
| 读后感 |



My Impression of "A Christmas Carol"

林雅静 09小教英语 15号

As is known to all, Christmas is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ,celebrated generally on December 25 as a religious and cultural holiday by billions of people around the world. However, as a Chinese and a Buddhist, it is quiet hard for me to feel the allure of Christmas. After reading "A Christmas Carol" written by Charles Dickens, I think I have got a much more understanding of Christmas.

Ebenezer Scrooge,the hero of this book, is a hard, clever, mean old moneylender at a London counting house, refusing to visit his cheerful nephew Fred at his Christmas dinner party with his family, and forcing his underpaid employee Bob Cratchit to beg to take the day off for his own family. That night, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley who had died seven years prior on Christmas Eve and is now forced to spend his afterlife carrying heavy chains that were forged from his own greedy ways. Marley warns Scrooge that he will suffer an even worse fate if he does not repent and foretells that he will be haunted by three spirits that will help guide him.

The first spirit is the Ghost of Christmas Past, which shows Scrooge visions of his own past that take place on or around the Christmas season, reminding Scrooge of how he ended up the avaricious man he is now. The second spirit is the Ghost of Christmas Present, which shows Scrooge the happiness of his fellow men on Christmas Day. Among them are his nephew, Fred, who playfully makes jokes with his family at Scrooge's expense, and Bob Cratchit and his family, who are just barely able to make do with what little pay Scrooge gives Cratchit. And the third and final spirit is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, which toys with Scrooge by chasing him through the streets of London on a carriage before showing him the final consequences of his greed. Scrooge suddenly awakens on Christmas Day to find that all three spirits have visited him in a dream over the course of one night. The story concludes with Scrooge living the rest of his life as a second father to Tiny Tim, and as a changed man who embodies the spirit of Christmas.

During the visit of the first spirit, we could see that Scrooge was a poor boy having spent much of his childhood neglected by his father over the holidays at boarding school until he was finally brought home by his loving sister Fan, who died prematurely after giving birth to his nephew, Fred. later he began a successful career in business and money lending, and became engaged to a woman named Belle. Unfortunately, she called off the engagement when he began to grow obsessed with accumulating his own wealth. Scrooge is unable to bear having to witness these events again because it makes him feel more lonely and silly. If he ever stopped his business thinking back for a few second, could he have not be a bitter man. Memories are a gift of the past. Nice memories can make you happy, and at the same time, painful memories can keep you awake. We can benefit from the past ,warning us not to make the same mistake. Still, living out of your memory, you will focus upon the past. Hence, we also need to seize the present.

Then comes the the Ghost of Christmas Present. And Scrooge is touched by the Cratchits' sickly young son Tiny Tim and his commitment to the spirit of Christmas. He is dismayed to learn from

the spirit that Tim may not have much longer to live. Scrooge is ashamed and sad to hear his own spoken by the spirit,"If his life does not change soon, he will die before next Christmas. What does that matter? There are too many people in the world, so it's a good thing if some of them die. " From his expression, we can find that he is still a kind man essentially. It is the money, the root of all evil, making him become a miser and lose happiness.

The last spirit shows Scrooge his future that he has died: Fred and his wife are elated to inherit Scrooge's wealth, Scrooge's maid is shown to have robbed him, and the men who attended his funeral had only gone for a free lunch. Tiny Tim is also shown to have died, leaving Bob Cratchit and his family to mourn him on Christmas. Scrooge regrets about his past, shames about his present, and now, he is afraid about his future. But you can still put the brakes on this thing. Scrooge is able to make up. Finally, he becomes a changed man who embodies the spirit of Christmas and enjoys a happy Christmas.

Gibran once said "let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing." Living in the present, we need to learn from the past and use it for the future. Money is an indispensable component of life but it will not always bring happiness. Being kind to other people

will bring people's kindness back to you. Maybe that's the spirit of Christmas.




The spirit of Christmas Carol is to give, to forgive, and to love others. I get this message from the story A Christmas Carol , which is written by Charles Dickens, a famous English writer in the 19th century. It is about a miserly Englishman named Ebenezer Scrooge, who met three ghosts in a night and then became the best old man in England.

