
| 日记 |




1小屁孩上了二年级后,变成了哪个班级呢?( A )

A二年级一班 B二年级二班

2妈妈说小屁孩写的日记就像是什么?( A )

A饭谱 B课程表

3二年级开学的第一天,他发现谁又长胖了一倍?( A )

A金刚 B苏拉

4谁在暑假的去海边玩,并捡到了一个海螺?( C )

A金刚 B朱奇奇 C苏拉

5开学第一天,许多人围着苏拉听冒险故事,于是小主角也讲了一个关于什么的故事呢?( C )

A猫咪 B蟑螂 C野猪

6小主人公和妈妈学做东西,他们用面做了什么?( C )

A面包 B大饼 C面条

7学校的校长是什么样子的?( B )

A圆嘟嘟的胖老头 B秃顶的干巴巴的小老头

8为了寻求更大的刺激,小屁孩们去哪里探险?( C )

A班主任的办公室 B校园的小菜地 C校长室



格雷格 Greg? 九月


格雷格 干嘛 Greg? What? 格雷格 怎么了

Greg! Huh? What? 怎么还在睡觉 快起来

What are you doing? Get up! 爸妈叫你起床都一个小时了

Mom and Dad have been calling you for an hour.


You're about to be late for your first day of middle school. 什么 What?

天哪 怎么回事

Oh, geez! How did that happen? 快点 妈都气疯了

Go, go, go! Mom's about to flip out! 她先去车里等你 派我来叫你

She sent me to get you while she waits in the car!

你在干什么 怎么了

What are you doing? What's going on? 准备去...

Getting ready for... 上学啊 ...school.

发什么神经啊 下周才开学呢

Are you insane? School doesn't start till next

这本是日记文学 不是流水帐 This is a journal, not a diary.

我知道 封面上只写了"日记"两个字 Yeah, I know what it says on the cover. 但当我妈出去买这玩意时

But when my mom went out to buy this thing, 我特别叮嘱过她别买封面有"日记"两个字的

I specifically told her not to buy one that said "diary" on it.


This just proves Mom doesn't understand anything about kids my age. 哈 娘们

Huh? Sissy!


The only reason I agreed to write in this thing is because

等我成为富翁 我就有更好的事情可做了 when I'm rich and famous I'll have better things to do


than answer people's stupid questions all day


而且据我所知 凌晨点学校也不开门啊

And, FYI, school doesn't start at : in the morning!

你把曼尼吵醒了 如果他不回去...

You woke up Manny. And if he doesn't go back down... 早上好

Good morning! 他不可能再睡着了

There is no way he is going back down. 我只想睡到早上点

I just wanted to sleep till :.

奶子 回去睡吧 我来照顾他 Bubby! Go to bed. I got him. 格雷格 这么吵干吗

Greg, what are you doing up making all this noise?

是罗德里克 是他把我叫起来的 It was Rodrick! He woke me up! 他调了我的钟

He changed my clock!

我发誓 他刚刚还... 回去睡吧

But I swear, he was just... Go to bed. 这是什么味 都分不出来了

What is that smell? I can't even identify it. 生日快乐

Happy Birthday! 哇 好大的喷火器啊

Wow! Look at the size of that flamethrower! 好了 首先 让我澄清一些事实

Okay, first of all, let me get something straight.long.

格雷格里 跟我们说说你的童年 Gregory, tell us about your childhood! 你一直都是这样聪明英俊吗

Were you always so smart and handsome? 这是我的日记 嘘 嘘

Here's my journal. Now, shoo, shoo. 那是我们的骄子

That's our boy up there. 叫我如何拒绝他啊

Why did I ever say no to him? 老妈给我送来

Mom got me this thing


so I could write down my feelings about starting middle school. 但我会安然无事的 But I'm gonna be fine.

我担心的是我最好的朋友 罗利·杰斐逊 It's my best friend, Rowley Jefferson, I'm worried about.


He's definitely not middle school ready. 杰罗尼莫 Geronimo!


He's not quite clear on the concept of growing up.

我想要只小狗 一只小猫 一个口香糖机 I want a puppy, a kitty, a gumball machine... 但故事的主角是我 不是罗利

But anyway, this is about me, not Rowley. 我早就知道了 后人会把我的一生拍成电影 I always figured they'd make a movie about my life.


But I didn't think they'd start the story here. 说真的 因为有人会想看一部

Because, seriously, who wants to see a movie about a kid

一个小屁孩身陷初中 跟一群呆瓜为伍的故事呢

who's stuck in middle school with a bunch of morons?

