有病包死,无病包疯 大学从我身上下来,边系裤子边说:青春留下,你走。那一刻我才明白,不是我 上了大学,是大学上了我 做人很厚道,仅限于脸皮;做人很低调,仅限于身高 喝多了谁也不服,就扶墙 孤单――一个人的狂欢;狂欢――一群人的孤单 钱能解决的问题不是问题,没钱是个大问题 有多少爱可以胡来 一上一下并非阶级压迫;几进几出造就一代新人。阳物运动 有组织,无纪律 我本将心向明月,奈何明月照沟渠 一个人不孤独,想一个人才孤独 让男人省事,女人不省人事 这个新闻发布会就像审讯萨达姆,你可以提任何问题,但什么答案都没有 城市建设的像欧洲,农村发展的像非洲 站着理亏,躺下肾亏 没有一点技术含量 枪法淫荡,走位风骚,意识下流 非常杰出的落后分子 我可能不同意你的观点,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利(伏尔泰) 都是浮云 爱情总在分手前,分手总在上床后 网络是个监狱,本来是偷个钱包进来的,出来以后,杀人放火全会了没有钱,有点帅;没有女人,有点无奈 社会主义大道上,一个孤独的裸奔者 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来翻白眼/寻找美眉 上课学不到什么,逃课玩不到什么 当一个人意识到一颗钻石比一颗玻璃球贵重的时候,这个人已经可悲的长大了 Lyp 演的毛片要么?中国队射门集锦要么? 爱的痛了,痛的硬了 花前月下,不如花钱日下 淫的一手好湿 真钞换贞操 胸部未见明显异常 取人贞操于千里之外 People mountain people sea ——人山人海 No three no four ——不三不四 Give you some color see see! ——给你点颜色看看! U ask me,I ask who? ——你问我,我问谁? No money no door ——没钱没门 We two who and who. ——咱俩谁跟谁。 I don’t bird u ——我不鸟你 Going down —— …… Let me see see ——让我看看 Horse horse tiger tiger ——马马虎虎Where cool where go ——哪凉快哪去 水汪汪的小眼睛洋溢着赤裸裸的淫荡 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节 把有限的马屁集中的拍到一个人的屁股上 盖上棉被纯聊天,脱了衣服纯欣赏 Tomorrow is another day ——明天是不同的一天 当我还是一个孩子的时候,妈妈带我去看白雪公主,每个人都爱上了白雪公主, 而我却偏偏爱上了那个巫婆 别把无知当作个性 小鸡长大了变成鹅,鹅长大了,就变成了羊,羊长大了变成牛,等牛长大了,共 产主义就到了 You wait ,you late ——你越等,你越老 尔其动也,风雨如晦,雷电共作;尔其静也,体象皓镜,星开碧落。 团结紧张,严肃活泼 我不打你,也不骂你,我用我高超的牌技羞辱你 生活就像洋葱,一片一
片的剥开,总有一片会让我们流泪 机遇就像个小偷,到来时无声无息,离开时你却损失惨重 不以丑陋为耻,要以变态为荣 本人已死,有事烧纸 如果有一天,你发现有人比你自己还了解你,你是否由此就不知道你自己是谁 了? 女人不能惯,越惯越混蛋 男人生来都是平等的,已婚的除外女人生来都是天使下凡,只是有些头先着地 需要理解,却又怕人看透; 需要温暖,却又享受孤单; 需要依靠,却又内心独立; 需要安定,却又一生漂泊…… 从前有个小孩,好好学习,天天向上,后来,死了。 还有王法么?还有法律么? ——《功夫》冯小刚 情不知所起,一往而深 还存在吧?存在,100 滴血 —— CS 俱往矣,数风流人物,全干通宵 你不能拥有全世界,但你可以买个地球仪 穷则独善其身,富则妻妾成群 面向大海,春暖花开 千金之子,坐不垂堂 只有夕阳产品,没有夕阳产业 酒后失身,不必当真 卖身不卖艺 光见贼吃肉,没见贼挨打 开着拖拉机飞走了 悄悄地干活,打枪的不要 策划与利润并重,灵感与钞票齐飞 阵痛就是痛完一阵,又来一阵我的特点就是话多 假如美国和伊朗打了起来,你是去喝茶还是咖啡? 为了前台的 plmm 不下岗,大家辛苦点 不聊则已,一聊没完;不吃则已,一吃没够 女人是好的,放到什么地方都是好的,不好的,你放到女子学校,她都给你弄个 同性恋 锦城丝管日纷纷,半入江风半入云。此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻 我没有钱,没有女人,只有一颗美丽而又下贱的心 Man always remember lovely because of romantic only (Marlboro) ——男人总是只记得经典,浪漫的情话! Live to play , play to live ——生活亦游戏,游戏也生活 人人都说谎,但是只有你说谎让我伤心 纯洁的流氓,淫荡的君子 大象无形,大音稀声 哈里波特大 农夫三拳 好好学习,天天想上 当相思已经刻骨,天知道,这份情怎么了 上帝给了我一块金子,让我当银子花了 但使主人能醉客,不知何处是他乡 这世界我曾经来过 生时何须久睡,死后自会长眠 我将在这里看尽人间种种,心中再不起一丝波澜吃鸡要吃腿,住屋要朝南 醉翁之意不在酒,在乎双腿之间也 吻舞双全 上帝让谁灭亡,必先让他疯狂 情深不寿,强极则辱,谦谦君子,温润如玉 天上白玉京,五楼十二城,仙人抚我顶,结发受长生 茕茕白兔,东走西顾,衣不如新,人不如故 莫到不相思,相思使人老,几番细思量,还是相思好 中年心事浓如酒,少女情怀总是诗 天下英雄出我辈,一入江湖岁月催,皇图霸业笑谈中,不胜人生一场醉 提剑跨骑挥鬼雨,白骨如山鸟惊飞,尘世如潮人如水,只叹江湖几人回
桃花影落飞神剑,碧海潮生按玉箫 西门轻吹雪,冷月照孤城 难忘恩怨难忘你,只为痴情只为真 上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城 乱国者先乱思想,卖国者先谋私囊 想瘦不如享受 听的很堕落,唱的很赤裸,说的很罪过 天塌下来,你顶着,我垫着 你曾经对我说,你永远爱着我,爱情这东西我明白,但“永远”是什么 台上做戏,台下做人 起来,不愿坐着的人们买 300 辆二手奥拓,雇 300 个司机,让他们跟在你后面开,一会排成个“S”,一 会排成个“B” 塞翁失身,焉知非福? 早知今日,何必当鸡 其实不想走,其实想打车 有钱捧个钱场,没钱捧个火葬场 金钱不能买到一切,但能买到我;暴力不能解决一切,但能解决你 童男处女们心中永远的痛 欣赏你的清纯,享受你的放荡 不主动,不拒绝,不负责 做女人挺好,做男人挺累 真正的恐龙,关了灯都是夜光的 正派是因为受到的引诱不够,忠诚是因为被判的筹码太低 脱了衣服我是禽兽,穿上衣服我是衣冠禽兽 胸无大志,胸大无志 反复做着同样的事情,希望得到不同的结果 天涯地角有穷时,只有相思无尽处 一脸嚣张,两眼欲望 用我 41 的脚踹你 38 的脸 戴三个表 未曾清贫难成人,不经打击老天真,自古英雄出炼狱,从来富贵入凡尘,醉生梦 死谁成器,拓马长枪定乾坤,挥军千里山河在,立名扬威传后人 开车撞树,发型依然很酷美女别跑,逮住按倒 西安事变,功在社稷,危及自身,张无忌,杨不悔 天宝之乱,寇击长安,帝走西川,郭破虏,李莫愁 骑白马的不一定是王子,他可能是唐僧;长翅膀的不一定是天使,我们叫他鸟人
1. Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare )
2. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " Impossible".( Napoleon ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能”的。(拿破仑)
3. Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. ( C. Weizmann ) 奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命蒂努力。(魏茨曼)
4. There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see. ( Muggeridge ) 没有黑暗这种东西,只有看不见而已。(马格里奇)
5. Time is a bird for ever on the wing. ( T. W. Robertson )
6. If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn. ( Edison ) 如果你年轻时不学会思考,那就永远不会。(爱迪生)
7. A day is a miniature of eternity. ( Emerson )
8. Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. ( L. Blum ) 品德可能仅仅在于有勇气作出抉择。(布鲁斯)
9. If there were less sympathy in the world, there would be less trouble in the world. ( O. Wilde )
We (sea folk) can live to three hundred years old, but when we perish we turn into mere foam on the sea.
