unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

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unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇一:Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothers

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇二:2014版新课标九年级英语Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clthes

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


smoke v. 冒烟;吸烟 n. 烟 / pierce v. 扎;刺破;穿透 /license (= license) 证;证件 /safety n. 安全;安全性 /earring n. 耳环;耳饰 /cry v. & n. 哭;叫喊/ field n. 田野;场地 /hug n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱 /lift v. 举起;抬高/awful adj. 很坏的;讨厌的 / teen n. 十几岁(十三至十九岁之间)/ regret v. 感到遗憾;懊悔 /poem n. 诗;韵文 /bedroom n. 卧室 /community n. 社区;社团 /chance n. 机会;可能性 //manage v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面) /society n. 社会 /educate v. 教育;教导 /enter v. 进来;进去/support v. & n. 支持 / badly (adv) 严重地,差


1. smoke v. 冒烟;吸烟 n. 烟// smoker (n) he is a heavy smoker.(吸烟者)

There is no smoke in without fore 无风不起浪

Smoking is a bad habit.// give up smoking.

2. license (= license) (C)许可证,a driver’s license

3. safety n. 安全;安全性

He was anxious about the safety of the children.

短语:be in safe 安全//for safe 为了安全/

4. field n. 田野;场地;领域

Work in the fields// the field of science 科学领域// in the field of„„在„方面/领域

5. lift v. 举起;抬高;n 电梯

Lift a heavy stone// the mist lifted// take the lift//


(1)Raise 常用作及物动词,意思为:举起,抬起;提高;饲养,种植等;坐举起抬起讲时,和lift通用,但raise往往有物体达到应有高度的含义,也可用于抽象事物。She raised a lot of chicken.

(2)Rise 不及物动词,“上升,增长,站起来=get up= stand up,起身反对等”,作上升讲时,指继续上升,常用于日,月,云,雾,水蒸气,寒暑表的水银,物价,体温,河水,潮水,人的职位等。

(3)lift 意思是“举起,搬起,抬起”等,有时和raise通用,但lift更强调物体很沉,,暗示举起需要很多力气。She lifted the child into her arms.(抱入怀中)

When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.

6.awful adj. 很坏的;讨厌的,吓人的//awfully (adv)

Awful handwriting//an awful waster//awful weather// give me awful dreams

7. regret v. 感到遗憾;懊悔; (C, U) 抱歉,悔恨

He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.//

Much to my regret, I’m unable to accept your kind invitation.

搭配: to do sth 对要做的事表示遗憾(未做)

regret doing sth 后悔做了某事

that 从句

I regret spending so much money on a car// I regret to say I can’t come.

8. chance n. 机会;可能性

A chance of doing sth// by chance = by accident//give sb a chance to do sth

Have a chance to do sth// have a chance of doing sth

9. manage v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面);经营,管理

manage a company/ he manage a smile// manage a car//manage their own lives


Manage to do sth设法完成某事

Try to do sth 试图做某事(不表结果)

10. society (U,C) 社会 human society// western society

11. educate v. 教育;教导 education (n)

He was educated at college. 他上过大学。

educate sb// educate sb to do sth// educate oneself

12. enter v. 进来;进去= go/ come into

He entered the room.不可以说成:he entered into the room.

13. support v. & n. 支持, 支撑,维持

Four sticks support the ceiling.

He is working hard to support his family.

三 重点短语

1. should be allowed to choose their own clothes/ drive/ get ears pierced/ wear earings/ get a driver’s license/ have part-time jobs/ word at night

2.get/ have sth done/ get ears pierced / get hair cut/ get home work finished/ have flowers watered/ get dinner cooked„

4.get sb to do sth 让某人去做某事

get + adj„变得„„ get hungry/ get angry easily/ get much too noisy

4.be worried about your safety/ worry about „

5.spend time with sb/ spend time on sth/ spend time (in) doing sth

6.need time to do sth

7.be excited about/ be nervous about/be serious about/

8. the famous paintings by Picasso

9.use a flash

10. stay by my side

11.run through the field

12 nake sure that 从句= make sure of(about) + 名词、代词,动名词

Make sure of his coming before you set off// I make sure (that ) he would come.

