Comments for Blood Diamond
*** This comment may contain spoilers ***
For your information, this review contains mild spoilers of the film's storyline.
Blood Diamond had a lot of potential. It had opportunities for action, compelling situations, compelling characters, etc, but it didn't seem to fully realize them.
There were plenty of moments of action, but they seemed to always be filmed with a shaky camera and quick cuts. Sure, that might make it seem more like you're there, but it got pretty old pretty fast. The audience began to not know what was going on or where the main
characters were or where the bad guys were. This really subtracted from several scenes that could have been very memorable, like a rebel invasion of Sierra Leone's capital city Freetown.
Much of the movie revolved around the rebel forces of the RUF in Sierra Leone, who
kidnapped the son of Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou). Solomon is then taken prisoner by the RUF and forced to dig up diamonds. South African smuggler Danny Archer (DiCaprio, now surely one of the best actors, not only of his generation, but in moviedom today) learns of a diamond worth quite a bit of money that Solomon had found, and most of the movie follows Solomon as he searches for his family and Archer as he searches for the diamond. Archer tells Solomon with the money they could make with the diamond, finding his family would be a breeze, so they stick together. Reporter Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly) hooks up with the pair upon learning of Archer's connections to conflict diamond corporations and their
important people. Wanting to really help the victims of the conflict, Maddy helps Solomon and Archer on their quests so that she can get information on the conflict diamond dealers and take them down.
Solomon's son is forced to fight for the RUF, and becomes a completely desensitized, killing machine. This could have been very, very powerful, but it wasn't quite as heart-wrenching as it could have been. It does, however, provide for a great, gut-wrenching moment of tension later in the film. Solomon himself is played well. Hounsou plays him with a sense of innocence, and we do care about him and his journey to find his family. Connelly, too, is an idealistic journalist who wants to help the world, and we come to believe that her well-intentioned
motivations are completely genuine. DiCaprio, as always, is terrific. I'm not completely sure what a South African accent should sound like, but his seemed convincing enough to me. He is a man on a mission, and we believe it. It was especially a treat to see his character develop. The best thing about Archer's development is that, while he goes from being selfish to selfless, it's not unbelievable or clichéd. He doesn't just become a good guy, he convincingly
transforms from (a closet racist) anti-hero to hero. All around good and great acting in Blood Diamond.
The end concludes with a political message somewhere along the lines of Lord of War, which kind of killed the mood, but it's certainly nice that the movie is actually about something important (i.e. conflict in Africa that, according to Maddy, we might catch on the news somewhere "between sports and weather").
Blood Diamond is done well, but not quite as well as it could have been. Still, it made for a good movie, one of the better of 2006, and I'm glad I saw it.
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Locations in Africa and where it was filmed..., 22 January 2007
I served with the military in Liberia during 2005 and have also been in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and at the border to Guinea. As many African countries it's not always to safe to travel around due to impacts of years of civil war and rage. Despite this I believe that they portrayed the movie very fine with the infrastructure and climate to make it seem like it was shoot in Sierra L. To make an example with the movie "Lord of war" with Nicolas Cage where he goes to Monrovia, Liberia to sell weapons to warlords. Well, for one who's been there several times, patrolling the streets, this was a terrible choice of location when I right away saw that the infrastructure was all wrong and it was shoot God knows where!?
I think it was great movie that shows how civil war and human brutality exceeds anything you【血钻影评】
possible can imagine. This kind of things happens everyday in the world and we just pass it, zapping with the remote, through all our TV channels. It's definitely worth seeing. Was the above comment useful to you?
Brilliant and eye opening film, 22 January 2007
Blood Diamond was one of the best I've seen in a while, although I knew of the violence that went on in Sierra Leone I was too young to actually know what and why it was happening so this film has totally opened my eyes to what went on. The story was told in a brilliant way showing you both from where the diamonds came and where they would end up but the way in which it was told was seamless.
