
| 节日作文 |



. 在向人问路之前,一般应先说句 Excuse me, 这样一方面可引起对方注意,另一方面又显得比较客气。 Excuse me,译成汉语不一定总是“对不起”,此时也可译为“劳驾”,“请问”等。

若对方讲的话你没听清,你可以说 I beg your pardon? (用升调,意为:对不起,我没听清) 或 Would you please say it again? I„m afraid I didn‟t quite catch you.

(请再说一遍好吗? 我恐怕没有完全听清)。


2.“向左(右)拐”英语有两种常见的说法:turn left(right) 或 turn to the left(right)。表示 “在左(右)边”,英语用介词on 或 at 均可。如 Turn left and walk on, and soon you„ll see a tall building on [at] the left. (向左拐,然后继续走,不久你就会看到左边有一座高楼)。另外,按照我国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而在英国你会看到这样的交通标牌 Keep to the left(靠左边走)。

3. 有时人们在给对方指路后,还往往加上一些句子, 以表示他的引路信息介绍完毕。如:

You can„t miss it (你不会找不到的),

You are sure to get there(你一定会到达那儿的),

You can‟t go wrong (你不会走错的)。



1.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to……?

2.Excuse me, would you like to tell me the way to……?

3.Where is ……?

4.How can I get to ……?

5.Do you know the way to ……?

6.I wonder where …… is.

7.I wonder the way to…….


How far is the bus stop from here? 汽车站离这儿有多远? How can I get there? 我怎么去那里?

Which bus shall I take? 我应该坐哪一路车?

三 指路常用的句型

1.Take along with this street,and ……is on you left.

2.Go down this way, and turn left at the firt crossing,and you 'll find ……is right there, on your left.

3.……is behind(near,next to,on the left of)……

4.You can just take NO.111 bus, and get off at the second station.And you 'll see it.

5.Look! ……is in front of us far away,right there!

四 感谢常用句型

1.当别人为你指路时,你应该用Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot. 等来表示感谢。


表示歉意时,你应该礼貌地回一声: Thank you all the same.(仍然要谢谢你。)


—Excuse me, can you tell me where is the Bank of China,please? —______ Oh yes! It‟s over there, next to No.1 Middle School.

A. Mm, let me see. B. Oh, I beg your pardon?

C. You‟re welcome. D. What do you mean?

答案与解析: A。本题考查问路情景中的口语交际用语。此题题干中的信息词是Oh yes! 表明说话者有一个思考的过程。意思是“哦,让我想想。”



1. "Excuse me, do you know where the Shuang'An Market is?"

Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Do you need directions? " Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.


问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang An Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路。

2."Is it far from here?"Answer: "Yeah, it's pretty far actually if you're going by foot."

Alternative sentences: "How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance to where you want to go. "离这远不远?""是的,如果你步行是相当远的。"

它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远。

3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer: "You could take a bus, but a taxi would be much more convenient."

Alternative sentence: "Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure, bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e., "Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"


我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus。比如"Can I go by taxi?" (我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?)。

4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer: "Yeah, it's right across the street from a post office."

Asking this can help you to clarify the directions. You can also ask "What's the closest major intersection?"


那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些。当然也可以问一下"What's the closest major intersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?)。

5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."

To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there. You can also

say that you want to "cab it"; i.e., "The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!"


打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it"。例如:"The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!)。



Where do you want to go?


I go there, you can join me in


I am a law student, Taiyuan University of Technology


My English is limited, can you speak Chinese?


Welcome to travel, I wish you a good time


I also come to travel, do not know where


Take the liberty to ask, may I ask where you came from


I live in Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province


Xianyang is two thousand years ago the capital of Qin Dynasty


To the Big Wild Goose Pagoda you can take the 10 bus and get off at Greenwood Road 11下车后向左直走大概一百米,然后左转你就可以看见音乐喷泉

Get off to the left of straight ahead about one hundred meters, then turn left you will see the musical fountain


By the way, a musical fountain twelve o'clock and ten p.m. musical fountain will be open to visitors


I do not understand your words, you can be pointed out to me on the map


Should do, you're welcome


Where tickets for about $ 75


Go about one hundred meters along this street has been in the right side of the road by bus 17对不起我不知道那里,你问问其他人吧

I'm sorry I do not know where, you ask the other person


You can call a taxi, tell the driver where you want to


I can do my best to help you translate


I am a junior school in Taiyuan, Shanxi, but I Xi'an


Xi'an fun a lot of places, such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Terra Cotta Warriors, Huaqing Hot

Springs Provincial Museum


My English language proficiency of limited words wrong place please forgive me 23我们也是听说这里有名,所以和朋友来看看

We are also heard here is famous, and friends to see


Xi'an is now very soon, I believe it will get better


Where the well-known snacks, such as steamed mutton, Rouga Mo


My words you can understand?


I have to leave, I hope my information can help you


What is your among Chinese-speaking?


