
| 中西医执业医师 |




爱因斯坦的天才受到如此广泛的赞赏似乎出人意料。 我说的话似乎他从来都不听。


我似乎隐隐约约地听到一阵令人烦恼的嘈杂声。 她的这番话似乎有点幼稚。

他似乎对目前的生活心满意足。 天上南飞的大雁似乎在对我们说:“秋天来了,秋天来了!”„„

雷雨过后,远方的天空似乎变得明亮了许多。 他似乎没有听懂我的问题。



一枝枝荷花随风摇动着,似乎在跳着一段轻快的舞蹈。 美国早期的丰富资源,似乎取之不尽,用之不竭。












树木既能绿化环境,又能制造出新鲜空气,既能平衡生态环境,又能保护地球 这个西瓜既新鲜又便宜,既大又甜




树木既能绿化环境,又能制造出新鲜空气,既能平衡生态环境,又能保护地球。 法赫米这个人既开朗又含蓄,既善于交际而又喜欢磨人。






树木既能绿化环境,又能制造出新鲜空气,既能平衡生态环境,又能保护地球。 我们班长既是班上学习最好的,又是最勤奋的;既是最口才最好的,又是最乐于助人的学生。









另一个写:有一天小明去钓鱼,挖蚯蚓(qiu yin)做钓饵(er),可是手脏了,就打开水龙头洗手,结果水开得太大了,溅(jian)了一地……






“真的啊?!”老圣恩狐疑(hu yi)地抬起头,瞪大眼,继而又泄气道,“不行,老师会骂我的……”妈妈装作没听见,恨不能变身隐形人,将老师的批注给抹去。



又……又……——我的妈妈又胖又瘦,又高又矮。(老师评语:你妈妈到底长什么样?) 难过——我家对岸的河很难过。


















“„无聊‟的左边是„心事重重‟……”老圣恩嘟囔(dunang)着继续愁苦。 “我作业太多,心事重重;我心事重重地写作业。”妈妈脱口报出两句。 “不行,不能这么写!”老圣恩斩钉截铁。




( ),( ),( ),好像

( )

古老的铜钟,( )。凤尾竹的影子,

( )„„

2、我国共有( )个民族,我知道的少数民族有( )。

3、花朵张开时,( ),( );花朵合拢时,( ),

( )。句中的反义词是( )。

4、我站在天都峰脚下抬头望:啊,( ),( )!我( )?

再看看( ),( ),似乎是( ),真叫人

( )!

“我爬得上去吗?”换个说法是( )


我( )向峰顶爬去,一会儿( ),一会儿( ),

像( )„„


5、( ),怕得鱼惊不应人。

6、公园里有一棵高大的白桦树,树上有三只灰雀:( ),一只

( )。它们在树枝间来回跳动,( ),非常

( )。列宁每次走到白桦树下,都要停下来,

( ),还经常( )。

7、这么重的大石头从天上掉下来,力量( )。它应该

( )。可它( )?

8、( )是我国著名的地质学家。《奇怪的大石头》告诉我们要学习他

( )的品质。


反映了高尔基( )的品质。


( )。

11、聪明( ),天才( )。

12、任何成就( )。


13、书籍( )。

14、为中华之崛起而( )。

15、( ),只要肯登攀 。

16、《夜书所见》是( )代( )写的,后两句诗是:( ),

( )。意思是:

( )。

17、《九月九日忆山东兄弟》是( )代( )写的,诗的前两句是:

( ),( )。诗句的意思:

( )。

18、《夜书所见》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》这两首诗都是描写诗人在( )季节里

( )的思想感情。九月九日是( )节,每当过年过节

的时候,出门在外的游子们常说的一句话是( )。

19、《风筝》这篇课文写了“我”童年时和伙伴们一起( )、( )、

( )时的情景,体现了孩子们( )。

山东潍坊是著名的( )。

20、《秋天的雨》这篇课文围绕( );( );( )三个方

面来写秋天的雨的。黄黄的叶子像( ),扇哪扇哪,扇走了( )。红红的

枫叶像( ),飘哇飘哇,邮来了( )。秋天的雨,带给大地的

是( ),带给小朋友的是( )

21、凌晨四点,( )吹起了紫色的小喇叭;( ),艳丽的蔷薇绽开了笑

脸;七点,( )从睡梦中醒来;中午十二点左右,( );下午三点,

万寿菊( );傍晚六点,( )在暮色中苏醒;月光花在( )