------Andersen, "The little mermaid"
Writers are well-known for their powers of invention and imagination.
------Andersen, "The Nightingale"
Teas in the listener's eyes are the finest possible reward for any singer. ------Andersen, "The Nightingale"
"But he hasn't got anything on!" a little child said.
------Andersen, "The Emperor's New Clothes"
"I have many beautiful flowers," he said, "but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all."
------Wilde, "The Selfish Giant"
In war, the strong makes slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich makes slaves of poor.
------Wilde, "The Young King"
We have chains, though no eye beholds them; and we are slaves, though men call us free.
------Wilde, "The Young King"
The burden of this world is too great for one man to bear, and the world's sorrow too heavy for one heart to suffer.
------Wilde, "The Young King"
"What is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation " ------Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
「一本既没有图画,又没有对话的书,有什麼用呢 」爱丽丝想著.
Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
------Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Man is not much beside the great birds and beasts.
------Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Pain does not matter to a man.
------Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
There are more things to admire in men than to despise.
------Camus, The plague
What interests me is living and dying for what one loves.
------Camus, The plague
If there is one thing one can always yearn for and sometimes attain, it is human love. ------Camus, The plague
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ------Voltaire
Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.
------Stevenson, "Solitude"
Anyone can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day.
不论肩上的担子如何沉重,总能负担到日暮时分.不论工作如何艰辛,总可以支撑著做一整天. ------史蒂文生
People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise.
------Maugham, Of Human Bondage
If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money it values more, it will lose that too. ------Maugham
We can't form our children on our own concepts; we must take them and love them as God gives them to us.
我们不能依据自己的观念来训练孩子;我们必须把他们当成上帝的赏赐,接纳他们,爱护他们. ------哥德
Life teaches to be less harsh with ourselves and with others.
One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.
------Mark Twain
Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. ------Mark Twain
"Classic." A book which people praise and don't read.
------Mark Twain
Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.
Life is a progress from want to want, not from enjoyment to enjoyment.
We want to live by each other's happiness-not by each other's misery.
------Chaplin, "The Great Dictator"
Once a gentleman, and always a gentleman.
------Dickens, Little Dorrit
Ignorance is not innocence but sin.
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UID5 帖子508 精华20 积分4750 阅读权限100 在线时间93 小时 注册时间2007-12-5 最后登录2009-8-5
UID5 帖子508 精华20 积分4750 威望187 金币916 阅读权限100 注册时间2007-12-5 2#
发表于 2007-12-9 15:38 | 只看该作者
You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both. ------Emerson
Development arises from the contradiction inside a thing.
Keep a civil tongue in your head!
Too calculating in plotting and scheming is the cause of her own undoing. 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。
I propose a toast. Bottoms up!
Heart to heart though far apart.
Hatred is something peculiar. You will always find it strongest and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture.
Corruption is like a ball of snow:whence once set a rolling it must increase.
Anyone who lacks decision shouldn't be a leader.
Allowing an important mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace.
1. It"s up to you.(由你决定。)
2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。)
3. How can I get in touch with you?
4. Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)
5. What"s the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)
6. Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?)
7. I wasn"t born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。)
8. What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?)
9. It"s a small world.(世界真小!)
10. It"s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!)
11. The sooner the better. (越快越好。)
12. When is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you?
13. Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。)
14. I"m mad about Bruce Lee.(我迷死李小龙了。) I"m crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。)
15. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)
16. What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?)
17. Would you care for[喜欢] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?)
18. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。)
19. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。)
20. It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。)
21. She never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。)
22. That"s not like him.(那不象是他的风格。)
23. I couldn"t get through.(电话打不通。)
24. I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。)
25. Be my guest.(请便、别客气)
26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?)
27. Let"s keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)
28. Let"s call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)].
29. I couldn"t help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。)
30. Something"s come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了)
31. Let"s get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。)
32. Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。)
33. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发)
34. I"ll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。)
35. Chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(机会很小。)
36. Far from it.(一点也不。)
37. I"m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。)
38. It"s a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事)
39. We"re in the same boat.(我们处境相同。)
40. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)
41. What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)
42. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。)
43. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。)
44. It"s out of the question.(这是不可能的。)
45. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?)
46. It doesn"t make any difference.(没什么差别/无所谓。)
47. I"m fed up[极其厌烦] with him.(我受够他了。)
48. You can count on[指望;依赖] us.(你可以信赖我们。)
49. It doesn"t work.(坏了;不动了。)
50.It"s better than nothing.(总比什么都没有好。)
51. Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。)
52. I"m not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。)
53. I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。)
54. I can"t express[表示;表达;表明] myself very well in English. (我不能很好地用英语表达自己。)
55. For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前)
56. This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。)
57. Don"t beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。)
58. It"s up in the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。)
59. Math is beyond[对某人而言难以想象/理解/估计] me.(我对数学无能为力。)
60. It slipped my mind.(我忘了。)
61. You can"t please[使人感到满意和愉快] everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。)
62. I"m working on[着手;从事] it.(我正在努力。)
63. You bet!(当然!)
64. Drop me a line[短信].(写封信给我)
65. Are you pulling my leg[同某人开玩笑;取笑]?(你在开我玩笑吗?)
66. Sooner or later.(迟早会的。)
67. I"ll keep my ears open.(我会留意的。)
68. It isn"t much.(那是微不足道的。)
69. Neck and neck.(不分上下。)
70. I"m feeling under the weather.(我觉得不舒服/精神不好/情绪低落。)
71. Don"t get me wrong[误解].(不要误会我。)
72. I"m under a lot of pressure.(我压力很大。)
73. You"re the boss.(听你的。)
74. It doesn"t make any sense!(毫无意义!)
75. If I were in your shoes[处在某人的位置].(如果我是你的话。)
76. What"s this regarding?(这是关于哪方面的?)
1. 等一个人、还是等一个故事。
2. 回得了过去,回不了当初。
3. 要有多坚强,才敢念念不忘。
4. 看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。
5. 我是唯一有伞,仍然淋湿的人吗?