My pronunciation is not standard


You can always go straight ahead at the second street turn right you can see it 31那里有个醒目的建筑

There is a striking building,


You are still in the city center, where you're going north


Where you're going from here, there is still a long way


I suggest you take a taxi


Did not go to where the bus


Glad to help you


My friends waiting for me goodbye


You are Korean? Japan? Russia?The United States?Britain? France?Germany? 39你的朋友很风趣

Your friend is very funny


You are an exchange student?


So you go to school here



Hello!I need your help!

I come from china

Malabo [mə'lɑ:bəu]马拉博 赤道几内亚 [,ekwə'tɔ:riəl] ['ɡini]

I will from Nairobi (Kenya) airport to MaLaBo, have the following a few things are looking for your help


Kenya ['kenjə; 'ki:njə]肯尼亚 内罗华Nairobi

1. Please take me to the counter transfer of KQ 572 formalities

请带我到 KQ 572 的柜台办理换乘手续

transfer [træns'fə:]转换, counter ['kauntə]柜台 formalities

2.Do I need to turn hang luggage? How to deal with turn hang luggage formalities?


Do I need to transfer my luggage? If so,how to do the procedures? 我是否需要把(绑)我的行李吗?如果有,是如何做哪些程序?

3. Please take me to the KQ 572 boarding gate.

请带我到 KQ 572 登机口。

Please take me to the boarding gate of KQ 572

请带我去的登机门KQ 572

boarding gate登机口

Where is my boarding gate and when is my boarding time?


I can't speak English very well, could you lead me to Boarding gate? 我的英语讲得不好,您能否带我们去登记口?

To the boarding gate MaLaBo in where?


Where is the boarding gate for MaLaBo?




Excuse me, How do I get to the...? 请问如何前往……?

How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?

How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?

How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?


How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?


How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站? (underground 乃英国常用字)

How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?

How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请问如何前往XXX酒店?

How do I get to the police station? 请问如何前往警局?

How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?

How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局? 请问附近……

Excuse me, Is there ...near by? 请问附近有没有……?

Is there a baker near by? 请问附近有没有面包店?

Is there a bank near by? 请问附近有没有银行?

Is there a bar near by? 请问附近有没有酒吧?

Is there a bus stop near by? 请问附近有没有公车站?

Is there a cafe near by? 请问附近有没有咖啡店?

Is there a cake shop near by? 请问附近有没有西饼店?

Is there a change bureau near by? 请问附近有没有找换店?

Is there a chemist's near by? 请问附近有没有药剂师?

Is there a department store near by? 请问附近有没有百货公司?

Is there a disco near by? 请问附近有没有的士高?

Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?

Is there a night club near by? 请问附近有没有夜总会?

Is there a post box near by? 请问附近有没有邮政局?

Is there a public toilet near by? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?

Is there a restaurant near by? 请问附近有没有餐厅?

Is there a telephone near by? 请问附近有没有电话?

Is there a travel agent near by? 请问附近有没有旅游社?

Is there a youth hostel near by? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?

1. "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?"

Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions? "

Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.


问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路。

2."Is it far from here?"Answer: "Yeah, it's pretty far actually if you're going by foot."

Alternative sentences: "How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance toswheresyou want to go.


它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远。

3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer: "You could take a bus, but a taxi would bemuch more convenient."

Alternative sentence: "Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure, bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e., "Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"


我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus。比如"Can I go by taxi?"

(我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?)。

4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer: "Yeah, it's right across the street from a post office."

Asking this can help you to clarify the directions. You can also ask "What's the closest major intersection?"


那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些。当然也可以问一下"What's the closestmajorintersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?)。

5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."

To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there.You can also say that you want to "cab it"; i.e., "The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!"


打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it"。例如:"The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!)。

一、 问路常用句型

在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路。如:

1. Excuse me. Is there a hospital near here? 打扰一下,这附近有医院吗?

2. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the police station? 打扰一下,你能告诉我去警察局的路吗?

3. Excuse me. How can I get to the History Museum, please? 打扰一下,请问我怎样能到历史博物馆?

4. Excuse me. Where is the Blue Sky Hotel? 打扰一下,请问蓝天大酒店在哪儿?

5. Excuse me. Which is the way to the park, please? 打扰一下,请问哪条路是去公园的?

6. Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office? 打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?

