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Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.


In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.


In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,

you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT?

A. The show will have more stands this year.

B. The show will have more visitors this year.

C. The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year.

D. The number of exhibition days will be the same this year.

2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include

A. a catalogue.

B. a poster.

C. two desks.

D. four chairs.

3. During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in

A. the size of the show.

B. the cost of the stand.

C. the basic furniture.

D. the visitor number.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

4. What is Jim interested in?

A. Investing in the company‟s product.

B. Buying a new educational computer.

C. Joining the computer company.

D. Reading the campaign plan.

5. The advertisements will be placed in all the following EXCEPT

A. family magazines.

B. Sunday newspapers.

C. morning television.

D. teenage magazines.

6. The advertisements are intended to be seen by

A. parents only.

B. children only.

C. school teachers.

D. whole families.

7. Linda sounds A. confident

B. hesitant

C. uncertain

D. delighted about the success of the campaign plan.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

8. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPT

A. a book shop.

B. a paper factory.

C. a school.

D. a fastfood restaurant.

9. From the conversation, we learn that John

A. has no interest.

B. has only one interest.

C. has two interests.

D. has quite a few interests.

10. Sue Green seems to be more interested in John‟s experience of

A. working in a paper factory.

B. working in a youth club.

C. looking after his brother and sister.

D. looking after his young friends.


In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

11. According to the passage, the average age of the fleet of Delta/Northwest is

A. 10 years.

B. 14 years.

C. 16 years.

D. 20 years.

12. It can be learned from the passage that

A. air journeys are quite often far from comfortable.

B. air travellers usually enjoy luxury during flight.

C. air travellers usually enjoy upgraded conditions.

D. airlines always provide good in-flight entertainment.

13. Older planes can stay safe for more than 25 years because of the following EXCEPT

A. new engines.

B. strong materials.

C. proper maintenance.

D. new interior.



PART I DICTATION [15 MIN] Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.

Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.

PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN] In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.


In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT?

A. The show will have more stands this year.

B. The show will have more visitors this year.

C. The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year.

D. The number of exhibition days will be the same this year.

2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include

A. a catalogue.

B. a poster.

C. two desks.

D. four chairs.

3. During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in

A. the size of the show.

B. the cost of the stand.

C. the basic furniture.

D. the visitor number.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

4. What is Jim interested in?

A. Investing in the company’s product.

B. Buying a new educational computer.

C. Joining the computer company.

D. Reading the campaign plan.

5. The advertisements will be placed in all the following EXCEPT

A. family magazines.

B. Sunday newspapers.

C. morning television.

D. teenage magazines.

6. The advertisements are intended to be seen by

A. parents only.

B. children only.

C. school teachers.

D. whole families.

7. Linda sounds about the success of the campaign plan.

A. confident

B. hesitant

C. uncertain

D. delighted

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the conversation.

8. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPT

A. a book shop.

B. a paper factory.

C. a school.

D. a fastfood restaurant.

9. From the conversation, we learn that John

A. has no interest.

B. has only one interest.

C. has two interests.

D. has quite a few interests.

10. Sue Green seems to be more interested in John’s experience of

A. working in a paper factory.

B. working in a youth club.

C. looking after his brother and sister.

D. looking after his young friends.


In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

11. According to the passage, the average age of the fleet of Delta/Northwest is

A. 10 years.

B. 14 years.

C. 16 years.

D. 20 years.

12. It can be learned from the passage that

A. air journeys are quite often far from comfortable.

B. air travellers usually enjoy luxury during flight.

C. air travellers usually enjoy upgraded conditions.

D. airlines always provide good in-flight entertainment.

13. Older planes can stay safe for more than 25 years because of the following EXCEPT

A. new engines.

B. strong materials.

C. proper maintenance.

D. new interior.

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

14. Which job will involve supervising workers using dangerous equipment?

A. Assistant site manager.

B. Carpenter supervisor.

C. Assembly supervisor.

D. Automobile service station manager.

15. Who will also decide on the prices of products and services?

A. Airlines’ flight service manager.

B. Automobile service station manager.

C. Assistant site manager.

D. Carpenter supervisor.

16. Who may also do some of the work he supervises?

A. Assistant site manager.

B. Airlines’ flight service manager.

C. Assembly supervisor.

D. Carpenter supervisor.

17. Which job offers the highest salary?

A. Assistant site manager.

B. Automobile service station manager.

C. Carpenter supervisor.

D. Airlines’ flight service manager.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the passage.

18. Where were the two men filmed?

A. In the jewelry shop.

B. In the City Mall.

C. Near the lorry.

D. In the parking lot.

19. Witnesses saw the two men

A. leave the lorry together.

B. leave the lorry without hoods.

C. run back to the lorry separately.

D. run back to the lorry without hoods.

20. Which of the following details is CORRECT?

A. The lorry was originally painted white.

B. The lorry had no registration plates.

C. The shorter man was the passenger.

D. The taller man was the driver.


In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

21. What did NASA’s Constellation Programme originally plan to do?

A. To set up a moon colony by 2020.

B. To send astronauts again to the moon by 2020.

C. To continue the current shuttle missions till 2020.

D. To create more jobs for NASA till 2020.

22. NASA’s Constellation Programme would be cancelled mainly because

A. there were important space missions.

B. the space agency lacked funding for the programme.

C. the current shuttle missions would continue.

D. Congress failed to pass President Obama’s budget.

Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

23. The Russian cargo ship was sinking. What was the direct cause?

A. No explanation of the problem.

B. Long distance away from land.

C. Slow rescue efforts.

D. Severe weather.

24. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a possible means of rescue?

A. Aircraft.

B. Tugboat.

C. Nearby cargo ship.

D. Vessels at the oil rig.

Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.

Now, listen to the news.

25. Why did the singers meet in Hollywood?

A. To raise money for African humanitarian efforts.

B. To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.

C. To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.

D. To make a recording of the original version of the song.

26. Which o the following details about the news is INCORRECT?

A. The organizer is one of the co-writers of the first song.

B. Singers will use the same recording studio as in 1985.

C. The recording session s expected to last long.

D. Stars from the original version will take part.


2011年英语专业四级考试试题 1. Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.

A. he was knowing B. he is knowing

C. having a knowledge of D. knows

2. You ____that letter to James. However, you didn’t.

A. ought to write B. ought to have written

C. should write D. should be writing

3. Joseph was very lucky ____ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.

A. to escape B. to have escaped

C. to escaping D. to be escaping

4. Bread and butter ____liked by Westerners.

A. is B. are C. were D. be

5. The back garden of our house contains a lawn, ____very pleasant to sit on in summer.

A. which is B. which it is C. it is D.where it is

6. He set up in business ____ his own and was very successful.

A. in B.of C.on D. by

7. John’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he ____ last night.

A. must study B.charged C.punished D.posed

14. Modern ___perhaps causes more problems than it solves.

A. technique B.technology

C. tactics D.tendency

15. Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ____

when she was trying to go tosleep.

A. sounding B. ringing C. ticking D. humming

16. Under this ____ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid.

A. intensive B.weighty C.intense D.bulky

17. Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ____ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.

A. maximum B.minority C. majorit D.minimum

18. Nancy was surprised that they have ____. They seemed to be a happy couple.

A. split up B.broken down

C. fallen through D. knocked out

19.The beach is in an ideal ____to draw tourists.

A. condition B. situation C. state D. publicity

20. Our ____ sensitivity decreases with age. By age 60, most people have lost 40 percent of their ability to smell and 50 percent of their taste buds.

