指着别人的痛处捧腹大笑,而你只能跟着傻笑。 不然他说你开不起玩笑。
姑娘,已经不小了,该收一收你那脾气了. 该学着温柔一点,不要每天一副泼妇样. 不要什么
话都跟别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听的是笑话. 姑娘,记住,很多狗装人装的很像,不要太
歇斯底里的只想你相信我一句话: “你若一直在,我便一直爱。”
远不要和禽兽较劲, 赢了?你比禽兽还禽兽。 输了?你连禽兽不如。 平手? 你和
不当要别人伤忽略心你, , 每个人都有自己的生活,谁都不可能一直陪着你。
- 爱笑的人哭起来时比谁都撕心裂肺
很多女生喜欢和男生玩 不是因为她们发骚 而是因为她们觉得跟男生相
处比跟女生相处容易 因为男生不会记仇 耍心机 不会小气 勾心斗角
闺蜜病了:哎呀。宝贝。怎么发烧了。 哥们病了:我草。你还没死。 友情一旦玩真的,比爱情更刻骨。
有一天,你会被伤的很深,很深 /...
经典语录也许时间过去很久,以为心该空了,却满满装着回忆中的不舍得。 有一种温度,减一度太远,增一度太腻,少一点失落,多一点 又慌乱,友达以上,恋人以下。会说一句:“我想你,晚安。”却不敢 说:“我爱你,亲爱的。” 年少时 ,我们因谁因爱或是只因寂寞而同场起舞 ;沧桑后, 我们何因何故寂寞如初却宁愿形同陌路。 那个他打电话来问: "你好么?"你稀松平常的回答: "我很好。 "其实你还爱着他,你一点也不好。男人伪装坚强,只是害怕女人会发 现他软弱。女人伪装幸福,只是害怕男人发现她伤心。 眼泪,有时候是一种无法演说的幸福;微笑,有时候是一种 没有说出口的伤痛。 爱错了人,每天都是愚人节;爱对了人,每天都是情人节。 一个人的心原来是世界上最寂寞的地方, 每个人都渴望被爱, 如果没有人主动爱人,则没有人会被爱,困难已经过去,也就不必讨论 值得与否,努力面对现实才是正经事。 你可以让女人哭,可以让她受委屈,但不要让她沉默无言,因 为沉默是一种最深的伤痛,无言是一个女人最悲的哭声。你要知道,女人最爱倾诉,不管生活有多少苦难,无论她有没有心事,她都想和你讲 述关于她的一切, 这是她爱你的最好方式。 如果有一天, 她突然安静了, 你便走到了后悔的边缘。 爱了三四年的人,你以为你不会忘了,你信誓旦旦地说要等 他很久。直到有一天遇到了一个人,和当初对他一样的心动。然后你才 发现,你其实不是那么爱他了,你爱的只是回忆,还有不甘心失去。 我们这一生,注定有很多偶遇,偶遇一件事,偶遇某个人,让 我们的生活多了许多曲折。 不管怎样, 总有那么几件事, 让你念念不忘, 总有那么一个人,让你陡生叹惜。错过的,就当是路过吧,遗忘是彼此 最好的怀念。一路走来,偶遇的星光,让我们有遗憾,亦有温暖。 为什么总要等失落了,才拾起寻常的好?人心的贪婪,或者 说追求,如同空阔的海,无法满足。爱一个人,倘若没有求的勇气,就 像没有翅膀不能飞越沧海。除非,甘心就此放你离开。 曾经以为没有你,我就没有了全世界,可现在你走了,我的 世界还在。原来,失去一个爱人,它无关于世界;原来,我只是短暂地 看不清方向,或者不愿意往前走;原来,你伤害我,只是因为我给了你 伤害的机会。—— 在流泪的时候觉得委屈,其实心里已经慢慢学会坚 强。如果我不愿意,没有谁,可以伤害我…… 不是想要多么伟大的海誓山盟,不是想要多么华丽的千 回百转,只是想要感觉到那近在咫尺的温暖,还有呼吸,触手可及..女人,不能太
漂亮,太漂亮会被人称花瓶;女人,不能太聪 慧,太聪慧会被人称刁钻;女人,不能太性感,太性感会被称招摇过市; 女人,不能太温柔,太温柔会被称没有主见;女人,不能太强悍,太强 悍会被称男人婆;女人不能太可爱,太可爱会被称幼稚无知。都说男人 难,其实女人也难;从今天起,好好爱她吧! 看透的时候假装没看透。做不了决定的时候让时间帮我决 定。 我要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,外形上的柔情 少女,心理上的变形金刚。 时间能够证明爱情,也能够把爱推翻。 没有一种悲伤是不 能被时间减轻的。 如果时间不可以令你忘记那些不该记住的人,我们 失去的岁月又有什么意义? 如果所有的悲哀、痛苦、失败都是假的, 那该多好? 可惜, 世上有很多假情假义, 自己的伤心欲绝、 痛苦难过、 悲哀惆怅、歇斯底里,等等。却偏偏总是真的。 一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。一个住着快乐;一个 住着悲伤。不要笑得太大声,不然会吵醒旁边的悲伤。 有没有一个人忽然消失了,就像从来没有出现在生活中一 样。又回到原来那样,不打电话不联系,如同陌生人一样,只是再也回不 去最初的原点,就像有些话说了就再也没有收回的可能。心里从此多了一份想念,从来没这么想念一个人,很用心很用心的想念,想知道他在做 什么,想知道他好不好,想知道他的一切。 有时候,曾经的好朋友转变成陌生人了;有时候,有些人 不需要说再见,就已经离开了;有时候,有些事不用开口也明白;有时 候,有些路不会走也要变长。突然有种想哭的感觉,我知道,那是在不 经意间我们都长大了。 有的人,总是忘不了,就像有的人,总是记不住;有些 话,总是说不出,就像有些话,总是守不牢;有份爱,总是放不下,就 像有的爱,总是受不起。——你说:何必眷恋?