chinses parenting 作文

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chinses parenting 作文篇一:Chinese Parenting

Chinese Parenting

ZY1110118 袁现坤 homework1

An essay titled ”Why Chinese mothers are superior” ,published in the Wall Street Journal about the virtues of strict Chinese parenting ,written by Amy Chua, a professor at Yale Law School, has sparked a heated online debate. As a Chinese, I am also very interested in her essay, and have my own opinion on Chinese Parenting.

It seems that the Chinese always produce children who display academic excellence, musical mastery and professional success. To achieve this, Chinese Parenting often seems strict, indifferent, and cruel. To some extent, I agree with this method. Having experienced all these, I know that children need discipline. Chinese parents who set high standards and push their kids to study, practice and achieve can ensure their children’s success in future competition.

Maybe you should say that children who are raised with strict Chinese Parenting Style don’t have the ability to think and act independently. As growing up, they also lack imagination, creativity and social skills. Yes, I admit it, because so am I. A study also shows that Children and also young people coming from groups of authoritarian landscapes with high demandingness however lower responsiveness typically conduct pretty properly in school along with usually are uninvolved throughout behavior problems yet have reduced self-esteem, lesser social skills that not directly cause higher depression symptoms quantities. But in China everything should be considered in a special way! It is widely known that there are too many people in China, and the competitionin China is astonishingly fierce. Thus it is the best way that Chinese parents can choose to protect their children by preparing them for the future, letting them see what they're capable of, and arming them with skills, work habits and inner confidence that no one can ever take away. More and more increasingly, we sense we should respect our parents and thank them deeply for raising us so hard. All through their years they breed and educate us heart and soul. We can never compensate them too much!

Perhaps some people prefer Western Parenting, but it is really difficult to say which parenting style is better. Now that we have already been born in such environment, all we can do is to take in it ,and do our best, try our best.

chinses parenting 作文篇二:Chinese parenting

Reading material—Chinese Parenting

Instructions: Read the three cases about Chinese parenting. Find out the meaning of the underlined words and write them down on your notebook.

1.Case one--华裔“虎妈”教育方式引争议 耶鲁大学法学院华裔教授蔡美儿的新书《虎妈战歌》在被美国媒体摘录后,立即成为中西方媒体热议的话题,“虎妈”蔡美儿提出的“中国式”严苛教子方法也引发了巨大争议。蔡美儿是华裔第二代美国移民,书中介绍了她如何秉承“中国妈妈”的教育方式,严苛地要求两个女儿并使其获得成功的经历,并列出了十大“不准”家规,当女儿们没有按照要求去做时,她会直接骂她们“垃圾”,甚至不准吃饭、上厕所。

“虎妈”的另类教育方法引起社会巨大反响,支持者认为,为了让孩子将来跻身成功人士之列,就应该对他们“狠”一点。而反对方除了质疑蔡美儿有虐待儿童之嫌外,也指出“虎妈”的做法实际上是在抹杀孩子的个性和自由天性。 - "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" has raised media storm and fierce debates in the US.

Amy Chua is a Yale Law School professor and the mother of two teenage girls. She is the daughter of Filipino immigrants of Chinese descent. Her book is described by Chua writes that her daughters, Sophia and Louisa, were never allowed to attend a choose their own extracurricular activities or get any grade less than an A. They had to play piano or violin - and no other musical instruments. Chua writes that she was called "garbage" by her father after being disrespectful to her mother - and that she, in turn, once called her own daughter garbage.

She writes that if a Chinese child gets a B - which she says "would never happen" - there would be "a screaming, hair-tearing explosion." She describes making her 7-year-old play a piano piece perfectly - yelling and not letting her leave the bench even to use the bathroom - until it was.

Alison Lo, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Washington's Bothell campus, has read about Chua's book. Lo, who grew up in Hong Kong and came to the United States to earn her doctoral degree at Duke University, sees the parenting debate from both sides.

"I don't think Amy is advocating a best practice of parenting style, or that success and Muhlstein, a columnist with the US-based

"But I can imagine how strong her daughters' college applications are going to be," Lo continued.

"For many parents whose dreams are seeing their kids graduating from a competitive university, Amy is sharing with the readers that it is achievable by persistent, dedicated parental guidance," Lo said. "In that sense, a young adult's giftedness can be born, or made."

