Tourism Planning and Development
Course No.: 12023011 Course: Tourism Planning and Development
Credit hour: 4.0 Teaching Hours: 40 hours
Term: The seventh Term
Course Textbooks: ‘Introduction to Tourism Planning’,Heyu, Tourism Education Press, 2008.
Course Syllabus
This course consists of the following lessons of study:
第一章 绪 论
第一节 旅游规划产生与发展
第二节 旅游规划概念与对象
第三节 旅游规划目标与任务
第四节 旅游规划与其他规划关系
第二章 旅游规划层次和类型
第一节 国外旅游规划层次和类型
第二节 我国旅游规划层次和类型
第三节 旅游规划基本层次划分
第三章 旅游规划理论基础
第一节 可持续发展理论
第二节 旅游系统论
第三节 旅游经济学理论
第四节 旅游社会学与文化人类学理论
第五节 旅游生态学理论
第六节 旅游心理学和行为学理论
第七节 旅游及相关政策
第四章 旅游规划基本内容
第一节 旅游规划组成
第二节 旅游规划基本原则
第三节 旅游规划编制程序
第四节 旅游规划编制结构
第五章 区域旅游规划
第一节 区域旅游规划概念及流程
第二节 区域旅游规划调查
第三节 区域旅游发展潜力评估
第四节 区域旅游空间布局
第五节 区域旅游线路组织
第六章 旅游目的地规划
第一节 旅游目的地规划概述
第二节 旅游目的地规划流程及模型
第三节 旅游目的地地方性
第四节 目的地旅游用地和分区
第五节 目的地旅游环境容量
第六节 社区参与与居民利益调控
第七章 景点旅游规划
第一节 景点旅游规划概述
第二节 设计标准和开发流程
第三节 景点规划设计案例
第八章 旅游规划实施与管理
第一节 旅游规划实施过程
第二节 旅游规划管理模式
第三节 旅游规划影响评估
第四节 旅游规划调控机制
第五节 公众参与导入机制
Course requirements:(1)课前预习;
Evaluation:To receive credit, you must participate in the case study for each lesson and successfully complete two close book examination. The weighting of each
component are indicated in the chart below.
First Exam Attendance Second Exam Total
20% 20% 60% 100%
Course Materials:
‘Introduction to Tourism Planning’,Heyu, Tourism Education Press, 2008.
Tourism Planning and Development
Course No.: 12023011 Course: Tourism Planning and Development
Credit hour: 4.0 Teaching Hours: 40 hours
Term: The seventh Term
Course Textbooks: ‘Introduction to Tourism Planning’,Heyu, Tourism Education Press, 2008.
Course Syllabus
" Tourism planning" is an important specialized course for students majoring in tourism management, tourism is an important part of the system of scientific disciplines. The content of this course can be divided into three parts. The first part describes the basic content ( such as tourism planning tourism planning concept, development process, domestic and foreign tourism planning, tourism planning comparison theory .); second part elaborates tourism planning principles and methods ( such as the regional tourism destination tourism planning, tourism destination, tourism planning and landscape design etc. the third part focuses on the introduction of tourism; planning implementation and management. Through the teaching of this course, students should understand the system of tourism planning and development history; master the basic concept of tourism planning, and the theoretical basis of tourism planning; master the basic theory and method of tourism planning implementation; to understand the principles and methods of tourism planning; based on the knowledge to guide the tourism planning practice. This course consists of the following lessons of study:
The first chapter the theory
The first festival tourism planning and development
The second festival tourism planning concept and object
The third festival tourism planning objectives and tasks
The fourth festival tourism planning and other planning
The second chapter the levels and types of tourism planning
The first section of the levels and types of tourism planning
Section second of the levels and types of tourism planning in our country The third festival tourism planning hierarchy
Chapter third tourism planning theory
The first section of the theory of sustainable development
The second festival of tourism system
The third festival tourism economics theory
The fourth festival tourism sociology and cultural anthropology
journey, trip 旅行 tourism 旅游 pleasure trip 游览,漫游 business trip 商务旅行 organized tour 组团旅游 circular tour 环程旅行 package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行 outward journey 单程旅行
return journey, round trip 往返旅行 holiday 假期
excursion, outing 远足 expedition 远征,探险 hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘 itinerary 旅行指南 itinerary, route 旅行路线 stopover 中途下车暂停 stage 停歇点,中间站 departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发
arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12点抵达 stay 停留 return 返回
embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船 disembarkation 下船
