
| 读后感 |


篇一:《汤姆索亚历险记 读后感 总结版》

The Beauty of Childhood 《汤姆.索亚历险记》读后感

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was written in 1867 by Samul Langborne Clemens who is better known by the pen name Mark Twain.Twain was an American humorist satirist ,lecture and writer.During his life time,he became a friend of the president ,artists leading industrialists and Europe royalty.Clemens enjoyed immense public popularity ,and his keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers.American author William Faulkner called him " the father of American literature"

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer was his second major publication which drew on his youth in Hammibal . The character of Tom Sawyer was modeled on samule as a child with traces of other children .To get rid of the dull book,the uncomfortable enviroment ,the sham of the society,they had varity adventures ,This aritcal was seen from a child or the children's eyes to critisize the black society.

Now I want to say something about the book.First is the summery .Tom is a chievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Missippi River called St.petersburg .And the story line is a memori of a summer in Tom's childhood.

There he has an aunt who love him but always bite him because of his mischif .What's more he had two good friend named Huck Finn and Joe Harper ,they sword to stand by each other and to be brothers till death relieved them of their troubles .During this period they saw a kill.

Now I want to tell the passage which Iove very much.

When aunt Polly found Tom stole the jam and want to bite him .Tom said"Hi! Look behand you ,aunt !",when the old lady whirle around and snatchedher skirt out of danger .Tom fled .Simple but usefull method. Tom's full of mischief,though aunt Polly was very angery abouthis nauty bu every time bite him her old heart always breaks,but every timeaunt forgive him her conscience bleams her.

Aunt Polly had sewn up Tom's shirt at the nack in order to prevent him from taking it of and swaming .At supper she chacked his collar but found white thread became black thread .But before he could take any measure Tom run out of the house .


Next time aunt misunderstand Tom and give him a lesson .Afeter she know the misundestand her conscience pricked her ,and she longed to say something kind and love ,but she judged that this would be taken as a confession that she had be in the wrong,and discipline that. So she kept slient ,and went about her house work with a troubled heart .Tom sat gloomily in corner and nursed his sorrows.He

known ,through tearful eyes taht she glanced tendenly at him now and again ,asking for forgiveness;But he refused to take any notice.He just imagine himself lying on his deathbed and his aunt bending over him,begging for one little forgiving work,but he could turn his face to the wall.and die without saying that word ,and wonder how could aunt Polly feel.And he also imagine he dead in the river and aunt peryde God to give her back the boy,and promis she would never,never-ill treat him any more .But he could lie there cold and pale,and made no sign .this is the feel that after a child suffer wrong treated what he may do.I think you also had this feel before.

When Tom was ill his aunt gave him some pain-killer which will burn his stomach when he had it. So he pretended to take it himself and don't worried aunt but he use it to curing a crack in the sitting-room.floor.One day he gave his aunt's yellow cat the medicine then the cat sprang a couple of yards into the air and shouted a war-cryand then flee round and round the room,banging against the furniture upsetting the flower-pot,and casing general destruction. Aunt Polly stood root to the floor with astonishement.But Tom lay on the floor,splitting his said with laughter.Aunt Polly found his secret and rised him up by the usual handle-his ear-and slipped him and asked him why did he treat the poor dumb creature like that toaunt Polly's suprise Tom said:"I was pretending to be his aunt and to tying to burn the bowelsout of him." this was putting the matter in a new light .What was curel to a cat might be curel to a boy too.Shebegin to soften;She felt sorry.her eyes watered a little and said to Tom gently that the medcine really did do good to his healthy." I was pretending to be his aunt " is a great shock to aunt Polly ,may be she never thought a child can treat a metter in this way.

Tom and Huck and Joe dissapered for three days and people all thought ther were died in the river.so they gave them a service .As the service proceeded the therr dead boys came marching up the middle of the church ,Tom leading,Joe next and Huck last.They had been hiden upstairs,listing to their own funeral service .After Tom back from the dead,aunt Polly said may be his disapper was a joke ,but it wsa curel to let her suffer so much sorrow .Tom was discomfortabled after hear this then he said he dreamed abou aunt Polly ,anyway he thought this was something that could make aunt Polly felt happier .then he told aunt about a dream which was his own experience the day he went back.And aunt Polly was very shocked and give him a powerful embrass but when she threw her arms about him he felt the guiltiest of villains .汤姆索亚历险记心得会1000字

What a pity ,his lie was wored out after aunt Polly went to Serean Harpper's house and aunt Polly felt very upset she said :"you never think of anything but your own selfishness.You couldn't think of piting us and saving us from sorrow."This time Tom told aunt about the bark which wroted ,Tom had gone pirating and he reslly kissed aunt the night.This time,this matter was ture but aunt Polly didn't believe till she saw the bark her forgave the boy totally in her heart.汤姆索亚历险记心得会1000字

