(1) 唯美色彩的目标
(2) 唯美色彩的宗旨
(3) 唯美色彩的精神
(4) 唯美色彩的任务
A Profile of Wonderful Ceramics Group (Simple Version) 唯美集团,创始于1988年,总部位于国际制造业名城——东莞市,是国内规模最大的建筑陶瓷制造商和销售商之一。旗下拥有 “马可波罗”、 “L&D”、 “唯美”等品牌,产品涵盖室内地砖、室内墙砖、室外地砖、室外墙砖、产品配件五大系列,上千个花色品种。集团下辖四个子公司和两个制造工业园。唯美集团位列全国工业企业500强和中国建材行业百强企业,为广东省高新技术企业。公司秉承“为实为适、唯新唯美”的经营理念,高度重视产品质量和品牌形象,集团投资兴建了全国第一家行业建筑陶瓷博物馆。与意大利小蜜蜂、西班牙PORCELANOSA、德国ABK等多家国际知名公司保持长期紧密的合作,产品始终保持国际领先水平。获得多项国家专利,以强劲的研发创新能力闻名于业界。2002年,集团旗下的“唯美”商标被评为广东省著名商标;2002年,“马可波罗”牌被评为广东省名牌产品;2003年,又获得中国名牌产品称号和国家免检产品称号;2004年“L&d”被评为广东省名牌产品,2005年,又被评为“中国十大畅销品牌”。
Wonderful Ceramics Group, established in 1988 with its headquarters located in Dongguan City—the famous international manufacturing industry, is one of largest domestic architectural ceramics manufacturer and distributor,favored with various brands, such as “Marco Polo”, “L&D” and “Wonderful”, etc., covering a wide range of products, including superior quality wall and floor tiles, respectively including indoor floor tile, interior wall tile, outdoor ground tile, exterior wall tile and product fittings with a complete range of colors and designs with more than 1,000 designs and patterns. The company has four subsidiaries and two manufacturing industrial gardens affiliated to it. Wonderful Ceramics Group ranks itself among Top 500 national industrial enterprises and Top 100 enterprises in the Chinese building material industry and is a Hi-tech enterprise in Guangdong Province. The company has positively incorporated “Taking the substantive attitude and prioritizing innovation and artistic esthetics” into its operation concept and pursued the “trendy look” of the architectural decoration by continuously developing the decorative tiles featuring
“high grade, individuality, artistic esthetics and multi-function” and attached great importance to product quality and brand image. The group has invested on building the first architectural ceramics museum nationwide, established long-term and close cooperation with many internationally well-reputed companies such as Italian Dior Homme, Spanish PORCELANOSA, German ABK and maintained its products in the internationally leading level. Besides, the products have won many national patent rights and the company is well known in the industry for its powerful R&D capability. In 2002 the trademark “Wonderful” was awarded the title of Famous Trademark in Guangdong Province; in 2002, “Marco Polo” Brand was named as Famous Product Brand in Guangdong Province; In 2003, it was again cited as the title of China Famous Brand and Quality-inspection-free Product; in 2004 “L&d” was rated as Famous Product Brand in Guangdong Province and in 2005 it was again elected as “National Top Ten Most Popular Brand”.
Wonderful Ceramics Group reinforces the grass-root party construction and corporate cultural construction and the Party Branch of the Group applies the advanced culture to guide the corporate cultural construction. It has been awarded the title of “The advance Grass-root Party Branch in Guangdong Province” by Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, “Red Flag Grass-root Party Branch” by Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and “A Municipal Level Demonstration Pilot of Dongguan City Consolidating the Foundation of the Grass-root Party Branch”. And the Party Secretary, Mr. Huang Jianping, has been awarded as “Excellent Grass-root Party Branch Secretary”.
The glorious honors represent a page of the past. In the future, Wonderful Ceramics Group will operate business by integrating capital, knowledge, talents, technology with information resources, continuously cultivate its corporate core competitiveness and pursue the forefront position in the industry and world famous brand, trying hard to forge ahead towards the target of a 100-year-old ceramics enterprise.
