
| 初中作文 |



1 a bit/ a little


Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿” “有些”。如: ① I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。

② He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。


① A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。

② I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。

Ⅲ。a little可直接修饰名词;a bit后须加of才可以。如:

①. There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle.

[注意] a little of 后的名词通常特指,表“„„中的一些”,如:

①May I have a little of your tea?

Ⅳ. 否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”, “非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为 “许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg: ① He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。

② He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。

③ She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。

Ⅴ. Not a bit 中的not 可以分开使用;not a little中的not 则不能分开。Eg:

① He felt not a bit tired. = He didn‟t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。

② He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn‟t fell a little tired.

2 a few/ few/ a little/ little

Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如:

① Few people will agree to the plan because it‟s too dangerous.

②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it.

③ There is little water left in glass. Will you please give me some

④ Don‟t worry, we have a little time left.

3 about/ on

Ⅰ.about “关于”表示的内容较为普通或指人时用它。侧重于叙事,多用于叙述个人经历和事迹,故事内容涉及一些较浅的问题。是非正式用语。

Ⅱ.on “关于”侧重于论述政治理论,国际形势,学术报告等。也就是说,当表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的或学术性的可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读时用。eg:

This is a text book on African history. 这是一本关于非州历史的教科书。[注]:它们有时可通用。

4 above/over/on/upon

Ⅰ. 方位介词,“在„„之上”

Ⅱ. above 着重指:在„„上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below.

① The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。

② The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。

Ⅲ.over 表盖在„„上面,或铺在„„上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under. ① Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。

Ⅳ. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。

① The book is on the desk.

② There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。

Ⅴ.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与on没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。

① He laid his hand upon the boy‟s head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。

[注] up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。

① We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。

② The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。

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5 accident/incident “事故”

Ⅰ. accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件。也表偶然的事件。

① Twenty people were killed in the railway accident

② He met with an accident. 这完全是偶然的事。

Ⅱ. Incident 的意思是事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件。它还可以表引起国际争端或战争的事件。

① It is a quite common incident.这是很普通的事。

② The Lugouqiao incident accrued on July 7th, 1937. 芦沟桥事件发生于1937年7月7日。

6 accept/receive

Ⅰ. accept “接受”,表示其行为是由主观意愿决定的。

① I accepted it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它。

② We have accepted his proposal. 我已接受了他的建议。

Ⅱ. receive “接到、收到、受到”表示其行为与主观意愿无关。如:

① I received a letter from him. 我收到了他的来信。

② He received the present, but he did not accept. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受下来。

③ He received a good education.他受到了良好的教育。

[注] 在表示接待、接见时,通常用 receive, 而不用 accept.

如:We often receive foreign guests. 我们经常接待外宾。

7 at hand/ in hand

Ⅰ. at hand“在手边;在附近;即将到来”如:

① When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他写东西时,手边总有一本字典。

② Spring is at hand. 春天就要来了。

Ⅱ. in hand “在手中的;现有的”引申为:“在掌握中;在处理中”。如:

① I have 100 yuan in hand. 我手头有100元钱。

② The police immediately had the situation in hand. 警方立即控制了局势。

8 accurate/exact/correct

Ⅰ. accurate “准确、精确” 不仅表无错误,且表细心,谨慎地做到符合标准,符合事实或真象。如: ① Clocks in railway stations must be accurate. 火车站的钟必须准确。

② The figures are not accurate.这些数字不精确。

Ⅱ. exact “精确、确切”强调完全符合标准,符合事实或真象,丝毫没有差错。它这三个中语意最强。如: ① His translation is exact to the letter. 他的翻译翻译确切。

② Your description is not very exact.你的描述不很确切。

Ⅲ.correct. “正确”指按照一定的标准或规则,而没有错误。在这有一个词中,它的语意最弱。 ① His answer is correct. 他的回答是正确的。

② The thing turned out to be correct. 事情结果是对的。

9 ache/pain “痛”

Ⅰ. ache 通常指一种持续的隐痛。 它可以与表身体某部分的词,组成复合词。如:

① Where is the ache? 哪里痛?

② I have a headache (stomachache, toothache atc).

Ⅱ. pain 是普通用语。不含持续痛的意味,尤指一种突然的剧痛。除指肉体上的外,还指精神的痛苦。如: ① I feel a great deal of pain. 我感到非常痛。

② He cried with pain. 他痛得直叫。

③ I have a pain in the arm. 我手臂痛。

④ I have pains all over. 我浑身痛。

⑤ It gave us much pain to learn of the sad news. 听到不幸的消息很悲痛。

10 across/through/ over

Ⅰ. across “横过、穿过”,指从„„的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。如:

① I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸)

② Let‟s help push the cart across the bridge. 我们帮着把车子推过桥吧。

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Ⅱ. through “穿过、通过”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部穿过,含义与in有关。如:

① We walked through the forest. 我们穿过森林。

② The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。

Ⅲ. over“横过、跨越”指横过道路、河流等“细长物”时,与across通用。Over 虽可指从表面的接触及跳(飞)越,但指渡过则不能用。从房间、原野、海洋等“平面延伸”的一端横越到另一端时也不能使用。而常用across.

① She went across / over the bridge.

② He jumped across / over the stream他跳过了小溪。

③ She swam across the straight of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。

④ They drove across the desert. 他们驶过沙漠。

另外,over作介词还有“翻过„„”的意思,如:climb the mountain 翻过那座山。

11 affair/matter/business

Ⅰ. affair “事、事情、事务”它的涵义最广,可指已经发生或必须做的任何事情, 也可泛指事务(通常用算数,指重大或头绪较多的事务)。如:

① The railway accident was a terrible affair. 那次火车事故是件可怕的事。

② That‟s my affair, not yours. 那是我的事, 不是你的。

③ We should concern ourselves with state affairs. 我们要关心国家大事。

Ⅱ. matter“事、事情” 是普通用语,常指我们所写到或谈到的事情,要考虑和处理的事情。如: ① This is a matter I know little about. 这件事我不大知道。

② I‟ll ask some one about the matter.关于这件事我将去问问人。

③ There are several matters to be considered. 有几件事情要考虑。

[注]:在口语中,be the matter 相当于 be wrong, 表发生了失常的事或出了毛病等意思。如: ① What‟s the matter? 怎么啦?

