
| 中医助理医师 |



很多这样女子,天生骨子里的风骚和妩媚。这样的女子,勾起的都是男人夜晚的梦幻。这样的女子是天生尤物,释放出来的气息让男人像蜜蜂追逐万里陶醉其中。 风骚就是女人味。怎么样才能有女人味呢?远离粗糙,力求精致。 精致的女人不一定细致玲珑、体态如燕;说话的声音也不一定柔情似水、细若游丝;容貌也未必沉鱼落雁、闭月羞花。想做人见人爱,车见车载的尤物吗?想让男人像蜂逐蝶那样追你吗?那就再次修炼自己吧!做个可爱又风骚的女人。别误会哦,人家说了,这一切跟浪荡跟妖冶无关。只有那些拥有风骚的女人才是最完整、最真实、最美丽的女人。想做人见人爱,车见车载的尤物吗?想让男人像蜂逐蝶那样追你吗?那就再次修炼自己吧!做个可爱又风骚的女人。别误会哦,人家说了,这一切跟浪荡跟妖冶无关。只有那些拥有风骚的女人才是最完整、最真实、最美丽的女人。勇敢的放下假的面具,尽情展示大自然赋予我们的美丽风情,荡出所有的激情和柔情,荡出女性特有媚气娇柔,也荡出可爱和洒脱。别在伪装自己多么坚贞传统,多么的不食人间烟火,我们不是仙,我们是人,充其量是有一定文化修养的和底蕴的普通女人,我们需要爱,也需要情爱,我们不同于别人的就是我们在不丧失人格和道德的基础上领会生活的无限风光罢了。风:就是要风情万种,神采飞扬。骚:就是喷发出女人动态的性感,或者说女人对性感的生动表达。不是吗?只有动态的美感和性感才能聚焦眼光,才能展示女人独特的魅力。也只有这样才能吸引自己喜欢男人的热烈追求,才能满足我们女人征服男人的好奇心,从而奠定家庭幸福基础。只有骚出风情万种,才能赏心悦目,如果在骚的基础上,摆动腰肢做几手美味佳肴,那这个家庭就更和谐了,如果你再懂几分相夫教子的理论无疑又增加几分幸福指数,和乐不为呢。   。 只有那些拥有风骚的女人才是完整、真实和美丽的女人。女人,不风骚,不可爱。



科学育儿 2010-02-27 17:03:02 阅读297 评论0 字号:大中小

1. 真可爱 2. 好极了

3. 好主意 4. 好多了

5. 真好呀 6. 做得好

7. 非常好 8. 恭喜你

9. 了不起 10.很突出

11.很不错 12.太好了

13.真棒了 14.太奇妙了

15.真是杰作 16.那就是了

17.太正确了 18.多美啊

19.我好爱你 20.继续保持

21.你做到了 22.你做对了

23.你很能干 24.进步真快

25.做得漂亮 26.做得好,加油啊

27.极佳的表現 28.就是那样做

29.继续试试看 30.真令人惊讶

31.真感动 32.真的谢谢你

33.这正适合你 34.你办得到的

35.你学得真快 36.你是我的小助手,没你不行

37.你真是可爱 38.你走对路了

39.你还记得呢 40.记性真好呢

41.实在太好了 42.继续加油努力

43.我以你为荣 44.我很喜欢那样

45.你真是好帮手 46.你做得顺手嘛

47.你可以办到的 48.你以前做到了

49.你快要做到了 50.你想出办法了

51.你真懂事不少 52.你已经有把握了

53.干得漂亮极了 54.你是我们的开心果

55.你今天比以前好 56.你每天都有进步

57.你是小艺术家 58.你真是让我感动

59.你想出好办法了 60.哇!看你的了!

61.好!(竖起大拇指) 62.我们都做得很好

63.进行得很顺利嘛 64.对了,就是这样做

65.你下次会做得更好 66.你今天做的好认真

67.你真是我的小王子 68.你今天做了不少事

69.你真学到不少东西 70.你没有任何差错嘛

71.你正尽力地做好它 72.你一定练习很久了

73.你真的不断在进步 74.真是个聪明的孩子

75.真高兴你如此表現 76.再试一次就做到了

77.我就知道你能做到 78.我很感激你的帮忙

79.真的让我感到快活 80.这正是我说的好事

81.今天做得比平常好 82.这才是我的好孩子

83.那件事你做得真好 84.没有人是十全十美的

85.你这么快就想出来了 86.你今天确实做得很好

87.你正进入很好的情况 88.你今天确实做得很好

89.你已经有很好的开始 90.你真是我的得力助手

91.你真像美丽的小甜甜 92.那真是一件温馨的事

93.这是做得最好的一 94.真是有史以来最好的











下面是30句赞美孩子的话,提供给您参考: 噢,真不错!



