The change happened in this way: Ebenezer Scrooge was a greedy and lonely man. He wanted to spend all his days working so as to make more money. He had a clerk called Bob Cratchit, and he also wanted him to work all day long without raising his salary. As Scrooge never felt that he had made enough money he never felt happy, not even on Christmas. Bob did not feel happy either, because he had to work all the year round with no weekends, holidays, not even Christmas, yet still being unable to support his family with his small salary.

On one Christmas Day, when Scrooge went home after work, there was something strange happening in his house. After he sat down on his sofa to have a tea, a ghost appeared before him. It was Scrooge's old partner, Marley! Scrooge was frightened. The ghost of Marley was chained up by a long iron chain. He told Scrooge that he needed to change his bad ways otherwise he would also be chained up when he died with even a much longer chain. He also told Scrooge that there would be three ghosts coming to vist him that night. And then the ghost left him and went away.

When the clock struke twelve, the ghost of Christmas Past appeared. It took him to his boyhood. He was a lonely and unfortunate boy. Every one forgot him, even his family. Only his younger sister remembered him. This made Scrooge remember that he had sent a boy away, who was singing Christmas Carol in front of his office yesterday. He felt really sorry for the boy.

When the clock struke one, the ghost of Christmas Present appeared. It took him to Bob's house. Although Bob's family were not very rich, they still had a good Christmas party. They drank for each one's health. But when they came to drink for Scrooge's health, everyone looked sad. They thought Scrooge was good for nothing. Then the ghost took him to Scrooge's nephew's house. They were having a Christmas party too. They were talking about Scrooge. They thought Scrooge was a miser who did not use his money to do anything good. Scrooge made a reflection on how to spend his money doing good deeds after he heard this.

Soon the clock struk two and the ghost of Christmas Future came. It took

Scrooge to a funeral house. It was his own funeral but no one was sorry for him. This made Scrooge know that if he did not change his miserly ways, he would have an awful result and a miserable death. No one would miss him when he died. This trip gave Scrooge a good warning and he became a generous and kind man ever since the next day. He sent a turkey to Bob and gave to the poor. Most importantly, he gave Bob a pay-rise!

The spirit of Christmas is to give, to forgive, and to love others. A man who gets a lot of money but with no generosity will never live a happy life. He will spend a life of unhappiness and grievence. But a poor man with a generous heart will live his life in happiness and laughter. We need to forgive others when they hurt you or harm you, just like what Scrooge's nephew did in the story. He forgave Scrooge when Scrooge said something which hurt him a lot. We also need to love others, just like what Scrooge did at the end of the story. He sent a big turkey to Bob and gave him a pay-rise. Let us be generous and kind, both to the poor and the strangers, our friends and neighbors. In that way we will live a happy and lovely life in the world!


A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality. So I like his works very much.

Charles Dickens was born in 1812, England. He had many difficulties during his childhood. However, these experiences enriched his life, at the same time, supporting many writing materials for his writing. He wrote more than 20 novels in all, reflecting the hate to the money and the sympathy to the common people. His works, such as Great Expectations, a Tale 0f Tw0 Cities, were affected by many readers.

This novel told a people who regard money as important as his own

life---Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, he was also quite mean to everybody. There are five chapters in all. Chapter 1 introduced scrooge's character and Marley, his friend's ghost. The language was very beautiful and active. I like this part best. As followed there was a part of word to describe Scrooge: he was a hard man with money, hard as a stone. He was a secret self-contained man; friendless and alone .the coldness inside him froze his old face. His eyes were red. His thin lips were blue. Cold seemed to stiffen his way of walking. The hair on his head and above his eyes was white, white as snow. He carries this coldness with him always wherever he went. This part illustrated Scrooge was a cold man. He grasped the money tightly. As the following story, Scrooge refused his nephew

invitation to have the dinner with his family. And he always scolded the Christmas is humbug. He didn't believe the existence of Christmas and didn't want to share his happiness and money with others. He had dinner in an inn and then went home. He had rooms in a house which had once belonged to Marley. Scolded sat quietly on the coach. But suddenly there is a big knocker on the door. It was Marley's ghost. The ghost was bound by the heavy chain and told Scrooge its tragic fate. The ghost told Scrooge that three spirits will come to Scrooge and then faded away.