13. give me a hug

14. keep me from danger//keep +adj// keep off远离// keep out

keep (sb.) away (from sth.)(使)某人离开(某物)//keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事(非静止动词)//keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物)keep sb./ sth. out (of sth.) 不让„„入内//keep back 忍住(眼泪),扣下,隐瞒//keep in touch with 与„„保持联系//keep (on) doing sth. 继续,反复做某事//keep off 远离,避开,让开//keep up with 跟上,不落在后面

15.Say sth to sb/ say no ice-cream for me

16.talk back loudly(to sb)//shout back angrily// talk about„// talk to/ with sb// talk of„//

17.give me awful dreams

18.should be told what to do// should be told to do sth

19.be late for sth from (doing)sth

20.make one’s own decision

21.learn a lot from (doing)sth

22.do social work for their community

23.give sb a chance to do sth

24.get to class late// take the test// pass the test// pass the test// fail the math test// take the test later// finish the test early

25.be strict with sb// be strict in sth

26.get in the way of (doing)sth// get in one’s way

27. as + adj/ adv as they want// as „as you can/ as„as possible

28. a running star// on his school team

29.want to be a professional runner

30.we know how much he loves running

31.end up as a a professional runner// end up (in)doing sth

32.decdide for oneself

33.make the choice

34.only when will I have a chance to achieve my dreams


Only then did I realize I had lost my way.

Only in this way can we solve the difficult problem.

35.have nothing against running = Be against doing



如果主句的谓语动词是believe, think, guess, suppose等,而且主句的主语又是第一人称时,它后面接的宾语从句的否定词通常要前移到主句中,即否定主句中的动词,这也就是我们平常所说的“否定的转移”。

I don't think (that) it will rain.

I don't believe he tells lies.


① 这种否定前移的宾语从句,在变成反意疑问句时,反意疑问句的主谓语要与从句一致。 I don't think (that) he is interested in that thing, is he? 我认为他对那件事不感兴趣,对吗?

② 如果主句的主语是第二和第三人称时,它后面接的宾语从句的否定词通常不前移,它的反意疑问句的主谓语应该与主句一致,即如果主句是肯定,反意疑问部分就用否定;如果主句是否定,那么反意疑问部分就用肯定。

She thought that film was not interesting, didn't she? 她认为那部电影不好看,是吗? You think you can't get up, don't you? 你认为你起不来,是吗?



a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。

Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn't he?

b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定: He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he?

He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn't he?

c. 上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。

I don't think he is bright, is he?

We believe she can do it better, can't she?


一. 选择填空

1. The rivers smells terrible People must dirty things into it .

A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing

C. stop to throw D. stop form throwing

2. Paper first invented in China .

A. is B. are C. was D. were

3. — Do you like the flower ? — Yes , it sweet .

A. is smelling B. smelt C. is smelt D. smells

4. It snowed heavily last night . The ground thick snow .

A. was covered with B. was filled with

C. was made of D. covered with

5. The light in the room before you leave .

A. must turn of B. will turn off C. are turned D. must be turned off

6. the kind of question often in your class , Ann ?

A. Does , ask B. Is , asked C. Has , asked D. Will , ask

7. The bridge in three weeks .

A. will build B. is built C. will be built D. builds

8. The old men and the children must in our country .

A. take good care B. be taken good care

C. take good care of D. be taken good care of

9. Paul doesn’t have to be made He always works hard .

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

10. The girl was unhappy because she by some boys in the class .

A. is laughed B. was laughed C. laughed at D. was laughed at

11. We that the English test next Monday .

A. are told , gives B. tell , will give

C. are told , will be given D. told , is going to be given

12. Great changes place in China since 1978 .

A. have been taken B. have taken C. has been taken D. took

13. the red pencil-box by your father last week ?