舒展开自己的花瓣;夜来香在晚上( );昙花却在九点左右

( )„„

22、植物开花的时间与( )、( )、( )有着密切的关系。

23、蜜蜂能安全回家,靠的不是( ),而是( )。


24、列文虎克玩镜片,他发明了( )和( )。

从列文虎克的身上,我们得到了这样的启示:( )我还知

道:( );( )。

25、天对( ),雨对( ),大陆对( ),山花对( ),( )对苍穹。


26、《孔子拜师》这篇课文讲的是( )。孔子说:学习是( )的。我还

知道孔子的一句名言:( );( )

孔子是春秋时代,我国伟大的( )、( )。他的弟子把他的言行记录下来,编成

( )一书,这本书对后世产生了深远的影响。

27、《盘古开天地》是一篇( ),它讲了人类的老祖宗盘古用( )创造了美丽

的宇宙。他( ),变成了四季的风和飘动的云;他( ),化作了隆隆的雷声。他

的双眼变成了( );他的四肢,变成了( );他的(肌肤),变成了辽阔的大

地;他的血液,变成了( );他的汗毛,变成了( );他的( ),

变成了滋润万物的雨露„„我还知道类似的神话故事:( )、( )、

( )。

28、( )在河北省赵县的洨河上,是一座( )的石拱桥,又叫( )。

它是隋朝的石匠(李春)设计和参加建造的,到现在已经有( )年了。

桥面两侧有( ),栏板上雕刻着( ):有的刻着( ),嘴里吐出

( );有的刻着( ),前爪( ),各自( );还有

的刻着( )。


29、《望天门山》是唐代诗人( )写的,后两句诗是:( )。

意思是( )。

30、《饮湖上初晴后雨》是宋代诗人( )写的。诗题的意思是:( )。

前两句是:( )。意思是:

( )。诗人把( )比作

( ),表达了诗人(


31、西沙群岛是 ),是我国的( )。那里( ),

( ),是个可爱的地方。海底的岩石上长着( ),有的像

( ),有的像( )。( )到处都是,在海底

( )地蠕动。大龙虾 ( ),划过来,划过去,样子( )。


32、( )几百里连成一片,就像( )。小兴安岭一年四季( ),

是一座( ),也是一座( )。




34、明月松间照,( )( )

江碧鸟逾白,( )( ) 千里莺啼绿映红,( )( ) 山重水复疑无路,( )( )水南水北重重柳,( ) ( )

35、是的,谁善于( ),谁就会( )。

36、《科里亚的木匣》告诉我们( )

“周围的一切,不是都在起变化吗?”换个说法意思不变是( )

《陶罐和铁罐》告诉我们任何事物都有( ),要看到别人的( ),正视自己的

( )。要学会( )。


“( )”老师经常对我们说:“学习,只有把基础打牢,才能学得更好。”

这就叫“( )。”每当我取得成绩后,老师就用“( )”


“( )”这八字成语来形容。

38、我搜集了一些祖国风光的谚语:( );

( );( );

( )。

39、《掌声》中让我们最感动的句子是:“我永远不会忘记那( ),因为

( )。

40、《一次成功的实验》,教育家做了( )的实验,试验成功的原因是小女孩

( )、( )、( )的精神和三个学生

( )的品质。

41、圣诞节是( )月( )日,相当于中国的春节。《给予树》中的主人公(金吉娅)

在这个圣诞节,不但送给我们棒棒糖,还送给我们( )、( )、( )和( ),


42、( ),性本善。性相近,( )。子不学,( )。幼不学,( )。

玉不琢,( )。( ),不知义。为人子,( )。亲师友,( )。这些都是

( )的内容。







Writing Practice

I. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences if there are any.

1. He will visit the biggest city in the world is certain.

2. The joy of joys is the joy to join in the joy of others.

3. My wife keeps all her old things. For example, the faded handkerchief I bought her

five years ago.

4. Mary got the job because she is a quick typist.

5. The boss first introduced the chief engineer to the workers and then went on

explaining the company regulations.

6. I waited in the outer office till three, I left without telling the nurse.

7. There is still a room for improvement in your work.

8. I believe it is important to invest in new machinery rather than to increase wages.

9. We leave at seven, arrived in Shanghai at midnight and take a plane to Tokyo.

10. I'd rather you do it right now.

11. My hair needs to cut but I hate waiting hours for my turn.

12. When got out of bed, he hit his toe on the chair standing by the bedside.

13. To learn Chinese cooking, a lot of practice is needed.

14. She looks calmly in face of the serious situation.

15. Mary is more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in this play.

16. It was between 1830 and 1835 that the modem newspaper was born.

17. In writing the most important is to make yourself understanding and reasonable

with good logic.