二、 问距离及交通方式句型

1. How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远?

2. Can I take a bus? 我可以坐公共汽车吗?

3. Which bus shall I take? 我应该坐那一路车?

4. How can I get there? 我怎么去那里?

三、 指路常用句型


1. The post office is between the factory and the hotel. 邮局在工厂和旅馆之间。

2. It's next to Zhongshan Park. 它在中山公园隔壁。

3. You'd better take No. 92. 你最好乘92路车。

4. It's about ten minutes' walk. 步行大约要十分钟。

5. It's about 700 metres from here.离这儿大约有700米。

6. Walk along the road, and turn to the left at the third turning. 沿着这条路走,在第三个拐弯处向左拐。


1. Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here, too. 对不起,我不知道。我也是刚到这儿的。

2. I'm sorry, I'm not sure. You'd better ask the policeman over there. 对不起,我不能确定,你最好问那边的警察。

四、 感谢常用句型

1. 当别人为你指路时,你应该用Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. 等来表示感谢。

2. 当你请求别人帮助,但对方由于某种原因无法帮助你而表示歉意时,你应该礼貌地说一声: Thank you all the same(仍然要谢谢你)。

《问路英语对话Asking for Directions》

问路英语对话Asking for Directions

A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?

B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.

A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station?

B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left.





A: Excuse me. I’m afraid I got lost. Can you show me the way to the station?

B: I’m walking that way. Let me lead you the way.



A: Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.

B: Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.

A: Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?

B: You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.





1. Can you tell me the way to the station? (D) 请你告诉我去火车站怎么走?

Go straight ahead and turn left at the traffic lights. (D) 沿这条路一直向前走,在红绿灯那儿向左转。


a. Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走? b. Could you tell me how I can get to the museum? 请你告诉我去博物馆怎么走?

c. Would you please tell me where the post office is? 请告诉我邮局在哪儿?

d. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to the railway station? 请问,去火车站怎么走? e. Excuse me, but I'm trying to find a chemist's shop. 对不起,我要找一家药店。

f. Would you please tell me if there is a hospital nearby? 请问附近有医院吗?

g. Is the zoo far from here? 动物园离这儿远吗?

h. Will it take long to get to the airport? 去机场要很长时间吗?


a. Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 沿这条路一直走到红绿灯那儿。

b. Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.) 在第二个十字路口向右 / 左转弯。

c. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 坐46路公共汽车,在广场下车。

d. It's on the corner of Huaihai Street and Xizang Road. 在淮海路和西藏路的路口。

e. Go straight ahead along the bund and then turn left. 沿着外滩往前走,然后往走转弯。

2. It's only about ten minutes' walk. (D) 那儿离这儿只有走大约10分钟的路。

it常被用来表示距离,后面可以跟表示距离的名词短语,也可以跟“名词(表示时间) + 名词(表示行走方式)”,要注意撇号的位置。例如:

It is three miles to the lake. 这儿离湖有3英里的路程。

My home is not far from here. It's only five minutes' walk. 我家离这儿不远,走5分钟就到。

It is one hour' ride from Shanghai to Suzhou. 从上海坐车到苏州有1小时的路程。

有时地方名称也直接做主语:The post office is two blocks away. 邮局离这儿两个街区的距离。

3. Simpson Hall is on the corner of Bellflower Boulevard and Atlantic Avenue. (T) 辛普森楼位于贝尔弗劳尔大道和大西洋街的街角上。


There is a post office at / on the corner of Smith Street and Beach Road. 史密斯街和海湾路的十字路口有个邮局。

The dog slept comfortably in the corner of the room. 那条狗在屋角舒服地睡觉。

I was about to cross the street when a car came round the corner. 我正要过马路,这时拐角处开来一辆汽车。

2).街道的名称可使用avenue, street和boulevard。avenue指的是宽阔的林荫大道,尤其指美国城市里纵向的街道,与其交叉的横道称为street。boulevard也是林荫大道。

4. Then walk two blocks straight ahead until you come to Cherry Avenue. (T) 然后一直向前走过两个街区,直到切里街。

5. There's a bus stop across the street on the corner of Cherry and Bellflower. (T) 在街对面,切里街和贝尔弗劳尔大道的转角上有一个公共汽车站。

本句中across the street意思相当于on the other side of the street。

6. Take a number 10 bus going down Cherry. (T) 乘沿切里街行驶的10路公共汽车。

1).乘公共汽车, 火车, 电梯等都可以用动词take,如本课后面的例子:

Take the elevator to the second floor. My brother is going to take a ship for Wuhan.

2).分词短语going down Cherry是修饰bus的定语。down在这里是介词,表示“沿着”,常和along替换使用。请看本课另一句:Then turn to the right and walk one block along Second to the corner of Orange Avenue. 然后向左拐,沿着第二街走,穿过一条马路,到奥兰治街的街角。

这句中的along也可改用down。又如: The boat went down / along the river. 小船顺河而下。

7. If you follow these directions, you won't have any trouble. (T) 如果你按照上述指引做的话,到保罗的寓所去是没有什么困难的。

A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

B: sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there.

A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t?

B: yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road? A: yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

B: that’s right. Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

A: so, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

B; then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you.

A; ok.Got it. Thanks for you help.

B: no problem.


A: ok, I’ve got an up-to-day map. Let’s check the route from here to the airport.

B: where are we? Oh, here we are. So we drive to the A120 and turn left.

