1、In fact , as is the case in many major life moments , you can‟t really manage to think beyond the blisters your new shoes are causing .事实上, 生活中有很多重要时刻, 你不能真正做到不去考虑新鞋把脚磨了个泡这样琐碎的小事。
2、One answer appeared in 1969 , when the German researcher and writer Erich von Daniken proposed that the lines were drawn by extraterrestrials as runways for their aircraft . 1969年德国研究者兼作家埃里希·冯·丹尼肯给出一个答案。他认为这些线条是由外星人创造的,用来作为他们飞机的跑道。
3、Any engineer will recognize these as characteristic of a typical engineering problem , which doctors and engineers have worked together to solve , in order to bring a fresh lease of life to people who would otherwise be disabled .任何一位工程师都会把这些看做是典型工程问题的特征,需要医生和工程师们一起努力来解决,以便给那些否则会伤残的人带来崭新的生活。
4、Good landladies — those who are superb cooks and launderers ; are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones who terrorize their guests and overcharge them at the slightest opportunity . 好房东具有高超的厨艺和洗衣技巧;坏房东恐吓房客并且抓住一切机会向房客收取额外费用,他们在小说中同样常见。
5、Sometimes I still can‟t believe my life‟s journey , from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position , which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery .有时候我还很难相信我的人生旅途:从一个底特律公共学校的差生、一个毫不在意成绩的学生走到今天这个位置—在全世界教授并操作重要的手术。
1、Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute ,this embarrassing breach of etiquette have been avoided .如果我们提前浏览过艾米丽·波斯特研究所的网站,就可以避免这些违反礼节的尴尬行为了。
2、If you spoke as if you were in your own kitchen , it would be too authentic , too unaware of the need to communicate with an audience .如果你在演讲时表现得就像在自家厨房一样,那演讲就过于真实了,你完全没有意识到与观众交流的必要性。
3、“Sir , I‟m sorry .I should have said that beauty doesn‟t matter ,or something like that .””先生,对不起。我本应当说,漂亮并不重要,或者诸如此类的话。”
4、Without the prospect of such a monopoly , it is widely believed , there would be a diminished motivation to invent , and in the long run society as a whole would suffer from a slower rate of technological advance .人们普遍认为i,如果没有这种垄断前景,人们进行发明创造的动力就会衰减,长久以来,整个社会技术进步的速度就会变慢。
5、But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future , and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions .可是,科学确实给我们提供了通往未来的最好向导;考虑到现行措施对将来产生的后果,我们的国家和世界在制订重要政策时,最好以科学为依据。
1、Not only had Ed insulted this man by hinting that he was a garbageman ,but he had obviously neglected to tip him .艾德不仅通过暗示他是一位垃圾工而羞辱了他,很明显,还忘记了给他小费。
2、Twenty years ago , my own graduate school professor advised me to write under a pen name so that publishers wouldn‟t stick me in what he called “the ethnic ghetto ”--- a separate , secondary shelf in the bookstore .二十年前, 研究生院的写作教授就建议我用笔名写作, 说这样做出版商就不会将我的书放在他称之为“民族贫困区”的地方——书店里面单独隔开的次等书架。
3、While politicians may limit damage by having carefully rehearsed , written scripts to speak from , there is always a hidden awareness among the audience that the words might not be true .政治家可能会通过认真的背诵或者照着手写稿演讲来减少自己的错误,然而观众们总会默认其
4、He not only taught me to think , he convinced me , as much by example as words that it was my moral obligation to do so and serve others .他不仅教我思考,而且通过言传身教让我相信,我在道义上有责任去这样做,去为他人服务。
5、Those qualities that make interaction with other people enjoyable would be imitated as closely as possible ,and the machine would appear to be charming , and easygoing .这些可以使我们和他人愉快地互动的特性,会在电脑上得到尽可能逼真地模仿,并且电脑看上去会非常可爱随和。
1、You may end up buying their book on the way out ,but soon afterwards , it is much like fast food , and you get a nameless sense that you ‟ve been cheated .你可能最终会买他们的书,但是随后很快就意识到这些书就像快餐,没有任何价值,你不可名状地感觉带自己受骗了。
2、Conversely , flat sharing can be very cheap , there will always be someone to talk to and go out with , and the chores , in theory , can be shared .反过来说,合租房子比较便宜,你总有个说话的对象和一起外出的伙伴。而且,从理论上讲,家务活也有人与你分担。