delay 延期 travel agency 旅行社 airline company 航空公司 traveller's cheque 旅行支票 ticket 票 single ticket 单程票 return ticket 往返票,双程票 (美作:round-trip ticket)
fare 票价 half (fare), half-price ticket 半票 passage 票,票价 passengers 旅客 passport 护照 visa 签证
papers 证件 identity card 身份证 customs 海关
safe-conduct, pass 安全通行证 excursionist, tripper, hiker 旅行者 tourist 旅游者 traveller 旅行者,旅游者 (美作:traveler)
commercial traveller 旅行推销员 (美作:traveling salesman) stowaway 偷乘者
hotel 旅馆 guest house 宾馆 main entrance 大门
entrance hall 门厅 staircase, stairs, stairway 楼梯 balustrade, banister 楼梯栏杆 corridor 过道 verandah 外廊 lobby 走廊
lift, elevator 电梯 information desk 问讯处 reception office 接待室 hotel register 旅客登记簿 registration form 登记表 newsstand 售报处 postal service 邮局服务处 shop 小卖部 bar 酒吧间
lounge 休息厅 roof garden 屋顶花园
宝镜倒映烛影晃,寒冰装点酒色红, 宾客齐至成盛筵,佳人美酒俱添光, 轻启朱唇惊四座,投杯停箸不能食: 钢刀银叉手中持,心魔犹在不能消, 自我羁押成囚徒,吾辈颓然尚不知。 闻言仓皇寻旧路,四顾茫茫无着处, 明朝更向何处去?更者悠然言少歇: 纵然我辈长别离,此生有命不能弃, 前路漫漫归旧旅,生此回环无尽时。
free parking 免费停车
a motor trip 汽车旅行
All the motels lie beside the road.
When you stay in a motel, what do you like to do?
当你住汽车旅馆时, 喜欢做些什么?
He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling.
The motel is dead ahead about a mile from here.
Days before, at the motel, I had asked myself, what color is the desert at night? 几天前,在汽车旅馆里,我曾问过我自己,夜晚的沙漠是什么颜色的呢? Then let's stay in a motel.l am sure you will like it.
加利福尼亚旅馆是老鹰乐队的专辑,总销量超过了1500万张。同名歌曲以颓废而暧昧的方式反映了70年代人心日下的现实, 这是一种因无力而受挫的时代旨意。 这首单曲太有名了,风头甚至盖过了它的创造者"老鹰乐队"。 HOTEL CALIFORNIA 加州旅馆 在100首最经典的吉他solo中名列第一。现在听到的是94演唱会版本,这个版本的效果比76年原版本更好。 由于是老歌,大家可能都听过。之所以现在把它翻出来,是因为下面歌词的翻译译得比较好,我们可以学习一下,并自己试着翻译翻译,看看差距。On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself ’This could be Heaven or this could be Hell’ Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year, you can find it here 月黑大漠路迢迢,风高凛冽客思归, 人倦眼乏昏欲睡,闻香忽见灯火碎, 但见有女娉婷立,耳畔钟声如乐起, 天堂地狱两相忘,浑然不似在人间, 秉烛引路过画廊,人声嘈杂迎客至: 加州客栈诚待客,虚位以侯游子回, Her mind is Tiffany- twisted, she got the Mercedes bends She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget So I called up the Captain, ’Please bring me my wine’ He said,’We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’ And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face They livin’ it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise, bring your alibis 衣香鬓影佳人意,玉郎终始为君来, 放歌纵舞前廊院,香汗淋漓未尽欢: 纵使笙歌能醉月,情未忘我怎忘情? 便向校官索美酒,经年未备意阑珊, 午夜梦回旧馆舍,声声呼唤充耳闻, 倦鸟羁留深林久,此间乐哉不思飞, Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice And she said ’We are all just prisoners here, of our own device’ And in the master’s chambers, They gathered for the feast The stab it with their steely knives, But they just can’t kill the beast Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage ba
ck To the place I was before ’Relax,’said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave 宝镜倒映烛影晃,寒冰装点酒色红, 宾客齐至成盛筵,佳人美酒俱添光, 轻启朱唇惊四座,投杯停箸不能食: 钢刀银叉手中持,心魔犹在不能消, 自我羁押成囚徒,吾辈颓然尚不知。 闻言仓皇寻旧路,四顾茫茫无着处, 明朝更向何处去?更者悠然言少歇: 纵然我辈长别离,此生有命不能弃, 前路漫漫归旧旅,生此回环无尽时。Heal the world是一首呼唤世界和平的歌曲,十分优秀,歌词倡导人们保护和珍惜我们的环境,让战争远离,世界和平,我们的心中都有一个地方,那就是爱,让我们营造一个没有战争、没有荒地,生机勃勃,到处充满了温暖和关怀的世界,让孩子们可以自由的欢笑,让世界充满爱。Sing by Michael JacksonThink about the generations and say we want to make it a better place for our children and our children's children. So that day they know it's a better world for them. And think they can make it a better place.There's a place in your heart And I know that it is love And this place could be Much brighter than tomorrow And if you really try You'll find there's no need to cry In this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrow There are ways to get there If you care enough for the living Make a little space Make a better place... Heal the worldMake it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for you and for me If you want to know why There's a love that cannot lie Love is strong It only cares of joyful giving If we try We shall see In this bliss We cannot feel fear or dread We stop existingAnd start livingThen it feels that alwaysLove's enough for us growing So make a better world Make a better world... Heal the worldMake it a better place For you and for me and the entire human raceThere are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for you and for me And the dream we were conceived inWill reveal a joyful face And the world we once believed in Will shine again in grace Then why do we keep strangling life Wound this earth Crucify its soul Though it's plain to see This world is heavenly be God's glow We could fly so high Let our spirits never die In my heart I feel you are all my brothers Create a world with no fearTogether we'll cry happy tearsSee the nations turn their swords into plowshares Heal the worldMake it a better placeFor you and for me
