plastic surgery

| 英语作文 |


plastic surgery篇一:英语作文—Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery1. 目前越来越多的人接受整形手术2. 人们因为不同的原因接受整形手术3. 作为大学生我的看法【范文】Plastic Surgery  Appearance was once regarded as something we were born with and fixed. However, it is a different story now. Thanks to the advanced medical technology, people are able to change their original faces or other body parts, and plastic surgery now enjoys great popularity around the world.  People take plastic surgery for different reasons. Some spend a great deal of money on the plastic surgery because they dream of becoming a film or TV star but they are not beautiful by birth. Some, however, have to take the surgery because of certain birth defects, such as harelip and lameness, and injuries in accidents. There emerges a new group nowadays — college fresh female grads who insist that a beauty will land a job much more easily.  In my view, it’s not necessary that people try to beautify themselves. What we should bear in mind is that being natural is being beautiful. What’s more, people should judge others by their capacity instead of their appearances.整形外科外观曾被视为是我们在出世与固定。然而,这是一个不同的故事了。由于先进的医疗技术,人们可以改变自己原来的脸或身体的其他部分,整形手术现在享誉世界。人们把整形手术,因为不同的原因。有些花大量的钱在整形手术,因为他们梦想成为电影或电视明星,但他们不是美丽的出生。一些,但是,必须采取手术治疗由于某些出生缺陷,如唇裂、跛行,和受伤的事故。出现了一个新的集团如今大学的新女性毕业生谁坚持认为,美将土地工作更容易。在我看来,这是没有必要的,人们试图美化自己。我们应该牢记的是,自然就是美。更重要的是,人们应该判断别人的能力而不是他们的外表。

plastic surgery篇二:plastic surgery

plastic surgery篇三:Plastic Surgery presentation整容手术

plastic surgery篇四:My_View_on_Plastic_Surgery

My View on Plastic Surgery

In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one’s appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.

Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one’s character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one’s abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.

好词佳句总结: Beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes 就像俗语所说的那样,外在美不过是表面现象 bear the risks 承担风险 competent and well-trained people 有真才实学的人 arrogant 傲慢的,自大的 must 作名词使用 e.g.His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction

Views on plastic surgery

Human desire to appear attractive is universal; it's permeating throughout history and in all parts of the world. Both men and women have gone to great lengths to beautify themselves.

Plastic surgery is a social issue that people talk about since the millennium. Each day at the shopping mall, food store or gas station, you might find people with their unnatural facial features; it is often very obvious you can tell right away that it must have been done by a plastic surgeon. Infuriatingly, some outcomes of surgery make people uglier than before, and regrettably it is be too late, and some has to face the consequences of potential complications. Indeed, most pay a lot of money to allow others to torture their bodies to get rid of body fat. Although there are other ways to fix what they think is a big problem, as an alternative some of them are seeking the quick fix to improve their

appearance. Unfortunately, a number of patients died because of medical malfunction; this is a social issue in the new century that cannot be ignored.

Traditionally, women go for surgery mostly for a younger look; the face lift was the most common and non-fatal surgery decades ago. Recently, more and more woman and man change their body by gastric bypass, liposuction, and collagen or botox injections. Some surgeons are non-licensed, using advertising to attract those that want to change their body immensely.

Many studies on the relationship of a person self perception and other perception of their appearance have found that a person who is deemed to be beautiful is seen as being more personable, sincere, kind and strong than others. Why? The question of why women undergo unnecessary surgery to make their bodies more pleasing may help us to understand the nature of body dissatisfaction in women. With this in mind, you can see just how important it is to be found attractive, especially for a woman. There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that men and women can choose from in order to create an image that makes them feel more confident and comfortable with their appearance. Eight percent were African-American in 1998, up from four percent in 1992; eight percent are Hispanic, up from five percent; and four percent are Asian, up from three percent. We, as humans, strive for a perfect bodily image that we believe is a symbol of attractiveness. We push ourselves to the extreme in order to survive. The top three cosmetic surgeries for 1999 included liposuction, breast augmentation, and eyelid surgery. Although health insurance rarely covers the cost of cosmetic procedures, the number of individuals deciding to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery continues to grow. Consequently, weight

issues begin to take a toll on how young girls perceive themselves. Being less attractive is a disadvantage for women's careers and in this time of two-income families women must work even harder on their appearances. Age, race, gender, occupation and status are all influences to those who undergo cosmetic surgery. The percentage of "seniors" aged 65 and over who are choosing to have cosmetic surgery increased from six percent (26,426 procedures) in 1992 to nine percent (90,911 procedures) in 1998. However, the average model is 5'11" and weighs only 117 pounds.