A: no, we turn right. Remember that we are coming from this direction.

B: oh yes! Sorry! Then we drive to the M11 motorway.

A; how far is that?

B: it’s only seven miles. We turn left to join the motorway and drive south.

A: according to the map, we get off the M11 at the second junction and join the M25. that’s the motorway that goes around the edge of London.

B: that’s another 15 miles, so that’s 22 miles total so far.

A: then we drive west on the M25. we must be careful to turn in the right direction!

B: then we drive on the M25. it turns south. When we reach exit 15, we turn left and go west along the M4. A: then we take the first Heathrow Airport. What’s the total distance?

B: the journey around the M25 is 33 miles and then 3 extra miles to get to the airport. So how many miles is that together?

A: 22 miles to the M25, 33 miles on the M25, and 3 after that. That’s a total of 58 miles, isn’t it?

B: it shouldn’t take us very long to cover that distance. Remember that we can go quite fast on the motor way.

A: we can only go fast on the motor ways if there isn’t much traffic. I think we should allow ourselves plenty of time to get there. Being early is much better than being late.

Dale : Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Palace Museum?

Nancy: You can take Bus 5. The driver will tell you where to get off.

Dale : Yes, but I'm driving my own car.

Nancy: Oh, then you drive along this street, turn right at the third crossroad, then take the first left. Keep straight on until you see a road sign that says "Palace Museum", and then you follow the sign. It will direct you to the Palace Museum.

Dale : Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight, and then I'll see the road sign?

Nancy: That's right.

Dale : Are you sure that I won't bump into any one-way streets?

Nancy: Well,...I don't think you will....I don't see any car around here. Where is your car?

Dale : I parked it over there. You see?

Nancy: Oh, no. You'd better move it before a policeman sees you parking there.

Dale : Why? I don't see any "No Parking" signs.

Nancy: But you're parking in a bus zone.

Dale : Here comes a policeman. I'd better run....Thank you, miss....Oh, by the way, how long will it take for me to get to the museum?

Nancy: About half an hour.

Dale : Thanks again. You've been very helpful.

Nancy: Hurry up, or you'll get a ticket.



l. crossroad n. 十字路

2. one-way street 单行道。“one way”单程。

3. zone n. 区域

4. ticket n. 罚单、票


英语口语对话主题 问路

A: excuse me, can you tell me the way to Holton railway station?

B: sure. It’s quite far from here. Don’t worry, though. It’s not difficult to get there. A: I think I’m going in the wrong direction, aren’t?

B: yes. First, you need to turn around. Do you remember passing some traffic lights further up this road?

A: yes, I do. They are about two miles away, right?

B: that’s right. Drive back to the traffic rights and turn right. Follow the road for about a mile, until you see the plaza hotel. It’s a really big hotel. You can’t miss it. Turn left at the hotel.

A: so, right at the traffic lights two miles up the road, then left at the plaza hotel, a mile along that road. Got it.

B; then you just go straight on until you see the station ahead of you. A; ok. Got it. Thanks for you help. B: no problem.

英语口语对话主题 聚会

A: are you going to helen’s birthday party on Friday evening?

B: I wouldn’t miss it for the world! It’s sure to be fun. She’s invited a lot of people. Do you thind everyone will be able to get into her house?

A: if everyone turned up, it would be a squeeze, but a feww people said that they couldn’t go, so I think it should be ok? B: are you taking anything?

A: I’ve got her a birthday present and I’ll take a bottle fo wine too.

B: that’s a good idea. She told she had bought plenty of food and snacks. I think it’s going to be a noisy party. I hope her neihbours don’t mind too much.

A: helen gets on very well with her neighours. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went to the party too.

B: I’m ready looking forward to it. This party is going to be a blast! A: well, don’t be late. I’ll see you on Friday at helen’s.

1. 在向人问路之前,一般应先说句 Excuse me, 这样一方面可引起对方注意,另一方面又显得比较客气。Excuse me,译成汉语不一定总是“对不起”,此时也可译为“劳驾”,“请问”等。若对方讲的话你没听清,你可以说 I beg your pardon? (用升调,意为:对不起,我没听清) 或 Would you please say it again? I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch you.(请再说一遍好吗? 我恐怕没有完全听清)。问完路之后,应向指路人表示感谢。

2.“向左(右)拐”英语有两种常见的说法:turn left(right) 或 turn to the left(right)。表示 “在左(右)边”,英语用介词on 或 at 均可。如 Turn left and walk on, and soon you’ll see a tall building on [at] the left. (向左拐,然后继续走,不久你就会看到左边有一座高楼)。另外,按照我国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而在英国你会看到这样的交通标牌 Keep to the left(靠左边走)。

3. 有时人们在给对方指路后,还往往加上一些句子, 以表示他的引路信息介绍完毕。如:You can’t miss it (你不会找不到的),You are sure to get there(你一定会到达那儿的),You can’t go wrong (你不会走错的)。

一、Greetings 问候语 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨它是。 (下午/晚上)好! 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西.金。 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。

4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得.史密斯吗 37. Is that a car? 那是一辆小汽车吗?