天没洗澡了 闻闻我对你的爱

Three days, no shower. Smell the love! 放开我 罗德里克

Let me go, Rodrick!得了 我们闹着玩玩 怎么了

Come on. We're just having some fun, right? 不 好吧 给我听着

弗兰克 格雷格 Frank? Greg? 我觉得我在吃早饭

I think it's gross and undignified

旁边是他坐在便壶上 太恶心丢人了

that I have to eat breakfast next to him on the potty.

好吧 他现在还在练习上厕所 都是你害的 Okay, well, it's your fault he's still potty training.

别往下看 曼尼

Don't look down, Manny. 便壶怪可不喜欢人看他哦

The potty monster doesn't like it when you look at him.


I was just joking with him.

好的 给他个道歉的吻 我们要向前看

Okay. Kiss him you're sorry and then let's get a move on.

还给我 住手

Give it back! Stop!

感谢上帝 有齐拉格·古普塔 ...so thank God for Chirag Gupta. 是我的 住手 背包能给我吗

It's mine! Stop! Can I have the backpack?

再跳高点 不是你们的

You got to jump higher. It's not yours!

No, okay. So, look.


Mom asked me to give you some advice about middle school. 其实很简单的 It's real simple.

别跟别人说话 别看人家 哪儿也别去

Don't talk to anyone. Don't look at anyone. Don't go anywhere.

别坐下 别举手 别上厕所

Don't sit down. Don't raise your hand. Don't go to the bathroom.

别被人注意 别选错储物柜 别...

Don't get noticed. Don't choose the wrong locker. Don't... 真是对牛弹琴 Who am I kidding?

反正不到明年你就会死 或是在家学习了 You'll be dead or homeschooled by the end of the year, anyway.

还有 别让人看见你跟罗利在一起 And don't be seen with Rowley. 曼尼 停下 妈

Manny, stop it! Mom! 谢谢你的鸡蛋 妈

Thanks for the eggs, Mom.


Can't be late for your first day of school. 供你记录在案 我觉得初中可能是

Let me just say for the record that I think middle school may be 人类史上最蠢的主意

the dumbest idea ever invented. 有像我这样还没开始发育的孩子

You got kids like me who haven't hit their growth spurt yet


mixed in with gorillas who have to shave twice a day.


There's juvenile delinquents and weirdos. 我比我们学校%的都要聪明

I'm smaller than about % of the kids at my school...

在我和这些傻逼之间 他起到了卓越的缓冲作用

He's an excellent buffer between me and these morons. 嘿 格雷格 Hey, Greg. 嘿 伙计 Hey, fella!

说真的 不知道今年夏天的孩子怎么了

Seriously, I don't know what happened to

these kids over the summer. 发生过核泄露事件吗

Was there a nuclear accident? 失控的科学实验吗

Science experiment gone bad? 感谢上帝还有一些正常人

Thank God there are a few normal people

where to sit on your first day of middle school. 一着不慎 One bad move


and you're stuck next to some idiot for the rest of the year. 格雷格 Greg!


Remember how I said Rowley wasn't middle school ready? 您看着吧

Well, there you go. 你穿的是什么啊

What are you wearing?

我家人刚从危地马拉回来 这是我的毛毯 My family just got back from Guatemala! It's

是好还是坏 Is good or bad?


I'd say you're somewhere around the mark. 我把自己定位在第或

I'd put myself around number or . 我今年可能还会升上第一位呢

I might even have a shot at the top spot by the end of the year,


if things go the way I think they will. 那谁是垫底的

Well, who's at the bottom?

嘿 伙计们 想看看我的秘密雀斑吗

好了 把针线活放下 我们走

Come on, put the knitting down! Let's go! 好了 大家伙儿 All right, everybody.

我是马隆教练 我是你们的体育老师

I'm Coach Malone and I am your gym teacher. 体育对我而言的重要程度 P.E. Is as much a part of my life 与早上起床后要上厕所是一样的

as waking up in the morning and going to the bathroom.


I live and breathe Physical Education. 谁同意我的话?

Now, who's with me?


or this place would be a total freak show. 如果你像我一样区别对待

If you're as discriminating as I am, 初中的第一天

it can be tough to figure out 选座位可能会困难

my serape! 漂亮吧 Nice, huh?

好的 同学们 我是弗林特女士 大家请坐好 All right, class, I'm Mrs. Flint. Everybody take your seats!