Jim Alexander was just stopping at a local convenience store for a cup of coffee on his way to work in 1996, but then his life changed. The Indiana man blacked out and crashed his car, which burned for 20 minutes before rescuers could get him out. 1996年,家住Indiana州的Tim Alexander上班途中想在当地一家便利店前停车喝杯咖啡,但是就在此时他的生活彻底改变了。他突然眼前一黑晕了过去,撞了车,等救援人员把他从车中救出时,车已足足烧了20分钟。

His burns disfigured his face so badly that they made fellow diners at his regular restaurant uncomfortable, and he was asked not to come back. Alexander, now 60, retreated to his home, partially blinded and disfigured "like a freak in a sideshow," he said, despite at least 38 surgeries.1

他的面部严重烧伤,每当他去一家过去常光顾的餐馆就餐时,邻座客人都感到难受。于是餐馆谢绝他再去就餐。现年60岁的Alexander只好在家深居简出。他说,尽管至少已做过38次整容手术,但他还是丧失了部分视力,毁掉了容貌,看上去就象马戏团的小丑。 Then Bob Barron stepped into the picture, and gave him back his face. 这时,Bob Barron走进了他的生活,恢复了他的容貌。

Barron, 59, a former disguise expert for the CIA, helps seriously disfigured people blend back into society by designing prosthetic devices that look so real, most people don't notice they're there.2 A painter by training, Barron designs pores, veins and hair and skin imperfections into his silicone-layered creations - which have included fingers, hands, shoulders, ears and even entire faces. "You have to know how to sculpt," he said. "You have to know chemicals. You have to know how to take impressions." Margaret Bowden lost her left eye to cancer - including much of the socket and surrounding facial area. Casting a mirror image from her good eye, Barron created a prosthetic device that she can pop in whenever she goes out in public. "People don't even know it," Bowden said.

59岁的Barron曾是美国中央情报局的化装师,现在他帮助毁容者重新回归融入社会,设计出的假体惟妙惟肖、真假难辨。作为训练有素的画家,Barron创作了很多硅酮模具来弥补毛孔、静脉、头发和皮肤的缺陷,包括修复手指、手、肩、耳,甚至整张脸。他说:"你得会雕塑,懂化学品,你还得会做印模。". Margaret Bowden因患癌症失去了左眼,包括大部分眼窝和周围面部组织。Barron以她健康完好的右眼为模型,为她制作了假体,使她可以随时戴着出门。Bowden说:"居然没人看出这是假眼。"

Eight-year-old Brittany Hoyle was born without an ear. Now, even her father has trouble noticing. "He says, 'Which ear is it?'" she said. "I see two ears when I look in the mirror.3"

8岁的Brittany Hoyle出生时就少一只耳朵,现在就连她父亲都难辨她双耳的真伪。 "他说:'哪只耳朵是假的?'" Brittany说,"照镜子时我看到的是与正常人一样的两只耳朵。"

Kelly Green, an athletic 18-year-old college freshman when she was diagnosed with cancer, eventually lost a large portion of her shoulder and surrounding bone and muscle. To compensate, she started to walk differently, and began damaging her posture. Then Barron designed a shoulder.

Kelly Green被诊断为癌症时,她还是一位体魄健壮、芳龄18的大学一年级新生,后来,她失去了大部分肩部和周围的骨骼、肌肉。因此,她走路的样子、姿势都有了变化。后来,Barron为她做了一个假肩。

"It just looked like I was 18 again, before the cancer," she said. "He ended up with something that was breathable on the underneath side. It had my missing clavicle in it and everything. It looks spectacular."