5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,38. No, it isn't. It's a bus. 不,那是辆公共汽车。 我不是。 39. What do you call this in English? 这个用6. How are you? 你好吗? 英语怎么说? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 40. What is the color of your new book? 你的8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 新书是什么颜色的?

9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱41. How big is your house? 你的房子多大? 米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 42. How long is the street? 这条街有多长? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 43. What's the name of the cat这猫叫什么名字 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 44. Where's the company? 那个公司在哪儿? 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 45. Which is the right size? 哪个尺码是对的 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 四、About Belongings 关于所有物 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 46. What's this? 这是什么? 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 47. It's an air-conditioner. 这是空调。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 48. Is this yours? 这是你的吗? 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 49. Yes, it's mine. 是的,是我的。 17. Come in, please. 请进。 50. Where are my glasses? 我的眼镜在哪儿?

51. Do you know where I've put my glasses? 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。

19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗? 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开52. Over there. 在那边。 书,翻到第20页。 53. On the desk. 在桌上。 21. I'll call the roll before class课前我要点名。 54. Is this your pen? I found it under the desk. 22. Here! 到! 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到55. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。 材料了吗? 56. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 57. The bigger one. 大些的那个。

25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 58. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了59. Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你吗? 的吗?

27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍60. Some of them are mine. 一部分是我的。 吗? 五、Identifying People 辨别身份 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 61. Who are you? 你是谁? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 62. I'm Jim. 我是吉姆。

30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请63. Who is the guy over there? 那边那人是谁 在离开前将论文交上。 64. He's Bob. 他是鲍勃。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 65. Is that girl a student? 那女孩是学生吗? 31. What's this? 这是什么? 66. No, she isn't. 不,她不是。 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 67. What do you do? 你是做什么的?

68. I'm a farmer. 我是个农民。

69. What does he do? 他是干什么的? 70. He's a manager. 他是个经理。

71. She must be a model, isn't? 她一定是个模特,不是吗?

72. I really don't known. 我真不知道。

73. I have no idea about it. 我一点都不知道。 74. Can she be a driver? 她可能是个司机吗? 75. Yes, I think so. 是的,我认为是。 六、 About Introduction 关于介绍 76. What's your name? 你叫什么名字? 77. May I have your name? 能告诉我你的名字吗?

78. My name is Thomas. 我叫汤姆斯。 79. Just call me Tom. 就叫我汤姆吧。 80. What's your family name? 你姓什么? 81. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思华斯。

82. How do you spell it? 怎么拼?

83. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是谁?

84. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介绍给她吗?

一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much.

2.- I hope you’ll succeed in everything. - So do I.

3.- I wish you success. - Thank you.

4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year !

- Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you.

7.- I hope you’ll have a good time. - Thank you.

8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答 (Invitations and responses)

85. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗


86. This is Tom. He's my classmate. 这是汤姆。我的同学。

87. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。

88. Nice to meet you, too认识你我也很高兴。 89. Let me introduce myself让我来自我介绍 90. How do you do? 你好!

七、Year, Month And Day 年、月、日 91. What day is it today? 今天星期几? 92. It's Monday today. 今天是星期一。 93. What's the date today? 今天是几号? 94. It's January the 15th, 1999. 今天是1999年1月15日。

95. What month is this? 现在是几月? 96. It's December. 现在是十二月。 97. What year is this? 今年是哪一年? 98. It's the year of 1999. 今年是1999年。 99. What will you do during this weekend? 这周末你干什么?

100. Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays? 这家店平日是早上9

1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you.

2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday.

- I’m sorry, but I can’t.

3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I’ll be glad to.

4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you.

5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When?

6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.

- OK. Thank you very much.

三、表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day.

- No, I think it’s open.

2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.

- I really can’t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead.

- Good idea. That’s much better than watching a bad TV Programme.

4.- I don’t think that it’s true. He’s always telling strange stories.

- I know. But this time I can’t decide if he is right or not.

5.- I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.

- Maybe. But I prefer art.

6.- Don’t think in Chinese when you’re speaking English. - You are quite right.

四、道歉和应答 (Apologies and responses) 1.- Sorry to trouble you. - That’s all right. 2.- Oh, I am so sorry. - That’s quite all right.

3.- I’m sorry to give you so much trouble. - No trouble at all.

4.- I’m soory. I lost the key to your bike. - It doesn’t matter.

5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.

- It doesn’t matter.

6.- You haven’t paid for it yet. - Oh, I’m really very sorry.

五、劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions) 1.- The park isn’t far from here. Shall we walk there? - OK.

2.- You’d better close the windows. It’s cold in the room. - All right.

