
| 读后感 |



Impressions after reading the Heroes

After reading the article titled with Heroes,which told us an incident that two teachers stopped a runway school bus and successfully protected students from being hurted in the end,I was shoked by characters’ intensely calm and resolution.

According to the passage,when the bus was unmaned,students screamed but teachers’ first thought was about the kids.”I turned around and said,’Guys, it’s fine,calm down.’”Moreover,when King,one of the heroes,cured and returned to school,althought had received cheers and praise,she only to say that she was not a hero but just had done the best she could.Their noble characters can never be exaggerated.

When reflect our real life,however, we only to find that what we have done is far from enough.We may sometimes be lack of loyalty to our career,and responsibility to our younger generation.Take the Fan in the Wenhuan earthquake and the accident of school bus resent year for examples.

Fan,a high school teacher,rushed out the classroom leaving students confused in seat when the earthquake happened.We never fail to acknowledge that it’s teacher’s obligation and morality to protect the student.

Obviously,almost Chinese did not realize the severity of the safty problem of school bus until some children died in the accident.The

tragedy is result from the government’s oversight,and the moral deficiency of relevant personnel.If only there were enough funds to maintenance the school bus.And if only more people poured much attention to the vulnerale groups.

In contrast,the teachers,mentioned in the text,sacrificed their life to ensure kids’ safe,without any fear of death when they were all in danger. We all are the members of the society,and we all are the ordinary individuals.We are the same,yet why could they be heroes rather than us?Why could they save children’s life but us?These are essential questions,which can never be answered with “we weren’t in the definitely similar situation”, should be taken into account.




“白牙”从小就懂得狼的生存规则:吃和被吃,开始,生活总是残酷地展现在它面前:爸爸死了,妈妈被卖了,它成了一条流浪狼,过着地狱般的生活,直到有一天,斯科特先生的出现,使得他的生活有了温情。从此,它为了想见到斯科特先生,可以茶饭不思,不动家里鸡的一根毫毛,可以舍得性命奋不顾身。一天夜里斯科特法官的仇人潜入了花园,他以似魔鬼般的残忍而著称。这时,敏锐地“白牙”发现了他,它身上的毛已经根根竖起……经过一场恶战,最终白牙成了英雄。 白牙虽然是狼,但他又兼具狗的忠诚,为了保护他的主人,他可以不顾一切地与敌人搏斗,它爱憎分明,知恩图报,我们要学习它那种勇敢,那种坚韧不拔,那种忠诚和善良。我喜欢具有“白牙”精神的人。

《小灰狼白牙读后感 (2)》


东营市海河小学五年级一班 孙宁远









1. Impressions of Pride and Prejudice

I’ve read a book called Pride and Prejudice written by Jane Austen during this winter holidays. Jane Austen was unmarried all her life. She was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a comfortable environment with harmonious surroundings, so there’s not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters.

The novel has told an interesting story: Mr. Bennet is an English gentleman with an estate in Hertfordshire. He has five unmarried daughters but no sons while his inheritance must be inherited by a male, so Mrs. Bennet has been keen to seek husband for her daughters with great enthusiasm. One day the Bennets had a new neighbor called Bingley who was a wealthy bachelor and followed be the target of Mrs. Bennet. At a ball Bingley fell in love with Jane Bennet who’s the oldest daughter of the Bennets. Bingley’s friend