18. The boy demonstrated an interest and talent for writing.

19. John wanted a job rather than to apply for welfare.

20. Abraham Lincoln was self-educated, hard-working, and honest.

Continuation and Adding

II. Now study the examples carefully and pay attention to the sentence structure,

punctuation, and the words used for combination. Then try to combine the following pairs of sentences, using the linking words listed above. In some cases, however, there are different ways of combination when different words are used. As a result the sentence structure may vary.


Mr Smith is both an amateur athlete and a fast-rate teacher.

Mr Smith is not only an amateur athlete, but also a first-rate teacher.

Mr Smith is a first-rate teacher as well as an amateur athlete.

Mr Smith is an amateur athlete; moreover he's a first-rate teacher.

1. The clouds had disappeared.

The day was ideal.

2. I have no suitable dress to wear.

I don't like to go.

3. America realises the need for an arms agreement.

Russia realises the need for an arms agreement.

4. She is a good housewife

She is a first-class artist.

5. Your book is not in your desk.

It is not on the shelf.

6. I have no money to give you.

You don't need any help.

7. Dry weather can destroy cattle food.

The cattle themselves may become sick and die.

8. Cars are dangerous machines.

They are expensive.

Mr Smith is an amateur athlete. He is a first-rate teacher.

Taking Care of Tense Sequence

III. Make necessary corrections of tenses in the following sentences.

1. Last Wednesday Mary told her teacher that she has completed her library work.

2. He wondered if the mail has been collected.

3. We already knew that Shanghai has one of the most pleasant climates on earth.

4. Bill sleeps while others worked.

5. This is the first time I have been completely on my own. If I don't succeed, at least I

had my chance.

6. The president died before his wife had reached the hospital.

7. We had to walk in darkness because the electricity is out.

8. The professor said that he will visit London the next month.

9. They decided to have a break when they worked for two hours.

10. Some specialists have convinced us that most animals were harmless, that

thousands of travelers flew safely every, day, and millions of people rode safely in elevators several times each day.


in spite of nevertheless whereas still

on the contrary however but yet

IV. Now combine the following pairs of sentences using the linking words above.

Pay attention to sentence structure, punctuation, etc. and make proper changes where necessary.

Example: The workers worked as hard as they could.

The boss was not satisfied.

-- The workers worked as hard as they could, but/yet the boss was not


-- The workers worked as hard as they could; however the boss was

not satisfied.

1. He is not poor.

He is one of the richest men of the world.

2. Fire is dangerous.

We can find ways to protect us from fire.

3. I tried many times.

Luck was against me.

4. It was windy and rainy.

The children enjoyed themselves.

5. Learning English can be very interesting.

It takes a lot of time to remember the new words.

6. Steel is in short supply. (a shortage of steel)

The industrial output has increased by five per cent.

7. Failure after failure could not make them feel despaired.

They tried to draw experience from failures.

8. The soldier was badly wounded.

He kept on fighting.

9. Your composition is good.

There is room for improvement.

10. They want to travel by plane.

We would rather take a train.

11. My watch has kept good time for quite a few years now.,

It used to go wrong from time to time.

12. The boy is shy and quiet.

His sister is lively and talkative.

Subject-Verb Agreement

V. The following exercises are grouped under A, B, C, and D, each standing for a type of

agreement between subject and verb. Finish the exercises by yourself and then discuss the relationship between subject and verb with the help of your classmates or your teachers.

Models: There a wooden table, four old-fashioned chairs and a small bed in the

Chairman's living room.

Relationship: the matter.

7. All the teachers the head of the department __________(be) happy to

attend the discussion held by the students.

8. The president, his ministers, ____________(be) present at the

opening ceremony of the conference.

9. The reading course book, college students.

10. The students don't have a lot of time for pleasure, as English, other

subjects, _____________ (take up ) a lot of their time.

Relationship: When a subject is followed by a phrase beginning with as well as,

with, like, together with, rather than, except, but, including,

accompanied, by, plus, besides, etc., the verb



B.1. It's surprising that neither the father nor the children ____________ (has

prepared/have prepared ) something for the Christmas party.

2. Either you or he _______________(is not telling/are not telling) the truth.

《造句 9.10.11》


M1 U1

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):

add up (to) be concerned about go through set down a series of on purpose in order to according to get along with fall in love (with) join in have got to hide away face to face

1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________. 2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him.

3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation.

4 ____________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam.

5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone.

6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful. 7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other.

8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school library. 9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well.

10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found.

11 Which of the following statements is not right ____________ the above passage? 12 It’s getting dark. I ___________ be off now.