Welcome to your first day of middle school. 记住自己的座位 以后的每天你都会坐在这儿

Remember your seats. You'll be sitting here every day.

罗利 如果以受欢迎的程度

Rowley, if you had to say where you were ranked


in terms of popularity from one to , 你会把自己放在多少位啊 where would you put yourself?

Hey, guys, wanna see my secret freckle?

弗雷格里 因为不讲卫生 每月至少被送回家一次

Fregley. Sent home for hygiene issues at least once a month.

看啊 上头还有根毛呢

Check it out. It's got a hair in it! 那是什么色啊 What color is that?

想帮我给它起个名字吗 You wanna help me name it? 好了女生们 站到一起

All right, ladies! Gather around!


Are you ready to have some fun out there? 是的 Yeah! 太好了

All right, outstanding! 我要把你们分成两队

So we're gonna divide you up into two teams. 你们俩过来 你 你和你 这边

So you two, over here. You, you, you, this way.

好的 你们仨来这边

Yeah, you three, this side. Good. 你们是T恤队

You guys are going to be Shirts!

你们是光膀子队 And you will be Skins. 为什么我们是光膀子队 真讨厌 Why are we Skins? I hate this. 他只是想让我们这样的孩子难过罢了

I just don't want to get a sunburn, right, Rowley? 我叫贝尔·E·巴顿 My name is Bell E. Button. 你呢 What's yours? 好的 先玩个小游戏吧 我叫它角斗士 Okay, let's start off with a little game I like to call Gladiator. 我的 不 I got this one! No! 拿着 Take that! 掩护我 Cover me! 天哪 Oh, God. 不妙 Not good! 我们永远也跑不过他们 We're never going to be able to outrun these guys!我们不必跑过他们 We don't have to outrun them!只要跑过齐拉格就行 We just have to outrun Chirag!看看 看看 Take a look, take a look, take a look街上的孩子 At the kids on the street* 他们永远不会失手 * * No, they never miss a beat ** 他们永远不会失手 * * Never miss a beat ** 他们永远不会失手 * * Never miss a beat ** 他们永远不会失手 * * Never miss a beat ** 他们永远不会失手 * * Never miss a beat *他们看到我们了吗 不可能 Think they saw us? No way.他们只注意那个瘸脚的孩子 They were focused on getting that kid with the limp.下课之前我们都藏在这儿 We'll hide here for the rest of the class因为我才不参加那比赛呢 because I'm not playing that game.这不公平 It's not fair.他把所有的原始人都分在一组里的 真野蛮 He's got all the Neanderthals on the same team. It's barbaric!完全的野蛮 It's completely barbaric.这儿是一片智慧的废墟 This place is an intellectual wasteland.但是 要知道 能遇见一个对头脑 But, you know, it's nice to meet someone比对He's just trying to make kids like us feel bad. 我们这样的孩子是什么意思 What do you mean, kids like us? 我不想被晒伤 罗利 身体更感兴趣的同僚 是很好的 more interested in his mind than in his body.女生们跳绳 你怎么躲起来了 You girls get to jump rope. What are you doing hiding?避开痛苦 Avoiding the pain.都是从初中开始的 知道吗 It all starts in middle school, you know?你已经不是孩子了 大人们不再宠你 You're not a kid anymore. The coddling has stopped.孩子们以智商高低被分隔开 笨的受尽欺负 Kids are now separated by intelligence. The weak are picked on.还有你从幼儿园就认识的女生 And girls you've known since kindergarten 不再跟你说话了 won't even talk to you anymore.好吧 听起来你参破红尘了 Okay, well, sounds like you got it all figured out,那继续看书吧 so go back to your book.这地方是名副其实的候宰栏 This place is a glorified holding pen.上啊 快冲啊 你们就是机器 All the way! All the way! You're like a machine!当你从小孩 It's where adults put you尴尬地过渡为成人的时候 大人就把你放在这儿 as you make that awkward transition between child and teenager这样他们连看都不用看你一眼了 so they don't even have to look at you.嗨 我是安吉 Hi. I'm Angie. 好故事 我们要走了 Great story. We're gonna go now.为什么 这里可是好地方 Why? This is a good spot.完美的地方 It's a perfect spot.我在这里熬过了漫长的年级 I survived all of the sixth grade here.我非常希望有一些志趣相投的同伴 And I would enjoy some like-minded company陪我走过年级 to get me through the seventh.那是口哨声吗 我觉得听到口哨声了 Is that the whistle? I think I hear the whistle.我们得走了 We need to go.别卖弄了 好吗 No showboating, all right?我们为啥要走 Why are we leaving?我们在空地上会被弄死的