"The fence was whitewshed "this part is my favor .At first Tom felt very upset for the fene is so large ang long ,freedom is so precious just then .But when he was in this dark and hopeless moment he had an idea -a glorious idea .And he made Ben first give him the appleto let him to had a try to washwite the fence .At last he had a lot of child to washwite the fence willingly and gave him so many presents .He got twelve marbles ,a pair of spetacles witout glass, a pair of blue bottle-glass to look through , a key that could not unluck anything and so on.If he had not run out of white-wash,he could have stripped everybody in the viiage of his proudest possessions.What's more ,he koow that " in order to make a man or a boy desire a thing ,it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain."

when the prise day coming nearer and nearer .Mr. Dobbins's punishment were very energetic .Because of the smallest boys spend their days in terror and their night in planning revenge .At last they hit upon a plan which promised a glorious victory.

Now the teacher put his chair aside ,turned his back to the audience ,and begain to draw a map of America on the blackbord ,upon which to excise the geography class .But he did it very bdely,because his head was unsteady.A low laugh ran round the room .He konw what was wrong and set himself to right it . He rubbed out lines and remade them .But the laughter grow louder ,and with good reasons .There was a storeroom above and the entrance to it was just above his head .Down throw this opening came a cat hanging from a string tied round her body .she had a rag fastend about her head and jaws to prent her from making a noise.As she slowly swung downwards and clawed at the air .the laughter grew louder and louder .The cat was within six inches of the teacher's head .And sized his false hair out .how naughty the boy is .

When Tom saw Becky he worshiped this new angle till he saw that she had discoverd him. then she pretended that he did not koow she was present ,and began to act in all sorts of silly boyish ways in order to win her admiration .While he was in t6he midist of some dangeroustricks,he glanced aside and saw she going inside but give him a rose .Tom lit up the moment and picked the tresure,and put it inside his coat next to his heart ,or next to his stomch possibly.for he was not quit koow where the one began and the other ended.This made me thought of Wangshuo's book<>Fangqiangqiang want to caught nanyan's atention gave her a hand in the back .I think this is the way a boy used to make his lover to know him.

When they quarlled Tom want to be good as before ,but Becky didn't talk to him .things become better when they were in the cave .Becky said she was to die though Tom felt with a lump in his throat,he still prentended to be breave and can

found the way.And promise to hold Becky hand unitll the last moment came.Tom is a ture man this moment .Tom was the hero in my heart just then.How about you ?

If two men found the treasure they may fight until there's only one live.but Tom and Huck share the treasuretogether.I think this is the most different and the most valuable part.Do you remember when you are a child you will give you good friend what you tresaure much.You think this is love.

It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.

I fell in love with this article the fist time I saw it.Every had their own childhood and Ibelieve this time is the most precious moment in one's whole life .May be we don't have the experience like Tom but Ikonw you childhood is also out of this world.

People said Twain wrote this book trying to tell people "Rescure the child but how to rescue them?Everyone should grow up .We can't' change the world but to adjust it.Can you think if every one have the mind to be outlaw in his life time and went to Sherwood Forest.How our world will be ?

I think aways have a children's mind is what the most important thing.The book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.

The Magic of Tom Sawyer

The discovery of Tom Sawyer in a Chinese textbook really came as a shock for me. I ran across the report on this novel by a Grade Six boy when I was tutoring him English. The little boy had been required to write this report after the Chinese class. Young as he was, he had made several remarkable comments in his homework among which was his advocate for Chinese students to have an adventure life as Tom had. However, at the end of his book review he came to pity himself and his peers a little bit , saying that such a desire could hardly be achieved, given the fact that they have lots of homework and examinations to finish and in the meantime their parents won’t allow them such a risk.

As well as shocked, I was in a sudden choke of shame. If my memory works properly, it was not until the sophomore year that I first read this book which was unexpectedly gained as a trophy in the First Interpretation Contest. To make things worse, I skimmed and scanned this amazing novel, as a result of which I could not figure out the right sequence of the events, let alone a deep reflection on the theme. I felt that I had lagged behind.

It took me quite some time to survive this shock as well as shame. And when I eventually get over it, another thing struck my mind----why did the compliers include Tom Sawyer as a text in primary school textbook. Is it simply because the book entertains school childrens’ curiosity, since it depicts life of some black children? Or, is it an effort to equip our children with some foreign literature since it is for the moment the trend?…Questions like such haunted my mind so much that I felt it an obligation to reread the book in detail.

The answers gradually surfaced themselves as I proceed the reading and I found myself on the compiler’s side. The style of Mark Twain’s writing as well as the personal traits of its protagonist, Tom Sawyer ,has combined to create the magic of this adventure novel, and for short I will name it "magic of Tom".

