what kind of TV programme do you like

| 汉语四六级 |


what kind of TV programme do you like篇一:TV programme

what kind of TV programme do you like篇二:口语练习


1) How many days are there in a week?

2) How many stars can we see in the sky?

3) What’s your favourite subject/ food/ season/colour?

4) What sport do you like most?

5) Do you like swimming or skating?

6) What do you have for breakfast?

7) How do you come to school?

8) How often do you brush your teeth?

9) How often does your mother cook dinner?

10) How did you come to school last Friday?

11) Where do you have lunch?

12) Who teaches you Chinese?

13) What time do you often go to bed/ go to school?

14) How far is your home to school?

15) How long do you watch TV every day?

16) How many hours do you do sports in a week?

17) When did you begin to learn English?

18) What do you usually do to keep healthy?

19) Happy birthday!

20) New Year! /Merry Christmas!

21) I do some reading every evening. What about you?

22) What is your mother?

23) What kind of TV programme do you like best?

24) Would you like to go out for a walk with me?

25) What a nice meal! Thank you for having us!

26) I fell off my bike and hurt my leg yesterday.

27) How often do you play computer games?

28) Do you go to bed before 10 or after 10?

29) How many people are there in your family?

30) My favourite sport is swimming. How about you?

31) I don’ t know what to do this weekend? (What about

going …/ why not do some running?

32) How much is 40 minus 30?

33) I am going to see a film this Saturday.

34) What is the weather like today?(in spring /in summer?)

35) When is Teachers’ Day?

36) You don’t look well. What is wrong with you?

37) The winter holiday is coming. What is your plan?

38) I don’t know the way to the bookshop. Can you tell me

the way, please?

39) Why not go swimming this afternoon? ( Good idea!)

40) How about going shopping this weekend? ( Good idea!)

what kind of TV programme do you like篇三:补全对话

what kind of TV programme do you like篇四:英语课件

what kind of TV programme do you like篇五:听力

what kind of TV programme do you like篇六:9A Unit4 vocabulary

what kind of TV programme do you like篇七:9a unit 4 reading

what kind of TV programme do you like篇八:unit4 Entertainment

what kind of TV programme do you like篇九:unit4 Entertainment

what kind of TV programme do you like篇十:高考英语口试试题


查看相关文章: 高中英语



Set One

Paper 1

1.Do you like Engllish? Why/Why not?

2.How do you learn English?

3.Do you often play computer games?

Paper 2

1.Do you think computers are useful? Why?

2.Do you like sports? Why?

3.What food do you like best? Why?

Paper 3

1.Do you enjoy music while doing your homework? Do you think it's good for you? Why?

2.What do you do when you meet with new words while reading?

3.Do you often help the disabled people? How?

Set Two

Paper 1

1.Do you often watch TV? Why/ Why not?

2.What are your hobbies? Please say something about them?

3.How do you celebrate your birthday?

Paper 2

1.How do you spend your weekends? 2.What is your favorite sport? Why?

3.Do you think money is very important to you? Why/ Why not?

Paper 3

1.Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/ Why not?

2.What is your favorite food? Why?

3.Do you like animals? Why/ Why not?

Set Three

Paper 1

1.How do you practice your spoken English?

2.Do you remember your parents' birthdays? How do you celebrate them?

3.Which season do you like best? Why?

Paper 2

1.Would you please introduce your family? 2.Do you like fast food? Why/ Why not?

3.Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/ Why not?

Paper 3

1.Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why/ Why not?

2.Are you ready to help others? Why/ Why not?

3.How do you improve your spoken English?

Set Four

Paper 1

1.Please say something about your hometown.

2.Do you often play computer games? Why/ Why not?

3.What is your favourite university? Why?

Paper 2

1.How do you spend your spare time?

2.Please say something about one of your good friends.

3.Do you love your school? Why/Why not?

Paper 3

1.Do you like to have a part-time job? Why/ Why not?

2.How do you find your English teacher?

3.What is your favorite subject? Why?

Set Five


1.Do you keep any pets? Why/ Why not?

2.How will you spend your holidays this summer?

3.Do you like traveling? Why/ Why not?

Paper 2

1.How do you spend your pocket money?

2.Where would you like to travel? Why?

3.Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why/ Why not? Paper 3

1.What kind of music do you like? 2.What do you do to improve your English?

3.Say something about your hobby, please.