② What‟s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?

Ⅲ. business“生意、商业”产普通用语。它表“事情、事务”时,往往指一种任务、责任或必须去做的事。此外, 它有时还含有轻蔑的意味。如:

① We don‟t do much business with them. 我们跟他们没有多少生意来往。

② It is a teacher‟s business to help his pupils. 帮助学生是教师的责任。

③ He made it his business to fetch water for a granny. 他把为一位老大娘挑水当作自己的事。

④ It‟s not your business.这不是你的事。


Mind your own business.少管闲事。这里的 business 可用affairs 替换,但不能用 matters.

12 afraid/ fear/ frightened

Ⅰ. afraid “害怕”是形容词,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of 短语或不定式,构成 be afraid of sb. 和 be afraid to do sth

① She is afraid of a snake. 她害怕蛇。

② The little girl is afraid to go out at night.

afraid +that clause “恐怕”, 是婉转拒绝别人的一种表达方式。 如:

① I‟m afraid (that) I can‟t go to the party. My brother is sick. 恐怕我不能去参加聚会了。我弟弟病了。 Ⅱ. fear “害怕”是动词,与be afraid 往往通用,但不如它常用(特别是在口语中)。如:

① We fear no difficulty.我们不怕困难。

② He feared to speak his mind.他不敢说出自己的想法。


③ Fearing that he would catch cold, I went out to see him.因为怕他会受凉,我走去看他。

Ⅲ. frightened adj “受惊吓的、害怕的”可做表语,也可作定语。如:

① She is too frightened to move.她太害怕了不能动弹。

② A frightened girl is crying. 一个受惊的女孩正在哭。

13 feel like / would like

Ⅰ.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth. 而

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would like 一般接名词;动词不定式。构成:would like (to do) sth.的句式。如:

① I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。

② Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步?

③ I don‟t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。

Ⅱ.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像”。如:

① It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。

14. after/behind “在„„之后”

Ⅰ. after “在„„(时间)之后”;


① He came after ten o‟clock. 他十点以后来的。

② Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。

③ „Against‟ comes after „again‟ in this cictionary.在这本字典中 „against‟ 排在 „again‟ 之后。

Ⅱ. behind 表地点时意为:在„„后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。

① The garden is behind the house.

② He stood behind me.

③ The train was behind time. 火车误点了。

④ You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。

15. ago/before

Ⅰ. ago adv. “„„以前”指从此刻起,若干时间以前,通常与过去连用。如:

① It happened two days ago.这件事发生在两天以前。

② I met him a few minutes ago.我在几分钟以前碰到他。

Ⅱ. before adv, prep & conj “„„以前”指从那时起若干时间以前。通常与完成时、过去时等连用。还可用作前置词或连接词表时间,而ago 则不能这样用。

① He said that he had seen her two days before.他说他两天前见到过她。(表从她说话那时起两天前) ② I had been fine the day before.(那天)前一天的天气很好。

③ I‟ve seen that film before.

④ I never met him before.

16. agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on)

Ⅰ. agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情)。如:

① Do you agree to this plan?

② He agreed to my proposal.他同意了我的提议。

③ I agreed to his terms. 我同意了他的条件。

Ⅱ. agree with “同意、赞同”常常表示同某人意见一致,也可表赞同某件事情。还有“(气候、食物等)适合”之意。如:

① I quite agree with you.我很同意你。

② Do you agree with me ?

③ I agree with all you say.我同意你所说的。

④ His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。

⑤ Too much meat doesn‟t agree with her. 吃太多肉对她身体不合适。

[注]:agree with 不能用于被动语态。

Ⅲ. agree on /upon “对„„取得一致意见”指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或达成了某种协议。如:

① After discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 经过讨论,双方就停火问题达成了协议。 ② They all agree on the plan.他们对这个计划意见一致。

[注]:此句型可转换成agree in doing sth.如:

① All of them agreed on / upon it. = All of them agreed in doing it. 他们对做这个问题达成了共识。

17 at times / at all times / all the time

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Ⅰ. at times “不时;偶尔”如:

① The tide is , at times, very high. 潮水有时涨得高。

② I make mistakes at times when I speak English. 我说英语偶尔会出错。

Ⅱ. at all times.“随时;任何时候;总是” 如:

He has a cool head at all times. 他随时都有清醒的头脑。

Ⅲ. all the time “一直;始终” 其中time用单数形式。如:

The baby cries all the time. 那婴儿一直哭。

18. aim/ purpose/ object

Ⅰ. aim “目的”指抱有一种明确的目的,并意味着为之实现而竭尽全力。如:

① What‟s your aim in life?你的人生目的是什么?

② The ultimate aim of the Party is the realization of communism.党的最终目的是实现共产主义。

Ⅱ. purpose “目的”指心中有打算,并意味着对所作的打算有较大的决心。如:

① It was done with a definite purpose. 做这件事具有一个明确的目的。

② For what purpose (purposes) do you want to go to Canada? 你要去加拿大的目的何在?

Ⅲ. object “目的” 含有比较具体的意味。往往指在我们的行为中,需要或希望直接达到的目的。如: ① The object of my visit is to consult you. 我访问的目的是来和你商量。

② What is your object in studying English? 你学英文的目的 何在?