6. 向来缘浅,奈何情深?
7. 戏子入画、一生天涯。
8. 只身步步海天涯、路无归、霜满颜。
9. 夜微凉、灯微暗、暧昧散尽、笙歌婉转。
10. 幸福右边、荒芜人烟。
11. 曾听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。
12. 快乐给了你,寂寞给自己
13. 彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。
14. 眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。
15. 爱那么短,遗忘那么长……
16. 我在怀念,你不再怀念的。
17. 真心离伤心最近 。
18. 我想哭,可是 我已经不知道该怎么流泪了。
19. 那首关于我们的歌、你把结局唱给了谁听。
20. 如花美眷,似水流年。
21. 有些事,一转身就是一辈子。
22. 年轻时我们放弃,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是1生。
23. 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。
24. 哀莫大于心不死。
25. 我很好,不吵不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道。
26. 我是你 转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎年华到天涯?
27. 你走天桥,我走地下道。
28. 经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。
29. 原来地久天长,只是误会一场。
30. 热闹都是他们的,与我无关。
31. 蝴蝶飞不过沧海。
32. 和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。
33. 听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏。
34. 人生若只如初见。
35. 想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。
36. 傻瓜,我们都一样。
37. 原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。
38. 你坐过的沙发宽了,你爱的音乐停了,那天的我等你等成了摆设……
39. 这个冬 天没有给我惊喜……
40. 我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风……
41. 只想听到你说,祝我幸福。
42. 回望灯如旧,浅握双手。
43. 爱是我竖起防备,你却还是拥抱我。
44. 下辈子不再为人,下辈子不再遇见。
45. 朋友们都羡慕我,其实羡慕他们的人是我。 爱你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开你了,比很久 很久还要久……
46. 忘记开心的,就不会不开心了。
47. 拖过一次你的手我已满足。
48. 年少轻狂,幸福时光。
49. 我不在乎你对我的不在乎。
50. 在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。
51. 我相信这个世界永远那么美。
52. 我用我所有的果果,换你的一颜欢笑。
53. 习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯看不到你;
54. 无处安放,我们遥远的青春。
55. 我失恋了,你怎么可以把我弄丢了。
56. 寂寞太会见缝插针。
57. 得到了别人的秘密,会失去自己的快乐。
58. 不疯魔,不成活。
59. 就如旧爱,有天总忘记,当初竟以为爱死。
60. 牵手,生命线就交错。
61. 生活在童话里,离天堂更近……
62. 从长远来说,我们都死了。
63. 我竟然还在爱他!
64. 嘘……听,心碎的声音……
65. 我在过马路,你人在哪里?
66. 那些被允许任性的年代,叫做青春……
67. 我有钱了,你回来吧!
68. 忘却,是最无奈的爱。
69. 我很想爱他。
70. 你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狈无处遁形。
71. 如果我转过身,就不会有人看见我的眼泪了吧?
72. 我们经过那么多考验,最后还是回到了原点……
73. 让你在没有我的地方疯狂,让我在没有你的世界坚强。
74. 每一天,允许自己放纵一次,哭一次,只一次……其余的时间, 就开开心心地笑着过。
75. 对自己 狠心,才会让你幸福。
76. 我是好人,别伤害我。
77. 我是由影子保护的。
78. 逃不过,最后都会变苍老……
79. 那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。
80. 爱和死,哪个更冷?
81. 你转身,我下楼。
82. 我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在?
83. 当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错。
84. 等待, 是一生最初的苍老。
85. 那都是很好很好的,我却偏偏不喜欢。
86. 一个人只要不再想要,就什么都可以放下。
87. 谁的寂寞,覆我华裳。谁的华裳,覆我肩膀。
88. 祈求天地放过一双恋人,怕发生的永远别发生。
89. 爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年。
90. 童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。
91. 最初不相识,最终不相认。
92. 生不对,死不起。
93. 幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。
94. 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去。
95. 我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们。
96. 离开后,别说祝我幸福,你有什么资格祝我幸福?
97. 不被理解的弱小只好一直坚强。
98. 不要依赖别人,是你还有人可以依赖的时候才说得出来的。
99. 也许走 得太远的代价就是寂寞。
100. 不 要骗我,你知道即使你的谎话我都会相信。
101. 要离开,就请,永远别再回来。
102. 我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。
103. 请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真的。
104. 感情的戏,我没演技。
105. 我们每一步,都走的太早了啊。在学会爱之前陷入,在学会体谅之。
106. 前分手,在学会面对之前结束。
107. 我一生中最幸运的两件事件,是时间终于将我对你的爱消耗殆尽;一件,是很久很久以前有一天,我 遇见你……
108. 等待你的关 心,等到我关上了心。
109. 走完同一条街,回到两个世界。
110. 想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。
111. 你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。
112. .所谓最难忘的,就是从来不曾想起,却永远也不会忘记 。
113. 谁把谁真的当真,谁为谁心疼。
114. 多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。
115. 当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。
116. 我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。
117. 有时,爱也是种伤害。残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。
118. 人生最遗憾的,莫过于,轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地,坚持了不该坚持的。 119. 脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到。
120. 不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!
121. 不是不死心是死不了心。
122. 痛过之后就不会觉得痛了,有的只会是一颗冷漠的心 。
123. 在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤——伤——伤!
124. 思念一个人的滋味,就象是喝了一杯冰冷的水,然后一滴一滴凝成热泪。
125. 喜欢一个人没有错,错就错在喜欢一个不喜欢自己的人。
126. 无法拒绝的是开始 , 无法抗拒的是结束。
127. 等待.....也许并不容易;伤害......却轻而易举。
128. 人生若只如初见,当时只道是寻常
129. 宁可高傲的发霉,不去卑微的恋爱。
130. 接近你就靠近心痛,离开你就远离幸福。
131. 有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。
132. 付出真心才会得到真心,却可能伤的彻底;保持距离就能保护自己,却注定永远寂寞。 133. 事实证明,感情经得起风雨,却经不起平淡;友情经得起平淡,却经不起风雨。 134. 如果不幸福,不快乐,那就放手吧;如果舍不得,放不下,那就痛苦吧!
135. 有时候解释是不必要的---敌人不信你的解释,朋友无需你的解释。
136. 在爱的路上,最大的过错就是错过!
137. 爱情需要勇气,友情需要义气,亲情需要和气,干活需要力气。
138. 一个无人分享的快乐,绝非真正的快乐;一个无人分享的痛苦,则是最可怕的痛苦。 139. 变老是人生的必修课,变成熟是人生的选修课。
140. 再烦,也别忘微笑;再苦,也别忘坚持;再累,也要爱自己。
141. 把爱存在心里是最差的储蓄方法,又不能生出利息,不如你送来温暖我。
142. 粉底用来遮蔽皮肤的瑕疵,微笑用来遮蔽心灵的伤口。
143. “承诺”没有统一零售价,有时一文不值,有时千金难买。
144. 你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱我还是不爱我;而我只能选择爱你还是更爱你。 145. 我可以用一天的时间爱上你,却要用一辈子的时间来忘记你!