and the entire human raceThere are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me... ... You and for me You and for me You and for me ... ...参考译文在你心中有个地方,我知道那里充满了爱。这个地方会比明天更灿烂。如果你真的努力过,你会发觉不必哭泣。在这个地方,你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧。到那个地方的方法很多,如果你真心关怀生者,营造一些空间。创造一个更美好的地方...拯救这世界,让它变得更好,为你、为我,为了全人类。不断有人死去,如果你真心关怀生者,为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。如果你想知道缘由,因为爱不会说谎。爱是坚强的,爱就是心甘情愿的奉献。若我们用心去尝试,我们就会明白,只要心里有爱,我们就感受不到恐惧与忧虑。我们不再只是活着,而是真正开始生活。那爱的感觉将持续下去。爱让我们不断成长,去创造一个更美好的世界,去创造一个更美好的世界...拯救这世界,让它变得更好,为你、为我,为了全人类。不断有人死去,如果你真心关怀生者,为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。我们心中的梦想,让我们露出笑脸。我们曾经信赖的世界,会再次闪烁祥和的光芒。那么我们为何仍在扼杀生命,伤害地球,扼杀它的灵魂?虽然这很容易明白,这世界天生就是上帝的荣光。我们可以在高空飞翔,让我们的精神不灭。在我心中,你我都是兄弟,共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界。我们一起流下喜悦的泪水,看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙。拯救这世界,让它变得更好,为你、为我,为了全人类。不断有人死去,如果你真心关怀生者,为你,为我,创造一个更美好的世界。为你为我为你为我为你为我
作者:大卫·布鲁斯·韦弗、劳拉·简·劳顿 旅游管理系,南卡罗来纳大学。 摘要:
和19个非常成功的美国旅行社进行了深度访谈,并使用地面理论(ground theory)进行分析,分析出了顾客关系的精益管理、雇员富集和有效的网络作为三个核心优势,三个核心构成了关系建设的一个专题。
相关实证调查(Oppermann的,1999年,帕尔默和McCole,1999;利卡塔Buhalis,2002年,墨菲和谭,2003; Law等人,2004; Lee等,2004;Özturan和罗尼,2004年,贝内特和丽,2005年,蔡等人,2005)揭示了揭示缓慢增长的互联网使也使用传统的机构之间传统的面对面的互动,以促进和扩大与客户之间的联系,例如通过提供24/7的家庭访问,瞬时购买确认和交付,较少利用数据库进行营销。
扎根理论研究,在研究报告的方法论的的的基础上,使得一些美国旅行社卓越的性能基础的内部因素,没有先入为主的假设,让理论出现感应数据,因为它是系统地收集和解释的(格拉泽和斯特劳斯,1967年)。这种方法是适当的,由于拥有全面的理论成功的机构的优势和其他属性,并且没有前面提到的过度依赖和纯粹的量化框架的限制。所以这种方法越来越多地应用在旅游研究上(如约旦和吉布森,2004年伍德赛德等,2004; Decrop和Snelders的,2005年,詹宁斯,2005年,汉和米尔斯,2006年),后结构接地理论方法产生的厚厚的描述'目标的现象,并建立通过三层的编码理论。
On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
’This could be Heaven or this could be Hell’
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year, you can find it here
月黑大漠路迢迢,风高凛冽客思归, 人倦眼乏昏欲睡,闻香忽见灯火碎, 但见有女娉婷立,耳畔钟声如乐起, 天堂地狱两相忘,浑然不似在人间, 秉烛引路过画廊,人声嘈杂迎客至: 加州客栈诚待客,虚位以侯游子回,
Her mind is Tiffany- twisted, she got the Mercedes bends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain,
’Please bring me my wine’
He said,’We haven’t had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine’
And still those voices are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face
They livin’ it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise, bring your alibis 衣香鬓影佳人意,玉郎终始为君来, 放歌纵舞前廊院,香汗淋漓未尽欢: 纵使笙歌能醉月,情未忘我怎忘情? 便向校官索美酒,经年未备意阑珊, 午夜梦回旧馆舍,声声呼唤充耳闻, 倦鸟羁留深林久,此间乐哉不思飞, Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said ’We are all just prisoners here, of our own device’
And in the master’s chambers, They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives, But they just can’t kill the beast Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
’Relax,’said the night man, We have program to receive.
You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave
宝镜倒映烛影晃,寒冰装点酒色红, 宾客齐至成盛筵,佳人美酒俱添光, 轻启朱唇惊四座,投杯停箸不能食: 钢刀银叉手中持,心魔犹在不能消, 自我羁押成囚徒,吾辈颓然尚不知。 闻言仓皇寻旧路,四顾茫茫无着处, 明朝更向何处去?更者悠然言少歇: 纵然我辈长别离,此生有命不能弃, 前路漫漫归旧旅,生此回环无尽时。 对比一下
Hotel California
On a dark desert highway
在一条黑暗的沙漠高速公路上 cool wind in my hair
warm smell of calyptus
rising up through the air 在空气里洋溢着
up ahead in the distance 前面很远的地方
I saw a shimmering light 我看到一丝微弱的灯光
My head grew heavy
and my sight grew dim 视野模糊
I had to stop for the night 今晚我得停下来
There she stood in the doorway 她站在门口
I heard the mission bell 我听到门铃响
I was thinking to myself 我暗自思忖
This could be heaven
This could be hell
《旅行社营销策略外文文献翻译 2012年译文3000》
文献出处:Dolnicar S, Laesser C. Travel agency marketing Plan[J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2012, 46(2): 133-146.