We could get killed out here in the open!把上衣穿上 他们会以为我们跟他们是一组的 Put your shirt on. They'll think we're on their team.再说了 被撞总比被人看见跟那个怪胎在一起好

Besides, getting crushed is better than being seen with that freak job.相信我 社交自杀是没的救的

Trust me, you can't recover from social suicide.我很久没和一个女孩说过话了

I never talked to a girl that long before.看啊 Check that out.那是奶酪么 Is that cheese?住手

Stop!天啊 你差点"奶酪附体"

Good God, man! You almost got the Cheese Touch.啥 奶酪附体

The what? The Cheese Touch.无人知晓哪时哪刻

Nobody knows when or how,但是某天奶酪就神秘出现在柏油路上

but one day that cheese mysteriously appeared on the blacktop.没人知道它是谁的

Nobody knew who it belonged to.没人去摸 也没人把它捡起扔掉

Nobody touched it. Nobody threw it away.所以它就一直躺在那

And so there it sat,日益发霉发臭

growing more foul and powerful by the day.然后有一天 一个叫戴伦·沃尔什的孩子

Then one day, a kid named Darren Walsh 犯了个弥天大错

made the biggest mistake of his life.戴伦碰了那块奶酪

Darren touched the cheese!不 我没有! 我只是看了一眼罢了! 是真的!

No, I didn't! I just looked at it! Really!戴伦被奶酪附体了

Darren had the Cheese Touch!这比核虱子还可怕

It was worse than nuclear cooties.大家都不敢靠近他

He became an outcast.保护自己免受“奶酪附体”的唯一办法

The only way to get rid of the Cheese Touch就是找到下家 把霉运传出去

was by passing it on to someone else.于是所谓的奶酪附体风暴宣告开始

And so began the Cheese Touch Frenzy.朋友传给朋友

Friend turning on friend.哥哥传给妹妹 Brother turning on sister.大家都疯了

It was madness.直到一个叫迪特尔·穆勒的德国交换生

Until a German exchange student named Dieter Muller took it away.迪特尔被奶酪附体了!

Dieter has the Cheese Touch!奶酪附体了? Ze Cheese Touch?那是什么? Vat is it?什么叫奶酪附体

Vat does it mean, ze Cheese Touch??可怜的迪特尔 由于语言障碍无从得知真相

Sadly for Dieter, that fact was lost in translation.不!!!!!!

Nooooooooooooooo...!谢天谢地 他带着被"附体"的身子

Thankfully, he moved back to Dusseldorf 回到了杜塞尔多夫

and took the Cheese Touch with him.而奶酪就一直呆在那 等着下一个倒霉蛋

And so the cheese sits, patiently waiting for its next victim.这地方真可怕

This is a terrible place.没门的? 没有 No doors? None.在上高中之前我再也不拉屎了

I'm not pooping until I'm in high school.自助餐厅可能是地球上最痛苦的场所

The cafeteria, possibly the cruellest place on Earth.但我打算坐他旁边

But I was about to make some kid's day by sitting next to him.这座位有人了 That seat's saved.谁啊 For who?反正有人了

It's saved.这个座位也有人了 That one's saved, too.有人了 So not happening..有人了 Taken.我们该去哪吃饭

Where are we supposed to eat?我想潮人都在这出没

I guess this is where all the cool guys hang out.弗雷格里小时候一定把自己的头给撞傻了 Fregley must have bumped his head when he was little, like, really hard.好了好了 Okay, okay,我的第一天本可以更好的

so my first day could have gone better,但至少不算寒碜

but at least I wasn't humiliated.嘿 格雷格! 你要一起玩么?

Hey, Greg! You want to come over and play?他刚说啥?

What did he just say to you?我想我该走了 I think my ride's here.嘿 伙计们 刚这哥们对他说

Hey, guys. So this guy says to that guy,"要一起玩么?"

"You wanna come over and play?"是啊 你们要加入么?

