人物Rachel Carson篇一:20世纪最具影响力的100个人物
David Ben-Gurion 戴维·本-古里安
Ho Chi Minh 胡志明
Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔
Mohandas Gandhi 甘地
Mikhail Gorbachev 米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫
Adolf Hitler 阿道夫·希特勒
Martin Luther King 马丁·路德·金
Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini Ayatullah 霍梅尼
VI Lenin 列宁
Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊·曼德拉
Pope John Paul II 教宗若望·保禄二世
Ronald Reagan 罗纳德·里根
Eleanor Roosevelt 埃莉诺·罗斯福
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福
Teddy Roosevelt 西奥多·罗斯福
Unknown Rebel 王维林
Margaret Thatcher 玛格丽特·撒切尔
Margaret Sanger 玛格丽特·桑格
Mao Zedong 毛泽东
Lech Watesa 列赫·瓦文萨
Louis Armstrong 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗
Lucille Ball 露西尔·鲍尔
The Beatles 披头士
Marlon Brando 马龙·白兰度
Coco Chanel 可可·香奈尔
Charlie Chaplin 查理·卓别林
Le Corbusier 勒·柯布西耶
Bob Dylan 鲍勃·迪伦
TS Eliot 托马斯·斯特恩斯·艾略特
Aretha Franklin 艾瑞莎·弗兰克林
Martha Graham 玛莎·葛兰姆
Jim Henson 吉姆·汉森
James Joyce 詹姆斯·乔伊斯
Pablo Picasso 巴勃罗·毕加索
Rodgers &Hammerstein 罗杰斯与汉默斯坦
Bart Simpson 巴特·辛普森
Frank Sinatra 弗兰克·西纳特拉
Steven Spielberg 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格
Igor Stravinsky 伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基
Oprah Winfrey 奥普拉·温弗里
Stephen Bechtel 斯蒂芬·贝克特尔
Leo Burnett 利奥·伯内特
Willis Carrier 威利斯·开利
Walt Disney 华特·迪士尼
Henry Ford 亨利·福特
Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨
Amadeo Giannini 阿马迪奥·贾尼尼
Ray Kroc 雷·克罗克
Estee Lauder 雅诗·兰黛
William Levitt 威廉·李维特
Lucky Luciano 查理·卢西安诺
Louis B. Mayer 路易斯·梅耶
Charles Merrill 查尔斯·美林
Akio Morita 盛田昭夫
Walter Reuther 沃尔特·路则
Pete Rozelle 彼德·罗兹尔
David Sarnoff 大卫·沙诺夫
Juan Trippe 胡安·特里普
Sam Walton 山姆·沃尔顿Thomas J. Watson,
Jr. 小托马斯·J·沃森
Leo Baekeland 利奥·贝克兰
Tim Berners-Lee 蒂姆·伯纳斯-李
Rachel Carson 雷切尔·卡森
Francis Crick & James Watson 克里克和沃森
Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
Philo Farnsworth 菲洛·法恩斯沃思
Enrico Fermi 恩里科·费米
Alexander Fleming 亚历山大·弗莱明
Sigmund Freud 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德
Robert Goddard 罗伯特·戈达德
Kurt Gödel 哥德尔
Edwin Hubble 埃德温·哈勃
John Maynard Keynes 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯
Louis, Mary & Richard Leakey 路易,玛丽和理查德·利基
Jean Piaget 皮亚杰
Jonas Salk 约纳斯·沙克
William Shockley 威廉·肖克利
Alan Turing 阿兰·图灵
Ludwig Wittgenstein 维特根斯坦
Wilbur & Orville Wright 莱特兄弟
显示出无与伦比的勇气、无私、热情、风度或超越凡人能力的二十一人: Muhammad Ali 拳王阿里
The American GI 美国大兵
Diana, Princess of Wales 威尔士王妃戴安娜
Anne Frank 安妮·法兰克
illy Graham 葛培理
Che Guevara 切·格瓦拉
E. Hillary & T. Norgay 艾德蒙·希拉里和丹增·诺盖
Helen Keller 海伦·凯勒
The Kennedys 肯尼迪家族
Bruce Lee 李小龙
Charles Lindbergh 查尔斯·林德伯格
Harvey MIlk 哈维·米尔克
Marilyn Monroe 玛丽莲·梦露
Mother Teresa 特里萨修女
Emmeline Pankhurst 艾米琳·潘克斯特
Rosa Parks 罗莎·帕克斯
Pelé 贝利
Andrei Sakharov 安德烈·萨哈罗夫
Jackie Robinson 杰基·罗宾森 Bill Wilson 比尔·威尔逊
人物Rachel Carson篇二:著名人物英文名
凯撒 Caesar
荷马 Homeros
柏拉图 Platon
亚里士多德 Aristoteles
培根 Bacon
莎士比亚 Shakespeare
萨克雷 Thackeray
狄更斯 Dickens
歌德 Goehte
卢梭 Loescher
巴尔扎克 Balzac
大仲马 Dumas
雨果 Hugo
乔治桑 George Sand
波德莱尔 Baudelaire
福楼拜 Flaubert
左拉 Zola
莫泊桑 Maupassant
霍夫曼 Hoffman
施托姆 Storm
海泽 Heysen
尼采 Nietz
伦茨 Lenz
弗里施 Frisch
迪伦马特 Durrenm
哈谢克 Hasek
米沃什 Milosz
西默农 Simenon
艾略特 Eliot
王尔德 Wilder
奥威尔 Orwell
格雷厄姆?格林 Graham Greene
威尔逊 Wilson
默多克 Murdoch
艾米斯 Amis
梭罗 Thoreau
狄更生 Dickinson
马克·吐温 Mark Twain
欧·亨利 O'Henry
杰克·伦敦 Jack London
庞德 Pound
奥尼尔 O'Neill
福克纳 Faulkner
海明威 Hemingway
海勒 Heller
厄普代克 Updike
罗斯 Roth
博尔赫斯 Borges
罗瓦·阿特金森 Rowan Atkinson
布里吉特·巴多特 Brigitte Bardot
迪恩·凯恩 Dean Cain
朱尔·柯恩 Joel Coen
弗朗利斯·福特·柯博拉 Francis Ford Coppola
迈克尔·克瑞奇顿 Michael Crichton
多诺斯·德尔·罗伊 Dolores Del Rio
本尼休·德·托罗 Benicio Del Toro
居里 Curie
古腾堡(Johannes, 1400-1468, 德国活版印刷发明人)
斯大林 Stalin
黑格尔 Hegel
尼采 Nietzsche
曼德拉 Mandela
毕加索 Picasso 《格尔尼卡》(Guernica)
17斯坦贝克,美国小说家,John Steinbeck
18埃德加•爱伦•坡,美国作家,Edgar Allan Poe
19 阿瑟•柯南•道尔,英国小说家, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
20西德尼.谢尔顿,美国小说家,Sidney Sheldon
21 多斯•阳索斯,美国小说家,John Dos Passos
22库珀,美国小说家,James Fenimore Cooper
23梅尔维尔,美国小说家,Herman Melvill
24哈特,美国小说家,Bret Harte
25威廉•豪夫,德国童话作家,Wilhelm Hauff
26豪威尔斯,美国小说家,William Dean Howells
27欧•亨利,美国小说家,O. Henry
28华伦,美国小说家,Robert Penn Warren
29魏尔纳•冯•海登斯塔姆,瑞典诗人,Verner von Heidenstam
30比昂斯腾•比昂松,挪威戏剧家,Bjornstjerne Bjornson
31埃里希•马里亚•雷马克,德国小说家,Erich Maria Remarque
