
| 读后感 |



The View of La Vita E Belle

La Vita E Belle also called Life Is Beautiful, is an Italian movie ran in 1997 which tells a story about how Guido—the hero of the film—applies his rich imagination to help his family during their internment in a Nazi concentration camp. The movie is set in the background of World War II and divided into two parts. The first half of it is like a pleasant and romantic story about how Guido meets Dora—a local teacher—and pursues her in a funny but intelligent way. And Dora finally resists her parents and runs away with Guido on a green-painted horse at her engagement party. They marry and have a very naughty but cute son named Giosuè. However, good times don’t last long. In the second half of the movie, Guido and Giosuè are caught by Nazi on Giosuè’s 5th birthday as Jewish and are about to be sent to the concentration camp. But Dora, who could have escaped from the tragedy, chooses to go with them. But she is locked away from the father and the son. In order to protect Giosuè and relieve his pain in the concentration camp, Guido tells his son that they are playing a game and the winner will get a real tank as a prize and act as if he is trying hard to win points. Giosuè believes his dad and behave quite well. Meanwhile, Guido also tries to tell Dora that they are safe in different ways. Finally, in the chaos caused by the American advance, he tells his son to stay in a box until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. Guido goes off to look for Dora but is caught and shot to death off camera, by a Nazi soldier.

I’m impressed by this film as I never imaged that such a tragedy could expressed by a comedy,but the love that Guido expressed to his son touched me more.I think the

theme of this film wanted to show is love.At first,the film tells us a romantic history about Guido and Dora to express the love’s meaning.When Guido encounters Dora,he says that “good morning,princess”and shows his talent to her in by all means to express his love.And when Guido and Giosuè were caught by Nazi,Dora decided to go with him.That’s the power of love.Secondly,the film delves into a very touchy area in which Guido and his family are transported to a concentration camp.As soon as Guido and Giosuè are put into the dormitory in the concentration camp, Guido convinces his son that they are in a game and they need to earn 1000 points to get the big prize. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn points. When the Nazi officer comes to announce the rules they should obey, Guido voluntarily becomes the interpreter and tells the rules of the “game” to his son, although he doesn’t know German at all. When Giosuè decides to give up and go home, Guido pretends to be very regretful because they get most points and they quit. As a little boy who wants to get the tank, Giosuè changes his idea and prefers to continue the game. When Giosuè is mistaken as a German and arranged to have meal with other German kids, Guido tells him to keep silent. However, Giosuè still says “thank you’’ when a waiter gives him a dish. The waiter realized something and goes to tell the officer. Then Guido teaches all the kids in the room to say “thank you’’ before the woman officer comes. These are some scenes I remember very clearly. From them, I see that Guido is very clever and good at adapt himself to changing circumstances. No wonder Giosuè is protected well by him. And, at the end of the

story, Guido goes to look for Dora and is found by Nazi, he was taken by a soldier with a gun. When they walk pass the box where Giosuè hides, Guido walks awkwardly and pretends to be happy. At that moment, Giosuè is laughing, but my tears well up in my eyes. We can say that even in the last moment of his life, Guido still makes his son believe that they are in a game. He really loves Giosuè very much and does everything he can to protect him.

This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on me. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son.I think father’s love is the greatest love in the world after watching this film.Even never sayed “I love you”,father still love you in a practical action.

Besides,I also learned many things from this film.Firstly, Guido taught me that we should keep an optimistic attitude. Things are not as terrible as you think. It all depends how you treat them.If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back. Secondly, as a parent, it is your duty to ensure the healthy growth of your children, not only on physiology, but also on psychology. Children’s soul will be deeply hurt if they are faced with so cruel truth. And it will influence their life. Thirdly, just love who you love. Love your sweetheart, and love your family.Finally,we should believe that life is beautiful.We still can find the beauty of life ,even the life was shrouded in darkness at that time.

《精读4man of the moment读后感英文版》

Man of the Moment

While reading to the end of the play, I felt relieved somehow. It might because Vic Parks finally got punished, and what he had done eventually cost him his life. From every word he spoke, we can see what a dad person he was, especially in contrast with Douglas Beechey. Seventeen years ago, Vic was a robber, and Douglas was the fighter in the bank raid against Vic. However, today Vic has become a big shot on TV. He was loved by so many people who tend to forget his past. However, Douglas was only remembered as a hero, and people seemed to forget his past, too.

