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我回家后,迫不及待的放起了磁带,听后立刻被深深地吸引了,通过听磁带,我知道主人公罗宾汉总是穿着一身绿色的制服,戴着一顶红帽子,手里拿着弓箭,十分英俊。原来罗宾汉也是一位爵士,但因为有许多诺曼人欺压,所以逃到了谢维得森林里,向路过森林的富豪收取高额餐点费,(Inspirational quotes yuedu.mipang.com)如果是诺曼人,就会要价更高些,可是如果是穷人的话,罗宾汉不仅一分钱不收,还可能给穷人一些钱呢!有一次,有着王族血统的理查爵士到了谢维得森林里,罗宾汉本来想收理查爵士一些钱,但知道理查爵士因为儿子误伤了别人,为了把儿子救出来,所以欠了富翁许多钱,马上还富翁钱的期限要到了,可自己还没有凑齐钱,正在自己走投无路的时候,来到了谢维得森林,罗宾汉听后,给了他许多许多钱,并约定一年还。侠盗罗宾汉,Robin,Hood读后感









After seeing this movie, I feel there is very distinctive characters, character traits very prominent, very witty and flexible motor performance. Of course, the plot and action design is also very good, plump character, plot and complete details in place, fast-paced, colorful and bright. Actress is really beautiful, handsome actor is also true skill agile and cheerful. And their costumes, props, scenery, etc. are in place, the main line of compact narrative, war theme, borrowed unofficial history, a man full of cynicism, but a sense of justice. Quite a contemporary, melodic sense. And lively plot, witty voice of Robin Hood侠盗罗宾汉,Robin,Hood读后感

action describes various heroic acts.

In the story, Robin Hood in Nottinghamshire happy life with his band of

followers in Sherwood Forest . They wear green clothes, wearing a hat, they brave, resourceful and bold . Robin Hood and his men have many exciting adventures. Robin Hood is very good at fighting strategy is a brave, strong , intelligent man , he and the hero who punish evil forces, to fight with the abbot seized from the hands of the bad guys money to give to the poor. So he became a hero to the people . Robin Hood set us a great hero image. Robin Hood is a great shooter. He never missed his target . After Robin Hood persecution Lacaoweikou specialized Robin Hood became Robin widely respected . John led a small group of outlaws was also his rein . On the other hand , the evil prince Robin Hood step by step, to the beautiful Marian 's safety, the two started a life and death struggle . He is a household name in the UK, including women and children legend, he was fed up with the church and the feudal lords and the oppressive rule of the cruel exploitation , to mobilize

people to rise up , Xiaoju forest, Robin Hood , getting rid of , and lead the masses to overthrow the reactionary dictatorship , won the love and respect of the masses of working people.

38 years of the last century as a color film movie screen aesthetic, narrative compact. Although the present point of view, the story is very simple, very childish fights, the most ugly are those fight scenes, played out entirely in the way a group of children. The lens is the most commonly seen an arrow inserted in someone's chest, who fell on the exaggerated, is to folk stories onto the screen. But as a 1938 color film shot out, either quality or scenes are very good. Decades ago the movie now looks very stiff, fully rely on the actors, stunt repair a link error does not come back, with the drama and the lack of a macro sense than the picture, overall rough, but then it can be considered relatively Stick of the, this work undoubtedly has its historical status.


Impression after reading Robin Hood

Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw in the 12th century .The story of Robin Hood was written in the 15th century .A number of writers retold his story .However ,the famous one is written by Howard Pyle‟s ,which was published in 1883 and named „The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood‟ .It‟s a wonderful story .

Robert of Lockesley is Robin real name ,but he change it after he joined the Merry Men .Robin Hood was born in a noble family ,He was a handsome and strong boy ,he learned to use longbow from his father .His father was a Sherwood‟s head forester

(Sherwood is a forest ,which is to the North of Nottingham) .His father had enemies .One of them was the Sheriff of Nottingham .Unfortunately ,His father was sent to jail and died in prison ,Robin mother was shocked and died ,so Robin live with his uncle .

There‟re 40 outlaws men in the forest looking for their leader and Robin want to join it ,and one of them said who win the archery contest will be their leader .Soon Robin get the first prize ,but he give the prize to Madam Marian who was Rob childhood

friend .However ,one of them prove he that he won the competition .So Rob became their leader and changed his name into „Robin Hood‟.