Darcy also came to the ball and struck the sights, many girls liked him while he thought all of them couldn’t suit his preference, including Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy always shows others a impression of pride, having found this Elizabeth began to hate Mr. Darcy. Before long Darcy fell in love with Elizabeth Bennett(second oldest daughter in the Bennets) because of her lovely behavior, while Elizabeth is disgusted by his pride and has a prejudice about him. The official Wickham was welcomed by the villagers, and Elizabeth also took a shine to him. Wickham told Elizabeth that his father had been the steward of the Darcys. The old Darcy had regarded Wickham as his own son and showed more love to him than to Mr. Darcy. After the old Darcy died, the property should be inherited by Wickham was all deprived by Mr. Darcy, also was his pastorate. All this increased Eli’s prejudice about Mr. Darcy. At another ball Mr. Darcy invited Elizabeth to dance with him, but Eli refused him. Eli’s elder male cousin Mr. Collin came to Hertfordshire to inherit the Bennett's property by rules, he wanted to marry with one of the Bennets. Having known that Jane was already engaged with Mr. Bingley, he asked Elizabeth to marry him but was seriously rejected. At last he proposed to Charllote who was Eli’s friend. Mr. Collins was good at flattering and he got the pastorate with the help of Lady Catherine. Once his family was invited to Rosings Garden by Lady

Catherine. Elizabeth also went there with Mr. Collin and Charllote. There she met Mr. Darcy who’s Lady Catherine’s nephew. Later in a garden, Sir William told Eli about Mr. Darcy’s latest act of dissuading Mr. Bingley’s marring Jane Bennet which caused Eli’s exceedingly anger. Then Mr. Darcy came to the Collins’ and confessed his love for Elizabeth, of course he was rejected impolitely. Afterwards Mr. Darcy wrote a letter to Eli in order to remove her misunderstandings of him. Elizabeth’s uncle and aunt were also impressed by Mr. Darcy’s politeness. Gradually Eli’s prejudice of Mr. Darcy diappeared. Eventually they became couple.

The writer Jane Austen disclosed mid-class young ladies’ different ideas of marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems ,and this undoubtedly shows the writer’s idea about love and marriage: it’s wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements.Jane Austen just attached great significance to marriage through her novel by telling people that marriage should be regarded carefully cause it is not a game you could just enjoy without prudent consideration. She also wanted to deliver information that marriage should be based on real love between the lovers. The female subject Elizabeth is a mid-class girl, and Darcy proposed to her regardless of the gap

between them, but Elizabeth refused because of his pride had formed Eli’s prejudice. Cause Darcy’s pride was a suggest of status gap between he and Eli, he wouldn’t have the same thought with Eli and consequently the ideal marriage. But later Darcy’s doings especially his change of the prideful manner eliminated Eli’s misunderstandings and prejudice about him, and Eli accepted his proposal. Those two opposite attitudes reflect female’s pursue of independent personality and equality. I think Elizabeth has personality ethic which caused her independent idea about love and marriage and in consequence she earned a happy life. There’re also Eli’s sisters’ love stories served as contrasts to the female subject’s ideal marriage, such as Charlotte and Collin’s life: they do had a luxury life, but there’s no real love between them and this kind of marriage is surely a tragedy of society.

2. Old Man and Sea book review

This semester I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A.. I admire the old fisherman's will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an

old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malin's fish which exceeds several times of one's own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly.

We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal. When I read " the big marlin start fast to gather round the young fishing boat hover, twined the cable on the mast, the old person right hand lifted up high the steel fork, leapt the water surface in it the flash, did utmost throws to its heart, one wail ended the big fish’s life, it was static static floats on the water surface... " I extremely admire old person that kind do not dread, the relentless spirit, although knows the match strength is very strong, but he not slightly flinches, but is welcomes difficultly above. Just because had this kind of spirit, the senior fisherman only then achieved this life and death contest success.


White Fang

What impressed me most is the part that White Fang broke the window, cutting it’s head but running to it’s owner.It is exactly a moving scene in our daily life.The wolf is the animal of violence and cold-blood in peoples minds.But they have kindness inward sometimes.Scott managed to used his patience and love of lives to recall the goodness of a wolf,certainly,at a price of a bite.Wild animal is just like human,if you treat them kindly,they will do the same,or even risk it’s life for you.