3、There are many superstitions in Britain , but one of the most widely held is that it is unlucky to walk under a ladder —even if it means stepping off the pavement into a busy street .在英国有很多迷信说法,但被广泛认同的一个就是在梯子下面穿过去会带来霉运—即使是从人行道走到繁忙的街道。
4、After setting himself up in the Hollywood , he single-handed pioneered the concepts of branding and merchandising —something his company still does brilliantly today .在好莱坞立足后,他独自引领了品牌和直销的理念—今天他的公司在这方面依然做得极为出色。
5、Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to what neurologist Antonio Damasio calls “gut feelings .”发展自我意识需要理解神经学家Antonio Damasio 提出的“内心深处的感觉”
1、So I wrote a nice holiday greeting to this man who , in my imagination , fires The New York Times from his bike aimed at our front door , causing more noise with mere newsprint than most people manage with sophisticated black fireworks .所以,我就写了一些祝愿假期愉快的话给这位先生。在我的印象中,他每天把《纽约时报》从自行车上射到我们的前门,仅仅几张报纸引起的噪声比在黑市上买来的掺假的爆竹还要厉害。
2、Cakes of salt , stamped to show their value , were used as money in some countries until recent times , and cakes of salt still buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa.在一些国家,直到近代,标注了价值的盐块仍然可以用来买商品。
3、The most psychological place from which to speak is an unselfconscious self-consciousness , providing the illusion of being natural .演讲的最佳心理状态是处于无意识状态,即想象着表现自然的状态。
4、Traveling through the country a couple of weeks ago on business , I was listening to the talk of the late UK writer Douglas Adams „ masterwork “ The Hitchhiker‟s Guide to the Galaxy ” on the radio and thought —I know , I‟ ll pick up the next hitchhikers I see and ask them what the state of real hitching is today in Britain .几个星期前因公出差经过几个国家时,我在收音机里听到了关于自己已故英国作家道格拉斯·亚当斯代表作《银河系漫游指南》的谈论,如果我再遇到搭便车的人,我就让他们上车,并顺便问问现在英国搭乘旅行的情况。
5、After a strike by cartoonists in 1941, he agreed to work for the FBI secretly , identifying and spying on colleagues who he suspected were anti-government.1941年漫画家罢工以后,他同意为美国联邦调查局秘密工作,核实并监视他所怀疑的可能反政府的同事。
1、Either put it to the test yourself , or help out someone who is trying to travel hopefully with his thumb outstretched .你可以亲自去体验一下,也可以去帮助那些正满怀希望伸出大拇指等待搭便车的人。
2、This being the eve of his betrayal , it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the
number by the early Christians .这(最后一次晚餐)发生在背叛的前夕,这就不难理解早期的基督徒赋予这个数字的意义了。
3、Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind .到2005年美国的计算机在城市的普及率将达到100%。欧洲和日本耶不会落后。
4、A careful balance has to be struck :if you show a labor-saving device , follow it up with a complicated recipe on the next page ; on no account hint at the notion that a woman could get herself a job , but instead foster her sense of her own usefulness , emphasizing the creative aspect of her function as a housewife .必须做出一个逼真的平衡。商家在展示一件省力的家用电脑时,常常在下页附上一个复杂的使用说明,这绝不是暗示家庭主妇将会多一份劳动,而是培养她的一种自我价值感,突出她作为家庭主妇的创造才能。
5、Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance , with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect , and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued .依赖的最初迹象是忍受力的增强,需要越来越多的量才能产生预期的效果,一旦中断就会出现难受的停药症状。
1、He usually directs his attention towards problems which he notices have no satisfactory explanation , and his curiosity makes him look for underlying relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected .他往往专注于那些他认为没有满意解释的问题,好奇心促使他去寻找看似没有关联的数据之间潜在的联系。
2、The trip down the hall will take approximately one hour , because a person can‟t walk into those talky people without getting pulled aside for a question , a bit of gossip , a new road on a certain line of Paradise Lost . 穿过大厅的这一段路程大约要耗费你一个小时的时间,因为从那些能言善侃的同事中间穿行,不可能不会被拉到一边去讨论一个问题,或者一阵闲聊,或者是讨论一下在《失乐园》中里刚读到的某句话。
