how to be a teacher

| 汉语四六级 |


how to be a teacher篇一:How to be a teacher?

how to be a teacher篇二:how to be a good teacher

How to Be a Good Language Teacher

Being a teacher is very easy, but being a good teacher is more than difficult. Nowadays, more and more people intend to be a teacher as they think teacher, whose job is grounded. And no matter how the job situation changes, a teacher needn’t worry about his daily life as some people say, an “iron bow”. Yes, of course, being a teacher has these benefits, but when you really stand on the stage, you will find it hard to be a good teacher.

I have experienced to be an English teacher last summer. At first, I was very confident because I always thought I had enough capabilities to teach those junior students. However, as time went by, I found it was very hard to teach them. Sometimes, I’d stop the lesson to manage the noisy class; sometimes I’d stop myself to think some language points which I still didn’t know; sometimes I’d feel my teaching was so boring that the students couldn’t understand and gave me surprising and wondering eyes; sometimes I’d deal with the disputes between two naughty students and paid much attention to them; sometimes I’d act as a doctor though I was not, to care about them. From that moment on, I have settled an idea that to be a good teacher is rather hard. Although I have this kind of idea, I never feel down. The reasons are that I’m good at teaching and teaching makes me very happy. Besides, the most important fact is that I love teaching and my students from the deep heart to the outside. Therefore, the fundamental thing I should do is to improve myself so as to be a good language teacher. From my experience and my understanding of teaching course, being a good language teacher should acquire the following abilities.

First of all, the teacher should have acquired strong professional knowledge. The knowledge to a teacher is like water to a dessert. If a teacher has no consolidated professional competence, he would feel awkward and hard to teach students. Not only should a teacher have the professional knowledge, but also he ought to have a good knowledge of other subjects. As time goes by, the world has been changing very fast, the same goes with the students. They are becoming more curious about the outside world. Therefore, the students will ask some strange questions in class beyond the subject. If the teacher couldn’t answer them, the students will show low respect to the teacher and lose interest in the subject. This causes the teacher to develop his knowledge from time to time.

Besides the knowledge, a teacher needs to have the skills of how to teach. That’s to say, a teacher can give off heat to the bitterly cold winter. The students are like winter and they are in great need of heat to make them warm. If one teacher knows how to give off his heat to warm the chilly students, I think, he is a good teacher. In order to teach well, a teacher should get to know more about teaching theory to guide him to teach. More than that, he should put the theory into practice. In other words, he should

make himself acquire more teaching experience. Only in practice does a teacher learn more teaching skills, so that he knows how to arouse students’ interest in class, how to plan a lesson, how to manage class, how to make friends with students, how to make the learners love him so on and so forth. In addition, a successful teacher should have the awareness that he should continuously update his teaching approach so as to keep the pace of the development of society.

Moral quality is a crucial aspect to be a good teacher. Being a good teacher, firstly, he should be a good student. Only in this way does a teacher know what the students really need, so that the teacher can care about the students, love them, listen to them, communicate with them, and does what he can to help them. As is known to all, a good behavior teacher would have good disciplined students and an act of the teacher will be imitated by all the students. Thus, a teacher is required to be aware of his behavior’s importance. It remains in asking a teacher to set a good example to his students, especially students get more and more pressure from different aspects of life nowadays, and teachers need to act as their parents to relieve them by talking with them through heart to heart. In addition, requirements given by the teacher should firstly be done by him, such as never being late for school, never being absent, never skipping off the class, and so on. While a teacher has cultivated moral competence, what he does will be very appropriate to his students.

Apart from these qualities, whoever has charming personalities will be a good teacher. By charming personalities, I don’t mean he should have a good figure or good-looking appearance, but has optimistic character. No matter what he does or meets, he can smile to them and easily tackle them. If a teacher is optimistic, he can do everything with strong enthusiasm. I should say his class will be interesting; his students will also be optimistic; his job to him is a happy career. Therefore, from my perspective, an optimistic teacher is more suitable.

With the change of the information age, a teacher’s qualities may be not only the qualities mentioned above. In this case, a teacher should improve himself by observing the world, especially his students. In a simple way, from my point of view, to be a versatile is a better way to be a good language teacher.

how to be a teacher篇三:how to be a good teacher

how to be a teacher篇四:How to be a good teacher

How to be a good teacher

Teachers play a key role in a student’s education. It is easy

to be a teacher, but it is anything but easy to be a good

teacher. Just like the proverb says: Easy said than done. Now let me ask you the problem: how to be a good teacher?

In my opinion, there are lots of qualities relating to a good

teacher, such as knowledgeable, responsible, patient. First of all, a good teacher should be Knowledgeable. The

teacher who has this kind of quality should read more books

to Broaden his horizon, pay more attention to the current

affairs and may be travel around the world and so on .My

high school teacher, Mr.Liu ,he is knowledgeable .When he

was young , he has begun to develop a good habit to read a

book. he have read many books to broaden his horizons ,he

read not only Chinese famous books but also foreign 's.