1. You’re on the right track now!

2. You’ve got it made.

3. You’re really working hard today.

4. You’re very good at that.

5. You’re doing that much better today.

6. You’ve just about got it.

7. You’re doing a good job.

8. You’re getting better every day.

9. You really make my job fun.

10. You did it that time!

11. You haven’t missed a thing!

12. You’ve got your brain in gear today.

13. You’ve just about mastered it.

14. You must have been practicing.

15. You did that very well.

16. You’re really going to town.

17. You’re really improving.

18. You’re doing beautifully.

19. You know this inside out. (你认识得真透彻。)

20. You did a lot of work today.

21. Congratulations. You got it right!

22. Now you have the hang of it.

23. Now you have it!

24. You’re doing fine!

25. You are really learning a lot.

26. You outdid yourself today!

27. You figured that out fast.

28. You remembered!

29. There you go! (对,就是这样的!)

30. That’s right!

31. That’s good!

32. That’s much, much better.

33. That’s it!

34. That’s quite an improvement.

35. That’s the right way to do it.

36. That’s the way to do it!

37. That’s the best you’ve ever done.

38. That’s not half bad.

39. That’s the way.

40. That’s better.

41. That was first class work.

42. That’s the best ever.

43. That’s better than ever.

44. That’s how to handle that.

45. That’s a good (boy/girl).

46. That’s really nice.

47. That kind of work makes me happy.

48. That’s coming along nicely.

49. That sounds a good idea.

50. Super!

51. Good work!

52. Well done!

53. Well said!

54. Exactly right!

55. Great!

56. Congratulations!

57. Not bad.

58. Nice going!

59. Good job!

60. Wow!

61. Terrific!

62. Sensational!

63. Excellent!

64. Perfect!

65. Much better!

66. Wonderful!

67. Fine!

68. Outstanding!

69. Fantastic!

70. Tremendous!

71. Right on!

72. Superb!

73. Marvelous!

74. Good thinking!

75. Good going!

76. Good remembering!

77. Good for you!

78. Way to go!(作得好!)

79. Keep it up!

80. Never lost heart!

81. Take it easy!

82. Snap out of it. Be strong! (振作起来吧。勇敢些!)

83. Think like that!

84. Good question!

85. One more time and you’ll have it.

86. Try your best. = Give it your best shot.

87. Keep up the good work.

88. I’m happy to see you working like that.

89. I’m proud of the way you worked today.

90. I’m very proud of you.

91. I knew you could do it.

92. I like that.

93. I’ve never seen anyone do it better.

94. I think you’ve got it now.

95. I think you’re doing the right thing.

96. It’s such a pleasure to teach when you work like that.

97. Couldn’t have done it better myself.

98. Aren’t you proud of yourself?

99. Nothing can stop you now.

100. Now that’s what I call a fine job.



1. Good Job! 干得好

2. Excellent! 太出色了

3 You tried very hard. 你很努力了。

4. You’re so sweet.你真甜蜜

5. Thank you 谢谢

6. Good for you! 对你来说太好了

7. I can see the progress我已经看到了进步

8. You’re special. 你是独特的

9. Wow! 哇!(叫绝声)

10. I trust you.我相信你

11. That’s amazing! 这太令人惊叹了!

12. How nice! 你多好啊!

13. Great! 太伟大了!

14. You’re adorable. 你真可爱

15. I’m proud of you. 我 为你骄傲

16. I knew you could do it. 我知道你能做到

17. Awesome! 了不起

18. Super! 好极了

19. You’re a good helper.你是个好帮手

20. You’re exciting. 你真令人激动

21. You’re beautiful. 你太美了

22. That’s incredible! 简直令人难以置信

23. How smart! 多聪明啊!

24. Well done! 完成得很好

25. Beautiful work. 完美的工作

26. You made my day. 你给了我美好的一天

27. You are so responsible. 你真负责任

28. Let’s try it again 让我们再试试

29. You really tried.你尽力了

30. You’re so creative. 你太有创造力了

31. Great work! 做得太好了

32. Fantastic! 太奇妙了

33. You Can Do It 你能做到

34. Bingo! 做对了!

35. You figured it out. 你解决了问题

36. That’s the best.这是最好的

37. You did that very well. 你做得非常好

38. Good learning! 掌握的很好

39. You’re a good listener. 你认真听讲

40. You’re are so much fun. 你真是太有趣了

41. You’re caring. 你有爱心

42. Wonderful sharing. 极好的分享

43. You’re a winner.你赢了

44. You’re a treasure. 你真是个宝

45. Bravo! 太精彩了!

46. You’re wonderful. 你真是太出色了。

47. You are precious.你是宝贵的

48. Remarkable job. 出色的工作

49. Terrific! 太妙了

50. You have a great sense of humor.你非常有幽默感

51. You make me happy你让我高兴

52. You’re incredible 你令人难以置信

53. You’re on target你达到目标了

54. Looking good. 看上去挺好