In the play, we can find so many sharp contrasts between Vic and Douglas. They are different in so many aspects, such as their past experience, current situation, and character which is the most important. Douglas is a man of righteousness, bravery, and kindness. He never gave up stopping Vic from tormenting and teasing Sharon. He always kept mild and modest, and never looked down upon anyone even though he was once respected as a hero in the robbery. What is the most important is that he is always ready to fight against evils. At the end of the story, he just rushed to Vic and caught Vic in the chest. His response remained the same as 17 years ago. Let’s see what Vic had done. 17 years ago, he was a robber. Now he became famous and rich, but he kept laughing at Sharon and did nothing to stop her from drowning herself. He was the same as 17years ago. The difference is that he enjoyed people’s love and respect.

Seeing from what has changed and what remained the same, we can know that there is a problem in the society. That is the evils are being loved, while the good

people do not get the respect that they deserve. In contemporary society, people seem to pay more attention to one’s appearance, fortune, and social statue. However, the real virtues are being neglected. How twisted it is.

Today, turning on the TV, we can see various programs with the name of “to look for the most beautiful…” We have to admit that something important is lost today. In the play, Vic finally died. But in reality, it is not always the same. People see ugly se beauty. Some even think highly of such bad deeds. Just several days ago, the famous actor was arrested because of going whoring. It became the headline quickly. However what amazed me was that so many people praised him because he was single and he did not make use of his fame to find some actress. What were they thinking about?

We can be average people, but we must have the ability to tell what is beautiful and what is ugly.



在这次学院的图书漂流活动中,我很荣幸的拿到了此书籍。它犹如智慧的锦囊让我受益匪浅,同时也是今后为人处世的明灯照亮我今后的人生之路。也如久旱逢甘霖帮使我的心灵接受一次神圣的洗涤。看完此书,我不得不佩服作者的旷世才学与高超的语言驾驭能力,此书中例举了美国以及欧洲绝大部分为人鲜为人知的经典语录,它包罗万象、驰骋古今、而又幽默风趣、寓庄于谐。这也难怪,因为它的作者是戴尔〃卡耐基!他是誉满全球的美国公关学家和杰出的教育家。他运用心理学知识,对人类共同的心理特点进行探索与分析,开创乐并发展了 一种融演讲技术、推销技术、做人处世术、智力开发术为一体的独特的成人教育方式,把开发的内在潜能合成人教育紧密结合起来,卓有成效。这本书确实使我爱不释手,但无奈此书只在我手中“逗留”了一个星期,没来得及慢慢用心品味其中的精髓是一大遗憾,然而我相信我一定会把它看完的—在未来的某月某日。








SoEReading Book Report Crystal Zhao student number: 1120113509 By:Spencer Johnson Jan.7,2012

There were 4 little characters who were looking for cheese to nourish them. Two were mice named “Sniff” and “Scurry”. Two were little people named “Hem” and “Haw”. Every morning, the mice and the little people went to Cheese Station C where full of cheese. One morning, Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was no cheese. They weren't surprised,since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they had prepared for this change. They quickly searched for new Cheese. Sniff and Scurry finally found Cheese Station N which was the biggest store of cheese. Meanwhile,Hem and Haw were anxious and couldn't accept the fact. They just wanted cheese back. Later,Haw decided to go out to find cheese.On the way,Haw kept adjusting himself and tried his best. Finally he found Station N. The three characters had cheese to eat while Hew was still in Station C with no cheese.

 We should find subtle changes at the beginning so that we can make

complete preparation before bad things happen. If we ignore those details, we will feel anxious and helpless faced with unexpected events.

 When there are changes in my life, I should accept these. I think that I

ought to face the reality bravely, overcome fears and adjust myself to changes. When I was in junior high school, I was the top student. However, I was not so good in BIT. At first I was disappointed and did not want to study. Gradually, I accepted the changes. I couldn't abandon myself so I stopped doubting myself and began to study hard.

 When some unhappy things happen, it's a good solution for me to deal

with the problem in a positive attitude just like Haw. Never complain and never give up. I think when I relieve the pressure and be confident, I can succeed.

 I suppose cheese represents money, power, position, house, health or

other valuable things. Once we lose them, we should calm down. I think we need to consider the trend of social development and our own condition, and then find a right direction to move on.

 We should not be lazy. There's no such thing as a free lunch. No pains,no

gains. Instead of waiting for success like Hew, we should take action. I want to pursue happiness and acquire success. I also know that I can't get what I want if I sleep till noon everyday! Since I read the book, I form a good sleeping habit and try to work hard.