Travel Agency Marketing Plan
Executive Summary Adventure Excursions Unlimited (AEU) was formed January 2001 to provide hard adventure sport/travel packages with upscale accommodations, gourmet food, and celebrity service providers to wealthy clients. AEU Hard adventures include Helicopter-skiing, kayaking, white water rafting, and mountain biking. The founders of AEU are Jordan Stephan, MBA/JD, Jillyn Certo, MBA, and Loren Harlo, MBA. In addition to their MBA status, they are passionate about the activities AEU will offer. An opportunity exists for two reasons:1、Tourism is a growing industry (4% annually) and within the industry, adventure travel is growing at 10%. 2、There are few providers of hard adventure travel to upscale clients. Virtually all companies that provide "hard" adventure activities appeal to a lower income client. Companies that appeal to a wealthier clientele generally provide "soft" adventure package. Hard adventure activities involve difficult physical requirements. They carry a higher level of risk than do "soft" activities. Soft adventure activities may involve physical exertion, however they involve a low level of risk and can be engaged in by non-athletic people. The company's target customers are high income (min. $75,000 for single person), health-conscious individuals interested in popular hard adventure sports. These are lawyers, bankers, executives, doctors, etc. The major purchasers are located in urban areas within major United States cities. Our customers are more likely to be married. 51% are men and 49% are women. There is rapid growth in the market and increasing demand. In addition, more niche markets are evolving. Initially, it will be difficult to compete with experienced providers, especially the market leaders. However, AEU's target market is an exploitable niche and our service is differentiated. AEU's target market members will have similar
activity interests, more disposable income and less sensitivity to price. We will provide a luxury service with prestige value. Our prices will be out of reach for the majority of adventure travelers. Service will be priced based upon luxury competitor prices and the value added of our offering. Providers that offer offering luxury services similar to ours do so at prices similar to ours. We are competitively priced in the luxury market. Situation Analysis Adventure Excursions Unlimited (AEU) has been operating for several months now. The trips have been well received, and marketing is now critical to its continued success and future profitability. AEU offers high-end hard adventure trips. The basic market need is hard adventure trips for the wealthy client. This target market appreciates upscale accommodations, gourmet food, and personalized attention. AEU will meet this market need with a variety of trip offerings. Market Summary AEU possess good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of our most prized and loyal customers. AEU will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how AEU can better connect with them. AEU is providing its customers with a wide selection of hard adventure trips for wealthy clients. Virtually all companies that provide "hard" adventure activities appeal to a lower income client. Companies that appeal to a wealthier clientele generally provide "soft" adventure packages. Hard adventure activities involve difficult physical requirements. They carry a higher level of risk than do "soft" activities. Soft adventure activities may involve some physical exertion, however they involve a low level of risk and can be engaged in by non-athletic people. AEU seeks to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers. Selection: A wide selection of different hard adventure trips. Accessibility: The customer can be located anywhere as long as they have access to an airport. Customer attention: The patron will be impressed with the level of personal attention that they receive. Competitive prices: Although AEU is priced at the top of the market, providing a luxury service with prestige value, AEU will be priced competitively with the few other high-end service providers. Market Trends The travel industry is in an upward growth mode. There are several reasons for this increase. First, a relative healthy domestic economy over the last