你却不知:某年某月的 某一个转身,我答应你,不再爱你,却忘了答应我自己...... 一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田. 幸福就像掉到沙发下面的一粒纽扣,你专心找,怎么也找 不到,等你淡忘了,它自己就滚出来了。 爱情原来是很象我们去观望的一场烟花。它绽放的瞬间,充 满勇气的灼热和即将幻灭的绚烂,我们看着它,想着自己的心里原来有 这么多的激情。后来烟花熄灭了,夜空沉寂了。我们也就回家了。 其实了解一个人并不代表什么,人是会变的,今天他喜欢凤 梨,明天他可以喜欢别的。记得你是女子,你应当干干净净,漂漂亮亮,你走在路上, 要相信自己是最美的姑娘。然后再忘记你是女子,你没有资格过分的装 饰自己,除了容颜,你还要有气质。 常
常会在不经意间想起曾经的某个人,不是忘不了,而是 放不下。那些不愿再向任何人提起的牵挂,在黑暗的角落里潜滋暗长。 总是在不懂爱的时候遇见了不该放弃的人, 在懂得爱以后却又偏偏种下 无意的伤害。遇见某个人,才真正读懂了爱的含义;错过某个人,才真 正体会到了心痛的感觉。 有些爱,当时无论如何也放不开。然后有一天,它终究消 逝了。回头再看,已经说不清当时放不开是因为捨不得、是不甘心,还 是那时候到底是太年轻了。有多少爱,而今只道是寻常,当时却爱得死 去活来? 我可以在,很痛的时候说没关系。我可以在,难过的时候 说无所谓。我可以在,寂寞的时候哈哈大笑。我可以在,绝望的时候说 世界依然美好。我只是希望在,我开始抱怨上天吝啬的时候,有个人可 以对我说,别太在意,我心疼你。 有些话可以不必说出,也许这只是你认为的真实。有些 事情可以不要求分辨,也许这只是你认为的合理。但这不意味着你放弃 自己的标准。做个适时懂得缄默而始终持有骨架的人,尤其必要。我们害怕岁月,却不知道活着是多么的可喜。 我们认为生 存已经没意思,许多人却正在生死之间挣扎。甚么时候,我们才肯为自 己拥有的一切满怀感激?忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏。 我们永 不永不说再见。 青春, 如同一场盛大而华丽的戏,我们有着不同的假面,扮演着 不同的角色, 演绎着不同的经历, 却有着相同的悲哀。 有时候不知道真相,不了解本质的人,是快乐的.而能够假 装不知道真相,不了解本质的人,却是幸福的 我不喜欢说话却每天说最多的话, 我不喜欢笑却总笑个不 停 ,身边的每个人都说我的生活好快乐,于是我也就认为自己真的快 乐 …… 岁月长长,不值得去记的,自然会化为尘埃,该记得的, 一辈子都在那里。 假如爱情可以解释、誓言可以修改、你我的相遇可以重新 安排。那么,生活就会比较容易。假如有一天,我终于能将你忘记。然 而,这不是随便传说的故事,也不是明天才要上演的戏剧,因此我无法 找出原稿然后将你将你一笔抹去。
我不管别人怎么说了,就谈谈我自己的看法吧,我现在是一名大学生,每天的生活 很枯燥无味,每天都在忙着上课,其实都是一些无聊的课,去不去都没有任何意义,我想每个大 学生都是这样吧。 为什么我们不能出去找一份属于自己的事情呢, 比如出去找个口碑比较好的辅导班, 找一个你比较喜欢的 专业,发挥你的特长,先去学习它,然后在去应用。 如果能在接下来的时间里努力学习,那么我想在你学习的这段时间里,你就没有虚 度光阴。 你的生活一定是美好的…………还有就是找到你的生活的目标,否则你的世界里就没有太阳,每天都无所事事,那 样是很空虚的!!
Life can get pretty crazy at times. Sometimes weforget how important it is to actually listen toourselves instead of others. Happiness is dependentupon ourselves, and there are some things in life youshould always insist on doing- no matter what othershave to say about it. Here is a list of 20 things youshould always do.
1. Insist on chasing your dreams
To some people your dreams might sound far-fetched, completely unobtainable, or downright silly. No matter what other people say to you, always insiston following your dreams. If you give in, or rather, give up on your dreams, you will never know what couldhave happened. You only have one life to live, so you might as well give it everything you’ve got. Forget thehaters.
2. Insist on being the bigger person