Barron donated his skills - which normally cost $6,000 or more - to help a pregnant Pakistani woman whose husband, a barber, disfigured her face and blinded her with a straight razor in a jealous rage. As part of a surgical team, Barron helped give

Zahida Parveen prosthetic eyes, ears, and a nose. Months later, the procedure was complete, and she returned to Pakistan.

Barron的整形收费标准一般在6000多美元,但他无偿地用自己的技能帮助了一位巴基斯坦孕妇,这位孕妇的丈夫是一位理发师,一次他因嫉妒怒伤妻子,用折叠式剃刀毁掉了妻子的面容,弄瞎了她的双眼。Barron是外科手术小组的成员,他给Zahida Parveen戴上了精制的双眼、双耳和鼻部假体。数月后,整个整容手术完成了,她回到了巴基斯坦。

"She can't see it, obviously," said Nassim Ashraf, who worked with Parveen's case for a Pakistani human rights group. "But she then tells me what others have been telling her about her face. And she says, 'Well, you know, someone came to me and said that I look exactly like I did when I got married.' So, that must obviously make her feel very, very happy."

巴基斯坦人权组织负责处理Parveen案子的Nassim Ashraf说:"显然她无法亲眼目睹这一切,但她告诉我人们对她容貌的评论。她说:'你知道,有人过来对我说,我看起来与结婚时一样。'显然这使她感到非常非常幸福。"

Barron got into his profession almost by accident. He worked at the Pentagon as an art director for some Navy magazines. It was a low-level job and he got a low-level parking pass, far away from the Pentagon building.


"I forged a parking sticker and I parked where the admirals and the generals [park] … so I wouldn't have to walk 15 minutes through the snow," Barron said.


He got caught and summoned to court, where the judge wanted to know where he got his parking pass.


"I said, 'I made it, your honor,'" Barron said. "He said, 'Approach the bench.'… So I got right up next to him and he said, 'Damn good job.'"


He later got a call from the CIA, which was looking for a forger. Barron believes the judge recommended him. The agency soon moved him from forgery to disguises -

plastic surgery篇五:My opinion on plastic surgery

My opinion on plastic surgery

When it comes to the topic of plastic surgery, different people hold different opinions. Some people take it for granted that adolescents resort to plastic surgery for different purposes. However, others hold that ability matters more than

appearance, people shouldn't use plastic surgery to change the face or figure. As far as i'm concerned, I agree with the latter. First and foremost, inner beauty which is usually defined as ability is much more important than physical beauty. We should pay more attention to our ability instead of the appearance. Although in recent years, many graduating college students use plastic surgery to pursuit a good-looking face in order to

improve their chances of getting the job of the choice, we must understand that wise men never judge a person by his

appearance but by his ability. Even the most beautiful will fade as time goes by, but ability can accumulate day by day.

Secondly, plastic surgery not only wastes money and time but also has side effects,such as pain or defects of certain sense . It's reported that many stars who use plastic surgery to

become charming suffered a lot after several years, those side effects may remain in the rest of their lives. So it's better not to change the original appearance by plastic surgery. Natural

beauty is the most pure beauty worth to be stored .

From the foregoing, we can safely draw a conclusion that plastic surgery shouldn't be applied to increase the index of beauty. Instead,we should pay more attention to the cultivation of our ability that could last forever. Even the most beautiful will fade as time goes by, but ability can accumulate day by day.

plastic surgery篇六:plastic surgery

plastic surgery—you can change your face but you can’t

change you genes

first, people’s definition about beauty is various. For example, lyyan one of the top models of china. Is also the runner-up of the 2000 top model of the world. In most Chinese people’s eyes she is not beautiful at all.even they think she is kind of ugly. But photographers and many

westeners regard her as the tipical beauty of east.

Everybody appreciates his or her own beauty, and the development of science and technology and the change of the ideas created the conditions from both objective and subjective aspects for plastic surgery. in the face of this fashion trends, someone crawled out of it woundedly, some people jump into it full of hope. So today we are going to talk about the plastic surgery.

much less stars. The stars even saw it as "the necessary investment." There are Many Hollywood beauties from Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and then to Madonna, all fell in cosmetic affair. Not only the Female Stars, but also the males, such as Schwarzenegger who shorten his chin, Sylvester Stallone who did facelift, are crazy about plastic surgery. Now let‟s see the difference between各国差别 Kim Hee Seon is the tipical of korean plastic surgery.most

Britney Spears is the representative of United States females, who are crazy about breast lifting.