several years and the devaluation of currency in other regions has made travel less expensive for U.S. residents. Pleasure travel has increased by 3.2% in 1999 and is predicted to grow 2.0% in 2000. Second, the healthy economy has increased business which in turn boosted domestic business travel 4.8% in 1999 with an estimated increase of 3.6% in 2000. Adventure travel is a growing segment of the travel industry. One theory of the recent increase in extreme sports has to do with the strong competitive nature of younger Americans. Statistics show that 8,000 U.S. companies offer adventure packages that generated $7 billion in 1999. There also has been a 66% increase in executive participation between 1996 and 2000 (or an increase of 3,000 to 5,000)(La Franco, Robert. Forbes, Feb 9, 2000 v161 n3 p168(3)). Market Growth In 1999, the adventure travel market generated $7 billion dollars. The market is poised for growth. This growth can be attributed to several factors. The first factor is an increased appreciation for travel. More and more people are recognizing the value in spending their free time away from home, participating in activities that they enjoy. Another variable that is contributing to this market growth is that as Americans continue to work longer and longer work hours, they also are looking for adventure travel vacations that offer a release from their day to day work. Our target market works hard, but also plays hard. When they do take time off from work, they choose an activity that they thoroughly enjoy, to a large degree because vacation occurs somewhat infrequently Marketing Strategy AEU will use several different forms of communication for their marketing strategy. The first effort will revolve around their Internet site. AEU's demographic relies heavily on the Internet for information. While AEU currently has a website, they recognize that resources are required to maintain the site as well as continually improve it. The website will constantly tested to determine that it is coming up as one of the top results when key words are entered into a search engine. Another form of communication is magazine advertising. The advertising will occur in magazines whose readership has similar demographics as AEU. The magazine advertisements will be used to increase visibility of AEU and position it as the top service provider in the high-end hard adventure market. As time progresses and a loyal customer base is established, AEU will rely on email
newsletters and direct mail to the customers that are on the mailing list. The newsletters will share specials (both trips as well as special deals) to this select group of customers. The goal of the newsletters is to incentivize the past customers to join AEU for another trip with a special deal. As operations progress, the AEU will continue to measure our progress relative to competitors and to the growth of the market(s) in which we operate. Though the primary target market has been defined, there may be new possibilities to serve additional segments. As the product is defined and the strategy differentiation is defined based on competitive strengths, AEU will be better able to determine whether adjustments in positioning are necessary. Access to important information concerning the market, competitors, etc., is available. However it is not free. For the purposes of this project, we feel it is unnecessary to incur additional expense. The marketing strategy will be to develop long-term relationships with customers. AEU will keep a database from which to obtain important demographic & psychographic information. As the business becomes profitable, plans will be implemented to expand. There is virtually no limit to the number and variety of trips AEU can provide. Trips can take place on every continent and in most countries.
