
| 节日作文 |




正是... ,不外乎...

①この会を成功のうちに終わらせることが出来ましたのは、皆様がたのご協力のたまものに他なりません。这次大会能够取得成功,完全是靠大家的共同努力。 ②年を取るというのは、すなわち経験を積むということに他ならない。上了年纪也就是积累了经验。





③この仕事にこんなにも打ち込むことができたのは、家族が支えていてくれたからに他ならない。能够如此全心全意投入这项工作,正是由于家人支持的结果。 ●あることがらが起こった理由や原因がそのこと以外にない、まさにそのためであると断定的に述べるのに用いられる。






③多くの消費者の皆様のご意見にお応えして、この程、より使いやすい製品を発売いたしました。根据众多消费者的意见,最近我们出售了使用方便的产品。 ④国連からの要請に応えて、政府は救援チームを派遣することにした。应联合国的请求政府决定派遣救护队。














































我也不知道这个建议是否合适,如果对你们有参考作用,我将感到非常荣幸。 ●「„するか„しないか」「„か„でないか」の意味を表す。で答える選択疑問文を名詞の資格に変えて文の一部に埋め込むのに用いる。例えば①で①「あの人は来ますか」という文を「あなたはそれを知っていますか」の「それ」の部分に入れかえたもの。後に「知らない/分からない/あやしい/自信がない/決める」などの語が続く。


















①たとえその事実を知っていたところで、私の気持ちは変わらなかっただろう。 哪怕我知道事情的真相,我的想法也不会改变。












②学生たちはプロのモデルになったつもりで、いろいろなポーズをとった。 学生们一个个就像当了职业模特似的,摆出了各种各样的姿势。



④完成までまだ一週間かかるのに、もう終わったつもりで、飲みに行った。 离完成还有一个星期呢,就跟都已经完成了似的去喝酒了。








Module 1 Unit 1

Class_____________ No. ______________ Name_____________

I. Write down the words according to the Chinese: (1’*40=40’)

1. 出席,参加vt._____________________ 2. 获得;赚,挣得vt.__________________

3. 集会;会议n. ____________________ 4. 捐赠;赠予vt. ___________________

5. 自然n. __________________________ 6. 要求;需要vt. ____________________

7. 陈列,展览vt. ____________________ 8. 善举;好意n. ____________________

9. 实现;赢得vt. ____________________ 10. 文学 n. ________________________

11. 具有挑战意义的adj. ______________ 12. 朝代,王朝n. ___________________

13. 尊敬,敬重n. & vt. _______________ 14. 额外的,外加的adj.______________

15. 让人恐慌的,吓人的adj.__________ 16. 选择,挑选vt. ___________________

17. 管理,经营vt. ___________________ 18. 主持人;东道主n. ________________

19. 亲密的,靠近点adj.______________ 20. 一代,一代人n. __________________

21. 立即,马上adv. _________________ 22. 以前的,从前的adj. ______________

23. 培养,养成vt. __________________ 24. 文化n. _________________________

25. 经历,体验vt. __________________ 26. 介绍vt. ________________________

27. 遗憾;后悔vt. & vi._______________ 28. 通知,告知vt. ___________________

29. 使满意,取悦vt. _________________ 30. 准备,筹备n. ____________________

31. 最近,近来adv. __________________ 32. 文章n. _________________________

33. 继续,持续vi.&vt. ________________ 34. 放弃vt. ________________________

35. 西班牙语n. ______________________ 36. 一般的,普通的adj.______________

37. 批准,通过;赞成v._______________ 38. 广播,播放vt.& n.________________

39. 诗人n. __________________________ 40. 学分,成绩;等级n. _____________

II. Translate the following phrases into English:(2’*10=20’)

1. 免费_____________________________ 2. 注意____________________________

3. 封底_____________________________ 4. 舒适,无拘束____________________

5. 对……高兴,满意_________________ 6. 在午餐时间______________________

7. 通知某人某事_____________________ 8. 试验___________________________

9. 期待,盼望做某事_________________ 10. 为……做准备___________________

III. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese:(2’*20=40’)

1. 一听到这个消息,他们高兴得跳了起来。

____________ _____________ the news, they jumped with joy.

2. 昨晚,我们玩这个有趣的游戏玩得很开心。

Last night we ________ _________ playing the ___________ game.