3、As long as this gap exists , there will always be a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge , or rather that the old conflicts will reappear, but between different groups .只要这种差距存在,就总会可能出现不同人群的信冲突,引发新的嫉妒心态,或许旧的冲突还会重现,但是会在不同群体之间。
4、Friendships are not made in a day , and the computer would be more acceptable as a friend if it imitated the gradual changes that occur when one person is getting to know another .友谊不是一天形成的,如果电脑能够模仿一个人开始了解另一个人后的逐渐变化,电脑作为朋友风容易让人接受。
5、For example , when people who fear snakes are shown a picture of a snake , sensors on their skin will detect sweat , a sign of anxiety , even though the people say they do not feel fear. 例如,怕蛇的人看到一张蛇的图片时,虽然他们说自己不害怕,但是他们皮肤上的传感器能检测到冷汗—这一紧张的信号。
1、The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that , for the English , the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together . 人类学家玛丽·道格拉斯指出,对于英国人来说, 提供的膳食和食物的种类和共餐人之间的社会关系的种类相关。
2、Health experts say it is unlikely , though , that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus .然而,健康学家说,与患者同乘电梯不足以传播病毒。
3、But while hitchhiking was clearly still alive and well in some places , the general feeling was that throughout much of the west it was doomed .搭乘旅行在一些地方依旧存在,并且很普遍,但是,总体感觉,这种现象在西方大部分地都已不存在了。
4、The indifference between the mobile phone and its parent , the fixed-line phone , is that a
mobile number corresponds to a person , while a landline goes to a place .
1、Nor were there then , or are there now, any nearby mountain ranges from which to view them . 当时附近也没有什么山脉可以登上去可以去观看,而且现在也没有。
2、Not only did you find out much more about a country than when traveling by train or plane , but there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night . 搭乘不但比坐飞机、火车旅行更能认识一个国家,而且还会有令人兴奋的东西,因为你并不知道自己晚上会停留在哪里。
3、No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest an d these animals building a home . 没有任何电视节目能像书中冰冷的森林小溪和这些建造房屋的动物那样使我如此远离我周围的一切。
4、He was also regarded as a great patriot because not only did his cartoons praised America , but , during World War , his studies made training films for American soldiers .他还被看做是一个伟大的爱国者,不仅因为他的卡通赞扬了美国,还因为在二战期间,他的摄影棚被美国士兵制作了训练片。
5、In early 2000, a poll found , that , where half of white households owned computers , so did fully 43%of African-American households , and their numbers were growing rapidly .2000年早期的一项调查表明,50%的白人家庭拥有计算机,43%的黑人家庭也拥有计算机,而且这一数字正在快速上升。
1. 现在七点半了,让我们上学去吧。
It’s 7: 30 am now. _______________________ together.
2. 我昨晚工作得很晚,直到九点才回家。
I worked late last night. I ______________________ 9 pm.
3. 谢谢你寄给我这张CD,我非常喜欢它。
Thanks for ______________________! I love it very much.
4. 约翰无法用计算机工作,因为它出毛病了。
John can't work on his computer, because _____________________________ it
5. 小明是我的好朋友,他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。
Xiao Ming is my good friend. He _____________________________________________.
答案: 1. Let’s go to school 2. didn’t go home until 3. sending me the CD 4. There is something wrong/ Something is wrong with 5. not only studies well, but also likes helping others
1. 汤姆看上去很难过,咱们去让他振奋起来。
Tom looks very sad. Let’s _____________________
2. 我妈今晚将做北京烤鸭。你想来吃吗?
My mother is going to make Beijing Duck tonight. Would you like ____________ for dinner?
3. 他们利用每周六上午的时间在动物园工作
They _____________ every Saturday morning __________________ in an animal hospital.
4. 他不仅是我们的老师,而且是我们的朋友
He is ________________ our teacher. __________________ our good friend
5. 虽然茶叶直到1610年才被传到西方,但是这种饮料早在三千多年前就已经被发现了
_____________________________ to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over 3000 years
before that.
答案:1. cheer him up 2. to come 3. spend; working 4. not only; but also 5. Although tea wasn’t brought
70. 别总看电视了。为什么不打篮球呢?