A. Has , bought B. Was , bought C. Does , buy D. Did , buy

14. Mary many songs at the party .

A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. was heard to sing

15. trees usually in April ?

A. Have , planted B. Are , planted C. Do , plant D. Were , planted

16. When we got there , the broken road repaired .

A. is being B. was being C. has been D. /

17. The windows of the room once a week .

A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. are cleaned D. are cleaning

18. In 1620 , about half the USA forests .

A. was covered B. was covered by C. were filled with D. covered with

19. The young tree the stick .

A. should be tied to B. must be tied by C. should tie to D. can be tied with

20. A present me by my friend on my birthday .

A. is giving B. was given to C. is given for D. will give to

21. By was the book ?

A. who , wrote B. whom , write C. whom , written D. whom , writing

22. Films about crime and violence(暴力与犯罪) by young children .

A. should not see B. should be not seen

C. should not be seen D. should be seen

23. In warm weather fruit and meat long .

A. can’t be kept B. don’t keep C. is not kept D. aren’t keeping

24. Half the world’s telephone calls in English .

A. are made B. are making C. make D. is made

25. That building now .

A. is building B. is built C. is being built D. builds

26. The trees in our school every Friday afternoon .

A. are watered B. are watering C. have watered D. water

27. More “ Great Green Walls ” must all over the world .

A. build B. are built C. be building D. be built

28. His school bag by a woman ten minutes ago .

A. took away B. was taken away C. was taken off D. is taken

29. It that she very clever .

A. was said , is B. was said , were C. is said , is D. is said , is being

30. Yesterday a visitor something about his hometown .

A. was asked B. was asking C. is asked D. asked

31. Do you like this kind of paper ? Yes , it very nice .

A. is felt B. felt C. is feeling D. feels

32. These books well .

A. sells B. are being sold C. are sold D. sell

33. The boy lost on his way home yesterday .

A. got B. is C. gets D. has

34. Though the coat is a bit large now , it me very soon .

A. will be fit B. will fit C. fit D. fits

35. Football everywhere in the world .

A. is played B. play C. is playing D. plays

36. Everybody here was a present .

A. gave B. given C. To give D. Giving

37. A new factory in our city last year .

A. built B. has built C. was built D. is building

38. All trees must well when it is dry .

A. be watered B. are watered C. water D. be watering

39. This shirt silk .

A. must be made in B. make by C. must be made of D. must be made by

40. These books good care of .

A. must taken B. must take C. have to take D. must be taken

41. Stamps by people for sending letters .

A. use B. in using C. used D. are used

42. More trees next year .

A. will be planted B. will plant C. have planted D. are planting

43. — When the People’s Republic of China ?

— On October 1.1949 .

A. did …found B. was …found C. was … founded D. is … founded

44. Today , too many trees are still in the world .

A. cutting down B. cut down C. being cut down D. cutted

45. This kind of machine Japan .

A. is made by B. is made from C. is made in D. is made of

46. The teacher says that the man will .

A. be well taken care B. well look after C. take care well D. be well looked after

47. — I think the shop . — No , It’s open . It at six .

A. is close … close B. is closed … closes C. closed … closes D. is closed

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇三:人教版新目标九年级英语下册Unit_7_Teenagers_should_be_allowed_to_choose_their_own_clothes.完整

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇四:unit7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇五:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own cl

1. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年自己选择衣服。

2. 点拨:(1)should be allowed是含有情态动词的被动语态。它的结构是:情态动词+be+过去分词。例如:The work can be finished in two days. 这件工作可以在两天后完成。 它的否定形式是在情态动词的后面加not。

例如:Smoking can’t be allowed in the classroom. 吸烟在教室里是不被允许的。 一般疑问句是把情态动词提到句子开头。

例如:Can your work be finished today? 你的工作今天能完成吗?

