
| 节日作文 |




Holidays can be a very lonely time, particularly for those who spend the holidays solo. Below are ten tips to keep yourself balanced, sane and productive over the holidays, with options for both extroverts and introverts alike.


1. Plan your time in advance 事先做好计划

You’ll have several days to fill up, so be proactive. Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you’d like to attend. Without a plan you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.


2. Use your time wisely 好好利用时间

Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want. Use it wisely.


3. Find support 找到精神支柱

Extroverts can reach out to others to touch base during the holidays. Note that scheduling time to talk with friends and loved ones makes contact more likely to happen. Introverts get support internally, so journaling and taking some time for personal reflection is a good idea.


4. Don’t wallow 别堕落

Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. Do something fun, instead! Avoid solo holiday depression by re-framing your time by yourself as an opportunity to grow. Be grateful—some people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place. 一个人的假期更容易让人忧心忡忡,感到压抑。做些有趣的事情吧!把这些时间当做促进自己成长的机会,这样你就能有效摆脱节日孤单感啦。要心怀感激:要知道有些在吃家庭晚宴的人们反而羡慕你的生活。

5. Get social 交际起来

Reach out to your social network and find out who is orphaned like you are and bring them together. Meet for dinner, a movie, go for drinks, or throw a party. Extend an invitation to those with whom you have a lot in common. Introverts may want to arrange one-on-one meetings with close friends, or have Skype chats with friends from afar.


6. Accept Invitations 接受邀请

If friends invite you out to parties or to spend holidays with their family, accept their invitations. If you feel you are being invited out of pity, get over it: self-pity is vastly overrated, and they wouldn’t invite you if they didn’t want you there.


7. Volunteer 当志愿者

Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest. Helping out those

in need will make you feel good, and will brighten other people’s holidays in turn.


8. Indulge yourself 犒劳自己

Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves, so splurge on a few things you wouldn’t ordinarily buy yourself. Comfort food is always welcome!


9. Random Act of Kindness 做点善事

Do something kind. It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person. It will make you feel lighter and more grateful for what you have. 做些善事。可以是给公园的小鸟或松鼠喂食,又或者是给那些无家可归的人买一个三明治。这会让你感觉轻松,对你所拥有的一切更加心存感激。

10. Have Faith 拥有信念

If you are religious, find a church service to attend, or seek out something you regard as spiritual such as meditation, yoga,

exercise, a walk in the park, or being around animals. Use this as an opportunity to replenish your spiritual juice.





Holidays can be a very lonely time, particularly for those who spend the holidays solo. Below are ten tips to keep yourself balanced, sane and productive over the holidays, with options for both extroverts and introverts alike.


1. Plan your time in advance


You’ll have several days to fill up, so be proactive. Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you’d like to attend. Without a plan you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.


2. Use your time wisely


Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want. Use it wisely.


3. Find support


Extroverts can reach out to others to touch base during the holidays. Note that scheduling time to talk with friends and loved ones makes contact more likely to happen. Introverts get support internally, so journaling and taking some time for personal reflection is a good idea.


4. Don’t wallow


Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. Do something fun, instead! Avoid solo holiday

depression by re-framing your time by yourself as an opportunity to grow. Be grateful—some people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place.


5. Get social


Reach out to your social network and find out who is orphaned like you are and bring them together. Meet for dinner, a movie, go for drinks, or throw a party. Extend an invitation to those with whom you have a lot in common. Introverts may want to arrange one-on-one meetings with close friends, or have Skype chats with friends from afar.


6. Accept Invitations


If friends invite you out to parties or to spend holidays with their family, accept their invitations. If you feel you are being invited out of pity, get over it: self-pity is vastly overrated, and they wouldn’t invite you if they didn’t want you there. 如果朋友们邀请你参加聚会或是和他们的家人一起度假,就接受吧。不要觉得别人是出于同情才邀请你:自怜真是没有必要,如果他们不想看见你,干嘛还要邀请你?

7. Volunteer


Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest. Helping out those in need will make you feel good, and will brighten other people’s holidays in turn.


8. Indulge yourself


Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves, so splurge on a few things you wouldn’t ordinarily buy yourself. Comfort food is always welcome!


9. Random Act of Kindness


Do something kind. It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person. It will make you feel lighter and more grateful for what you have.


10. Have Faith


If you are religious, find a church service to attend, or seek out something you regard as spiritual such as meditation, yoga, exercise, a walk in the park, or being around animals. Use this as an opportunity to replenish your spiritual juice.