In interviews since The Wall Street Journal excerpts were published, Chua has not a parenting book." In the AP article, she allowed that her younger daughter will celebrate her 15th birthday with a sleep-over.

2. Case two--狼爸&棍棒教育


请看中国日报网的报道: ."


文中的stick parenting就是指“棍棒教育”,这是自称中国“wolf dad(狼爸)”的香港商人萧百佑所推崇的一种教育理念。去年红极一时的美国“tiger mom(虎妈)”已经遭到西方社会的普遍质疑,而萧百佑的'wolf dad' approach("狼爸"教育)引起公众对education techniques(教育方式)的再次讨论。

“Wolf dad(狼爸)”将Chinese traditional education(中国传统国学教育)和自己的经验相结合,以极其彪悍的教育手法将4个儿女培养成品学兼优且知书达理的好孩子,其中三个孩子相继被北京大学录取,创造了“一门三北大”的奇迹。

Stick parenting(棍棒教育)引起社会各界的反响和争论,学者们认为在这种教育方式下考入一流大学的孩子可能会有某种personality disorders(人格障碍);律师警告这种教育方式有可能违反有关domestic violence(家庭暴力)和child abuse(儿童虐待)的法律。

3. Case three--鹰爸 eagle dad

在“虎妈狼爸”引爆家庭教育之争后,“鹰爸”又横空出世。近日,网上一段“裸跑弟”的视频,就引发了网友关注:除夕清晨,一名来自南京跟随父母到美国旅行的4岁男童,在纽约-13℃的暴雪中裸跑。网民对此教育方式褒贬不一。对此,孩子的父亲何先生表示儿子是早产儿,曾被告知未来可能脑瘫痴呆,遂制定残酷的“鹰爸”式训练计划让其健康长大。 请看中国日报网的报道:

A man calling himself "eagle daduploaded a video of his 4-year-old son, whom he had forced to run naked in the snow, to the Internet.


文中的eagle dad就是指“鹰爸”,其educational ideas(教育理念)是:当幼鹰长到足够大的时候,鹰妈妈就会狠心地把幼鹰赶下山崖,幼鹰往谷底坠下时,拼命地拍打翅膀,趁此掌握了基本的本领——飞翔。

与此前出现的“tiger mom(虎妈)”、“wolf dad(狼爸)”近似,对“eagle dad(鹰爸)”的教育方式,社会各界也同样是褒贬不一。一项调查显示,70%的网友不认同这种近乎“残酷的鹰式教育”。对越来越趋向于远离严厉的传统教育模式,尊崇宽松自由美国模式的中国家庭教育来说,“如狼似虎”的父母往往让人们嗤之以鼻。

在home education(家庭教育)中,父母也应适度谦抑individual will(个人意志)和personal ideal(个人理想)对孩子的影响,以便与孩子的选择和兴趣形成合理博弈,而不是将孩子完全变成自身教育理念的实验品。

chinses parenting 作文篇三:Traditiona Chinese Parenting

Traditional Chinese Parenting

Hua Shengzeng (2011: 502), one of Chinese most famous behavior master, states that" If you give me some healthy babies, I dout living in the environment I design for them, anyone of them would be any kinds of expert such as doctors, layers, artists, successful business men and so on." Though his viewpoint is a little extreme, it somehow indicates how important the parenting is. When speaking about Chinese parenting, the West may realize that Chinese parents are too strict, which make their children achieve good scores and work hard. However, traditional Chinese parenting is not as simple as they think and it forms its own characteristics and systems through the development of thousands of years.

In traditional parenting system, ethics is the core content, requesting people's behavior depending on "Filial Piety", "loyalty" and "love". In other words, parents teach their children how to conduct yourself (Hao and Du, 2011). You may ask me how Chinese parents educate children, the main way is parents' general behavior and speaking, which can be models of their children. In addition, Chinese parents put how to be a person a more important situation than giving knowledge. No mater what parents do to their children, their aim is to help kids grow well and be useful to family and society. Yu Dan (2009), professor of Beijing Normal University, believes that Chinese people trust parenting. A person's behaviors, basic concepts of value often come from his parenting education. The most important of traditional parenting is to make the children become the best of theirselves.

