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The Report on A Christmas Carol

English 0903 Jane

A Christmas Carol is one of the best-known works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality and A Christmas Carol, with no exception, mirrors westerners' lives on Christmas.

The novel tells an old man who regards money as his own life---Ebenezer Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, when the family gets together and people bless each other, he is still quite mean to everybody. It is not until three ghosts' coming to reveal his childhood, present and future that he realizes how important to be good to others and what Christmas means. The ghosts of the past, present and future visit Scrooge and help him see how his behaviour has impacted on his life, and the way that he is treated by other people as a consequence. At the end of the novel, Scrooge is no longer the one he has been.

From the novel I've learned what the inherent meaning of Christmas is, which results in my thinking about how to treat others.

Christmas is to western countries what Spring Festival is to China. Although both festivals are designed to celebrating the coming year, they have their distinctive characters. I used to assume that Christmas is merely about Santa Claus, gifts, or big meal. Now I have realized Christmas is also the time to put away one's hatred and to treat others well sincerely. For instance, Bob, Scrooge's clerk, toasts the longevity and health of Scrooge though Scrooge gives him so little money that he can hardly make ends meet. Bob and his families live in poverty; however, they know gratitude and amicability. Hence they lead a full-of-laughter life. In contrast, wealthy as he is, Scrooge is as dismal as the dark night. To be friendly——a spirit of Christmas——is one of the differences between Christmas and Spring Festival. Nowadays an increasing number of young Chinese have been taking a fancy to Christmas as if it were a most fashionable symbol. But how many of them recognize what Christmas means indeed? I think there is no point in celebrating Christmas without knowing the Christmas culture.

As for the protagonist, Scrooge, he is a representative of those who go to extreme to earn money so that he ignores love-----love for friends, for soul mate, and for people in need. To some extend, Scrooge is lucky in that he meets three ghosts and avoids ending up in being a wandering ghost like his partner, Marley.

Scrooge finally becomes a man with great heart. Whereas, there are still Scrooges in our present society. Especially in China, the richer they are, the more reluctant they are when it comes to doing charity. Although it is not obligatory for the rich to donate money, the world needs all people's love, no matter who you are. Last but not the least, happiness does not lie in what you have gained but what you have dedicated.

To sum up, A Christmas Carol rethinks the relationship among people, convincing readers that human beings should be kind to each other.



Scrooge根本不相信Marley对自己说的话。直到他见到the Ghost of Christmas Past后他开始害怕起来。前两个幽灵带他一同经历了青少年时代和现在的状态。从一个旁观者的角度, Scrooge看到曾经的自己,看到没把握住的幸福的自己,他流下了伤心的眼泪。见完第二位幽灵之后,Scrooge感到了自己的残忍,决定改变自己。他知道the Ghost of Yet to Come将会带他看未来的自己,而他却看到了自己悲惨的死亡。



Scrooge is a businessman. He also is an eccentric old man. The only goal of he is to make money, but money does not bring him happiness. Although he is very rich, he is very stingy. One day, he saw the Marley's ghost when he returned home to open the door. Marley said to Scrooge, today he will save Scrooge. Three spirits will visit him. Finally Marley said that I hope you can cherish this opportunity.

Scrooge didn't believe the words of Marley. Until he saw the Ghost of Christmas Past he began to fear. Two spirits take him through the youth and the present state. From the perspective of an onlooker, Scrooge saw once himself, see he didn't grasp of his own happiness, he shed tears of sorrow. Scrooge felt his cruel, and he decided to change himself. He knew that the Ghost of Yet to Come will take him to see the future of himself, while he saw his tragic death. He returned to the real life, and very happy to see he wasn’t died. He changed his life attitude, getting kind to friends or family and relief for the poor. He had a very happy Christmas.

Scrooge is a very interesting character. His is a mercenary. With the help of Marley and three ghosts, he is rediscovered the pleasure of life. After the novel, I deeply feel money cannot bring true happiness. On the contrary, if you pursuit

money too much, may be can bring disaster.





圣诞欢歌是一部非 常短小但又极具影响力的小说,它的出现使当时的人们对它爱不释手,它也是狄更斯自己极为推荐的一部经典之作。 故事讲的是一位本性善良,但因为受环境影响,变得非常小小气、吝啬、刻薄的商人,他在平安夜被三个精灵分别带到了自己过去、现在和未来的生活场景,看到了未来的自己,并因此彻底醒悟,领会到生活的意义,决心改过自新。







本书主人公艾比尼泽。斯克罗吉是一位脾气暴躁、可怜、吝啬的老头儿。当他外甥在圣诞前夜去看望他并祝他圣诞快乐时,斯克罗吉一点儿也不高兴。“呸!骗人的东西! ” 他说。“圣诞节都是骗人的东西!所有到处游逛说圣诞快乐的人的舌头都应该被割掉。是的,他会的!”