19. alive/ living/ the living/ live/ dead

Ⅰ. alive adj“活着的”“在世的”,它既可修饰人也可修饰物。可作表语,定语。作定语时,应放在被修饰的名词之后。如:

① They were alive and as happy as ever. 他们都还活着,并跟以前一样快活。

② All the other comrades were killed in the battle. He was the only man alive. 所有的同志都还活着亡了,


Ⅱ.living adj,“活着的”主要用着定语,常置于名词前,有时也可置于名词后。也可作表语。如: ① Every living person has a name. 每个活着的人都有一个名字。

② No man living could do better. 当代人没有一个能做得比这更好。

Ⅲ. the living “活着的人”如:

The living are more important to us than the dead.对我们来说活着的人比死了的人更重要。

Ⅳ. live adj. “活着的”读着[laiv],反义词为 dead, 可作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不用来修饰人。 还可以作动词,读着[liv], 意为“生活”、“生存”如:

① The cat was playing with a live mouse. 这只猫在玩弄一只活老鼠。

② Pandas usually live in the south and the southeast of China. 熊猫通常生活在中国的南部和东南部。

Ⅴ. lively adj. [„laivli](livelier, liveliest) “生动的”;“活泼的”;“充满生气的”用作表语或定语,可用来修饰人或物。如:

The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games. 运动场上进行着各种球类比赛,呈现出一派生气勃勃的景象。

20. all/ every

Ⅰ. all 和 every 意思十分相近,二者都可用来泛指人或物。但all可与算数的名词连用,而every 只能与单数的名词连用。如:

① All Mondays are horrible. 星期一总是可怕的。

② Every Monday is horrible. 每个星期一都是可怕的。

Ⅱ. all 和 every 也可用来指某一类东西中的个体。但all 后跟the 或其它“限定词”,而every后却不能。它往往强调无一例外的意思。

--She is eaten all the biscuits[„biskit]. –What, every one? –Every single one! 她把饼干都吃光了。怎么,把每一块都吃光了吗?每一块全都吃了!

Ⅲ. all 还可和单数名词连用,表示every past of 而every却不能有此义。如:

She was here all day. 她在这呆了一整天。


初中英语近义词、同义词、词组、短语辨析大全 -从A


1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\ at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。 in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。

for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。 [例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。 I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。 Hold on for a moment.请稍候。

............................................................. 2.a few/ few

(1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。

(2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。

[例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends.


I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here. 我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。


3.a little/ little

(1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。 (2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。 little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。

[例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。

There is little water in the glass, so you can’t drink any.



4.across / through



Look out through the window, please.请从窗口往外看。 We have to walk through the gate to go into the factory. 我们要走进这家工厂必须走过这一扇大门。

across也是“通过”、“跨过”,一般与位移的平面有关, 即从一个平面的一头走到或越到另一头。如:

If you walk across the square, you will see the hotel there. 如果你走到广场的另一端,你就看到旅馆了。

Be careful when you walk across the street.过马路时要小心。

注意:cross是及物动词而across是介词。 ago / before

ago 只用于一般过去时,表示从现在算起的一段时间以前。 [例]He died two years ago.他是两年前去世的。

before 后接“时间点”,可用于任何时态;它也可放在“时间段”后,


[例]I got there before 5 o’clock.我五点钟前到达那里。 I never saw him before.我以前没见过他。

He had done it two days before.他两天前就做过此事。 .............................................................

6. already / yet/still

(1) already 意为“已经”,常用于肯定句,与完成时和进行时连用为多。

用于疑问句时表示问话人持怀疑、惊异的态度。如: Is it Sunday already? 已经到星期天啦? I have already finished it.我已经做完了。

(2)yet 通常用于疑问句和否定句,在疑问句中作“已经”解, 在否定句中作“还”、“尚未”解。如: I haven’t learned it yet.我还不知此事。 Has he come yet? 他还没有来?(表疑问)


7.arrive / reach/ get (1) arrive vi.

arrive + in + 大地方(国家、城市等) arrive + at + 小地方(村庄、车站、码头等)

He arrived in Nanning last week. 他上星期来到南宁。 (2) get vi.\get to + 名词

When did you get to the station yesterday? 你昨天什么时候到达火车站?

reach vt.\reach + 名词

Please write to me when you reach Beijing.你到北京后请给我写信。


I got/ arrive/ reached home late yesterday.我昨天很晚才到家。


8. agree with/ agree on/ agree to

(1)agree with(sb.)表示“与„„意见一致”。 I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。

(2)agree to(sth.)宾语一般为suggestion、plan等,“同意计划、安排”。

We all agreed to your plan. 我们同意你的计划。 (3)agree on 表示“双方就...达成一致协议”。

China and the U.S.A. agreed on the place and time for the next meeting.

中美双方就下次会议的时间、地点问题达成了协议。 .......................................................................... 9. a bit/ a little

二者都有“一点儿”的意思,用法上既有相同点,也有不同点。 (1)相同点:都用来修饰形容词、副词及其比较级,也可修饰动词。

Get up a bit/ a little earlier, and you will see the star. 起早一点你就会看到星星了。

(2)不同点:①a little+不可数名词,a bit of+不可数名词 He ate a little food/ a bit of food this morning.他今天早上吃了一点食物。


②a little 与a bit 和否定词连用,意义大不相同。 not a little 很,非常;\ not a bit 一点也不 从


1.by the way/ on the way/ in the way

(1)by the way 常用作状语,意为“顺便问一下”,“顺便说一下”。

(2)on the way “在„„的路上”,后接名词时需加介词to, 后接副词home、here、there时不加to。 (3)in the way “挡路、妨碍”。

[例]Your car is in the way.你的小汽车挡路了。

He bought a pen on his/ the way to school.他在上学的路上买了一枝钢笔。

By the way, how old are you? 顺便问一下,你多大了? ..........................................................................

2. be afraid/ be afraid of/ be afraid for

(1)be afraid意为“害怕”,如果后接宾语从句,意为“恐怕„„”, 用来表示常有歉意的回话或引出令人不满意的消息。 I am afraid I can’t help you.我恐怕帮不了你的忙。 (2)be afraid of+名词/代词/动名词,意为“害怕某人/做某事”, 往往指长期具有的心理状态。

I am afraid of going out at night.我害怕晚上出去。 be afraid for后习惯接表示人的代词,表示“替某人担心”。如:

I am afraid for you.我替你担心。


3. be made of/be made in/be made by



be made of 后接的是表示材料的名词,“„„由„„组成”。 The desk is made of wood.

(2)be made in 后接的是表示地点的名词,“„„由„„制造”。 The computer is made in China.这台电脑是中国制造的。 (3)be made by 后接的名词是人,即“„„是由„„来制作(造)的”。

This ship is made by us Chinese.这艘船是我们中国人制造的。

.......................................................................... 4. between/ among

这两个词都有“在„„之间(中)”的意思,但用法不同: (1)between用于表示双方之间的关系,不论双方的数目是多少。 The train runs between Beijing and Nanning.火车在北京和南宁两地间运行。

There is a tree between the two houses.这两座房子之间有一棵树。


I saw him among the crowd.我看见他在人群中。

London is among the greatest cities of the world.伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。

............................................................. 5. borrow / lend


以“我”为中心,“借进”的意思,常与from连用。如: I’ve borrowed two books from the library.我从图书馆借了2本书。


Can you lend your dictionary to me? 能借你的字典给我吗? (3)这二者都可有这样的结构:borrow sb. sth; lend sb. sth. .............................................................