Don't watch TV all the time. ____________________ play basketball?
71. 因为昨天的大雪,我上学迟到了。
I _____________________school because of the heavy snow yesterday.
72. 她对艺术很感兴趣,想尽快参观艺术博物馆。
She is so interested in art that she wants to visit the art museum _____________________
73. 王奶奶给孙子讲完故事才睡觉。
Granny Wang _______________________ she finished telling the story to her grandson.
74. 他不仅考虑毕业后学习另一种语言而且希望成为一名翻译。
He ________________________________________________a translator after graduation.
答案: 70. Why not / Why don't you 71. was late for 72. as soon as possible
73. didn't go to bed until 74. not only considers leaning another language but also hopes to become
70. 亲爱的孩子们,订个新年计划怎么样?
Dear children, ________________________ making a New Year’s resolution?
71. 这篇文章很容易,大家都能读懂。
The article is __________________________ everybody can understand it.
72. 老师总是要求学生们保持教室整洁。
The teachers always ___________________________ keep the classroom clean and tidy.
73. 他直到山顶才休息。
He ______________________________________ he reached the top of the mountain.
74. 我们应该多旅游。因为它不仅能使我们放松,而且能帮助我们更多地了解世界。
We should travel a lot because it can __________________________________________.
答案: 70 How about/What about 71. so easy that 72. ask the students to 73. didn’t rest until/ didn’t have a rest until
74. not only make us relaxed but also help us learn/know more about the world.
70. 为什么不写一篇关于“名著欣赏”的文章呢?______________________ write an article on “Great Books”?
71. 你最好告诉她开会的时间,否则她会迟到的。
_________________ tell her the time of the meeting, or she will be late for it.
72. 很抱歉,电脑出毛病了。恐怕你现在不能用。
I’m sorry. __________________________________ the computer. I’m afraid you can’t use it now.
73. 我们要尽可能多花时间学习英语。We’ll __________________________________ learning English.
74. 放弃吃垃圾食品很有必要。______________________________________________________ junk food.
答案: 70. Why not / Why don’t you 71. You’d better 72. There is something wrong with / Something is wrong with
73. spend as much time as possible 74. It is necessary to give up eating
70. 他说他一点儿也不累。He said (that)he ___________________ tired at all.
71. 该考虑假期英语学习计划了。____________ think about the plan of English study in the vocation.
72. 这个书桌太沉了,我都搬不动它。The desk is _____________ I have not move it.
73. 工人们花了一年多的时间建造了这座桥。__________________ the workers more than a year to build the bridge.
74. 你最好不要在这里踢足球,太危险了。You _________ play football here, it’s dangerous.
答案: 70. wasn’t/was not 71. It’s time to 72. so heavy that 73. It took 74. had better not
70. 下雪了,堆个雪人怎么样? It’s snowing. ___________________ making a snowman?
71. 玛丽是个受欢迎的女孩,她和大家相处得很好。
Mary is a popular girl. She ___________________________ everyone in her class.
72. 同学们见到老师走进教室,就停止了交谈。
The students _____________________ as soon as they saw the teacher enter the classroom.
73. 他跑得特别快,简直没人能追上他。He ran _________________________________________________.
74. 不仅仅是孩子们,就连家长们也喜欢看卡通片《喜洋洋与灰太狼》。
________________________________________________________ the cartoon Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf. 答案: 70. What about / How about 71. gets on well with / is getting on well with 72. stopped talking
73. so fast that nobody/no one could catch up with him 74. Not only children but also their parents like/enjoy watching
70. 为什么不找他谈谈呢?_____________________ have a talk with him?
71. 你看上去很焦虑,你怎么啦?You look worried. ______________________________________?
72. 当她听到这个好消息时,激动得无法入睡。
When she heard the good news, she ________________________________________ sleep.
73. 汤姆,每天你走着上学花多长时间?
Tom, _______________________________________________ to school every day?
74. 如果你想成功,不断努力学习是很重要的。
____________________________________________________ if you want to succeed.
答案: 70. Why not 71. What’s the matter (with you)/What’s wrong with you? 72. was too excited to / was so excited that she couldn’t 73. how long does it take you to walk 74. It’s very important for you to keep studying hard
70. 不要把露西一个人单独留在家里,她年纪太小不能照顾自己。
Don’t leave Lucy at home alone. She is71. 你最好把烟戒掉。smoking.
