood. Physical exercise can develop one’s self-confidence,judgment, and a strong will.
(5)Early tobed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (BenjaminFranklin)
(6)A soundmind is in a sound body.
(7)Takingpart in sports and games will keep us fit and healthy.
(8)Propersports activities help us strengthen our physical body and build our sense ofcompetition and cooperation.
(9)Researchshows that getting plenty of exercise makes heart beat faster and lung workharder, thus strengthening the heart and reducing the chance of heart attack,and helping to lower blood pressure.
(10)Forthose who work with their brains most of the day, the practice of sport isespecially useful.
(11)Once ahabit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to shake it off.
(12)It iseasier to fall into bad habits than to get into good ones.
(13)Manysuccessful men declare that they own much of their prosperity to the formationof certain good habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising,honesty, and thoroughness.
(14)Theeating habits of Chinese people have changed dramatically in the past decade.
(15)Peoplebegin to eat less grain, but more fruit and vegetables. Fresh fruit andvegetables are rich in carbohydrate(碳水化合物), vitamins and minerals.
(16)Peoplenow pay much attention to nutrition, so they choose to eat meat and drink milk.
(17)Fish andchicken contain more protein and less fat.
(18)Theissue of re-employment is of vital importance to the country’s reform,development and stability.
(19)Somestatistics indicate that trained workers are three times as likely to bere-employed as those who haven’t participated in any training programs.
(20)Are-employment-oriented training network should be formed immediately to coveras many laid-off workers as possible to enhance their abilities to facechallenges.
(21)Its noshame to earn bread with one’s own hands no matter what kind of work he does,but it’s a disgrace to idle along with folded arms and wait until financial aidarrives.
(22)Chinaisundergoing a period of transition from a socialist planned economy to asocialist market economy.
(23)Thegovernment is supposed to issue more beneficial policies to help the lay-offsout of difficulty.
(24)Everyonedesires and pursues happiness. But happiness means different things todifferent people.
(25)I’ll behappy if I can realize my value in my future career and make some contributionto the development of our country.
(26)Happinessalso means being on good term with my colleagues and friends.
(27)The onlyones who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how toserve the people.
(28)Happinesslies first of all in health.
(29)Happinessis always abounded from hard work.
(30)Happinessconsists in contentment.
(31)Everygeneration has its own view of life and value system, which results from itsliving circumstances.
(32)As longas different generations can understand each other and avoid foisting their ownviews and values on others, there will be fewer conflicts and more harmonybetween the generations.
(33)The oldassume that they know best, but it is only a matter of experience.
(34)Theyoung know how to enjoy work and leisure and not to be inhibited.(约束)
(35)Childrenoften complain that their parents cannot understand them, while parents feelsorry that their children seldom show them proper respect and obedience.
(36)Childrenshould respect their parents and be aware that what their parents do is fortheir good.
(37)Asreformation goes deeper inChina,civil servants no longer have “iron rice bowls” as they used to have in manyplaces.
(38)Whateverwe do, we should do in our power.(尽力而为)
(39)To makea wise choice of occupations, two important things should be taken intoconsid-eration. One is the interest, the other, the demand of the people andsociety.
(40)It isdefinitely true that behind every daily activity lies a motive. As a matter offact, we can achieve nothing without a realistic goal.
(41)Everybodyshould have a goal in his life, because aimless life wastes our energy andtime.
(42)Whatevergoal you might have, the primarily important thing you should have in life ishealth.
(43)It isuniversally true that everyone needs good health. With our society becomingmore competitive, it is important to stay healthy.
(44)For onething, people with good health can do work with full energy and their excellencein work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. For another, anunhealthy person is seldom able to show interest in everything around him andtherefore he loses many opportunities to achieve success.
(45)Generallyspeaking, those who have good motives do their duties well. For example,parents work hard from early morning till late at night because they want tosupport their families. Students study diligently either to rank top in theirclass or to be prepared for their future success.
(46)On theother hand, people do things evil because they have evil goals. For instance,the motive for getting money without hard work makes a pickpocket steal apurse. To fulfill his evil desire, a robber grab others’ belongings, and amurderer can kill an innocent person. These wicked motives are the kind thatpeople need to get rid of because they hurt others.
(47)It isoften easier to have ideals than to carry them out.
(48)Effortand persistence are necessary for the realization of ideals.
(49)Once thegoal is determined, we must create opportunities to reach it. Work hard and bepatient after your goal is set. Try your best to make your life happen in theway you wish to see it. It is those who set the right goal and stick to it longenough will finally achieve it.