6. bring / take/ fetch/ carry


Remember to bring your book tomorrow.记住明天把你的书带来。


It’s going to rain. You’d better take an umbrella with you.


(3)fetch意为“去取来某物”,它包括一个往返的过程。 如:Will you go and fetch some water?你去取一点水来,好吗?



He always carries a pocket dictionary with him.他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。

The bus carried me to the park yesterday.昨天公共汽车把我拉到了公园。

.......................................................................... 7. beat / win

(1) beat vet. 后接的宾语一般为人或相当于人的名词,“打败„„”,


We beat Class Four in the football match yesterday.昨天足球赛我们打败了四班队。Class Four was beaten in the football match yesterday.四班足球队昨天被打败了。 (2) win vt. 一般后接物或比赛作宾语,少用被动语态。如: We won the football game.我们赢得了足球赛的胜利。 (3)win 短语:

win a game 赢得比赛(游戏) win a gold medal 赢得金牌 win a prize 获奖

win the war 赢得了战争的胜利

win sb. over 把某人争取过来,说服某人

.......................................................................... 8. by/ with/ in


by表示“以„„方式(方法、手段)”和“乘坐某种交通工具”; with指“借助于具体的手段和工具”; in表示“以„„方式”,“用某种语言”。 [例]He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车上学。

Jim is climbing the tree with a ladder.吉姆用梯子爬树。 Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说它吗?


9. be used for/ be used as/ be used by

(1)be used for 在这个短语中,介词for表用途,即“用来作„„”。

A pen is used for writing.笔是用来书写的。

(2)be used as 在这个短语中,介词as表身份或工具,即“„„被用作„„”。

English is used as a useful tool in our country. 在我国英语被作为一个有用的工具来使用。 (3)be used by 短语中,介词by后接使用的执行者,“为„„所使用”之意。

English is used by travelers and business people all over the world.


.......................................................................... 10. besides/ except


besides意为“除„„之外(还有)”。试比较: I have another blue pen besides this one. 除了这枝外,我还有另一枝蓝色钢笔。(1+1,共2枝) We all passed the exam except Tom.

我们都通过了考试,汤姆除外。(整体中„„汤姆一人不及格) (2)except前几乎总有all、any、every、no及其复合词等词。 He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题没答外,其余问题他都答了。 (3)except后接名词、代词、动名词和原形动词,这时except=but;

但except后跟副词、介词短语时,不能用but代替。如: The window is never open except in summer.这扇窗户从来不开,除夏季外。

He did nothing except/ but clean the house.他只是打扫了房子。

.......................................................................... 11. both / all


(1)both指“两者都”(=2),其否定应为neither。 His two brothers are both workers. 他的两个兄弟都是工人。 They both work in our school. 他们俩都在我们学校上班。 both的位置:系动词be后,实义动词前。

(2)all指“三个或三个以上都„„”,否定应为none。 The students all work hard.学生们都很用功。 They are all here today.他们今天都在这里。 They are all strangers. I know none of them. 他们全是陌生人,他们当中我一个都不认识。


12.be angry with/ be angry about/ be angry at

(1)be angry with 后只能跟表“人”的名词或代词,意思是“生某人的气”,


The teacher was angry with me for my coming late.老师因为我来晚生气了。

(2)be angry at = be angry about意思是“因某事而愤怒”。 at或about后只能接表“事物”的名词。如:

He is angry with/ about small things.他常为一些小事生气。 He was angry about/ at missing the film.他为错过那场电影而生气。 从

C...................................................................... 1. can / be able to


I can sing the English song.我会唱这首英语歌。 A baby can cry when it is hungry.婴儿饿的时候会哭闹。 (2)be able to 后接动词原形,表示“能够”,多指一个人经过后天的努力


If you work hard, you will be able to master English. 只要你努力,你一定能掌握好英语的。

.......................................................................... 2. catch a cold/ have a cold


(1)catch a cold 强调动作。如:

It’s cold outside. Go into the house or you will catch a cold.

外面冷。到房间里去吧,不然你会感冒的。 (2)have a cold 强调状态。

I have had a cold for several days and I can’t get rid of it.

我感冒已经好几天了,可还是好不了。 从


1. die/ dead/ dying/ death

(1)die 是终止性动词,不用于被动语态。 He has died.他死了。

He died five weeks ago.他五周前死的。

(2)dead是形容词,表状态,可以跟表示延续的时间状语连用。 His grandfather has been dead for five years.他的祖父去世已经有五年了。 (3)death是名词。

He was sentenced to death.他被判处死刑。 (4)dying意为“要死了”,是现在分词。试比较: a dead dog 一条死(了的)狗 a dying dog 一条“濒临死亡”的狗

初中常见的die短语:die from/ of „„因„„而死

E...................................................................... 1. else/ other


作后置定语;作副词时也要后置。如: What else did you do? 你还做了些什么?

She has nothing else to say.她没有别的什么可说了。 (2)other作形容词时,用于修饰名词或某些代词,但必须前置。如:

Where are the other comrades? 其他的同志在哪里? I want some other books.我还要另外一些书。 (3)else后可带-‘s, other不能。

Who else’s bike can this be?这还可能是其他什么人的自行车呢?

