
| 口腔助理医师 |





的栽赃,而远离你的人,而是在这个时候,伸出援助的手来关心你,关怀你的人. 真正的朋友不会见利忘义.不会随风倒,不会对有用的人就阿虞奉承,对无用的人就一脚踢开的

















友谊是什么?友谊是雨中的伞,是黑夜中的灯,是扬帆航船途中的风,是崎岖山路上的扶手。友谊是一间不上锁的房门,你随时可以敲门进来,友谊也是一把钥匙,能帮你打开心灵之门。 饥饿是的一勺稀粥,寒风中的一件棉袄,爱上时的一滴同情的泪水,愤怒时一声发自肺腑的呐喊。。。。这些都是友谊的流露。





怜悯和施舍不是友谊,拍马屁和奉承不是友谊。心胸狭窄,以怀疑的目光审视他人者,无法保存友谊,损人利己者永远不懂得什么叫友谊。 势力者的眼里,友谊是娼妓,需要时召之即来,不需要时随意丢弃。轻诺寡言者,把友谊当成赌桌上的牌,随手抛散。利欲熏心者,把友谊




没有友谊没有朋友的人生,是惨淡的人生,也是失败的人生。 少年时代对人生的认识还只是刚刚开始,你还没有经历人世间复杂的感情纠纷;对亲情你已经有了很多体会,那多半是来自父母长辈的关爱。而对友谊,我们天天都在接触天天都在为之快乐;也为之苦恼。我无法告诉你应该和水交往,但我可以对你说:必须真诚对人,才能得到真诚的回报。友谊的基础是真诚。




友谊是什么?友谊像一缕阳光照亮人的心底,让人不再感到孤独、孤单。就像盲孩子和他的影子那样,影子给盲孩子带来了友谊,带来了温暖,最后盲孩子的眼睛复明了。这篇美丽的童话同时也告诉着人们:友谊可以给人带来光明,带来希望。 在一次偶然的机会中,我和我的小伙伴有幸参加了一次真人CS,那天我们早早就已经站在了阵地前,整装待发。手里端着机枪,身上穿着迷彩服,头上顶着头盔。我们一个

个都像小勇士一样,听着教练的讲话。我被分配到蓝组,对了,悄悄地告诉你,我还是队长哦。正在我们激动的手舞足蹈之时,突然,背后的控制器像快要爆了一样动起来,把我们吓 教官的一声:“开始!”我们赶忙按事先商量好的两人小组各自行动起来,一组呆在原地,一组悄悄地躲在树林里,我这一组则躲在一辆废汽车后。我在车门边,一手拿着枪,一手扶着枪托,一副决斗的样子。很快,敌人就来了,我不等他们进来,我一阵猛射。敌人发现了,远远的对我射击,一个个,都瞄准了我肩上的红心,使劲打,我也不落后,拼了命的还击他们。突然,我的控制器发出了“啊”一声惨叫,我被打中了,丧失了一条命,没关系,还有两次机会。快跑!我往后一转脸,看到了后面有一个敌人,我便与他展开了激烈的枪战,惨叫接连不断。 这次真人CS的经历让我对友谊有了一种更深的认识。友谊就是是我们悲伤时的缓和剂,是我们压力的流泄口,使我们灾难的庇护所,是我们犹疑时的商议者,是我们脑子的清醒剂,是我们思想的散发口,也是我们沉思的锻炼和改进。生活,因为有了友谊而变得精彩!




友谊,是什么?是薄伽丘所说的“感激和仁慈的姐妹”?是纪伯伦所说的“一个甜柔的责任”还是荷麦所说的“是一种温静与沉着的爱” 哦!友谊,到底是什么?






Friendship means a special emotion to me.It's a precious spirit that different from the love between families,lovers,but it's important ,even sometimes more important than those emotions.Friendship is the most clean and refined forever.

I want to make friends with the people who really wants to make friends with me in his/her clean mind.