146. 埋下一座城、关了所有灯。
147. 你的夕阳、我 的容颜、谁的三分之一年。
148. 摇 曳在笔尖的舞姿、是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。
149. 我目送沿海的日落、紧抱一个醉生梦死的枕头、游不出回忆却学不会放手、怎么走。 150. 用一根火柴烧一座蜃楼、借这场大雨让自己逃走。
151. 躲在万劫不复的街头、微笑参透覆水难收。
152. 睫毛下的伤城路过了谁的风景谁的心。
153. 当掉的浅色寂语、你开了一家收购店、等来了遗忘的海角天光。
154. 女巫亲吻过的咒语破天而来、浇湿的誓言漉漉退场、我坐在海上补一张网、你伏在海底披星戴月的歌唱。
155. 泅渡一个世界、共一场生死。
156. 你掌心华丽的情色线条纠结进了谁的城池里欢声笑语。
157. 把爱写成兵临城下的不朽传奇、那么、你会不会不辞冰雪披荆斩棘地奔赴而来。 158. 把我们的故事刻在被风化的山墙上、路人看到的时候哭了。
159. 你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年、在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。
160. 用一千年的时间去爱你、再用一万年的时间去忘记。
161. 谁眼角朱红的泪痣成全了你的繁华一世、你金戈铁马的江山赠与谁一场石破惊天的空欢喜。
162. 下一世的情歌、把词交由你填、看看你仍旧是谁高高在上的王。
163. 橱窗里盛放的琳琅满目、是阜盛而过的年华栩栩生辉。
164. 那首情歌有关风月、却无关你我。
165. 如花美眷,也敌不过似水流年。
166. 路过的风景、有没有人为你好好收藏。
167. 我在漫天风雪的回忆里披荆斩棘、你却在哪一个的字典里演绎皈依。
168. 绘一场生死契阔的游戏、为我们的故事写一个结局。
169. 爱尔兰雪、土耳其蓝、莫斯科眼泪。我都收藏在小小的太阳里、还有晴天和微笑。波斯湾海、维也纳厅、阿拉伯传说。我都纪念在厚厚的相集里。还有七粉和公主。
170. 把悲伤掩饰得天衣无缝。
171. 为谁唱离歌、对谁说情话、给谁写天涯。
172. 谁用微笑假装自己不悲伤。
173. 把醉了的明天寄托在潘多拉的琴弦、浮沉余生虚伪地歌咏天上人间。
174. 是宿命的悲、还是轮回的痛。
175. 辗转在谁的年华谁的天涯。
176. 那一场盛世流年、我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。
177. 寂寞这么多、在承受的有几个。
178. 谁把谁的明媚尽收眼底、谁把谁的难过感同身受。
179. 有没有跟你说过爱是我不变的信仰、我有没有告诉过你爱就是永远把一个人放在心上。 180. 喜欢的歌、静静地听。喜欢的人、远远的看。
181. 过程和结局都有了、再去纠缠、连自己都觉得贪婪。
182. 悲伤自找的,幸福是你给的。
183. 怕冷的女子,心一定是凉的。
184. 守住的是仓皇而班驳的灾难、是用整个生命也敌不过的假象。
185. 如果有一双眼睛为我流泪、我愿意再次相信这个悲凉的人生。
186. 星星的故事、是陪你走在人海里、却不会让你走丢。
187. 舌间搁浅的妙蔓、是想为你舞一曲最后倾国倾城。
188. 繁杂的经历在眼角镌刻深深的纹、我转身雕下一朵花。
189. 我徒手唱歌、你弹奏的肖邦、却盲了我的眼。
190. 我流浪了那么久、还不想回家、因为你不在家、我便永远没有家。
191. 那些纠缠到深夜里的流言蜚语我不怕让你听到、也不怕让全世界听到。我是怕你听到了、并相信。
192. 只要心中有景、何处不是花香满径。
193. 那些上演着繁华不肯谢幕的年华里开出一朵地老天荒的花。
194. 来生我再来典当、来世我再来与你歃血为盟。
195. 爱你、给你我生命所有的美好、然后退场、让万花筒灿烂你的眼瞳。
196. 蔷薇开出的花朵没有芬芳、想念一个人、怀念一段伤、不流泪、不说话。
197. 始终在做着重复的两件事、爱他以及守护。
198. 嘘、我的伤才刚刚睡着。
199. 只为他放弃一座城池、在天光大亮的时候、奔赴一场或生或死的未知。
200. 我想看一场盛大的流行陨落的过程、我要一直不停许愿、许到沧海桑田瞬息万变直到靠近你微笑淡晴的脸。
201. 错过的年华在 北漠开出斑斓的紫薇花、却荒芜了轮回的春夏。
202. 你走过多少条街、会想起多少次我呢。
203. 一再的隐忍,一再的退让,却换来了盛宴上的谎言
204. 我把所有的伤心走一遍,最伤心的是你不在终点。我把所有的绝望走一遍,最绝望的是你还在起点。
205. 这年头,谁不是带着一箱子的面具走天涯?
206. 我只是难过不能陪你一起老,再也没有机会,看到你的笑。
207. 你我形同陌路,相遇也是恩泽一场。
208. 我祈望,在某个风光明媚的街角,我遇见你,然后遇见我自己...
209. 太爱自己,就很难相爱
210. 爱情,只是一种理想
211. 网恋是一种只能相爱却不能相守的情
212. 女人,别给男人太多的宽容
1. 2. 3. the World Cup. I was too weak to go to school so Every 4. 5. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.
6. 7. 8. does not mean your life is not So don’t the ’
9. ---The trouble is that I can’t find my shopping list. 10. ……
11. I’12. 13. by those women!
14. Asimov had an extraordinary imagination that gave him the ability to explore future present and the past.
15. 16. ’(作文
17. ’’ lives at all. ’s family.
18. She is halfway the preparation year, most foreign students complete before 19. the beginning. When I miss my family, it’be with. 20. I have work that I haven’t had time for I think it’s 21. 22. 23. 24.
25. 26. (作文句型)
27. 28. 29. 30. To make the crossing from Shandong to the Northeast, our ancestors
31. 32. (完全倒装)
33. Dolly’s appearance and the media and
34. aid that cloning could provide.
35. He when the procedure he had used to produce a mammal clone 36. 37. Dolly’
38. there is also the question whether human cloning
experiments should be allowed.
39. 40. to resist that disease great cloning a group of animals is that they would all have the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the same illness. Then none of them would be left to continue the species.
41. 42. can understand them. You might find this hard at first but it when you come to speak.
43. Do you know the every inventor must before they can 44. 45. 46. 47.
my successful idea by sending my invention to the patent office.
48. 49. There are a large number of patent examiners only job is to whether your 50. for a patent.
51. (鼓励自己去探索新生事物).
Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. 52. It was this exploring around problems and his that his most famous
53. Although he is most often the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a 54. I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company. I have the qualifications and
experience that you need for the personnel in your company. I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in your company.(作文句型,务必熟练背诵)
55. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Even a successful inventor makes many experiments that 56. His wish is He the quality of a person’s English his 57. ’(作文句型)
58. Nobody has the right to spit(吐痰) (作
59. (作文句型).