.......................................................................... 2. ever / once

这两个词都可解作“曾经”,但它们各自表示的时间含义不同。 (1)ever表示“到现在为止以前的任何时候”,用于现在完成时的句子,


Have you ever been to Beijing? 你去过北京吗? (2)once表示“过去某一时候”或“过去某段时间”, 多用于一般过去时态的陈述句中。如:

I once went to London with my father.我曾经和我父亲去过伦敦。

注意:once作为“一次”解时,表频率,可用于完成时。 I have been there once.我去过那里一次。 从

F...................................................................... 1. far / away

far和away都有“远”的意思,两者的区别在于: (1)far指抽象距离的远,away指具体距离的远。如: The farm is very far from here.农场离这很远。

The station is five kilometers away from here.火车站离这里5千米远。

(2)far可用于疑问句,否定句中表距离,而away不可。如: -How far is your school? 你的学校有多远? -Not far. Only 100 meters away.不远,只有100米。 .......................................................................... 2. fast / quick/ quickly

(1) fast adj. / adv. 有“快”的意思,通常指“行走、跑、唱、跳”等动作的快慢。

He runs faster than I.他比我跑得快。

(2) quick adj. 有“迅速”之意,指对某一问题反映的速度。 He gave me a quick answer.他迅速地回答我的问题。 (3)quickly指接到某种口令时,做动作的速度。 Go downstairs quickly.迅速下楼。

.......................................................................... 3. for short/ short for

(1)for short 意为“缩写、简称、简言之”,多作状语。 The teacher told us to write the text for short.老师让我们缩写课文。

(2)short for “是„„的缩写”,一般作表语。如: “You’d” is short for “You would” or “You had”. “You’d”是“You would”或“You had”的缩写形式。 从


1. get/ turn/ grow/ become/ be【初中英语同义词大全】



The days get shorter and shorter.日子变短了。 (2)turn 有“成为和以前完全不同的东西”的含义,后接形容词或过去分词。

The trees turn green in spring.在春天,树变绿了。 (3)grow表示逐渐变为新的状态的含义、着重变化过程。 My little brother is growing tall.我的小弟弟长高了。 (4)become用法较为正式,强调由一种状态向另一种状态的变化。后接形容词或名词。

He has become a doctor.他成为一个医生了。


I want to be a teacher when I grow up.长大后我想成为一名教师。


2. go to bed/ go to sleep/ fall asleep/ be asleep (1)go to bed 表动作,指“去睡觉”。

(2)go to sleep也表动作,指进入“睡着”状态。

(3)fall asleep表动作,意为“刚刚入睡”,指“刚睡着”这动作。

(4)be asleep表状态,意为“睡着的”。例如:

He fell asleep when there was a loud knock at the door. 他刚睡着,这时有人大声敲门。

The baby has been asleep for an hour.这孩子睡着一个小时了。

He found it difficult to go to sleep.他发现很难入睡。


1. how often/how soon/how long/how far 这几组词都是用来提问时间或长度的但用法不同。

①how long意为“多长/久时间”,是对句子“for„”,“since„”, “from„to„”等表示一段时间的状语的提问,可用于过去时,将来时或完成时。如:

---How long will he be away? 他要离开多长时间? ---He will be away for two days.两天时间。

---How long have you been a teacher? 你当老师多久了? ---For about ten years.大约10年了。

注意:how long引导的句子动词一般为延续性动词。 ②how soon意为"某事多快能发生或完成",常对句子中的in„时间状语进行提问。如:

---How soon will the building be finished?大楼过多久才能完工?

---In a month.一个月吧。

③how often意为"多长时间一次,每隔多久",是对句中的often, usually,

every day, sometimes, never, once a week等表示频率的副词提问,


---How often do you go to see a film?

---Once a week. ---你多长时间看1次电影?---1周1次。 ④how far 是对距离的提问,意为“长达„„千米/米”等。如: -How far is it from here to the park?

It is two kilometers.--从这里到公园有多远?两千米远。 .......................................................................... 2. hard / hardly

(1)hard adj.& adv. 作形容词时,有“难的”,“硬的”意思,作副词时,


We must work hard for our country.我们必须为祖国努力学习。

It rained hard yesterday.昨天雨下得很大。

(2) hardly adv. “简直不”、“几乎不”,在句中起否定作用。

I could hardly write at that time.那时我几乎不会写字。 .......................................................................... 3. hear/ hear of/ hear from

(1)hear 为及物动词,“听到”,表结果。 I can hear you clearly.我能清楚听到你说的话。

(2)hear of = hear about 为不及物动词,指某人间接地“听别人说起„„”,如:


一 同义词互相转换

1 alone=by oneself

We finished the work alone./by ourselves.

2 actually=in fact

Actually, this question is very easy./ In fact, this question is very easy.

3 also=too=as well

He’s also a member of us./He’s a member of us, too./He’s a member of us as well.

4 another=one more

I’m afraid you have to wait for another ten minutes./I’m afraid you have to wait ten more minutes.

5 arrive in(at)/=get to=reach

When she arrived in/got to/reached America, she suddenly felt lonely.

6 iat once=right now

Run home at once=Run home right now.

7 continue/go on

Let’s continue/go on reading the passage.

8 cost=spend=take=pay

(1) I spent ten yuan of/(in) buying this book../This book cost me ten yuan./I paid ten yuan for

this book.

(2) It took us three days to fulfill this task./We spent three days on this task/in fulfilling this


9 cross=go across

Before crossing/going across the road, please look both sides.

10 sometimes/=t times

He is a good man, but he can be really bad-tempered sometimes./at times.


11 die/=ose one’s life

Those people died/lost their lives during the earthquake.

12 now/at the moment

She is talking about the problem with her classmates now./at the moment

13 else=other

What else/other things can you see in the picture?

14 then=t that moment/at that time

She was shopping then/at that moment/at that time, so she knew nothing about it.

15 like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for

She likes/enjoys/loves/is fond of/is interested in/cares for collecting stamps very much. 16 will/be going to/be about to

The teachers will/are going to/are about to have a meeting tomorrow afternoon.

17 want/would like

Do you want to go abroad to study further?/Would you like to go abroad to study further/

18 can/be able to/have the ability to do

Can you tell me the way to the library?/Are you able to tell me the way to the library?/Do you have the ability to tell me the way to the library?

19 visit/call on

Lin Tao visited/called on his grandparents last week.

20 favorite/like best

What’s your favorite sport?/What sport do you like best?

21 happen/take place

What happened?/What took place?

22 decide/make a decision/make up one’s mind

She can’t decide/make a decision/make up her mind where to go.

23 found/establish/set up

The students founded/established/set up a group to protect the environment.

24 finally/at last/in the end

Finally/At last/In the end, she won the race.

25 leave/be away

He left yesterday./He has been away for a day.