Victoria is the representative of Europe , who enjoy with surgical thinning.

Nicole Kidman loves to keep face firming and smoothing with Botox.


Korea people often regard "cosmetic certificates" as a gift to the customers or reward their children to study hard, and plastic surgery doctors even more hope than students winter comes early. Because every holiday, cosmetic surgery are always line up long lines of young students an appointment. Teachers and students get used to the phenomenon that when new term starts, students looks different than before. And the students no longer feel panic and blush when asked whether did the plastic surgery. Some credit card companies, in order to boost consumption, will elect 20 lucky ones from women-only card members monthly , giving them 1 million per person as cosmetic surgery costs.

“撞脸”。 Although Korea has completed a line of cosmetic surgery operations, but the Star model has got a lot of questions from fans, that all the actresses have the big eyes, long lashes, small nose, rolling small mouths, the devil figure, and so on. However this also makes the individual's personality not prominent and finally must prompt us to fatigue more quickly. It have already been boring when Stars hit shirts, and now they must try to avoid "hit my face".

花费的评论:What’s more the surgery costs a lot. The most favorable plastic surgeries such as rhinoplasty eyelid surgery liposuction facelift breast lifting, gernally cost about 1000 to 50000 in china. The quality of surgery is closely connected with the money you spend, and some surgeries just maintain a certain period.

风险 And in the middle of November she accepted the facial contour reshaping surgery, which resulted in massive hemorrhage during operation. The suitation is extremely dangerous. So she was sent to large

hospital rushly for transfusion but bleeding couldn't very well mitigation. In the 17th, Han Aili was sent to the severe patient wards.

People will have a night nightmares when see this picture. Nomatter in Korea star plastic surgery history or the world history of plastic surgery, this matter is worth documenting. If you want to be cosmetic, then look at her, you will have no courage to enter plastic surgery hospital. Let me first introduced her glorious history. Han was the last century 80 's little known artists.

Han had a large of face which were called "fans sister-in-law" by neighbors, and she was also dissatisfied with her own Quartet face . so in accordance with the "counterfeit cosmetic physician" „s indicates, Shang took the Silicon pigment components of injection, even also directly injected soybean oil and paraffin. Finally, the Quartet face did not eliminate, but the face increases three times as much as the general population‟s just as you can see on the photo.

The development of science and technology and the change of the ideas created the conditions from both objective and subjective aspects for plastic surgery. in the face of this fashion trends, someone crawled out of it woundedly, some people jump into it full of hope.

so what is the public attitude to cosmetic surgery? when they themselves are confronted with plastic surgery, what will they do?

目的是希望从普通大众的观点出发,全面了解大众对整容的种种看法。It is hoped that from the general public's point of view, a comprehensive understanding of public views on the various

cosmetic surgery.











plastic surgery篇七:plastic surgery

I am delighted to have the opportunity of making this presentation here. First I will show you a MV.

Do you get the meaning of this MV? It tells us a story that a girl liked his boss.

But his boss fired her because she was ugly. She was sad. And she heard the true. She hated his boss. Then she had a plastic surgery. She became beautiful. She came back to seduce her boss. And she succeed. Her boss lost his girlfriend and work. At last, he

taked his own life. That is the whole story. So what’s the point?

Yeah, the point is plastic surgery which is the topic of my presentation. First I will share you some pictures about the contrast face.

The left picture is the face before plastic surgery. And the right is after plastic

surgery. She becomes more beautiful. The boy, he cuts double-fold eyelid and rhinoplasty.

Let’s look some pictures about our starts. Everyone knows that she do a plastic

surgery. She has admit it. Maybe like Lin Xinru. Hanenzhen. 大s 小s

After seeing their real face do you like he or she still?

Next I’ll tell you something about professional knowledge about plastic surgery.

The video of the progress of plastic surgery comes first. What’s your feeling?