A. sensible B. senseless

C. sensitive D. sensory

21. The eldest child is thoroughly ____because they always give him whatever he wants.

A. wasted B. spoiled

C.destroyed D.uneducated

22. If a substance is dissolved in water or heated, it may ____a gas.

A. give into B. give over

C. give off D. give away

23. His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.

A. peace B. large C. ease D. best

24. —Can you take the day off tomorrow?

—Well, I’ll have to get ____ from my boss.

A. permission B. permit

C. allowance D. possession

25. The ____ in Janet’s character has hindered her from advancement in her career.

A. weakness B. merit

C. defect D. shortcoming


1. C)【句意】虽然只懂一点西班牙语,但他还是参加了这个课程的学习。

【难点】know是静态动词,不能用于进行时;选knows从句中又缺少主语。knowledge作“知识”讲时是不可数名词,但作“了解”讲时,前面可加“a”,常用于词组have a knowledge of中,所以选C)。

2. B)【句意】你本应该给詹姆斯写信,然而,你没写。

【难点】ought to have written是虚拟语气,与本句句意相符。

3. B)【句意】约瑟夫幸运地逃了性命;他险些没从房间里逃出来。

【难点】to have escaped 是不定式的完成式,表示过去的某一动作业已完成。

4. A)【句意】黄油面包受西方人青睐。

【难点】bread and butter 是西方人吃的一种食品,虽然有三个字,表达的却是一个东西,并且是不可数名词,作单数。

5. A)【句意】我家的后花园有一片草坪,夏天坐在上面会令你心旷神怡。

【难点】which引出非限制性定语从句,在句中作主语,且和sit on 构成动宾关系。类似的句子有:This room is comfortable to live in 这句中live in 和this room构成动宾关系。

6. C)【句意】他独自一人开始经商,并且做得很成功。

【难点】on one’s own 是个常用的介词词组,意为“独自”;of one’s own表示“某人自己的(东西)”,如:I have a flat of my own.我自己有套房子。

7. C)【句意】约翰的考试分数全班最高;他昨天晚上一定学习了。

【难点】表示对过去某一动作行为的猜测须要用must have done这一句型结构。

8. B)【句意】弗兰克几乎从未受过任何教育,是不是?


9. C)【句意】即使他的信明天到也无济于事了。


10. C)【句意】我们在房间的后面也能听得很清楚。

【难点】as well意为“(程度)同样地好”,是副词短语修饰动词hear;just表示程度,意为“刚好”。

11. A)【句意】为获得一个满意的结果,你必须在一个干净的表面上涂两层油漆。


12. C)【句意】这个小山村被大雪封住达一个多月。

【难点】cut back意为“削减;缩减”;cut out意为“停止;切下”;cut off意为“切断;使隔断”;cut away意为“切除;砍掉”。

13. A)【句意】格林小姐因酒后驾车被罚100美元。


14. B)【句意】现代技术所引发的问题也许比它所能解决的要多。


15. C)【句意】玛丽蹑手蹑脚走过来把钟拿走了,因为她讨厌在自己想睡觉的时候听它滴哒地响。


16. C)【句意】在这种强大的压力下,一些岩石甚至变成了液体。


17. C)【句意】当然,大多数移民不是一夜之间就发财的,但是他们大多最终改善了自己的生活水平。


18. A)【句意】南希对他们的离婚表示十分惊讶,因为他们似乎是一对快乐的夫妇。

【难点】split up意为“分裂,离婚”;break down意为“(精神方面)垮掉;(健康)变得衰弱;崩溃”;fall through意为“失败;成为泡影”;knock out意为“使筋疲力尽”。

19. B)【句意】这片海滩所处位置理想,吸引了很多游客。


20. D)【句意】我们的感官能力随着年龄的增长而下降。比如说,到60岁的时候,多数人失去了他们40%的嗅觉能力和50%的味觉能力。


21. B)【句意】他们的大孩子被彻底宠坏了,因为他要什么,他们就给什么。


22. C)【句意】如果一种物质溶解在水里或被加热,它可能释放出一种气体。


SECTION A CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the

conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

1. Mark is unhappy because of A. his Chemistry homework. B. a girl in his class. C. Linda's words. D. Friday night's party.

2. Which of the following is CORRECT? A. Linda is Jane's friend. B. Mark is Jane's boyfriend. C. John is Jane's boyfriend. D. Mark and John are good friends.

3. Did Mark eventually take Linda's advice? A. No. B. Partly. C. Completely. D. Not mentioned. Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the

conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

4. About the scratch on the product, the shop assistant thinks that

A. the customer made it himself. B. there was definitely not one then. C. the customer should have checked. D. the customer was making trouble.

5. The customer was ______ when told he might not have worn the headphones properly. A. annoyed B. surprised C. indifferent D. worried

6. How many complaints did the customer make about the product altogether? A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.

7. The shop could exchange the product if the customer A. makes no more complaints. B. can produce the receipt. C. is still unhappy with it. D. brings it back within a week. Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.

8. Joe Smith telephoned Victoria for

A. the menu. B. the place. C. the reception. D. the campaign.

9. When will the lunch be held? A. Friday next week. B. Thursday next week. C. April 30th. D. This week.

10. All the following information is new to Victoria EXCEPT A. how many people to attend it. B. why to hold it. C. where to hold it. D. what to cook.

SECTION B PASSAGES In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. ,4t the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

11. People choose London for post-Christmas shopping because A. shops open early in the morning.

B. shops stay open for longer hours.

C. they can buy really cheap things. D. they can shop with their friends.

12. We learn from the passage that A. people are very keen on sales. B. post-Christmas sales start at 3:30am. C. post-Christmas sales last for a day. D. sales include only a few items.

13. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Some people buy Christmas presents in the sales. B. Some people shop online during the sales. C. Some people buy presents for next Christmas. D. Online retailers offer better post-Christmas sales. Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

14. Ballroom dancing used to be associated with A. TV shows. B. old people. C. celebrities. D. professional dancers. 15. According to the passage, recent popularity of ballroom dancing is the result of A. the participation of celebrities.

B. the designing of colourful costumes.

C. the benefits it brings. D. a TV programme.

16. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the TV show? A. Performers have to be formally dressed on the show. B. Each professional dancer dances with a celebrity. C. People on the show perform a different dance every week. D. The show runs for about four months.

17. According to the passage, the TV show has the greatest impact on A. old people. B. middle-aged people. C. kids and young people. D. all of the above. Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.

18. According to New Zealand's rules about naming children, which of the following names is NOT acceptable? A. Spiderman. B. Gandalf. C. 2win. D. Arsenal.

19. According to the passage, unusual names come from A. popular culture.

B. parents' invention.


2011年 51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man ___ he was fifteen years ago.

A. which B. whom C. who D. that


China is not the country (that) it was. 中国不是从前的那个国家。

Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be. 玛丽不是过去的那个女孩了。

worn out疲惫不堪的;精疲力竭的

52. Which of the following sentence is a command(命令)?

A. Beg your pardon.(请你原谅)

B. Have a good time.

C. Never do that again.

D. What noise you are making.


53. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose(目的)?

A. She said it for fun, but others take her seriously.

B. For all its effort, the team didn’t win the match.

C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.

D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.