In traditional Chinese family, fathers and mothers have different roles. Father is a synonym for strict, as mother is a synonym for love. Depending on some reliable researches, fathers being strict with their children properly is helpful to their children's growing. Moreover under the influence of Chinese culture, parents' excessive protecting and interfering do not lead to children's pessimism, which may to the contrary be beneficial.

Fu Cong's success is a good example to illustrate traditional parenting method. Fu Cong is one of Chinese most famous pianists and his father, Fu Lei, is a

well-known translator. When Fu Cong is a little child, his father is extremely strict with him, who is not only asking Cong to work hard in practicing piano but also asking him to be a person with moral integrity firstly. On the contrary, Cong's mother is kind and nice who is also very significant. The reason why Fu Cong became a brilliant pianist is mainly because he has a good education of morality and skill, which is closely related to his parenting education. Between the years when Fu Cong was learning abroad, in order to give some useful advice to Cong, Fu Lei wrote letters frequently to him. In one letter Fu Lei (2008: 87) said" In my letters, I always tell you something about art or report some important information in Chinese music circles. My aim is to ask you to take more attention about domestic situation. " From this letter, we can see Cong's father saw parenting a very important thing where ever his son was.

However, except for the advantages mentioned above, there are many disadvantages of Chinese traditional parenting. As is known to us all, usually Chinese parents are strict with their children, but a few parents are too strict to make their kids afraid of them, which is harmful to children's growing-up. What's more, when children make mistakes, some parents choose the wrong way to educate them such as child maltreatment. In addition, a few foreign critics hold the point that Chinese traditional parenting curbs children's personality development, which I don't agree for they don't understand the essence of Chinese parenting.

With the rapid development of our society, parents ignore a great deal of the advantages of Chinese traditional parenting and parents put learning knowledge a more important situation than morality. Ignoring the importance of morality, parents find their kids full of knowledge but lack of basic principles of conducting themselves. So I suggest that every parents should deeply study the main parts of Chinese parenting and inherit the advantages of it. In the end, it's our duty to develope our traditional parenting and make it vivid.


 Hua S. (2011) "Child Behavior Problems and the Relationship between Parenting Styles", China

Journal of Health Psychology, vol 19, August, pp. 502-504.

 Hao Y and Du G. (2011) Analysis of China's Traditional View of Family Education Rethinking,

[Online], Available: [6 Nov 2011].

 Fu L. (2008) Fu Lei Letter, Tianjin: Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences Publishing House. Yu D. (2009) The Wisdom of Family Education in Chinese Traditional Culture, [Online], Available:

[6 Nov 2011].

chinses parenting 作文篇四:chinese parenting中国教育的变化

chinses parenting 作文篇五:Chinese Parenting Guide - English

Parenting in a New Culture

A guide for Australian-Chinese parents

© Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre

Second Edition



This guide is dedicated to all Chinese migrant parents living and bringing up their children and teenagers in Australia.

“ If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.

If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.

If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident.

If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.

If a child lives with recognition, he learns it is good to have a goal.

If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is.

If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.

If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself & those around him.

If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live,

to love and to be loved.”



This parenting guide was produced to assist new immigrant parents in raising their children in a new country. The first edition was released in 2004 and distributed to Chinese parents living throughout Australia.

This second edition builds on the feedback and suggestions that we received from Chinese parents who read the first edition and found it helpful. The second edition also features the advice and expertise of Chinese parenting experts who were invited to participate in our panel of experts. These individuals were selected carefully on the basis of their experience as Chinese parents in raising their own children in the Australian environment. Furthermore, the parenting experts are qualified and educated within a relevant area that complements their experience as Australian-Chinese immigrants.

I would like to thank our Family Services Manager Dr Khairy Majeed who has been a principal contributor in the design of the framework and all research that has led to this successful series of parenting guides. Dennis Glover is thanked for his contribution as our in-house editor, and Denise Goldfinch in assisting in the design and marketing.

The Australian Commonwealth Government through the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs had the foresight to provide funds for this project via the ’Responding Early Assisting Children (REACh)’ funding program. The views expressed in this publication are those solely of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Minister or the Commonwealth Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.Stephanie Lagos

Chief Executive Officer

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