All situations and arguments are not created equally. Being the bigger person will ultimately make you feelbetter. Other people might disagree and say you should have fought back, or whatever else you should havedone, but they don’t have to live with the consequences. Be the bigger person in life and move on. Trust me, you will be the one who wins in the long run.
3. Insist on forgiveness
Forgiveness is not an easy thing. However, insisting on being forgiving will make you a happier person. Onceyou forgive someone you feel a weight that is lifted off your shoulders. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean yougo back to the way things were before, but it does mean letting yourself move on in a positive direction—andthat’s never a bad thing.
4. Insist on seeing the glass half-full
Screw that glass-half-empty view. Positivity is a powerful thing. The more positive a thinker you are, the morepositive outcomes you will see in your life. Keep those negative thoughts out, and those negative people outtoo. There is almost always a bright side to a situation, and focusing on that will help get you through.
5. Insist on staying true to yourself
No matter what other people say or do, you should always be true to yourself. Throughout our lives people will try to shape our ideas, or even try and get us to do things we don’t believe in, which is why you should always be true to yourself. Make decisions for yourself, and never compromise who you are.
6. Insist on only being around those who make you a better or happier person Cut out those in your life that bring you down. Only surround yourself with people who care about you just as much as you care about them. Don’t give in to being someone’s fall back plan. It can be hard to cut people from our lives, but it is also necessary. Surrounding yourself with people who make you happy will onlybenefit your life.
7. Insist on learning from your mistakes
No matter what people say, you will make mistakes in your life. Life is a learning process in itself. Somepeople will make you feel bad about your mistakes, or insult you for making them. However, don’t let thatstand in your way from learning from
them. Accept your mistakes fully and really figure out what went wrong. Knowledge is power.