13 More than 1,000 workers ___________ the general strike last week.

14 All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.


1. go through 2. no longer/ not… any longer

3. on purpose 4. calm… down 5. happen to

6. set down 7. wonder if

三. 翻译

1.曾经有段时间,我对学习丧失了兴趣。(there was a time when…)

2. 这是我第一次和她交流。(It is/was the first time that …注意时态)


4. (强调句)

M 1 U 2

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): play a …role (in) because of come up such as even if

play a …part (in)

1 Dujiangyan(都江堰) is still ___________in irrigation(灌溉) today.

2 That question ___________ at yesterday’s meeting.

3 Karl Marx could speak a few foreign languages, _________Russian and English. 4 You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important. 5 The media _________ major ________ in influencing people’s opinions.

6 _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.


1. make (good/full) use of 2. play a(n) important role in

3. even if 4. believe it or not 5. such as 6. because of

三. 翻译

1. 记者问他他作品中的人物是以谁为原型的。(间接用语base…on…) The reporter asked the writer who he based his characters on.

The reporter asked the writer who his characters are based on.

2. 老师要求每个同学要按时到校。(间接用语)

M1 U3

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. as usual 2. pefer…to… 3. ever since…


三. 翻译:

M1 U4

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. as if 2. think highly of 3. instead of

三. 翻译:

1. 仿佛世界末日已经来了。

It seemed the end of the world had come.

2. 他们看着我,就像我是来自别的星球似的。

They looked at me as if I was from another planet.

M1 U5

一. 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):


1. devote …to (be devoted to) 2. turn to

三. 翻译:

1. 倒装句


M2 U1

1. belong to 2. in search of 3. in return 4. serve as

1. stand for 2.



1. put forward 例句:He put forward a great idea in the meeting.

2. draw a conlusion 例句:Without evidence you can’t draw a conclusion.

3. Prevent from 例句:My parents prevent me from playing computers all day.

4. link… to 例句:I-phone4 cell phones can link to the Internet.

5. cure sb. of sth. 例句:The doctor cured him of his toothache.

6. be absorbed in 例句:Tom was so absorbed in playing computer games that he forgot to have the meal.

7. blame sb for sth 例句:Don’t blame the kid for his mistakes, he is too young.

8. Neither … nor 例句:The hotel is neither spacious(宽敞的) nor comfortable.

9. Every time 例句: Every time he comes back to his hometown, he will call on his former teachers.

10.not only… but also 例句:I can not only play the piano but also can play the violin.

11.suggest doing sth. 例句:The doctor suggested him doing more exercise .

12.make up one’s mind 例句:I have made up my mind to learn English well.

13.lead to 例句:His laziness led to his failure in the exams.

14.make sense 例句:What you did make sense a lot to me.

15.encourage sb. to do sth. 例句:Our teacher always encourage us to read more books.

16.make great contributions to 例句:Dr Yuan have made great contributions to our country.

17.contribute to 例句:Doing exercises contributes to building up our health.

18.apart from 例句:Apart from sport, I have many other hobbies.

19.be strict with例句:Our headteacher is always strict with us.

20.Only if …例句:Only if you work hard can you make progress.

Book5 Unit2短语造句

1. be made up of 例句:Our earth is made up of sea and land.

2 break away from 例句:You must break away from the habit of smoking. 3 to one’s credit 例句: To her credit, she made a great progress in the exam. 4 It’s worthwhile to do sth. 例句:It’s worthwhile to go to visit the Great Wall. 5 be proud of 例句: As a Chinese, I am very proud of my country.

6 to one’s surprise 例句:To my surprise, he send me a gift on my birthday. 7 take the place of 例句:Nobody can take the place of my dear mother.

8 to one’s delight 例句:To his delight, he finally passed the final exam.

9 instead of 例句:Instead of giving up, she worked hard and managed to go to college.

10 set an example to例句: My parents set a good example to me .

1 take up例句: I want to take up doctor as my career in the future.

2 remind sb. of sth例句: The diary reminds me of my past experience.

3 be lack of例句: Jack isn’t stupid, actually he is just lack of confidence.

4 be rich in例句: Our country is rich in all kinds of resources.

5 give a …impression on sb例句: His speech gave a strong impression on the audience.

6 be worried about例句:Scientists are worried about the problem of global warming. Book5 Unit4短语造句

1 be eager to do sth. 例句: Jane is eager to make progress in the final exam. 2 focus… on例句: You must focus your mind on doing your homework.

3 depend on/ rely on例句: Now that you have grown up, you shouldn’t always depend on your parents.

4 in order to例句:He repeated his words in order to make himself understood. 5 in case 例句:You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.

6 make sure例句:Make sure you take some notes in class and you can learn some knowledge.

7 be good for例句:Doing some sports is good for our health.