3.- If you are not better by then, I’ll take you to see the doctor.

- OK. Thank you very much.

4.- You must look after yourself and keep healthy.

- Yes, I will. Thanks. 5.- The museum is very far from here. Let’catch a bus, shall we? - OK. Let’s catch a bus.

6.- You must remember the saying: Whatever you do, do it well.

- Thank you for your advice.

六、打电话 (Making telephone calls) 1.- Hello! - Hello, Bill? - No, this is Sam.

- Hi, Sam. This is Mike. How are you? 2.- Hello.

- Hello. May I speak to Mr Green? 3.- No. 5 Middle School. - Mr Green, please.

- I’m sorry. Mr Green is not in. - When will he be back? - About six this afternoon. - All right. I’ll ring again then. - Very well. 4.- Hello!

- Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?

- Sorry! It’s not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?

- Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

- Sure. I’ll bring it to you tomorrow. - Thank you. Goodbye. 七、请求允许和应答 (Asking for permission and responses)

1.- Please let me help you. - No, thanks. I can carry it.

2.- Can I see your licence, please? - OK.

3.- May I call you James? - Of course, if you wish.

4.- Could I borrow a pen, please? - Of course. With pleasure.

5.- Excuse me. May I use your dictionary? - Yes, here you are.

6.- May I ask you several questions? - Yes, of course. 八、提供„ 和应答 (Offers and responses)

1.- May I help you? - Oh yes, thank you.

2.- Let me help you with the bags.

- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.

3.- Can we help you?

- I want to go to hospital. But I can’t. My leg hurts.

4.- Must I clean the classroom now? - Oh, you needn’t.

5.- Would you like a cup of tea? - Yes, please.

6.- What can I do for you?

- I’d like to have an English-English dictionary.

九、问路和应答 (Asking the way and responses)

1.- Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?

- Oh, it’s over there.

2.- Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bookshop is?

- Look! It’s on the other side of the road. 3.- How far is the post office, please? - Only a few kilometers.

4.- Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?

- Go down this street. At the end of the road you’ll see it.

5.- Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

- Go straight along this road. Then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop. You’ll find it.

十、购物 (Shopping) 1.- What can I do for you? - I’d like some apples.

2.- Where can I buy some stationery?

- Let’s look at the shopping guide. Oh, it’s on the ground Floor.

3.- Could I buy half a kilo oranges? - Certainly. Here you are.

4.- Will you please show me that radio? - Certainly. 5.- How much is the radio? - Ninety yuan.

6.- Good morning, sir. May I help you? - Yes, I’d like to buy a sweather.

十一、谈论天气 (Talking about the weather)

1.- It’s a fine day for a walk. - Yes, the air is nice and clean. 2.- Oh dear! It’s very cold today.

- Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes. 3.- What’s the weather like today? - It’s fine.

4.- What’s the weather like in your country now?

- It’s very hot.

5.- Lovely weather, isn’t it? - Yes, isn’t it?

6.- I missed the weather report this morning. Did you hear it?

- Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from The northwest.

十二、时间或日期和应答 (Asking the time or date and responses)

1.- Hi, Mary. What time is it now? - It’s about three.

2.- What day is it today? - It’s Wednesday.

3.- Excuse me. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?

- Certainly. It leaves at ten in the evening. 4.- What’s the time? My watch has stopped. - Let me see. It’s five to ten.

5.- Excuse me. Have you got the time? - Yes, it’s six twenty.

6.- Excuse me. Could you tell me the time? - Oh sorry, I don’t have my watch with me. 十三、约会 (Making appointments) 1.- Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the cinema with you? - Yes, I’d like to.

2.- When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?

- I don’t mind. Either time is OK. 3.- Are you free later today?



A: I would like to return this pair of shoes.


B: Do you have a sales slip?


B: Sorry, things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or



A: Oh, But this pair of shoes are a bit too tight. Could I change

them for something bigger.


B:All right. Wait a minute.


A: If this coat doesn''t fit, may I bring it back later?


B: Sorry, We don''t take returns on sale items.


A: I’d like a refund on this sweater.


B: May I have a look at your receipt?


A: Oh, here you are.

B:好的。请稍等。 B: All right. Wait a minute.



How much does it cost?

Could you tell me how much it is?

How much is it?


How much are you asking for this?

What is your asking price for this?


How much do I owe you?

How much should I pay for it?


Our price is fixed.

We have a fixed price.


This is as low as I can go.

That’s our final offer.

I can’t go any lower than this.

That’s our limit.


A: What can I show you?


B: Do you have this shirt in a small?


A: Let me check. Yes, we have.


B: May I try it on?


A: Sure. Let me help you.


A: Do you want to buy something here?


B: These shoes are great!


B: What is the price of this?


A: This one is eight hundred dollars.


B: That’s too much!


A: Is there anything I can do for you?


B: I’m looking for a black, leather bag.


A: How’s this?