60. She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to his choice. she had
looked ahead and planned better this year!
61. stopped.快到达目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她停下来,不往前走了。 They are 62. Some people are considered great, their personalities. is Louis Armstrong, who is the most 63. look for a replacement.
64. A debate is an 65. .
66. .
67. 68.
反义:Lala’s spirits rose.
69. laughter 70. accept any physical limitation.
71. Every time Ashrita tries to break a record, he he feels he cannot physically do any more.
72. (感谢) 73. 74. Australia is a with tourists from all over the world who come to 75. These early settlers hard work and determination to succeed.
76. 77. Do you know how many advertisements you in your daily life? so
many messages from advertisers our daily lives, it is important to understand how 78. adverts are great for a product, but magazines and newspapers can give more detail. is, people are 79. 80. to the organization, and if the complaint is correct, the organization can make the company stop using the they can and not blindly accept everything that is said in believe it is their duty to educate students about advertising.
81. In the face of these shocking statistics, the WHO announced and invited governments around the world to join the campaign to encourage its citizens to and to take up some form of physical activity. There is much however, whether television advertisements are for childhood obesity. Your words have 82.
暖暖的灯光下,紧紧相拥的两人,是这个冬天最美的场景。。 。 暖暖的灯光下,甜蜜包围的两人,是这个新年最美的开始。。 。 暖暖的灯光下,爱情笼罩的两人,是这个世界最美的画卷。。 。 最美、最甜、最配,用在他们的身上永不贫乏,永不单调。。 。郑爽,一位有个性的 90 后女生 郑爽,一位在耀眼光环下的明星 郑爽,一位极其普通的大四学生 郑爽,每一位正版心中去守护的 angel 有人说,郑爽不值得这么多人去爱 其实,郑爽值得每一个人去爱,甚至全世界的人 不是因为她那饰演得活灵活现的人物 更不是因为她的个性,她的调皮可爱 值得每个人去爱的是因为 在她身上有很多的闪光点 值得我们每一个人去称赞 去学习世人看见的都是郑爽在电视荧屏以及舞台上的耀眼光芒 而不知道那位看上去弱不禁风的 90 后女孩 在那耀眼的光芒背后是付出了多少 因为她相信,只要她自己努力了,观众看得到的她,努力了,观众也看到了有的人说,郑爽太做作了 但你们知道吗? 郑爽其实也不想这样 但她既然选择了演艺这条路 现实让她这样,她也不能违背现实 所以,我们应该体谅她 还有的人说,刚出道不久的明星就耍大牌,有资格吗? 但你们知道吗? 她也是人啊 她也有血有肉啊 她也有发脾气的时候啊 这是每个人都必有的 生活中是难免会遇到不顺心的事难免也会发脾气没有人是能够天天用微笑待人的 所以,我们应该理解她 而不是去指责她有的时候,在指责别人的同时 换个角度去思考问题 就会理解到别人为什么这样做郑爽,不要去管其他的人怎么说 如果在做完每一件事情后 都能够问心无愧的对自己说 "我应经尽了自己的所能" 只要能够大胆的说出这一句话就行了因为这句话足以证明你已经做得很好了 也足以证明你已经努力了这样不管别人对你的否定 你都可以不在乎因为 你努力了郑爽,要做一个真实的自己 想欢笑,我们愿意和你分享想哭泣,我们愿意和你分担 想倾诉,我们每一个人都是你最真诚的听众用不着刻意的去做事情 更用不着去伪装自己 做真实的自己就行了我们都喜欢.都懂得去欣赏一位真实的人不会去喜欢懂得伪装自己的人 那样的人,只会让人觉得很虚假郑爽,在人生这漫长的路途中尽管有过坎坷 有过遗憾 但只要相信自己 机会.希望总是会有的 就像你无意中选去饰演楚雨荨的角色时我相信你一定意想不到吧这就是靠你的努力 换取的 机会 我相信你去饰演楚雨荨这个角色的决定是正确的毕竟 你是最合适的人选这个机会是你自己争取的 既然争取到了就应该大胆的去尝试不管这角色是否能给你带来好处郑爽让我们
记住一句话: 错过了太阳 不要哭泣否则将会错过月亮和星辰郑爽生活中不可能是一帆风顺的失败 就好似生活中的朋友 随时都可能遇到因此 很多人都害怕失败但只要你相信失败也是一种收获 失败能给予你自信你就不会害怕失败了就能把失败当做你前进的力量 这样就能越走越远我不是华丽的诗人 也不是杰出的作家 我只是想通过朴实的语句去大声赞美一位名叫郑爽的邻家女孩 郑爽,请你不要惧怕失败 郑爽,做真实的自我就行了 郑爽,抓住人生中的每一次机会 郑爽,全世界的人都爱你,都欣赏你,都会给予你鼓励 郑爽,请相信我们,我们永远都会陪伴在你的身边,都会爱爽一辈子2009 年的一场流星雨让他和她相识并成为朋友 2010 年的又一场流星雨让他和她的名字从此紧密的联系在了一起 2011 年的无极限让他和她彻底沦陷,从此有他的地方,一定会有关于她的话题 两年前的他性格沉稳而内敛;两年后的他性格变得开朗而阳光 两年前的她性格活泼而跳脱;两年后的她性格变得含蓄而温柔 两年前的他喜欢柔柔弱弱的女孩;两年后的他喜欢不会表达自己的女孩 两年前的她喜欢普通平凡的男孩;两年后的她喜欢用缘分去解释喜欢帅气的男孩 两年前的他婉拒她觉得自己配不上她;两年后的他会说我有足够的气场来保护她 两年前的她讨厌他觉得他总爱教育人;两年后的她会当着所有人的面说出我愿意 两年前去韩国的路上他形单影只;两年后无论他去哪都有她相伴 两年前在日本的跳楼机上她绝望哭泣;两年后在她面对飞刀时有他挡在身前 两年前快本中他会非常从容的和女生互动;两年后快本中他为了她宁愿选择男生 两年前快本中她会因他的手搭上肩而反感;两年后快本中她会为了他的家人捐献骨髓 渐渐地...... 他懂得了从此疼爱宠溺她;而她也明白了从此珍惜依赖他 有时候感情就是这样,当你认清它后,你会为了它而改变自己,两年的时间,不长也不短, 他和她的情感感染了越来越多的人, 让我们看到了在纷繁的演艺圈中那一丝意识的美好, 从 此追随,知道永远........冰块加油吧 流星划过夜空,翰爽在我心中~~~~·~~~~每当流星划过天际,你会想到什么; 是许下心愿,亦或是思念故人, 而我,只会想到两个名字:张翰、郑爽。 曾几何时, 他们是流星划过旷野里孤傲的慕容云海和坚强的楚雨荨; 他们是轻舞飞扬广场上机智的无极限和勇敢的小安; 他们是梦想成真舞台内执着的尹俊熙和柔情的崔恩熙; 他们是暮光之城童话中冷酷的爱德华和痴情的贝拉; 而现今,他们只是平凡而真实的张翰和郑爽!! 思念的距离有多远; 他们会用
彼此的默契告诉你七年的时光在这一时刻永久的失去了意义; 思念的潜力有多大; 他们会用彼此性格的转变让你明白情感的世界里没有“不可能”这一词; 你是否还记得回忆里的种种画面: 是否还记得,流一快本中那次酸酸的抱怨和流二快本中那次甜蜜的供喂; 是否还记得,鲁豫有约中那次深情的弯腰和畅游中国中那次认真的半跪; 是否还记得,天下女人中那谈及羞涩的吻戏和最佳现场中那各描一半的画心; 是否还记得,我是主角中那角色互换的表演和锋尚之王中那温馨甜蜜的走秀; 是否还记得,爱唱才会赢中那个夹照片的游戏和美丽俏佳人中那个披毛衣的动作; 是否还记得,快乐大本营中那拒绝众人的起因和茵佳妮现场中那不会表达的自评; 是否还记得,背后的故事中那意味深长的初恋感言和周日我最大中那句句回护的爱心提示; 是否还记得,娱乐无极限中那耐人寻味的连线爆料和给力星期天中那发自肺腑的气场宣言; 是否还记得,跨年夜里那一次次回眸和颁奖礼上的一次次携手; 是否还记得,深夜中的那一通温情电话和沙滩上的那一张亲密合影; 朋友,如果在你的生命中, 有一个男孩或女孩与你有过这么多回忆,你会忘记他(她)么?? 是的,不会忘记,就如永远不会忘记我们这个家和所有亲人一样, 我们会为了他们彼此的忧伤而忧伤,彼此快乐而快乐, 也许有一天我们都会渐渐成熟,从而离开这个家,去实践属于自己的人生角色, 但是我相信,多年以后,我们仍会回来,思念的距离会让我们回到这个曾今给我们带来温馨 与快乐的地方,因为这里藏着属于我们最最美好淡淡的回忆! ! 也许翰爽的故事并不精彩, 也许翰爽的低调让人遗憾, 但是我相信绝对会让我们这些陪伴他 们经历过一切的冰块们记忆一生! ! -------歌菲の翰爽我只是想说, 我们冰块并不是祈求每一个人都喜欢张翰郑爽, 每一个人都可以选择自己喜欢的偶像, 但是如果你不喜欢一个艺人, 你可以选择不关心她, 但是希望你不要去伤害她, 演艺事业只是一个艺人的工作, 一个人不可能十全十美, 做到人人都喜欢, 但是,我们难道不能多宽容些? 不喜欢可以放在心底, 这样诋毁别人, 可能有些过分吧, 小爽姐姐真的很善良单纯, 有些人说她做作, 其实我并不这么认为, 其实嘟嘟嘴啊什么的、发生在我们 90 后身上一点也不奇怪。 我们应该多关注艺人的事业, 支持你喜欢的明星, 你不喜欢的,请你也不要诋毁别人 这只是一个善意的忠告,应该不算过分冰块,一群普通,简单,善良的人,为了翰爽,走到了一起,走到了这个贴吧,我