72. 我们开始吧。我想他不会来了。Let’s begin. __________________________that he will come.
73. 昨晚我用了两个小时做作业。 74. 我们英语老师让我们每天练习说英语。
Our English teacher English every day.
答案: 70. too young to 71.You’d better give up 72. I don’t think 73. It took me two hours to do
74. told us to practice speaking
70. 雨停了,我们回家吧。 It stopped raining. ___________ home.
71. 明天我们要开晚会,你愿意参加吗?We are going to have a party tomorrow. ______________ to join us?
72. 有好消息的话,我会尽快告诉你的。I’ll let you know if I have good news.
73. 我每天花半个小时弹钢琴。 play the piano every day.
74. 哥哥忙得根本没时间帮我学英语。
My brother is ____________________ he doesn’t have time to _________________ my English.
答案: 70. Let’s go 71. Would you like 72. as soon as possible 73. It takes me half an hour to
74. so busy that, help me with
61. 他咳嗽得这么厉害,为什么不赶快送他去医院呢?
He has such a bad cough. _________ him to the hospital as quickly as possible?
62. 她昨天晚上11点才做完作业。
She _____________ her homework________________ 11 o’clock.
63. 把这些物品分类就花了他们好几个小时
_________________ hours ___________ the things into categories.
64. 对于我们来说学会怎样科学地记忆单词是非常重要的。
______________for us to learn______________ new words in a scientific way.
65. 我不是要你花大量的精力去取悦别人,或者是佯装对别人好。
I am not ___________________ energy ________others happy, or pretend to be friendly.
答案: 61. Why not take 62. didn’t finish, until 63. It took them, to divide 64. It is important, how to remember
65. telling you to spend too much, making
61. 我买了一个闹钟,以便每天早晨能按时起床。
I have bought an alarm clock _____________ I can get up on time in the morning.
62. 每天读半个小时英语,是容易(做到)的。_______________ to read English for half an hour every day.
63. 我妈妈昨天忙得没时间给我们做饭。My mother was ________ busy ___________________ cook for us yesterday.
64. 我听说你的字典丢了。为什么不买一本新的呢?I hear you’ve lost your dictionary. ______________ buy a new one?
65. 建造这条公路用了两年的时间。_____________________________________ the highway.
答案: 61. so that 62. It is easy 63. too…to ( so…that she didn’t have time to )
64. Why not 65. It took two years to build
70. 你最好修理一下这台电视机,别把它扔掉。____________ repair the TV set instead of throwing it away.
71. 今天早上公交车太挤了,我都没上去。The bus was __________ crowded for me ________________ this morning.
72. 我到那儿时,很高兴地看到他已经融入了新班级。
I __________________________ see him fit in his new class when I got there.
________________________ reuse and recycle _________________________________.
74. 虽然参加志愿者活动会占用一些时间,但我们仍然应该尽力坚持去做。
_____________________________ the volunteer activities, ______________________________________________. 答案: 70. You’d better 71. too, to get on 72. was glad / happy / pleased to 73. It’s necessary to, as much as possible 74. Although / Though it takes time to take part in, we should still try to keep doing it.
70. 麦克,七点了,该起床了。It’s seven o’clock, Mike.71. 图书馆离这儿有些远,你最好坐车去。72. 昨天因为交通拥堵,他上学迟到了。73. 我的电脑坏了。你能帮我修一下吗?
74. 多花时间来学英语是有必要的。
答案: 70. It’s time 71. You’d better 72. He was late for 73. help me (to) mend/fix it
74. It’s necessary to spend more time on / (in) studying/learning
70. 我家离超市很近,咱们走着去吧。My home is near to the supermarket. ______________________ on foot.
71. 我认为这部电影没意思。_______________________ the film is interesting.
72. 别着急,我相信她一定会参加比赛的。Don’t worry. I’m sure she __________________________________
73. Tom来自伦敦,但他不仅会说中文,日语说得也很好。
Tom is from London. But he ____________________________________________________.