Leonardo Dicaprio was brilliant as Danny Archer, I didn't expect him to be this good as he's always had this baby face playing youngsters so I couldn't seen him pulling off the role of a South African diamond smuggler but he did so brilliantly . Djimon Housoun was also very good as the proud fisherman searching for his family his role was more subdued than Dicaprio which, I think, is why they worked so well together. So I would say a must see.
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A knife in the heart feels better, 21 January 2007 Jennifer Connelly looks beautiful and a knife in the heart feels better for Leo DiCaprio when he's happily pierced to death for the worth of the blood diamond and a last call his mystifying love interest who defies the conventional white wedding to stop the injustices done to the good African people like Djimon Hounsou who escapes with Leo's help and the blood diamond to win his case in court to stop the illegal smuggling of diamonds. It's nice to see a movie that shows what is really going on in Africa. Leo's accent seems too sentimental for the brunette he's always wanted and could never conquer without kissing up. It was a touchy subject that used mystification to handle and made it up there with Leo's most excellent performances. It was Jennifer Connelly's best!!! Compelling scenery deserving of Leo's fight and my vote for oustanding lead male.
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Shocking, 20 January 2007
Edward Zwick has crafted a wonderful movie. It is a great escape ride, and somehow manages to be a deeply moving human drama, as well as a political thriller. It is hard to determine its genre, and that's one of the many reasons this was one of the best movies of 2006.【血钻影评】
Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou) is an African father who lives in Sierra Leone during 1999. Civil war is everywhere. One day, while walking his son home from school, rebels attack his village. He knows and understands that these rebels are ruthless, and kill without mercy. He tells his son to hide behind a boat. Solomon races to the village to help his wife and other kids escape. However, in the process, Solomon and his son are the ones who are captured. He (Solomon) is sent to dig for conflict diamonds under the strict supervision of the rebel RUF. One day, he finds a large, pink diamond. He understands that this rock could influence his son's freedom. He takes the diamond and hides it. The story eventually makes it to diamond smuggler and former mercenary, Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio). He believes that this diamond, is "his ticket out" of Africa. He understands that it must be worth some millions to the diamond industry back in London or the United States. Archer agrees to help Solomon get his son back if he gets the diamond in return. It is also the story of Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), an American reporter who is intrigued by Danny's role in the illegal diamond trade. All three must find a way to come together, or else none of them will get what they want. Or need.
Leondardo DiCaprio has grown so much as an actor. I never thought very highly of him. He was always OK. Then I saw Martin Scorsese's "The Departed." As Billy Costigan he blew me away in that masterpiece. Now, he delivers another superb performance. When it comes to Leonardo DiCaprio, I will start looking for his movies more often. He is wonderful here. Some critics have complained of his accent. Why? Many South Africans have said that is is very accurate. They have sounded off in the message board. So have people who have been to South Africa or know those who are from there. The accent is true, and there is nothing annoying about it. I wonder if those who complain about the accent have any association with Africa? Sorry, I got off track. Jennifer Connelly is wonderful here as well, a good actress in a
role not based on looks. Djimon Hounsou gives the performance of the movie. He is shockingly emotional and deep. I will be surprised if he does not get an Oscar nod.
The screenplay by Charles Leavitt, off of a story by Leavitt and C. Gaby Mitchell, also
deserves and Oscar nomination. It it made up of so many elements, layers, violence, and heart. It is deep. It is wonderful.
Edward Zwick (Glory, The Last Samurai), uses his amazing ability as a director to shoot this artistically crafted picture. This movie is nowhere without him.
Africa has had many horrible things happen in it. I'm not saying other countries haven't, but here Africa is the focus, and to know that some of this is still happening is gut-wrenching. The murder and genocide there never seems to stop. This is a film that wants to tell people there's hope. Hope for a better world. It is a moving film. A lot of what we see is disturbing, but life can be disturbing, and this film doesn't shy away from it. It uses its disturbing content to move you into action. Yes, there has been an act to stop the selling of conflict diamonds in over 40 countries. However, illegal diamonds still make it to the market. This movie will make the most serious diamond-lovers reconsider what they're paying for. Any movie that has the ability to make you rethink and take action, was very well-made. Wonderful.