55. You make my life complete.你让我的生命完整

56. Outstanding! 杰出的

57. Dynamite! 顶呱呱

58. Marvelous! 非凡的

59. Exceptional performance. 出色的表现

60. You’re a real trooper. 你真是一个勇士

61. Nothing can stop you now. 现在你已经所向无敌了

62. What a great imagination.多奇妙的想象力

63. You’re Improving. 你在进步

64 You will make it. 你一定会做成的.

65. Way-to-go! 干得好

66. Now you’ve got it! 现在你掌握了

67. You’re catching on. 你正在赶上来

68. I Respect You.我尊敬你.

69. Nice work! 完成的很好

70. You’re on your way. 你在前进中

71. That’s remarkable.成绩显著

72. Beautiful! (做得)漂亮!

73. Great discovery.伟大的发现

74. Magnificent! 壮丽!

75. Super work! 超级完成

76. You’re a good friend. 你是个好朋友

77. You mean a lot to me. 你对我十分重要

78. Hip! Hip! Hooray! 万岁!(喝彩)

79. Phenomenal! 太惊人了!

80. You’ve discovered the secret. 你已经发现了秘密

81. Thanks For Helping 感谢你的帮助

82. You’re a darling. 你好可爱

83. I like you.我喜欢你

84. You’re fantastic. 你太神奇了

85. Neat!干净!

86. That's good manners.真有礼貌

87. You are so important. 你太重要了

88. You’re growing up.你长大了

89. You’re getting better.你做的越来越好

90. You brighten my day.你照亮了我这一天

91. That’s perfect. 太完美了

92. You’re such a joy. 你真让人高兴

93. I like the way you did that.我喜欢你做它的方式

94. Good planning! 计划得好

95. You have a wonderful smile. 你的笑容真漂亮

96. You make me feel good.你使我感觉好极了。

97. You work hard.你工作努力

98. Good thinking!想的好

99. A Big Hug 一个热情的拥抱(身体语言表扬孩子) 100. A Big Kiss 一个大大的吻

101. Say,“I Love You”-often 把“我爱你!”挂在嘴上。




1. You’re on the right track now! 你现在上路/入门了!

2. You’ve got it made.

3. You’re really working hard today.

4. You’re very good at that.

5. You’re doing that much better today.

6. You’ve just about got it.

7. You’re doing a good job.

8. You’re getting better every day.

9. You really make my job fun.

10. You did it that time!

11. You haven’t missed a thing!

12. You’ve got your brain in gear today.

13. You’ve just about mastered it.

14. You must have been practicing.

15. You did that very well.

16. You’re really going to town.

17. You’re really improving.

18. You’re doing beautifully.

19. You know this inside out. (你认识得真透彻。)

20. You did a lot of work today.

21. Congratulations. You got it right!

22. Now you have the hang of it.

23. Now you have it!

24. You’re doing fine!

25. You are really learning a lot.

26. You outdid yourself today!

27. You figured that out fast.

28. You remembered!

29. There you go! (对,就是这样的!)

30. That’s right!

31. That’s good!

32. That’s much, much better.

33. That’s it!

34. That’s quite an improvement.

35. That’s the right way to do it.

36. That’s the way to do it!

37. That’s the best you’ve ever done.

38. That’s not half bad.

39. That’s the way.

40. That’s better.

41. That was first class work.

42. That’s the best ever.

43. That’s better than ever.

44. That’s how to handle that.

45. That’s a good (boy/girl).

46. That’s really nice.

47. That kind of work makes me happy.

48. That’s coming along nicely.

49. That sounds a good idea.

50. Super!

51. Good work!

52. Well done!

53. Well said!

54. Exactly right!

55. Great!

56. Congratulations!

57. Not bad.

58. Nice going!

59. Good job!

60. Wow!

61. Terrific!

62. Sensational!

63. Excellent!

64. Perfect!

65. Much better!

66. Wonderful!

67. Fine!

68. Outstanding!

69. Fantastic!

70. Tremendous!

71. Right on!

72. Superb!

73. Marvelous!

74. Good thinking!

75. Good going!

76. Good remembering!

77. Good for you!

78. Way to go!(做得好!)

79. Keep it up!

80. Never lost heart!

81. Take it easy!

82. Snap out of it. Be strong! (振作起来吧。勇敢些!)

83. Think like that!

84. Good question!

85. One more time and you’ll have it.

86. Try your best. = Give it your best shot.

87. Keep up the good work.

88. I’m happy to see you working like that.

89. I’m proud of the way you worked today.

90. I’m very proud of you.

91. I knew you could do it.

92. I like that.

93. I’ve never seen anyone do it better.

94. I think you’ve got it now.

95. I think you’re doing the right thing.

96. It’s such a pleasure to teach when you work like that.

97. Couldn’t have done it better myself.

98. Aren’t you proud of yourself?

99. Nothing can stop you now.

100. Now that’s what I call a fine job.


“一百零一句”表扬孩子的话 1. Good Job! 干得好! 2. Excellent! 太出色了!