FRIENDSHIP is to me what water to fish.Friendship play an imporant role of our daily life .if you have friend who can share your happiness and sorrow,relieve your pressur.friendshipmake your life more beautiful.As we all know friend in need is friend in deed.we must make ture friend. Frendship is like a drink or water that I need it every day. When I felt thirsty ,I drank it. A good frend is just like a pure mineral water ,without any dirt. When I had difficulties , a good frend will always be my side and give me whatever help I need. He or She will always share the sadness and happiness for life.I hope that people will meet some good frend and made our life more easy and wonderful.

Friendship is one of the most important relationships in our life. "No man is an island." That is to say, we are all part of society. We all need the love, respect and support of other people. If we are fortunate, our friends will provide us with all of these necessary aspects of life. Friends provide a source of pleasure, laughter and security. As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. Knowing that there are people in the world, other than our family, who care about us and who enjoy our company is both comforting and reassuring. Knowing that we have friends that we can help in time of need is also a positive feeling. True friendship comes from the pleasure of both giving and receiving.

Friends, They are the only source of our brave hearts. When we don't have any friends we won't come out when there is a trouble. But when we have friends with us, We never sit inside during a friend is in problem. We may not be brave but friendship gives courage to our mind and body. Friends will save us from any situations. Friends will help us to escape from big troubles. Friends will come front to solve the problems. Friendship never knows to runaway during problems. A good friend stays when there is problem and goes after the problem solves.

We can tell a lot about friendship and friends. You may have a lot of friends but try to get a friend who is loyal, trustable to us and be like that to your friend also. That is the only meaning of friendship. "BE LOYAL AND TRUSTABLE". I would like to have some comments for these topics. Comment me with your ideas and thoughts

What is friendship?

From the beginning of time, man has always been a social animal. This idea began with Adam, the first man who desired companionship (交谊,友谊), and therefore, Eve was created to be his partner. Primitive communities, such as the Aztec Indians, are historical examples of people living together for companionship, protection and for the wellbeing (健康,幸福) of their tribe. Laws, such as our Constitution, were formed to bring congruence (适合, 一致) and order solely (仅仅) because of man’s desire to live in a society. Therefore, friendship is a connection between two or more people that fulfills (满足,实现) their desire for socialization (社交) and community.

A person usually interacts (互动,交往) within five different levels of friendships on a daily basis. The levels are classified ( classify 划分,分类) by the purpose and emotional value of the friendship.

1. “Means to an End” friendship (友谊作为“达到某种目的的手段”): People are brought

together out of necessity (出于需要,迫不得已) at this level because each person contributes to filling the other’s need. There is no mental or emotional connection because this friendship serves a purpose. Additional contact or socialization beyond the completion of an original (最初的,原始的) purpose usually does not occur at this level. An example of this friendship level is your interaction with a co-worker who is helping you complete your presentation. Both parties exchange cordial (真诚的) dialog and ideas, but socialization is not sought after (seek after 追求,寻求).

2. Acquaintance: Have you ever heard the expression, “I know of (知道,听说) him, but I don’t know him”? At this second level, each person is aware of (be aware of 意识到,知道) the other, basic information about each other is known, and friendly interaction occurs upon meeting (一见面就开始了友好的交往). This friendship may or may not serve a specific purpose. The persons involved may or may not want to pursue a friendship. It is a “passing” relationship; they are brought together due to circumstances, and not necessarily by a wish to be together (他们走在一起,是因为情况使然,而不一定是由于双方愿意如此。circumstance 情况,境遇). Examples of this level are members of your church, other parents in your child’s school or your neighbors.

3. Personal Interaction: Quite different from the “means to an end” friendship, persons at this level have a desire to know each other because a common interest establishes a connection between them(共同的兴趣将他们联系在一起). For instance, through casual conversation, you learn that your acquaintance shares your love of sailing. The common interest creates an immediate connection between both people, and a desire to further the relationship happens instantaneously (即刻,立即). Now, both people will seek opportunities to meet and socialize, and this leads to more personal and in-depth (深入的) discussions.