26 return/give back

He hasn’t returned the book to me./He hasn’t given the book back to me.

return/go back

He will go back/return in a month.

27 why/what for/how come

-She cried so badly. –How come?

What did she cry so sadly for?/Why did she cry so badly?

28 over/more than

Over/More than a hundred people tried this new kind of food.

29 whatever/no matter what

Whatever/No matter what you find in the box, they belong to Amy.

30 whenever/no matter when

Whenever/No matter when you come to see me, I will treat you as my relative.

31 walk/ go…on foot

Do you walk to school every day?/Do you go to school on foot every day?

32 should/ought to/be supposed to

We should/ought to/are supposed to use both sides of the paper to reduce wastes.

33 population/people

What is the population of China?/How many people are there in China?

34 quit/stop/drop/give up

My father quitted/stopped/dropped/gave up smoking.

35 maybe/perhaps/may be

Maybe/Perhaps it is not my pen./ The pen may not be mine.

二 同义词组互相转换

1 a lot of/lots of

A lot of/Lots of artists will show their faces at the party.

2 all over the world/around the world

English is spoken widely all over the world./around the world

3 not as(so)…as/less than

This book is not as(so) interesting as that one./That book is more interesting than this one. 4 as…as possible/as…as sb can

Run home as fast as possible/as fast as you can to tell your mother the good news.

5 at risk/in danger/in trouble

The pandas in our country are at risk./in trouble/in danger

6 at the age of…/when sb.+be+…years old

His parents died when he was six years old./His parents died at the age of six.

7 because of/due to/as a result of/with one’s help/thanks to

Because of?/Due to/As a result of his help, he passed this exam.

With his help/With the help of him, he passed the exam./Thanks to his help, he passed the exam. 8 be careful/look out/take care

Look out!/Be careful/Take care! The flood is coming.

9 be worried about/worry about

Liu Ming is worried about his following oral test./Liu Ming can’t stop his following oral test. 10 both…and…/not only…but also…

He is not only a singer but also a doctor./He is both a singer and a doctor.

11 be good at/do well in

He is good at drawing./He does well in drawing.

12 be proud of/take pride in

We are all proud of our country’s astronaut./He takes pride in our country’s astronaut.

13 come up with/think of/have an idea

Tome came up an idea./Tom thought of an idea./Tom had an idea.

14 ride a bike/go…by bike

He often rides a bike to work./He often goes to work by bike.

15 come from/be from

Where do you come from?/Where are you from?

16 have a good time/enjoy oneself//play happily

We had a good time/enjoyed ourselves/played happily on Christmas Day.

17 have a pain in head/have a headache

He didn’t go to school today, because he had a pain in head./had a headache

18 hear from/receive(get) a letter from

She is very happy to hear from/receive a letter from a Canadian friend.

19 had better do/It’s best to do

You had better read in the sun./It’s best for you to read in the sun.

20 how about/what about

How about/What about going skating?

21 in order to/in order that/to do/so that

He worked day and night to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order to be a successful man./He worked day and night in order that he could be a successful man./He worked day and night so that he could be a successful man.

22 keep off/keep away from

Keep off /Keep away from the grass!

23 in/wear

She is in/wears a white dress today.

24 keep sb. from doing/stop sb. (from) doing/prevent sb. (from) doing

Trees can stop the soil flowing away./ Trees can prevent the soil flowing away./Trees can keep the soil from flowing away.

25 learn …by oneself/ teach oneself

Nobody taught him. He learnt it by himself./He taught himself.

26 like …better than/prefer…to…/prefer to do…rather than do …

John likes swimming better than skating./John prefers swimming to skating./John prefer to swim rather than skate.

27 long, long ago/once upon a time

Long, long ago/Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess living in an old castle. 28 look after well/take good care of

Thanks for looking after my cat /taking good care of my cat well while I was away.

29 no longer/not …any longer

She is no longer a little girl./She is not a little girl any longer.

30 shall we/Let’s..

Shall we watch the film together?/Let’s watch the film together.

31 take part in/join in/participate in

He took part in /joined in/participated in the match.

32 too…to/so…that…/enough to…

He is too busy to visit us./He is so busy that he can’t visit us./He is not free enough to visit us.

三 同义句型互相转换


(1) He left last year.

(2) He has been away for one year.

(3) He has been away since a year ago.

(4) It is a year since he left.

(5) One year has passed since he left.


(1) He is the tallest student in his class.

(2) He is taller than any other student in his class.

(3) He is taller than the other students in his class.

(4) No one else is taller than him in his class.


I clean my room every day./My room is cleaned every day.


What a careful girl she is!/How careful the girl is!


(1) Amy can’t dance. Susan can’t, either.

Neither Amy nor Susan can dance.

(2) I has eaten breakfast and my mother has eaten it, too.

Both my mother and I have eaten breakfast.


(1) I hope that I can visit the moon one day./I hope to visit the moon one day.

(2) He told me how he could use a computer./He told me how to use a computer.


(1) She wants to go shopping and her friends want to go shopping, too./She wants to go

shopping, and so do her friends.

(2) He went to bed after he finished his homework./He went to bed after finishing his

homework./He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework.

(3) Come on, or we’ll miss the early bus./If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the early bus.

(4) The man gave us a talk last week, and he will give us another talk this week./The man who

gave us a talk last week will give us another talk this week.


(1) He can finish the work easily./It is easy for him to finish the work.

(2) We found it hard to shake./We found it was hard to skate.

四 实战演练

1People everywhere sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces.

People ______ and _______sat and laughed at them until the tears ran down their faces. 2Fred was visiting his mother on her 95th birthday.

Fred was visiting his mother _______ she was ______ years old.

3She lives alone.

She lives ________ __________.

4 Due to the way they eat, they have a high rate of cancer and heart disease.

________ ________ the way they eat, they have a high rate of cancer and heart disease. 5 But it took her a long time to find out.

But she ______ a long time _______ out.