Yeah! Do you guys wanna play with us?你看 这就是问题所在

See? This is the problem.现在我只能接受那群白痴的辱骂

Right now I have to take abuse from these morons.但是年后 昆廷就是看我脸色行事了 But in years, Quentin here will be working for me.格雷格 别吵我鱿鱼

Greg, please don't fire me.我的确需要这份帮你清扫狗屎的卑贱工作


《小屁孩日记——好孩子 坏孩子》读后感



这本书不但有丰富的语言,而且有精美的图片,令人爱不释手。本集讲了:格雷对大人们心目中的“好孩子坏孩子”名单很不以为然,他觉得这只能由大人们说了算,就是不大对劲。于是他决心做自己心目中的好孩子;格雷把受街区恶霸欺凌的事告诉爸爸并求援,爸爸即义愤填膺上恶霸家兴师问罪,未料这个欺负格雷的恶霸竟是个还在上幼儿园的5岁的小屁孩,爸爸很是尴尬;格雷与死党罗利玩游戏时耍了个小小花招,令罗利从此俯首贴耳管格雷叫大爷;格雷接了个活——给人清扫门前的雪,他异想天开弄来奶奶的除草机铲雪,结果可想而知……格雷就是这样做好孩子的。最使我为格雷打抱不平的一段是:我倒不认为这个布偶真的会向圣诞老人报料,但以防万一,我跟圣诞老人侦查兵共处一室的时候,还是会加倍地卖乖。不过很可能没什么用,因为我哥哥罗德里克天天向圣诞老人侦查兵说我的坏话。我最喜欢这一段,因为这一段运用了一个好词:以防万一,这个词的意思是: 意外变化,用以防备难以预料的事情。而且写出了一个信息:格雷的哥哥经常欺负格雷。我喜欢这一段是因为用了以防万一这个好词,我为格雷打抱不平是因为格雷的哥哥经常欺负格雷。





1、 俗话说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”今天,我从书架上抽出一本书,它的书名叫做《小屁孩日记》。这是一本一半中文,一半英文的书。更值得说的是,这本书中配了精美的插图,再也不会让你看见一大页一大页的文字而头疼了。当我刚拿到这本书时,它就像一块磁铁似的,吸引住了我的眼球,于是我迫不及待地翻阅它。直到现在,我已经搜集了《小屁孩日记》的前六册。虽然这本书已被我翻阅无数次,但我总是读得津津有味,毫不厌倦。 这本书是一个美国中学男生格雷的日记,他在老妈的要求下写日记。格雷是一个狡黠、机趣、自恋、胆小而且爱出风头的男孩,这一点都不符合人们心中的“好孩子”,但是这个缺点不少的男孩让无数的人喜欢他!格雷曾幻想着自己成名后拿日记本应付蜂拥而至的记者;他喜欢玩电子游戏,却被老爸赶出去运动,结果他便去朋友家玩游戏,回家时用别人家的喷水器弄湿身子,扮成一身大汗的样子;他眼红自己的好朋友受伤以后得到女生的呵护,就故意用绷带把自己的手掌裹得严严实实的,装成伤员,反而招来女生的厌恶……


那天,是四月一日愚人节。我早就盼望着这一天的到来。因为我前一天晚上我已经规划好今天的整人计划了。于是我背起书包,连饭都不顾及吃,像离弦的箭,向学校飞奔而去…… “叮铃铃……”上课了,我聚精会神地听着,心里却想着:“嘿嘿,待会儿有人好受的!”这时,老师点名坐在我前边的小鑫朗读课文,我真是激动万分,因为,我一直等着这个时刻!我见小鑫站起来,认认真真地读着长长的课文,我想:“得快点下手!”于是,我上半身装作听得陶醉的样子,下半身却在做小动作:用脚尖轻轻地把椅子勾到小鑫屁股后面的位置。我小心翼翼地操作着,生怕发出一丁点声音,心里像装了一只小兔子在怦怦直跳。








格雷可以说是一个真正儿童的代表,它具有小孩子该有的所有品质,淘气、聪明、诚实、善良、勇敢、天真、滑稽、自恋。他的成绩不好,而且也不爱学习。在大人的眼中,他不是一个“好孩子”,而这些缺点却让无数的人爱上了这个“坏孩子”。如今的小孩,基本上丧失了儿童应有的品质,他们在父母的严格教育下,学会了众多才艺,在面对记者采访的时候八面玲珑、神情坦然,活像一个小大人。他们是众人眼中的“天才”,但他们却失去了儿童生涯中最宝贵的东西——童趣。过多的压力,让他们太早成熟,以至于还来不及享受儿童时期的快乐,就要过早面对这个残酷的社会。就拿朗朗来说吧,他从小父亲就逼着他学钢琴,学不好的时候就要打手,朗朗的双手可以说经常是青一块,紫一块。在父亲的强制性学习下,他的确成为了当今我国最具名声以及影响力的钢琴家,但他却完全没有体会到童年的快乐,他的童年可以说是一层灰霾,除了钢琴,没有任何值得怀念的东西。也许有些父母会说,强制性教育不也可以成材吗?但我可以告诉你,强迫学钢琴的人中,最终成名的只有朗朗一个人! 儿童是这个世界的活性素,有了儿童,这个世界才显得更加多彩,更加具有活力。所以我也要奉劝一些大人,不要妄想强迫孩子去学什么东西,你们这样只是在糟蹋这个世界未来的希望和活力。




