Danny Archer: Sometimes, I wonder; will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other?
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Hard-hitting viewing!, 20 January 2007
Film Review: Blood Diamond
Leonardo DiCaprio; Djimon Hounsou; Jennifer Connelly and Arnold Vosloo
Greed and gratuitous violence coupled with some stellar performances
钻石与武器的交易,靠利益扭在一起。钻石是非洲的特产,哪里越富有,哪里就越贫困。 动乱的时候就会有利可乘。非洲动荡西方组织为了利益用钻石与武器做交易。利益最大化。
的父亲所罗门说:“等他们长大了,和平也到来了。”然而当他潜入基地找到自己的儿子时,儿子却已经变成了六亲不认的地域天使。差点杀了自己亲生父亲。 如果知道这一切,你是否还会购买钻石?
记者团秘书处 沈伟伟 在《泰坦尼克》里你爱深情浓,《猫鼠游戏》里你玩世不恭,《盗梦空间》里你困于情网,《了不起的盖茨比》里你一往情深,也记得你在《被解救的姜戈》眼前一锤定音,也曾在《禁闭岛》上不懈追寻。如今你改头换面做了《荒野猎人》,如果不能摘到奥斯卡王座上的血钻,我怎能甘心!这一届的奥斯卡,莱昂纳多.迪卡普里奥这个名字,终于让一切扬眉吐气。 这是一部有意思的电影,我喜欢这样说。认识亚利桑德罗·冈萨雷斯·伊纳里多,是从去年他的那部具有强烈讽刺意味但又饱含着艺术的辛酸的《鸟人》开始的。这位满脸胡茬的墨西哥导演用他那自然而深刻的导演风格,以及不惜运用一切手法达到他的天才设想的个性,征服了无数奖项,也征服了包括我在内的无数影迷。除了新作里凌厉荒蛮的气质让人动容,影片的摄影同样无与伦比,摄影师(《鸟人》《地心引力》摄影师)擅长长镜头、旋转镜头,每一帧画面无可挑剔,展现出无与伦比的壮美奇观,荒野景象,浩瀚壮阔。
从影片伊始小李饰演的猎人格拉斯便没有闲下来过,先是遭到苏族人的袭击匆忙上船,而后遭到熊袭,几乎奄奄一息,唯有他于波尼族女子诞下的儿子一直守护着他,但也因为这样儿子惨遭同伴毒手,自己被弃至于荒野。汤姆·哈迪饰演的菲茨杰拉德有着极其明确的行动动机,即不顾一切地为了个人利益而活下去,为此不惜牺牲身边任何人,和小李饰演的格拉斯或者另外的白人军官奉行的共存理念不一样。十九世纪起,大批白人趋之若鹜地来到北美,掠夺资源倒卖借此大发横财,贪欲与血流染指原住民的土地。一路上格拉斯险情不断,前有仇人,后有原住民追击,好歹遇到一个落单的波尼族人,伸出援手相救,但也落得被吊死的下场。格拉斯本有机会偷夺法国人的马离开,但是看见苏族人的女儿被强暴,还是冒险搭救了一把,一命抵一命,这也让他结尾免遭苏族人取了性命。骑马而去的格拉斯还是不巧被追击,坠崖,暴风雪中脱衣赤身躺进马的身体,像是回到诞生之前,再从温热子宫之中重生一次。到最后总算被自己的同伴搭救,知道菲茨杰拉德因恐惧自己不远万里前来复仇,深入丛林做最后一战。在故事最后猎人格拉斯和仇人菲茨杰拉德几乎了结决斗,小李子只要补上最后一刀便能完成复仇大任时,他看了看河对岸的波尼族人,念念有词了一句:“The revenge is in God’s hand’s, not mine.” 而后将其从河岸中推至水中,让菲茨杰拉德的身躯随着河水流向原住民,被他们手刃。如同圣经里所说:不要因私报仇,让主审判,复仇在我,有冤必报。然而这样所谓的正义究竟带来了何种畅然?