Mark Twain’s unique language fascinated me in the first place. This novel features the frequent use of the conversational rule of Black English----Double negatives make a negative, which constantly reminded me that this is about black Americans and nothing else. Mark Twain was also skillful with the emloyment of contracted forms which is quite common in black oral English. These two together creates a lifelike scenarios for Tom and the reader came to perceive Tom and his deeds through his identity both as a black and a child. I think this is the very reason that Mark Twain has been elevated off other writers. He tells about truth and he tells about real life. He involves the life of black Americans into his book, and shows the world that everyone has a role to play on the stage of life.Tom has. Huck has. And so do many others. No matter how many scandlous charges were brought against him for this matter, no one can deny his outstandingness and unique perception.

篇二:《汤姆索亚历险记 感想》

Mark Twain (Mark Twain,1835-1910) is the second half of the 19th century United States critical realism of important writers, life works and very profitable. He is good at practical discourse of humor and satire, hitting, showing no mercy. Their creative lyric harmoniously unified in the characterization of realism and romanticism, content rich, unique art style, then United States literature has had a profound influence, was recognized as the United States a major milestone for literature.


It is this Tom Sawyer the adventures of Mark Twain, one of four classic Pearl. I have feeling of curiosity and the desire to learn, and have opened the adventures of the Tom Sawyer, thinking somehow I read several times. Sure enough, not what I expected, this book is very nice.

Description of the Tom Sawyer the adventures of the 19th century in a small town in people's lives-sur-mixixi, can be said that the United States a microcosm of social life. Little hero of the book Tom Sawyer is a growing child, he was naughty, like prank; but kind and cute and helpful. He hates the Church teachers dry preaching, tasteless he doesn't like all day at the school of life, who aspire to become the Bushranger, he wished to join the pirate, exciting life. One day, he invited good friends Huck to cemeteries play at night, seen Ie tragedy of murder, sin, as ideological struggle came to Ie. Ie tries to kill, Tom result die from falling into a deep valley. Tom and Huck's River was found buried in a box of gold, the two split, have become millionaires.

Article written by a description of a scene of good, the article is written as: "at this point, distance a bird called the Woods, the other one is birds echo; immediately issued a woodpecker pecking wood. Gradually cool and hazy grey of morning bright white, along with a variety of voices are getting up and show to life. Nature out of sleep, start activity, this amazing scene in the front of the kids thought it shows. A little green bug on an article from the dewy leaves climbed over, every now and then lift it two-thirds body in the air "smelling everywhere", and then climb climbing--". My eyes seemed to really see the beauty of the scene in General.

Hero Tom Sawyer, mischievous and lovely. However, Tom has an old tube with his Aunt Polly. Tom Sawyer's parents died in his early years, aunt foster care in the home, in my aunt's eyes, he was a General of trick or treat, so Aunt Polly his old tube. Tom Sawyer rigid strictly for home life and school tired enough boring lessons, so they run away from home, and smaller partners in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, feienbeiqi, to take risks. Doesn't tell schools what they go or did not tell their parents. Just like disappear, no one knows their way forward. Oh, this I am not agree with you. Tom Sawyer how to make this organization thing? even out, parents also have to tell the teacher say about it! if I, if I run away from home, not teachers and parents say that, I would at least say and intimate partners. Second, Tom Sawyer face school and family of pressure, no positive of to protest, but select has escape this things, he this behavior is is is shameful. I is against Tom Sawyer of this behavior, I think this behavior does not should in we body occurs, we being student, being motherland of next-generation, being motherland future of pillars of, does not should汤姆索亚历险记心得会1000字

fear difficulties, like a drop-head turtle as, drop-head shrink tail, this behavior absolute does not allows.

However, I went to look at, only to find Tom Sawyer this guy is a lofty ideal. after he vowed to be a great soldier, not to settle, but little more scenic, to join the ranks of Indians, cow catcher on the Prairies and in the Western mountains and very engaged in the war, when you go back into a colorful feathers in head, was painted with scary colors big chiefs sth

In fact, every child was a child, both have their own ideals. My ideals and Tom Sawyer not the same, I don't want to be a great soldier, I wanted to be an air hostess. Flight attendant suit, soar freely in the country of blue skies. Well, from now on will have to study hard, get into a good University to complete my dream.