根据Jeff Kinney的畅销漫画书改编,讲述了一个聪明过头的名叫格雷格(Greg)的美国六年级生(相当于初中一年级)的故事。《小屁孩日记》是一本完全写给小朋友的书,完全使用孩子的口吻,大人翻开就会发现孩子要比他们有创意的多。“小屁孩”格雷格小小年纪就作“恶”多端,他自私自大而又喜欢捉弄人,偶尔也会良心发现。他喜欢画画,原书中插画都是以格雷格在日记中涂鸦的方式呈现的。扎克瑞·戈登出演过《乔治亚法则》、《国家宝藏2》、《布鲁姆兄弟》以及电视剧《老爸老妈de浪漫史》等,还曾为动画片《马达加斯加2》的小长颈鹿配音。



























Diary of a Wimpy Kid《小屁孩日记》精讲之一

Rowley: Is that cheese?

Chirag: Stop! Good God, man! You almost got the Cheese Touch.

Greg: The what?

Chirag: The Cheese Touch. Nobody knows when or how, but one day that cheese mysteriously appeared on the blacktop. Nobody knew who it belonged to. Nobody touched it. Nobody threw it away. And so there it sat, growing more foul and powerful by the day. Then one day, a kid named Darren Walsh made the biggest mistake of his life.

Girl: Darren touched the cheese!

Darren Walsh: No, I didn't! I just looked at it! Really!

Chirag: Darren had the Cheese Touch! It was worse than nuclear cooties. He became an outcast. The only way to get rid of the Cheese Touch was by passing it on to someone else. And so began the Cheese Touch Frenzy. Friend turning on friend. Brother turning on sister. It was madness. Until a German exchange student named Dieter Muller took it away.

Boy: Dieter has the Cheese Touch!

Dieter Muller: Ze Cheese Touch? Vat is it? Vat does it mean, ze Cheese Touch?? Chirag: Sadly for Dieter, that fact was lost in translation.

Dieter Muller: Nooooooooooooooo...!

Chirag: Thankfully, he moved back to Dusseldorf and took the Cheese Touch with him. And so the cheese sits, patiently waiting for its next victim.

Rowley: Wow.

Greg: Wow.

Chirag: This is a terrible place.


Rowley: No doors?

Greg: None. I'm not pooping until I'm in high school.

Greg: The cafeteria, possibly the cruellest place on Earth. But I was about to make some kid's day by sitting next to him.

Boy: That seat's saved.

Greg: For who?

Boy: It's saved. That one's saved, too.

Girl: So not happening.

Girl: Ah, ah, ah.

Boy: Taken.

Rowley: Where are we supposed to eat?

Fregley: I guess this is where all the cool guys hang out.

Greg: Fregley must have bumped his head when he was little, like, really hard. Okay, okay, so my first day could have gone better, but at least I wasn't humiliated. Rowley: Hey, Greg! You want to come over and play?

Quentin: What did he just say to you?

Greg: Oh...I think my ride's here.

Quentin: Hey, guys. So this guy says to that guy, "You wanna come over and play?" Rowley: Yeah! Do you guys wanna play with us?

Greg: See? This is the problem. Right now I have to take abuse from these morons. But in 20 years, Quentin here will be working for me.

Big Quentin: Greg, please don't fire me. I really need my measly, pathetic job scooping your dog's poop.

Big Greg: Whatever. I'll think about it. No, no, no. Vanilla on the bottom and chocolate on the top! I can't eat this!

Greg: "Play," Rowley? "Play"? I've told you, like, a billion times that guys our age say "hang out," not "play."

Rowley: Oops.

Greg: Seriously, if you're not gonna listen to me, just tell me, 'cause if you pull another stunt like that, we'll be stuck on the cafeteria floor for the rest of middle school.

Rowley: I found half a Snickers bar down there.

Greg: I can't be the guy who eats off his lap in the cafeteria. I should be at the top of the food chain by now. Something's got to change, fast.