(50)Livingwithout an aim is like sailing without a compass. When ideals are gone you maystill exist, but you have ceased to live.(虽生犹死)
( 1 )环保/水/空气/噪音污染
(2 )资源枯竭
(4 )濒危物种
(5 )自然栖息地
(7 )砂/沙尘暴
(8 ) Clear-cutting/deforestation
(9 )在捕鱼
(10 )过度放牧
(11 )土壤侵蚀
(12 )水和土壤的保护
(13 )荒漠化
(14 )自然灾害
(15 )洪水威胁
(16 )火灾危险
(17 )风暴/暴风雨
(18 )暴雪
(19 )干旱
(20 )饥荒
( 21)生态平衡(生态系统的平衡被打破)
(23 )地震
(24 )雪崩
(25 )滑坡
(26 )飓风
(27 )水资源短缺
(28 )食水短缺
(29 )有害化学品
(30 )毒/有毒气体
(31 )一氧化碳
(32 )城市烟雾
(33 )工业废料
(34 )危险的核废料
(35 )放射性污染物
( 36)从汽车废气发送关闭
(37 )汽车废气排放标准
(38 )非生物降解材料
( 39)一次性饭盒
( 40)回收产品
(41 )可再生资源
( 42)保护自然资源
( 43)塑料编织袋
( 44)温室效应
(45 )全球变暖
( 46)酸雨
(47 )能源危机
(48 )石油泄漏
(49 )环境意识
( 50)害虫猖獗
( 51)救援和救灾工作
(52 )垃圾处置
( 1 )污染,事实上,威胁我们的生存。
( 3)在城市交通噪声,其中大部分来自来了,工厂及建筑地盘。
(4 )有一对从该公司的污染行动呼吁市民越来越响亮的声音。
(5 )科学家们警告说,除非制定了有效的解决办法,污染问题将最终失控。
(6 )排放到空气中,许多工厂大量有害化学物质和河流每一天。
(8 )从汽车发动机是非常有毒气体。这是一个城市的空气污染的主要来源。
(9 )砍伐森林在全球气候温度和不愉快的增加而变化。
(10 )地球是我们的家园,我们有责任照顾它为我们自己和我们的后代。
(11 )北京目前已成为世界上污染最严重的城市之一。在与世界上空气污染最严重的10个城市,去年,北京是第三污染最严重的城市。
(12 )如果没有城市的优质航空不善的困扰,北京每年的死亡率将会在过去4百分之降低三年,根据对完成由北京医科大学和哈佛大学共同的research。
(13 )北京消耗煤炭280万吨每年,其中百分之75是低等级煤。
(14 )为了使这些建筑物的空间,树木被砍伐,草地被占领的阴谋。城市看起来只是灰色的混凝土森林。
(15 )现代城市应扩大与一个绿色工厂的地区一定比例。
(16 )我们必须现在就开始保护我们唯一的地球。
(17 )几乎所有我们日常使用的都是直接或间接地从土地上。
(18 ),但在有限的土地是一个惊人的速度减少。
(19 )的性质给了我们这么多,但我们在做它看起来慷慨的回报。
( 20)臭氧层是我们在天空中的天然屏障,但这种保护是很危险的,由于人类活动。为了保护臭氧层就是保护我们。
(21 )消耗臭氧层允许更多的紫外线- B到达地球,这意味着更多的皮肤癌,白内障的眼睛(白内障) ,削弱免疫系统,降低产量。
(22 )的性质已被激怒,这宝贵的资源,空气污染,土地变成沙漠,结果等无数亩短缺
(23 )幸运的是,许多国家才知道问题的严重性,并采取积极措施,以保护环境。
(24 )我们真诚地希望,在世界上所有的人将参加这项运动的一部分,携手保护大自然。
(25 )此外,在我们的城市树木和草坪,长远来说将有助改善当地的气候。
(26 )政府应把钱花在当前新的草坪和草坪的栽培保存更多的钱。
(27 )我国政府已采取严格措施,制止不小心和任意砍伐树木。
(28 )因此,各国政府在保护环境发挥了最重要的角色今天。
(29 )政府应该让人民充分认识到环境保护的重要性,通过教育。
(30 )汽车应配备特殊装置,以减少汽车废气排放。
(31 ) ,而不是农民可以利用现代生物技术,化学肥料种庄稼。
( 32)沙漠可以变成耕地由某一种灌木的土地。