3. You tried very hard. 你很努力了。 4. You’re so sweet. 你真贴心。 5. Thank you. 谢谢。

6. Good for you!这对你太好了! 7. I can see the progress. 我已经看到了进步。

8. You’re special. 你是独特的。 9. Wow!哇!( 叫绝声 ) 10. I trust you. 我相信你。

11. That’s amazing!这太令人惊叹了! 12. How nice!多好啊! 13. Great!太伟大了!

14. You’re adorable. 你真可爱。 15. I’m proud of you. 我为你骄傲。 16. I knew you could do it. 我知道你能做到。

17. Awesome!了不起! 18. Super!好极了!

19. You’re a good helper. 你是个好帮手。 20. You’re exciting. 你真令人激动。 21. You’re beautiful. 你真美丽。 22. That’s incredible!简直令人难以置信!

23. How smart!多聪明啊! 24. Well done!完成得很好。 25. Beautiful work. 完美的工作。 26. You made my day. 你给了我美好的一天。

27. You are so responsible. 你真负责任。 28. Let’s try it again. 让我们再试试。 29. You really tried. 你尽力了。

30. You’re so creative. 你太有创造力了。 31. Great work!做得太好了。 32. Fantastic!太奇妙了! 33. You can do it!你能做到! 34. Bingo!做对了!

35. You figured it out. 你解决了问题。 36. That’s the best. 这是最好的。 37. You did that very well. 你做得非常


38. Good learning!掌握得很好。 39. You’re a good listener. 你听讲认真。 40. You’re so much fun. 你真是太有趣了。

41. You’re caring. 你有爱心。 42. Wonderful sharing. 极好的分享。 43. You’re a winner. 你赢了。 44. You’re a treasure. 你真是个宝。 45. Bravo!欢呼!

46. You’re wonderful. 你真是太出色了。 47. You are precious. 你是宝贵的。 48. Remarkable job. 出色的工作。 49. Terrific!太妙了!

50. You have a great sense of humor. 你非常有幽默感。

51. You make me happy. 你让我快乐。 52. You’re incredible. 你令人难以置信。 53. You’re on target. 你达到目标了。 54. Looking good. 看上去挺好。 55. You make my life complete. 你让我的


56. Outstanding!杰出的! 57. Dynamite!顶呱呱! 58. Marvelous!非凡的!

59. Exceptional performance. 出色的表现。

60. You’re a real trooper. 你真是一个勇士。

61. Nothing can stop you now. 现在你已经所向无敌了。

62. What a great imagination. 多奇妙的想象力。

63. You’re improving. 你正在进步中。 64. You will make it. 你一定会做成的。 65. Way-to-go!干得好!

66. Now you have got it!现在你掌握了! 67. You’re catching on. 你正在赶上来。 68. I respect you. 我尊敬你。 69. Nice work!完成得很好!

70. You’re on your way. 你在前进中。 71. That’s remarkable. 成绩显著。

72. Beautiful!( 做得 )漂亮! 73. Great discovery. 伟大的发现。 74. Magnificent!壮丽! 75. Super work!超级完成。

76. You’re a good friend. 你是个好朋友。 77. You mean a lot to me. 你对我十分重要。

78. Hip!Hip!Hooray!万岁!( 喝彩 ) 79. Phenomenal!太惊人了!

80. You have discovered the secret. 你已经发现了秘密。

81. Thanks for helping. 感谢你的帮助。 82. You’re a darling. 你好可爱。 83. I like you. 我喜欢你。

84. You’re fantastic. 你太神奇了。 85. Neat!干净!

86. That’s good manners. 真有礼貌。 87. You are so important. 你太重要了。 88. You’re growing up. 你长大了。 89. You’re getting better. 你做得越来越好。

90. You brighten my day. 你照亮了我这一天。

91. That’s perfect. 太完美了。 92. You’re such a joy. 你真让人高兴。 93. I like the way you did that. 我喜欢你做它的方式。

94. Good planning!计划得好! 95. You have a wonderful smile. 你的笑容真美丽。

96. You make me feel good. 你使我感觉好极了。

97. You work hard. 你工作努力。 98. Good thinking!思路很好! 99. A big hug!一个热情的拥抱!( 身体语言表扬孩子 )

100. A big kiss!一个大大的吻! 101. Say,“I love you”—— often. 把“我爱你”挂在嘴上。