Holidays can be a very lonely time, particularly for those who spend the holidays solo. Below are ten tips to keep yourself balanced, sane and productive over the holidays, with options for both extroverts and introverts alike.


1. Plan your time in advance


You'll have several days to fill up, so be proactive. Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you'd like to attend. Without a plan you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.


2. Use your time wisely


Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want. Use it wisely.


3. Find support


Extroverts can reach out to others to touch base during the holidays. Note that scheduling time to talk with friends and loved ones makes contact more likely to happen. Introverts get support internally, so journaling and taking some time for personal reflection is a good idea.


4. Don't wallow


Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. Do something fun, instead! Avoid solo holiday depression by re-framing your time by yourself as an opportunity to grow. Be gratefulsome people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place.


5. Get social


Reach out to your social network and find out who is orphaned like you are and bring them together. Meet for dinner, a movie, go for drinks, or throw a party. Extend an invitation to those with whom you have a lot in common. Introverts may want to arrange one-on-one meetings with close friends, or have Skype chats with friends from afar.


6. Accept Invitations


If friends invite you out to parties or to spend holidays with their family, accept their invitations. If you feel you are being invited out of pity, get over it: self-pity is vastly overrated, and they wouldn't invite you if they didn't want you there.


7. Volunteer


Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest. Helping out those in need will make you feel good, and will brighten other people's holidays in turn.


8. Indulge yourself


Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves, so splurge on a few things you wouldn't ordinarily buy yourself. Comfort food is always welcome!


9. Random Act of Kindness


Do something kind. It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person. It will make you feel lighter and more grateful for what you have.


10. Have Faith


If you are religious, find a church service to attend, or seek out something you regard as spiritual such as meditation, yoga, exercise, a walk in the park, or being around animals. Use this as an opportunity to replenish your spiritual juice.




Holidays can be a very lonely time, particularly for those who spend the holidays solo. Below are ten tips to keep yourself balanced, sane and productive over the holidays, with options for both extroverts and introverts alike.


1. Plan your time in advance


You'll have several days to fill up, so be proactive. Find books and movies you have always wanted to read and watch, and make a list of events that you'd like to attend. Without a plan you might find yourself being alone and bored, which will lower your spirits.


2. Use your time wisely


Make a list of things you have always wanted to do but never had the time for. See this time alone as a gift: a stretch of time where you have total control to do whatever you want. Use it wisely.


3. Find support


Extroverts can reach out to others to touch base during the holidays. Note that scheduling time to talk with friends and loved ones makes contact more likely to happen. Introverts get support internally, so journaling and taking some time for personal reflection is a good idea.


4. Don't wallow


Holidays alone tend to be times when beating yourself up and getting depressed are more likely to happen. Do something fun, instead! Avoid solo holiday depression by re-framing your time by yourself as an opportunity to grow. Be gratefulsome people who are enduring family dinners wish they were in your place.


5. Get social


Reach out to your social network and find out who is orphaned like you are and bring them together. Meet for dinner, a movie, go for drinks, or throw a party. Extend an invitation to those with whom you have a lot in common. Introverts may want to arrange one-on-one meetings with close friends, or have Skype chats with friends from afar.


6. Accept Invitations


If friends invite you out to parties or to spend holidays with their family, accept their invitations. If you feel you are being invited out of pity, get over it: self-pity is vastly overrated, and they wouldn't invite you if they didn't want you there.


7. Volunteer


Food banks, shelters and crisis centers are short-staffed during holidays when the demand is greatest. Helping out those in need will make you feel good, and will brighten other people's holidays in turn.


8. Indulge yourself


Holidays are a time when people indulge themselves, so splurge on a few things you wouldn't ordinarily buy yourself. Comfort food is always welcome!


9. Random Act of Kindness


Do something kind. It might be feeding birds or squirrels in the park or buying a sandwich for a homeless person. It will make you feel lighter and more grateful for what you have.


10. Have Faith


If you are religious, find a church service to attend, or seek out something you regard as spiritual such as meditation, yoga, exercise, a walk in the park, or being around animals. Use this as an opportunity to replenish your spiritual juice.












每次回家,看着我们一如小时候津津有味地吃着他们做的饭菜,父母脸上的笑容犹如二朵秋日里盛开的菊花,让人感到幸福又心酸。 每次离家,看着父母眼里的不舍与牵挂,听着一句句叮嘱,总会鼻酸眼胀。于是风中的挥手,略有些佝偻的背影总会在梦中再现。 由于孩子太小,这次回家很时匆忙,由于记挂着家中的儿子,吃过饭后便匆匆而归。于是下次回家的日子又成为父母心中期盼的节日„„