解析:本题考察四个介词短语的用法,显然选A。注意:B选项中的for all是一个复合介词,意思是“尽管”,表示让步。

54. When you have finished with the book, don’t forget to return it to Tom, ___?

A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. won’t you 解析:本题考察反义疑问句的用法。我们知道,在否定的陈述句后面用will you?,故选B。

55. In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, soaking wet, the present participle(现在分词) is used as ___.

A. as a command(命令) B. as a condition(条件)

C. for concession(让步) D. for emphasis(强调) 解析:本题考察现在分词做定语的用法,故选D。

56. Which of the italicized phrase is INCORRECT?

A. The city is now ten times its original size.

B. I wish I had two times his strength.

C. The seller asked for double the usual price.

D. They come here four times every year.

解析:本题考察倍数表达法。答案是B。在英语中,两倍的表达是twice,三倍以上才是three, four, five --- times。

57. It is not so much the language ___ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.

A. as B. nor C. but D. like

解析:本题考察习语结构not so much A as B(与其说是A,不容说是B)的用法。故选A。

58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?

A. What do you think has happened to her?

B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?

C. How much do you think he earns every month?

D. How quickly would you say he would come?

解析:本题考察疑问词的用法,四个选项中只有how much


59. The additional work will take ___ weeks.

A. the other B. another two C. other two D. the more


60. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause(主语从句)?

A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.

B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.

C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.

D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.


61. It’s getting late. I’d rather you ___ now.

A. left B. leave C. are leaving D. will leave

解析:本题考察虚拟语气的用法,I’d rather后面的从句须用虚拟式,若指现在,用一般过去时,若指过去,用过去完


62. In the sentence “The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning” the italicized word is used to modify ___.

A. the object B. the verb C. the subject D. the prepositional phrase

解析:本题考察反身代词的用法。题干中的himself显然是强调主语the manager,故选C.

63. There is no doubt ___ the couple did the right thing in coming back home earlier than planned.

A. whether B. that C. why D. when

解析:本题考查doubt的一个用法,它后面一般跟由that引导的同位语从句。正确答案是 B。

64. The sentence that expresses OFFER is ___

A. I’ll get some drinks. What’ll you have?

B. Does she need to book a ticket now?

C. May I know your name?

D. Can you return the book next week?





Listen to the following passage.Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning.For the second and third readings,the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds.The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.


In Sections A,B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two. SECTION A CONVERSATIONS

In this section you will hear several conversations.Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions l to 3 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.

l.The Ethical Consumer Research Association will provide information to shoppers on

A.product price.

B.product quality.


D.production methods.

2.According to the conversation,an ethical shopper should

A.ask for others‟advice before buying things.

B.consider the worth of something to be bought.

C.postpone buying things whenever possible.

D.search for things that are less costly.

3.According to the conversation,ethical shoppers can be best described as

A.shrewd. B.thrifty.

C.extravagant. D.cautious.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now,listen to the conversation.

4.Which of the following statements is CORRECT about Mary?

A.She is enjoying her language study.

B.She is enjoying her management study.

C.She is not feeling very well at the moment.

D.She is not happy about her study pressure.

5.What does Mary think of the course initially?

A.It is useful. B.It is difficult.

C.It is challenging. D.It is interesting.

6.What is Mary‟s problem of living in a family house?

A.She dislikes the food she eats. B.She is unable to sleep well.

C.She has no chance to make friends. D.She finds the rent high.

7.Which of the following is Mr.Davies‟advice?

A.To tryto make more friends.

B.To try to change accommodation.

C.To spend more time on English.

D.To stop attending language classes.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.At the end of the conversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now,listen to the conversation.

8.According to the conversation,the day is special because

A.many people are surfing the net on that day.

B.it is an anniversary of the internet.

C.the net brought about no changes until that day.

D.big changes will take place on that day.

9.We learn from the conversation that people

A.cannot Jive without the internet.

B.cannot work without the internet.

C.all use the internet to keep in touch.

D.have varied opinions about internet use.

10.At the end of the conversation.the speakers talk about

A.the future of the internet.

B.the type of office furniture.

C.when changes will come.

D.how people will use the internet.


In this section,you will hear several passages.Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.

11.In order to open a bank account,you need to produce____in addition to your passport.

A.a library card B.a registration form

C.a telephone bill D.a receipt

12.Which of the following might NOT be included in the„utility bill‟?

A.Rent. B.Gas. C.Water. D.Telephone.

13.According to the passage,what can one do in the post office?

A.Getting contact details. B.Obtaining tax forms.

C.Paying housing rents. D.Applying for loans.

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.

14.According to the passage,„scheduling‟means that you

A.need to be efficient in work.

B.plan your work properly.

C.try to finish work ahead of time.

D.know how to work in teams.

15.According to the passage, one of the activities to relax could be

A.protecting wild animals.

B.spending time with your family.

C.learning how to read efficiently.

D.learning how to do gardening.

16.One of the ways to reduce stress is to

A.do better than anyone else.

B.fulfill high ambitions in one's work.

C.work and have reasonable aims.

D.start with a relatively low aim.

17.According to the passage,to reduce stress has something to do with the following EXCEPT

A.one's position. B.one's interest.

C.one's health. D.one's mood.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage.At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.

18.According to the passage,new words tend to come from

A.world politics. B.advances in science.

C.areas of life. D.all the above.

19.The passage explains the larger and richer vocabulary of English mainly from a viewpoint.

A.historical B.cultural

C.commercial D.colonial

20.According to the passage,which of the following statements best describes the English language?

A.It is outdated in grammar.

B.It accepts new words from science.

C.It has begun taking in new words.



From 2007 to 2010,American households lost $l1 trillion in real estate,savings, and stocks More than half of all U.S.workers either lost their jobs or were forced to take cuts in hours or pay during the recession.The worst may be behind them now, but the shocking losses of the past few years have reshaped nearly every facet of their lives—how they live,work,and spend—even the way they think about the future.

For Cindy, the recession began when her husband was relocated to Rhinelander,

Wisconsin.by his company forcing the family to move in a hurry.The couple bought a new house but were unable to sell their two-bedroom home in Big Lake,Minnesota.With two mortgages(抵押借款) and two young children to care for, Cindy couldn't imagine how to stretch her husband's paycheck to keep her family fed.

Then she stumbled upon an online community called Blotanical,a forum for gardeners,many with an interest in sustainability.“The more I read and discussed these practices,the more I realized this would help not only our budget but also our health,”she says.

Cindy admits that before the recession,she was a city girl with no interest in growing her own dinner.“I grew flowers mostly—I didn’t think about plants that weren’t visually interesting." But to stretch her budget,she began putting in vegetables and fruit—everything from strawberry beds to apple trees—and as her first seedlings grew,her spirits lifted.She no longer thinks of gardening and making her own jams as just a money saver;they’re a genuine pleasure.“It’s brought us closer together as a family, too,”she says.Her kids voluntarily pitch in with(主动帮助)the garden work,and the family cooks together instead of eating out.The food tastes better —it's fresher and organic —and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose:cost cutting.Now she spends about $200 to $300 a month on groceries.less than half of the $650 a month that she used to lay out.

After discovering how resourceful she can be in tough times,Cindy is no longer easily discouraged.“It makes me feel proud to be able to say I made it myself,”she says.“I feel

accomplished,and I'm more confident about attempting things I've never done before." Now she avoids convenience stores and has begun learning to knit,quilt,and make her own soap."I don't think I would have ever begun this journey if it weren’t for the recession,”she says.“I have a feeling that from now on,it will affect my family’s health and happiness for the better."

86.We learn from the first paragraph that the recession

A.affected Americans in certain occupations.

B.had great impact on Americans’work and life.

C.had only brought huge losses in savings and stocks.

D.is over with some of the losses recovered.

87.What made the family's financial situation even worse was that they

A.moved to Rhinelander in a hurry.

B.had two children to raise.

C.didn't know anyone in Rhinelander.