B: I’m just looking


A: If you need any help, let me know.




I’d just like to have a look around.

I just want to look around.

I’m just looking around.

I’m just browsing.

Just looking.


Please show me this one.

Show me this one, please.


How much, please?

How much is that worth?

How much do you sell it for?

What does it cost?

What do you charge for it?


Could you come down a bit?

Could you reduce the price a little?

Any chance of a lower price from you?


May I try it on?

Could I try it on?

我买下了。 I’ll take it.


A: Do you know of any post offices near here?


B: You’ll see one at the corner on your left.


A: What’s the name of this street?


B: Central Park Street.


A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map?


B: You’re right here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city.


A: Hello! Which bus should I take to railway station?


B: You can take a No. 22 bus here.


A: Where am I supposed to change?


B: At University street.



Car park front and rear.前后停车

Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走 Guest’s car park 来客停车场

Limited parking 停车位有限

No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。

No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。

No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车

No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。

No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。

Parking for taxis only 只准许出租停。

Parking permitted 允许停车

Please do not park in front of the barrier 请不要在护拦前停车。

Please do not park. Garage in use. 车库使用,门前请不要停车。

Strictly no parking 严禁停车

VIP car park 贵宾停车场

You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.


Bus information 公共汽车问讯处

Bus lane 公共汽车道

Bus stand 公共汽车停车处

Double deck buses 双层公共汽车

End of bus lane 公共汽车道结束

In case of fire, stay in vehicle 如遇火警,请呆在车内。

Keep your belongings with you at all times 随时照看好你的物品

The light indicates the door is not secured. 指示灯亮显示门未关好。

These seats are meant for elderly and handicapped persons &

women with child. 老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。

This coach is for holders of full fare. 本长途汽车专为持全程票者乘坐。 When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver 汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈。 租车英语

A: I want to rent a car for one week. I made a reservation online

yesterday. Here is my voucher.

A:我想租车一星期。我昨天在网上做了预约,这是我的凭证。 B: Ok, no problem.


B: What type do you have in mind?


A: Do you have any Japanese cars?


B: Mid.size car?


A: Yes.


B: Let me see, we have a Honda Odyssey, it’s OK? B:让我看一下,我们有一辆本田奥德赛,可以吗? A: All right.


B: Do you want insurance?


A: I’d like full insurance.


B: Good. B:好的。



I want to call for a taxi.


Where can I catch a taxi?


You can call the dispatcher and ask for one.


Please call me a taxi.


Would you like me to call a taxi for you?


Can we catch a cab here?


I can telephone for a taxi.




Excuse me, How do I get to the...? 请问如何前往……?

How do I get to the airport? 请问如何前往机场?

How do I get to the bus station? 请问如何前往公车站?

How do I get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?


How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?


How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站? (underground 乃英国常用字)

How do I get to the train station? 请问如何前往火车站?

How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请问如何前往XXX酒店?

How do I get to the police station? 请问如何前往警局?

How do I get to the post office? 请问如何前往邮政局?

How do I get to the tourist information office? 请问如何前往旅游资讯局? 请问附近……

Excuse me, Is there ...near by? 请问附近有没有……?

Is there a baker near by? 请问附近有没有面包店?

Is there a bank near by? 请问附近有没有银行?

Is there a bar near by? 请问附近有没有酒吧?

Is there a bus stop near by? 请问附近有没有公车站?

Is there a cafe near by? 请问附近有没有咖啡店?

Is there a cake shop near by? 请问附近有没有西饼店?

Is there a change bureau near by? 请问附近有没有找换店?

Is there a chemist's near by? 请问附近有没有药剂师?

Is there a department store near by? 请问附近有没有百货公司?

Is there a disco near by? 请问附近有没有的士高?

Is there a hospital nearby? 请问附近有没有医院?

Is there a night club near by? 请问附近有没有夜总会?

Is there a post box near by? 请问附近有没有邮政局?

Is there a public toilet near by? 请问附近有没有公共厕所?

Is there a restaurant near by? 请问附近有没有餐厅?

Is there a telephone near by? 请问附近有没有电话?

Is there a travel agent near by? 请问附近有没有旅游社?

Is there a youth hostel near by? 请问附近有没有青年旅馆?

1. "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?"

Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions? "

Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.


问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路。

2."Is it far from here?"Answer: "Yeah, it's pretty far actually if you're going by foot."

Alternative sentences: "How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance toswheresyou want to go.


它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远。

3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer: "You could take a bus, but a taxi would bemuch more convenient."

Alternative sentence: "Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure, bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e., "Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"


我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus。比如"Can I go by taxi?"

(我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?)。

4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer: "Yeah, it's right across the street from a post office."

Asking this can help you to clarify the directions. You can also ask "What's the closest major intersection?"


那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些。当然也可以问一下"What's the closestmajorintersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?)。

5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."

To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there.You can also say that you want to "cab it"; i.e., "The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!"