Reading Report:On Three Days to See

---20095987 Class 2

Recently I have read Helen Keller’s autobiograghy Three Days to See and it touchs me deeply.It tells her whole rough life and her sprit experiences.She had only 19 mouths to hear and see.With the help of Anne Sally and some other teachers and her relatives,she had finally conquered unimagined difficulties and graduated from Oxford with excellent performance.She contributes all her life to undertakings for disabled people and to soliciting contributions all around in order to improve the disabled’s living situationa and create education opportunities for them. She used to travel around to enlighten and encourage the handicapped.She is a illustrious educationalist,philanthropist,lecturer.In her life,she can’t see and hear,but she strongly believes that if given three days to see she will do something as follows: The first day:Ishould want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship had made mylife worth living.

The second day: I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling maricle by which night is transformed into day.

The third day: I shall spend in the workday world of the present,amid the haunts of men going about the business of life.And where can I find so many activities and conditions of men as in NewYork? So the city become her destination.

One philosopher once said: "Bravery resides in spirit not ina strong body" .This is a true portrayal of Helen. With a strong heart, Helen faces adversity directly and conquers them bravely, she is really broken in body but firm in spirit. As a new generation of college students,we have good living and learning conditions,but we lack of perseverence. Therefore,Three Days to See enlightens me in the following aspects:

Firstly, we must correctly deal with difficultis, because everyone will encounters difficulties in life. When in trouble, we should not be afraid to back down.

Secondly, we must try to finish everything. Celebrities once said: "what's not easy? Is not easy to insist on doing what should be done every day. Because this requires perseverance and requires us to be tough and powerful. And we must do our best in everything every day.

Third, we’d better be optimistic. In front of great combats and difficulties, Helen does not complain, insteas, sheholds a positive attitude toward the difficulities and showsgreat confidence in herself. Thus a good state of mind is one of the important factors of success.

I believe these can benefit me a lot in future.

《it doesn't matter 读后感英文版》

As i have not heard of the debate before,i read the articles with a neutral attitude first time and noted down the points i felt confused about ,then tried to find out the opinion i stand by.

Ⅰ Won’t IT develop in the future?

In Nicholas’s opinion,the window for gaining advantage from IT is open only briefly.He took Railroad tracks,telegraph wires and power lines as examples.but industries like these things may not develop a lot in coming days(except for associating with IT).As we all know,advance in IT create possibilities not previously economically available. We can not deny all of the opportunity for significant strategic advantage. People could not imagine how our life would be when electric generators first be came available. IT are still developing so that how the future will be are still unpredictable.

Ⅱ Will one IT product completely forestall the market? (i mean the same kind product market)

When talked about the IT vendors and products,Nicholas took the opinion that all vendors are trying to transform their products into a commodity in order not to be replaced by others in both PC market and web services market(maybe even serves and storage). He may thought as the ubiquity of the IT,only one vendor will survive in the competition.I can hardly imagine that possibility. Even he regarded Dell as a successful example in PC market,i felt some of my classmates’ dislike to it.

We will support the view:”where there is demand,there are market”. I would like to talk about the application that have been popular in nearly days--Course Box--which is used by many college student as a schedule in cellphone. Some students also take it as a social utility because you can see who will take the same course as you or what lessons will you friend take.The customers’ demand should be found out by the vendors sometimes. When we are aware of the sluggishness in IT demand,the reason may be multidimensional. It is incorrect to say that companies’ existing IT capabilities are largely sufficient for their needs,because the insight and ability required for it to create economic value surely are in very short supply.

Ⅲ How should we understand the IT as “infrastructural technology”?

After the inquiry learning about the two previous point.i have the different understanding about IT as the “infrastructural technology”. The differently between IT and other infrastructural technology like Railroad tracks,telegraph wires and power lines is very obvious. IT maybe ubiquitous and increasingly less expensive,but it creates possibilities and options that did not exist before and it make us source the commodity at lower cost. IT maybe infrastructural,but there are a lot of industries advancing based on the advance of IT.

So we must think what does “IT “ mean there again.Nicholas took its common current sense as denoting the technologies used for processing ,storing,and transporting information in digital form. The understanding is absolutely not clear and complete,it ignored the apply of IT and limited the IT’s real meaning. The apply of IT must contain searching ,mining ,retrieval and assessing. So in some extent,we can say the precondition of Nicholas is wrong.