(33 )回收纸张,钢铁和塑料为帮助保护我们的环境的重要。
( 34)美化城市是一个巨大的规模。
(35 )能源危机将危及我们的生存,因为人民的奢侈,他迅速增长的人口。
(36 )这是我们必须研究和开发新能源立即。
( 37)随着工业化的扩大,世界各地对能源的需求正在增加。
(38 )我们有一个由于我国经济快速增长的能源需求甚殷。
(39 )这些丰富的能源资源正在迅速耗尽。
( 40)为了避免在未来的能源危机,我们应该采取一些行动。
( 41)能源过度使用,影响生态平衡。
( 42)现代生活的发展是配售及不断增加的电力需求。
( 43)如果没有能源,我们的世界将是一个混乱的状态。
(44 )保护濒危物种的保护有利于健康的环境。濒危物种是大自然的预警污染和环境退化,可能有一天会影响人类健康的制度。(濒危物种是大自然的关于污染和环境恶化的早期警戒系统,污染和环境恶化有朝一日会影响人类的健康。 )
(45 )保护濒危物种保存大自然为我们的孩子和孙子的一部分享受。
(46 )保护濒危物种的保护有利于可持续经济和良好的生活质量。濒危种鱼类,野生动物和植物生态,教育,历史,娱乐和科学价值的国家及其人民。
( 47)所有的生物,包括人类在内,都是一个复杂的部分,微妙平衡的网络称为生物圈。
(48 )没有一种生物是孤立存在的。一个单一的物种搬迁可以引发连锁反应影响到许多人。
(49 )据估计,约有12,000藏羚羊,每年被杀害。如果这种趋势继续下去,这个物种将会灭绝在两个十年。
(50 )为野生动物健康的环境有利于人们健康的环境,今天和明天。
( 1 )人口爆炸/婴儿潮
( 3 )出生/死亡率
(4 )计划生育
(5 )自杀爆炸事件
( 6)辍学学生
(7 )消除文盲
(8 )帮助那些处于困境中的危险和援助那些
(9 )贫困地区
(10 )偏远地区和山区
(11 )摆脱贫困,走上了富裕之路
(12 )人才外流
(13 )腐败现象
(14 )提供和收受贿赂
(15 )舞弊的耻骨资金
(16 )伪造证件
(17 )伪造货币/身份证
(18 )信用卡诈骗
(19 )假冒商品
(20 )自动售货机
(21 )代沟
(22 )沙发马铃薯
(23 )保持妄/情妇
(24 )赌场/赌博
(25 )节食
(26 )均衡饮食
(27 )享受宴会使用公共资金
(28 )烂建设项目
(29 )暂停/停止一个项目
(30 )福利型公共住房分配制度
(31 )高层公寓楼
( 32)预付定金(按月)
(33 )青少年违法犯罪
(34 )下岗工人
(35 )试验周期
(36 )关于在职培训/专业培训
( 37)再就业工程
( 38)联合国安全理事会
(39 )政府资助出国留学人员
( 40)种族/性别歧视
(41 )交通堵塞/道路挤塞
( 42)酒后驾驶
( 43)违反交通规则
(44 )打了一宗交通意外
( 45)拉什/高峰小时
(46 )保安人员
(47 )新闻发言人发布
( 48)新闻发布会
(49 )全球化
(50 )知识产权权利
(51 )关于专利侵权的权利
(52 )奥运申办
(53 )体育彩票
(54 )直播
(55 )冷冻食品
(56 )文物保存
(57 )定期工人从临时更改
( 58)健身运动
(59 )蹦极
(60 )永久居留证
(61 )安乐死
(62 )药物除
(63 )艾滋病病
(64 )校园暴力
(65 )虐待儿童
(66 )绑架/勒索
( 1 )越来越多的人认识到经常体育锻炼的重要性。
(2 )我们必须对我们自己懒惰的斗争,保持与我们的训练,风雨无阻。 (风雨无阻)
( 3)维护我们的健康是非常重要的。不应该轻视他的健康1 。
(4 )体育锻炼有利于增加食欲和消化。它增加了血液循环。体育锻炼可以培养一个人的自信,判断力和坚强的意志。
(5 )早睡早起早上升,使人健康,财富和智慧。 (本杰明富兰克林)
(6 )在一个健全的心灵是健全的身体。
(7 )以参与体育和游戏将保持我们身体健康。
(8 )适当的体育活动有助于我们加强我们的身体和建立我们的竞争与合作意识。
(10 )对于那些谁用自己的大脑一天最多的工作,对体育的做法是特别有用。
(11 )习惯一旦形成,它是困难的,有时是不可能摆脱它。