D.couldn't sell their home in Big Lake.

88.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A.Cindy had seen the benefits of gardening in a different way.

B.Cindy had developed a hobby of gardening before the recession.

C.Cindy had already had a keen interest in sustainability.

D.Cindy had already planned to meet the gardeners.

89.In addition, Cindy views gardening as a genuine pleasure because gardening

A.helped her cut living costs almost by half.

B.enabled her to make her own jams.

C.built up family ties and kids’enthusiasm.

D.enabled her to know more about plants.

90.What does Cindy think of the difficult times she has gone through?

A.It gave the couple and their kids a tough lesson.

B.It gave her confidence and optimism.

C.It would come again and affect the family.

D.It left a lasting psychological impact on the family.


“I'm a little worried about my future,”said Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.He should be so lucky.All he had to worry about was whether to have an affair with Mrs Robinson.In the sixties,that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.

Hoffman's modern counterparts are not so fortunate.The Mrs Robinsons aren't sitting around at home any more,seducing graduates.They are out in the workplace,doing the high-powered jobs the graduates want,but cannot get.For those fresh out of university, desperate for work but unable to get it,there is a big imbalance between supply and demand.And there is no narrowing of the gap in sight.

The latest unemployment figures show that 746,000 of 18-24 year-olds are unemployed— a record rate of 18 per cent.Many of those will have graduated this summer.They are not panicking yet,but as the job rejections mount up,they are beginning to feel alarmed.

Of course,it is easy to blame the Government and,in particular, the target that Labour has long trumpeted---50 per cent of school-leavers in higher education.That was not too smart.The Government has not only failed to meet its target—the actual figure is still closer to 40 per cent— but it has raised expectations to unrealistic levels.

Parents feel as badly let down as the young people themselves.Middle-class families see their graduate offspring on the dole(救济金)queue and wonder why they bothered paying school fees.Working-class families feel an even keener sense of disappointment.For many such families,getting a child into university was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.It represented upward social and financial mobility.It was proof that they were living in a dynamic,economically successful country.That dream does not seem so rosy now.

Graduate unemployment is not,ultimately, a political problem ready to be

solved.Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job,they would have unveiled it by now.It is a social problem,though a more deep-seated social problem than people perhaps realize.

91.The author begins with an episode from The Graduate in order to

A.support the fact that more women are working now.

B.show that few graduates started working right after graduation.

C.demonstrate that there were much fewer graduates than now.

D.emphasize the sharp contrast between now and then.

92.With regard to job opportunities for young graduates,the author sounds

A.pessimistic. B.hopeful. C.indifierent. D.furious.

93.The author is ____ the Labour Government's target:50% of school leavers in higher education.

A.in favour of B.doubtful about

C.strongly critical of D.mildly critical of

94.Which of the following statements about parents’feelings is CORRECT?

A.Working—class parents feel just as disappointed.

B.Parents and their children feel equally disappointed.

C.Middle—class parents feel more disappointed.

D.Parents feel more disappointed than their children.

95.Towards the end of the passage,the author implies that

A.there will be job-creation schemes for graduates.

B.graduate unemployment is more of a political issue.

C.graduate unemployment is both a political and a social issue.

D.the Conservatives are doing far from enough to solve the issue.


No matter how many times you have seen images of the golden mask of boyking

Tutankhamen,come face to face with it in Egypt's Cairo museum,and you will suck in your breath.

It was on Nov 4,1923,that British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh(法老)in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.

Then,on Nov 23,Carter found a second door and when he stuck his head through it,what he saw was to stun the world.Inside lay the great stone coffin,enclosing three chests of gilded wood.

A few months later, when a crane lifted its granite cover and one coffin after another was removed, Carter found a solid block of gold weighing 110kg.In it was the mummy(木乃伊) of the 19-year-old Tutankhamen,covered in gold with that splendid funeral mask.And all this lay buried for more than 3,000 years.

Months after my trip to Egypt, I can relive the rush of emotion I felt and sense the hush that descended on the crammed Cairo museum's Tutankhamen gallery.

Cairo,a dusty city of 20 million people,is a place where time seems to both stand still and rush into utter chaos.It is a place where the ancient and contemporary happily go along on parallel tracks.

Take the Great Pyramids of Giza,sitting on the western edge of the city.Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse,a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.

While careful planning for the afterlife may lie buried underground in Cairo,it is noise and confusion on the streets.Donkey carts battle for space with pedestrians and the only operative road rule is“might is right.”But it is a city that is full of life—from the small roadside restaurants to the coffee shops where men and women smoke the shisha(水烟壶).

Donkey carts piled high with flat-breads magically find their way in and out the maddening traffic;young women in long skirts and headscarves hold hands with young men in open collar shirts,while conversations dwell on Kuwait's chances at the soccer World Cup.

96.According to the context,“suck in your breath”means“feel a sense of ____".

A.awe B.horror C.doubt D.delight




Choosing a Career

When students graduate from college, many of them do not know how they want to spend their working lives, and they sometimes move from job to job until they find something that suit them and of equal importance to which they are suited. Others never find a job in which they are really happy. They remain all their lives square pegs in round holes. When we choose our careers, we need to ask ourselves two questions. First, what do we think we would like to be? Second, what kind of people are we? The idea, for example, of being a painter or a musician may seem very attractive, but unless we have great talent and are willing to work very hard, we are certain to fail in these occupations, and failure will lead to unhappiness in life. So it is important to assess our suitability for a certain career in job search.



1. A. 男士让女士确定开会的日期。提到两个选择“the third week of May‖或者“the second week of June‖。女子回答道:目前除了the 11th of June外,这两周其他时间都没问题。故选A。

2. D. 对话中女士问开会的地点,男士先提到London,之后提及另一个人建议在Chicago开会,女士对在Chicago开会的建议积极响应并提出建议,男士认为That’s a good idea,告诉对方自己会在芝加哥机场附近找几家酒店看看,故推断开会地点可能是Chicago。而Toronto是女士所在城市,Mexico City是Carlos所在城市。

3. A. 男士提出周末告诉女士确定的开会地点,女士回答说自己周五不在办公室,于是男士改变了电话联系的时间:call you later in the afternoon on Thursday,故选A。

4. D. 女士认同广告会给我们提供信息,但是她说“up to a point”,即在某种程度上。选项B中sufficient(充分的)与原对话内容不符。在解释原因时提到:每个生产商都说自己的产品是最好的,但最好的只能有一个,所以其他的都是在误导消费者,此外最后女士再次提及广告所提供的信息误导消费者。

5. B. 男士提到广告商花费几百万美元做广告,女士对此用Is it? I think not表示质疑,然后指出广告费用已经加入商品价格里面了,所以为广告付款的是那些购买商品的人,故选B。

6. D. 对话中,女士分别说到广告内容误导消费者,顾客为广告买单,可见她对广告持负面态度,A选项符合对话内容。对话开头男士就提到周四晚上有一场关于广告的辩论赛,自己必须参加,C选项符合对话内容。男士在谈论广告的某各方面之后,女士总有很多观点和评论,地滑最后男士提及:You’ve given me a lot to think about,可以推测女士对广告了解得比较多,B选项符合对话内容。只有D未提及,无法推出。

