报站 英文篇一
乘客们,石桥铺到了!门边的乘客请不要靠近车迷。请携带好自己的随身物品依次从后门下车,谢谢。 上车的乘客您好!请主动刷卡或自备零钞投币。请往车厢里面走。请坐稳,拉好扶手,头手请勿伸出窗外,注意安全。请发扬中华民族传统美德,主动给老弱病残孕和带小孩的乘客让座,谢谢。
Dear passengers! The next station is Shiqiaopu. People who will get off the bus, please get ready. Dear passengers! We are arriving at Shiqiaopu. For your safety, please do not get close to the door. Please take away your personal effects and leave from the back door in turn. Thank you.
Dear passengers! Please swipe your card or provide changes for dropping. For your safety, please move to the inside of the carriage. Please sit steadily, grip the handrail firmly, and do not reach your head or arms out of the window. Please promote the traditional Chinese virtue, and offer seats to the aged, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant, and people with a child consciously. Thank you.
报站 英文篇二
报站 英文篇三
早期的单片机都是8位或4位的。其中最成功的是INTEL的8031,因为简单可靠而性能不错获得了很大的好评。此后在8031上发展出了MCS51系列单片机系统。基于这一系统的单片机系统直到现在还在广泛使用。随着工业控制领域要求的提高,开始出现了16位单片机,但因为性价比不理想并未得到很广泛的应用。90年代后随着消费电子产品大发展,单片机技术得到了巨大提高。随着INTEL i960系列特别是后来的ARM系列的广泛应用,32位单片机迅速取代16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。而传统的8位单片机的性能也得到了飞速提高,处理能力比起80年代提高了数百倍。目前,高端的32位单片机主频已经超过300MHz,性能直追90年代中期的专用处理器,而普通的型号出厂价格跌落至1美元,最高端[1]的型号也只有10美元。当代单片机系统已经不再只在裸机环境下开发和使用,大量专用的嵌入式操作系统被广泛应用在全系列的单片机上。而在作为掌上电脑和手机核心处理的高端单片机甚至可以直接使用专用的Windows和Linux操作系统。
由于单片机对成本是敏感的,所以目前占统治地位的软件还是最低级汇编语言,它是除了二进制机器码以上最低级的语言了,既然这么低级为什么还要用呢?很多高级的语言已经达到了可视化编程的水平为什么不用呢?原因很简单,就是单片机没有家用计算机那样的CPU,也没有像硬盘那样的海量存储设备。一个可视化高级语言编写的小程序里面即使只有一个按钮,也会达到几十K的尺寸。对于家用PC的硬盘来讲没什么,可是对于单片机来讲是不能接受的。 单片机在硬件资源方面的利用率必须很高才行,所以汇编虽然原始却还是在大量使用。一样的道理,如果把巨型计算机上的操作系统和应用软件拿到家用PC上来运行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。
单片机诞生于20世纪70年代末,经历了SCM、MCU、SoC三大阶段。 起初模型
1.SCM即单片微型计算机(Single Chip Microcomputer)阶段,主要是寻求最佳的单片形态嵌入式系统的最佳体系结构。“创新模式”获得成功,奠定了SCM与通用计算机完全不同的发展道路。在开创嵌入式系统独立发展道路上,Intel公司功不可没。
2.MCU即微控制器(Micro Controller Unit)阶段,主要的技术发展方向是:不断扩展满足嵌入式应用时,对象系统要求的各种外围电路与接口电路,突显其对象的智能化控制能力。它所涉及的领域都与对象系统相关,因此,发展MCU的重任不可避免地落在电气、电子技术厂家。从这一角度来看,Intel逐渐淡出MCU的发展也有其客观因素。在发展MCU方面,最著名的厂家当数Philips公司。
报站 英文篇四
V1.0 张影娜
版 本: 编 制:
日 期:页 码:
第 2 页 共 2 页
参数配置过程:(上电并鸣响三声后默认进入运行模式,可以进行设置操作) 首先,按FUN键,报站器会提示功能1,即“报站语言选择”;
然后,按“+”或“-”键设置参数值,操作时报站器会播报所选的参数值, 即“中文”、“英文”或“中英文”;
最后,再按“FUN”键,报站器会保存参数并提示下一项功能,即“背景音乐 选择”。
在设置“背景音乐音量”和“报站音量”功能参数时,每次按“+”或“-”修改参数后,除了播报相应参数值“1~16”,随后还会以设定的音量播放相应的背景音乐或报站语。同样的,在播放结束之前不会启动10秒的操作超时计时,但是可以响应任何按键操作。 四、 高级设置
报站 英文篇五
“I want to book a ticket from Penang to Chiang Mai, Thailand for Tomorrow.”