Next the project of Plastic surgery

• Zygomatic plastic 颧骨整形

• Mandibular Angle grinding下颌角磨削

• Artecoll爱贝芙注射除皱

• ocular plastic surgery 眼部整形

• Eyebrow department plastic 眉部整形

• Rhinoplasty 鼻整形术

• Breast implants 隆胸术

• Liposuction 吸脂术

• Photo rejuvenation technology 光子嫩肤

• Photonic depilate 光子脱毛

the oriental limit data 东方人整容极限数据:

• Liposuction 抽脂:一次最多只能抽3000CC。

• rhinoplasty 隆鼻:最多只能垫高4mm。

• Breast enhancement 丰胸:每侧最多增加330CC。

• cut double-fold eyelid 割双眼皮:最高只能割10mm。

So do you want to do a plastic surgery? Don’t be anxious. Some people are not

suitable for plastic surgery.

people who is Mental illness or have high expectations 是精神疾病患者或期望值过高者; scar physique 是疤痕体质者;

serious viscera disease patients是严重脏器疾病患者;

Infectious disease patients 是感染性疾病患者;

allergic constitution people 是过敏体质者。

minors 是未成年人;

In the short term, the same surgery is not suitable for doing similar projects

immediately 是短期内做过同样手术的人不适合马上做同类项目。

poor psychological quality心理素质差者

Now, the US-based International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ranks China first in Asia in terms of the number of procedures performed in 2009. Worldwide, China is third, after Brazil, while the United States is first. And India Mexico Japan after them. What about Korea? As we considered, it is the biggest country, but it is just seventh.

So many people do plastic surgery, so what’s the advantage? Despite its expensiveness, plastic surgery makes you look more better. Sometimes we feel awkward to look the way we are. If you getting plastic surgery, be prepared for admirers followers, and probably a bunch of wannabes.

But there are many disadvantages to plastic surgery too. You might want to make your

small nose a little bigger, but then you think it turned too big. You change the rest of your face larger and bigger than the normal ratio again. At the end, you have a giant face, and no money. There are also risks, because the operation may not succeed,

resolving in nauseating ugliness

My View on Plastic Surgery

Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one's character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one's abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery. What’s your opinion?

plastic surgery篇八:Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery篇九:topic 2 plastic surgery

Singer's death triggers plastic surgery safety concerns

In 2005, "Super Girl", a TV talent show in China, turned college student Li Yuchun into a nationwide celebrity, but few could remember another contestant Wang Bei until recently, when she died during plastic surgery.

Health authorities confirmed that Wang, 24, died on Nov. 15 from anesthetic during plastic surgery in Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province.

Postings about Wang's death drew extensiveattention from the public, triggering

safety concerns about the rising plastic surgery business.

Late 2005 Super Girl contestant Wang Bei

"The investigation results should be made public without delay," says the Ministry of Health on Saturday, calling on local health authorities to step up supervision over the medical cosmetology industry.

" asked a netizen named "short life" at the website

Most netizens expressed their sympathies online, but questioned her decision in the first place.

The demand for plastic surgery is surging in China, as many young people believe cosmetic surgery will earn them a better position in pursuing a job or a romantic relationship(1).

In an extreme case, a 30-year-old woman had received over 30 plastic surgery

treatments in the past ten years, according to a doctor in a plastic surgery hospital in Wuhan, who refused reveal his name.

"Beauty gives me confidence," said 27-year-old Tang Yun, who underwent an operation to shave her jawbones a year ago in east China's Jiangsu Province. "If makeup helps girls be pretty, why not try plastic surgery?"

Ms. Shen, who has undergone more than six cosmetic operations over the past five years, including eyelid tucks, liposuction and a nose job, said it was a kind of addiction. "I was stimulated by a great feeling the first time, I've never been more confident," said Shen.

Although her friends thought her pretty enough, she still could not help going for more treatments until doctors declined to treat her. "They told me to turn to psychologists instead of surgery doctors," she said. "I think they were right." BOOMING PLASTIC SURGERY BUSINESS

A face with eyelid tucks, a Roman nose and a pointed jaw, is usually considered beautiful by young Chinese, and some of those who are not born with these features will turn to plastic surgeries.