打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it"。例如:"The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!)。




办理登机手续 check-in 安检

行李托运 登机门 护照

check the luggage boarding gate passport

security check terminal __ visa

_号航站楼 签证 行李 寄存

申报单 declaration form

luggage deposit

随身包/公文包 bag / briefcase 超重


免税店 duty-free shop


- May I have a seat next to the please? 我能要一个靠窗/靠过道的位置吗?

- May I have please? 能给我拿张毯子/拿杯水吗?

- 海关:May I see your passport please? 我可以看一下您的护照吗? 答: Sure, Here you are. 当然,给您。

- 海关:What's the purpose of your visit? 请问您此行的目的是什么? 答: It’s a business trip。公务出差

- 海关:How long will you be staying? 你打算待多长时间? 答: For ___ days. 待____天。

- 海关:What do you have in the bag/luggage? 请问您的包/行李里有些什么? 答: handphone, some clothes and some documents. 手机,一些衣服和文件。





中餐店 Chinese food restaurant 麦当劳


快餐店 酒吧 菜单 埋单

fast-food outlet

bar (一般指清吧) menu

夜总会 club (一般指闹吧) 价格 收据 肉扒

price Receipt steak

pay the bill rice / bread

米饭/面包 辣椒酱 醋/酱油

chilli sauce / pepper sauce vinegar / soy sauce

番茄酱 ketchup 盐/糖 汤/沙拉

salt / sugar soup / salad

蔬菜/菇类 vegetable / mushroom

饮料(泛指) beverage 可乐/苏打水 咖啡/茶

coke / soda coffee tea

矿泉水 mineral water

果汁/橙汁 juice / orange juice 啤酒/红酒 beer / wine 刀/叉子knife/fork 碗/盘子bowl / plate 小费


勺子/筷子 茶杯/酒杯

spoon / chop sticks cup / glass

服务员/女服务员 饭后甜点/冰淇淋 餐巾纸/卫生纸

waiter / waitress

dessert / ice-cream paper napkin / tissue paper

肉/猪肉/牛肉/羊肉/鸡肉/鱼肉meat / pork / beef / mutton / chicken / fish 汉堡/三明治/鸡翅/薯条 牛奶/豆浆/鸡蛋

hamburger / sandwich / chicken wings / French fries milk / soya bean milk / egg


- May I have a table for __?


- May I have the menu please? 可以把菜单拿来吗?

- Would you take my order please? 可以点菜了吗? - Any recommendation?

有没有什么推荐的? 我要点______。

- I would like to have _____.

- 服务员:How would you like your steak done? 您的扒要几成熟? 答:Medium well


- May I have the bill please?

- May I have the receipt please?





入住/退房登记 check-in / check-out 礼宾服务 房卡

concierge room card


reception desk room number suite

queen-bed room non-smoking room buffet

cleaning service morning call service air-conditioner light / lamp

房间号 套房

双床房间 可吸烟房 咖啡厅

twin-bed room smoking room

大床房间 无烟房 自助餐


客房送餐服务 room service 洗衣服务 小冰箱 电视

laundry service mini bar TV

清扫服务 叫早服务 空调

灯 / 台灯

浴缸/淋浴喷头 bath tub / shower head 牙刷/牙膏 拖鞋/剃须刀 扑克牌

toothbrush / tooth paste slippers / shaving razor poker card

洗脸池/水龙头 washbasin / water tap 洗发液/沐浴乳 shampoo / body wash 香烟

cigarette wifi

power adapter


手机充电器 handphone charger 电源转换器


- May I check-in for __ rooms please?


- 问: How many nights would you like to stay? 您要住几晚? 答:For __ nights please.

住__晚。 我明天就退房。

I will check-out tomorrow.

I will check-out on the day after tomorrow. 我后天退房。

- Where is breakfast served?


- May I have room service / cleaning service / laundry service please? 请帮我叫客房服务/清扫服务/洗衣服务。

- There is something wrong with ___, would you get it fixed please? 我房间里___有点儿问题,能帮我修好吗?(如空调、水龙头、台灯等) - May I have more ___ sent to my room please? 能给我房间送点儿__吗?(如洗发水、拖鞋等) - Are there any tourist spots near by?


- Where can I buy some poker cards? 在哪里能买到扑克牌? - How can I access wifi in my room?


- Are there any Chinese TV channels in the room? 房间里能看中文电视频道吗?

- May I have a morning call at _o’clock tomorrow morning please? 明早__点电话叫醒可以吗?

- 问:Would you help me get a taxi to ….? 您能帮我叫一辆去……的出租车吗? 酒店:When would like to be picked up? 什么时候来接您? 答: At _ o’clock today / tomorrow.

As soon as possible.

今天/明天__点钟。 就这会儿。

- May I check-out and deposit my luggage here? 我能退房然后把行李存在这里吗?