“ No direct flight is available, Mme. You can either transfer from Bangkok or from KL.”
“ Then from KL. ” 那就从吉隆坡转吧。
“441 Ringgit, taxes included. But luggage fee not included since you’re departing within 24 hours.”
441林吉特一共含税。 但是行李费不包括在内,因为你订的是24小时内的票。
“How much is that?”
“For the first 15 kilos, 30 ringgit, and for every extra kilo, 20 ringgit.” 15公斤30林吉特,每超重一公斤,再加20林吉特。 (网络不提供24小时以内出发的订票服务,即使到了服务柜台,选择24小时内出发的机票,就意味倍增的机票价格和行李费。)
“ I have a huge case of 23 kilos, that means I have to pay extra 160 Ringgit for the baggage? That’s a lot.”
“Yes, or you can leave the day after tomorrow, the flight fee is 339 Ringgit, tax included, and the Baggage fee is 30 ringgit for 20 kilos and 40 ringgit for 25 kilos, that’s much cheaper.”
“OK, then, one ticket for the day after tomorrow.” 那行,订后天的吧。
“Card or cash?" 刷卡还是现金?
”Card" 刷卡!
“Sorry, your credit card is refused, do you have another card?”
不好意思您的信用卡被拒了, 您还有其他的卡吗?
“Not possible! What’s wrong?”怎么可能?怎么回事呢?
“I don’t know, you have to contact with your issuing bank or you can pay by cash.”
Your passport and your e-ticket (paper-ticket), please! 请出示您的护照和电子机票。(我们通常都是网上订票打印出来的电子票叫electronic ticket or paper ticket).
How many pieces of baggage/ luggage do you have? 你有几件行李?
I have a huge suitcase, a carry-on bag and a Rucksack. 我有一个大箱子,一个手提拧包和一个背包。(小背包一般用Rucksack)
Are you checking the backpack or carrying on? –你的背包要托运吗?
Sorry, your luggage is 2 kilos overweight! 对不起, 您的行李超重2公斤。
How much is the excess baggage charge? 超额行李费多少钱?
It’s 50 ringgits. 50马币。
Can I change my aisle seat to window seat? 我能把靠走廊的位置换到靠窗位吗?
Here's your boarding pass. 请拿好您的登机牌。(上有座位号和登机信息)
After the security check, board your flight at gate B17, please!
I have to transit from Kuala Lumpur. 我得在吉隆坡转机。
The flight is never on time these days because of the rainstorm in KL, it’s delayed an hour again!
Please put your lap-top and all electronic things in this tray! 请把背包的笔记本和电子产品拿出来放在这个托盘里。
Do you have lighters/ water in your bag? Sorry, it’s not allowed, we have to confiscate it or you can go back and have it checked in.
Do you have anything to declare? 你有什么需要申报吗?
No, it’s all personal stuffs and cosmetics. 没有, 这些都是私人物品和化妆品。
Passengers of flight D2057, now on board please. 请航班D2057的乘客登机。
Welcome on board! Your boarding pass please! This way please! 欢迎登机,请出示您的登机牌,请这边走!
Please fasten the seat belt and switch off your mobile phone and all electronics.
Please fill in this disembarkation/landing card.请你填写这张入境卡(或者叫immigration form入境表格)
Excuse me, where is the baggage claim? 请问行李领取处在哪儿?
My baggage didn't come out; can you put a trace on it? 我的行李没有出来,能帮我查一下吗?
“Hi, can I help you, Mme? 有什么可以帮您
“I wanna change some US dollars into Ringgit.” 我要用美金换点马来西亚林吉特
“ How much do you want to change?” 你要换多少
“250 US dollars, what’s the exchanging rate today?” 250美金,兑换率多少啊?
“It’s one US dollars to three point three five (3.35) ringgit, 250 dollars, um, 837.5 ringgit, how would you like your money?” 1美金兑3.35林吉特; 250美金,就是。。。837.5林吉特。钱币要百元的还是小额的?
