
| 读后感 |



Call of the wild is a very good book, not like a fairy tale that lovely lively, sometimes even let a person feel horrible, actually this is not its shortcomings, but its advantages. Most of the students in the class love horror story, I am no exception, you should read the title is a bit goose bumps? ! Let me simply said once: buck (note: buck's protagonist, it is a dog) in snow and ice inside dogsled, less than a month can thin for 15 jins, have to sell buck buy other dogs. And the temperature was: Antarctic minus 50 degrees Celsius, everyday want to pull of 12 hours of the sled. From these two places is enough to see a little terror, not like behind than lipingwere intimidating!

Everybody has a point, as the silver wild dog, or was it a Wolf.

The person's heart is very secretive, we couldn't understand him, many people don't know even exists. Wait until we have undergone many, many sea change do change, my heart is tired, even beat strength also have no, suddenly when dreaming discovered his

ancestors also and Wolf general in the forbidden forest summons, we will return to this.thee is we will belong to them in the place?

Feral not only in call our hearts, even for his soul also yield. Suddenly remembered that "the wind running freedom is the direction of" original to his own beauty. This complex world is by nature with the simplest way to make it. It is just a matter of time

Call of the wild, to hidden depths.

《野性的呼唤读书笔记全英文版 之 作者简介》

1 J ack London was born in San Francisco on January 12, 1876, the illegitimate son of Flora Wellman, the rebellious daughter of an aristocratic family, and William Chaney, a traveling astrologer who abandoned Flora when she became pregnant. Eight months after her son was born, Flora married John London, a grocer and Civil War veteran whose last name the infant took. London grew up in Oakland, and his family was mired in poverty throughout his youth. He remained in school only through the eighth grade but was a voracious reader and a frequent visitor to the Oakland Public Library, where he went about edu-cating himself and laying the groundwork for his impending literary career.

In his adolescent years, London led a rough life, spending time as a pirate in San Francisco Bay, traveling the Far East on sealing expeditions, and making his way across America as a tramp. Finally, temporarily tired of adventure, London returned to Oakland and graduated from high school. He was even admitted to the University of California at Berkeley, but he stayed only for a semester. The Klondike gold rush (in Canada’s Yukon Territory) had begun, and in 1897 London left college to seek his fortune in the snowy North.

The gold rush did not make London rich, but it furnished him with plenty of material for his career as a writer, which began in the late 1890s and continued until his death in 1916. He worked as a reporter, covering the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 and the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s; meanwhile, he published over fifty books and became, at the time, America’s most famous author. For a while, he was one of the most widely read authors in the world. He embodied, it was said, the spirit of the American West, and his portrayal of adventure and frontier life seemed like a breath of fresh air in comparison with nineteenth-century Victorian fiction, which was often overly concerned with what had begun to seem like trivial and irrelevant social norms.

The Call of the Wild, published in 1903, remains London’s most famous work, blending his experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness with his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence. He drew these ideas from various influential figures, including Charles Darwin, an English naturalist credited with -developing theories about biological evolution, and Friedrich Nietzsche, a prominent German philosopher. Although The Call of the Wild is first and foremost a story about a dog, it displays a -philosophical depth absent in most animal adventures.

London was married twice—once in 1900, to his math tutor and friend Bess Maddern, and again in 1905, to his secretary Charmian Kittredge, whom he considered his true love. As his works soared in popularity, he became a contradictory figure, arguing for socialist principles and women’s rights even as he himself lived a materialist life of luxury, sailing the world in his boat, the Snark, and running a large ranch in northern California. Meanwhile, he preached -equality and the brotherhood of man, even as novels like The Call of the Wild celebrated violence, power, and brute force.

London died young, on November 22, 1916. He had been plagued by stomach problems and failing kidneys for years, but many have suggested that his death was a suicide. Whatever the cause, it is clear that London, who played the various roles of journalist, novelist, prospector, sailor, pirate, husband, and father, lived life to the fullest.


《野性的呼唤读后感 英文版 2500字以上》

Peeping at Human through Dog

—— The Review of The Call of the Wild

张璐 Class C

“When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat into the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the head of the back through the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic above his followers, his great throat a bellow as he sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.”