(2)动词短语allow somebody to do something的意思是“允许某人做某事”。

例如:My parents allow me to go swimming after school. 我的父母允许我放学后去游泳。

2.I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 我认为16岁的青少年不应该允许扎耳朵眼。

点拨:(1)twelve-year-olds是指twelve-year-old boys/girls。

例如:We’ll have a two-week vacation. 我们将有两个星期的假期。

(2)get one’s ears pierced的意思是“某人扎耳朵眼”。


例如:Your brother got his glasses broken when he was running.


3. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 他应该别戴那无聊的耳环。

点拨:(1)动词stop的后面可以用动词不定式也可以用动名词作宾语。stop doing表示“停止正在做的事情”;stop to do表示“停下来开始做”的意思。

例如:Now let’s stop reading. 现在咱们停止读书。

Our teacher stopped to look at the boy. 老师停下来看了看那个男孩。

(2)stop还可以构成短语stop somebody/something from doing something表示“阻止某人做某事或者阻止某事发生”的意思。

例如:The trees and grasses can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 树和草可以阻止风把土吹走。

4. He needs to spend time with friends. 他需要花一些时间和朋友在一起。

点拨:need在本句子中是实义动词,它的意思是“需要”。后面可以用名词或者动词不定式作宾语。例如:We need a new bike now. 我们现在需要一辆新自行车。


例如:You needn’t worry about me. 你不必为我担心。

need的后面还可以用动名词作宾语,即need doing,它的主语往往是某物,表示被动语态的意思,也可以用动词不定式的被动语态形式。

例如:My bike needs repairing.=My bike needs to be repaired. 我的自行车需要修理了

5. They aren’t serious enough at that age. 在那个年龄,他们不够认真。 点拨:(1)enough是副词用来修饰形容词、动词和副词,放在被修饰词的后面。 例如:The house is big enough to hold forty people.


(2)enough作形容词,可以修饰名词,一般放在名词前面,偶尔也可放名词后。 例如:We have enough time to go there. 我们有足够的时间去那里。

6. He doesn’t seem to have many friends. 他似乎没有许多朋友。

点拨:seem是“似乎、好像”的意思。否定词not放在动词seem的前面,经常用在非正式文体中,例如:Your brother doesn’t seem to be at home. 你的弟弟似乎不在家。

seem还可以用在It seems that…句型中。

例如:It seems that your brother isn’t at home. 你弟弟似乎不在家。

7. -We have a lot of rules at home.在我们的家里有许多家规。

- So do we. 我们家也是。点拨(1)so do we是一个倒装句,它的结构是:So+助动词、情态动词、连系动词+主语,它的意思是“某人也是这样、某人也是如此”。表示后面的主语所发生的动作和前面句子的主语发生动作一样。助动词、连系动词和前面句子的时态、本句子的主语保持一致。例如:My mother was watching TV at that time. So was my father. 我妈妈那个时候在看电视,我爸爸也是。

(2)如果前面的句子是否定句,后面的句子表示“某人也是这样”,用Neither/Nor代替so。例如:-My brother doesn’t like swimming.

-Neither/Nor do I.


8. It would be a good experience for me because I want to be a doctor when I am older.对我来说,那将是一个很好的经历,因为我长大以后想当一名医生。


例如:My father has rich experience in teaching English.


9. Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. 青少年经常认为他们应该被允许尽可能多地按照他们想要的去实践他们的爱好。

点拨:句子是主从复合句,动词think的后面是宾语从句,在宾语从句中有as much as they want,第一个as是副词,第二个as是连词,两个as的中间用形容词或者副词的原形表示“和……一样”的意思。

例如:My pencil is as long as yours. 我的铅笔和你的一样长。

10. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. 那将是一个让老师和学生都愉快的好办法。

点拨:(1)a good way to do something的意思是“一个做某事的好办法”,用动词不定式修饰名词的时候,动词不定式放在被修饰词的后面。

例如:We have a lot of homework to do. 我们有许多家庭作业要做。



例如:You keep me waiting for half an hour. 你让我等了半个小时。


例如:The cat keeps running after the rat, trying to catch it.