Usually , he was also concerned about current events and

often watch CCTV news to understand the domestic current


Secondly, a good teacher should be responsible. He will

spend his time to make his students understand clearly and

correctly no matter how hard it is. Tao Xingzhi is a good

example . He is very kind, friendly, and responsible for their own students. In study ,he often encourage them to learn more knowledge and pursue the truth; in life, he is also very concerned about the students, who are living poor lives .sometimes he use his own money to help them.

Last but not least, a good teacher should be patient. When the student can’t understand the questions or confused what they are leaning, he should be patient to solve this kind of problems. Ji Xianlin is one of the famous teacher. He is very kind and educate their students very patient. His lectures are very good, he always don’t mind repeating many times while he speak some key points. When students ask him questions, he also explained to the students patiently. So his students all like him very much.

A good teacher is just like a good book, but you can't finish reading it for-ever. A good teacher is just like a lamp tower, but it cannot go out in your mind forever. This is my idea of a good teacher, and it's only my idea .My dear friends , What do you think of a good teacher now?

how to be a teacher篇五:How to be a good teacher

how to be a teacher篇六:2014.4.9how to be a good teacher

how to be a teacher篇七:I_Want_to_be_a_Teacher - 精美公开课课件

how to be a teacher篇八:how to be a good english teacher正文

how to be a good english teacher

Hello! Everyone. I’m Zhang Ren-Jun. It’s my great honor to be here and I’m very happy to see you all. What I am going to talk about today is how to be a good english teacher.

I have been an English teacher in primary school for two years, and I know that it is not easy to be a good teacher, because a good teacher is required to have many qualities as follows.

Firstly, a good English teacher should like his or her job, love the students, should be responsible for the student. A teacher should be full of patience and imagination. Secondly, professional qualities are very important, and they are the most difficult. A good English teacher should be qualified for the profession and armed with a specific range of skills, strategies, knowledge, and abilities. With the help of these qualities, an English teacher can do better in the teaching of English. Thirdly, personal styles are necessary. Since language is always changing, language teaching can never come to an end. That needs more

creation, communication, participation, discussion, activities and more new teaching conceptions.

Secondly, a good teacher should have the teaching faculty. In order to have this capability, a teacher should acquire enough knowledge. On the one hand, he should acquire the wide knowledge of philosophy,

psychology, education (how to teach), culture, history, geography, etc. On the other hand, he must master much deeper theories in his research field. Apart from this knowledge, an English teacher should possess the necessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, among which speaking is of paramount importance. In addition, a good English teacher may have the means to activate his class and give students the opportunities to practice English. Only in this way students can use English and improve their communicative competence.

Thirdly, a good teacher should have the awareness of learning. We are in an information age, and the knowledge is changing quickly. If a teacher doesn’t charge himself from time to time, his theory may be out of date, and he may not keep the pace with development

of our society. At present, a teacher is required not only to know how to teach, but also to do research in his field. So, he should update his theory and know the newest one in the world.

Finally, a good teacher should have moral quality, that is to say, a good teacher should be a model and set a good example to his students and others. A good teacher will be a good citizen, for example, complying with the laws of our country and the rules of the school, offering seats on the bus, helping others, and so on. For a good teacher the most important moral is to love students and to love the course of teaching. As long as he has the innate love for his profession, he may has enormous zest for his students, and become an excellent teacher.

With reference to the above aspects, manifestly, I am not a good teacher. But fortunately, I am trying my best to reach the goal.that’s all. Thank you for your listening.

Zhang Ren-Jun

Ma Chang primary school

how to be a teacher篇九:how to be a good teacher






班主任的精力是有限的,合理分配是非常重要的。这里面如果说有什么诀窍的话,可以用两句话来描述,第一句:“举重若轻、举轻若重”;第二句:“伤其十指不如断其一指”。两句话有一点关联。我曾经在给一些学校班主任做培训的时候讲过这里面的辩证关系,当然我的理解不一定都对,只能说是一家之言,听的时候还要注意甄别。比如我说:男孩子打架是轻(哪一个男孩在长大的过程中没有打过架?),向教室地面乱吐瓜子壳是重(参见我学生写的《他从雨中来》)。扭转一个人的思想是重,得慢慢来,出现了反复和退步没关系,看淡一点,工作照做,心态放轻松一点;改变一个小小的坏习惯是轻,但是一个“小恶”能蔓延影响班级风气,必须花大力气来抓。什么事都管,会把人搞得很累,结果你会发现事情千头万绪,相当没有成就感。你想啊,教育是一个大问题,方方面面,各个环节,不是你一个班主任能搞定的,即使班主任再能干,力量也是有限的。所以,伤其十指,没有效果,还把自己的心态搞坏了。如果从一团乱麻中梳理一下抽出其中一根比较主要的,花上大部分的精力去好好处理,解决一个是一个,则情况就不同了,既能看到效果,又有了成就感。所以有一次在接受《中国教育报》记者专访时我说了一句:放弃该放弃的、拯救能拯救的。记者笑:前半句不能发。我说:那就把下半句记下吧。但是不管话怎么说,“断其一指”,集中力量打歼灭战,是我们带班的原则之一—这句话不仅适用于打仗。这是毛主席教导我们的,该记住。 那么,什么是最重要的?没有。教育无小事,都重要。只有最先要解决的、最有把握解决的,没有最重要的。还是举前面说到的例子,课堂教学秩序。我们都有一个感觉,就是有时候一节课上得很顺,而同样的班级有时一节课上下来感觉又很糟糕,像是间歇性的,说不清楚原因。同样的学生、一样的认真备课,为什么学生的表现会起伏不定?我们不否认人的情绪是会波动的,那就要研究好的策略去以不变应万变。