Soon he meet Little John who was good at art of war and Robin most loyal

man .Once ,the Sheriff invited Robin to his house .When Robin was in the house ,he saw Little John was coming into the room wearing the uniform of one of the Sheriff‟s

men .Nevertheless ,Robin believed at him that he was not a traitor .Little John disguised for the contest for staff fighting ,so he borrowed a staff from one of the men in the

crowd ,then he beat the best staff .then the sheriff want he to be one of his men and he approved it and he became lazy .One day he became hungry and came to kitchen ,and he have a fight with the chef ,at last the chef joined Robin and Robin ,Little John and the chef returned to the forest .The next morning ,the sheriff want to see the horned animal and came to the forest .And Robin invited sheriff for dinner and tell him to tell his soldier to went home or will be shot by robin‟s men .The Merry Men treated the sheriff politely and Robin started to speak the truth to the sheriff “fear not ,we‟ll let you live .But you must promise not to harm any outlaw in Sherwood forest.” And he accepted it .Finally Robin married with Marian .

After reading this story we know that Robin was a thief but he only steal from the rich and give to the poor .And he didn‟t use any violence to resolve the crime of the sheriff .He have a clever brain and he was very brave and confidence .Generally speaking ,We can learn a lots things from Robin ,let‟s start from his brave ,when the Merry Men asked him “you just have sword and archer ,how can you defeat them ?” Robin said “that‟s right but

it‟s lack of something important ,what‟s more is the most ,it‟s brave.” Courage is people have courage to dare to be the first spirit or temperament. Dare to be the first not

everyone has the temperament, only those who have the courage of person, have the courage to dare to be the first person to be called a brave man.

Secondly ,his wisdom .He can use his brain clearly ,He used an peace way to

resolve the outlaws men problems and stop the sheriff from his cruel .He also have a leadership ,He can lead the Merry Men well and they were very salute to him .His skillful fight against injustice and tyranny .His sense of justice makes him risk his neck in order to rescue one of his followers .He never harms an honest man or woman and takes a cheerful view of life by his love of nature and aestheticism.

Thirdly ,is the most important that sometimes bad things is not also bad , like

Robin .He stole things from rich and give it to the poor , give a freedom for them .

People says that we also can learn something from Little John .We can learn his loyalty .He never betray Robin and he did anything to help Robin fought against the Sheriff ,at last he became Robin‟s second command .His loyalty made Robin trust and status in Robin‟s and Merry Men‟s Hearth .

This is one of the greatest stories what I‟ve ever read .The reason why I love this story first ,I love Robin because he has many talents such as Bowing .Furthermore ,the story make me think it‟s a real story ,even though we don‟t know whether it‟s true or not . Tales of the athletic and brave Robin Hood are still being told today .


robin hood was a legendary english outlaw。 some people believe he was a real person but most do not。 in the story, robin hood lived with his band of merry followers in sherwood forest in nottinghamshire。 they wore green suits and pointed caps, and they were gay and bold。侠盗罗宾汉英文读后感。 robin hood and his men had many exciting adventures。 the merry men robbed the rich and gave money to the poor。 robin hood fought the sheriff of nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly。 so he became a hero of the mon people。 robin hood was a great archer。 he never missed his target。 he travelled around the country in many different disguises so that no one knew who he was。侠盗罗宾汉英文读后感。 whenever robin hood got into trouble he would blow his horn and his men would e to help him。

friar tuck, little john, and maid marian were the best-known members of his band。 friar tuck was a fat, jolly priest。 little john stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow。 maid marian was robin hood?s sweetheart。

although robin fought and robbed landowners, church leaders and government officials, he and his band respected the ruling king, richardⅠ。 in many stories, the king disguised himself and joined the merry men, in order to capture robin。 but the king then discovered that robin hood and his fellows were honourable people and pardoned them。


robinson crusoe robinson crusoe was written by daniel defoe。 it tells the story of a young explorer who bees marooned on a deserted island。 his experiences of the island change his outlook on life。 the story takes place in the 1700?s on a deserted island somewhere off the coast of brazil。英文版鲁滨逊漂流记读后感。 the island is fairly large in size and has a small shore。 the interior of the island has many trees, wild pigs and other small animals and a small cave in which crusoe stores food。 ?i walked about the shore lifting up my hands。 look around, i see nothing but water, a forest, and the remains of my ship。 at first, i was afraid of wild animals but after some exploration of the land, the only animals i had seen were wild pigs, squirrels, and some small birds。? the only possessions that crusoe retrieved from the remains of his ship were a small knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe, and a small book that would later bee his journal。 robinson crusoe was a young and stubborn explorer。英文版鲁滨逊漂流记读后感。 he was extremely tall and strong。 his stay on the island changed him from a mean, stubborn man to an open-minded person。 ?standing at six feet, two inches and having my long, thick brown hair back in a ponytail,i felt as if i was eight feet tall。 without the permissi。