Rowley: My mom told me to just be myself and people would like me.

Greg: That would be good advice if you were somebody else.

Rodrick: Hey, little brother. Was your first day as crappy as I said it would be? Greg: No. Not at all. You were wrong. It was actually better than I...

Rowley: Worse.

Rodrick: You didn't listen to me, did you? I told you not to talk, look or go anywhere, and what happened?

Rowley: He had to eat his lunch on the floor.

Greg: Rowley.

Rodrick: Perfect. And if nobody wants you sitting at their table, you think they want Chummy Buttons over here? I was right. You're not even gonna make it out of there alive. The only chance you have of making the yearbook is when they dedicate it to your memory.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. blacktop: 柏油路,沥青路。

2. cootie: 虱子,小孩子们用这个词指代那些邋遢的人身上携带的“病菌”或让人讨厌的地方。和nuclear结合在一起,则显得更具威慑力和散播力。

3. outcast: 被抛弃者;被排斥者。例如social outcast是“社会弃儿,被社会排斥的人”。

4. frenzy: 疯狂;狂乱。

5. turn on somebody: 突然袭击某人。

6. exchange student: 交换生。

7. cafeteria: 自助餐厅;自助食堂。

8. make somebody's day: 使某人高兴,使某人一天非常快活。看一下例子:Go ahead,make my day.(来吧,让我也高兴高兴。)

9. hang out: 常去(某处)。看一下例子:Don't hang out with that guy any longer.(别再和那个家伙鬼混了。)

10. abuse: 辱骂;恶语。

11. moron: 笨蛋;蠢货。

12. measly: 小(或少)得可怜的,微不足道的;拙劣的。例如:a measly performance(拙劣的表演)。

13. vanilla: 香草香精。

14. pull a stunt: 开玩笑;耍花招。看一下例句:He has pulled similar stunts with other journalists.(他对其他记者也耍了同样的花招。)

15. crappy: 糟糕的。

16. Chummy Buttons: 格雷格的哥哥对罗利的嘲讽性称呼。chummy的意思是“非常友好的;亲密的”。

Rowley: Wow, there's a lot to sign up for. You could be class favorite in a bunch of things. Jazz dancing! We could do that one together!

Greg: I can't believe all these activities. They're all so much work. Staying after school, meeting before school, on weekends. What kind of extracurricular activities are these?

Patty: Out of my way. Who let you into this school, Greg Heffley?

Greg: I was thinking the same thing about you, Patty Farrell.

Patty: You listen to me, Greg Heffley. I'm running for student council president and I'm warning you, if you get in my way, I will beat you up, just like I did in kindergarten and fourth grade.

Rowley: Fourth grade? That one was ugly.

Greg: What's her problem? What did I ever do to her?

Little Greg: Patty, Patty is a fatty, has a face just like a ratty!

Greg: Come on, that was pretty funny. She needs to get a sense of humor. And I need something to make me a class favorite.

Angie: What about class favorites?

Greg: Don't you ever say hi or hello before you start talking?

Rowley: Hi.

Angie: Hello.

Rowley: Oh, Greg's only here because he really wants to be something...

Greg: Rowley! I was just saying that I would really like to nail these people because it's so obvious that they're only doing these activities to get in the yearbook.

Angie: You know, I like your point of view. You should sign up for the school paper. We're the voice of the people. Well, the people are mostly idiots, so I guess, technically speaking, we're the voice of the people making fun of the people.

Greg: Thanks, but I can't be on the paper because I'm gonna be in the paper a lot. So

that would be a conflict of interest.

Angie: You're the people. Got it.

Greg: Do you believe me now? That girl is crazy town.

Rowley: Look! They have wrestling!

Greg: That's it! I'm great at wrestling. I've watched it for years, I know all the moves. Tombstone piledriver. Chair shot. Vader Bomb.

People in Greg’s imagination: Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley! Heffley!

Greg: Okay. Something is very wrong here. These don't look like wrestling costumes to me.

Coach: Welcome to wrestling, you future Olympians! So, just to make sure we all get off on the right foot and nobody gets seriously injured, we're gonna teach you a few basic moves. Remember, this is about learning the sport and having fun! All right. It's not a competition because everyone here is already a superstar to me. Coach Brewer, can you step over here for a moment, please, give me a hand? Thanks. That's known as a speed takedown. Nice job, Coach Brewer. Can you get up and come behind me? Put one arm over my shoulder? Let's go, yeah. You got it, walk it off, come on. That was known as the arm drag. Let's give Coach Brewer a hand, everybody! He's fine. Yeah, Heffley.