3. 学生被要求每周一早上参加学校的集会活动。

Students ________ ____________ _________ attend school assembly on Monday morning.

4. 如果你的处境很危险,你应该告知警方你的情况。

If you are in danger, you should ____________ the police _________ your situation.

5. 我认为最好的减肥办法是多运动和控制饮食。

I think __________ ___________ ___________ __________ lose weight is to do more sports and limit your diet.

6. 他过去常常熬夜,但是现在已经改掉了这个坏习惯。

He ___________ __________ _________ up late, but now he has given up the bad habit.

7. 很遗憾地告诉你我不能参加你的婚礼。

I __________ _________ _____________you that I won’t be able to attend your wedding ceremony.


Module 1 Unit 1

Class_____________ No. ______________ Name_____________


1. All the pupils in the primary school are teachers.

A. at ease with B. easy with C. at ease to D. easy to

2. She spent as much time on computer as English in school.

A. study B. studying C. studies D. studied

3. Mr. Heyhood is more than our teacher. He often us our games.

A. takes part; in B. joins; / C. attends; in D. joins; in

4. The Chinese girl found their names difficult .

A. remember B. to remember C. to be remembered D. remembered

5. , let me introduce my friends to you, Mr. Smith.

A. In all B. After all C. Above all D. First of all

6. The first man I was you, from whom I had learnt a lot during my stay in your school.

A. have thought of B. have thought out C. thought of D. thought up

7. I missed the chance to see the film.

A. giving B. to give C. to be given D. being given

8. How the music sounds to me!

A. relaxed B. relaxing C. relaxingly D. relaxedly

9. I don’t know everyone in my class thinks I am funny.

A. why it is that B. why is it which C. who is it which D. who it is which

10. More and more people would like to live in the countryside there is fresher

air and lower price of housing.

A. that B. where C. which D. when

11. You made the same mistake for second time, dropping “n”

in the word “environment”.

A. a; the B. a; a C. the; an D. a; an

12. The doctors in the country were attending the medical meeting to find out

the real of SARS.

A. experience; cause B. experienced; cause C. top; reason D. experienced; reason

13. ----The public store is to close at 9:00 p.m.

----______no need to worry; it is just 7:30 p.m.

A. You have B. They have C. It is D. There is

14. His car the terrible traffic jam , so he had to call off his appointment with

his doctor.

A. came across B. came along C. came between D. came on

15. No one had told Smith about a lecture the following day.

A. there being B. there be C. there would be D. there was

16. Has it been announced the planes are to take off ?

A. when B. if C. which D. what

17. The roof fell he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.

A. after B. as C. before D. until

18. “Are you a football player?””. “

A. Yes, I was B. No, but I used to be C. Yes, I used to D. No , but I am

19. Computers are useful many ways.

A. in B. on C. by D. with

20. The sports meeting next Sunday .

A. will take place B. is to be held C. will be taken place D. A and B

21. “I wish I had not made that mistake” has the similar meaning to “I regret

that mistake.”

A. having made B. to make C. made D. not to have made

22. My brother is person in his office.

A. a better-informed B. the well-informed C. a best-informed D. the best-informed

23. books you read, knowledge you’ll gain.

A. The many, the more B. The more, the much

C. The more, the more D. The many, the much

24. Bob got a job in a firm most famous product is chocolate.

A. which B. whose C. its D. in which

25. The boys James. They hid his shoes and he could not find them.

A. played a joke on B. had a joke on C. played a joke with D. had a joke at II。阅读短文,根据所读内容在文后76-85的空格里填上适当的单词或短语,并将答案转


Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance,decrease youth crimes and other high-risk be4haviors,and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.

The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students who take part in such programs show better work habits,higher rates of homework completion, improved grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame. After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug use, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar youth who do not. Finally, after-school p0rograms play an important role in supporting the following fields of development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of society.

Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference,it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage (时量)matters — young people who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs

work best when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities, skill building meaningful involvement(参与), expression suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environment, encourage personalized(个性化的)involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school programs have promising future, how they are designed

and run matters.