There was a script about the savage life in the frozen north of ice and snow. There were the unexplored north areas of America and the 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush which dragged men from the entire world into the hard wild to look for gold. There was a road where a gigantic dog like human fought his way to struggle in the wasteland. There was a civilized beast grew from mildness to wildness. And there came the call of the wild.

The background and plot

In the 19th century, it was said that gold had been found in the Klondike area in Northern California of vast wilderness, so thousands of people rushed into this uncultivated ground to seek for gold and fortune, which needed a large quantity of dogs to support for the transportation. There came up Buck story which we can’t define it as luckiness or unluckiness.

Buck, a dog weighed one hundred and forty pounds, tall, strong, and heavy muscled, lived a cozy and comfortable life in a rich family of a Judge named Miller, but was soled by evil gardener to two dog dealers and was took to Alaska as a sled


Led by his second masters, two governmental couriers, he studied how to pull a sled and how to live in this cruel world where needed more cunning behavior and less fake moral and courtesy. For example, he learned to sleep in the snow hole to get warmness from the clod nights, and he learned to thief bacon and food from his masters and neighboring camps, as well as that, he learned how to fight effectively and efficiently with his antagonists and survive of the combat about the dominant leader with Spitz. In addition to those, he also went through the hardships in the toil on the ice layer, and he learned how to obtain the victory and stand on the wilderness which was beneficial to himself who can only fit the environment, but can’t defy the harness.

After the arduous trace and trail, they finally reached the destination, and then, after a short break, dogs including Buck led by a Scotch half-breed man stepped again on the ice land with the Salt Water Mail. It was a hard trip and a monotonous life operating like machine that dogs must undertake the heave pulling and poor condition where they were tired and short of weight. Buck’ partner, Dave who had something wrong inside suffered most of all, but pride as he was, pulling the sled was his holy missionary job which can fulfill his life and must be done until his death. However, the tough work was still continuous.

Thirty days passes, by which time Buck and his mates found how really tired and weak they are until they arrived at the last town. They were in a wretched state, worn out and worn out, which was not the tiredness that came from a brief and excessive

effort and can be recovered from some hours’ rest, but was the dead tiredness that came through the slow and prolonged strength drainage of months of toil and had to need a long vocation to evacuate. Nevertheless, only three days after they were bought by a family including a foolish woman, a callow and ignorant youngster, and a middle aged man with weak and watery eyes. Never mind of dog’s frazzle, the third masters tried their best to lash out at them with whip, but Buck was not under very good command and not proud and interested of this career. Until they reached at the camp of Thornton, with the natural instinct and extreme weariness, Buck tolerated the whip from his so called masters and refused to go ahead which was his luckiness to meet his last master, Thornton.

Without doubt, Thornton was a good master, full of wisdom, intelligence and love who can manage Buck’s life comfortably and in order. By the careful attendance form his new master, Buck was on his feet quickly and solidly. Filled with the loying love toward his master, Buck companied him, saved his life for several times and helped him win the gambling party. Then, they faced into the East on an unknown trail to achieve where men and dogs as good as themselves has failed, as the call from the wild became stronger and stronger which attracted Buck to leave the civilization to look for. The knife that cut out the bound of Buck between his masters was the master’s deaths which left a void in the dog’s heart and a strengthened calling from the wild. Buck, a civilized dog, finally went back to wolves after thousands of generation by singing a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack.

Survive of the fittest

The Call of the Wild abounded in Darwinism which advocated the evolutionism and natural selection theory.

In the process of having to leave the comfortable Miller’s house and adapt to the harsh primitive snowfield, Buck went through the changes from the mildness to wildness where he studied the law of club and fang and admitted the rule of failure without progress. “He had learned well the law of club and fang, and he never forewent an advantage or drew back from a foe he had started on the way to death.” “He must master or be mastered,” “Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of time, he obeyed.”