From chapter 2 to chapter 4, it talked about the three spirits. The first spirit stood for the past. It showed the happy times in the past of Scrooge. In the past Scrooge always said “Merry Christmas” to whoever he met. He loved life and enjoyed everything in his life. In this part the spirit also showed the first work of Scrooge. His boss, Fezziwig, treated them very well on Christmas. But Scrooge gradually changed. He loved money more than his lover. So his lover parted with him. It's the money that made Scrooge lost many things. The second stands for the present. in this part , Scrooge is a greedy man . He has no mercy to everything and waste of his time. The third spirit stands for the future. In this part, it showed that Scrooge regret what he had done. And Scrooge was impressed at last. He understood money is not the only thing that is worth to reserve. Love and care were important too.

At the last chapter, that is chapter 5, Scrooge changed himself and gave mercy to the poor. And he had dinner with his nephew.

All in all, this story has a perfect end. Form this story, I realized that in this world, money is not everything. We also need love and help.



Scrooge根本不相信Marley对自己说的话。直到他见到the Ghost of Christmas Past后他开始害怕起来。前两个幽灵带他一同经历了青少年时代和现在的状态。从一个旁观者的角度, Scrooge看到曾经的自己,看到没把握住的幸福的自己,他流下了伤心的眼泪。见完第二位幽灵之后,Scrooge感到了自己的残忍,决定改变自己。他知道the Ghost of Yet to Come将会带他看未来的自己,而他却看到了自己悲惨的死亡。



Scrooge is a businessman. He also is an eccentric old man. The only goal of he is to make money, but money does not bring him happiness. Although he is very rich, he is very stingy. One day, he saw the Marley's ghost when he returned home to open the door. Marley said to Scrooge, today he will save Scrooge. Three spirits will visit him. Finally Marley said that I hope you can cherish this opportunity.

Scrooge didn't believe the words of Marley. Until he saw the Ghost of Christmas Past he began to fear. Two spirits take him through the youth and the present state. From the perspective of an onlooker, Scrooge saw once himself, see he didn't grasp of his own happiness, he shed tears of sorrow. Scrooge felt his cruel, and he decided to change himself. He knew that the Ghost of Yet to Come will take him to see the future of himself, while he saw his tragic death. He returned to the real life, and very happy to see he wasn’t died. He changed his life attitude, getting kind to friends or family and relief for the poor. He had a very happy Christmas.

Scrooge is a very interesting character. His is a mercenary. With the help of Marley and three ghosts, he is rediscovered the pleasure of life. After the novel, I deeply feel money cannot bring true happiness. On the contrary, if you pursuit

money too much, may be can bring disaster.





圣诞欢歌是一部非 常短小但又极具影响力的小说,它的出现使当时的人们对它爱不释手,它也是狄更斯自己极为推荐的一部经典之作。 故事讲的是一位本性善良,但因为受环境影响,变得非常小小气、吝啬、刻薄的商人,他在平安夜被三个精灵分别带到了自己过去、现在和未来的生活场景,看到了未来的自己,并因此彻底醒悟,领会到生活的意义,决心改过自新。







本书主人公艾比尼泽。斯克罗吉是一位脾气暴躁、可怜、吝啬的老头儿。当他外甥在圣诞前夜去看望他并祝他圣诞快乐时,斯克罗吉一点儿也不高兴。“呸!骗人的东西! ” 他说。“圣诞节都是骗人的东西!所有到处游逛说圣诞快乐的人的舌头都应该被割掉。是的,他会的!”

















The Report on A Christmas Carol

English 0903 Jane

A Christmas Carol is one of the best-known works of Charles Dickens, who is a Criticism writer in the 19th century. His works mainly reflect the reality and A Christmas Carol, with no exception, mirrors westerners' lives on Christmas.