Ⅳ The overspending of IT investments

About this point,i could not agree with Nicholas more. Sometimes the overspending is caused by the sloppy use of data storage--many private and useless files are stored in the companies’ computers--Which made the waste of the IT expenditures.

Also the open-source application and bare-bones network PCs were mentioned in this part. It is just like the analysis about the accounting software and online accounting we made last week. We come to the conclusion that the online accounting is much cheaper than the accounting software because no upgrade costs or maintain costs are need for the former. Companies can limit their IT investments by choose the most practical IT products.

Although IT spending rarely correlates with superior financial results,i still keep my view about the statement that less IT costs leads to advantage in business as Nicholas said in the article. The sloppiness of IT investment exactly will results in the management failure,but the success of a company is always multi-dimensional.

《老人与海读书报告 英文版 读后感》

Reading Report


The Old Man and the Sea

Recently I have read The Old Man and the Sea, I was deeply moved by the old man and his spirit.

The author of the book Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American novelist, short-story writer and essayist. The Old Man and the Sea was written in 1951 in Cuba, and published in 1952 and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1953 and he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. The book was the last major work of fiction to be produced by Hemingway and published in his lifetime. One of his most famous works.

It’s a story about a old man struggling with nature, though he was defeated at last, in some extent, he has already challenged himself and nature.Santiago, the hero of the story, had gone eighty-four days without taking a fish back. At first, a boy named Manolion had been with him, but Santiagocatch even one fish. The boy had gone at his parents’ orders in a lucky boat which caught three good fish the first week. Santiago is a very old Cuban fisherman, even he had been unable to catch a single fish for totally eight-four days. He didn’t give up. he made his decision that he should fish again to get over the unlucky time. And he held the belief that

he could do it and he would be lucky enough to fish, but meanwhile, he should go to deeper waters. On the 85th day, he caught a massive marlin. But after two days and nights' fierce and tough fighting, the old man was only to bring back a large colossal marlin skeleton, a worn-out boat, and his exhausted body. But he still be appreciated. I believe everybody who has read the book must admire Santiago’s perseverance.When I read “the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place...” I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance.When I read “the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish's life, it was static floats on the water surface... My heart also liked together the big stone falls. I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above. There is no doubt that he is great, because he never gave up in the face of difficulties that he showed great endurance in his battle against the sea. “But a man is not made for defeat ,” he said, “A man can be destroyed but not defeated .” Santiago was old just as Hemingway said

“Everything about him was old except hia eyes and they were the same color as the sae and were cheerful and undefeated .” He think every day is a new day, no matter how old he was. He said “It’s better to be lucky, but I would rather be exact. Then when l are luck comes you are ready.” Santiago was poor, he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now I not time to think what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” Somebody said Santiago was a failure. Because at last he wishes that it had been a dream and the boy cried for him can really approve it. In this way I think Santiago was a lucky person. Because he still had Mandolin. The boy loved him and pitied him. If Mandolin had no money his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride .

I think Santiago is a hero, not a failure. The value of his life was completely reflected in the way which he caught fish. He is the real winner in his own world. We can learn from him that no matter what difficulties we meet, we must hold our honor. We may lost this game, but we should never give ourselves up as hopeless. I am willing to live as the old man, to face any challenges in the future and never give up.

“Vessel crossed the end of the world, into the unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while and rain erosion-stricken still

incomparably beautiful flag, banner, brandishing a Yunlong general words glittering-beyond the limit”This is the author Hemingway’s evaluation of his work “The Old Man and the Sea”.

Life itself is an endless pursuit. It’s a long road, difficulty and full of bumpy, but as long as their indomitable courage and self-confidence to a heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!







卡耐基先生遇到最大的挫折是什么?我想是恋爱和婚姻。他曾几度失恋,几度伤心欲绝。首届婚姻,几乎摧毁了卡耐基。女孩唠叨抱怨的缺点令他一度失去勇气。原来男人真正想从女孩那里患上到的是鼓动勉励。终于离婚,后来有了第二次婚姻,这次却无比幸福,直到卡耐基去世。最近时间,卡耐基从本身的失败教训中总结出婚姻融洽的原则,因为夫人的鼓动勉励和撑持,卡耐基的事业再次攀上岑岭,奠定了国际级演讲大师,人际关系大师的地位。 人间沧桑,我们所需要的是派头和胆识,勇气和信心去战胜一切困难。








卡耐基在教学过程中,给学生灌输的便是这种热情的精神。他本身身体力行,首先用本身的热情影响着他的学生,学生们掌握了这种方法后,在每次训练及正式场合中都会取患上或者多或者少的成功。当卡耐基先生看到学生们因拥有热情而取患上进步时,心田感到异样的冲动,他更加发奋地事情,常常在学校里和他的同事们积极会商下一步的事情规划,直到半夜之后。 实际上,热情与内涵精神的涵义基本上是一致的。一个真正的人,他心田的光辉熠熠发光,一种炙热的精神素质就会深深地植根于人的内涵思想中。也许正是他这种积极的,向上的生活态度激励了很多人,他也受到越来越多的人承认.