这也就是那些存在怨念或者精神压力的人们报复社会的原因了,让我们看看影响他们神经系统崩溃的具体原因。《致命ID》,在胖子小的时候,她的母亲是个妓女,偷东西,虐待他,所以胖子小时的时候做了这首诗 当我上楼时,碰见一个原本不在那里的男人(暗喻我碰到了一个不在现实中的人格),今天他还是不在那里,我希望他离开了。(暗喻我要控制胖子,我才是他唯一的人格,我希望他滚蛋)这就是胖子自小培养出的邪恶灵魂人格的心声。《禁闭岛》,这个背景就相对丰富了。首先,时期,1954年,美苏正处于冷战的敏感时期,而主角则是一名退役的军人,曾经目睹了不少残酷的暴力和鲜血琉璃的场面。另一面,他患精神病的妻子溺死了自己的三个孩子,他一怒之下枪杀了妻子,面对整个家庭的破裂,他疯了,从而产生幻觉,并在大脑中产生了侦探故事的版本。《机械师》,一年前崔佛开车过十字路口的时候撞到了尼克拉斯,但是他却因为害怕负责任而逃逸了,接下来因为心中的内疚而导致失眠,接着是因为自己的疏忽导致工友米勒失去了一条手臂。
对于精神病患者的演绎,后两部片子体现的较为充分。ID中由于本体的出现时间很短,表演的时间并不是很多所以并没有给人很深的印象。其演员表演的重点主要是那几个人格的表演上。禁闭岛,主演 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥,大家一定都很熟悉,出演的电影数不胜数,最著名的泰坦尼克号,早期的不一样的天空,在我看来在青年时期的演技已经是相当的纯熟了。在后来的盗梦空间和血钻等电影里更是让人印象深刻。而且这并不是他与导演的第一次合作,在美版无间道中和其他电影中就有多次的合作。对于这位大帅哥加实力派,出演这样一部名导指导的悬疑电影,票房问题看来并不用担忧了,可惜的是这部片子的上映在刚刚落幕的奥斯卡颁奖典礼之后,不知道还能不能在这么长一段时间后还能让评委们难忘。复杂的剧情还有多重身份的来回转化,考验着导演和演员的功力。看起来莱昂纳多还是牢牢的把握着这个角色,在充当FBI探员时,一丝不苟,细致入微的观察,和搭档在医院医生和精神病人之间周旋,充分的表演出了出色的警官一角。而换成妻子杀了自己3个孩子的丈夫一角上,痛苦和思念纠缠着他,也是
在ID中,演员的表演被分到了几位主要的人格上。这11个人各自不同,自私,邪恶,懦弱,勇敢,冷静,善良等,每个都是人类心中的一个侧面,分开演绎也是最后揭秘时候让人觉得倒过来看觉得影片安排的很合理缜密的地方。影片的另一个引人注目的地方是它的演员阵容,约翰·库萨克、雷·利奥塔、阿曼达·皮特、克丽·杜瓦尔、阿尔弗莱德·莫里纳,个个都是响当当的名字,同时因为主要故事情节均发生在一所封闭的汽车旅馆中,演员的表现至关重要。关键性角色艾德的扮演者约翰·库萨克大家应该很熟悉了,他出生演艺世家,父亲里查德 ·库萨克和姐姐琼·库萨克都是著名演员,库萨克曾与伍迪·艾伦合作过《子弹横飞百老汇》,和伊斯特伍德合作过《午夜善恶园》,还有斯派克·琼斯那部诡异的《傀儡人生》,似乎有库萨克参与的片子总是会有那么一点与众不同的吸引人的地方。