After analysis, we can find that related to the Darwinism, learning ability was an important factor of the victory of living of Buck. As a south dog living in the rich family and innocent environment, Buck was not wary of Manuel’s uncommon behavior, but situation has changed entirely after a period of barbaric life: he showed hostility to his all possible mates and took precaution of everything. As well as that, throwing away the moral standard and facing the death of starvation, Buck had an ability of thief. “This first theft marked Buck as fit to survive in the hostile Northland environment. It marked his adaptability, his capacity to adjust himself to changing conditions, the lack of which would have meat swift and terrible death.” In addition to those, his muscles became hard as iron, and he grew dumb to all ordinary pain, and he can successful take full use of all the elements no matter internal or external. That’s the progression of Buck which can equip him with thick helmets from being hurt deeply and made him be the fittest.

Not only did he learnt by experience, but instincts long dead became alive again. Maybe knowledge acquired by learning was Buck’s left hand, instincts his right. Good pedigree set up his first sense of a tall, strong and muscular potential king, while the instinct helped him to learn fast and save his life. “It was no task for him to learn to fight with cut and slash and the quick wolf snap.” “They came to him without effort or discovery, as though they had been his always.”

Buck changed as his living environment changed. With the change of environment, Buck, compared to the previous southern family dog that was mild and gentle, acquired many abilities and skills. He tried his best to live by becoming cunning, cold-blood, and cruel which make him step forward on the road of corpse and blood. Survive of the fittest which is demonstrated by adaptation to the environment and wielding the law to protect himself and attack on others made him roared on the top of the food chain and return to wolves.

All what Buck has done was not due to his reason and thought, but due to his fit. He was fit to everything surrounding him unconsciously and put him to the new way of living quickly.

“The theory, ‘Survival of the fittest’, is the law of biological evolution which implies that plants or animals adapt to the environment to survive or to die—it is the biological survival rule of brutal biosphere.” That is to say, the key of this law is that those who can fit the environment can survive, on the contrary, those failed to fit would be obsolete under the rule of elimination.

Peeping at Buck and his struggle, we can have a vision of us human that was also



题 目 读《野性的呼唤》有感

姓 名 张文博

所在学院 内蒙古大学鄂尔多斯学院

专业班级 11级自动化

学 号 01161030

指导教师 陈静

日 期 2013年 5月24日

得 分
















摘 要



关键词: 野性的呼唤;自由;回归;


The Call of the Wild is the first seller of Jack London, one of the best novels in the early twentieth–century America. It was this book that made its author famous in the republic of letters. Although it has a simple plot, it is considered as a classic of American literature. The article vividly analyzes the characteristics of Jack London‘s writing theme that is the description of the conflicts between nature and human. Based on The Call of the Wild,the behavior of its protagonist Buck‘s final return is the symbol of yearning for freedom of the author as well as the urgent aspiration of people who were repressed at the social circumstance of that time. It points out the author‘s writing thoughts, that human show how strong they are in their fight against nature. This thesis undertakes an attempt to dissect its themes—back to the nature, the survival of the fittest, the refraction of social life, struggles of the oppressed and humanitarianism so as to disclose the multiplicity of the theme in it.

This thesis analyzes the connotation of ―return‖ deeply. Basing on the thorough understanding of the novel, this thesis expounds the importance of environment to human beings, and reveals the theme.

Key words:The Call of the Wild; freedom; return


Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 Leaving home to the wild ............................................................................. 3

2.1 Falling into cheat and leaving home ....................................................................... 3

2.2 Unable to get away from the club ........................................................................... 3

2.3 Going into the wild ................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 3 A painful struggle .......................................................................................... 5

3.1 The initial practice .................................................................................................. 5

3.2 The tribulation of the survival................................................................................. 5

3.2.1 Following the law of the club and tooth .......................................................... 5

3.2.2 Become a leader ............................................................................................... 6

3.2.3 For the love of his benefactor .......................................................................... 7

3.3 The last choice ........................................................................................................ 8

Chapter 4 Buck’s gains ................................................................................................... 9

4.1 How to become a sledge dog .................................................................................. 9

4.2 How to live in the north .......................................................................................... 9

4.3 How to repay an obligation ................................................................................... 10

4.4 The cruel circumstance ......................................................................................... 10

Chapter 5 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 12

References ...................................................................................................................... 17

