
| 英语作文 |


《汽车的好处与坏处 英语作文》

technology, the car has turned from a luxury into into the millions of products. Just as the saying goes: everything has two sides, while the car's appearance is a double-edged sword: an irreplaceable advantage on our life, also had a significant negative impact on our life. From the good side, though, have the following impact:

A more convenient, travel, this is the most obvious, you don't have to worry, do not rush to the car, do not have to go on the crowded bus. Out of town have nothing to fear as long as a road, the car can go anywhere in the world. (As long as there is a gas station, car problem-free. )

Second, will significantly increase the quality of life. At our holiday time, you will have more choices, and in time more comfortable. No outside elements, can be resistant to heat and cold. (In the car, across the glass, and cars are equipped with air conditioning, you can blow hot and cold. ) Can serve as a rest house, if there is no accommodation on the way to a far away place of the hotel, you can sleep in the car.

Third, the cars out of steel framing and metal protection can protect the safety of drivers and passengers. (Unlike bicycles-meat-coated iron, while car is ironclad meat, safe and much more).

Four, the invisible, has also expanded the scope of your home, work options, where is no longer considered what needs to be done around the car to get home or to work.

A five, car development arising from social change: the automotive industry as a pillar industry, connected to the first, second and tertiary industries, not only bring about significant economic benefits, its industry system and chain into a wide range of scientific fields, driving a lot of rapid industrial development, induced by the emergence of new industries and high-tech.

The other hand, there are those who think that the automobile has brought too much negative impact

1: pollution of the environment. This is the most immediate and most obvious disadvantages.

2: speed up the extinction of species. This is caused by environmental pollution and human capture. belongs to the development of science and technology. 4 human physique than. with the development of science and technology, cars, trains, planes and other modes of important change in the appearance of the everyday life of mankind, humans have not always rely on their own two legs, thus now physical and human than ever before are not comparable. 5: car exhaust fumes of a serious threat to human health. Today, many of the world's big cities have been seriously polluted air, car exhaust is one of the greatest sources of discharges. Air pollution aggravate asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and cardiovascular disease outbreaks, even put in them.

How controlled automobile?

City main is development bus, clean fuel car, include subway, city iron, public electric, and car, taxi, retained bike road, seems Beijing has began such do;



技巧一: 首尾呼应,凸显主旨

如朱自清《背影》开头:“我 与父亲不相见已二年余了,我 最不能忘记的是他的背影。”

• 结尾:“在晶莹的泪光中,又看见 那肥胖的、靑布棉袍黑布马褂的背 影。唉!我不知何时再能与他相 见!”

中考满分作文节选 (首)都说生活的船不能没有理想的帆, 都说生活的理想就是为了理想的生活,而 理想的生活中最快乐的时光,便是梦想的 花季。 (尾)花季中,我希望自己能永远记住先 哲的那句良训:生活的船不能没有理想的 帆。生活的理想就是为了理想的生活。 (选自湖北荆州中考满分文《把梦想带给 花季》)

(首)有一种光华,笼罩着中华民族的精神家 园;有一种火苗,跃动在民族灵魂的奥林匹克山上; 有一种烈焰,温暖了绵远的文明情思,那就是友 善! (尾)我们不能因为屡受伤害就失去与丑恶斗 争的信心,因为我们需要守卫我们的精神火种 ――友善!(选自河南中考满分文《守卫精神的 火种》)



让我们大家行动起来吧,把爱心带给他 人,带给那些失学儿童,带给那些孤寡老 人……带给身边的每一个人。当你把爱心献给 他人时,你也获得了莫大的幸福。要相信,只 要人人都献出一份爱,世界将变成美好的人间。 (选自湖北荆州中考满分文《把爱心带给他 人》)

二十一世纪,我们是祖国的春天,我们不是我 们的父母,热情奔放是我们的性格,我们不需要守 那些规矩,打破陈规,让我们脑中的那团热情火燃 烧得更猛烈,把我们的笑声、爱心串在一起,让全 世界笼罩在爱之中。要笑就笑个痛痛快快,要哭就 哭个歇斯底里,不要压抑自己,不要让那陈旧的观 念束缚着,不要随便改变自己,请记住我的名言: “我就是我,给我一点阳光就这么灿烂。” (选 自福建省中考满分文《给一点阳光就这么灿烂》)

技巧三: 巧妙发问,引入深思

自然的色、自然的香、自然的味、自然 的美,这一切都源于自然。自然是伟大的。是 神奇的。它与生活是那么的近,那么的紧。品 味自然,不就同品味生活了吗?


心情会有不同的行动,不同的花有不同的花香和 样子,不同的评价造就孩子不同的命运。何必要 让自己狭小的视角不公地评价一个人、伤害一个 人,何必要熄灭风中的烛光,何必要让所有的孩 子都成为一个模子里


人谢榛所言:“结句如 撞钟,清音有余。” 有个精彩的结尾是一篇文 章最后的制胜法宝。

1、 结尾要照应开头





首:都说生活的船不能没有理想的帆, 都说生活的理想就是为了理的生活,而 理想的生活中最快乐的时光,便是梦想 的花季. 尾:花季中,我希望自己能永远记住先 哲的那句良训:生活的船不能没有理想 的帆,生活的理想就是为了理的生活.



首:一位孤独的老人站在寒风中,苍老的脸上皱 纹挤成一团,他大声喊着:“快来,爷爷背你 去买糖。”枯树般的手不停地招呼着不远处那 正在疯玩的扎着羊角小辫的小姑娘……这样的 “风景”时时出现我的脑海中。那个老人就是 我的爷爷,那个小女孩就是我。 尾:泪眼朦胧中,我似乎又看到了爷爷的身影, 那棵老树下,那吹着凉飕飕的风的地方,有着 爷爷给我的此生永恒不变的“风景”。



首:有一种光华,笼罩着中华民族的精神家 园;有一种火苗,跃动在民族灵魂的奥林匹 克山上;有一种烈焰,温暖了绵远的文明情 思,那就是友善.

尾:我们不能因为屡受伤害就失去与丑恶斗 争的信心,因为我们需要守卫我们的精神火 种——友善.

2、 结尾要突出主旨
在主体议论或叙事的基础上,结尾 进行情理的感悟,进一步突出全文的 主旨。需要注意的是: 结尾一定要紧扣中心,突出主旨, 彰显立意。目的是让阅卷人看到你始 终紧扣话题,而没有脱离题意。

• 年轻的朋友,在迷津渡口千万别选错,诚信才是 人生幸福的源泉。 如果生命是乏味的,我怕有来世; 如果生命是有趣的,今生我已满足; 把握生命,品读生命,珍惜生命吧!
把微笑带给生活,用微笑去点缀生命。 不用再苦苦寻觅快乐,祈求光阴的怜悯;而 是含着微笑走过四季,再将它们贮藏成幸福 的美酒,享受一生。

3、 结尾要含蓄有味
每个人在心中都有一位美丽的天使,每个人心 中都有真善美的存在。我们为什么不努力把心中的 天使雕刻出来,让我们的世界充满更多的爱与感动 呢? 让我们期待,天使从心灵展翅出现的一刻。 今生今世,也许不能成为空谷幽兰,傲世独立; 也许亦不能成为娇艳的玫瑰,受尽恩宠;但是我可 以做一棵向日葵,在蓝天下,一步步向太阳看齐。 跟着太阳走,一生都不会错。

4、 结尾要精炼有力