7. A. 对话开始提到男士听从医院的建议,只带几样东西到病房。之后女士提到原因:壁橱非常小,故A为正确答案。

8. C. 男士询问探视时间,女士的回答是“下午2:30至4:30,晚上7:00至8:00”,四个选项中只有C在这探视时间段之内,故为正确答案。

9. C. 男士询问医院的其他规定,女士回答:早晨六点起床,八点吃早饭,A符合对话内容;午餐时间是正午,即12点,故B正确。之后又提到医院有“禁止吸烟”的警示牌,具体说明病房里不让吸烟喝酒,但是有为吸烟准备的特别休息室,故D符合。没有提及是否有专门喝酒的地方,故C选项无根据。

10. A. 男士在对话开始提到自己听从医院建议,带的东西很少。之后开始询问女士医院的探视时间和医院规定,女士告诉他具体的作息时间和用餐时间,然后男士又问一些其他规定,女士又解释了关于吸烟喝酒的规定,可见,男士对医院的规定知之甚少,A符合对话内容,排除D。病房内不许喝酒,排除B。女士告诉他关于吸烟喝酒的规定,可见他不了解这点,排除C。


11. D. 开篇指出选择开国际会议的酒店最重要的事情是会议室,然后具体阐释大房间可以让大家坐在一起进行发言。小会议室可以进行非正式的小组讨论。由此可以推断不同大小的会议室有不同的用途,故选D。

12. B. 第二段提到酒店的设施问题,提到bar, restaurant, fitness and sport centers。通常健身中心都会有游泳池,可见C也是提到的设施之一,只有cinema没有提到,故选B。

13. B. 首段末句指出客房应该宽敞舒适,D符合。第二段提到饭店、健身中心等设施,C提及;末段提到酒店的交通要方便,A符合,只有B未提及。

14. C. 说话人首句对来访者表示欢迎就提到new museum of industrial and rural life。第二句指出该博物馆展示的内容:该地区工农业的历史记录,C与原文符合,故为正确答案。原文不涉及技术发展,排除A,这里没有提到国家,故排除B和D。

15. A. 在文中间部分,说话人提到该地区从农业转向工业繁荣的原因:与全国其他地区的交通便捷。之后具体提到communications的句子,如Roman Road,Portsmouth Street, canals, railways,只有A未提及。

16. D. 倒数第三句提到所有展品从地方收集而来,排除A。倒数第二句指出许多地方展品有场景,例如展示印刷匠或皮匠的工作室,D与之符合,故为正确答案。文章未提到B和C。

17. B. 本文开篇是Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,这是一个典型的问候语,可直接排除C和D。之后谈话人说,欢迎你们到工业农业展览馆新馆,之后又介绍了展品的内容等,可见这是一个对该展览馆的介绍,谈话人很可能是该博物馆的讲解员,故选B。

18. D. 开篇指出谈话主题:safety in dormitory and personal security。第二段介绍如何保证宿舍安全:门上双道锁,出去时关上所有窗户;住在一层的人要注意在出门时或夜间锁上窗户;如果屋里有贵重物品,要给它们上保险。前三项均不全面,只有D可以概括该段内容,故为正确答案。

19. B. 第二段介绍如何保证人身安全,给女学生的建议是:避免工作到很晚;避免黑暗的街道;如果知道自己将工作很晚的话,要保证有足够的钱打车回家;或者安排晚上和朋友们呆在一起。可见B是所提内容。A未提及,C不确切,D过于绝对。

20. A. 文章最后一句的建议中提到a few self-defense sessions,这是指前一句中提到的self-defense classes,故A为正确答案,其他三项都是前面提到的内容,不是最后一条建议。


21. D. 新闻首句提到太过新年庆典活动被暴力破坏了,午夜时分,有9枚炸弹在曼谷爆炸。下一句及后面均提到bombings and explosions,可见D正确。虽然中间提到shootings,但不是说新年庆典活动时发生的,而是“泰国最南部的三个省每天都上演爆炸、枪击事件”,与庆典事件无关,排除C。其他两项未提及。

22. A. 新闻后半部分指出泰国南部三省的居民大多信仰伊斯兰教,抱怨在这个以佛教为主的国家里遭到忽视和歧视,这导致他们要求独立,建立独立的伊斯兰国家,故A正确。其他三项符合对话内容,但都不是暴力频发的原因。

23. C. 新闻开头就提到布什政府在规划新的伊拉克石油政策,该项法规让伊拉克中央政府有权根据各省各地区的人口数量分配目前和未来的是石油收益,C符合新闻内容。新闻中提到了伊拉克安全问题,但这是合理分配石油收益会带来的结果,而不是法规本身的内容,排除D,A和B与新闻内容矛盾。

24. B. 新闻最后提到美国政府增派军队,同时公布重建计划。指出花费10亿美元搞重建的目的是帮助提供就业岗位,推动伊拉克经济发展,B符合新闻内容。这里没有提到修建房屋,排除A。新闻最后提到repairing schools,但并不是指帮助儿童上学,排除C。最后一句提到鼓励伊拉克年轻人参与国家重建,不是帮助他们受教育,故排除D。

25. A. 新闻开始明确提到联盟委员会会寻求合作的领域:industry, trade, investment, science and technology,四个选项中只有A未提及,故为正确答案。

26. D. 新闻首句指出联盟委员会将寻求埃及和西班牙两国在工业、贸易、投资和科学技术领域的进一步合作。之后提到双方将讨论在九月份开会时讨论成立a joint business council的事情,最后指出该联合商业委员会成立的目的。由此可以判断a joint committee是已经存在的了,A非新闻主旨。新闻的主要内容是有关a joint business council的事情,D符合新闻内容,故为正确答案。B虽然提到贸易领域,但范围trade volume(贸易量)是新闻最后提到的细节,非主旨内容,故排除。

27. C. 新闻开头指出日本十几岁的女生在过去20年变得越来越暴力了,C选项符合新闻内容,排除B。新闻最后提到日本男性对他人的侵害在转向原来与女性相关联的方面,例如通过不让别人参与谈话来侮辱他们,这里没有比较男性和女性谁更暴力,故排除A和D。

28. B. 新闻开头指出津巴布韦人在选举最后一天蜂拥而至投票站,可见他们热衷投票,故B正确。A和C与新闻中的swarm. hundreds of voters矛盾,故排除。新闻最后提到一共要选举120个席位,Mugabe委任了其他30位立法者,这样他和他所在的政党就已经具有了优势,这里没提到人们对Mugabe信任,排除D。

29. B. 新闻开头提到印度电信工人的罢工事件,然后指出两个原因:反对将部门改成公司的计划;反对最近任命一位非技术官员为部门领导,因此B正确。

30. D. 新闻最后指出:银行、大公司和长途电话用户都受到此次罢工事件影响,只有D未提及,故为正确答案。


31. C. 句意:盐作为钱大概看起来很奇怪。substance强调的是一种“物质”;object是“物体”,强调用视觉或触觉可以感觉到的东西;article是“物品、商品”;category是“种类、类别”。从首句中提到的salt,shells,metals是被当作钱来使用的不同类别的东西,强调是不同类别而非感觉上的东西,故用substance。

32. A. 本句最后出现了necessity,这与前面的seem rather a strange substance构成对照,显然这两部分之间应该是转折关系,故用but。and表示并列关系,so表示因果,even表示递进关系,此处逻辑关系不符。句意:但是在食物以蔬菜为主的国家它完全是一个必需品。

33. D. absolute意为“绝对的”,absolute necessity意为“绝对必要”,强调必要性。abstract意为“抽象的”,advantageous意为“有利的”,abundant意为“丰富的,大量的”,均不能与necessity搭配。