“In hundreds.” 百元的
“Here you go!” 好的
手机 保持通话
I wanna buy a local Sim card, please. 我想买一张当地电话卡。
Please fill this form and give me a passport photo. 请给我一张护照照片,并填妥这个表格。
You gonna stay here for a whole month, so you can deposit an initial amount of 500 ruppees. 你要呆一个月,可以卡存金额500卢比。
Sorry, this is poor connection, please text me! 抱歉,手机信号很差,请给我发短信(很多同学喜欢说send me a message, 里面俩错误,而且不地道)。
"Excuse me, my mobile is out of balance, where can I recharge it? 我的手机余额不足了,请问哪里充值?余额要用“balance", 充值是" recharge", ”charge"是充电。
There're a lot of voucher centers in the Paharganj market. 帕哈甘吉市场里有很多充值中心。
My mobile is running low, (手机快没电了),My mobile is running out of power(手机没电了), where can I charge it? 请问哪里可以充电?
Oh, my god, I don't have the adaptor with me, where can I buy one? 电源转换器没带,哪儿有卖呢?
〔由____ ①备降本站〕⑩乘坐〔补班〕⑩____②次航班前往____ ①的旅客请注意:
Passengers for 〔supplementary〕⑩ flight ____② 〔alternated from____ ①〕⑩to ____ ①, attention please:
Please go to 〈1.servce counter 2. restaurant〉(11)to get 〈1.a meal coupon 2.a meal box 3.the refreshments〉(11)and show your 〈1.boarding passes 2. Air-tickets〉(11)for identification.
Thank you.
Good morning (afternoon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:
Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via______) The distance between______and_______is______kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of________meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour.
In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed using during take-off and landing.
We will take off immediately, please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are securely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. (This is a non-smoking flight; please do not smoke on board.)
The (chief) purser _________with all your crewmembers will be sincerely at your service. We hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!
Excuse me, where is the International Tourist Bureau? 请问国际旅行局售票中心怎么走?
( 问路一定要问三个,最好是火车站工作人员,否则一定会有人带你去假冒的地方)。
Excuse me, can I have a booking /cancellation form please. 请给我一张订票/ 退票表格。
I wanna go to Agra from Delhi tomorrow, is there any train available? 我要从德里到阿格拉,明天有票吗?
Which class would you like? 你要哪个等级的?
AC Chair Car. 空调软座。(详见《独闯印度》)
Sorry, it’s not available, we only have second sitting. 空调软座卖完了,只有二等硬座。
What’s the train number? 请问这趟车的火车号是什么?
What’s the departure/arriving time? 出发和到达时间是几点?
It’s a direct train, only takes 2 hours and a half. 这是直达车,只要两个半小时。
Which platform does the train leave from? 这班车从哪个站台发车呢?
Sorry, sir, I’m afraid you’re sitting on my seat. 你坐了我的座:(
I wanna go to Varanasi, would you please remind me when I get there?
Take me to Kalkaj please! 请载我到Kalkaj.
How much is that? Let’s run the meter! 多少钱?我们打表计价吧!
How long it gonna take? 大概多久能到?
An hour if there’s no traffic. 不堵的话一个小时。
Oh, my God, you don’t have to drive that fast! I’m not in a hurry! 大哥!你没必要开这么快吧,我不赶时间!
You need to hurry up! Or I gonna miss my train! 你得快点儿,不然我要错过火车了!
报站 英文篇六
《电梯语音报站器 外文翻译》
完成时间: 2012年5月10日
Based on single-chip microcomputer control elevator voice station reporting device
Key words: SCM ISD4004voice station reporting device
1 Introduction
The modern building scale is larger and larger, more and more high on the floor, the elevator technical and quality requirements are also getting higher and higher. Modern elevator technology has been towards faster, more stable, more secure, more humane direction of rapid development.
Elevator voice station reporting device is the embodiment of the humanized design of a specific performance. The elevator will be reported by voice or has reached the floor information, the running state of the elevator, welcome
speech and music, can avoid wrong elevator passengers or floor, elimination of people take the elevator to the loneliness.
2 hardware circuit design
The system consists of signal acquisition and isolating circuit, SCM and its peripheral circuit, a speech chip circuit composed of three parts. The elevator floor after signal acquisition isolation after treatment sent to single-chip,
single-chip analysis, judgment, extract the effective information, and then by processing output signals to control a speech chip circuit real-time broadcast.
A 2.1 signal acquisition and separation circuit
The newspaper station implement work needs to collect some relevant information to the operation of the elevator, elevator security requires additional system on elevator does not generate interference, the signal acquisition and isolation work is very important.