32诺贝尔,瑞典的化学家,Alfred Bernhard Nobel
33巴勃罗•毕加索,西班牙画家,Centre Picasso
34迪特里希•多纳,德国心理学家Dietrich Dorner
35达尔文 ,英国博物学家,Charles Robert Darwin
36爱迪生,美国发明家,Thomas Alva Edison
37爱因斯坦,德国发明家,Albert Einstein
38亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家, Aristoteles
39马克•吐温,美国小说家, Mark Twain
40柏拉图,古希腊哲学家, Platon( Plato)
41丹尼尔 笛福,英国作家,Daniel Defoe
42约翰 班扬,英国作家,John Bunyan
43弗朗西斯 霍齐森 班内特,英国作家,Frances Hodgson Burnett 44罗伯特 彭斯,苏格兰诗人,Robert Burns
45乔治 拜伦,英国诗人,George Byron
46霍尔 凯恩,美国作家,Hall Caine
47刘易斯 卡罗尔,英国作家,Lewis Carrol
48厄斯•儒略•凯撒,罗马政治军事家,Julius Ceaesar
49米开朗基罗 ,古罗马画家,Michelangelo
50弗朗西斯科•戈雅 ,西班牙画家,Francisco Goya
51阿美迪奥•莫迪里阿尼,意大利画家,Amedeo Modigliani
52迭戈•里维拉,拉美画家,Diego Rivera
53安迪•沃霍尔,美国画家, Andy Warhol
54埃尔•格列柯,希腊画家,El Greco
55杰克逊•波洛克,美国画家, Jackson Pollock
56文森特•凡•高 ,荷兰画家,Vincent van Gogh
57杰克•伦敦,美国作家, Jack London
60笛卡儿,法国科学家,Rene Descartes
61伊萨克•毕克曼,荷兰物理学家,哲学家,Isace Beekman
62拉格朗日,法国数学家,物理学家,Joseph-Louis Lagrange
63 阿伏加德罗,意大利物理学家、化学家 ,AmeldeoAvogardo,1776~1856 64帕斯卡,法国数学家、物理学家,Pascal,Blaise
65莱布尼兹,德国数学家,物理学家,Gottfriend Wilhelm Leibniz,
67汤姆生,英国物理学家,Joseph John Thomson
68多普勒•克里斯琴•约翰,奥地利物理学家及数学家,Doppler, Christian Johann 69昂利•贝可勒耳,法国物理学家,Henri Bacquerel
70高斯,德国数学家,Carl Friedrich
71摄尔修斯,瑞典物理学家,Anders Celsius
73库尔恰托夫,苏联物理学家, Kurchatov,Igori Vasilievich
74狄拉克,英国物理学家,Paul Adrie Maurice Dirac
75亨利•莫斯莱,英国数学家,Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley
76理查德•费曼,美国物理学家,Richard Feynman
77玻耳兹曼,德裔奥地利物理学家,Ludwig Boltzmann
78薛定谔,奥地利理论物理学家,Erwin Schrodinger
79斯蒂芬•威廉•霍金,英国物理学家,Stephen William Hawking
80 大仲马,法国作家,Alexandre Dumas l802~1870
81比尔盖茨,微软公司软件设计师,William (Bill) H. Gates
1居里夫人,法国国籍波兰科学家,Marie Curie(1867-1934)
2海伦•凯勒,美国盲聋女作家,Helen keller
3玛格丽特-米切尔,美国女作家,Mitchell, Margaret
4艾米莉•勃朗特,英国女作家,Emily Bronte
5夏洛蒂.勃朗特,英国女小说家,Charlotte Bronte,1816~1855
6安妮 勃朗特,英国女小说家,Anne Bronte
7 薇拉 凯恩,美国女作家,Willa Cather
8 简 奥斯丁,英国女作家,Jane Austen
9撒切尔夫人,英国保守党政治家,首相,Thatcher,Margaret Hilda
10盖比勒.缪特, 德国女画家, Gabriele Munter
11弗瑞达•卡洛,墨西哥女画家, Frida Kahlo
12安妮.塞克斯顿,美国女诗人,anne sexton
13西尔维亚•普拉斯,美国女诗人,Sivia pluen
14勃郎宁夫人,英国著名女诗人,Elizabeth Barrett Browning
15艾米莉.狄更生,美国诗人,Emily Dickinson
16阿罗约,菲律宾女政治家,Arroyo Gloria
17昂山素姬,缅甸女政治家,1991年诺贝尔和平奖获得者,Aung San Suu Kyi 18乔治亚娜•西加尔•琼斯,美国女科学家,试管婴儿之母,Jones
19蕾切尔•卡逊,美国生态学家,Rachel Carson,
20尼古拉耶娃,前苏联女钢琴家、作曲家,Tatiana Nidolayeva,
21诺夫斯卡,波兰女作曲家, Tekla Badarzewska-Baranowska (1834 - 1861) 22苔克拉•芭达捷芙丝卡,波兰女作曲家,钢琴家, (Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861),
人物Rachel Carson篇三:美国历史最具影响力一百人
1 Abraham Lincoln 林肯
He saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over America’s second founding.他挽救了联盟,解放了奴隶,并主持全美第二80.
2 George Washington 乔治?华盛顿
He made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king, but by declining to become one himself.他可能使美国不仅打败了国王,但下降成为自己.
3 Thomas Jefferson 杰佛逊
The author of the five most important words in American history: “All men are created equal.”作者五字美国历史最重要:"人人生而平等"
4 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 富兰克林?罗斯福
He said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” and then he proved it.他说,"我们唯一要担心的是怕自己",然后他证明.
5 Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大?汉密尔顿
Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation’s transformation into an industrial power.救死扶伤,银行家和政治科学家,他启动农业国转变为一个工业强国.
6 Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林
The Founder-of-all-trades— scientist, printer, writer, diplomat, inventor, and more; like his country, he contained multitudes.创始人--全行业的科学家、打印机、作家、外交家、发明家、更多;像他的国家,他载众多.
7 John Marshall 约翰?马歇尔
The defining chief justice, he established the Supreme Court as the equal of the other two federal branches.首席大法官的定位,他成立了最高法院作为平等的另外两联邦分行. 8 Martin Luther King Jr.马丁?路德?金
His dream of racial equality is still elusive, but no one did more to make it real.种族平等的梦想仍遥遥无期,但没有任何人更使它真正.
9 Thomas Edison 爱迪生?托马斯
It wasn’t just the lightbulb; the Wizard of Menlo Park was the most prolific inventor in American history.它不仅仅是lightbulb;男巫的加利福尼亚公园的多产发明家是美国历史.
10 Woodrow Wilson 威尔逊
He made the world safe for U.S. interventionism, if not for democracy.他对美国干涉世界的安全,如果不是民主.
11 John D. Rockefeller 约翰?洛克菲勒
The man behind Standard Oil set the mold for our tycoons—first by making money, then by giving it away.男子背后一套标准模具的石油巨子-先赚钱,然后给带走.