The novel tells an old man who regards money as his own life---Ebenezer Scrooge. Even on Christmas Eve, when the family gets together and people bless each other, he is still quite mean to everybody. It is not until three ghosts' coming to reveal his childhood, present and future that he realizes how important to be good to others and what Christmas means. The ghosts of the past, present and future visit Scrooge and help him see how his behaviour has impacted on his life, and the way that he is treated by other people as a consequence. At the end of the novel, Scrooge is no longer the one he has been.

From the novel I've learned what the inherent meaning of Christmas is, which results in my thinking about how to treat others.

Christmas is to western countries what Spring Festival is to China. Although both festivals are designed to celebrating the coming year, they have their distinctive characters. I used to assume that Christmas is merely about Santa Claus, gifts, or big meal. Now I have realized Christmas is also the time to put away one's hatred and to treat others well sincerely. For instance, Bob, Scrooge's clerk, toasts the longevity and health of Scrooge though Scrooge gives him so little money that he can hardly make ends meet. Bob and his families live in poverty; however, they know gratitude and amicability. Hence they lead a full-of-laughter life. In contrast, wealthy as he is, Scrooge is as dismal as the dark night. To be friendly——a spirit of Christmas——is one of the differences between Christmas and Spring Festival. Nowadays an increasing number of young Chinese have been taking a fancy to Christmas as if it were a most fashionable symbol. But how many of them recognize what Christmas means indeed? I think there is no point in celebrating Christmas without knowing the Christmas culture.

As for the protagonist, Scrooge, he is a representative of those who go to extreme to earn money so that he ignores love-----love for friends, for soul mate, and for people in need. To some extend, Scrooge is lucky in that he meets three ghosts and avoids ending up in being a wandering ghost like his partner, Marley.

Scrooge finally becomes a man with great heart. Whereas, there are still Scrooges in our present society. Especially in China, the richer they are, the more reluctant they are when it comes to doing charity. Although it is not obligatory for the rich to donate money, the world needs all people's love, no matter who you are. Last but not the least, happiness does not lie in what you have gained but what you have dedicated.

To sum up, A Christmas Carol rethinks the relationship among people, convincing readers that human beings should be kind to each other.

《圣诞颂歌 英文读后感》


Charles John Huffam Dickens was the most popular English novelist of the Victorian era, and one of the most popular of all time. He created some of literature’s most iconic characters, with the theme of social reform running throughout his work.

A Christmas Carol is one of his most famous masterpieces, which has a profound influence. Socialists believe that , to a great extent, it has changed the place and value of modern Christmas in the western world.

In this fairy story, the leading character is Ebenezer Scrooge, who was a senior miser. As it says in the book, Scrooge ‘was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone’, he was mean to everyone and indifferent in others’ happiness or sadness. On the Christmas Eve, he met with his old friend ghost, Marley, who had passed away 7 years ago. Marley’s ghost told Scrooge his tragic fate, and warned Scrooge , ‘you had yet a chance and hope of escaping my fate’. Marley advised Scrooge to take the following three spirits’ visit seriously and then faded away. The first spirit reminded Scrooge of his past time when the life had been filled with simple happiness, and how his greed destroyed all of this. The second spirit stand for the present. In the company with the Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge enjoyed people’s celebration of Christmas, as well as ‘visit’ his employee and his nephew, becoming pretty gay and light of heart. When Scrooge was lost in happiness, however, the last spirit predicted his future, a lonely and miserable death. Just like how Scrooge treated others, no one showed mercy on his death. On the contrary, they felt happy about his death and took away almost everything, leaving the ‘plundered and bereft, unwatched, unwept, uncared for’body of himself.Scrooge also witnessed the death of poor Tiny Tim. All of these made Scrooge painful and shocked. He made up his mind to turn over a new leaf. In addition to showing his smile and his greeting to others, Scrooge treated these poor people kindly and generously as well. He eventually got true happiness.

Truth be told, it just a simple stroy, or you may call it childish because it is ‘ghost’ that made Scrooge changed. Nevertheless, it does uncover darkness of society, criticize selfishness and callousness, and sing highly of the love among people. What makes classics become what they are is that even created long ago, they still have significances to nowadays, and people still can learn from them. It is this story’s limitation.