《长腿叔叔读后感英文版reading report》

Reading Report

Name of book:


Writer’s name:


Date of publishing:

August 2009

Version of the book:

The second

Publishing house:

China international broadcast publishing house

Key information about the writer:

She was MARK TWAIN’s grandniece, most of her novels were about orphans. the most famous novel of them is <DEDDY-LONG-LEGS>,which was written in 1912.It was translated in many kinds of languages all over the world.

Type of the text:

Romantic love story , also about growing.

Background of the story:

It began in JOHN GRIER HOME.

Main characters and brief introduction:

Character 1: JERUSHA ABBOTT. she was an orphan in JOHN

GRIER HOME, a smart, natural and independent girl.

Character 2:JERVIE PLENDLETON (DEDDY-LONG-LEDS):A man who was kind, simple and cute, though he was a member of PLENDTETON, he just like a big boy.

Character 3: SALLIE MCBRIDE: the best friend of JERUSHA, a warm-hearted and kind girl.

Character 4: JULIA PLENDLETON: A rich and proud girl from PLENDLETON, who never tried to be kind to others, but she also a friend of JERUSHA.


JERUSHA grown up in JOHN GRIER HOME, she had to do so many works even she was so young, she never went out of JOHN GRIER HOME, also she couldn’t enjoy the happiness of family as other girls. but one day, a trustee who named himself JOHN SMITH, would send her to college because her outstanding articles, and she just should do was writing a letter to he once a month. JERUSHA didn’t know who he was, the only thing she know about he was that he was a long-legd man, so she called him DEDDY-LONG-LEGS. then she began a new life in college that she never dreamed and learned everything that she never heard about. she wrote everything about her life, feelings even new clothes to her DEDDY, she assumed he was her family member. JERUSHA met JEVIE who came to saw

niece and fell love in with each other, but she refused to marry him because of his proud family. JEVIE was caught out all night in a storm when he was hunting in CANADA and being ill heavily, JERUSHA was so worried about him, she wrote to DEDDY to asked how to do about it, DEDDY told her came to NEW YORK. What surprised JERUSHA was that JEVIE was her DEDDT-LONG-LEGS. Finally they went on their love.


It’s a lovely story. Somebody said it’s a fairy tale for adults, I agree this view. It’s a really simple love story, nothing about money and authority, without any lust just about love. It is difficult to find such a love in our real life. On the other hand, the personality about JERUSHA also attracted me. She is so honest and natural, she can tell anything to DEDDY, she never worried that DEDDY may get angry. After reading this story, I really admire JERUSHA. Though she had a hard childhood. After all, she found her DEDDY who loved her very much. It’s worth to read.





全书一共包括40篇精彩的短文,每篇其实都是一个故事,当你沉浸在故事有趣的情节中,末了就会发现在愉快的阅读中已经不知不觉学到了蔡康永的“说话之术”,阅读的过程是愉悦的,学习的过程也就变得轻松有趣。深入人心、通俗易懂、妙趣横生,应该就是《蔡康永的说话之道》这本书最大的特点。比如一群朋友聚会,如何炒热气氛呢?和女(男)朋友吵架了,如何打破僵局,和好如初呢?聊天时话题卡住了,又该怎么解决呢?„„这些都是我们生活中完全会碰到的事情,因此学上一招真的非常有用。从我们嘴巴说出去的话,很大程度上变成了别人评价我们的依据,不可小看,如果稍加玩味自己说话的内容和说话的方式,会比较懂得别人是怎么形成对自己的印象、怎样定位我们在他人的心中该占的比重。当一个人成为别人愿意沟通交谈的对象,说明这个人很受别人喜欢和尊重,还有值得肯定的一点,就是他的说话和倾听的能力肯定不一般。这种“会说话” 的能力会帮到我们很多,解决不少实际问题。