摘要:探险旅行社(AEU)成立于2001年1月,该旅行社主要提供硬冒险运动,高档的住宿,美食,名人服务以及供应商/旅游套餐。AEU硬冒险包括直升机滑雪,划船,泛舟,和山地自行车。AEU的创办人包括斯蒂芬乔丹,工商管理硕士/博士,Jillyn Certo,工商管理硕士,Loren Harlo,工商管理硕士。他们不仅读过MBA课程,而且对AEU活动保持很高的热情。
探险旅行的成立存在这样一个机会,原因有:1、旅游业是一个增长的行业,以每年4%的速度增长,行业内,探险旅游保持着10%的速度增长。 2、该行业内有几个艰苦探险旅行高档客户的供应商。几乎所有提供“硬”冒险活动的公司吸引的大部分是收入较低的客户端。而公司吸引的富有客户通常要求提供“软”冒险包。硬探险活动涉及的物理要求,携带的风险比“软”活动要困难。软的冒险活动可能涉及体力消耗,但他们所涉及的风险水平较低,可以是非竞技人民。该公司的目标客户是高收入(最低75,000元的单身人士),关注流行的硬冒险运动并且有兴趣的健康的人。在美国各大城市主要包括律师,银行家,高级管理人员,医生等购买者,目前在市场上需求快速增长。
此外,更多的细分市场在不断变化。最初,这将是经验丰富的供应商难以竞争,特别是市场领导者。然而,AEU的目标市场是一个可利用的生态位,和我们的服务是有区别的。 AEU目标市场成员的利益将有类似的活动,包括更多的可支配收入,减少对价格的敏感度。我们会提供一个信誉较高的豪华服务。服务价格将以豪华的竞争对手的价格和价值为基础,我们进行补充。供应商提供豪华服务,提供类似我们这样做的价格。从价格竞争力上看,我们属于奢侈品市场。因为我们呼吁这样一个豪华和较小的市场,数量将受到限制。
探险游览(AEU)已经经营了好几个月了。车次已深受欢迎,现在销售的关键是不断取得成功和未来的盈利能力。 AEU提供高端硬冒险之旅。市场需要基本上是富有的客户端硬盘冒险之旅。这个目标市场享受高档住宿,美食,和个性化的关注。 AEU将满足这一带的旅游产品品种的市场需求。
文献出处:Sellers-Rubio R, Nicolau-Gonzálbez J L. Assessing performance in services: the travel agency industry [J]. The Service Industries Journal, 2009, 29(5): 653-667.
Assessing performance in services: the travel agency industry
Sellers;Ricardo; Nicolau
The assessment of performance is a critical component of the management process in any type of organisation. Business performance is recognised as a multi-dimensional construct, as it covers diverse purposes and types of organisations/levels (Lewin & Minton, 1986). The single output to input ratios, such as return on investment (ROI) and return on sales (ROS) may be used as indices to characterise financial performance. However, conventional referents of performance, whether they are measures of profitability, such as ROI, or productivity, are unsatisfactory discriminants of ‘excellence’ (Chakravarthy,1986), as a company's performance is a complex phenomenon requiring more than a single criterion to characterise it (Zhu, 2000).
Furthermore, growing competitiveness and the globalisation of markets in recent years have given rise to an economic environment where it is becoming increasingly
difficult for companies to survive. In this context, efficiency and productivity have become important issues for managers, both in the manufacturing and service sectors, as the analyses of these can be useful to evaluate firm performance. However, although the service sector's size and importance has grown in the past 20 years, productivity have not grown as fast in the service sector as in the manufacturing sector (Van Biema & Greenwald, 1997).
Particularly, this article analyses the tourism sector, given the importance that tourism has in the service industry. In the tourism sector, travel agencies are of course mindful of the need to manage the productivity and the efficiency of their business. However, the larger publicly quoted travel agencies tend to avoid aggregate economic approaches to the measurement of productivity in favor of firm level financial or operating measures that are meaningful to investors and stakeholders. While smaller and unquoted travel agencies have fewer stakeholders to convince, they similarly rely upon a relatively common set of operating and performance ratios (Reynolds, Howard, Dragun, Rosewell, & Ormerod,2005).