8. Insist on sticking up for what you believe in
We will all be tested at some point in life to go against what we believe in. Our morals are a strong part of who we are, and it is important to stand up for what you believe. No matter what other people say or try toinfluence you with, stand tall against them.
9.Insist on discarding all the drama from your life
When we are younger we all gossip and focus on the drama that goes on in the world. Growing up we learnthat drama isn’t exactly as exciting as we though it was. It brings us down and actually makes life moredifficult. It’s time to grow up and cut out whoever and whatever drama is taking over your life. Drama-free isthe way to be!
10. Insist on letting go of the past
It’s hard to let go of the past sometimes, but it can really be affect your future. No matter what anyone has tosay about it, insist on letting go of your past and previous grudges, and focus on the here and now. The pastmight have made you who you are, but the future holds the power to change you into who you want to be. Letgo and feel the freedom that comes with it.
11. Insist on embracing change and creativity
A popular aphorism is,”You cannot solve a problem in the same state of consciences that created it.” Noteverything can be solved in a traditional way. Change and creativity are vital in today’s world. Things arealways changing, so why should we be any different? Embracing change will help you grow as a person, andbring you opportunities that you would have otherwise missed out on. Creativity allows your mind a chance tothink differently and more freely. Don’t listen to what others say about how change is bad, instead makesomething out of it.
有一个流行的名言是“你不可能以问题出现时的情形去解决它。并不是所有的事情都可以用传统的方法。在当今世界,变化和创造力是至关重要的。事情总是在变化,所以为什么我们不应该有变化?接纳变化会有助于你的成长, 会给你带来一些机会,不然的话你有可能错过这些机会。创造力可以使你思维不受约束并且与众不同。不要听信别人说变化多么糟糕,相反,我们要从变化中获取些什么。
12. Insist on paying it forward
Not everyone is as fortunate as you might be. Try to remember that everyday. Take some time and give backto the community that you live in. Giving back will boost your mood no matter what you are going through. Nomatter what people might say to bring you down, just remember that you have the power to brightensomeones else’s day. Always pay it forward.
13. Insist on honesty
Being honest isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but it is definitely always the right thing to do. No matterwhat people say you should always be honest with yourself and others. Being honest will help you stay true toyourself, and you will be a better person for it. Lies can get you caught up in bad situations, relationships, andeven cause inner conflict. It’s best to always insist on honesty.
14. Insist on being dedicated
Today we see a lot of those get-rich-quick scheme and lose-100-pounds-in-a-day pills. Things in life aren’talways what they appear to be, and we all know that. However, being dedicated to something will pay off. Whether you are dedicated to getting healthy, following a dream, or getting a better-paying job, we all knowthat time will be involved. Good things don’t just happen overnight, they take time and effort. Insisting onputting your all into something and being dedicated to the outcome you want will help you achieve your goals.
15. Insist on appreciating what you have
We can forget to take a step back and enjoy what we have in life. This can take away from our happiness. Sometimes you just need to sit back and be happy about where your life is right now, and what you have toshow for it. Sure people might tell you it’s not good enough, but don’t listen to them. It is good enough, and itgives you a sense of pride when you can enjoy the things you already have in life.
16. Insist on listening to your heart
Sometimes you just need to follow your instincts and do what your heart tells you. There are some situations, like relationships, that rely more on your heart than on your head. People will surely tell you differently, butyou should always insist on listening to what you want and feel. Again, you are the one who lives with yourchoices, and you are the one that has to live with the “what ifs.” Sometimes you just have to follow yourheart.
7 Things You Should Never Say to Someone
You’ve just said something wrong. The other person is looking at you with a red angry face, but the issue is not about what you’ve said, it’s about what they’ve heard.
There are some sentences that act like deadly silent ninjas, killing self-confidence and antagonizing your friends, family and colleagues—the worst thing is that you might not even realize it.