34. B. 四个选项分别表示:重量、价值、作用、大小。从句意判断,这里说的是如何制作钱。在钱上打上烙印当然是为了区别它的价值,因此value最符合语境。句意:这些盐块被打上


35. A. recent times通常作为搭配,意为“最近”。由until可知,后面出现的是一个表时间的词,因此recent times符合语境,其他三个选项均不能表示时间。句意:直到最近一些国家还把用盐做成的盐块作为钱使用。

36. C. 前一句说到“直到最近一些国家还把用盐做成的盐块作为钱使用”,本句紧接着提到“用盐做的盐块在婆罗洲和非洲的部分地区可以买东西”,这说明“盐做成的盐块作为钱使用”的情况未变,故选still。even和also均表示递进关系,never表示否定,与语境不符。

37. C. 本句后面都是用过去时,大意是“这些贝壳主要来自…,然后被贩卖到印度和中国”。would表示过去常常。句意:海里的贝壳在东半球大部分地区的某段时间常常被用来当作钱使用。

38. D. another是相对于some的“另一个(些)”,显然两者之间是选择关系,即“在某个时间或另一个时间”。句意:海里的贝壳在东半球大部分地区的某个时间或另一个时间被当作钱来使用。

39. A. 根据常识可以知道:在海边就可以捡到贝壳,数量积攒多了,就可以贩卖,制成钱币使用,collect在此符合题意。

40. D. 本剧中的地点状语为in Africa,非洲是七大洲之一,那么从东至西穿过的自然是continent。句意:在非洲,贝壳被懂东非贩卖到西非。

41. C. 从前面内容可知,这里介绍的是早期的三种钱币形式,显然这些都是在coin(硬币)之前的货币形式。precede意为“在…之前”,process意为“加工,处理,前进”,proceed意为“着手开始,继续进行”,produce意为“制造”。句意:由重量决定价值的金属先于世界上许多国家的硬币出现。

42. B. 关键词是“still”,该词表示“金属仍然作为货币在使用”,那么自然就不需要使用纸币了,所以两者是二选一的关系,instead of表示“替代”,符合语境。in spite of意为“不管,不顾”,along with意为“随同…一起”,in line with意为“符合,和…一致”。句意:做成小方块的、棍状的、环状的铁仍在许多国家代替钱在使用。

43. D. goods是前面be exchanged的目的,故选择for表示目的。钱币是用来换取货物的,不是作为货品交换的。句意:它可以换成货物,也可以做成工具、武器或装饰品。

44. A. 本句解释中国早期货币“铜钱”的样子,正是圆心有孔的,因此选often。句意:中国最早的钱除了贝壳就是铜,铜通常被做成中间有一个洞的平的圆片。

45. B. 本句话后面出现了the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean,显然这里是将中国最早的钱币和东地中海最早的钱币进行对比,是平行结构,故选earliest。句意:这些最早的钱是在3000年到4000年前—早于东地中海最早的钱币。

46. A. 现在人们使用的coins和notes,不再使用原来那些钱币了,即取代了原先的货币形式。replace意为“取代”,reproduce意为“再现,复制”,reflect意为“反映”ecover意为“恢复,复原”,故选replace。句意:硬币和纸币还是取代了那些别致的钱。

47. D. 前面提到的salt,shells和metals是几种不同的早期货币,它们以不同的形式出现,但功能相同,因此这里用forms of money符合文意。

48. D. 从末句中的still keep it for future use和will soon be found only in museum可以看出,这两部分之间存在让步关系,表示这些早期的货币形式将彻底从人们的生活中消失。两者之间无因果关系,也不是假设关系,更没有对比转折关系。句意:尽管在一两个比较偏远的国家有些人仍贮藏那些别致的钱用于以后的一些礼仪场合,比如婚礼和葬礼。

49. C. ceremonial occasion意为“礼仪场合,正式场合”,这从后面的weddings和funerals可以看出,故选C。gathering表示“集会”,但ceremonial不与它搭配。assembly表示“集会”,event表示“活动”。

50. B. primitive意为“原始的”,。从前文可以看出,这里谈论的是早期的货币形式,因此是原始的货币形式,故选B。original意为“最初的”,是指第一个出现的意思,不符题意。historical意为“历史的”,crude意为“粗糙的”,通常指质量不好。句意“原始货币很快只能在博物馆里看到了。


51. D. 考查物主代词。逗号与逗号之间的是作为插入语,是association的定语从句,在此association作为一个整体概念出现,且其定语从句中也是用单数谓语动词has pressed,后面对应的物主代词也应该是单数概念的,故选D。句意:我们的协会一直在敦促给残疾人更多的就业机会,并且讲在最近公布建议书。

52. D. 考查虚拟语气。从句部分是对过去的虚拟,省略了if,因此出现倒装,但主句部分出现了明显的时间标志词now,可见是对现在的虚拟,故应该是would/could/should/might do的形式,切get为瞬间动词,不用进行时,故选D。句意:如果朱迪数学考试时更认真一些,她现在成绩就会好多了。

53. D。这是专四考试频考知识点了:A is to B what C is to D,由what引导的方式状语从句。句意:9相对于3等同于3相对于1。

54. C。这也是专四考试频考的知识点之一:in that引导原因状语从句。for that不能引导从句,A和D都引导定语从句。句意:人之所以有别于动物在于他们能思考,会说话。

55. B. 考查由much as引导的让步状语从句,意为“尽管”=although。而as much意为“同样地,这样地”。A和D不是固定搭配。句意:尽管他想周末和朋友出去,却不得不留下完成作业。

56. A. 考查时间状语从句。四个选项都可以引导定语从句,但这里没有后面从句修饰的先行词,故出现的不是定语从句。从两部分之间的关系来看,后面部分提到了时间段,因此填入when,成为时间状语从句。句意:去年我去巴黎拜访朋友时玩得非常开心。

57. D. 本题是今年专四试卷中出现的新题型,对英语专业同学的语法知识提出了一个更高的要求。考查的是限定词位置的用法。英语中的限定词可分为前位限定词、中位限定词和后位限定词,一个名词前的限定词只能按照前位、中位、后位的顺序出现,其中两个前位或两个中位词不能同时出现在同一个名词前。many是后位限定词,而his是中位限定词,与限定词排序规则有悖,故D为答案。A选项中all是前位,his是中位,符合规则;B中half是前位,his是中位限定词;C中her是中位,few是后位限定词。

58. C. 考查的是反义疑问句。复合句的反义疑问句应反问主句部分,本句主句是否定祈使句don’t forget to…,故祈使部分用will you。句意:你读完那本书后,别忘了把它放回我的书桌上,好吗?

59. A. 本题属于“句意理解题”,也是伴随着57题,作为08专四的新题型,着实让考生出乎意料。本题关键在于分析句中的wisely是修饰refused的,还是修饰refused to spend his money的,可以直接修饰refuse的副词有很多,如firmly,flatly,gracefully,politely等,但是当refuse后接动词不定式短语的时候,副词修饰的就是refuse to do这个动宾结构了。如:resolutely refuse to answer坚决拒绝回答。可见题干中句子的含义是:他明智地拒绝花钱(这件事情),这表示他拒绝花钱这件事是很明智的,故选A。

60. A. as…as one can表示“尽可能地”。A和B的区别就在于主语不同,B是they could be的省略形式,因为主句中出现的动词是stood,不是be动词,因此该选项中的动词与前面不符;it could be表示的意思是“在可能的情况下”,it指代前面提到的内容。句意:他们站在那儿尽可能地随意聊天。






Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times: During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.



In this section, you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given

15 seconds to answer the questions.