No matter what= whatever

Always=all the time

every one=each

be successful=succeed


have to=must

Other people=others

As long as=if

the others from your class=classmates

discuss=talk about


not only …. but also=both…and…

In the end=at last=finally


lots of=a lot of=many/much

make stress happen=cause stress

some=a few=several

deal with=solve

Take part in=join in



as a matter of fact=in fact=factually

First=at first=first of all



Sometimes=at times

Too=as well=also






a lot of=lots of


across the world=all over the world=around the world

people in England=English people


continue=go on

didn't forget=remembered


happen=take place

the English=English people



Everywhere=here and there





Can=be able to

with our eyes=using our eyes

take care of=look after


bright days=sunny days

close to=near

know much=know a lot

with the help of=with one’s help =thanks to


surprising story=amazing story

all over the world=across the world=around the world

Thanks to=because of=due to

a bit of=a little


Should=ought to=be supposed to


enjoyed by more and more people=more and more popular

full of=filled with

made fun of them=laugh at

each other=one another

key skills=important skills

ready to face any difficulties=be brave


make our pronunciation better=improve our pronunciation

its meaning=what does it mean?

Whenever=no matter when

at once=right away=immediately


here and there=everywhere

not the same=different

make good use of it=use…well


paper with lines=paper having lines

kids=children in the correct way=correctly

by yourself=alone=on your own sick=ill

Areas=places not a=no

lasted=went on for joined in=took part in

in Grade 2=a second-year student course=class

Understand=realize Biggest=largest

Competition=contest more than=over

around1,000=about 1,000 travel to=visit

not eaten anything=eaten nothing more friendly=kinder

not the same as=different from

not rich=poor


get success=succeed=be successful

do something wrong=make mistakes

mothers or fathers=parents



busy with=busy doing

crossing=going across

such as=like

work in a team=cooperate

plenty of=dozens of


cause pain to=hurt

all the people=everyone



in a careful way=carefully



don't be cheating=be honest

again=once more


don't have to=needn’t



in the UK=in England


not far away=nearby

went on a trip=travelled

young people=the young

rather than spend=instead of spending

others=other people

run away=escape







more beautiful=prettier


be good at=do well in

at risk=in trouble=in danger

at the age of = when sb was …. years old

be fond of = like = love= enjoy

be free = have time

be proud of = take pride in

be based on = build on

care for = take care of

catch up with = keep up with = not fall behind

come back = return

come up with = think of = find

do sb. a favor = help sb

enjoy oneself = have a good time

fall off = fall down from

give up = quit= drop

go away= leave

hear from = receive / get a letter from sb.

in honor of = to celebrate

in order to = so as to

just now = a moment ago

keep one’s word = keep one’s promise

no longer = not … any longer

once upon a time= long, long ago

set up = found = establish

so that = in order that

take a seat = sit down

take place = happen

Why not …? = Shall we…? = Let’s ….= Would you like….? = What / How about…? Worry about = be worried about【初中英语同义词大全】

Write to = write a letter to You bet = certainly = of course



1 a bit/ a little


Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿” “有些”。如:

① I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。

② He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。


① A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。

② I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。

Ⅲ。a little可直接修饰名词;a bit后须加of才可以。如:

①. There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle.

[注意] a little of 后的名词通常特指,表“„„中的一些”,如:

①May I have a little of your tea?

Ⅳ. 否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”, “非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为 “许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg:

① He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。

② He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。

③ She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。

Ⅴ. Not a bit 中的not 可以分开使用;not a little中的not 则不能分开。Eg: ① He felt not a bit tired. = He didn‟t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。 ② He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn‟t fell a little tired.

2 a few/ few/ a little/ little

Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如:

① Few people will agree to the plan because it‟s too dangerous.

②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ③ There is little water left in glass. Will you please give me some

④ Don‟t worry, we have a little time left.

3 about/ on

Ⅰ.about “关于”表示的内容较为普通或指人时用它。侧重于叙事,多用于叙述个人经历和事迹,故事内容涉及一些较浅的问题。是非正式用语。

Ⅱ.on “关于”侧重于论述政治理论,国际形势,学术报告等。也就是说,当表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的或学术性的可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读时用。eg:

This is a text book on African history. 这是一本关于非州历史的教科书。[注]:它们有时可通用。

4 above/over/on/upon

Ⅰ. 方位介词,“在„„之上”

Ⅱ. above 着重指:在„„上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below.

① The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。

② The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。

Ⅲ.over 表盖在„„上面,或铺在„„上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under.

① Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。

Ⅳ. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。

① The book is on the desk.

② There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。

Ⅴ.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与on没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。

① He laid his hand upon the boy‟s head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。

[注] up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。

① We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。

② The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。

5 accident/incident “事故”

Ⅰ. accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件。也表偶然的事件。 ① Twenty people were killed in the railway accident【初中英语同义词大全】

② He met with an accident. 这完全是偶然的事。

Ⅱ. Incident 的意思是事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件。它还可以表引起国际争端或战争的事件。

① It is a quite common incident.这是很普通的事。

② The Lugouqiao incident accrued on July 7th, 1937. 芦沟桥事件发生于1937年7月7日。

6 accept/receive

Ⅰ. accept “接受”,表示其行为是由主观意愿决定的。

① I accepted it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它。

② We have accepted his proposal. 我已接受了他的建议。

Ⅱ. receive “接到、收到、受到”表示其行为与主观意愿无关。如: ① I received a letter from him. 我收到了他的来信。

② He received the present, but he did not accept. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受下来。 ③ He received a good education.他受到了良好的教育

[注] 在表示接待、接见时,通常用 receive, 而不用 accept.

如:We often receive foreign guests. 我们经常接待外宾。

7 at hand/ in hand

Ⅰ. at hand“在手边;在附近;即将到来”如:

① When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他写东西时,手边总有一本字典。

② Spring is at hand. 春天就要来了。

Ⅱ. in hand “在手中的;现有的”引申为:“在掌握中;在处理中”。如: ① I have 100 yuan in hand. 我手头有100元钱。

② The police immediately had the situation in hand. 警方立即控制了局势。

8 accurate/exact/correct

Ⅰ. accurate “准确、精确” 不仅表无错误,且表细心,谨慎地做到符合标准,符合事实或真象。如:

① Clocks in railway stations must be accurate. 火车站的钟必须准确。 ② The figures are not accurate.这些数字不精确。

Ⅱ. exact “精确、确切”强调完全符合标准,符合事实或真象,丝毫没有差错。它这三个中语意最强。如:

① His translation is exact to the letter. 他的翻译翻译确切。

② Your description is not very exact.你的描述不很确切。

Ⅲ.correct. “正确”指按照一定的标准或规则,而没有错误。在这有一个词中,它的语意最弱。

① His answer is correct. 他的回答是正确的。

② The thing turned out to be correct. 事情结果是对的。

9 ache/pain “痛”

Ⅰ. ache 通常指一种持续的隐痛。 它可以与表身体某部分的词,组成复合词。如:

① Where is the ache? 哪里痛?