根据下面的提示以English Department 的名义写一张有关举办暑假英语口语提高班的书面通知。内容如下:

1. 目的:提高学生们听力和口语表达能力。

2. 内容:英国生活和文化。

3. 时间:7月15日—8月4 日。

4. 地点:教学大楼110室。

注意:1. 英籍教师Miss Anna 每周两次来班与学生会话。

2. 即日起在老师办公室报名。(因为要准备材料,截止日期为7月12 日)

《Revision of Module 1 Unit 1》

Revision of Module 1 Unit 1

Step I Summary of the text

在英国学习一年是一次令人愉快,令人激动的经历.与中国不同的是英国学校的时间从9点开始,在3点结束,而且我们有许多课程可供选择.正如我们所知道的那样,从学校获得尊敬的最好办法是努力学习获得高的分数.我的英语进步很大,这是因为我每天都用英语以及花很多时间在图书馆阅读英语书籍.这种生活方式不同于我以前在国内的那一种. 多么有趣!

Step II Expressions and phrases

1.一种令人愉快和兴奋的经历 2.对……很高兴

3.出席会议 4.养成对……的兴趣

5. 赢得某人的尊敬 6.获取好成绩

7.听起来像…… 8.通常大小;正常规模

9. 通知某人某事 10.对……负责

11.放弃某些科目 12.在学校操场玩

13. 体检这种不同生活方式 14.签名

15.按平均数计算 16.鼓励某人做某事

17.听某人在谈论某事 18.发布一项通知

19.向某人作自我介绍 20.网上冲浪

21.将某物捐献给某人 /某地 22.向左/右转

23.开放时间 24在……以前

25.和某人在一起很轻松 26.在学期末

27.在校会上 28.可供不同实验

29.辨清A和B之间的区别 30.在校园里

31.与某人约定/约会 32. 接入因特网

33.在休息时间 34.一年到头

35. 径直向前走 36.批准计划

37. 提出一个有关于……的建议 38. 由……组成

39. 在午餐时间 40. 向……呈交……

Step III Sentence Structures

1.It was difficult to_____________________________(记住所有的面孔和名字).

2. I found the homework was ____________________________(不像我以前在学校时那么繁重).

3._________(多么有趣 )it is to swim in summer!

4. _______________________( 一完成学业), he started travelling in China.

5.You are one of those people who everybody will find_______________________. (很难取悦)

6._______________ (越多) choices you have,___________________ (越好) your final decisions will be.

7.When ___________ (比较),you must read all the information carefully _______________(在你作出决定前。) Step IV Key words

1.ease 1) n. at ease with sb/with ease

In our new school our teachers are very kind and we are _______________ them.

The exam is so easy that I’ve passed it _______. Please stand ______.

2) v. 这种止痛药可以缓解你的疼痛.



experience experienced adj. 1) n. (u) 经验,体验,

他是一位经验丰富的教师。 He is a teacher___________________ He is an __________ teacher

从经验中学到或懂得 __________________________


________________can make you____________________all kinds of difficult situations.

2) n. (c) 经历、阅历, 他将就他在中国的经历作演讲。 __________________________________.

3) v. 经历、体验、感受、遭受

六十年代德国经历了一段时期的经济猛增. German _____ a period of ____ in economy ___ ___ ____.

3. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food.

fun 1) ____ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day!A. What a fun B. What fun C. How funny D. How a fun

2)他学相声是为好玩的 He learned crosstalk just ___________.

3)他无法忍受别人取笑.He can’t bear _________________________ by others.

4) You can’t imagine the fun we had ____kites with the children. A. to fly B. flown C. flying D. fly


prepare food / lessons / medicine prepare to do sth prepare for = make preparations for prepare sb for

be ( well ) prepared for sth = be ready for be ( well ) prepared to do sth = be ready to do sth

妈妈正忙着给我们做早饭。Mother is busy _____________________ for us.

这天晚上他得准备一个报告。 He had a speech ___________________________.

He took out a piece of paper and ____________________ (准备写)a letter to his best friend.

学生们正在为即将到来的运动会做准备。The students_______________________________________________.

他们早已准备好应付最坏的情况。They ___________________ the worst.


Our school is really a good place _______ we can ___________________________ the future.