Elders always tell the young to be reality. What is so-called reality in their mind? Money is all. Morality and justice both make way for it. Many people fall into temptation and turn to a wrong way. Egoism also grow and spread stealthily. We are used to be cold to others, put ourself above everything. People complain the world treat themselves too cruelly, but they don’t realize the world is created by themselves’ behavior little by little. Do you close your eyes to beggars? Do you hesitate when someone ask for your help? Do you are busy earning money, neglecting your parents or children? Do you get in touch with friends only when you need their help, or isolate them when they get troubles? Money will come and go. It won’t give you happiness or love. When you have nothing but money, you in fact lose everything.

Thankfully, we haven’t lost everything. It was Spring Festival when I read this book. Watching so many people travel long distance to get together with their family,

so many people help each other in their way home, so many people stick to their posts in order to letting more people have a wonderful time, and so many people be grateful for their sacrifice, I really appreciate the world. Just like Dickens eventually give a happy ending of the story, I believe, man's nature at birth is good, and our world is bound to be filled with harmony, peace and happiness.

God bless every one.

《A Christmas Carol狄更斯《圣诞颂歌》大意及读后感》

A Christmas Carol狄更斯《圣诞颂歌》大意及读后感

General Idea(大意): Scrooge was an old man who was hard, clever and mean. There was nothing warm or open about him. He lived a secretive, lonely life. One Christmas Eve, his nephew wish him a Merry Christmas, but he said crossly, “Christmas is humbug”. The spirit of his parents Marleg, who died seven ago came and called on him. He told Scrooge that he had done lots of bad things, and told him to save himself from what was happened to him. Next three spirits visited him. They showed his past, now and future. He saw he would had a sad future and he realized that he was wrong. So he changed, he made himself be kind to others. He offered help to people in need, and lived a happy life.

Feelings and thoughts(读后感): Money cannot buy everything. In our life, many things are more important than money. Without them, our life will lose its point. The meaning of life is giving, but not taking. Money cannot buy a happy life.

Beautiful Sentences(优美句子):

The spirit of every man who dose not help other people in life has to travel endlessly through the world after his death.

We have to carry the chains that we made for ourselves in our lifetime.

The happiness that he gives is just as valuable as money.

Money cannot buy a happy life, or a peaceful death.

《圣诞颂歌 读后感》

A Christmas Carol

高俊杰 1230100033 文学二班

Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world’s most memorable frictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian period. His works are characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles Dickens’s writing style is florid and poetic , with a strong comic touch. Through his works, Dickens retained sympathy for the common people and skepticism for the fine folk. Anyway , he was the greatest English realist of the time with a striking force and truthfulness to bourgeois civilization and sufferings of the common people.

A Christmas Carol is a ghost story that happened on Christmas Eve. It was divided into five staves. The protagonist’s name is Scrooge. In the first stave, Scrooge was a greedy and stingy businessman who has no place in his life for kindness, compassion and charity. Even when he was facing the corpse of his business partner, Marley, he also thought his money in his mind. In the next three staves, there were three spirits visited Scrooge. This three spirits represented the past, the present and the future. Three spirits took Scrooge to the scenes of his

boyhood, nowadays and the future. They helped Scrooge recognized the happiness of philanthropism and the bad effect of stingy and selfish. At last, Scrooge started with a new slate.

The success of this novel is benefited from the doctrine of Christianism. For example, every people have the soul, and the soul can separate from the body, even can remain forever. Except this one , there also have the transmigration, the Karma and the God’s omnipotence. What’s essential is that the changing of Scrooge’s humanity can reflect the doctrine of redemption. Therefore, the religious culture in westerns run through the whole novel. It’s the point that Dickens made use of to spread his philanthropism.

The Christmas culture also can be found in this novel. Such as, at the Christmas Eve, family ate together, poor children sung the Christmas song and some charity held the donations. Moreover, compared to Santa nowadays, the ghost of present’s appearance have some similarities in clothing and voice. What’s important is some plots in novel became the traditions in Christmas Day. For instance, the family dinner party, turkey and the Christmas trees. Even the greeting of “Happy Christmas” also came from this novel.