我也知道,成天把学生关在教室并不是什么好办法,作为一种调和,我的学生可以在中午时间自由地做一些事,看他们喜欢的读物,只要不影响其他人休息,我不干涉。当然,最好能睡一会儿,以免下午上课打瞌睡。学生开始不太习惯,因为他们觉得中午这段时间是属于他们自己的,不要人管。但是一段时间之后,他们逐渐适应并发现了午休的好处。在个性与统一的问题上,这次我站到了“统一”这边,其最大的理由就是不想出现管理的真空,这是符合国情、校情、学情的。如果学生的业余时间都能得到很好的安排,做一些有意义的事,我们做班主任的就可以省去不少精力,但是,放眼望去,现在的学生能干什么?不是去网吧就是闲逛,这一闲,就容易无事生非。学生的很多偶发事件,都是在我们管理真空时出现的。 后来,有些班级的班主任开始效仿我的做法了,中午值班是自愿的,没有任何报酬,所以愿意做的就做,不愿意的也没人强制。再后来,学校也发现了中午这段真空时间,正式出台政策,搞午间管理,排上值班教师,还发给值班教师一点费用。然后,越来越多的学校都开始搞午间管理。最后,所有的学校都搞了午间管理,我倒反而觉得有点别扭了,为什么要一刀切呢?我之所以这样做,是觉得有必要,而且我愿意,那么是不是所有的学校所有的人都需要呢?当然,这是题外的话了。




一个班级也同样如此。我一直认为一个班级和一个人一样,也需要有自己的个性、品质、精神。放大一点,我们经常说到一个城市有“城市名片”,那就是一个标志、一个品牌。那么,你的班级有没有“班级名片”呢?在我看来,即使一个最烂的班级,也有自己的闪光点,有自己的长处。班主任在带班过程中需要仔细观察,发现班级中的人才和一个班级整体的强项,有意识地加以培养、放大,逐渐形成富有自己班级的特色的“名片”。一个班不可能什么都优秀,同样的也不可能什么都差,但是一个班级一定可以在某些项目上领先于其他班级,在众多的班级中脱颖而出。所谓的“班级名片”,就是只要提到某件事,人家就会说:“这是某某班级的强项”,或在提到这个班级时人家会说:“哦,这个班我知道,它什么什么很厉害”。 如果不分快慢班,没有特色班,其实每个班的学生的素质都是差不多的,没有哪个班说是天生什么就好,那么为什么在班级成长过程中会形成不同的特点呢?这在很大程度上和班主任的个性和班主任有意识地暗示、引导、培养有关。想当年,我带六班就是从抓晚自习纪律起家的,当时我在日志里就说了:晚自习是六班的品牌。










how to be a teacher篇十:how to describe a teacher

在一生中,每个人可能会有很多老师。 Everyone may have many teachers in their life. 在这,我想谈一谈我的高中老师, Mrs. LI Here I would like to talk about my teacher in my high school, Mrs. Li. 她是一位中年妇女四十多岁。她非常漂亮并且对他人友 善,每个人第一眼看到她就喜欢她。She is a middle aged woman in her forties. She is very beautiful and friendly to others. Everyone likes her at first sight. 李老师对我们非常负责。Mrs. Li is very responsible for us.每次当她班上的学生有麻烦时,她总是第一个提 供帮助。Every time when students in her class have troubles, she would be the first one there to offer help,在教学和班级管理方面,她很有技巧。She is very skillful in her teaching and management of the class. 她知道怎样教那些淘气的男孩们,怎样激起我们对学习的兴 趣,怎样使我们班团结在一起。She knows how to teach those naughty boys, how to arouse our interests in learning, and how to unite our class together.作为一名她的学生,我们都感到自豪。Being one of her students, we all feel proud 在教知识方面,她很专业。She is very professional in teaching knowledge to students.这在理解和记忆知识方面,大大地帮助了我们。This helps us greatly in understanding the knowledge and remembering the facts.她是一位真正的好老师,友善,负责,有技巧及专业。我 们都爱她。She is really a good teacher, friendly, responsible, skillful and professional. We all love her.