北京改进了交通路线为2008年奥运会作准备.Beijing improved the transport_____ the 2008 Olympic Games.

4. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.

他一到上海就去拜访他以前的老师。 A__________________ in Shanghai, he went to visit his former teacher.

B. ____________________ in Shanghai, he went to visit his former teacher.

C_______ in Shanghai, he went to visit his former teacher. D______ in Shanghai, he went to visit his former teacher.

E____________________ in Shanghai, he went to visit his former teacher.

5.I’m not a person who is hard to please.

please vt. pleasing adj. pleased adj. pleasant adj. pleasure n.

1)You are one of those people who everyone will find hard to__________, aren’t you?

2)The music is _________ to the ear . 3)You may stay as long as you __________.

4)Her parents are really _______ _____her exam results. 5)We are always ______ ___ ____ (be) able to help.

6)I’m very _______ ________ you’ve decided to come. 7)I do hope you’ll have a __________ journey.

8)---Thank you for your kind help. ---It’s my ________.


regret v. & n. to one’s regret regretting-regretted-regreted-regretful regret sth.

regret to do ( say ;tell; inform) 遗憾地... regret doing sth. 后悔做... regret that…

1) 我多么后悔昨天没有帮你.__ I ______ that ________________yesterday. / __ I ___________ yesterday.

2). 我很遗憾地告诉大家运动会被取消.I regret ______________ that the sports meet has been canceled.

3). 带着遗憾James 离开了那家公司. James left the company ________.

4). 令我们遗憾的是我们不能参加你的婚礼.___________, we are unable to _____ your wedding.

inform v. informed (adj.)-information

①inform sb. of / about sth 我通知她母亲她已安全到达.___________________________________________

② inform sb that- / wh- His letter informed us how and when he was expected to arrive in Beijing.

③They are not fully informed about the changes. ④ We will keep you informed. _____________________

keep sb. informed随时向…汇报情况 be well / fully informed about sth 精通某事, 对…消息灵通

7.I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the group.

require v. 需要, 要求, 命令 requirement 需要,必要条件

require sth. Sth /sb. require doing sth. Sth /sb. require to be done

require sb to do sth. require that sb (should )do sth. require sth of sb meet /satisfy one’s basic requirements of life


2) It’s required that the rules made by the school _____.

A. must be obeyed B. are obeyed C. will be obeyed D. be obeyed

3)These young plants ______ looking after carefully .A. demand B. lack C. command D. require

4) 你要求我做什么? __________________________________________

Step V Exercises

[I] Multiple choices:

1.His sister has become a lawyer,________ she wanted to be.

A.who B that C what D which

2. _______ in the repair shop, he drove his brother’s instead.

A.Repairing B.His car being repaired C Being repaired D His car was repaired

3.He told the news,believe it or not,______ he had earned $ 200 a day.

A. that B which C as D because

4.The country life he was used to ____ greatly since 1992.

A. change B. changing C. has changed D. have change

5 The problem is not difficult. So I’m sure you can solve it with ______.

A. ease B. difficulty C. trouble D. easy

6.She used ____ on the right in China, so she was not used ______ on the left in England at first.

A. to drive;to drive B.to drive ;driving C.to driving; to driving D. to drive ; to driving

7.The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going on.

A. to be informed B. informed C informing D. on informing

8. All I require ______ you is that you tell me the truth.

A.at B. of C to D about.

9.I __ in London for many years , but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

A. lived B. was living C have lived D had lived

10. ---Have the papers been corrected ? ---- Yes,but I regret _______ that you failed it.

A saying B to say C. in saying D I say.

11.Which do you enjoy _____ your weekends, fishing or watching TV?

A. spending B. to spend C. Being spent D. spend

12.A new land has been opened up in this area, which _________ almost every year.

A. used to be flooded B used to flood C.was used to flooding D. was used to flood

13.What do you think of the way he thought of_________ the polluted river?

A. stopping B. to stop C. stopped D. stop

14. How ______ the music sounds to me!

A.relaxed B. relaxing C. relaxingly D.relaxedly

15.----- You should say sorry to Bob.

------ Yes,I regret________ with him.