I wondered why Shakespeare wrote a story of a bad guy who was so greedy and mad.Then I thought that I’ve got the answer: William wanted to warning us readers.Macbesth was a man who was blinded by the power,not knowing that power can bring nothing forever but restlessness.Is there any thing more valuable than a peaceful life,without fighting or suffering?Maybe the peace of other,but it doesn’t mind Macbeth.All his desire made this misery.

The lost world

To my surprise this book was written by Conan Doyle.Now I’ve known how imaginative he was.The story showed the characters’ personality perfectly by describing their conversation, expression and thought inward.What impressed me most is the part that the two professors who turned out to be enemies in a week ago shooke their hands for truth.

Jane Eyre

Jane was the woman who just faced the cold world with her pure warm heart.She never lost her hope ,her belief ,her courage and her self-resbect.That was why she finally lead a good life---finding her true love and staying by his side as she always wished.Even though that’s the ending which most woman won’t regard it as a happy ending,Jane was surely content with it.That was the true love only once in a lifetime.

Wuthering Heights

To be honest,I didn’t figure out what this story really wanted to tell.The relationship among the character was very complex, and the conflict was exciting.Those were what made the story attractive,like the seasoning which arouse the appetite.From this novel, I’ve ‘learned that we should not be drived by jealousy but kindness , not for someday people will treat you back but for our conscience.

Robinson Crusoe

This story took place on a barren island where was only one human being----our hero Robinson .Which was unbelievable was that he had lived there 27 years long,depending on his wisdom and bare hand.Never losing his hope,he finally got to his hometown.That brave and experienced man perfectly showed the vitality and intelligence of human.


About love and responsibility

---- After reading “The Little Prince”

I’ve heard “The Little Prince” when I was a pupil, from a variety of the excellent writings. I just know that it is a fairy tale, which narrates a lonely and sad little prince. I didn’t read this book until I became a freshman.

That was a sun-shining day. I went to my friend’s dormitory and browsed his shelve for something interesting to read. He said to me, “I consider that one book is suitable for you to read,” Then he took me a brand-new, hard cover binging book, “’The Little Prince’, is a book worthy of treasuring and tasting.”

Afterwards I began my journey for reading “The Little Prince”. This book is trilingual (Chinese, English and French), but I’ve just read the Chinese. Now, I reread this book in English as a result of my English homework. Although I have met a large amount of new words and indigestible long sentence, I benefited a lot. For example, when I compared the translation to the original, I found that it should be improved the accuracy of the translation.

It seems say too far, let’s come back to “The Little Prince”. The story’s narrator is a pilot who cannot found someone absolutely understood him, because the adults’ world was too much emphasis on reality and vanity. He told us about his dreamy

meeting with the little prince due to failure of aircraft forced to land in the Sahara Desert.

The mysterious little prince came from another small planet named “B-612”. The author told us that the story about the little prince and his pretentious, babyish beautiful rose. Besides, why the little prince left his planet, which planets did he visit before the earth? According to his words, we know the little prince’s adventures on six planets; we know he met the nominal king, the conceited man, the drunkard, the businessman, the geographer, the fox, and so on.

Of course, there was the author himself. The author and the little prince processed their precious friendship in the desert. When the little prince left the earth, the author felt so sorrow and always missed their good time together. Because of this, he wrote this novel in order to remember his real friend — the little prince.

When I read this book, I first saw a picture which looked like a hat. But the author told us that was not a hat but a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. I was so surprised! Then I had to admit, I was getting old. As the growth of the age, I more and more close to the group-ups world, include the reality instead of fantasy, the inertial thinking instead of innovative thinking.

Therefore, after hearing the little prince’s words - the sheep in

the box was exactly the way he wanted, apart from feeling astonished, I was ashamed of my poor imagination. Because I just saw a common box, I didn’t imagine what was in it. Perhaps the group-ups would have the same thoughts as me as a result of that we always take something for granted.

So, I was greatly agreed with the idea of this book not only for the children but also for the adults. The little prince told me so much as well as impress me so much. Now, let’s seek naive which we lost, with move.