The more I look back, the more I was barking up the Tom Sawyer. From the cave adventure in this little story, I found that Tom Sawyer is not a "turtle", in fact, he was a brave kids wit. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, he likes Bach, go to a strange place. Where unit streams from prominent rock up-down. Limestone sediment in the water, over the General landscape forming waterfalls. It seems to block around to the point, undulating, crystal clear sparkling water stone, never go away. Tom Sawyer way to the back, so that Bach by his light enough. It found that natural step with slit in the back there was a steep, Tom whim, we must continue to adventure. In one place, they found a large Grotto, above the vertical down some leg size stalactites, they in turn in a circle, and marvel at, and then exported from one of them left. Soon they came to a wonderful spring, extremely keen underwater stones like snowflakes, water levels in the grotto, surrounded by walls is curiously posts and hang in there, these pillars are connected to large stalactites and stalagmites and composition, is the result of tens of millions of years to drops of restless.

Grotto was gathered in droves on bats, each group has thousands of tens. Lights, and thousands of bats fly down and screaming to the caught him with surprise. Tom Sawyer to know that their habits and hazards, he took the Bach drilling to the nearest one channel. This trick done really well, and it came out as Bach in his hand, happens to be a bat to put out the candles. The bat at a distance of two out of the way. Two fugitives whenever you see a channel to drill, and finally get rid of the danger, they left behind.

They got into a promenade, quietly walking distance walked a new export to see is not the same as just came in. However, the result is not satisfactory, no new export and is the same as of the moment, they come in. Failed again and again is Tom Sawyer hope begin to fade, then he simply see exit drill, desperately want to find out that at the time of export, but simply could not be found. Bach bursting into tears, Tom Sawyer will do my best to comfort her, but also not. Two children are cutting small eyes stared out the candles, and watched it with 1.1 points, also called off, finally only got it half an inch long candle wick upright on its own, the Dim light of a candle high low along the long plume of crawling, climbing to the top lingered for a moment, then---all the terror of darkness in the fullest sense.汤姆索亚历险记心得会1000字

After some time, Bach and Tom Sawyer hungry. Tom Sawyer from inside the bag and took out a little cake, they think I want to eat. However, if you eat it, later date is not something to eat, in particular, they hope that this small bit of cake bucket so much. Tom Sawyer getting separate cakes, fetch prima taste good to eat, and Tom Sawyer themselves little by little to the taste of his own. Finally, they also had a full pass cold water, an end to this "feast".

A few days later, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn fetch prima met an Indian. Tom Sawyer used to think that they were saved, but the truth is not the case, the Indians are not a good man, is a bad man. Thanks to Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Bach slipped quickly, otherwise to be feathered in this header to kill Indians came off. Over time, they feel the hunger, suffering hunger and tormented them together. With a pocket of the kite out exploring Tom Sawyer, every little while come back and fetch prima said. He was holding a kite, hands and in a way inside to crawl forward. It seems this approach feasible, a few days later, trapped by Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Bach succeeded in a hole.

See here, I am quite impressed. Tom Sawyer adventure courageous spirit shown by species, as well as they are under the threat of terror and death, did not retreat, special Tom Sawyer showed that no journal of human nature and high purity of friendship with Bach, has deeply affected me,

I thought: if I run into this dilemma as well as Tom Sawyer, I should go forward, as well as Tom Sawyer, is not as hard, never say failure! to be honest, after reading this novel, I particularly admire Tom Sawyer. The reason is simple: Tom Sawyer in such a dangerous environment, calm and brave, not cowardice disappointed. This is the reason why I admire him Tom.

After reading this novel, I harvested very profitable. The most important point that I really understand "brave" and "never lose" the true meaning of what is. The "ahead" refers to the has been bravely forward and "never say failure" was never intended that failed, Yu Yi is our greatest weakness lies in giving up. Road to success is to constantly back up again.




汤姆和野孩子夏克,各干出了许多令人捧腹的妙事。像汤姆被罚粉刷围墙,竟施出诡计,不但使别的孩子心甘情愿代替他工作,还自动奉上谢礼。后来又和夏克逃到荒岛去,人们以为他们淹死了,正在教堂为他们举行丧礼,而他们却躲在教堂的钟楼上偷听。这些顽皮的举动,逗得我们哈哈大笑,虽然不能给我们做模范,但是,他为了正义,毅然地挺身出来作证人,拯救那无辜的沫夫彼得。并在顽皮之余,居然破获了一桩谋杀案,成为众人钦佩的小英雄。他们在困难当中表现的正直和勇敢,在平时生活中聪明活泼,幼稚而又认真的言行,给我留下了深刻的印象。看来,汤姆也有值得我们学习的地方。 汤姆天真活泼,自由自在,但总有缺点,就是他太让别人操心了,特别是他的姨妈,为了他,经常担惊受怕,可汤姆却不明白,对一个妇女来说最重要的就是孩子要听话,这也是汤姆唯一不好的地方。不过我还是比较欣赏他对外面一切事物的好奇心和想像力,而且大胆尝试,机智勇敢,向往自由,向往未来,这不能不让人赞叹。














