12 Ulysses S. Grant 尤利西斯?格兰特
He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; he also wrote the greatest political memoir in American history.他是一个贫穷的总统,但他总林肯需要;他还写道,在美国历史上最大的政治回忆录.
13 James Madison 詹姆斯麦迪逊
He fathered the Constitution and wrote the Bill of Rights.他的父亲写信宪法和人权法案.
14 Henry Ford福特 亨利
He gave us the assembly line and the Model T, and sparked America’s love affair with the automobile.他给我们的生产线及094笔,引来美国的汽车情缘.
15 Theodore Roosevelt 罗斯福
Whether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied the “strenuous life” and blazed a trail for twentieth-century America.是否缉捕或信托大厦运河,他体现了"艰苦生活",走出了一条二十世纪美国.
16 Mark Twain 马克吐温
Author of our national epic, he was the most unsentimental observer of our national life.民族史诗的作者,他是最冷酷的观察国家生活.
17 Ronald Reagan 里根
The amiable architect of both the conservative realignment and the Cold War’s end.随和的建筑师都保守重组和冷战的结束.
18 Andrew Jackson杰克逊18年家
The first great populist: he found America a republic and left it a democracy.第一大民粹:他发现了美洲和左一个民主共和国.
19 Thomas Paine 托马斯 潘
The voice of the American Revolution, and our first great radical.美国革命的声音,我们的第一大急.
20 Andrew Carnegie 安德鲁 卡内基
The original self-made man forged America’s industrial might and became one of the nation’s greatest philanthropists.原来自制男子伪造美国的工业力量,成为全国最大的慈善家.
21 Harry Truman 亨利杜鲁门
An accidental president, this machine politician ushered in the Atomic Age and then the Cold War.一个偶然,这种机器政治家开创原子能时代,然后冷战.
22 Walt Whitman ,惠特曼
He sang of America and shaped the country’s conception of itself.他唱得合众国形国观本身.
23 Wright Brothers 莱特兄弟
They got us all off the ground.大家拿到离地面.
24 Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大格雷厄姆 贝尔
By inventing the telephone, he opened the age of telecommunications and shrank the world.发明了电话,他开的年龄缩水电信和世界.
25 John Adams 约翰亚当斯
His leadership made the American Revolution possible; his devotion to republicanism made it succeed.他领导了美国革命;献身共和得很成功.
26 Walt Disney 迪士尼
The quintessential entertainer-entrepreneur, he wielded unmatched influence over our childhood.艺人精深的企业家,他执掌匹敌影响我们的童年.
27 Eli Whitney 惠特曼
His gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.他杜松子酒棉制帝国为国王和持续奴役.
28 Dwight Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔
He won a war and two elections, and made everybody like Ike.他赢得了一场战争,两次选举中,取得了大家喜欢的IKE.
29 Earl Warren 厄尔华伦
His Supreme Court transformed American society and bequeathed to us the culture wars.美国最高法院改变其社会留给我们的文化战争.
30 Elizabeth Cady Stanton 伊丽莎白卡迪
One of the first great American feminists, she fought for social reform and women’s right to vote.一个伟大的美国女性第一,她争取社会改革和妇女选举权.
31 Henry Clay 亨利克雷
One of America’s greatest legislators and orators, he forged compromises that held off civil war for decades.其中美国最大的立法者和演说,他妥协,举行过十年内战. 32 Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦
His greatest scientific work was done in Europe, but his humanity earned him undying fame in America.他最大的科学工作都是在欧洲,但他的人性为他赢得不朽的名声在美国. 33 Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生
The bard of individualism, he relied on himself—and told us all to do the same.巴德的个人主义,他靠的是自己,告诉大家这样做.
34 Jonas Salk
His vaccine for polio eradicated one of the world’s worst plagues.他根除小儿麻痹症疫苗是世界上最坏的瘟疫.
35 Jackie Robinson
He broke baseball’s color barrier and embodied integration’s promise.他打破职棒的壁垒,体现彩色一体化的诺言.
36 William Jennings Bryan 威廉吉布莱恩
“The Great Commoner” lost three presidential elections, but his populism transformed the country."大布衣"失去三个总统选举,但他的民粹主义的转化.
37 J. P. Morgan 摩根大通
The great financier and banker was the prototype for all the Wall Street barons who followed.大金融家和银行家是所有原型随同华尔街大王.
38 Susan B. Anthony 苏珊乙安东尼
She was the country’s most eloquent voice for women’s equality under the law.她是我国目前最有力的声音,妇女在法律上平等.
39 Rachel Carson卡森 雷切尔
The author of Silent Spring was godmother to the environmental movement. <寂静的春天>作者是环保运动的教母.
40 John Dewey 杜威
He sought to make the public school a training ground for democratic life.他力求
41 Harriet Beecher Stowe 的Harriet格尔斯托
Her Uncle Tom’s Cabin inspired a generation of abolitionists and set the stage for civil war.汤姆叔叔的鼓舞了一代舱,并为废奴内战.
42 Eleanor Roosevelt 罗斯福
She used the first lady’s office and the mass media to become “first lady of the world.”她用第一夫人办公室和大众传媒成为"世界第一夫人"
43 W. E. B. DuBois 特约e.乙杜波伊斯
One of America’s great intellectuals, he made the “problem of the color line” his life’s work.其中美国的大知识分子,他的"问题的彩色线"一生的工作.
44 Lyndon Baines Johnson 贝恩斯约翰逊
His brilliance gave us civil-rights laws; his stubbornness gave us Vietnam.他给我们光辉民事权利的法律;他给我们越固执.
45 Samuel F. B. Morse 塞缪尔莫尔斯乙六
Before the Internet, there was Morse code.在互联网上有莫尔斯码.
46 William Lloyd Garrison 威廉劳埃德驻军
Through his newspaper, The Liberator , he became the voice of abolition.通过他的报纸,解放者,继任呼声裁撤.
47 Frederick Douglass 道格拉斯
After escaping from slavery, he pricked the nation’s conscience with an eloquent accounting of its crimes.后逃离奴役,他刺激了民族的良知与辩才核算其罪行. 48 Robert Oppenheimer 奥本海默
The father of the atomic bomb and the regretful midwife of the nuclear era.原子弹之父的遗憾和助产士的核时代.
49 Frederick Law Olmsted 法检欧姆斯德
The genius behind New York’s Central Park, he inspired the greening of America’s cities.天才背后的纽约中央公园,他鼓舞了绿化美的城市.
50 James K. Polk 詹姆斯悦结论POLK
This one-term president’s Mexican War landgrab gave us California, Texas, and the Southwest.这其中任总统的美墨战争landgrab给加州德克萨斯、西南地区.
51 Margaret Sanger 霭桑戈
The ardent champion of birth control—and of the sexual freedom that came with it.冠军的殷切节育、性自由而来的.
52 Joseph Smith 约瑟夫史密斯
The founder of Mormonism, America’s most famous homegrown faith.mormonism创始人、美国最知名的本土信仰.
53 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. 霍姆斯保守派苦海wendell
Known as “The Great Dissenter,” he wrote Supreme Court opinions that continue to shape American jurisprudence.被称为"伟大的异议",他写的意见,最高法院判例美国继续形状.