Here are 7 things you should never say to someone:
1. “I don’t care” “我不在乎”
What they hear: “Leave me alone. I have better things to do than listen to you.” Explain why you would love to hear about that subject, and why “right now” is not the best time for you. Everybody matters. Not caring about someone is denying their existence: If people matter for you, you will matter for them. 别人听到的却是:“别管我。我还有比听你唠叨更重要的事要做。”
2. “You’re wrong” “你错了”
What they hear: “You are stupid. You know nothing. You’re worthless.” Prefer more tactful sentences. “I would have thought that„”, “My understanding is that„”
Ask questions to make sure you and the other person are working on the same assumptions.
3. “You can’t do it” “你做不到”
What they hear: “You don’t have what it takes to do it, no matter how hard you try; So why do you even try?”
Why would you set someone up for failure? I understand that you don’t want your friend to have delusions, and you could feel that it is your duty to stop that person before they hurt themselves, but I would like to ask you: how can you judge what is good for somebody? And what if failure was the best path for growth? Encourage people who have chosen a challenging path.
Good judgement comes with experience, but experience comes from bad judgement; – Will Rogers
别人听到却是:“不管你付出多大的努力,都没有能力做这件事情;那还何必尝试呢?” 你凭着什么去断定别人的失败?我理解你只是不希望朋友抱着幻想,你觉得自己有义务在对方受伤前阻止他们,但我就要问你了:你是怎样判断哪些对他们有益呢?失败又何尝不是成长的最佳方式?
4. “This should be easy” “这很简单”
What they hear: “It’s easy for most people. If you have trouble doing it, there is probably something wrong about you”
The level of difficulty is perceived differently by everyone, and everyone has their own Everest. If you’re telling somebody that their job is easy, then you’re undermining their contribution to society and you’re telling them they don’t deserve the salary they have.
If someone is struggling and coming for help, then they have trust you enough to show you their weakness. Don’t rub their face in it by saying “This should be easy”.
Acknowledge the challenges that people encounter and value their commitment to overcome them.
5. “I told you so” “我早就告诉过你”
What they hear: “You did not listen to me. That’s all your fault. I’m so much better than you.”
This one is a common no-no.
It’s useless to shoot a dead horse, especially when other person needs your help more than ever. Don’t keep tabs on who’s right and who’s wrong. If it were a competition, the one keeping tabs would be the one losing.
Help the other person, and don’t add insult to injury.
6. “As I just said before„” “我之前就说过...”
What they hear: “You don’t listen to me. You’re making me repeat myself. You’re so annoying and dumb”
This is a very sneaky conversation killer. If someone asks you a question and you point out that you’ve already answered it, then you’re killing their willingness to learn, or even to have a slight interest in what you say.
Say the same thing in another way and by illustrating it differently.
Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Then, tell them. Finally, tell them what you’ve told them. – Aristotle
7. “Good luck” “祝你好运”
What they hear: “There’s nothing you can do that will make you succeed. Only luck will. let’s hope for a once-in-a-millenium planet-alignment-like opportunity so that you can succeed.”
Also, it is bad luck to wish good luck. It is more common for comedians to say “Break a leg”, or “Merde!” – the French equivalent of “Shit!”. The expression comes from the fact that, during older times, successful plays would attract a lot of carriage traffic and therefore a significant amount of horse dejection. Maybe this is why people would slip and “break a leg”.
Don’t attribute success to luck; celebrate the other person’s qualities
instead.“Show them your guts!” “Give them something they’ll never forget!” 别人听到的却是:“对于成功你已经无能为力。只能全靠运气了。让我们期待一个大海捞针般的机会,这样你就能成功了。”
同样,只有在厄运交加时才会期待好运。更常见的是喜剧演员会说“断一条腿”,“呸!”--相当于法语中的“去屎!”这种表达源自这样一个事实,古时候,成功的戏剧会导致很多马车处于拥挤,因此产生大量马粪。也许这就是为什么人们会滑到并说“摔断了一条腿”。 不要把成功归功于运气;相反的是要称赞对方的品质。“让他们看看你的厉害!”“给他们难忘的一课!”