4. Significant Other (重要的另一半): This friendship level involves two people, and a physical attraction is usually the driving force (推动力) which brings them together. Beyond the physical, a love for another person’s pure self emerges and grows deeply. Friendship of this kind is very emotional and intimate (亲密的). A meeting of the minds, a sharing of secretive (秘密的) thoughts and lengthy(冗长的) private discussions all occur at this level because the connection turns into love, the purest form of friendship.

5. Soulmate (知己): This is the highest level of friendship because individuals are brought together due to a purely mental and spiritual attraction. The reasons for this friendship are not selfish, materialistic (物质层面的) or calculating (精于算计的). The attraction is natural and requires little or no effort; it just happens. When friendship achieves this level, it can withstand (经受) any hardship—distance, arguments, or gossip (流言蜚语) because it is founded on purely good intentions. Selflessness is a key component in this relationship because a soul-mate seeks the best interest and protection of the other, keeps the other in check (在控制中), and serves as a faithful companion in good and bad times. Some people never reach this level because they are too selfish and clouded by their own worldly views. Indeed, this is a rare and hard to achieve (形容词短语作定语,意为“很少见并且很难达到的”) friendship, but well worth striving for ( strive for追求,争取).

Everyone experiences friendship at the different levels on a daily basis. No matter what level you encounter (偶遇,邂逅), friendship is a necessary component of surviving as a social animal.

A good friendship, at all levels, is one that adds a different element to who you already are, and makes you a better person. In turn, you are a good friend when you exercise (运用) the basic qualities of concern, honesty and respect towards another individual.


友谊是什么?你也许会奇怪我连友谊都不懂,不过,让我深有体会的,真正明白它的含意的却是在那件事之后。 那天中午,太阳还在吐着火舌,猛烈地照着大地,似乎要将大地烧焦。我和两个同学也因为这躲在树荫下聊天。我们讨论天气,一个同学说:“天气预报还说今天要下雨呢,我看是说假话吧。”我也支持他的观点,另一个同学说:“这么好的天气哪像要下雨啊。” 可是到了下午第二节课下课,老天不作美,偏向了天气预报,不一会儿,天空就阴云密布了,我们连忙跑进教室,一会儿,一道银光划破天空,雷公吹了一声口哨,雨姑娘就洒出了最好最多的珍珠。 放了学,大家都“各奔前程”,我呢,一个人傻愣愣地在校外路边站着,盼望着雨能停下来,因为根据我家的路程之远和我奔跑之慢,足以让我洗上一个大澡。忽然,一把雨伞把我头上的天空挡住了,我一回头,原来,我的好朋友在我的后面,他甜甜地笑着,说:“来,一起回

家吧。”我太高兴了,和他说说笑笑走进了雨中,把刚才的烦恼也抛掉了。 不一会儿,我们就要到分叉口了,看来,我只能拼一下了。我正打算冲进雨中,他突然说:“给,这把伞你撑去吧。”我说:“这怎么行呢?那样你不是要淋湿了吗?”他却笑笑:“没关系,我家近,用不了跑几步就到了,你家远,你还是赶紧回家吧,不然,你爸爸妈妈要着急了。”我感动得不知说什么好,不过我听到我还是说了声“谢谢”。 一路上,我的心沉甸甸的,装满了友谊。 友谊值得珍惜 友谊,是一把刀,将我心中的石块敲碎;友谊,是一盏灯,照亮我心中的黑暗;友谊,是一个巨大无比的箱子,收获快乐,也分享快乐。茫茫人海中,找到一个朋友?难!找到一个知心朋友?难上加难!但这一切相遇,仿佛是上帝安排的,让你无意中得到一份珍贵的友谊,就看你愿不愿意珍惜……也许,友谊就是这样,来得意想不到,当然,我也不例外。




每个人都有属于自己的友谊桥,毕竟友谊带给我们太多美好的回忆。 每当我们走上这座桥,就像找到了光明。