Facing the materialistic and anomic society, Dickens appeal

the philanthropism. He hoped that the religious culture can clear the people’s mind, solve the problem of society and punish the guilty and support the goodness. The building of Scrooge’s image and the changing of his humanity embodied the philanthropism. The author didn’t lash Scrooge’s cold-blood, selfish and greedy and sentence him to death. Instead, the author used the philanthropism to redeem Scrooge, and made him self-examinate and struggle. Besides, from this novel , the author wanted to pursuit the harmony between people and the humanity reversion. It also was reflection of author’s philanthropism.

Nowadays, the Christmas Day is one of most important holidays in western country. Its true value isn’t on itself, but on the Christmas spirits. The Christmas spirits means harmony, happiness, blessing, and love. We can reduce the hatred and give others forgiveness and love from the Christmas spirits. A Christmas Carol just convey this Christmas spirits into every reader’s heart. The poor shouldn’t lose their personality and dignity. And the rich also should be generous and full of love.

A Christmas Carol not only have itself artistic value, but also bring readers some revelations. Money doesn’t mean happiness. No matter how ignorant and prejudiced we are, we

should have the courage to change ourselves and reselect our life. Everyone is not perfect. They have the rights to make mistakes, just like everyone have the rights to correct. Every people have psilanthropism in their heart. As long as we explore and use it sincerely, we will be a great person. Scrooge redeem himself from the God’s salvation. Maybe every man is his own god in life. As long as we keep hope and make effort, we also can realize the true meaning of Christmas spirits and life.



0912295 罗洁





看到这,很开心,因为小说是一个Happy ending。可以说斯克鲁琪是在马利以及三位幽灵的帮助下找回了人生的真谛和乐趣。我觉得这也是狄更斯的一个美好愿望,他的小说就是对当时社会现状的一个映射,他一直呵护着内心深处的美好愿望,他希望社会可以发展的更好,政府能更关心底层人命的生活,而不是一种黑暗压迫的状态。因为他小时候的那些艰苦心酸的生活经历,让他更能站在底层穷苦人民的角度去考虑问题,所以他的作品深受下层人民和孩童的喜爱。我想除了他内心的美好愿望之外,他也想通过这部小说传达给读者一个信息,那就是钱不能买到幸福和快乐,一个社会如果以牺牲人民的利益为代价,就算它的经济发展得再好,那样的上层建筑也是不会维持太久的。的确,看了这部小说之后,我深深觉得对一个人来说真正的幸福快乐不是钱带来的,相反,有时候对钱过度的追求,反而是一切祸害的根源。看看现实生活中,人们每天那么拼死拼活的为了什么呢?大多数人都在为房为车,为了能用拥有更好的物质生活而把自己变成物质生活的奴隶,在不停地奔波的过程中,人们似乎忘记了这样做的最初的目的,人之所以追求这些物质上的东西不就是为了能让自己生活得更快了更有意义吗?但是,现在看来,人们都在牺牲着自己的快乐和幸福,去换取那短暂的“伪快乐”,丢失了那些自己很正想要的东西。所以,在生活中,物质和钱财真的仅仅是一个不可或缺的小部分,只要它能让你有一个稳定的生活就够了,没必要强求这么多,只要快乐幸福那才是最重要的。


The Report on A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol, an interesting and attractive novel, is written by Charles Dickens. The whole story is about the life changing of a hard, clever but selfish and mean old businessman. The author, Charles Dickens, is a famous English novelist, and was born on February 7th, 1812 and died on June 9th, 1870. When he was only a child, his father was imprisoned for debt. The family’s increasing poverty forced Dickens out of school at age 12 to work in a shoe-polish factory. Soon after his father's release from prison, Dickens got a better job as an errant boy in law offices. In 1833, his first published piece appeared in the Monthly Magazine signed with his brother's nickname. Later he published a few pieces. For the next thirty years Dickens wrote novels until he died. His other works include: Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1839), The Personal History of David Copperfield (1850), Little Dorrit (1857),

A Tale of Two Cities (1859), and Great Expectations (1861). A Christmas Carol was first published in 1836.