This article reviews some of the methods proposed to estimate economic performance in tourism. The methodology applied is based on traditional profitability and productivity measures as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques to evaluate efficiency. The empirical application is carried out on a sample of 567 travel agencies operating in the Spanish tourist distribution sector in 2004.
The remainder of the article is organised as follows. The second section reviews
the previous literature in this field. The third describes the methodology and sample used. In the fourth section, the results obtained are shown. Finally, the conclusions of the study, the limitations of the paper and future research possibilities are presented in the fifth section.
Literature review
To evaluate performance in tourism, several approaches have been proposed. Among these proposals, productivity and efficiency analyses have become very important in recent years. However, although the terms productivity and efficiency have been used interchangeably, this is unfortunate because they are not exactly the same thing. The most common interpretation in marketing and economics is expressed by Bucklin (1978) and Ingene (1982), who state that: ‘The ratio of total productivity is the quotient of all outputs to all inputs. The ratio of partial productivity is the quotient of all outputs to a single input’. In this sense, productivity indexes are calculated by inserting numbers into predetermined formulas or ratios and do not take into account the performance of other retail outlets. As an alternative, relative efficiency is a new approach to the measurement of retail productivity, which focuses on an outlet relative to the best performers rather than the average performers as with the traditional absolute measures.
Studies of tourism efficiency analysis can be classified on the method employed. Most of them, use the data envelopment analysis (DEA) non-parametric method (Anderson, Fok, & Scott, 2000; Anderson, Lewis, & Parker, 1999a;
Barros, 2005a, 2005b; Bell & Morey, 1995; Chiang, Tsai, & Wang,2004; Hwang & Chang, 2003; Morey & Dittman, 1995; Reynolds, 2003). A few of them are based on parametric techniques (Anderson et al., 1999a; Anderson, Fish, Xia, & Michello, 1999b; Barros, 2004; Barros & Matías, 2006; Coelli, Perelman, & Romano, 1999; Weng & Wang, 2006). Regarding the function utilised, studies rely on both Translog function (e.g. Anderson et al., 1999b; Weng & Wang, 2006) and Cobb–Douglas function (e.g. Barros, 2004; Barros & Matias, 2006).
It is important to note that, in spite of the important role travel agencies play in marketing tourism products, most of efficiency analyses in tourism focus on the hotel industry (in particular, from the USA, Portugal and Taiwan). These studies use microeconomic data and consider lodging establishments of one hotel chain by employing multiple inputs and outputs. Also, they mostly apply a cross-section sample from 1 year, while studies that use samples from several years estimate productivity through Malmquist productivity index based on the non-parametric DEA technique (Barros, 2005a; Barros & Alves, 2004; Hwang & Chang, 2003), or through a parametric frontier that takes into account the possible technical change by introducing a time variable (Barros, 2004; Coelli et al., 1999). Finally, there exists a great variety of variables used in tourism efficiency analysis due to the availability of information on travelagents' inputs and outputs.
The methodology employed to reach the goal of this article is divided into three
In the first stage, profitability and productivity indexes are estimated. To estimate profitability, traditional indexes such as returns on capital employed (ROCE), returns on assets (ROA) and returns on investment (ROI) are employed. Furthermore, two specific ratios employed to estimate the productivity in travelagencies are computed (i.e. sales per employee and sales per outlet).
In the second stage of the methodology, both parametric and non-parametric models are employed to estimate efficiency. The basic difference between them is that the parametric models specify a functional relationship between the inputs employed and the outputs obtained, whereas in the non-parametric models no functional relationship is considered. Gong and Sickles (1992) show that neither technique uniformly dominates the other. First, a stochastic frontier production function is estimated. In this parametric model, a production function is specified, which defines output as a function of a given set of inputs. The stochastic element of this model allows some observations to lie above the production function, and accounts for measurement error and other random factors (Coelli, Prasada, & Battese,1998). Results
In this section, profitability and productivity indexes as well as efficiency estimates are computed.
As can be seen, for the sample analysed, the mean profitability ratios are: ROA = 4.08%, ROCE = 18.722% and ROI = 11.567%. Regarding the productivity
来源:翻译界 浏览次数:1021 添加时间:2008-3-23