Set Six

Paper 1

1.What do you like best as your birthday present? 2.How do you like your English?

3.Do you often help do housework? Why/ Why not?

Paper 2

1.What's your favorite university? Why?

2.Please say something about your English teacher.

3.Where do you prefer to live, the city or the countryside? Please give some resons.

英语免费试听有机物的命名(2)有机物的分类(4)物质结构和元素周期表(2)Paper 3

1.How do you like your family? 2.What are you going to be in the future?

3.Please tell us how you celebrate your birthday.


来源: 时间:2009-06-10 作者:




I. 1. Do you like music? Why/Why not?

2. What subject do you like best? Why?

3. Why do you learn spoken English?

II. 1. Do you like spoken English? Why/Why not?

2. Do you listen to music while you are studying? Why/Why not?

3. What will you do if you have a lot of money?

III. 1. Do you think friends are important to you? Why/Why not?

2. Please say sth about one of your best friends.

3. What TV programme do you like best? Why?


I. 1. Do you often watch TV? Why/Why not?

2. What are your hobbies? Please say sth about them.

3. How do you celebrate your birthday?

II. 1. How do you spend your weekends?

2. What’s your favourite sport? Why?

3. Do you think money is very important to you?

III. 1. Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not?

2. What is your favorite food? Why?

3. Do you like animals? Why/Why not?


I. 1. Please say sth about your hometown.

2. Do you often play computer games? Why/Why not?

3. What is your favorite university? Why?

II. 1. How do you spend your spare time?

2. Please say sth about one of your good friends>

3. Do you love your school? Why/Why not?

III. 1. Do you like to have a part-time job? Why/Why not?

2. How do you find your English teacher?

3.What is your favorite subject? Why?


I. 1. How do you practise your spoken English?

2. Do you remember your parents’ birthday? How do you celebrate them?

3. What season do you like best? Why?

II. 1. Would you please introduce your family?

2. Do you like fast food? Why/Why not?

3. Do you think friendship is important to you? Why/Why not?

III. 1. Do you share your feelings with your friends? Why/Why not?

2. Are you ready to help others? Why/Why not?

3. How do you improve your spoken English?


I. 1. Do you keep any pets? Why/Why not?

2. How will you spend your holidays this summer?

3. Do you like traveling? Why/Why not?

II. 1. How do you spend your pocket money?

2. Where would you like to travel? Why?

3. Do you think that good memory is important in learning English? Why/Why not?

III. 1. What kind of music do you like?

2. What do you do to improve your English?

3. Say sth about your hobby, please.



1.Do you like your monitor? Why? Why not?

2.Is your English teacher strict with you in your studies? How?

3.How are you getting along with your classmates?

1.What kind of music do you like best?

2.What do you think of your English teacher?

3.Who is your best friend? Say something about him\her.

1.Do you often use dictionaries when you learn English?

2.what date is your birthday?

3.How do you like your mother?


1.Do you often play football/table tennis/volleyball/ Why? Why not?

2.Which do you like better,watching TV or seeing movies?

3.Please say something about your family.

1.Do you enjoy music? Why? Why not?

2.What's your favourite subject?

3.What do you often do on Sundays?

1.Do you buy any presents for your parents on their birthdays?

2.What sport do you like best?

3.What are you going to do during summer holidays?


1. Do you often listen to English programs? Why? Why not?

2.What do you do in your spare time?

3.Do you like your school? Why? Why not?

1.Do you often watch TV? Why? Why not?

2.What are you going to be in the future?

3.Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.

1.How do you usually spend your weekends?

2.Do you have any penfriends? Please say something about him/her?

3.What do you usually do in your spare time?


1.Do you like sports? Why? Why not?

2.What did you do after the collage entrance examinations?

3.Please say something about one of your good friends.

1.Do you think collecting stamps interesting? Why? Why not?

2.What subjects did you study?

3.What do you do to improve your English?

1.What's your favourite food?

2.How long did you spend on your homework every day?

3.Could you please say something about your school?


1.Is it important to learn English? Why? Why not?

2.How many classed did you have in Senior Three every day?

3.What do you do to keep fit?

1.Do you like English? Why? Why not?

2.How are you getting along with your school life?

3.Who is your favourite teacher? Please say something about him/her.

1.What subject do you like best? Why?

2.How often do you watch TV?

3.What's your interest? Please say something about it?


第一套 (6月24日上午)