74. 为了赶上其他运动员,她将会继续努力训练。
________________________________________________ other players.
答案: 70. Let’s go there 71. I don’t think 72. will take part in the match/competition
73. can speak not only Chinese but also Japanese 74. She will go on / keep training hard to catch up with
73. 尽量多地回收和再利用是很有必要的。
六1. He was destined never to succeed in his work.他的工作注定不能成功
2.They couldn't find common ground to solve the problem.他们未能求得解决问题的共同基础
3.They tried their best to prove that this plan was in the interest of the public.他们竭力证明这项计划是为了公众的利益
4.When she learned that her son had passed the exam, she breathed a sigh of relief.当她得知她的儿子通过了考试时 松了一
5.It's getting dark-time to light up.天色暗下来了 是开灯的时候了
6·On hearing a knock on the door, he jumped off the bed and threw on his clothes.听到有人敲门 他跳下床 迅速地披上衣服
7.When he hit the soil of his motherland, he burst into tears.当他踏上祖国的土地时 泪水盈满了眼眶
8.The garden is crying out to be watered.园地需要马上浇水
七1.After several sleepless nights, he came up with a good idea. 经过几个不眠之夜 他想出一个好主意
2.They succeed in confining the fire to a small area.他们成功地将火灾控制在小范围内
3.The basketball team lost its lead in the fifth match.这支篮球队在第五场比赛中丧失了领先地 位
4. John succeed beyond our expectations.约翰成功了 远远超出我们预期的程度
5The debate centred on the issue of environmental protection and economic development辩论集中于环境保护与经济发展的问题
6. The goal is beyond our reach.这个目标我们不能实现
7. The tax was scaled up by 10 percent.这一税种按比例增百分之十
8. A host of people gathered around the newly-built shopping mall.一大群人围在新落成的购物商场前
八1.We believe that it is the duty of parents to provide for their children.我们认为抚养孩子是父母的天职
2.When the police entered his yard ,he was busy clearing out the old barn.警察进入他家院子时 他正忙于清理旧粮仓
3.She applied for the job by sending off her application letter to the company.她通过吧申请信寄到公司申请那份工作
4.In China, the needle treatment (acupuncture) can date back to ancient times.在中国 针灸疗法可以追溯到古代
5.We are very glad that the manager has agreed to our plan.我们非常高兴经理通过了我们的计划
6.To the general manager's annoyance, none of the marketing goals this year has been reached.使总经理恼火的是 今年的市场营销目标一个也没实现
7.Mother spreads the table cloth she has just bought over the table.母亲在桌子上摊开了她刚买回来的桌布
8.His enthusiasm for this project is beyond our expectations.她对这个项目的热情出乎我们的意料
九 1.As for your application, we'll inform you of our decision as soon as possible.至于你的申请,
2.Every year only a few boats called at that island.每年只有几条船在那座岛停靠
3.Be sure to clean up the kitchen after doing your cooking.做完饭后一定要把厨房打扫干净
4.The train stopped here to take on coal that is greatly needed in the South.货车停在此处以装载南方大量需要的煤
5.One failure after another wiped out his ambition for fame.一次又一次的失败已彻底摧毁了他想出名的野心
6.Great efforts were made to improve the management of the company by the board directors.董事们付出了极大努力来改进公司的管理
7.At this point ,he stood up and left the meeting room.此刻 他站起来 离开了会议室
8.The engineer discovered a fault in the electrical circuit.工程师发现了一个电路方面的故障 十1.In general, customers should pay to log on to the Internet for chatting with other users.一般来说 客户上网与其他用户聊天要付钱
2.Hard as he tried, all his efforts to get that job ended up in failure.不管他如何努力 他为得到那份工作所付出的努力均以失败告终
3.The police had to check out the diary of the dead to find out who was involved in the case.为了查出谁卷入了这桩案件 警察不得不查看死者的日记
4.We want to know who is responsible for cleaning work this week.我们想知道本周谁负责卫生
5.Since I didn't know how to cope with this matter ,I was planning to consult a lawyer.以为我不知道如何处理这件事 我打算去咨询律师
6.Only a couple of days ago, I learned of the good news that he had won the honor of an "Outstanding Scientist".就在几天前 我得知他获得 杰出科学家 荣誉称号的好消息
7.Whatever job you have taken, you must be fully devoted to it.不管你做什么工作 你必须全力以赴
8.With his friend's help, he got a job at an annual salary of $50,000.在朋友的帮助下 他找到一份年薪为50000元的工作
《期末复习: 句子》