1. According to the conversation, an example of “Christmas trimmings” could be

A. presents. B. fruits C. sauce D. meat

2. A Christmas lunch would include all the following EXCECT

A. roast turkey B. sweet potatoes C. meat D. carrots

3. Why did Helen come to Rob‟s house?

A. She wanted to talk to Bob. B. She had come to help Bob.

C. She had been invited to lunch. D. She was interested in cooking.

Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given

20 seconds to answer the questions.

4. Why did the woman phone the club?

A. She wanted to know more about it. B. She was a new comer and felt lonely.

C. She wanted to learn a new language. D. She was interested in social activities.

5. We learn from the conversation that the club

A. mainly organize language activities. B. accepts members from local students.

C. has been set up for a long time. D. is increasing its membership.

6. According to the conversation, the woman might come to practice German on

A. Wednesday. B. Tuesday. C. Monday. D. Friday.

7. What is the man going to do after the conversation?

A. Call up the woman for her address. B. Wait for the woman to call him again.

C. Mail the woman some information. D. Wait for the woman to pick up a form.

Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation you will be given

15 seconds to answer the questions.

8. According to the woman, what actually makes her job difficult?

A. Difficult questions from interviewees.

B. Embarrassing requests from interviewees.

C. Lack of professional background.

D. Lack of interviewing skills.

9. The woman uses all the following adjectives when talking about attending job fairs EXCEPT

A. prospective. B. useful. C. important. D. tiring.

10. We learn from the conversation that the woman

A. works better at job fairs. B. prefers honest people.

C. often works on her own. D. is experienced in her work.

In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage you will be given 15

seconds to answer the questions.

11. According to today‟s weather forecast, which part of Europe has dry weather?

A. Scandinavian mountain. B. Northwestern Europe.

C. Northern Europe. D. Southern Europe.

12. In which part of Europe does the weather stay both fine and cool?

A. Southern Europe. B. Northern Europe. C. Eastern Europe. D. Northwestern Europe.

13. In which region will the weather change tomorrow?

A. Northern parts of the Mediterranean. B. Eastern parts of the Mediterranean.

C. Central parts of the Mediterranean. D. Southern parts of the Mediterranean.

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage you will be given 20

seconds to answer the questions.

14. According to the passage, what benefit can technology bring to people?

A. Closer contact with modern devices.

B. Greater changes in social organization.

C. Better understanding of mass media.

D. More useful information to better their life.

15. The speaker questions about everybody‟s access to technological advances. The main reason is

A. illiteracy. B. poverty. C. food shortage. D. ignorance.

16. According to the UN plan, all the following will be achieved within ten years EXCEPT

A. giving everyone a radio or TV.

B. starting to carry out the scheme in ten years.

C. offering internet service to more people.

D. providing more job opportunities.

17. What could be topic of the passage?

A. Growth in telecommunications. B. Technology and the developing world.

C. Education and medical care. D. Building an information society.

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage you will be given 15

seconds to answer the questions.

18. People in Latin America wear something ______ to express their hopes for wealth in the New Year.

A. new B. red C. white D. yellow

19. Which of the following New Year‟s traditions signals friendship?

A. Throwing old dishes. B. Wearing something red.

C. Wearing something white. D. Eating round fruits.

20. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one‟s own New Year‟s tradition?

A. Watching TV at home. B. Going to bed early.

C. Visiting friends. D. Running and shouting outside.


In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 21 to 22 are based on the following news. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10

seconds to answer the questions.

21. What is happening to the schools in Fairfax County this school year?

A. 15 schools have started social studies.

B. 15 schools have used digital textbooks.

C. Students are ready to use electronic resources.

D. Digital textbooks are used for social studies.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

Questions 23 to 24 are based on the following news. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10

seconds to answer the questions.

23. Who found the suspicious item at the airport?

A. TSA agents. B. FBI agents. C. The police. D. Passengers.

24. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

A. The terminal was closed temporarily afterwards.

B. There was a thorough search inside the airport.

C. Passengers at the airport were safe and sound.

D. The security authorities identified the explosives.

Questions 25 to 26 are based on the following news. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10

seconds to answer the questions.

25. According to the news item, doctors use art therapy to treat the following problems EXCEPT

A. alcohol abuse. B. smoking. C. depression. D. schizophrenia.

26. Why did doctors introduce art therapy in the first place?

A. To prevent patients from smoking. B. To better understand patients.

C. To get patients occupied. D. To teach patients some skills.

Questions 27 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10

seconds to answer the questions.

27. What is the main purpose of the new rules?

A. To reduce the number of pilots on duty.

B. To prevent pilots from working overtime.

C. To ensure an adequate amount of sleep.

D. To fix the amount of work for each pilot.

28. The Independent Pilots Association was unhappy about the new rules because they

A. had only covered cargo plane pilots.

B. had failed to cover all the pilots.

C. would be put into effect in two years.

D. would be too costly if implemented.

Questions 29 to 30 are based on the following news. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10

seconds to answer the questions.

29. Why is increase in livestock production necessary?

A. Because livestock production is highly efficient.

B. Because more people will become wealthier.

C. Because it may help double food production.

D. Because it has fewer ecological risks.

30. What does the word “challenge” mean in the news item?

A. Balance between human survival and ecology.

B. Conflict between less land and more production.

C. Difference between present and future needs.

D. Calls by environmental critics to consume less meat.


Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.

Everyone knows that taxation is necessary in a modern state: without it, it (31) _____ not be possible to pay the soldiers and policemen who protect us; (32) _____ the workers in government offices who (33) _____ our health, our food, our water, and all the other things that we cannot do for ourselves. (34) _____ taxation, we pay for things that we need just (35) _____ we need somewhere to live and something to eat. But (36) _____ everyone knows that taxation is necessary, different people have different ideas about (37)____ taxation should be

In most countries, a direct tax on (38) _____, which is called income tax, (39) _____. It is arranged in such (40)______ that the poorest people pay nothing, and the percentage of tax grows (41) ____ as the taxpayer's income grows. In some countries, for example, the tax on the richest people (42)______ as high as ninety-five per cent! (43) _____ countries with taxation nearly (44) _____ have indirect taxation too. Many things imported into the country have to pay taxes or “duties.” Of course, it is the men and women who buy these imported things in the shops (45)______ really have to pay the duties, in the (46) ______ of higher prices. In some countries, (

47) _____, there is a tax on things sold in the shops. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is (

48) ____ but the poor people suffer most. If unnecessary things (49)___ jewels and fur coats are taxed, less money is obtained but the tax is (50) ______ as the rich pay it.

Probably this last kind of indirect tax, together with a direct tax on incomes which is low for the poor and high for the rich, is the best arrangement.


There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B,

C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.

51. Facing the board of directors, he didn‟t deny ________ breaking the agreement.

A. him

B. it

C. his

D. its

52. Xinchun returned from aboard a different man. The italicized part functions as a (n) ______.

A. appositive (同位语)

B. object

C. adverbial

D. complement.

53. Which of the following is a compound word (复合词)? ______.

A. Nonsmoker.

B. Deadline.

C. Meanness.

D. Misfit.

54. Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood? ______.

A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o‟clock?

B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro.

C. Walk straight ahead, and don't turn till the second traffic lights.

D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday.

55. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns

EXCEPT ______.

A. more

B. enough.

C. many.

D. such.

56. Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST? ______.

A. She opened the door and quietly went in.

B. Victoria likes music and Sam is fond of sports.

C. Think it over again and you‟ll get an answer.

D. He is somewhat arrogant, and I don't like this.

57. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词)? ______.