1 fall ill 例句:If you fall ill, you ought to go to see a doctor.

2 get injured例句:Jack hurt himself and got badly injured in the football match.

3 save one’s life例句: It was John’s quick action and first aid that saved Mrs Smith’s life.

4 protect…against例句: The body guard protect his boss against attack.

5 over and over again例句: I have read this novel over and over again.

6 a variety of例句:There are a variety of books in the bookshop.

7 play a vital/ important role in例句: Rechard played a vital role in the team’s success.

8 It is/was …..that例句: It was in the school that I studied ten years ago.

9 a number of I have read a great number of books.

10make a difference例句:Knowing how to save one’s life can really make a difference.

11have a knowledge of…例句: It’s necessary for us to have a knowledge of first aid. 12treat…as例句:We treat our headmaster as our best friend.

13there is no doubt that例句:There is no doubt that we’ll make great progress if we work hard.

14with the aid of例句:With the aid of our teacher, we made great progress in the exam.

15 with the development of例句:With the development of economy, great changes have taken place in our country.

1 concentrate…on例句:The little boy concentrated all his energy on the math problem.

2 by coincidence例句:By coincidence, I have bought the same book as her. 3 a great deal例句:Your friendship means a great deal to me.

4 break away from例句:I advise you to break away from the bad habit of smoking. 5 would rather例句: He would rather work all day long than do nothing.

6 aim at例句:She worked hard, aiming at getting high marks in the exam.

7 attempt to例句:He attempted to make a friend with her, but failed.

8 be eager to do sth例句: I am eager to make a progress in the final exam.. 9 appeal to例句:What the teacher said in class appealed to Tom.

10the way of doing sth. 例句:Speaking is the best way of learning English.

Book6 Unit2短语造句

1 make sense例句:What you have done makes sense a lot to me.

2 run out of 例句:What a pity! I run out of money that I earned so fast!

3 get /be used to例句:I can’t get used to getting up so early in a cold day..

4 look forward to例句:They’re looking forward to going abroad to earn money. 5 try one’s best例句:We tried our best to win the basketball match.

6 be likely to例句:He is likely to become the president in the campaign.

7 be interested in例句: The little boy was interested in reading history.

Book6 Unit3短语造句

1 due to 例句:He made a great progress due to his hard work

2 be addicted to例句:Nowadays many teenagers are addicted to playing computer games.

3 be accustomed to例句: Most students have been accustomed to new campus life. 4 quit sth./doing sth. 例句:The doctor advised Mr Smith to quit smoking as soon as possible.

5 feel like doing sth. 例句:I feel like making a journey to Tibet.

6 feel ashamed of例句:The boy felt ashamed of his mistakes.

7 stress the importance of例句:Our teachers often stress the importance of learning method.

8 ban sb from doing sth. 例句:The government ban people from smoking in public place.

9 it is time to do sth. 例句:It’s time to prepare for the exam.

10in spite of例句:In spite of that bad weather, she went to school as usual.

11get into例句:If you get into a bad habit, it’s hard to get rid of it.

12share … with例句:I’d like to share my happiness with my friends.

13take risks例句:It’s illegal to take risks to hunt for wild animals.

14a cure for例句:The doctors want to find a cure for cancer.

15be embarrassed about 例句:She was embarrassed about telling a lie to her teacher.

16be disappointed at/with例句:I was disappointed at the outcome of the match.

Book6 Unit4短语造句

1 a large amount/ quantity of 例句:He spent a large amount of time in solving the problem.

2 result in例句:The burning of fossil fuels result in the global warming.

3 be opposed to例句:People who love peace would be opposed to the war.

4 build up例句:Doing more exercises can build up a strong body.

5 There is no doubt that例句: There is no doubt that computers play an important role in our daily life.

6 put up with例句:I can hardly put up with the noise you make!

7 have … effects on例句:Factory pollutions have bad effects on the environment. 8 so/as long as例句: As long as you work hard , you’ll succeed sooner or later.

Book6 Unit5短语造句

1 compared with例句: Compared with the marks last week, you really make a progress.

2 be suitable for例句:The novel isn’t suitable for kids to read.

3 have a gift for 例句:Beethoven has a gift for music.

4 be anxious about 例句:Now scientists are anxious about the problem of population. 5 vary from… to…例句:The weather varies from hour to hour in the mountainous area.

6 to one’s surprise例句: To our surprise, she has changed a lot in her character. 7 protect … from例句:The trees can protect the soil from being washed away. 8 do damage to例句: Smoking does a great damage to our health.

9 keep on doing sth. 例句:If you keep on practising speaking English every day, you will improve your oral English quickly.