54 Bill Gates 盖茨
The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike.洛克菲勒的信息时代,在商业和慈善事业一样.
55 John Quincy Adams 约翰-昆西亚当
The Monroe Doctrine’s real author, he set nineteenth-century America’s diplomatic course.门罗主义的真正作者,他提出19世纪美国的外交历程.
56 Horace Mann 贺拉斯?曼
His tireless advocacy of universal public schooling earned him the title “The Father of American Education.”不知疲倦就学赢得公众宣传普及标题"美国教育之父"
57 Robert E. Lee 罗伯特李e.
He was a good general but a better symbol, embodying conciliation in defeat.他是一名好美好的象征,但一般体现在调解失败.
58 John C. Calhoun 约翰丙卡尔洪
The voice of the antebellum South, he was slavery’s most ardent defender.内战前南方的声音,他被奴役的最纯朴的维护者.
59 Louis Sullivan沙利文 路易
The father of architectural modernism, he shaped the defining American building: the skyscraper.现代主义建筑之父,他塑造的界定美国建筑:摩天大楼.
60 William Faulkner 福克纳
The most gifted chronicler of America’s tormented and fascinating South.最天才日记美国南折磨,引人入胜.
61 Samuel Gompers 塞缪尔gompers
The country’s greatest labor organizer, he made the golden age of unions possible.我国最大的劳务组织者,他的黄金时代工会播出.
62 William James 威廉詹姆斯
The mind behind Pragmatism, America’s most important philosophical school.后面的实用主义态度,美国最重要的哲学学校.
63 George Marshall 马歇尔乔治
As a general, he organized the American effort in World War II; as a statesman, he rebuilt Western Europe.作为一般,他组织的努力,美国在第二次世界大战;作为一个政治家,他改建西欧.
64 Jane Addams 阿珍addams
The founder of Hull House, she became the secular saint of social work.船体内部的创始人,她成了圣世俗社会工作.
65 Henry David Thoreau 亨利大卫梭罗
The original American dropout, he has inspired seekers of authenticity for 150 years.原来美洲辍学,他授意求职真实性一百五十年.
66 Elvis Presley 猫王
The king of rock and roll.摇滚天王. Enough said.够.
67 P. T. Barnum 第汤匙barnum
The circus impresario’s taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV.impresario马戏团的口味眼镜铺平风靡一时的电视影片和现实. 68 James D. Watson 理丁沃森
He codiscovered DNA’s double helix, revealing the code of life to scientists and entrepreneurs alike.他codiscovered的DNA的双螺旋,显现出生命的科学家和企业家实务乐趣.
69 James Gordon Bennett 詹姆斯治疗Bennett戈登
As the founding publisher of The New York Herald , he invented the modern American
人物Rachel Carson篇四:设计结合自然
本书得到华盛顿特区1967年保护基金会的赞助 在过去的十年里,许多杰出的人士给我和我的学生们写了许多信,是他们的许多想法构成了本收的理论,但书里的错误和他们无关。因为人数太多了不能在这里一一提到,但某些人的名字必须记下来--马斯顿.贝茨(Marston Bates)、哈罗德.布罗姆(Harold Blum)、杰克.卡尔霍恩(Jack Calhoun)、温锡占(Wing Tsit Chan)、约翰.克里斯琴(John Christian)、卡尔顿.库恩(Karleton Coon)、F.弗雷泽.达林(F.Fraser Darling)、爱德华.迪维(Edward Deevey)、伦纳德.杜尔(Leonard Duhl)、巴罗斯.邓纳姆(Barrows Dunham)、洛伦.艾斯利(Loren Eiseley)、杰克.福格(Jack Fogg)、戴维.哥达德(David Goddard)、卢纳.利奥波德(Luna Leopold)、刘易斯.芒福德(Lewis Mumford)、罗伯特.麦克阿瑟(Robert McArthun)、霍华德.内梅罗夫(Howard Nemerov)、镥思.帕特里克(Ruth Patrick)、A.M.M.佩恩(A.M.M Payne)、莫尔斯.佩卡姆(Morse Peckham)、威廉.普罗瑟罗(William Protheroe)、保罗.蒂利希(Paul.Tillich)、安东尼.华莱士(Aanthony Wallace)、艾伦.活茨(Alan Watts)、埃德加.T(Edgar T)、惠里(Wherry)和哥登.沃尔曼(Gordon Wolman)。
在本书中发表的许多研究方案是最初称为华莱士、麦克哈格联合事务所(Wallace,McHarg Associates)和以后称之为华莱士、麦克哈、罗伯茨和托德联合事务所
(Wallace,McHarg,Roberts and Todd)的专业事务所的成果。格林.斯普林和沃辛顿河谷地区的研究是前者完成的,而斯塔滕岛,里士满公园路,华盛顿和一部分波托马克河流域的研究是由后者做的。我愿说明一下,这些都是全体工作人员合作的成果,我愿由衷地感谢我的合作者:戴维.A.华莱士博士(Dr.David A, Wallace)、威谦.H.罗伯茨先生(Mr.William H.Roberts)和托马斯.A先生(Mr.Thomas A)以及我的同事和工作人员。
大城市绿色空间的研究项目是在宾夕法尼亚大学城市研究院(现在的环境研究院)的赞助下进行的。这个项目聘请了戴维.A.华莱士博士,威廉.H.罗伯茨先生、安尼.路易丝.斯特朗女士(Mrs.Anne Louise Strong),和威廉.格里格斯比先生(Mr.Willian Grigsby),(他们都参加了格林。斯普林和沃辛顿河谷地区的研究),还有安东尼.托马辛纳斯博士(Dr.Anthony Tomazinas)和诺哈德图尔隆博士(Dr.Nohad Toulon)。
我在宾夕法尼严大学的几位同事提出了有价值的意见和批评,特别是比翰.V.菲利普斯博士(Dr.John V.Phillips),杰克.麦哥米克博士(Dr.Jack McCormick),尼古拉斯.米伦伯格博士(Dr.Nicholas Muhlenberg)和雷金纳德.沙甘博士(Dr.Reginald Shagam)。 某些委托人允许我复制某些研究产生的材料--纽约市公园局(New York City Department of Parks)的奥古斯特.赫克舍先生(Mr.August Heckscher)、首都规划委员会的伊丽莎白.罗女士(Mrs. Elisabeth Rowe)、格林.斯普林和沃辛顿规划委员会(The Green Spring and Worthington
和住房和城市发展部(the Department of Housing and Urban Development)
的威廉.C.麦克唐纳尔先生(Mr.William C.McDonnell)。
琼.迪金森女士(Mrs Joan Dickinson)在本书写作过程中,在编辑工作方面提供大量帮助。塞尔马伊姆施维莱尔小姐(Miss Thelma Imschweiler)负责全部秘书工作,还有南希.J.查维斯女士(Mrs. Nancy J.Chavis)和艾琳.奥尔特曼女士(Mrs. Eileen Altman)做这项工作.拉万德拉.班(Ravindra Bhan)绘制了许多图,查尔斯.迈耶斯(Charles Meyers)摄制了许多照片,他们俩人和德里克.萨特芬(Derik Sutphin)画了大部分图表,还得利.特恩布尔(Turnbull)、特拉蒙德(Drummond)、迪克特(Dickert)、内维尔(Neville)、和格雷(Grey)诸位先生的帮助。纳伦德拉.居内加先生(Mr.Narendra Junej A)监督了这里发表的几个研究--里士满花园路,斯塔滕岛和华盛顿--并和我一起设计和完成了这本书。
印刷负责人,费城的福尔肯出版社的尤金。费尔德曼先生不仅提供了非常宝贵的服务还提出有价值的建议,我的妻子,波林(Pauline),充当了这一并不是企业的业务经理。 我以无限的感激之情,给于所有这些人以衷心的感谢。
目 录
绪 言
城市与乡村 --沙丘的形成与新泽西海岸的研究