们一起立 过誓言,会永远守护翰爽,永远不分开……所谓“冰块”: 冰块,听起来很冷,却在无形中多了有着多的纯洁。却很热情。 最初寓意是:翰=干旱、炎热 爽=凉爽、清凉 这两种 八竿子打不到一块 但是 这就有点像我们经常说的天使融化恶魔的心一样 这个世界上没有什么不可能 再远的距离 也会随着时间的推移慢慢靠近。所以 冰块 指爽结冻后 想让爽解冻 就只有翰才能帮他了 冰块现在的意思是寒霜(翰爽)的结晶,即使有一天会被空气蒸发.也会连成生命的共 同气体弥漫在翰爽的身边,看着他们幸福快乐的走下去.冰块是透明的,可以看清他们之间爱 的气息的生华,冰块是坚硬而纯洁的.幸福的定义是冰块的存在是有意义 冰块是纯洁的,心里的那份美好永远唱不停;冰块是透明的,可以看清他们之间爱 的气息的升华;冰块是坚硬的,我们执着在逆境中仍旧选择不放弃。我们永远是一家人,永 远守护翰爽,即使有一天会被空气蒸发,也会连成生命的共同气体弥漫在翰爽的身边,看着 他们幸福快乐的走下去。 幸福是什么? 幸福的定义就是我们冰块为翰爽的爱而存在是有意义 的。 没错,我们冰块遇到翰爽会化成温柔的水,遇到黑们我们会结成坚强的冰.心不会凉.不 管前方多么艰难 涐们冰块都在,涐们会围绕在翰爽身边, 永远支持他们. 默默关注他们.对他 们的爱不会变. 冰块是一个团结的整体。。 。 我们冰块是永远打不垮的! 冰块是透明的,我们对翰爽是永远真诚绝不隐瞒的~ 冰块,即使遇到烈火的燃烧,也不会融化,他们有着顽强的生命,和一生坚定不变 的爱 我们会陪着翰爽一直走下去,直到、永远~~ 冰块的梦”: 并不希望他(翰)和她(爽)是童话故事里的王子与公主,只是现实的期待有一天, 他勇敢的牵起了她的手,就算流言有一万万分倍,还是迎面向我们走来,诉说着“执子之手, 与子偕老”的甜蜜爱情。是的,我们就是要追求那种简单的幸福,付出也不怕…… “冰块的心”: 像纯白的颜色一样, 冰块有颗单纯善良的心。 对待事情, 面对生活, 有双简单而透明的眼睛。 我们冰块遇到翰爽会化成温柔的水,遇到黑们我们会结成坚强的冰,心永远不会凉,只为翰 爽而执着。 即使遇到烈火的燃烧, 也不会融化, 我们有着顽强的生命, 和一生坚定不变的爱。 在我们的心里,有一幅简单而又美好的蓝图,那里存储了关于他(翰)和她(爽)的一切美 好。我们心里有这些信念,坚持,我们会迎来春天的! “冰块的颜色”: 翰的代表色,是绿色;爽的代表色,是粉色;翰爽的代表色就是绿粉的交集,形成了一种有 如冰块一
样纯洁的白,白色中透着隐隐的七彩光照耀着他(翰)和她(爽)纯纯的爱。也象 征冰块单纯善良的心。这个颜色其实我们也商量了半天,最后定下来了,就是那纯洁的白色 冰块给翰爽的话: 我们的梦,你们听见了吗?我们的心,你们感受到了吗?我们的来由,你们真正明白 吗?还有那纯白的颜色,永远都会在绿、粉后面,低调的为你们撑起另一片天空。这就是我们的爱,单纯而又干净,有如你(翰)喜欢的那双清澈的眼睛,有如你(爽)喜欢的那张阳 光般微笑的脸! 我们永远在心底呼唤, 爱就要勇敢, 爱就要在一起! 我们一直都在支持你们, 加油!你们是最棒的! 就像某位亲的签名档那样,锅煤大胆去爱,冰块一直都在。你们勇敢去爱,我们会 做你们的后盾,前方在有绯闻,我们也陪你走过,我们一起加油!! !对翰爽说的话:我不是正版 我不是汉堡 但是我是冰块 翰翰我 love 你 但你不是我的最爱 爽爽我也 love 你 但你也不是我的最爱 但当你们站在一起是就让我不得不爱 你们仿佛就是命中注定 看到你们的第一眼我就知道你们会在一起 不是我会预知未来而是你们真的相配 同样害羞的你们是那么的相配 同样瘦弱的身体是那么的相配 同样白皙的肌肤是那么的想配 …… 我一直觉得 张翰并不完美 郑爽并不完美 俗话说 人都不会是十全十美 但当你们在一起时 却那么的完美 也许你们的不完美就是在等待对方的到来 来填补你们的不完美 我相信 你们会永远在一起守护着对方 你们会永远幸福快乐 你们只要守护对方就好 但不要忘记守护你们的还有我们一群冰块 ……有一种伟大叫做冰块, 他们单纯善良,他们是翰爽的粉丝,坚定不移的 信念,矢志不渝。 有一种宽容叫做冰块, 他们友好纯真,即使所谓的纯粉的无故诋毁, 也能一笑置之,大步向前。 有一种激情叫做冰块, 他们活泼朝气,一旦有了翰爽的消息,日以继夜 奋斗在微博,贴吧第一线,永不退缩。 有一种温暖叫做冰块, 他们也会受伤,也会愤怒,但在这个大家庭中,却从来 不缺乏温暖,呵护有加。 有一种纠结叫做冰块, 他们既期盼得到锅煤的消息,又怕打扰到两只的生活, 多么可爱,多么有爱。 有一种伤心叫做冰块, 他们既是正版,也是汉堡,殊不知在两家关系僵硬时,伤得最深的却是冰块,他们要伤两次心! 有一种无辜叫做冰块, 即使他们窝在自己的冰块家中,仍然有别人的指责, 即使他们是对的。 有一种团结叫做冰块, 他们互勉互助,该上的时候上,该撤的时候撤, 秩序井然,只为他们的翰爽。 有一种智慧叫做冰块, 他们理智淡定,一次次
1.神要是公然去跟人作对,那是任何人都难以对付的。 (《荷马史诗》)
6.大人都学坏了,上帝正考验他们呢,你还没有受考验,你应当照着孩子的想法生活。 (《童年》)
11.幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。 《(安娜·卡列尼娜》)
13.将感情埋藏得太深有时是件坏事。如果一个女人掩饰了对自己所爱的男子的感情,她也许就失去了得到他的机会。 (《傲慢与偏见》)
15.一个人并不是生来要被打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。 (《老人与海》)
18.我从没有爱过这世界,它对我也一样。 (《拜伦诗选》) 2.生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题。 (《哈姆霄特》) 4.认识自己的无知是认识世界的最可靠的方法。 (《随笔集》) 开你一样。虽然上帝没有这么做,可我们在精神上依然是平等的。
19.爱情应该给人一种自由感,而不是囚禁感。 (《儿子与情人》)
21.自己的行为最惹人耻笑的人,却永远是最先去说别人坏话的人。 (《伪君子》)
23.历史喜爱英勇豪迈的事迹,同时也谴责这种事迹所造成的后果。 (《神秘岛》)
25.如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? (《雪莱诗选》)
36、只要你是天鹅蛋就是生在养鸡场也没什么关系。《安徒生童话》 幸福,他们挥泪埋葬了自己在尘世间的希望,它却变成了种子,34.强迫经常使热恋的人更加铁心,而从来不能叫他们回心转意。性而言,爱只会自行消亡,任何计谋都难以使它逆转。《(十日谈》)
37、就投机钻营来说,世故的价值永远是无法比拟的。《死魂灵》 《好兵帅克历险记》
1、A scarce fierce bird can easily pierce a commercial boat with great force.
2、A mistake in staking can overtake you like an earthquake.
3、Handsome men are wholesome, though tiresome.
4、The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast
Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.
这些新近被描述的语言和得到充分研究的欧洲和东南亚地区语言往往差别显著, 以至有些学者甚至指责Boas和Sapir编造了材料。
5、As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful.
6、This passage appears to be a digest of a book review.
7、 With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation’s
news coverage, as well as listen to it.
随着 BBC(英国广播公司)全世界电视节目的开播,亚洲和美洲的数以百万计
8、The big city bewildered the old woman from the countryside. 大城市把乡下来的老奶奶弄糊涂了。
9、The saw a bizarre animal in the lake.
10、Her face beamed with joy.
11、The applauding shepherd in the yard cannot offer the hazard of laughing at the absurd landlord who has a sword in
his hand.
12、An agreeable fable comes from a noticeable cable which has been supposed to reliable and remarkable for an available
variable. The message has enable the preferable innumerable.
13、The experience as audience gives us both conscience and obedience which will then lead to our patience instead of
14、Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial
15、It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expression that
only obscure one’s meaning.
16、With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe
17、The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken.
18、The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.
19、Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability
to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.
20、Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs.
Billie Holiday’s 作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。
21. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality.
22、Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could
23、The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them.
24、Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations
that can be checked by others.
人类学是一门科学, 因为人类学家采用一整套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测
结果, 而这样记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的。
25、Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and
decomposes animal debris.
26、When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time.
27、Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as
Ohio and Illinois.
28、Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scape-goating.
29、The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil.
30、Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s
高中英语课文经典句子背诵 Ten sentences a day, keep your worries away
1.I hate hiking and I’m not into classical music.
2.I all the time and I like playing computer games.
3.Rock music is OK, and
4.Chuck is a businessman who is always busy he has little time for his friends.
5.One day Chuck is a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashes.
6.He realizes that he hasn’t been a very good friend because he 7.Chuck learns we need friends to share happiness and sorrow, and is important to have someone to care about.
8.When he makes friends with Wilson, he understand friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.
9.The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all the others have unusual friends is 10.I found the bathroom, but I didn’t find what I was looking for.
11.Don’tbuy me some ketchup on your way back.
12.There are more than 42 countries the majority of the people speak English.
13l, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue. 14.In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, many people speak English as a first or a second language.
15.In only fifty years, English into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.
16 so many people in English every day ,it will become to have a good knowledge of English.
17.For a long time the language in America stayed the same, the language in England changed.
18.In the same way Americans still use the expression ―I guess ―(meaning ―I think‖),justthe British did 300 years ago.
19.At the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages , with different words.
20.written English is more or less the same in both British and American English. 21.However,most of the time people from the two countries do not 22.Many people travel because they want to see other countries and visit places are famous, interesting or beautiful. 23.Many of today’s travelers are looking for an unusual experience and adventure travel is becoming more and more popular.
24.bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.
25.Hiking is fun and exciting, but you shouldn’t forget safety.
26.A raft is a small boat paddle down rivers and streams.
27.If you want a normal rafting trip, choose a quiet stream or river is wide and has few fallen trees or rocks.
28.The name ―whitewater ―comes from the fact the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly. 29.As with hiking ,you should always think about your safety and wear good
30.Jane and Betty are going separate holidays a few days’ time.
31.When are you to Guangzhou?
32.My plane at seven, so I think we’ll take a taxi.
33.See you when I back.
34.The next moment the first wave swept her down, 35.Now ,the water, and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees.
36.Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s face with 37.Flora, beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. 38. went down, by the water, must have been three meters deep.
39.The garden was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water.