( 12)容易养成坏习惯比下降进入好的。
(13 )许多成功的男人宣布,他们拥有自己的繁荣,这令一些良好习惯形成的早期生活,如守时,早起,诚实和彻底性。
( 14)中国人民的饮食习惯发生了巨大变化,在过去的10年。
(15 )人们开始少吃粮食,但更多的水果和蔬菜。新鲜水果和蔬菜都含丰富碳水化合物(碳水化合物) ,维生素和矿物质。
(16 )现在人们注重营养,所以他们选择吃肉和喝牛奶。
(17 )鱼和鸡含有更多的蛋白质和脂肪少。
( 18)再就业问题,是关系到国家改革,发展和稳定。
(19 )一些统计数据表明,训练有素的工人正在为可能重新为那些谁也不能参加就业培训计划的3倍。
(20 )再就业为导向的培训网络,应立即成立以涵盖尽可能多的下岗工人,以尽可能提高自己的能力面临挑战。
(21 )它没有羞耻获得与自己手中的面包,无论他做什么工作做,但它是一个耻辱一直闲置袖手旁观,等待财政援助到来。
(22 )中国正处于从社会主义计划经济的一个过渡时期向社会主义市场经济。
(23 )政府应该发行更多的有利政策,帮助裁员的困难了。
(24 )每个人的欲望和追求幸福。但是,幸福意味着不同的事情不同的人。
(25 )我会很高兴,如果我能实现我未来的事业,我的价值,并提出一些对我们国家的发展作出贡献。
(26 )幸福也意味着良好长期和我的同事和朋友。
(27 )之中,只有那些谁,才是真正幸福谁将会是那些寻求发现如何为别人服务的人。
(28 )幸福首先在于健康。
(29 )幸福总是层出不穷的辛勤工作。
(30 )幸福在于知足。
(31 )每一代人的生活方式和价值体系,从自己的看法,其生活环境的结果。
(32 )只要不同的后代能够了解对方,避免自己的意见强加于他人和价值观,就会有更少的冲突,几代人之间更和谐。
( 33)老以为他们知道最好的,但是这只是一个经验问题。
( 34)青年懂得享受工作和休闲,而不是被抑制。 (约束)
(35 )儿童经常抱怨他们的父母无法理解他们,而父母觉得对不起自己的孩子很少给他们应有的尊重和服从。
( 36)子女应当尊重父母也知道他们的父母为他们的好。
(37 )作为在中国改革的不断深入,公务员已不再有“铁饭碗“,因为他们曾经有过许多地方。
( 38)不管我们做什么,我们应该尽我们的力量。 (尽力而为)
( 39)为了使职业明智的选择,两个重要的事情应纳入consid ,关合作措施。一个是兴趣,另一方面,人民和社会的需求。
(40 )这是绝对正确,每一项日常活动的动机所在。由于事实上,我们可以实现一个现实的目标没有什么。
( 41)每个人都应该有一个在他的人生目标,漫无目的的生活,因为我们的精力和时间浪费。
( 42)无论你的目标有可能,主要是重要的事情你应该有健康的生活。
( 43)人们普遍不错,每个人都需要良好的健康。随着社会竞争日趋激烈,重要的是要保持健康。
(44 )一方面,有良好的健康的人可以用全部精力和工作的卓越的工作有助于他们的健康和幸福的转机。另一方面,不健康的人很少能出现在他周围的一切利益,因此他失去了许多机会取得成功。
(45 )一般而言,那些有良好的动机,谁做他们的职责。例如,父母辛勤工作从清晨到深夜,因为他们要支持他们的家庭。无论学生勤奋学习,以他们的阶级排名顶部或将要为他们未来的成功做好准备。
( 46)另一方面,邪恶的人做事情,因为他们的邪恶目的。例如,为获取金钱而努力工作的动机使得一个扒手偷了钱包。为了履行他的邪恶的欲望,一个强盗抢别人的财物,可以和一个凶手杀害无辜的人。这些邪恶的动机是那种人们需要得到别人的伤害,因为他们赶走。
( 47)人们常常容易有理想,而不是执行。
(48 )努力和毅力是理想的实现需要。
(49 )一旦确定了目标,我们必须创造机会达到目标。勤奋工作,耐心等待后,你的目标设定。尽最大努力使你的生活发生在你想看到它。这是谁定的目标是正确的,坚持下去足够长的时间将最终实现这一目标。
(50 )没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的航行。当理想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。