B. Neither.

C. One.

D. Quarter.

58. All the following sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT ______.

A. Mother is to have tea with Aunt Betty at four.

B. The President is coming to the UN next week.

C. The school pupils will be home by now.

D. He is going to email me the necessary information.

59. Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT? ______.

A. Politics are the art or science of government.

B. Ten miles seems like a long walk to me.

C. Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.

D. All the furniture has arrived undamaged.

60. Which of in the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship? ______.

A. The arrival of the tourists

B. The law of Newton

C. The occupation of the island

D. The plays of Oscar Wilde

61. Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive? ______.

A. He is not the man to draw back.

B. Tony hit back the urge to tell a lie.

C. Larry has a large family to support.

D. There is really nothing to fear.

62. Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence? ______.

A. Let me drive you home, shall I?

B. You will mind your own business!

C. Come and have dinner with us.

D. I wish you could stay behind. „

63. If it ______ tomorrow, the match would be put off.

A. were to rain

B. was to rain

C. was raining

D. had rained

64. Which of the following sentences expresses a fact? ______.

A. Mary and her son must be home by now.

B.Careless reading must give poor results.

C. It‟s getting late, and I must leave now.

D. He must be working late at the office.

65. The following are all dynamic verbs(动态动词) EXCEPT ______.

A. remain.

B. turn.

C. write.

D. knock.

66. ____ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.

A. Adhering

B. Adopting


D. Acquainting


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Nothing succeeds without a strong will

There is a prevalent joke around young people saying that ‘quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world, and I’ve done it for hundreds of times.’ This seemingly funny statement ironically reflects the fact that the determination of most youngsters is oftentimes started with enthusiasm, but the passion becomes increasingly weaker each day, and then diminishes as if there has been no such thing at all.

It is obvious that their failure in ‘quitting smoking’ and decline of determination are all ascribed to their lack of will. Initially, every success involves several stages of setbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to conquer them. Moreover, there are enormous temptation in our path of pursuit of success. For instance, when we plan to quit smoking, our roommates may smoke freely in front of us; when we are eager to keep fit, our close friends may invite us to have late night snacks. Under these occasions, only strong will can assist us to resist the temptation, and persist in chasing our goals until we triumphantly realize them.

In short, no dream will successfully come true if we do not have strong will. An old famous proverb says that ‘ where there is a will, there is a way’. Let us bear this motton in mind no matter how many thunders and thorns are on our roads ahead, then we will be successful with such precious and powerful spirit.




Why Integrity Matters【查看原文出处】

What is Integrity?

One who has integrity 声明:本资料由 考试吧(Exam8.com) 收集整理,转载请注明出自 考试吧论坛:模拟考场:


is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation.

What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others.

Risky Business

We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision-making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by

understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future.

Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. Ignorance is not a defense.

"But Everybody Does It"

Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts, but manage to fool themselves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it," "I'm not hurting anyone," or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm looking at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I'm just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions, and avoid excuses. If we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making--and that leads to bad decisions.

Ask how you would feel if your actions were public, and anyone could be watching over your shoulder. Would you feel proud or ashamed of your actions? If you'd rather hide your actions, that's a good indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself.

Evaluating Risks

To decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself. 声明:本资料由 考试吧(Exam8.com) 收集整理,转载请注明出自 考试吧论坛:模拟考场:


The consequences of getting caught are serious, and may include a "0" on a test or assignment; an "F" in the class; Suspension or Dismissal from school; transcript notation; and a tarnished reputation. In fact, when you break a rule or law, you lose control over your life, and give others the power to impose punishment: you have no control over what that punishment might be. This is an extremely precarious and vulnerable position. There may be some matters of life and death, or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in this category.

Getting Away With It--Or Not

A cheater doesn't learn from the test, depriving him/herself of an education. Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed. Cheating destroys self-esteem and integrity, leaving the cheater ashamed, guilty, and afraid of getting caught. Worst of all, a cheater who doesn't get caught the first time usually cheats again, not only because he/she is farther behind, but also because it seems "easier." This slippery slope of eroding ethics and bigger risks leads only to disaster. Eventually, the cheater gets caught, and the later he/she gets caught, the worse the consequences. Students have been dismissed from school because they didn't get this simple message: Honesty is the ONLY policy that works.

Cheating Hurts Others, Too

Cheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don't count" and don't really hurt anyone. But individual choices have a profound cumulative effect. Cheating can spread like a disease, and a cheater can encourage others just by being seen from across the room. Recent statistics suggest 30% or more of college students cheat. If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others' grades. Even if there is no curve, cheating

"poisons" the classroom, and others may feel pressured to join in. ("If I don't cheat, I can't compete with those who do.") Cheating also has a destructive impact on teachers. The real reward of good teaching is seeing students learn, but regardless of the effect on others." The end result is a blatant and destructive attack on the quality of your education. Finally, cheating can hurt the reputation of the University, and harm those who worked hard for their degree.

Why Integrity Matters

If cheating becomes the norm, then we are in big trouble. If not, we couldn't put money in the bank, buy food, clothing, or medicine from others, drive across a bridge, get on a plane, go to the dentist--the list is endless. There are many examples of the vast harm that is caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have. The savings and loan 声明:本资料由 考试吧(Exam8.com) 收集整理,转载请注明出自 考试吧论坛:模拟考场:


scandal, the stock market and junk bond swindles, and, of course, Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation's economy and our individual well-being. For example, but for the savings and loan debacle, there might be funds available to reduce the national debt and pay for education.

In sum, we all have a common stake in our school, our community, and our society. Our actions do matter. It is essential that we act with integrity in order to build the kind of world in which we want to live.


1. A person of integrity not only sets high moral and ethical standards but also _______.

A) sticks to them in their daily life

B) makes them known to others

C) understands their true values

D)sees that others also follow them

选择 sticks to them in their daily life


2. What role does integrity play in personal and professional relationships?

A) It helps to create team spirit

B) It facilitates communication

C) It is the basis of mutual trust

D) It inspires mutual respect

选择 It is the basis of mutual trust.

题干问正直在人际关系和事业关系中扮演着什么样的角色。定位回第二段,文中说“信任(trust)在任何关系中都是最根本的 (essential),而正直正是最重要的目标之一”。

3. why must we learn to identify the risks we are going to take?

A. To ensure we make responsible choices.

B. To avoid being overwhelmed by stress.

C. so that we don’t break any rules.

D. so that we don’t run into trouble.

选择 To ensure we make responsible choices.


4. Violation of a rule is misconduct even if _______?

A. it has caused no harm.

B. it is claimed to be unintentional.

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C. it has gone unnoticed.

D. it is committed with good intentions

选择 it is claimed to be unintentional.


5. What should one do if he doesn’t wish to fool himself?

A. Avoid making excuses.

B. Listen to other people’s advice.

C. Make his intensions public.

D. Have others watch over his shoulder.

选择 Avoid making excuses

定位回到第六段段首,watch out for excuses与本答案对应。

6. Those who take risks they regret later on _______.

A. will often become more cautious

B. are usually very aggressive

C. value immediate benefits most.

D. may lose everything in the end

选择 value immediate benefits most


7. According to the author, a cheater who doesn’t get caught right away will _______.

A) pay more dearly

B) become more confident

C) be widely admired

D) feel somewhat lucky

选择 pay more dearly



Cheaters at exam don’t care about their education, all they care about is how to 本空在原文的成分是表语,故steal是动名词+ing的形式,这里空前的to是动词不定式的标志,因此steal要改为原型,未改写者不得分。

9、倒数二段首句中"rely on"处

Integrity matters in that all social activities rely on people’s 10、倒数第二段中间处

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