The system used the elevator control panel on each floor button, elevator flat-layer signal and switch signal, as shown in table 1:
Table 1the elevator control signal
Considering the signal voltage levels is not a, for the collection of signals required by different treatment. Experiments show that, when the collection circuit input resistance in500K ohm following can result when the signal voltage drop, affect the elevator work; in view of this, the author adopts the high input resistance of the integrated operational amplifier circuit, the corresponding processing as shown in table 2:
Table 2elevator signal processing and Applications
After processing the signal by a photoelectric coupler isolation processing, sent to mcu.
2.2 single chip microcomputer and its peripheral circuit
The system is based on ATMEL 's AT89C51as controller, AT89C51P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, P1.3, P1.4and ISD4004pins respectively1,2,3,28,25 foot link, to control (1,2,3,28,25are respectively the ISD4004chip select terminal SS, serial input serial output end MOSI, MISO, SCLK, INT serial clock end interrupt ), the remaining pins connected after treatment of floor information: including 1-23floor information signal, DOWN1, UP1peace level DOOR1, DT1, as shown in figure 1
Figure 1 the AT89C51pin wiring diagram
2.3speech chip circuit
Because ISD4004voice chip of the normal working voltage for the 3V, and system using the voltage of 12V, we used the LM317integrated voltage
regulator for voltage conversion ( as shown in Figure 2). ISD4004 audio signal output pin AUDOUT pin through a filter capacitor is connected with the
loudspeaker, AMCAP automatically mute end, through the use of a capacitor to ground, as shown in figure 3.
ISD4004 series single chip voice recording
The single chip 8to 16 minutes the voice recording
The built-in microcontroller serial communication interface
The 3V single supply
Multi information processing.
The current25-30mA, maintaining the current1 A
The electricity information stored for 100 years ( typical)
The high quality, natural voice restoration technology
The100000 recording cycle ( typical)
Automatic muting function.
The internal adjustment free clock, may choose to use an external clock ISD4004 series3V working voltage, a recording time of 8to 16 minutes, good sound quality, applicable to mobile phones and other portable electronic products. Chip using CMOS technology, including the oscillator, antialiasing filter, smoothing filter, an audio amplifier, automatic squelch and high-density multi-level flash memory display. Chip design is based on all operations must be controlled by the microcontroller, operation commands through the serial communication interface ( SPI or Microwire ) into. Chip using multilevel direct analog storage technology, each sampled value stored in on-chip flash
memory directly, thus can be very real, natural reproduction of voice, music, tone and sound effects, to avoid a general solid recording circuit due to quantization and compression caused by quantization noise and" metallic sound". Sampling frequency for4,5.3,6.4,8.0kHz, the lower the frequency, the longer the sound recording, and decreased, inside information stored in the flash memory in case of a power failure, can be preserved for 100 years ( typical), recording100000 times repeated.
Pin description
Power supply: ( VCCA, VCCD ) to make the noise to a minimum, chip analog and digital circuits using different power supply bus, and are respectively led to the outer package of different pin, analog and digital power supply terminal preferably respectively, walk the line, as far as possible, in close proximity to the power supply terminal is connected, and the decoupling capacitor should be as close to the device.
Ground: ( VSSA, VSSD ) chip internal analog and digital circuits also use different ground.
Noninverting analog input ( IN + ANA ) this is a recording signal in-phase input terminal. Input amplifier available single ended or differential drive. Single end input signal, by a coupling capacitor input maximum amplitude, peak32mV, coupling capacitance and the end of the3K ohm resistive input impedance determines the chip band cutoff frequency. Differential drive signal amplitude, maximum peak to peak value of16mV, ISD33000series of the same.
Reverse analog input ( ANA IN ) differential drive, this is a recording signal to the inverting input. Signal through the coupling capacitor input, maximum amplitude of peak16mV
Audio output ( AUD OUT ) to provide an audio output, can drive5K ohm load. Chip select ( SS ) this end is low, namely to the ISD4004 chip sends instruction, instruction for high level between two.
Serial input ( MOSI ) this end is a serial input end, a main controller in serial the rising edge of the clock before half a cycle of data in the end, for the ISD input. Serial output ( MISO ) ISD serial output. ISD is not selected, the end is in a high resistance state.
Serial clock ( SCLK ) ISD clock input terminal, by the master controller, MOSI and MISO for synchronous data transmission. Data in SCLK ascending latched onto the ISD, in falling out of the ISD.