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 18

Chapter 1 Introduction

The most famous novel about the animal from the American famous novelist Jack London (1876-1916) is The Call of the Wild. It is one of the masterpieces of the great American writer Jack London, and it has always been my favorite novel. It apparently is a dog‘s story. In the deep part, London makes a reflection of the real human life through Buck‘s life. He treats animals like human beings and human beings are just like animals, recognizing no essential difference between man and animal. Jack London‘s uncanny understanding of animal and human natures give this novel a striking vitality and power. After reading it, people could not help pondering over his own life and thinking about what is the real meaning of human nature that always resounds in the inner heart like the Wild appealing Buck to return to its arms. Buck‘s story in fact is a human‘s life story. Some interesting comparisons will show how amazingly similar these two worlds are, and some inspirations can be drawn from this allegoric story.

One of the characteristics of his novel lies in their themes, especially focusing on the fight between the human and the nature and his expression of respect for human‘s strong will in these fights. But his novel stands out among all this kind of human—nature conflict stories because he is clever enough to make cruel story interesting and plotting. In this novel, the whole story is based on a smart dog, Buck, which makes it fresh beyond the outlook of a dog and the common description of it. This is a story that takes place in the original wilderness of the backland snow and icebound in North America, describing a dog who named Buck to be drawn in the wave of gold rush in Alaska. He experiences various sufferings struck with soul—stirring, and be caused to remember his ancestry by instinct in the howl. Generally, the original innate wild of the wolf has revived in his deep soul. Finally, under the lure of the wolf, the wildness in the untamed nature brought to his life little by little and his social return to the nature from the civilization. Although the novel describes a dog, it gives the dog with the innate intelligence, using ―he‖ and ―they‖ to call them completely. The purpose lies in being reflected the pathetic life of the labor people in a capitalism society by the career of a dog, expressing the strong wild that they resist the exploitation and oppression and look forward to the freedom. Not only does the story tell that the hero returns to the great universe, but also it emphasizes the process that his soul returns to

the wild. Use a new writing skill to announce the topic of the returning.

This novel has 7 chapters. The launch, development and the end of the story is by the clues of the living environment and mind variety of Buck. It can be divided into four importance parts: ⑴Buck was born in Judge Miller‘s house in the sunny valley of Santa Clara in Southern and he had the comfortable life but because of the pan for gold, he was thrown into the abyss of pain and sufferings; ⑵ The difficult life after Buck become a sledge dog and the maltreatment which he was subjected and his resists; ⑶The fights between dog and dog and finally Buck acquired the master policy; ⑷ Buck ruptured the relation to the person‘s at last, and the call of the wild makes him bring his life to the untamed nature, becoming one member of wolves.















巴克原来是一头有着圣伯纳德犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混血血种 ,养尊处优的贵族犬 ,受着米勒法官的宠爱。可是不幸降临了,人们在北方发现了一种贵重的黄色金属——黄金,一拨又一拨的人涌向寒冷的北方淘金,他们需要大量的狗来拉雪橇。园丁的助手曼纽尔为了得到钱来养活家人,偷偷地把巴克卖了出去。一开始,一个红衣人在巴克挣扎时用大棒来“教育”它,而与弗朗索瓦在冰天雪地里的野外生存体验让它明白了“大棒和獠牙的法则”:为活而活,无论是偷盗还是强抢;与对手互相斗争绝不留情,否则死的就是自己。它有一个死对头名叫斯皮茨,它总是找它的麻烦。对于斯匹茨巴克总是处处忍让,尽量避免发生正面冲突。终于,怒火爆发了,巴克在战斗中杀死了斯皮茨,完成了野性回归的第二步。经过一段时间,巴克已经彻地完成了蜕变,已经没有任何仁义道德可言。它适应了北方残酷的生存法则,融入了充满兽性的弱肉强食的世界。它开始挑衅,为当上领头犬,并把狗群压制性管理得井井有条。主人不断的变化,但最终还是找到了一个真正关心巴克的约翰·桑顿。这是一段都么美好的日子!人与狗朋友般和谐相处。可同时,巴克也和林子里的狼交上了朋友,几次想奔到丛林里的巴克都被与约翰的情感所束缚。一次回家,巴克惊讶的发现约翰与他的朋友全部被耶哈兹人杀害了。愤怒的它再次激发了被压制的野性,撕裂了所有凶手的脖颈。再无牵挂的巴克奔入了令他魂牵梦萦的丛林,找到了狼朋友,凭借强横的实力当上了自由自在的狼王。不过它每年都回去约翰丧生的地方默哀。