困 境--东西方对人与自然的关系的态度
模子和囊膜 --环境和环境的形成
大城市地区内的自然 --费城大城市地区开放空间和空气库的研究
视发展过程为价值 --纽约斯塔滕岛环境评价研究
流域 --波托马克河流域的研究
大城市地区 --华盛顿西北部地区自然要素和土地利用的研究
城市:发展过程和形式 --华盛顿特区的分析研究
至少从西方的传统来说,自希波克拉底(Hippocrates,公元前460-375,希腊著名医生、有医学之父的美名-译注)的医学名著<<空气、水和场地>>开始,第一次公开承认:人的生命,无论生病还是健康,都是和自然力量息息相关的;自然是不可抗拒和征服的,倒是必须了解它的规律,尊重它的忠告,把它当作盟友来对待。<<设计结合自然>>是这以后少数这类重要的收籍中的又一本杰出的著作。这种西方传统的某些方面以后由医学界继续保持下去,因为人只要无知地违返了自然规律,很快就会受到身心失调的惩罚;但是,虽然努力去克服流行病和传染病有时会取得很小一点环境改善,但这种防治措施没能在人及其环境之间建立一个健全的动作关系,而这种关系却能为维持和提高人类生活而正确地发挥所有潜在的可能性。尽管自然早已有很多警告,但是对自然环境的污染和破坏还在继续向深度和广度发展,三年来并没有唤起足够的反响; 当工业化和城市化改变了人类的生存环境,也就是仅在近半个世纪以来,才系统地作出了努力,去探求组成一个平衡的和自我更新的环境,它包含人类生物的繁荣,社会合作,精神鼓舞等所有必须的成分。
这方面的工作,冠之以科学名,则称作“生态学”;这门学问把自然的许多方面集合起来,就必然地问世较晚。伊恩。麦克哈格不仅是个受过专业训练的城市规划师和风景建筑师,更适当地可以称之为有灵感的生态学家:他不仅从生态学外部的有利地位来观察所有的自然和人的活动,还作为一个参加者和一个行动者从内部来考察这个世界,他对冷漠的、枯燥的和暗然无色的科学世界作出了特殊的贡献,使较高级的哺乳运动,首先是人类,从所有的其它生物中区别出来:具有鲜明的特色和热情、感情、感觉、敏感性、情欲和美的享受--所有这些使人的头脑得到最充分的发展,大大地超过了计算机,或者超过了那些把自己局限于计算机限度内的狭隘的头脑。这本书的优点不只是有关的科学资料十分丰富,而且“读其书、知其人”。作为一个老朋友和钦慕的同事,我甚至可以加一句:真是一位杰出的人物。 作为一个有才能的生态规划师,麦克哈格不仅知晓,从北京人学会使用火的时候起,在地球的面貌过程中人经常起破坏作用;他同样知道,(许多人最后才知道)现代技术由于轻率和不加思考地应用科学知识或技术设施,已经损坏了环境和降低了它的可居住性。他有必要点点滴滴地扼要重述这可怕经历的每一个部分:杀虫剂、除草剂、洗涤剂和其它化学污染、放射性废弃物等这条阴暗的洪流。正在无形中不仅直接破坏人的生命、而且破坏所有和人合作的物种,这些物种的健康是与人类自己的生存相关的。假如这本书以麦克哈格的不可比拟的方式,仅扼要重述这个信息,也一定是有价值的;而这本书是大量的其它当代出版物的又一力作。这些出版物有的是专著,如雷切尔.卡森的<<沉寂的春天>>(Rachel Carson's Silent Spring)、有的是专题论文集,如<<北美未来的环境>>(Future Environments of North America),麦克哈格自己也曾为该书撰稿。
人们无法预言象这样一本收的命运。但是从这本书的内在的优点来说,我愿所它和至今仅有的性质相同的少数几本著作并列在一起,这些著作自希波克拉底开始,包括象亨利.索罗(Henry Thoreau)、乔治.珠金斯.马什(George Perkins Marsh)、帕特里克.格迪斯(Patrick Geddes)、卡尔.索尔(Carl Sauer)、本顿.麦凯(Benton Mackaye)和雷切尔.卡森(Rachel Carson)等人的重要经典著作。这不是一本匆促阅读随丢开的书;而是一本常备的、需要慢慢理解吸收,随着你自己的经验和知识的增加,你将随时再翻阅的书。虽然它是一本号召行动的书,但它不是为那些相信“应急计划”或紧急方案的人写的,它是在已有的地面上铺下的一条新的坚实的道路。书里说的是文明世界的基础,它将取代污染的,推土机推倒一切的,机器支配一切的,推动人性的,受核爆炸威胁的世界,这个世界现在正在我们的眼前崩溃和消失。作者通过生态学和生态的设计,向我们展现了一幅有机体得到繁荣和人类得到欢乐的图画,麦克哈格唤起了人们对一个更美好的世界的希望。如果没有象麦克哈格这样的人们的热情、勇气和深信无疑的技能,这种希望可能会变得暗淡和永远消失。
刘易斯.芒福德(Lewis Mumford)
波林阿利斯泰尔和马尔科姆(Pauline, Alistair and Malcolm)和那些帮助我使本书民的人--拉塞尔.特雷恩和保护基金会(Russell Train and The Conservation Foundation),刘易斯.芒福德(Lewis Mumford),纳伦德拉.居内加(Narendra Juneja),和尤金.费尔德(Eugene Feldmahn)。
城 市 与 乡 村
向北看,起伏的农田蜿蜒到老基尔帕特里克丘陵,消失在遥远的坎西斯山的紫霞中。 在我的童年和青年时期,从我家出发有两条畅的道路,一条逐渐伸向城市,最后到达格拉斯哥;另一条则深入到农村,最后到达茫茫的西部高原和岛屿。
到格拉斯哥去条下坡路,很快就能达到克醚德的船坞与工厂,人们在这里通过造船实现他们的理想并把它看作是种骄傲。沿这条路是无穷尽的连续不断的四至六层的低标准住房,曾经是红色的沙石建筑,现在成了黑色的了。屋上的冒着燃煤散发的灰绿色的硫磺烟雾。十英里长的街面上布满了小商店和小酒店。无论有多好的阳光和社交活动,对这条街的面貌也起不到补救作用。这儿的人是很有勇气和厚道的,但是他们几乎看不到自己的这种优点。在城市的尽端你也许能找到各种愉快的事情,但在去格拉斯哥析路上和城市的大部分地区是找不到使人愉快的怕,到处充满了航脏、灰沙、贫困,呈现出一片难以形容的沮丧和凄凉景象。 另一条路线的情况是逐年增加了解的,每年我要向外多走几英里。但最初的经历是从家门口附近开始的。这里可以看到茁壮的克莱德名马,带斑纹的艾尔郡奶牛,率先开放红罂粟花与介子花的小麦与大麦田,牛棚与马厩,长满了黑刺莓和野玫瑰的山楂树篱。
人物Rachel Carson篇五:Carson McCullers
人物Rachel Carson篇六:Issue--奇奇怪怪的名人事例
·路德维希·维特根斯坦 Ludwig Wittgenstein (philosopher)
维特根斯坦自幼跟随兄姊在家里接受教育,然而家庭教育的结果却无法使其达到正规高中的接纳标准。直到1903年在通过入学考试后前往林茨的一所以技术著称的中学学习,与阿道夫·希特勒同学,不过尚未有确凿的证据表明这两位重要人物有过任何深入的交往。 和一些伟大人物一样,维特根斯坦在中学的成绩并不好,大都处于中下水平,在度过了三年的不愉快后,更带着高考的落败离开了这里。(not all genius are high-mark takers) 少年路德维希爱好机械与技术,十岁时就制出过一台简单实用的缝纫机。其最初的志向在于物理学,曾经渴望师从著名物理学家玻尔茨曼,然而,后者于1906年自杀,使得维特根斯坦的希望毁于一旦。随后维特根斯坦又立志成为一名工程师。1906年,维特根斯坦前往学习机械工程。1908年,进入英国攻读航空工程空气动力学学位。期间,为了彻底搞清螺旋桨(screw propeller)
写的《数学原理》(Principia mathematica)(interest is the best mentor)以及戈特洛布·弗雷格的《算术基础》。在1911年夏天拜访了弗雷格后,维特根斯坦听从了这位逻辑学家的推荐,前往英国剑桥大学三一学院问学于罗素门下,后成为英国哲学家罗素的学生兼好友,罗素称这场相识是他一生中“最令人兴奋的智慧探险之一”。
维特根斯坦具有极为深厚的文化素养,对人类生存本质有着深刻的感知。早年维特根斯坦家族有着浓厚的艺术文化氛围,父亲卡尔•维特根斯坦是长期的艺术捐助商,勃拉姆斯、马勒等是这个被音乐充满的家庭里的常客。维特根斯坦家族成员中音乐天赋不算突出的路德维希其单簧管演奏也很有造诣,同样,被认为是有书面表达障碍的维特根斯坦的文笔却也十分精湛。(inherent talent/humanistic learning can be conducive to the further study of the STEM subjects)
·马克·扎克伯格 Mark Zuckerberg
(computer scientist, software developer, philanthropist慈善家 and creator of Facebook)
① Success does bring about wealth, while in most cases, it finds its origin from innovative thinking and a strong desire to better promote the society as a whole.
② A generally-believed “successful figure” has to confront something really dark in their path towards further prime. In Zuckerberg’s case, it was his broken brotherhood with his accomplice, which even turned out to be a litigate event that he had to struggle with.
③ In the booming era of internet and information, especially with the thriving tide of Web 2.0, a hero can rise in an untraditional and even grotesque way.
·乔姆斯基 Noam Chomsky
(linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and political activist)
① A responsible intellect should be concerned about the development tendency of his or her own country. When the democratic system is jeopardized, it’s the intellectuals’ obligation to admonish the public about the potential menace, especially one cast by the government itself. Intellectuals should always be vigilant to the danger of becoming the puppet of the government. Instead, they are anticipated to be the beacon of the era, an independent force that can in most extent restrain the behavior of the
② The freedom of speech should be guarded by the intellectuals who are best aware of the potential jeopardy that threatens the democracy constantly/from time to time.
·蕾切尔·卡逊 Rachel Carson
(Marine biologist and nature writer)
Key words: silent spring/synthetic pesticides←
·Brought environmental concerns to an unprecedented portion of the American public
·Spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy-leading to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides
作为当时已经是一位有世界影响的科学家,她能够得到著名的生物学家、化学家、病理学家和昆虫学家的帮助,她掌握了许多由于杀虫剂、除草剂的过量使用,造成野生生物大量死亡的证据,但她以更文学化的、更生动的方式写出来,写这本书她用了4年时间,其间她得了乳腺癌(breast cancer)(overcome diseases and
obstacles on the way to success)。这本书尚未出版,她就受到了以杀虫剂等化工产品生产商为首,和受到农业部支持的各种媒体的攻击,骂她是“一个歇斯底里的妇女”(A hysterical woman)(overwhelm the slander and impediments from media and government/A responsible intellectual)。1962年《寂静的春天》正式出版后,许多大公司施压要求禁止这本书的发行,但没有成功,反而在社会上引起更大的反响,卡逊收到了几百封要求她去演讲的请柬,这本书成为美国和全世界最畅销的书。
·怀特海的教育学理论 Pedagogy of Whitehead 1. 普通教育与专业教育(General Education & Professional Education)
人物Rachel Carson篇七:词汇练习之十选九及完型
So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught and schools should stop trying to do the impossible”.
Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They in kind and function. The function of teaching is to the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also a public activity. It can be seen and observed.
Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that is not open to public examination.
If teacher and learner roles are not , what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the exploring for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching . “Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children.”
When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfill them , then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.
III. Reading Comprehension
To advertise effectively today, you must abandon the old-school idea of “reaching the masses”. All advertising is local and personal. The key to effective advertising today is to focus on the Some are the ways every advertiser could work out. You can print a specific offer of your goods or service on door-hangers and place them on doorknobs in your area. Door-hangers on doorknobs will produce results in direct about the strength of your offer. If you need to reach the drivers, flyer (宣传单) under windshield (挡风玻璃) wipers may have better effect than door-hangers. Imagine, how if you hire someone to be a walking ad or launch a T-shirt advertising, , you can print your products on T-shirts of your . In the early 1970s “Hamp Baker says Drive with Care” was spray-painted on cars, which was a public service ad. Ever since, spray-painted sign has become more and more .
More grand ways are as follows: virtual showroom. Build a website to a virtual showroom. Use it when people call to ask about your company, your products or your services. Also you can even use an old slide projector to put on a nighttime show. They’re effective, and in the long run, cheap. Nothing is quite as powerful as a public that seizes the public’s attention. You can invite a band to give a performance. , you can hire famous models to show it vividly.
Nothing screams “expert” quite as loudly as a book written about a subject. You simply can’t the power of your name on the cover of a book. You might only sell a few copies online, but the copies you give away in your town will make you a fortune. You won’t make money on the book. You’ll make it because of the book.
Of course, word-of-mouth is the best way to promote your Friends and past customers recommend your products to their family, friends and colleagues. Word-of-mouth works because the is based on previous positive experiences.