A. to quarrel B. quarrelling C. quarrelled D. have quarrelled

16.All the students _______ to inform their parents _____ the mid-term exam result.

A. require; of B. are required; of C. require; about D. are required; on

17.Can you think of a situation ______ this word can be used?

A. which B. that C. where D. what

18.He worked late into night,_______ a report for his manager?

A. to prepare B. prepared C. preparing D. and prepare

19.Great attention should be paid to____our environment from________.

A. protect; polluting B.protecting; being polluted

C. protect; being polluted D.protecting; polluting

20.The question ________at the conference

whether we had enough money for our research.

A. came up B. was come up C. was come up with D. came up with

[III] Fill in the blanks with the phrases given, paying attention to the correct form:

inform…of; develop an interest; be available for ; sound like ; to one’s regret ; on display; more than ; show respect for ; for free ; at ease

1. ____________, we are unable to attend your wedding.

2. A lie ____________a truth after it is repeated many times.

3. The son promised to keep his parents __________how he was going on with his studies at college.

4. There is no money _____________ the project.

5. The Chinese paintings ___________ attract a lot of foreigners.

6.In China, he_______________________ in teaching English to Chinese students.

7. If you have a permit, you may park here _________________.

8. Sometimes we don’t feel _________with strangers.

9. _________________ our parents is what we should do.

10. In the 29th Olympic Games, Chinese athletes gave us much ___________ we had expected

[II] Complete the following sentences according to the chinese given:

1. 我们的俱乐部不仅仅就全是音乐。Our club is _______________ just music.

2. 在北京待的时间越长,我就越爱她。___________ I stay in Beijing, ________ I love it.

3. 在进入房间前,你必须申请许可证。You must ________________ before entering the room.


5. 一听到中国得到的金牌最多,小明激动地哭了。

_________________________China has got the most Gold medals, Xiao Ming was too excited to

[IV] WritingWrite a short passage with the words and phrases given:

run, experience, inform sb. of sth., regret, require, attend, get used to doing sth



《Revision of M1U1》


不是讲 家-- 不是讲理的地方〈一份不在婚礼上的家长致辞 ,给步上婚姻这条路的人必看之文章〉写在前头: 这是我的好友在异国结婚时, 他父亲从大陆寄来的信, 结婚当日司仪当众就把全文朗颂出来, 那是我见过最安静的一次请客场合, 在场学生无不为其父母的挚爱而感动, 虽然事隔多年但那个场景仍然深深印在脑海中, 这篇文章后来流传开了, 我则是一直保存到现在, 在父亲节重新校誊, 希望能对你们有所启示。萍儿: 爸妈听到你要结婚喜讯, 真为你高兴, 远隔千里,我们不能参加你的婚礼, 不能在婚礼上献上我们的家长致辞, 这是我们内心的一点遗憾。 但你是我们的女儿, 相信你能理解爸妈的一份感受。那天放下电话,我和你妈沉默了良久-- 我们的孩子怎么一下子就长大了? 后来,你妈对着镜子淡淡地说: 你看,我的白头发又多了,萍儿也该结婚了。我数着你妈的白发,那些白发竟像许多往事, 一件一件浮上心头。你妈提醒我: 还是给女儿写一封信吧!就算是我们送你的一份新婚礼物。萍儿,我们只是天底下最平凡的父母, 我们的孩子也只是天底下最平凡的女儿, 我们不奢求太多, 只是希望我的孩子踏上婚姻之路, 走向人生之旅后,能满怀感恩, 一路平安在这里,给你一个我们的生活体会。先要告诉你:家不是一个讲理的地方。 这句话听起来,很没有道理, 但千真万确, 这句话是真理,是至理, 是多少夫妇,多少家庭(包括我们家) 用多少岁月,多少辛酸,多少爱恨,多少是非,多少对错, 在纠缠不清难解难分的混乱中,梳理出来的一个最后结论。当夫妇之间开始据理力争时, 家里便开始布上阴影。 两人都会不自觉地各抱一堆面目全非的歪理, 敌视对方,伤害对方, 最后只能两败俱伤,难以收拾。 多少夫妻, 为了表面的一个〔理〕, 落得负心无情。 他们不知道, 家不是讲理的地方, 不是算帐的地方。那么,何为〔家〕,家是什么地方?萍儿,我们年轻的时候, 也回答不了这个问题; 也像许多夫妻那样, 为一点小事争闹不休. 那一年为了你小叔的调动问题, 我和你妈大吵了一场, 甚至闹到要离婚的地步。 只是在那个时代我们还缺乏勇气, 直到有一天, 一位老战友在他孩子的婚礼上说: 〔希望你白头偕老,相爱永远〕时, 爱这简短的字,像春雷响在我心里。 是的,家不是讲理的地方, 家该是讲爱的地方。爱一时很容易, 爱一生一世却不容易, 这里面有许多妙处需要我们去总结和体会。其次我们要告诉你: 婚姻是个空盒子, 你必须往里面放东西, 才能取回你要