野性,究竟是什么? 有人说,野性有狡猾,也有忠诚;它带来野蛮,也带了了友情。让世界充满生机的是它,同时把世界推入地狱的亦然是。有人说,野性,可能是一种残忍的东西,但也是一种很单纯的东西。它可以让一条文明狗享受杀戮的快乐;也可以让一条血腥的狗,对一个人无比忠诚,无比深爱,与一个人架构起深厚的友谊。但说到底,它最终带来的,是一种灵魂的归属。


































野性,在这个人类的文明社会,这个词似乎是不被允许存在的。它意味着落后、退化、低等和粗鄙。野性的呼唤,呼唤的是野性,是在文明社会中隐藏的原始生存本能。《野性的呼唤》讲述的就是一个生命抛弃文明,奔向野性的故事。 “风俗的链条锁不住游牧部落跳跃的古老渴望;寒冬萧条,沉沉睡去,野性将唤醒凄厉的诗行。” 《野性的呼唤》又名《荒野的呼唤》,美国著名作家杰克•伦敦所著。整篇小说讲述的是一只叫巴克的狗的悲惨而令人激动的经历以及它逐渐回归到自己原始野性状态的故事。而作者并没有将它的遭遇讲得如何惊险离奇,只是将它摆在一个多样的狗的群体中。在那个群体中它品尝到了真正的狗的生活,而作者适时地在其中插入了巴克内心的野性的逐步复苏,直到爆发。 巴克从小生活在南方一个法官的家里,在那儿巴克享受着优裕的生活,同时很受尊重,可一切却因人类在北方找到一种黄色的金属而改变。带有几分贵族气质的巴克遭受了不礼貌的待遇,它被法官的园丁拐走,卖到一个穿红绒线衫家伙那儿。接着是一顿大棒的反复猛打,一次再次地打得它昏死过去。巴克最初被卖给两个法裔加拿大人,后来辗转卖给邮局,又被送到阿拉斯加严寒地区去拉运送邮件的雪橇。在极度恶劣的环境下,巴克努力地适应着陌生的环境,并不断的从同伴那儿摸索到了许许多多的生存之道。这里我要提一只狗斯匹茨, 因为从它身上,巴克“学”到了很多,让在朦胧中的巴克记起了原始的杀戮。斯匹茨是雪橇队里的排头狗,也就是领袖。它把巴克当成是潜在的对手,总是挑衅找茬,表面和善,实际凶残。起先,对于斯匹茨巴克总是处处忍让,尽量避免发生正面冲突。一方面他从中学习,另一方面体内的本能随着一次次的挑衅复活了。最终祖先们的咬啮、撕扯和豺狼式的突击在巴克的身上活跃起来,它把斯匹茨斗倒了,成为了狗群的领队狗。一旦野性苏醒,那来自森林深处的呼喊便时时诱惑着巴克,那是一种凄凉怪诞、叫人毛骨悚然的调子,可巴克却很高兴跟着一起嚎。巴克先后换过几个主人,最后被约翰•索顿收留。那是在巴克被残暴的主人哈尔打得遍体鳞伤、奄奄一息时,索顿救了他,并悉心为他疗伤。在索顿的精心护理下巴克恢复得很快,由此他们之间产生了真挚的感情。巴克对索顿非常忠诚。不幸的是,















狗派克教会它如何偷食以慰饥肠。其实巴克是不喜欢偷,为了能吃饱他是非偷不可。从狗比利那儿,巴克很快学会了如何在雪地里破冰汲水解渴等技巧。这里我要提到一只狗斯匹茨, 因为从它身上,巴克“学”到了很多,让在朦胧中的巴克记起了原始的杀戮。