50. A. content 51. A. strange
B. product B. common
C. individual C. amusing
D. style D. perfect
52. A. description 53. A. stupid 54. A. that is
B. decision B. funny
C. discussion C. impressive C. as a result C. consumers C. popular C. stand for C. salary
D. permission D. ridiculous D. generally speaking D. employees D. meaningless D. keep off D. details D. occasionally D. performance D. To be exact D. overuse D. business
B. first of all B. employers B. valueless B. serve as
55. A. customers 56. A. expensive 57. A. refer to 58. A. location
B. business-hours B. consequently B. sport
59. A. unbelievably 60. A. speech
C. accidentally C. debate
61. A. For example 62. A. create
B. Moreover B. change
C. However C. imagine
63. A. production 64. A. information
B. friendship B. relationship
C. management
C. pronunciation D. achievement
At the age of 25, Lance Armstrong was one of the world’s best cyclists. He proved it by winning several World Championships. It seemed that his future was bright. However, he was told that he had testicular (睾丸)cancer, the most cancer in men aged 15--35. If detected early, its cure rate is a promising 90 percent.
Like most young, healthy men, Lance the warning signs, and he never imagined the seriousness of the condition. Going untreated, the cancer had spread to his lungs and brain. His chances . He had to follow the doctor’s instructions. Then a combination of physical conditioning, a strong support system and spirit took over. He declared himself not a cancer victim but a cancer and the treatment. Armed with knowledge and confidence in medicine, he underwent treatment and beat the disease.
During the treatment, before his Lance Armstrong Foundation for people living with cancer. His victories are inspiring, but his think cancer could not affect them. He plans to lead his fight, and he hopes that you will join him.
This is a life he to cancer. This is his choice to live strong. III. Reading comprehension
Rachel Carson, a biologist, grew up wanting to become a writer. Her mother taught her to
appreciate nature and encouraged her growing interest in zoology. In 1951, she published The Sea Around Us, which was an immediate and won the National Book Award. This book, and her next, The Edge of the Sea, made her famous as a naturalist. A main theme in her works was the that human beings are part of nature. ,she believed that humans carried a great because they had the power to change the environment. Her most influential book, Silent Spring, warned against the abuse (滥用)of the power. In Silent Spring, Carson the use of chemical pesticides, particularly DDT. She argued that DDT had agricultural productivity but killed various plants and animals along with insect pests.
Silent Spring caused a big stir. The chemical industry vigorously, arguing that Carson confused the issues and left readers to sort fact from fancy. The public was not persuaded by this attack. So great was national that a special presidential advisory committee was pesticides. Eventually DDT was banned in the US, and other chemicals were controlled more It was not only DDT that worried people. They became more of poisonous fumes in the air, oil spills on the beach and polluted wastes buried in the ground. In the mid-1960s, President Lyndon Johnson addressed environmental concern as part of the Great Society. Johnson hoped for an to the senses and healthy to live in. lawmaking was part of his broader reform program.
50. A. failure 51. A. dream 52. Furthermore
53. A. advantage
B. priority
C. influence
D. responsibility
54. A. supported 55. A. damaged 56. A. fought over
57. A. easy 58. A. concern 59.A. registered 60.A.
B. unknown B. warning B. dismissed B. effective
C. unable C. lawmaking C. concluded C. actual
D. eager D. passion D. appointed D. temporary
B. attacked B. achieved B. fought back
C. changed C. increased C. gave in
D. predicted D. limited D. gave up
B. bestseller B. wonder B. Therefore
C. contribution C. belief C. However
D. honor D. mystery D. Thus
61.A. officially 62. A. free 63. A. pleasing 64. A. Health
B. loosely B. conscious B. favorable B. Environment
C. strictly C. ignorant C. stable C. Publishing
D. frequently D. innocent D. convenient D. Agriculture
(三) Section B(9分)
Directions: Complete the passage with the words given in the table. Each word can be used only once. There is an extra one that you will find no use for.
As is known to all, the organization and management of wages and salaries are very complex. Generally speaking, the Accounts Department is __41__ for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is interested in discussions with the employees about pay.
If a firm wants to __42__ a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firm should decide on a __43__ of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be __44__, that new pay structure will need agreement between Trade Unions and employers. In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description. Each of those requirements is given a value, usually in "points", which are __45__ together to give a total value for the job. For middle and higher management, a special method is used to evaluate managers on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their __46__ to solve problems. Because of the difficulty in measuring management work, however, job grades for managers are often decided without __47__ to an evaluation system based on points.
In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should __48__ the value of each job with these in the job market. __49__, payment for a job should vary with any differences in the way that the job is performed. Where it is simple to measure the work done, as in the work done with hands, monetary(货币的) encouragement schemes are often chosen, for indirect workers, where measurement is difficult, methods of additional payments are employed. Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension(50分) Section A Cloze(15分)
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,
B,C or D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The "standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces. A country's standard of living, ________(50), depends on its capacity(生产力) to produce wealth. 'Wealth" ________(51)this sense is not money, for we do
人物Rachel Carson篇八:一书记实
<寂靜的春天(Silent Spring)>一書記實
寂寞的春天一書,是在埔里圖書館瀏覽時發現它坐落在書櫃的一方中,想要借這本書的原因是因為在5月初的時候,我同樣的在這個圖書館借了一本<不再寂靜的春天>。為什麼要先對這本書做記錄及心得,好像心裡直認為這一本<寂靜的春天>是最早為了環境問題而撰寫的,可以算是鼻祖,也因此滿能激起我的關注。 首先,介紹作者。瑞秋.卡森(1907~1964)是美國蜚聲國際的自然文學作家,更是當代環境保護主義的先驅。
瑞秋.卡森女士生於1907年,逝於1964年。賓州女子學院科學士、約翰普金斯大學動物學碩士,她雖未攻讀博士,但一生卻得了四個榮譽博士學位。卡森女士畢生有四部重要作品—《海風下》(Under The ea—Wind,1941)、《海洋圍繞著我們》(The Sea Around Us,1951)、《臨海之濱》(The Edge Of The Sea,1955)及《寂靜的春天》(Silent Spring,1962)。1962年,瑞秋.卡森女士《寂靜的春天》一書甫在美國問世,立即引起熱烈的爭議及迴響,繼而成為轟動全球的警世木鐸。
談到這本自然生態經典,一定得提到作者瑞秋卡森的生平。瑞秋.卡森(Rachel Carson),1907年生於美國賓州西部,她原是一位海洋保育文學的暢銷作家,1962年,她出版了影響整個世紀的生態著作-<寂靜的春天>,由於她的警示,DDT的濫用因此得到重視,美國《時代雜誌》將她列入二十世紀百位最有影響力的人物之一。
西元一九六二年,美國 卡遜女士(Rachel Carson, 1907-1964)曾自世界各地之科學家處,蒐集有關致命毒物危害影響的資料,特別是人工合成殺蟲劑危害有生命組織方面,寫成《寂靜的春天》一書。勇敢地揭露現代人類在對付生物的殘酷戰鬥中所使用的暴力。代表著所有自然和諧的一種感人的抗議,也是代表生物的抗議。
水、土壤和植物構成了地球上的綠衣,也形成供養動植物的世界。但是,人們總是忽略其他物種的生存的意義。也由於人們的無知,只為滿足人類無止盡的需求,凡是對人無明顯價值的物種就可以隨欲地消除它。一種植物的消夫,連帶其它物種的消逝,其關連是緊密異常的。 如果不顧其他生物的不同價值,只求除之而後快,這種做法必定導致不良的後果。
人物Rachel Carson篇九:生态设计
人物Rachel Carson篇十:美国历史上最有影响的100个人
• 美国历史上最有影响的100个人 • 100位影响美国历史的重量级人物中你我知道多少? • 参考文献
美国历史上最有影响的100个人 编辑本段回目录
1 Abraham Lincoln 林肯
He saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over America’ssecond founding. 2 George Washington 乔治·华盛顿
He made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king,but by declining to become one himself.