② I have a headache (stomachache, toothache atc).

Ⅱ. pain 是普通用语。不含持续痛的意味,尤指一种突然的剧痛。除指肉体上的外,还指精神的痛苦。如:

① I feel a great deal of pain. 我感到非常痛。

② He cried with pain. 他痛得直叫。

③ I have a pain in the arm. 我手臂痛。

④ I have pains all over. 我浑身痛。

⑤ It gave us much pain to learn of the sad news. 听到不幸的消息很悲痛。

10 across/through/ over

Ⅰ. across “横过、穿过”,指从„„的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。如: ① I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸)

② Let‟s help push the cart across the bridge. 我们帮着把车子推过桥吧。

Ⅱ. through “穿过、通过”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部穿过,含义与in有关。如:

① We walked through the forest. 我们穿过森林。

② The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。 Ⅲ. over“横过、跨越”指横过道路、河流等“细长物”时,与across通用。Over 虽可指从表面的接触及跳(飞)越,但指渡过则不能用。从房间、原野、海洋等“平面延伸”的一端横越到另一端时也不能使用。而常用across.

① She went across / over the bridge.

② He jumped across / over the stream他跳过了小溪。

③ She swam across the straight of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。

④ They drove across the desert. 他们驶过沙漠。

另外,over作介词还有“翻过„„”的意思,如:climb the mountain 翻过那座山。

11 affair/matter/business

Ⅰ. affair “事、事情、事务”它的涵义最广,可指已经发生或必须做的任何事

情, 也可泛指事务(通常用算数,指重大或头绪较多的事务)。如:

① The railway accident was a terrible affair. 那次火车事故是件可怕的事。 ② That‟s my affair, not yours. 那是我的事, 不是你的。

③ We should concern ourselves with state affairs. 我们要关心国家大事。

Ⅱ. matter“事、事情” 是普通用语,常指我们所写到或谈到的事情,要考虑和处理的事情。如:

① This is a matter I know little about. 这件事我不大知道。

② I‟ll ask some one about the matter.关于这件事我将去问问人。

③ There are several matters to be considered. 有几件事情要考虑。

[注]:在口语中,be the matter 相当于 be wrong, 表发生了失常的事或出了毛病等意思。如:

① What‟s the matter? 怎么啦?

② What‟s the matter with you? 你怎么啦?

Ⅲ. business“生意、商业”产普通用语。它表“事情、事务”时,往往指一种任务、责任或必须去做的事。此外, 它有时还含有轻蔑的意味。如: ① We don‟t do much business with them. 我们跟他们没有多少生意来往。 ② It is a teacher‟s business to help his pupils. 帮助学生是教师的责任。

③ He made it his business to fetch water for a granny. 他把为一位老大娘挑水当


④ It‟s not your business.这不是你的事。


Mind your own business.少管闲事。这里的 business 可用affairs 替换,但不能用 matters.

12 afraid/ fear/ frightened

Ⅰ. afraid “害怕”是形容词,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of 短语或不定式,构成 be afraid of sb. 和 be afraid to do sth

① She is afraid of a snake. 她害怕蛇。

② The little girl is afraid to go out at night.

afraid +that clause “恐怕”, 是婉转拒绝别人的一种表达方式。 如: ① I‟m afraid (that) I can‟t go to the party. My brother is sick. 恐怕我不能去参加聚会了。我弟弟病了。

Ⅱ. fear “害怕”是动词,与be afraid 往往通用,但不如它常用(特别是在口语中)。如:

① We fear no difficulty.我们不怕困难。

② He feared to speak his mind.他不敢说出自己的想法。

③ Fearing that he would catch cold, I went out to see him.因为怕他会受凉,我走去看他。

Ⅲ. frightened adj “受惊吓的、害怕的”可做表语,也可作定语。如: ① She is too frightened to move.她太害怕了不能动弹。

② A frightened girl is crying. 一个受惊的女孩正在哭。

13 feel like / would like

Ⅰ.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth. 而 would like 一般接名词;动词不定式。构成:would

like (to do) sth.的句式。如:

① I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。

② Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步?

③ I don‟t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。

Ⅱ.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像”。如:

① It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。

14. after/behind “在„„之后”

Ⅰ. after “在„„(时间)之后”;


① He came after ten o‟clock. 他十点以后来的。

② Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。 ③ „Against‟ comes after „again‟ in this cictionary.在这本字典中 „against‟ 排在

„again‟ 之后。

Ⅱ. behind 表地点时意为:在„„后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。

① The garden is behind the house.

② He stood behind me.

③ The train was behind time. 火车误点了。

④ You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。

15. ago/before

Ⅰ. ago adv. “„„以前”指从此刻起,若干时间以前,通常与过去连用。如: ① It happened two days ago.这件事发生在两天以前。

② I met him a few minutes ago.我在几分钟以前碰到他。

Ⅱ. before adv, prep & conj “„„以前”指从那时起若干时间以前。通常与完成时、过去时等连用。还可用作前置词或连接词表时间,而ago 则不能这样用。 ① He said that he had seen her two days before.他说他两天前见到过她。(表从她说话那时起两天前)

② I had been fine the day before.(那天)前一天的天气很好。

③ I‟ve seen that film before.

④ I never met him before.

16. agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on)

Ⅰ. agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情)。如:

① Do you agree to this plan?

② He agreed to my proposal.他同意了我的提议。

③ I agreed to his terms. 我同意了他的条件。

Ⅱ. agree with “同意、赞同”常常表示同某人意见一致,也可表赞同某件事情。还有“(气候、食物等)适合”之意。如:

① I quite agree with you.我很同意你。

② Do you agree with me ?

③ I agree with all you say.我同意你所说的。