"We have, , 30 to 50 patients undergoing plastic surgery every day, and most of them for eyelid and nose jobs," said Li Binbin, a doctor at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Plastic Surgery Hospital in Beijing's Shijingshan District.

According to Li, an eyelid and nose job costs 2,000 yuan (300 U.S. dollars) to 3,000 yuan per operation while jawbone-grinding surgery, which is much more complicated and comes with greater risks, could cost up to 50,000 yuan.

The huge profit has prompted a number of hospitals and beauty salons to provide plastic surgery services, although some are not qualified(2). "At least 2,000 hospitals and beauty salons offer cosmetic surgery, and even a hair salon can do eyelid tucks for 300 yuan," said Li.


Rumors said Wang Bei received six plastic surgery operations altogether, which psychologists believed to be the result of a "serious mental disturbance".

"Being anxious, people nowadays are trying to seek a quicker way to succeed, and they believe plastic surgery is one of the most convenient ways" said Dr. Xu Kaiwen with the psychological counseling center at Peking University.

"It's actually self-denial. Most of them do not recognize themselves and need psychological help," Xu said.

"They chose to have surgery, hoping to ease their anxiety. But what a surgery could change is just the appearance, rather than the attitude towards life, work and friends." "They need more psychological therapy than plastic surgery," he said.

celebrity (名人) plastic surgery(整容手术)

anesthetic(麻醉剂) extensive(广泛的)

medical cosmetology industry(医学整容业)

netizen(网民) eyelid tucks(双眼皮)

liposuction(抽脂) addiction(上瘾)


due to … = because of … eg. The boss fired him due to his careless work.

Why bother doing sth…? 何苦干某事?

eg. Why bother collecting them since you will throw them away later?

on average 平均 eg. We received 20 calls a day on average.




1. What is plastic surgery?

2. What do you think of plastic surgery?

Should cosmetic surgery be banned?

When you hear of cosmetic surgery, what do you think of? A Hollywood star trying to delay the effects of aging? People who want to change the size of their stomachs, breasts, or other body parts because they see it done so easily on TV?

“Cosmetic surgery” (also known as “plastic surgery”) is surgery that is unnecessary , but is carried out to improve appearance.

Cosmetic surgery is an ancient practice. In the 8th century BC, the Indian surgeon Sushruta Samhita described what is known today as rhinoplasty (surgery to the nose) and otoplasty (to the ear). Body alteration more generally has been carried out by all peoples, from tribal tattoos

to the neck-extending Kayans of Thailand.

(Kayans of Thailand)

But modern medicine has made the possibilities of cosmetic surgery far more extensive. Anaesthesia has made procedures less unpleasant and less dangerous. In the aftermath of each of the two World Wars, cosmetic surgery leapt forwards as the demand for reconstructive surgery created skills and techniques that could be as easily applied to (perceived) improvements to image as to medical necessity(1). Consequently, cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular.

In 1948, fewer than 300 board-certified plastic surgeons were in the USA; today the number is more than 4,000. In 2004 12 million cosmetic operations were conducted in the USA alone. Where America has led, much of the world has followed. Television shows and newspaper supplements are now devoted to cosmetic surgery and makeover programmes advocate it.

Today more and more parts of the body can be “improved.” Once the possibilities for surgery were relatively restricted, now almost anything can be the subject of cosmetic surgery(2). To name but a few, common operations include abdominoplasty (a “tummy tuck” or reshaping/firming of the abdomen), blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), buttock implants/reductions, chemical “peels” (removal of acne scars and sagging skin), chin and cheek augmentation, lipectomy (or liposuction – removal of fat from the body), and rhytidectomy (a“face lift”) Among the most popular procedures are the otoplasty and rhinoplasty mentioned earlier, and finally and most commonly, surgery for the breasts: both mammaplasty ("breast enlargement/reduction") and mastoplexy (“breast lift”) – collectively known as “boob jobs.”