3 Thomas Jefferson 杰佛逊
The author of the five most important words in American history:“All men are created equal.”
4 Franklin Delano Roosevelt德拉诺·罗斯福
He said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” andthen he proved it.
5 Alexander Hamilton 亚历山大·汉密尔顿
Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion anagrarian nation’s transformation into an industrial power.
6 Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林
The Founder-of-all-trades— scientist, printer, writer, diplomat,inventor, and more; like his country, he contained multitudes.
7 John Marshall 约翰·马歇尔
The defining chief justice, he established the Supreme Court as theequal of the other two federal branches.
8 Martin Luther King Jr.马丁·路德·金
His dream of racial equality is still elusive, but no one did moreto make it real. 9 Thomas Edison 爱迪生·托马斯
It wasn’t just the lightbulb; the Wizard of Menlo Park was themost prolific inventor in American history.
10 Woodrow Wilson 威尔逊
He made the world safe for U.S. interventionism, if not fordemocracy.
11 John D. Rockefeller 约翰·洛克菲勒
The man behind Standard Oil set the mold for our tycoons—first bymaking money, then by giving it away.
12 Ulysses S. Grant 尤利西斯·格兰特
He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; healso wrote the greatest political memoir in American history.
13 James Madison 詹姆斯·麦迪逊
He fathered the Constitution and wrote the Bill of Rights.
14 Henry Ford福特·亨利
He gave us the assembly line and the Model T, and sparkedAmerica’s love affair with the automobile.
15 Theodore Roosevelt 罗斯福
Whether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied the“strenuous life” and blazed a trail for twentieth-centuryAmerica.
16 Mark Twain 马克吐温
Author of our national epic, he was the most unsentimental observerof our national life.
17 Ronald Reagan 里根
The amiable architect of both the conservative realignment and theCold War’s end. 18 Andrew Jackson杰克逊18年
The first great populist: he found America a republic and left it ademocracy.
19 Thomas Paine 托马斯paine
The voice of the American Revolution, and our first greatradical.
20 Andrew Carnegie 卡内基
The original self-made man forged America’s industrial might andbecame one of the nation’s greatest philanthropists.
21 Harry Truman 亨利杜鲁门
An accidental president, this machine politician ushered in theAtomic Age and then the Cold War.
22 Walt Whitman ,惠特曼
He sang of America and shaped the country’s conception ofitself.
23 Wright Brothers 赖特兄弟
They got us all off the ground.
24 Alexander Graham Bell亚历山大·格雷厄姆
By inventing the telephone, he opened the age of telecommunicationsand shrank the world.
25 John Adams亚当斯 约翰
His leadership made the American Revolution possible; his devotionto republicanism made it succeed.
26 Walt Disney 迪士尼
The quintessential entertainer-entrepreneur, he wielded unmatchedinfluence over our childhood.
27 Eli Whitney ?艾惠
His gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.
28 Dwight Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔
He won a war and two elections, and made everybody like Ike.
29 Earl Warren 厄尔华伦
His Supreme Court transformed American society and bequeathed to usthe culture wars. 30 Elizabeth Cady Stanton伊丽莎白卡迪stanton
One of the first great American feminists, she fought for socialreform and women’s right to vote.
31 Henry Clay 亨利粘土
One of America’s greatest legislators and orators, he forgedcompromises that held off civil war for decades.
32 Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦
His greatest scientific work was done in Europe, but his humanityearned him undying fame in America.
33 Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生
The bard of individualism, he relied on himself—and told us all todo the same. 34 Jonas Salk 盟瘟
His vaccine for polio eradicated one of the world’s worstplagues.
35 Jackie Robinson 济臣
He broke baseball’s color barrier and embodied integration’spromise. 36 William Jennings Bryan 威廉吉·布莱恩
“The Great Commoner” lost three presidential elections, but hispopulism transformed the country."
37 J. P. Morgan 摩根大通
The great financier and banker was the prototype for all the WallStreet barons who followed.
38 Susan B. Anthony 苏珊乙安东尼
She was the country’s most eloquent voice for women’s equalityunder the law. 39 Rachel Carson卡森 雷切尔
The author of Silent Spring was godmother to the environmentalmovement.< 40 John Dewey 杜威
He sought to make the public school a training ground fordemocratic life. 41 Harriet Beecher Stowe的Harriet格尔斯托
Her Uncle Tom’s Cabin inspired a generation of abolitionists andset the stage for civil war.
42 Eleanor Roosevelt 罗斯福
She used the first lady’s office and the mass media to become“first lady of the world.”
43 W. E. B. DuBois 特约e.乙杜波伊斯
One of America’s great intellectuals, he made the “problem of thecolor line” his life’s work.
44 Lyndon Baines Johnson 贝恩斯约翰逊
His brilliance gave us civil-rights laws; his stubbornness gave usVietnam. 45 Samuel F. B. Morse 塞缪尔莫尔斯乙六
Before the Internet, there was Morse code.
46 William Lloyd Garrison 威廉劳埃德驻军
Through his newspaper, The Liberator , he became the voice ofabolition. 47 Frederick Douglass 道格拉斯
After escaping from slavery, he pricked the nation’s consciencewith an eloquent accounting of its crimes.
48 Robert Oppenheimer 奥本海默
The father of the atomic bomb and the regretful midwife of thenuclear era. 49 Frederick Law Olmsted 法检欧姆斯德
The genius behind New York’s Central Park, he inspired thegreening of America’s cities.
50 James K. Polk 詹姆斯悦结论POLK
This one-term president’s Mexican War landgrab gave us California,Texas, and the Southwest.
51 Margaret Sanger 霭桑戈
The ardent champion of birth control—and of the sexual freedomthat came with it. 52 Joseph Smith 约瑟夫·史密斯
The founder of Mormonism, America’s most famous homegrownfaith.
53 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.霍姆斯
Known as “The Great Dissenter,” he wrote Supreme Court opinionsthat continue to shape American jurisprudence.
54 Bill Gates 盖茨
The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business andphilanthropy alike. 55 John Quincy Adams 约翰-昆西·亚当
The Monroe Doctrine’s real author, he set nineteenth-centuryAmerica’s diplomatic- course.
56 Horace Mann 贺拉斯·曼
His tireless advocacy of universal public schooling earned him thetitle “The Father of American Education.”
57 Robert E. Lee 罗伯特李e.
He was a good general but a better symbol, embodying conciliationin defeat. 58 John C. Calhoun 约翰丙卡尔洪
The voice of the antebellum South, he was slavery’s most ardentdefender. 59 Louis Sullivan沙利文 路易
The father of architectural modernism, he shaped the definingAmerican building: the skyscraper.
60 William Faulkner 福克纳
The most gifted chronicler of America’s tormented and fascinatingSouth. 61 Samuel Gompers 塞缪尔gompers
The country’s greatest labor organizer, he made the golden age ofunions possible.