的东西; 你放的愈多,得到的也就愈多。 很多人结婚时,对婚姻有许多期盼, 期盼从中可以得到富贵,藉慰,爱情,宁静,快乐,健康, 其实婚姻开始的时候, 只是一个空盒子。 走到一起的两个人, 一定要养成一个习惯, 去给,去爱,彼此侍奉,彼此赞赏, 日后,那个空盒子才会日渐丰富起来。空盒子最先该放的应该是〔思念〕, 思念是一种使我们刻骨铭心的东西。 它是两个人有了肯定,有了情感, 然后进而关怀,进而疼爱的一种情绪。 〔思念〕是疲惫时通向家里的一条小路, 是寒冷冬夜里的一股暖意, 是匆忙推开家门后扑面而来家饭香......空盒子里还要放进〔艺术〕,婚姻生活中的艺术. 在婚姻生活中, 需要讲艺术的地方无处不在, 生气有艺术,吵架有艺术。 有一对夫妇含辛茹苦养育了五个孩子, 其中之艰难,只有他们自己能体会。 一天,夫妻为了孩子的一件小事吵起来, 越吵越厉害,眼看不可收拾了,妻子突然说: 等一下,我要去生孩子了。 这句话,就是吵架的艺术。婚姻的盒子里,除了放〔思念〕和〔艺术〕外, 还有许多东西,都可以放进去, 这有待于你们自己去填补。 写到这里想到一位作家说过的一句话: 〔你们生养他,教育他,你们的责任已尽, 而你们给他最好的礼物,是一对翅膀〕。 萍儿,这封信,就是爸妈送给你的结婚礼物, 我们希望你带着我们的祝福,快乐的飞翔!爸爸,妈妈

《高考英语复习新坐标选修4 Unit 2 working the land》



翻译主要包括汉译法和法译汉两部分。 这两部分是必考的项目,大部分院校只选择其中的一项来考查,分值一般为15%-20%






1、 通读全文,了解主题和大意;

2、 结合自身对文章的理解和自己的知识储备,主句分析作者的观点,找出文理;

3、 对于句中的生词,尽量借助上下文的逻辑关系趋揣摩,猜测含义;

4、 在理解全文的基础上,用通顺的汉语准确的表达出来;

5、 通读全部译文,修饰润色词句,避免口语化。











Construire\édifier une société harmonieuse 独立自主的和平外交政策:

La politique étrangère d’indépendance et de paix


Multiplier et enrichir les échanges culturels 家庭教育:

L’éducation familiale


Le renouveau de la nation par les sciences et



La protection de l’environnement;l’aménagement écologique 本科生:

Étudiant de cycle normal


Aspirant-chercheur;étudiant en master;étudiant chercheur


L’informatisation;la généralisation de l’informatique


Le programme de l’Espoir;le projet Espoir 小学初中高中和大学校长:

Directeur des écoles primaires\le principal d’un collège\le proviseur;le directeur d’un lycée\le président de l’université;le recteur 义务教育

L’éducation obligatoire


La salle multimédia


Assurer le développement intégral des élèves-étudiants au niveau de qualité 奥运会:

Jeux olympiques


Jeux scientifique,Olympiade verte 营造“人文奥运”的氛围:

Créer une ambiance digne de Olympiade humaine


Les mascottes-Fuwa


L’esthétique urbaine


La civilité\la conscience civique\les vertus civiques\le sens civique


Édifier une civilisation matérielle,politique et spirituelle socialistes