This article considers only cosmetic surgery carried out purely to improve appearance, and does not address plastic surgery for medical reasons, for example post-disfigurement reconstruction or remedial surgery.

cosmetic surgery(整容手术) tattoo(纹身)

Anaesthesia(麻醉) aftermath(后果)

abdominoplasty ( 腹壁成形术) blepharoplasty(眼睑成形术)

buttock(臀部) lipectomy(抽指)

rhytidectomy(除皱) disfigurement(畸形,毁容)

from a … perspective / from a perspective of … 从……角度来看

eg. Judged from a western perspective, China has an enviable problem.

in practice 1. 开业;执业 eg. Taylor was in practice with two colleagues.

2. 在实践中

eg. In practice, error at whiles sll the time seems unavoidable.




1. Is there anyone around you who did cosmetic surgery before?

2. If you have chance and enough money, will you proceed with cosmetic surgery to "change" your life? Why?

plastic surgery篇十:Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery

Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery Character: The judge;



The judge: Hello everyone. Welcome to the match on ”Should people improve their appearance through plastic surgery?”. Game is going to start. The following ,please the both sides give self introductions. Please the affirmative.

A1:Hello everyone .I am glad to see you. I am the debater one: A2:Hello everyone. I am the debater two.

The judge :Please the negative.

N1:Hello everyone. I am the debater one:

N2:Hello everyone. I am the debater two:

The judge: Ok. Please the affirmative debater states their opinion on the motion.

A1: Thank you. We think people can improve their appearance through plastic surgery. The slang that clothes make the man, horse saddle is good . A man of good appearance will be easily preferred by other people . On the contrary, an appearance of ugly man will allow other people to give him repugnance. A person who lets others feel disgust couldn’t find a good job. So we think people can improve their appearance to find a good job. Thanks.

The judge: Please the negative.

N1: Thank you. We think people shouldn’t improve their appearance through plastic surgery. People should pay attention to their own self-cultivation and not to their appearance. An ugly but the soul of man will also be preferred by the surrounding people. On the contrary, a beautiful but ugly heart people will be hated by the surrounding people. So we think shouldn’t improve their appearance. Thanks.

The judge: Ok. The following is to ask each other. Please the affirmative.

A1: Please the debater two. Have a beautiful appearance can make people feel confident is it right?

N2: Yes, it is.

A1: Good. A man has a confident person is more easily than people who lack self-confidence to succeed. It is right?

N2: Yes.

A1:Then people can improve their appearance to gain confidence and success.

N2: I don’t think so. I admit that there are a good appearance making a person with confidence. However, a person's confidence is not only rely on the face. An ugly man can raise the accomplishment of oneself to gain confidence. So I insist on our opinion.

N1: Please the debater two. According to the report cosmetic failure rate is of height 85%. There are a lot of people who are disfigured because of cosmetic. Do you still think people should improve their appearance?

A2: There isn’t something existing without any risk, so people should not be afraid of risk and not to do. But, as far as I know, most cosmetic failure is due to cosmetic institute without qualified business license. So I don’t agree with you .

N2: Please the debater one. As far as I know, cosmetic is every expensive. A lot of people can't afford it. Do you still think people need to improve their appearance through plastic surgery.

A1: I insist our opinion. The value of money lies in the use of. Through face-lifts, you gain confidence and it's not that money can bring.

A2; Please the debater one. Looking for a partner, everyone hopes that the lover is beautiful. The general appearance of the people can find the ideal lover through improving their appearance . Do you still insist on your opinion?

N1: Yes, I do. If your lover pay attention to your face, then he or she is not really loving you. Don’t you?

The judge: Ok. The following is that both sides give a summary . Please the affirmative.

A2: Thank you. We always think that people should improve their appearance through plastic surgery. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, Through the cosmetic, it can make the person with confidence. Secondly, it can make the person find a good job. Finally, it can help people find a ideal lover. That is all. Thanks.

N2: We a think that people should not improve their appearance through plastic surgery. The reasons are as follows: Firstly, cosmetic has great risk. Secondly, it costs a lot of money to improve appearance. That is all. Thanks.

The judge: The game is over. Thank you to come.

The judge:李润泽;


Debater one: 李瑞桥;Debater two:陈琼;


Debater one:李怡豪;Debater two:鞠明兴。