Interrupt ( / INT ) the end is an open drain output. ISD in any operation
( including the fast-forward ) was detected in EOM or OVF, the end becomes lower and maintain. Interrupt status in the next SPI cycle begins to clear. Interrupt status is also used RINT instructions read. OVF logo, indicating the ISD book, operation has reached the end of the memory. EOM logo - only in the playback was detected in the internal EOM logo, the status bit is set to 1. Row address clock ( RAC ) open drain outputs. Each of the RAC cycle of said ISD memory operation carried out a row ( in the ISD4004 series
Memory total of 2400 lines ). The signal 175ms to maintain a high level, low level25ms. Fast forward mode, the RAC218.75 s is high,31.25 u s low. The terminal can be used for storage management technology.
External clock ( XCLK ) the end has an internal pull-down element. Chip
sampling clock in the factory before calibration, error in the +1%. Commercial grade chip in the temperature and voltage range, frequency variation in
+2.25%. Industrial grade chip in the temperature and voltage range, frequency variation in the - 6 / +4%, then recommend the use of regulated power supply. If greater accuracy is required, from the end of the external clock input ( as listed in the table ). Due to internal antialiasing smoothing filter is set, so the above recommended clock frequency should not change. Input clock duty cycle be of no great importance, due to internal firstly, frequency divider. In no ground clock, this must end grounding.
Automatic squelch ( AMCAP ) when the recording signal level drops to internally set a threshold, automatically mute function so that the signal is
weak, which helps to feed without the noise signal ( mute ). Usually the end of grounding capacitance of 1mF, constitute the internal signal peak value
detection circuit part. Detection of the peak level and internal set threshold for comparison, automatic muting function turning point. Large signal, automatic squelch circuit without attenuation, attenuation of6dB mute. The capacitor of the 1mF also affect automatic squelch circuit for signal amplitude response speed. The terminating VCCA disable automatic squelch.
报站 英文篇七
起动:欢迎乘坐轨道交通1号线,本次列车终点站莘庄;请为需要帮助的乘客让个座;下一站徐家汇,换成轨道交通9号线的乘客请注意换乘列车的首末班时间,以免耽误您的出行;下车的乘客请做好准备,请从左边车门下车;Next stop is Xujiahui, you can transfer the metro Line 9, please get ready to Exit, from the left side.
到达:徐家汇到了,请在屏蔽门完全打开后从左边车门下车,开门请当心,注意脚下安全;We are now at Xujiahui.
起动:欢迎乘坐轨道交通4号线,本线为环线;请为需要帮助的乘客让个座;下一站中山公园,下车的乘客请做好准备,请从左边车门下车;Next stop is Zhongshan Park, please get ready to exit, from the life side.
到达:中山公园到了,换乘2号线、3号线的乘客请在本站下车,开门请当心,注意脚下安全;We are now at Zhongshan Park, you can thansfer Line2 & Line3.
起动:欢迎乘坐轨道交通11号线,本次列车终点站江苏路;请为需要帮助的乘客让个座;下一站曹杨路,换成轨道交通3号线、4号线的乘客请注意换乘列车的首末班时间,以免耽误您的出行;下车的乘客请做好准备,请从左边车门下车;Next stop is Caoyang road, you can interchange Line 3 and Line 4, please get ready to alight, from the left side.
到达:曹杨路到了,请在屏蔽门完全打开后从左边车门下车,开门请当心,注意脚下安全;We are now at Caoyang Road.
欢迎您乘坐轨道交通3号线 本次列车终点站 江杨北路 The Terminal Station North Jiangyang Road 请为需要帮助的乘客让个座 下一站 上海火车站 可换乘轨道交通4号线 使用交通卡的乘客 可在出站后30分钟内 换乘轨道交通1号线 需要换乘的乘客 请注意换乘列车的首末班车时间 以免耽误您的出行 下车的乘客请提前做好准备 从左边车门下车 Next stop is Shanghai Railway Station. You can transfer to Line4. Please get ready to exit from the left side.
欢迎您乘坐轨道交通10号线 本次列车终点站 新江湾城 下一站 豫园 请为需要帮助的乘客让个座 下车的乘客请提前做好准备 从左边车门下车 Next stop is Yuyuan Garden. Please get ready to exit from the left side.
欢迎乘坐轨道交通2号线。本次列车终点站广兰路。到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路站换乘,请注意换乘列车的首末班车以免耽误您的出行。下一站世纪大道,换乘轨道交通4号线、6号线、9号线的乘客请注意换乘列车的首末班车时间,以免耽误您的出行。下车的乘客请提前作好准备,从左边车门下车。Next stop is Century Avenue. Passengers traveling to Pudong International Airport please transfer at Guanglan Road Station. You can transfer to metro Line 4, Line 6 and Line 9. Please get ready to exit from the left side.