Greg: What about piledrivers and Vader bombs?

Coach: That is fake wrestling. This is real wrestling! Let's go!

Greg: If I have to wrestle Benny Wells, he'll kill me!

Coach: Let's move! Come on! Okay, to keep things fair, I've divided you into weight categories by your size, so Rottweilers over here. Bulldogs, you stay right there. And we got two Chihuahuas. Yeah.

Greg: Nice head gear.

Fregley: Thanks. My mom let me borrow it.

Coach: All right, let's see what you got.

Greg: Don't worry, Fregley, I'll take it easy on you. Hey, I wasn't ready!

Coach: Nobody's keeping score, but that was a sweet speed takedown, Fregley! Fregley: This is fun, Greg Heffley!

Greg: Get off me!

Kids: Fregley! Fregley! Fregley!

Greg: Blow the whistle, blow the whistle!

Coach: All right! Fregley! Outstanding!

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. extracurricular activities: 课外活动。

2. Out of my way: 让开!别挡着道!

3. student council: 学生会。

4. beat you up: 把你痛打一顿。请看例子:The bandits robbed the old man and beat him up.(歹徒抢劫了老人,并将他毒打一顿。)

5. nail: 揭发。例如:nail the truth(挑明真相)。nail还可以表示“抓获并证明有罪;抓住,截住”。例如:nail somebody for dinner(留住某人吃饭)。

6. get off on the right foot: 一开始就做对,一开头就顺利。get off on the wrong foot

则是“一开始就做错,一开头就不顺利”。看一下例子:When you go for an interview, it is important that you get off on the right foot.(你去面试时,重要的是给人一个好的初步印象。)

7. takedown: (摔跤中的)抱摔。

8. walk it off: 走走就没事了,靠走路来缓解疼痛;用走路的方式解决。例如:Are you sleepy? Try to walk it off.(困吗?走一走,把瞌睡虫赶走。)

9. arm drag: (摔跤)托臂摔。

10. Rottweiler: 巨型犬。影片中教练用体积不同的狗来给个头不同的学员分类。

11. Bulldog: 斗牛犬。

12. Chihuahua: 吉娃娃犬。

13. head gear: 头盔。

14. I'll take it easy on you: 我会对你手下留情的。

Coach: Well, I don't know where you put it, Heffley, but you gained 10 pounds and joined the Bulldog class.

Greg: Yes.

Rowley: I thought you didn't gain any weight this week.

Greg: My mom's ankle weights.

Coach: All right, bulldog Heffley. Meet your new opponent.

Greg: What? But this is boys' wrestling.

Patty: Ever hear of Title IX?

Coach: Her parents threatened to sue, so you show her what it's like to wrestle a real live boy.

Patty: Come on! What you waiting for, huh? Don't be such a wuss, Heffley. Make your move!

Greg: She's a girl! Where do I grab her?

Patty: Stay down!

Angie: Patty, over here!

Greg: Get off of me!

Patty: Can I wrestle somebody good now?


Angie: Well, look who's in the paper.

Rowley: Greg! You're famous! Right on the front page!

Greg: And if I would have pinned her, which I could have done easily, you know I would have gotten in trouble for hurting a girl.

Rowley: Why does she even want to wrestle?

Greg: Who knows? Girls are very confusing. Like today, I heard someone in the hallway say that Bryce Anderson has a cute butt. What does that even mean? Rowley: A butt can't be cute. It's a butt.







The kid's diary of substance

This week saw a movie, the name is "small fart child's diary. About an elementary school sixth grade boy at home and school life. Mowgli childhood, it leads me to recall their happy childhood.

The boy name is Greg, the story is that he from sixth grade can have their own ideas. Don't listen to your parents and always, she also likes playing tricks on people, of course, this is completely show a kind of American education, and education in China is totally different.

This movie has a total of three, had been told to Greg's high school life, he still shows its own unique individual character, make a lot of things, even the parents think not something very unexpected also let people to reflect on. Greg as a teenager, however, it also makes his own childhood very meaningful.

After seeing the movie, I think the Chinese education and American education there is a big gap, we should not blindly go to study abroad, the development of anything is according to the current situation of itself and to adapt to the situation of the whole. But in terms of education, China is far inferior to abroad. China's national overall culture quality improvement, but the national overall quality is low, so I think to improve the overall China's national quality is now the most important in our country, and one can do is to study well now, honest to do things, steadfast personhood.