40.I found some photos of interesting places Chengdu.
41.He told metrip to Leshan and Emei, wasn’t too expensive.
42.First,we went to Leshan, where we climbed the mountain to see the Buddha.
43.at the large feet makes you feel so small. 44.Wei Bin took photos of us in front of the Buddha.
45.Steven Spielberg, music teacher, was born in 1946 in a small town in America.
46.In 1959 Spielberg won a prize a film he made when he was thirteen years old.
47.The reason he could not go there was 48.Here he worked on a short film, him a job as the youngest film director in the world.
49.This was the moment Spieberg’s
career really took off.
50.It is about a big white shark attacks swimmers are spending their holidays in a small village by the sea. 51.Many people saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea they remembered the scenes people were eaten by the shark.
52.Spielberg has made two films about creatures come to the earth from outer space.
53.For example , ET(1982) is about a young boy Elliott makes friends with a small creature from outer space and helps him to find a way to go home.
54.Jurassic Park, Spielberg made in 1993,is about a park a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs. 55.In his war films, he has shown love and peace will win over war in the end. 56.Steven Spielberg is in the film industry and also has many fans in China.
57.When about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said he much of his success and happiness his wife and children.
58.He met Cate Capshaw, is an actress, he was working on one of his films.
59.After that it still took seven years they finally got married.
60.Mr Gao, of the Shuiquan Primary School, has to stay away for a month to take care of his sick mother.
61.The most important thing for young Minzhi is more pupils from the school---NOT ONE LESS—before Mr. Gao returns!
62.She tries to keep the students in the classroom them up in the classroom and escape.
63.Minzhi wants to go to town, but she can’t 64.She wants them to let her appear live on
the air, 65.Many people like this not just because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and themselves.
66.I guess it wasn’t really your fault, 67.People go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.
68.means knowing ,for example, how to use knives and forks, when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table.
69.The knife and fork that areyour plate are a little bit bigger than the ones beside them.
70.In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, ,however, is not the custom in Western countries.
71.someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch.
72.Although good manners always make you look good, you do not need to worry about all these rules dinner with your friends or family.
73.It is true many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.
74.We will do everything we canour city.
75.Pieces of the palaces had been hidden before the Nazis came could be used to build the city and its culture.
76. old paintings and photographs, the people of St Petersburg beauty of their culture and history.
77.Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.
78.Today Peter the Great on his bronze horse can once again the city he built.
79.of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.
80.Some of the games men completed were: running, jumping and wrestling.
81.In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, third of the competing countries.
82.Many of the Chinese medals were won and gymnastics and also in events such as weightlifting and shooting.
83. the history-making success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001 was not for a medal.
84.The people of Beijing. and of the whole country, to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world. 85.Wang Mei puts her hand into her pocket,
takes out her red cellphone and presses the talk key.
86.Cellphones, or mobile phones ,make possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.
87.New functions phones.
88.The latest cellphones have features such as games ,music and an electronic calendar will t appointments and important dates.
89.The students obey the rules and their phones in the classroom.
90.The answer seems to be we have a need to friends and family we are doing.
91. also makes us feel safer, of an emergency.
92.She says her cellphone helps her
doshe wants to do and still stay in touch with her parents and friends.
93.‖ I think it’s the most useful invention ever ―Wang Mei says is dialling the number to Xiao Li again to ask her what she to school tomorrow.
94.Wang Mei calls her best friend Xiao Li at least to see 95.Once,the earth was a beautiful blue planet people lived happily among trees and animals.
96.The human beings have been able to keep a small, secret school open the machines took over.
97.Now, the leader has asked a group of students to do what they canearth.
98.Instead, the students have decided to a peaceful solution.
99.Steve Jones is an environmental expert tries to animals and plants 100.We often talk about how important to take care of ourselves and our planet, but we don’t always do as we say.
101.Many of the earth’s plants and animals have already , and several other species are endangered.
102.If we want to live a better life and have a bright future, we must learn to act in ways do not harm other living things.
103.If we know more about causes endangerment ,we may be able to before it is too late.
104.A can become endangered for different reasons.
105.Animals and plants must have a habitat, or home, is comfortable and clean, and there is enough food and other resources.
106.They is ,they have learnt how to live successfully in their habitat.
107.Experts tell us we need to think
about what we can do to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered. 108.Professor Stevenson explainedthe students the milu deer had been very common in China a long time ago, but it disappeared during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
109.What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful musicis waiting for us. 110.People the blues for many years , but the music has kept many of its characteristics.
111.Hip-top music often combines parts of other styles to create music people hear new things in old music. 112.Latin music –music uses traditional styles from Latin America—has spread all over the world. 113.The blues from African songs people used to sing they worked and during festivals.
114.There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world, so the next time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t just look for Chinese or American music—open your ears to the sounds of the world.
115.They play music to desire.
116.They do not think how much money they can make from a song; instead, they sing for their emotions and live for music.
117.The process , however, is totally different .
118.You must who you want to succeed in the world –the magical world of Hogwarts and the real one.
119. they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind. 120.Our eating habits have changed, has our way of life, and the fuel we need for our bodies is also different.
121.If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and
how we eat.
122.When we choose what to buy and eat, we had better think whether the food will give us the nutrients we need.
123.Vitamins, which we can get from eating vegetables, fruit, fish and drinking milk, help our body fight disease.
124.Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe.
125.Organic vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or the environment.
126.Because we have so much to choose from, many companies and stores offer advice about what we should eat.
127.The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits.
128.Only in that way will we be ready fro the challenges and opportunities in life. 129.I am a little nervous about, because I am not sure how I should behave at the dinner table.
130.The week following Christmas Day, many African—American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.
131.Kwanzaa was born in 1966, when people created a new festival so that African Americans would be able to celebrate their history and culture.
132.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.
133.Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy, people celebrate it by lighting a candle each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
134.Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.
135.Peter played a trick on Carol and she wouldn’t talk to him for two days. They made peace after Peter treated her to a nice lunch.
136.It is a reminder that we need to care about the world we live in and that we should learn to respect life and nature. 137.The best trick is one that makes everyone laugh, including the ―fool‖. 138.Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a necklace of yours?
139.I can’t be the only woman who isn’t wearing jewellery.
140.I saw a lovely diamond necklace with a big blue stone in the center.
141.Pierre and I did have a very good time at the ball. But that was the last moment of happiness in our lives.
142.On our way home that night I looked down and saw that the necklace was not around my neck any more.
143.If we work together, we might come up with a very good story.
144.The student is on her way to school and she meets a girl that looks exactly like her.
145.IN the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin conducted a number experiments in which he showed what electricity is. 146.Having realized that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment.
147.When the first thunderstorm came, I took my condenser to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.
148.Tie the corners of the handkerchief to the points of the cross, and you will have a nice strong kite.
149.This ribbon, which must not get wet, will protect you from the electricity.
150.British law says that every new drug must be tested on at least two different kinks of animals, such as mice or dogs. 151.Scientists say that if a medicine works with animals, there is a very high chance that it also works with people.
152.There is no doubt that 100 years ago animal testing was cruel but today animals in experiments are very well taken care of.
153.It has often been said that life is
《四书五经 经典句子》
四书五经 经典名子