11. I can’t choose which pair of jeans to buy. They both look good on me. 我不能选择要买哪一条牛仔裤,两条都适合我。




例如:I can’t decide which bike I should buy.=I can’t decide which bike to buy. 我不能决定买哪一辆自行车。

12. Of course we want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams.当然我们希望看到刘裕实现他的梦想。点拨:

动词短语see somebody do something和see somebody doing something都表示“看到某人做某事”的意思。省略to的动词不定式强调经常习惯性动作或者事情的整个过程。doing表示看到的瞬间正在发生的事情。

例如:I saw it happen when I passed by last night.


unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇六:Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes SectionA 教材全解加课后练习附答案


教师: 学生: 年级: 日期: 2014 星期: 时段:

③get+adj.(get是连系动词)译成“变得” In summer it doesn't get dark until after eight o'clock.

6. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

choose vt, 后接名词或代词作宾语 He chose a good job last year.

扩展:choose 还可以用于以下两种结构

①choose to do sth He chose to go there by air.

②choose+特殊疑问词+to do You’ll have to choose which one to buy.

own 此处用作形容词,自己的,本人的 常用在形容词性物主代词或所有格之后,以加强语气。还可以用作代词,意为:属于自己的东西 常用结构“one’s own+ sth” 表示“某人自己的„.” 相当于:sth + of one’s own

eg: This is your own duty. Don’t be angry with others.

I want to have a big house of my own.

7.I agree. They aren’t serious enough.

enough 修饰形容词或副词要后置 You don’t work hard enough.

enough还可以用作形容词,意为:足够的,充足的。修饰名词时,一般放在名词前面,有时也可放在名词后 There will be enough money for us. There’ll be time enough to relax for us.

8. He should stop wearing that silly earring.

stop doing sth 停止做某事 Let’s stop talking.

stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情

stop to do sth 停止手头所做的事情去做另一件事情

silly 愚蠢的,傻的 It was silly of you to trust him.

9. I’m really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso.

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇七:Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.教案

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to

choose their own clothes.



2 技能目标:熟练运用 ―should (not) be allowed to do‖谈论应该被允许和不应该


熟练运用 ―be (not) allowed to do‖谈论被允许和不被允许做某事;

熟练运用 ―I agree / disagree.‖或― I don’t agree.‖表达自己的观点。

3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规









重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift, awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit, educate,

professional, enter, support

talk about, keep away from, make one’s own decision, get in the way of


I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young.

Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

教学难点:含情态动词 should的被动语态结构―should be allowed to‖


Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Period Two: Section A 2 (3a-3c)

Period Three: Section A 3 (Grammar Focus-4c)

Period Four: Section B 1 (1a-2e)

Period Five: Section B 2 (3a-Self Check)

Section A 1 (1a-2d)

I. Presentation

Ask students: Do your parents allow you to watch TV? Yes, they do.

Present the sentence: You are allowed to watch TV.

Teach ―allow sb to do sth ―

―be (not) allowed to do sth‖

―should (not)be allowed to do sth‖

Present more sentence.

Do your parents allow you to exercise?

Yes, they do.

You are allowed to exercise.

Do your parents allow you to smoke?

No, they don’t.

You are not allowed to smoke.

Do your parents allow you to drive?

No, they don’t.

You are not allowed to drive.

Do your parents allow you to choose your own clothes?

No, they don’t.

You should be allowed to choose your own clothes.

Do your parents allow you to get your ear pierced?

No, they don’t.

You should not be allowed to get your ear pierced.

II. Warming up

Obey the school rules!

As a teenager, you have a lot of rules at school. Can you write down some of them?

Students should be allowed to speak English loudly.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to sleep in class.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to make noises.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to throw the rubbish in the classroom.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to get to class late.


allow sb to do sth


be allowed to do sth


should be allowed to do sth


1a. Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.

1. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. A D

2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D

3. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. A D

4. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D

5. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. A D

III. Listening

1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false.

1. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F

2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F

3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F

IV. Practice

1c Look at the statements in la and make conversations.

A: I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.

B: I agree. They aren't serious enough.

V. Key phrases

1. be allowed to do 被允许去做

2. the shopping center 购物中心

3. driver’s license 驾驶执照

4. sixteen-year-olds 16岁的孩子

5. be worried about your safety 担心你们的安全

6. part-time jobs 兼职工作

7. get their ears pierced 穿他们的耳朵

8. their own clothes 他们自己的衣服

9. serious enough 足够严肃

VI. Listening

2a What does Molly think of Kathy’s statements? Listen and circle A for Agree,

D for Disagree or DK for Doesn’t Know.

2b Listen again. What are Kathy’s and Molly’s reasons? Number their reasons in

the correct order.

_____ It looks cool.

_____ Young people need to sleep.

_____ He needs to spend time with friends.

_____ He needs time to do homework.

_____ It doesn't look clean.

VII. Practice

1. 2c Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss

your list with your partner.

A: Do you think teenagers should...?

B: Yes, I .../No, I...

2. 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1) Where do they go for school trip?

2) Does Mr. Smith allow students to take photos?

3) How to take photos?

3. Role-play the conversation.

VIII. Summary

1. Language points


1) Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

2) Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke.

3) It is not allowed in the museum.

4) Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don't use a flash?

以上四句都含有重要的句型be allowed to do sth.,其中第三句是此句型的一般现在时,一二四句是情态动词与此句型的混合使用。

运用:―sb. + should / should not + be allowed to do ...‖








They should allow us to have part-time jobs.

__________________________________________________________________. We should allow children to spend time with their friends.

_________________________________________________________________. The teacher should allow Anna to finish the picture.

unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇八:2014最新版九年级表格教案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.






unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇九:teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes



1. 面向学生:中学

2. 学科:英语

3. 课时1

4. 学生课前准备

(1) 预习本课生词和短语

(2) 列举家规和校规


教学目标:掌握并会用本单元的词汇,词组及句型。会用should not be allowed to do sth 来谈论规则会谈论允许或不允许做的事情能够谈论被允许做或不被允许做的




本单元要学的内容是谈论规则,指的是某人是否被允许做某事,其核心是用should not be allowed to do结构来谈论以及对此发表赞同或反对,要理解它关键就是要学习should be allowed to do sth 结构的运用及交际英语的开展。学生

已在初二年级unit2学习了should 的用法,在unit7学习了allow的用法,具有了学习本单元知识的前提条件。由于它还与后面unit9的被动语态有联系,所以在本册书中也是比较重要的内容。教学的重点是用should not be allowed to do sth 来谈论规则,解决重点的关键是突出听说训练。





Ask students questions about the rules in their families.

T:What do your parents let you do at home?Are you allowed to watch TV?

S1:My parents allow me to watch TV at home.

T:Good.So you are allowed to watch TV at home. What about you,Amy?

S2:I’m not allowed to watch TV but I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends on weekends.

T:That sounds nice.So you are allowed to go shopping with your friends on weekends.What about you,Tom?

Step2 presentation

“Teenagers should be allowed to do...because...“or ” Teenagers should not be allowed to do...because...”


Ask students using the target language to work in fours to discuss the rules they have in their school

Step4 Consolidation

Students should be allowed to wear their own clothes at school.

Students shouldn’t be allowed to wear their own clothes.They should wear uniforms at school

Step5 summary

Make a summary of what they learn in this period.


1.教师在探究活动中的主导作用非常重要。体现在教师对教材的钻研,对整个教学过程的设计,对学生进行情感的激励。针对本课的知识点,我灵活设计教学活动,让学生通过探究性学习、合作学习,培养运用语言的能力和创新精神。 通过本课的讨论,学生充分运用了被动语态,并且能根据实际情况进行交流,在运用中感受自己的成就感,体会到了学英语的快乐,激发了他们学习英语的热情。


unit7teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes篇十:unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A 3a


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