A Profile of Wonderful Ceramics Group (Full Version)
唯美集团,创始于1988年,总部位于国际制造业名城——东莞市,是国内规模最大的建筑陶瓷制造商和销售商之一。旗下拥有 “马可波罗”、 “L&D”、 “唯美”等品牌,产品涵盖室内地砖、室内墙砖、室外地砖、室外墙砖、产品配件五大系列,上千个花色品种。2002年,集团旗下的“唯美”商标被评为广东省著名商标;2002年,“马可波罗”牌被评为广东省名牌产品;2003年,又获得中国名牌产品称号和国家免检产品称号;2004年“L&d”被评为广东省名牌产品,2005年,又被评为“中国十大畅销品牌”。集团下辖四个子公司和两个制造工业园。唯美集团位列全国工业企业500强和中国建材行业百强企业,为广东省高新技术企业。公司秉承“为实为适、唯新唯美”的经营理念,高度重视产品质量和品牌形象,集团投资兴建了全国第一家行业建筑陶瓷博物馆。与意大利小蜜蜂、西班牙PORCELANOSA、德国ABK等多家国际知名公司保持长期紧密的合作,产品始终保持国际领先水平。获得多项国家专利,以强劲的研发创新能力闻名于业界。
Guangdong Wonderful Ceramics Co., Ltd, located in Dongguan City, a famous city of the international manufacturing industry and established in 1988, is one of the domestic architectural ceramics manufacturers and distributors with the largest scale. The company is favored with the famous brands, such as “Marco Polo”, “L&D” and “Wonderful” and others, covering a wide range of superior quality wall and floor tiles, respectively including indoor floor tile, interior wall tile, outdoor ground tile, exterior wall tile and product fittings, with a complete range of colors and designs and more than 1,000 types and patterns. The trademark “Wonderful” affiliated to the Group Company has been awarded the Famous Trademark in Guangdong Province; In 2002 the trademark “Wonderful” was awarded the title of Famous Trademark in Guangdong Province; in 2002, “Marco Polo” Brand was named as Famous Product Brand in Guangdong Province; In 2003, it was again cited as the title of China Famous Brand and Quality-inspection-free Product; in 2004 “L&d” was rated as Famous Product Brand in Guangdong Province and in 2005 it was again elected as “National Top Ten Most Popular Brand”. Furthermore, the group company has four
subsidiaries and two manufacturing industrial gardens affiliated to it. Wonderful Ceramics Group ranks among Top 500 national industrial enterprises and Top 100 enterprises in the Chinese building material industry and is a Hi-tech enterprise in Guangdong Province. The company has positively incorporated “Taking the substantive attitude and prioritizing innovation and artistic esthetics” into its operation concept and pursued the “trendy look” of the architectural decoration by continuously developing the decorative tiles featuring “high grade, individuality, artistic esthetics and multi-function” and attached great importance to product quality and brand image. The group has invested on building the first architectural ceramics museum nationwide and has established long-term and close cooperation with many internationally well-reputed companies, such as, Italian Dior Homme, Spanish PORCELANOSA, German ABK and others, maintained its products in the internationally leading level. And besides, the products have won many national patent rights and the company is well known in the industry for its powerful R&D capability.
The leading brand of Wonderful Ceramics Group is “Marco Polo Brand”. “Marco Polo” tile represents the perfect combination of the Chinese pottery and porcelain of thousands of years and the Italian arts and is well reputed as “A Collection of Custom-fit Decoration Arts”. The brand presented itself to the world in the end of 1996 and is the earliest architectural material brand in the domestic architectural ceramics industry. At the initial stage, the brand was specifically presented in mute light, archaized and customized products, and under the guidance of the marketing ideology featuring “Small market yet larger market shares”, the company has sought an extremely large market shares and has maintained the good reputation of the first mute-light archaized ceramic tile brand in the Chinese architectural ceramics industry.
《星密码装修 时尚简约唯美系列》
星密码装修 时尚简约唯美系列
换代产品 - 高硅光刻胶的发明及产业化
潍坊星泰克微电子材料有限公司位于山东省潍坊市高新区,成立于2010年9月份, 由潍坊创新投资管理有限公司和加拿大化学家SAM SUN先生合资创办。公司投资总额103.7万美元,注册资本74.08万美元,现有硕士及以上专业技术人员10人,占公司人员总数70%以上。
光刻胶是生产微电子器件的核心材料,直接决定集成电路在芯片上的密度和数据处理速度。也是光电子领域中LCD和LED生产的关键材料。目前最先进的光刻胶是IBM三十年前发明的技术,已经不能满足目前和未来芯片生产的需求。两年前,SAM SUN博士独立发明了高硅光刻胶技术。此技术革命性地提高了光刻胶的分辨率和抗蚀刻性能,在未来几十年将为全球集成电路生产提供最先进的光刻胶材料。潍坊星泰克微电子材料有限公司已申请3项美国专利、1项日本专利、和1项中国专利。公司的产品将直接关系到国防、航天、航空、通讯、互联网、交通、能源、家电、科研等广泛领域。
深圳市星怡纸业有限公司,是2012年新成立的一家以广告纸巾、广告抽纸、广告纸盒装抽纸生产为主的广告纸巾公司、广告纸巾厂。星怡纸业主要生产广告纸巾、广告盒抽纸、广告盒装纸巾、广告礼品抽纸巾、白胶袋抽纸、软抽纸、广告餐巾纸、西餐巾纸、客房商用纸巾为主的广告纸巾生产公司、广告纸巾生产厂家、广告纸巾厂。 深圳市星怡纸业有限公司于深圳市茂江投资有限公司联合经营,拥有雄厚的资金实力和生产技术实力,星怡纸业运作团队由多年造纸精英、生产精英、营销精英组建而成,无论在原纸、生产、营销三个环节,都拥有成熟的操盘和运作经验;
星怡纸业24小时咨询热线18898759108 QQ:1542749980
工厂客服服务热线:0755-27744290 联系人:许富国先生