The main character in this novel is an old businessman named Ebenezer Scrooge. He is rich in the town, but he is very selfish and miserly. His employee Bob only gets 15 shillings every week. Scroooge believes that Christmas is just an excuse for people to have a rest. He doesn't believe in all of the good cheer and charity. He refuses the donation collectors to assist any further, because he thinks the people in need of charity are all idle, if they work, they would not in need. Also he refuses his nephew's invitation to have dinner with them on Christmas Eve. He says Christmas is humbug. In the town, children are afraid of him; no one likes him and cares about him. He spends his days counting his profits and wishing the world would leave him alone.

Another character Bob Cratchit is Scrooge's accountant. He is a hard-working man, and he loves his family very much. His family is so poor that they can't afford the treatment for the youngest son who is very ill. Then Jacob Marley was once Scrooge's business partner, but he died seven years ago. Like Scrooge, he was very greedy and cold. Now his ghost appears to Scrooge on Christmas Eve to tell him the horrors he may be confronted. And tells him three ghosts will visit him this night. After warming,

Marley flies out the window and joins the other ghosts who drag their chains. Three ghosts are important characters in this book. Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present and Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come show Scrooge some shadows. These shadows make Scrooge realize something. He begins to know he is wrong and these shadows change his life.

The story is divided into five sections. Dickens calls them staves; after all, it's a song. The first stave, beginning of the story, tells about what kind of person Scrooge is and the Marley's ghost. From these sentences in this part like ' The only thing that mattered to him was business, and making money', ' The frost in his heart made the air around him cold, too. The hottest days of summer his office was as cold as ice', 'Bah! Humbug! ',and the accountant Bob's working place and wage, we can see Scrooge is a hard, mean, selfish, cold, miserable and lonely man. Then on Christmas Eve, Marley's ghost comes. It tells Scrooge that the spirits of every man who does not help other people in life has to travel endless through the world after his death. And these spirits have to carry the chains that they made for themselves in their lifetime. Scrooge looks out the window and sees the sky filled with other chained spirits. Also, he tells Scrooge three ghosts will come to visit him next three nights and hope he will change his life. But Scrooge doesn’t believe this.

The next three staves, the climax of the story, revolve around the visitation of the three famous spirits. The Ghost of Christmas Past, with his glowing head, represents memory. He shows Scrooge his childhood home, a dilapidated schoolhouse, a happy Christmas party and his wife. When he sees this, he begs the ghost to take him back to his own time. And he extinguishes the light from the ghost's head when he feels that he is unable to bear any of the other memories. By showing Scrooge his past, the ghost has makes him realize that he has changed his interest from people to money. Then the Ghost of Christmas Present represents charity, empathy, and the Christmas spirit. He shows Scrooge both Bob and his nephew's homes. They are celebrating Christmas Day. Both of the families say good wishes for Scrooge although he has never been kind to them. In this stave, another character appears. Tiny Tim, Bob's young son, is seriously ill. And Scrooge begins to care about the boy's life. That promotes the idea that it is never too late to learn to love. Finally, the third ghost, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, represents the fear of death. He shows Scrooge how he will die and what people are saying

after his death. The ghost doesn't say any word while they are travelling, just points something and somewhere by a hand. When Scrooge sees the body lying in the bed, and hears the gossip, he begs the ghost to tell him that his fate can be changed and these won't happen if he changes his ways. But the ghost doesn't answer him. He says 'I will remember the past, and think of the future. I will be good to other people. I will keep Christmas in my heart, and will try to be kind, and cheerful, and merry, every day.' From then on, Scrooge knows he must change his way.

The last stave, the end of the story, tells the big changes of Scrooge after three ghosts' visitation. He wakes up and finds out that the ghosts visited him all in one night. He buys a big turkey and sends it to Bob and gives a great deal of money to donation collector. And of course Tiny Tim is healthy later. Scrooge never sees the ghosts again, because he keeps the spirit of Christmas alive in his heart as well as everyone.

With A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens hopes to illustrate how these insensitive people can be converted into charitable, caring, cheerful, and socially conscious members of society. The answer is warmth, generosity, and overall goodwill.