The little prince was lonely and sad, because his planet was too small and he was the only one in it. He said, “You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…” That was to say, the day he saw the sunset forty-four times he felt so sorrow. That was beyond others comprehension.

Until the flower appeared did his life changed. That was a beautiful and effeminate rose, which different from others that have only one ring of petals appeared in the grass in the morning and have faded peacefully away by night. The flower cast her fragrance and her radiance over the little prince. But at that time, he didn’t know all the affection that lay behind the flower’s poor little stratagems. “Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…” he said. People always do such

things that having lost just know how to cherish it and how it precious for us.

Left his planet, the little prince successively traveled for six stars, and ran into some unreasonable adults, the conceited king, the mercenary businessman, the pedantic lamplighter… Thereupon he constantly regretted, “The grown-ups are very strange.” In here, the author not only reflected these adults’ emptiness, blind and folly, but also revealed their loneliness.

In the last place, he came to the earth. On the earth, he successively met the snake, the flower with three petals, the railway switchman, the merchant, and the garden with five thousand roses, and of course the fox.

Just because of this fox, he finally solved his puzzle about love from his flower. The fox told him, “To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is

invisible to the eyes…It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important…Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…”

Love means responsibility and compassion. It is the love that makes our life meaningful. As the fox said, “If, for example, you come at four o’clock in the afternoon, then at three o’clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances. At four o’clock, I shall already be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am!”

Get rid of the loneliness, love makes us understand the sorrow and pain, with sweet expectation, our life also become meaningful and full of sentiment.

Realized these, he went back and looked again at the roses. He found that they were not at all liked his roses because they haven’t tamed him and he has not tamed them. “You are beautiful, but you are empty. One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passer-by would think that my rose looked just like you – the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the







Lessons we are learnt as a father

BY Leon(JiaHua Wan) Today , I read an article called “ lesson we are learnt as a father ” The writer of this article is the current American president—Obama , the first African—American president in American history . The vocabulary of this essay is not only easy but aslo very educational . I have some thoughts after I read this article . I am very glad to share with you .

The article relates to the responsibility that father have towards his children . As we know , being a father is not a easy job for the men . To be a good father , it means that we should take on more duties and housework , such as teaching our children , making enough money to pay for their tuition and provide food for them on the table . Moveover , a father should set an example of excellence for our children so that they can learn form us on a good way . That is how we build thay foundation for our children .

To conclude , father should take good care of their children both physically and mentally . This is a good way for the growth of our children .


The world is full of sunshine、love.

----The feeling after reading Pollyanna Pollyanna is my favourite book . It’s an interesting and educational book, I like the sentence best “We should be optimistic and smile to the world no matter how strong the trouble is.”

This winter holiday I read it. It is written by Eleanor Hodgeman Porter. I like Pollyanna very much because she is an optimistic and brave girl. Pollyanna is girl who has lost her parents. She lives with her aunt but her aunt is not good to her. Even though she is often in deep trouble, she always keeps optimistic and does her best to remember those happy things. And she always becomes happy and she can spread her happiness to other people. At last she becomes friends with many strange people. No matter how difficult the thing is, she can smile to it. We should learn from her, just like what she said in the book, “I have never believed that we ought to deny discomfort and pain and evil, I have thought that it is far better to greet the unknown with a cheer.” We should be happy and optimistic to the life.

We should learn from Pollyanna that we must smile to the life .If you believe the life of sunshine, it will be sunshine, If you smile to life, it will smile to you, too. Let us use optimistic smile to meet every challenge in life and break through the difficulties one after another one by one. We will be successful step by step towards our beautiful dreams. Let’s believe

that sunshine and smiles are everywhere in the life .If you smile to the life, it will smile to you, too.

The world is full of sunshine、love.

----The feeling after reading Pollyanna

纪台一中 七年级五班 常玲玲

辅导教师:宋 爱 凤



